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Without a doub,t the Martian invaders laid their plans for Earth many years ago and what fate they have in store
for mankind is only now becoming apparent. The aliens undoubtedly learned a great deal from their first foray
against England at the end of the nineteenth century. The second invasion of Earth was infinitely better
prepared and when it came, it did so in great strength. As with the original Martian invasion, the main fighting
arm of the aliens takes the form of gigantic Tripod machines piloted by a single Martian. Tripods carry a variety
of different armaments. The Heat Ray remains the most devastating of their weapons, but is supplemented by
new gases designed to exWHUPLQDWHKXPDQ¶SHVWV·DQGGULYHWKHPIURPWKHLUUHIXJHV All Martian forces operate
from huge crater-like settlements, called Redoubts. Redoubts are protected by static defenses of different kinds.
The exact nature and extent of these defenses are still uncertain. That the Martians are able to learn and adapt is
evidenced by the appearance of Zombie Slave troops. This is a ghoulish and terrifying development that
threatens to counter the advantage humans have in the close confines of urban warfare.


The most feared and hated of all the Martian machines of war are the towering Tripods. These vast machines
stand fully forty feet tall and each carries a single Martian pilot. The alien occupies a sealed cabin covered by an
armored hood, from which hangs a number of coiling metallic tentacles that are incredibly strong and dextrous.
With these tentacles, the Martian pilot can direct the Tripod to pick up objects or push aside obstructions in its
path. Beside these appendages, the Tripod has two larger arms that carry weapons of one sort or another, most
commonly the Heat Ray Projector, but sometimes the Black Dust Dispenser or Green Gas Emitter. The whole
machine is carried along upon three tall legs. vTripods are superbly balanced machines that move with great
speed and surety ² they are not lumbering monsters as many who have never seen one in action often imagine.

Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 200

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Tripod with Heat Ray Tripod µ 7/10 Heat Ray Massive
Tripod with Dust Tripod µ 7/10 Black Dust Massive
Tripod with Gas Tripod µ 7/10 Green Gas Massive

Weapon Range Power Special

Heat Ray ² Focused µ +3 -
Heat Ray ² Sweep µ +2 Sweep
Black Dust µ +1 Barrage 4, Miasma
Green Gas µ +2 Barrage 2, Miasma

Tripods form the core of the Martian fighting forces and the vast majority carry the Heat Ray Projector ² this is
a versatile weapon with two fire modes: focused and sweep. When the Martian player shoots a Heat Ray, he
¶VZHHS· with the beam, in which case the special Sweep template is used as described below.

The Black Dust Dispenser and Green Gas Grenades are alternative weapons that the Martians use to winkle out
infantry from amongst ruins and bolt-holes. They are both Barrage weapons ²so they use the Barrage template ²
and they both have the Miasma special rule, which means the shooter ignores the usual cover modifiers where
the target is in hard or soft cover. The Black Dust is a choking dust cloud, which has the advantage of covering
a larger area. The Green Gas is an extremely corrosive green fog that dissolves flesh and organic tissue, which
has the advantage of a high Power bonus.

When damage is inflicted upon a Tripod, roll on the Tripod damage table to determine what happens to it. A
Tripod may be destroyed, incrementally damaged or disabled as described on the table ² see pXX. If a Tripod
suffers a reduction of its Armor stat, it is necessary to record this in some way; you can either note it down or
place a suitable marker by the Tripod to indicate that its armor is weakened.


Sweep - A Heat Ray can make a sweep attack using the Sweep template. This is positioned in the same way as a
damage every element under the template in the same fashion as for a standard Barrage template if a hit is
scored against the initial target.

A Heat Ray cannot sweep onto an element where the line of sight is blocked for whatever reason. For example,
it will not sweep through a hill to reach an element on the other side ² the hill blocks the line of sight and
therefore also blocks the Heat Ray. If the line of sight to an element is blocked in this way, then the Heat Ray
cannot harm it even where the template passes over it.

