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Astrological Signs Of Infidelity

In The Male Horoscope

Below you can find the results of our astrological research regarding signs of
infidelity in the male natal chart.

People love to attract and even seduce other people; it's just so fun and flatters the
own (big) ego.

Wow..., how a flirt lets grow our egos!

We almost forget that seduction is part of human behavior and the subconscious
urge to manipulate other people for the sake of our own ego.

However, sometimes a flirt follows unanticipated paths ending in and becoming more
than just a playful game.

When the game of seduction ends in kind of some combined "physical activities", the
question of adultery arises.

If you can't live with the thought that your partner is unfaithful, you better knowin
advance these signs of infidelity that we found in numerous horoscopes of people
who commited adultery.

Indeed, there are astrological patterns and configurations in the natal chart that
point to the predisposition of adultery.

However, also do consider this.

Recent studies reveal that 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at
some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal
of Couple & Relationship Therapy)!

In our opinion the percentage is (much) higher (at least 60%-70%)!

Almost every marriage will sooner or later have to deal with extramarital
"friendships" (be it physical or emotional friendships).

It's the way nature works and energies flow in an unmoralizing way.

It's of NO help to moralize about these energies and fight against them.

Just try and learn to cope with it and try to adjust or change your mindset!

It's part of the physical and material realities here on "Planet Earth."

Click here to find out some facts about infidelity.

When we started our research, we did not make any difference between male and
female horoscopes.

Though we got some significant results, they were still not really very convincing.

We analyzed the data again, now making a difference between male and female
natal charts, and there came out a very clear distinction.

We hereby publish the signs of infidelity found in 117 natal charts of males(with
reliable birth information) (Updated: August 2016).

So, to you women, if you want to know if your partner (husband, lover or whomever)
is unfaithful, check our signs of infidelity now below!

The indications of unfaithfulness in female horoscopes can be found by clicking here.

If you want to know how we conduct our research, click here.

Another very important note, the midpoints and planetary pictures overpower all
other configurations (like planets in signs or houses, planetary aspects, rulerships

There MUST be one or more important and exact midpoint configurations that we list
below, aside from other listed configurations, before you can talk about infidelity in
the male natal horoscope.

The reason: midpoints and planetary pictures are the basis of planetary geometry
and our DNA structure.

They build the core of our being.

“I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be”

-- Lisa Chase Patterson --

What are these signs of infidelity in the male

In general, know that Venus and Neptune are (almost) always involved.

Aside from other meanings, the Venus-Neptune combo points to illicit or secret

For example, we found the Venus semi-square Neptune aspect (orb 1°) to be the
most significant and consistent (the highest count of all the aspects), even though
the results are not statistically significant.

The degree areas

The ruler of the 7th house cusp between 22°-23° Scorpio is found most often,
though not statistically significant.
The aspects

The following aspects were statistically significant:

 the Moon sesquisquare (aspect of 135°) the Ascendant (orb 3°) (chi square
 Juno semi-square the mean North Node of the Moon (orb 1°) (chi square

The following aspects are not statistically significant but have a high count:

 the Sun square the mean Node of the Moon (orb 1°)
 Venus parallel ceres (orb 1°)
 the Moon conjunct Juno (orb 3°)

The rulerships

 Uranus, ruler of the 11 house in a major aspect (conjunct, sextile, square,

trine or opposite) with the MC/IC axis (orb 3°) (chi square 78.4)
 the ruler of the 7th house opposite Jupiter (orb 6°) (chi square 33.8)
 Jupiter, ruler of the 6th house in a major aspect (conjunct, sextile, square,
trine or opposite) with the Ascendant/Descendant axis (orb 3°) (chi square
 Mars, ruler of the 7th house in a major aspect (conjunct, sextile, square, trine
or opposite) with the Ascendant/Descendant axis (orb 3°) (chi square 19.2)

This one does not really come as a surprise.

Mars represents the primal urges and drives and with Aries on the cusp of the
7th house, Mars being the ruler of Aries, aspecting its own house cusp, Mars
seems to become EXTREMELY easily carried away by its own primal desires
and (im)pulses...

