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Social Groups

Social group can be defined as two or more people who regularly interact and share a sense of
unity and common identity. In other words, it's a group of people who see each other frequently
and consider themselves a part of the group.
Social groups are everywhere and are a basic part of human life. Except in rare cases all of the
persons belong to some groups e.g. a person can be a part of a sports team, club, church group,
school class, workplace and more. In these social groups members show common interest
There are various types of Social Groups. Some of these are Primary Groups, Secondary Groups,
Reference Groups, In group, Out Group, Formal and Informal group.

Primary Groups
The concept of the primary group was introduced by Charles Cooley. These are typically small
scale, include intimate relationships, and are usually long lasting. The members of primary group
feel a strong personal identity with the group.
A primary group can be defined as a typically small social group whose members share close,
personal, enduring relationships. These groups are marked by members' concern for one
another, in shared activities and culture. Examples include family, childhood friends, and highly
influential social groups.
In primary group members come in direct contact with each other. Primary groups are also the
key means of socialization in society, the main place where attitudes values and orientation are
developed and sustained. A primary group is a group in which one exchanges implicit items, such
as love, caring, concern, animosity, support, etc.

Characteristics of Primary Groups

The members of a primary group directly co-operate with each other and there exists intimate
and personal relationship among them. This intimacy of relationship based on the following
characteristics. These characteristics can be either internal characteristics or External
1. Internal Characteristics:
These are also known as characteristics of primary relation. These characteristics are
related to the inner part of primary relationship. These characteristics develop due to the
external characteristics. These are as follows:

I. Similar Ends:
Members of primary groups have similar ends, desires, attitudes and goals. All the
members look towards the world through the same eye. They co-operate with
each other for the attainment of their common goal. Each and every member
works towards the welfare of the group. Interest of one became the interest of
others. Pleasure and pain of each member is shared by all.

II. Similar Background :

The members of a primary group not only have physical closeness and similar ends
but also have similar background. They are brought up in a similar environment.
They are equally experienced and intelligent besides they are similar in many

III. Relationship is personal :

The relationship among the members of a primary group is not only close but also
personal. Each member knows each other personally and each one is interested
in the other. Primary relationship is not transferable because one can’t fill the
absence of the other. No one can take the place of our dead friend. This personal
relationship found among mother-child, husband-wife etc.

IV. Relationship is Spontaneous :

Primary relationship is spontaneous in nature. It grows automatically among
members. There is nothing like compulsion. Hence primary relationship is
voluntary. No special effort is made for the growth of primary relationship. This
type of relationship found between the mother and the child.
V. Control over Members :
Primary group exercises maximum control over its members. This is possible due
to the fact that all the members of a primary group know each other personally.
Because of this control members of primary group perform their social role very
effectively. This prepare individuals to lead a successful social life.
2. External Characteristics:
The external characteristics are the physical conditions of primary group. One can observe
this characteristic from the outside. These are essential for the formation of primary
group. There are mainly three external characteristics. Which are as follows:

I. Size:
Primary groups are very small in size because these consist of less number of
individuals. Because of small size, members get to know each other personally and
intimate relationships can be established among them. The smaller the size the
greater is intimacy among the members. Small size also leads to a better
understanding among members. Large size affects intimate and personal
relationship among members.
II. Physical Proximity:
Physical proximity or closeness among the members is another important and
essential characteristic of a primary group. Personal, Close and intimate
relationship could be possible only when members are physically close to each
other. Face to face relations, seeing and talking with each other makes exchange
of ideas, thoughts and opinions easy. Repeated meeting strengthens close
relationships among the members. Though physical closeness leads to the
development of primary group still it is not an essential feature of primary group.
Because intimacy of relationship may not develop among people living in close
proximity due to difference in age, sex, language etc. On the other hand it may
develop over long distances by different means of communication.
III. Stability
It is another important external characteristic of a primary group. To develop
close, intimate and personal relationship among the members primary group
should be stable. Besides the relationship among the members of a primary group
are durable. Because primary relations never ends. It is continuous in nature. This
continuity of relationship leads to close, intimate and personal relationship among
the members.
A perfect example of Primary group is Family. There are numerous ways you can envision a
family, such grandparents and their grandkids, a single mother and her children, or a family
consisting of a father, mother and their children. Either way you look at it, these relationships all
represent personal and emotional bonds. Families spend a significant amount of time together,
allowing the members to support, comfort and encourage one another. Families are connected
for a lifetime and are significant to each member's personal growth.

Laughter, secrets, storytelling, and shared experiences are probably the things that come to mind
when you think about friend groups. These are all personal and close interactions among the
friends. They often spend a lot of time experiencing different adventures together, chatting
about personal stories and simply enjoying each other’s company. Members of friend groups are
often brought together as a result of shared interests, personalities and lifestyles. Since these
relationships are so personal, friend groups often remain intact over a long period of time.

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