Not long after the initial Martian attacks, observers began to notice the appearance of a smaller, more lightly
built Tripod. These nimbler machines were often to be encountered in the vanguard of the enemy forces,
ranging ahead of the main body to scout out defenses and identify targets. For this reason, these smaller Tripods
KDYHEHHQGXEEHG¶6FRXW7ULSRGV· In other respects, they are practically identical machines to the larger
Tripods and are undoubtedly constructed in the same manner and from the same materials.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 150

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Scout Tripod Tripod µ 7/9 Heat Ray -

Weapon Range Power Special

Medium Heat Ray ² Focused µ +2 -
Medium Heat Ray ² Sweep µ +1 Sweep

Scout Tripods carry a slightly lesser powered Heat Ray than the larger Tripods. This is still a very devastating
weapon though. Like the others, it can fire in two modes: focused and sweep. When the Martian player shoots
a Heat Ray, KHFDQFKRRVHWRHLWKHUXVHWKH¶IRFXVHG·EHDPZKLFKKas a longer range and greater Power bonus,
RUKHFDQ¶VZHHS· with the beam, in which case the special Sweep template is used as described below.

When damage is inflicted upon a Tripod, roll on the Tripod damage table to determine what happens to it. A
Tripod may be destroyed, incrementally damaged or disabled as described on the table ² see pXX. If a Tripod
suffers a reduction of its Armor stat, it is necessary to record this in some way; you can either note it down or
place a suitable marker by the Tripod to indicate that its armor is weakened.

Sweep - A Heat Ray can make a sweep attack using the Sweep template. This is positioned in the same way as a
damage every element under the template in the same fashion as for a standard Barrage template if a hit is
scored on the initial unit.

Add ² diagram of sweep template in use showing left right and to and fro sweep (to make it clear you can do

A Heat Ray cannot sweep onto an element where the line of sight is blocked for whatever reason. For example,
it will not sweep through a hill to reach an element on the other side ² the hill blocks the line of sight and
therefore also blocks the Heat Ray. If the line of sight to an element is blocked in this way, then the Heat Ray
cannot harm it even where the template passes over it.

SPECIAL: Targeter Arm: A Martian Scout can be equipped with a Targeting arm. This device illuminates
targets for Martian Barrage Weapons like the Grenadier Tripod, making their Barrages more accurate and
therefore more effective. (FINAL RULES IN TESTING)

It was not long after the first Martian attacks that it became apparent what fate the invaders had planned for the
human race: humanity would be enslaved as mere food animals. Soon, the Martians began to actively gather up
human captives and herd them into their redoubts where the aliens sucked their bodies dry. Ghastly as this is,
worse things were to come, for plainly the Martians studied their captives in order to discover what further uses
WKH\FRXOGPDNHRIWKH(DUWK·VQDWLYHLQKDELWDQWV These studies were to lead to the development of Zombie
Slave troops. Today, the Martians herd human captives towards the great pits to be rendered into sustenance,

The Harvester Tripods gather up human captives and grinds them into pulp. This pulp is then processed within
the Harvester itself creating the nutrient fluid that is the sole form of food for the Martians. They carry a less
powerful version of the Heat Ray for self defense. They are usually accompanied by other kinds of Tripods for

Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 150

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Harvester Tripod Tripod µ 7/10 Reaper Tentacles Massive

Weapon Range Power Special

Reaper Tentacles ² Assault - - -
Medium Heat Ray ² Focused µ +2 -
Medium Heat Ray ² Sweep µ +1 Sweep

When damage is inflicted upon a Tripod, roll on the Tripod damage table to determine what happens to it. A
Tripod may be destroyed, incrementally damaged or disabled as described on the table ² see pXX. If a Tripod
suffers a reduction of its Armor stat, it is necessary to record this in some way; you can either note it down or
place a suitable marker by the Tripod to indicate that its armor is weakened.


