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Appendix 1

Coastal Digital Mapping of Port Beppu

1. Aerial Photographs
(1) NSDI Aerial Photographs
Digital image with TIFF format are prepared for photogrammetric mapping as shown in Fig. A1. Original photo
scale of the aerial photograph is 1/10,000 and ground resolution is about 18 cm with some image degradation.


0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009


0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018

Fig. A1 Examples of aerial photographs for photogrammetric mapping (from NSDI, GSI, Japan). Original photo scale
of these sample aerial photographs is 1/33,000 and ground sampling distance is about 60 cm which is degraded to one
third (1/3) of the original photographic data.

(2) Camera Parameters

- Photo scale: 1/33,000

- Average elevation: 5 0m
- Average flight altitude: 3350 m
- Camera parameters: UCXp
- Original Photograph
- Image Format (long track) 67.860 mm 3770 pixels
(cross track) 103.860 mm 5770 lines
- Pixel size 18x18 microns
- Focal length 100.5 00 mm
- Principal Point of Autocollimation X_ppa 0.000±0.002 mm
- Y_ppa 0.180±0.002 mm

(3) Orientation Data

- Index map file
- Coordinate system: Japan Local Coordinate System
- Zone: 2
- Spheroid: WGS84
- Mapping scale: 1/10,000

2. Photo Index Map
Photo Index Map is shown in Fig. A2. Control points (CPs) for geo-referencing the photo index map have following

CP1: 41458 (Northing), 45806 (Easting)
CP2: 28075 (Northing), 47578 (Easting)
(JapanXY Zone 2)


Fig. A2 Photo Index Map (from NSDI, GSI) and CPs for registering Photo Index Map

3. Ground Control Points

GCPs for aerial triangulation were established using NSDI digital map (1/2500) as follows:

Poorly controlled area for exterior orientation

due to water body.

GPS Surveyed Ground Control Points
GCP 19030000Data
N: 34141.40 (m)
E: 46960.35
Z: 2.33 (NSDI DEM)

GCP 19050000
N: 33434.73
E: 47023.24
.Z: 1.98 (NSDI DEM)

GCP 19080000
N: 33234.95
E: 47068.39
Z: 2.45 (NSDI DEM)

GCP 191200000
N: 32907.67
E: 47018.13

GCP 19150000
N: 32340.76
E: 47124.65
Z: ------

GCP 19980000
N: 34256.89
E: 47258.35
Z: 2.44(NSDI DEM)

GCP 19990000
N: 33393.36
E: 47334.39
Z: 2.50(NSDI DEM)

GCP 10009000 (NSDI Digital Map 1:2500)

GCP 10016000 (NSDI Digital Map 1:2500)

GCP 10024020 (NSDI Digital Map 1:2500)

Photogrammetric Check Points for Field Survey

Point ID X(Zone 2)-N Y-E H Lon. Lat. Remarks Point ID X-N Y-E H Lon Lat Remarks
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20


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