Mars is not really cerebral, just acts on primary (im)pulses and often forgets
about 'boundaries.'
 the ruler of the 2nd house in the 2nd house (chi square 13.1)

Other planetary positions and patterns

 Mars in Gemini AND Jupiter in Scorpio (chi square 52.9)

 the Moon in Pisces AND Venus in Aquarius (chi square 35.2)
 the Moon in Aries AND Mercury in Scorpio (chi square 27.0)
 the Moon in Aries AND Venus in Gemini (chi square 27.0)
 the Moon in Aries AND Mars in Aries (chi square 25.6)
 Mars in either Aries, Taurus or Gemini (chi square 19.0)
 the Moon is in Aries (Chi square 15.90).

The Moon in Aries is a constant in our infidelity research and is a real red flag.

However, this single configuration alone is NOT enough for infidelity to occur!
Some (strong) midpoints representing infidelity MUST be present too before
jumping to conclusions.
 Neptune intercepted (chi square 13.5)
 Saturn was never intercepted.

So, in case Saturn is intercepted in a male natal horoscope, chances are he's
NOT a cheater!

The midpoints (8th Harmonic: 45° dial/list, orb 1°)

The following midpoints found in the natal charts almost always seem to bring
unfaithfulness (We also refer to some really important examples further below):

 Jupiter = Venus/Saturn

This midpoint alone, found in the natal chart of a male is often enough a sign
of infidelity when confirmed by another important planetary picture as listed
on this page!

Actually, any midpoint combination between Venus, Jupiter and Saturn may
bring infidelity (and quite often at least two marriages...)

 Moon = Venus/Neptune AND/OR Neptune = Moon/Venus

So, actually any midpoint combination between the Moon, Venus and

The combo of these three factors points to someone who can be VERY easily
seduced with consequences...

 Black Moon = Venus/Pluto

 any midpoint combo between Venus, Neptune and the Black Moon(the
Mean Apogee of the Moon)
 any other midpoint between Venus and Neptune can be found and especially
with the Moon's Node, Uranus, Pluto and/or the Black Moon
 Moon/Mean Moon's Node midpoint = Uranus (chi square 25.00)
 Mars/Black Moon midpoint = Mean Moon's Node (chi square 25.0)
 Pluto/Mean North Node = Juno (chi square 22.9)
 Pluto/Juno = Ascendant (chi square 18.0)

 Moon/Neptune midpoint = Venus (chi square 18.0)

 Pluto/Juno midpoint = Venus (chi square 18.0)

 MC/KN = Ascendant (chi square 16.3)
 Sun/Venus = Jupiter (chi square 14.5)
 Pluto/Juno = Venus (chi square 14.4)
 Juno/MC = Venus (chi square 14.4)
 Jupiter/Juno = Neptune (chi square 13.7)
 Juno/Black Moon = MC (chi square 13.7)
 Venus/Uranus midpoint = Mars (chi square 8.0)

The midpoints (other Harmonics)

 the Sun sextile the Venus/Pluto midpoint (Chi square = 25.0!)

 the Black Moon (the Mean Apogee of the Moon) semi-sextile the
Jupiter/Saturn midpoint
 the Sun semi-sextile the Mercury/Uranus midpoint

 the Black Moon semi-sextile the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (Chi square 20.0)

 Venus square or semi-sextile the Mercury/Mean Moon's North Node midpoint

(Chi square 16.0)

 the Mean Moon's North Node Quintile (72°) the Pluto/Black Moon midpoint
(Chi square 16.0)

 the Moon's Node sextile the Saturn/Uranus midpoint

 Neptune sextile the Venus/Mars midpoint (chi Square 16.0)

 Mars Quintile (72°) the Venus/Black Moon midpoint (Chi square 16.0)

 The following midpoints may be important too:

* Saturn/Black Moon midpoint = Venus (12th harmonic; 30° dial; Chi square

* Saturn/Black Moon midpoint = Moon (12th harmonic; 30° dial; Chi square

* Venus/Pluto midpoint = Sun (12th harmonic; 30° dial; Chi square 25.0)

* Venus/Chiron midpoint = Sun (12th harmonic; 30° dial; Chi square 12.0)

* Pluto/Chiron midpoint = Juno (12th harmonic; 30° dial; Chi square 8.0)

Some important examples of indications of

infidelity found time and again in the natal
horoscope of males
The following midpoints or planetary pictures in the 45° dial/list or 8th Harmonic (orb
1°) almost infallibly point to infidelity:

 Uranus = Venus/Neptune = Moon's Node

 Black Moon = Venus/Neptune = Pluto
 Neptune = Venus/Uranus
 Black Moon = Neptune = Moon/Venus
 Black Moon = Pluto = Venus/Neptune
 Black Moon = 0° Aries/Venus

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