Reaper Tentacles - The Harvester Tripod·V many agile tentacles are used at close quarters to grab victims and
thrust them into its harvester cage. The Harvester is armed with many Reaper Tentacles. It gets 1 attack in an
Assault for each Reaper Tentacle.


It is only recently that human reconnaissance units first spotted this heavy, bulky Tripod and some doubt exists
as to what role it plays in the Martian war effort. It carries no weapons and is always escorted by other Martian
machines, which gather around it, protecting the larger Tripod from attack and hiding it from prying eyes.
Many human scientists maintain that these Tripods transport the means to establish a new Martian colony, and
hence the name Founder Tripod. Whether these Founder Tripods are WUDQVSRUWLQJDVLQJOH0DUWLDQ¶PRWKHU·
creature, or clutches of immature Martians, or some other means of establishing a new Martian population, is
unknown at this time.
Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: None ² Specific to the Founder Scenario

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Founder Tripod Tripod µ 6/10 None Massive

When damage is inflicted upon a Tripod, roll on the Tripod damage table to determine what happens to it. A
Tripod may be destroyed, incrementally damaged or disabled as described on the table ² see pXX. If a Tripod
suffers a reduction of its Armor stat, it is necessary to record this in some way; you can either note it down or
place a suitable marker by the Tripod to indicate that its armor is weakened.

Martian Zombie Slave troopers are directed by Martian Slavers. Slavers control machines that resemble the
carapace portion of a Tripod, but which are carried along upon six short legs. Although not especially rapid,
these machines are quite as fast as the Zombie Slave troopers they herd into battle. It is unclear how the Slave
Driver controls their Zombie Slaves ² and common talk is of some kind of mind-control ray that enables a
Martian to move his troopers as if they were puppets. Slave Driver machines are used to drive Zombies Slaves
into cover to root out hidden human troops and ambushers. For this reason, they are armed with short ranged
blasters, which are especially effective against unarmored targets.

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Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 65

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Slave Driver Tripod Tripod µ 7/9 BlastersX3 Slaver

Weapon Range Power Special

Blasters µ +1 -


Slave Driver Tripod Damage Table: When damage is inflicted upon a Slave Driver Machine, it is not
automatically destroyed, instead roll a die and consult the following chart. Like other Tripod Damage rolls, add
the power of the weapon to the roll.

9 1 - The Slave Driver Machine is partially damaged causing it to send a frenzied burst of instructions to
Slaves nearby. The Slave DriveU0DFKLQH·V$UPRUVWDWLVUHGXFHGE\ In addition, all Zombie Slave
XQLWVZLWKLQµRIWKH6ODYH Driver Tripod will immediately make an additional out of sequence move
followed by an additional out of sequence attack if they have a suitable target. This does not affect a
Slave Driver 7ULSRG·VDELOLW\WRFRQWUROZombie Slaves in subsequent turns.
9 2 - The Slave Driver Machine is partially damaged, rendering it incapable of properly controlling
Zombie Slaves. The Slave DriveU7ULSRG·V$UPRUVWDWLVUHGXFHGE\ In addition, from now on, if the
Martian player wishes to move or attack with a unit of Zombie Slaves under the control of the Martian
Slave Driver, both players roll a die, and the Zombie Slave unit can only move/attack if the Martian
player scores higher. If the human player scores higher, the Zombie Slave unit does nothing that phase.
Roll separately for each Zombie Slave unit the player wishes to move/attack.
9 3 - The Slave Driver Tripod is partially damaged, rendering it incapable of controlling Zombie Slaves.
the Slave Driver Tripod are destroyed. The Slave Driver Machine can no longer control its Zombie
9 4-9 - The Slave Driver Tripod bursts apart leaving a pile of twisted metal and a cloud of pinkish vapor ²
it is destroyed! The Zombie Slaves it was controlling are not affected, but without a controller they will
be subject to the rules for Mindless.


Driver Tripod can control up to 12 elements of Zombie Slaves. This can be a combination of Zombie Slave and
Drone units.

Zombie Slaves are the latest and most horrifying development of the alien invader: human captives cruelly
turned to living corpses controlled by their Martian masters. These ghastly creations have been developed to
counter human infantry, which the Martians find practically impossible to identify amongst the rubble and ruin
of the urban battlefield. +RZHYHULIWKDWLVLQGHHGWKHDOLHQV·LQWHQWLRQ=RPELH Slaves are little more than
shuffling automatons, lacking even the basic instincts of the human soldier to keep to cover and avoid detection.
Slow and cumbersome, Zombie Slaves are easily dealt with except in overwhelming numbers and rely upon the
instructions of a Martian Slave Driver in order to perform even the most basic tasks.

Although some Zombie Slaves appear to be entirely unarmed, most carry a simple, short-ranged weapon, which
fires a hail of energy blasts ² though usually not very accurately. 7KHVHZHDSRQVDUHVLPSO\FDOOHG¶EODVWHUV·E\
human troops ² though how they work remains a mystery. In recent months, reports have reached the human
high command of Zombie Slaves armed with a terrifying new weapon ² a kind of metal lash that enmeshes its
target before suddenly tightening and slicing its victims into pieces like a giant cheese wire. The troops who


Unit: 3 elements
Points per unit: 20

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Zombie Slave Squad Infantry µ 5/6 Blasters Mindless
Zombie Assault Squad Infantry µ 5/6 Slicers Mindless

Weapon Range Power Special

Blasters µ +1 -
Slicers Assault +1 -


Martian Drones are semi-autonomous robots. They are a modification of construction robots used on Mars
itself. They must be controlled by a Slave Driver Tripod just like Zombie Slave troops.

Hover Drones are the rarest of all the Martian Constructs and seem to be a new development. They are
identical in most respects to normal Drones but move by hovering at low altitude (less than 200 feet). They
ignore terrain penalties when moving.


Unit: 3 Elements
Points per Unit: 60, 75

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Drones Infantry µ 6/7 Light Heat Mindless
Hover Drones Infantry µ 7/6 Light Heat Mindless

Weapon Range Power Special

Light Heat Ray µ +1 -

Equipped with tentacles and Light Heat Ray


As well as their war machines, the Martian cylinders brought other and even stranger machinery to Earth.
Unlike Tripods, which commonly appear at the forefront of battle, these machines are rarely seen amidst the
that given by humans to these kinds of machines. Though sharing a common appearance in general terms,
Constructor Engines are readily adapted to serve a variety of purposes. What exactly these are only the
Martians know for sure, but without doubt, it is these machines that enable to Martians to raise their formidable
redoubts, to tunnel beneath the ground, to mine and fashion the metal they need and to build other machines
including the mighty Tripods.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 50

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Constructor Engine Machine µ 6/10 None Constructor

Constructor Engine - When damage is inflicted upon a Constructor Engine, it is not automatically destroyed,
instead roll a die and consult the following chart. As with other damage tables, add the power of the weapon to
the roll on this chart.

9 1-3 - The Constructor Engine is damaged and its Armor stat is reduced by 1.
9 4-9 - The Constructor Engine bursts apart leaving a pile of twisted metal and a cloud of pinkish vapour,
it is destroyed!
9 10+ - The Constructor Engine is destroyed. Any construction or element it is currently working upon is
also destroyed unless several Constructor Engines are working on the same construction, in which case
all the participating Constructor Engines must be destroyed to also destroy a partly built construction.


Repair - During its combat phase, a constructor engine can attempt to repair any single damaged Martian
Tripod or Martian machine it is touching. It cannot do this and do anything else in the Combat Phase. Roll a
die. On the score of 6-10 the repair is successful and 1 point of Armor is restored to the damaged
Tripod/machine. On a score of 1-5 the repair is not complete and there is no effect. Repairs over several turns
can potentially restore a badly damaged Tripod/machine to its original Armor value. A Constructor Engine can
attempt to repair itself if it is damaged, but it cannot then repair any other damaged Tripod/machine at the same
time. Several Constructor Engines can potentially work on the same damaged Tripod/machine at the same
time, enabling more than one point of Armor to be restored in a turn. Martian constructions, including those
described as exceptional units, can also be repaired in the same way if they have an Armor value that can be
reduced as a result of damage. No Tripod, machine or construction can be repaired once it is destroyed!

Build/Mine - In some scenarios, Martian Constructor Engines are allowed to build during the game, mine for
resources or undertake other specific tasks. Depending on the game, they may be allowed to build static
defenses or machines of one kind or other. The rules for this vary depending upon the scenario being played ²
see the scenario section for rules in each case.


+DUYHVWHU·VSURFHVVLQJWDQNVDUHIXO,l it transfers its captives to the Cage Machine and can then continue to reap
its harvest of human victims. The Cage Machine has the same basic body structure as the Constructor Engine
but has a huge cage mounted on top.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 50

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Cage Machine Machine µ 6/10 None Cage

Cage Machine - When damage is inflicted upon a Cage Machine, roll a die and consult the following chart.
Add any weapon power to the roll on this table.

9 1-5 - The Cage Machine is damaged and its Armour stat is reduced by 1.
9 6-10 - The Cage Machine explodes in a ball of fire and is destroyed along with its captives.


Cage - A Harvester Tripod can transfer all of its captives to the Cage Machine if they are touching during the
combat part of their turn. A Tripod that is transferring its prisoners cannot also attack in that turn; it can only
do one or the other (although remember that Harvester Tripods attack by making an assault). The Cage
Machine can hold any number of prisoners. Neither the Martians nor we are overly concerned with how many
can be squashed inside.


canisters at suspected human resistance locations or fortifications. These deadly barrages can be so intense that
they have created a new type of casualty amongst the soldiers of humanity. 7KLVFRQGLWLRQLVNQRZQDV¶0DUWLDQ
Entire wards of the poor men can be found in various quiet and out of the way places up and down the east


essentially a large drone. A Grenadier has a more extensive operating system though and does not require a
Slave Driver Tripod for control. However, it has very poor aim on its own and often relies on the Targeter on a
Scout Tripod for better accuracy.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 100

Fires barrages of High Explosives or Black Dust (rules in development)


Tripods and Slave Driver groups in attacks. Much larger than an Assault Tripod, the Dominator has enough
power for TWO independently targeting Heat Rays and missile launcher bustle on its crown. With Scout
Targeters seeking human positions for it, the missiles can be directed at multiple targets even out of the
Dominators line of sight. Fortunately for the humans, these terrifying machines are still uncommon.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 350


Terrifying to behold, an Overseer Tripod is as tall as a six story building. While the internal workings of
Martian Society remains a mystery, the Overseer Tripods seem to house the leaders of several groups of cylinder
bravest of men tremble in fear. Studded with Heat Ray emitters, the most devastating weapon on Earth is the
Sun Gun. Called a sun gun by those who have seen its incredibly bright yellow ray, it blasts through and melts
anything it touches. It appears to be some form of high powered modification of the Heat Ray. It also seems to
take time to recharge between blasts, giving the bravest a chance to counterattack during the power up gap ² if
they can overcome the multiple heat rays.

The Overseer also has its own force of drones that ride within recesses in its carapace. Overseers have been
known to actually hurl their drones and upon impact, the tough robots survive the landing and scuttle forward

Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 800




The Martians surround their redoubts with static defenses. These include the armed towers that humans call
Sentinels. These silver cylinders rise to a height of about fifteen feet and are topped by a mobile turret that looks
very much like the armored compartment of a Martian Tripod. Each Sentinel is armed with a heat ray

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Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 25

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Sentinel Exceptional None 4/10 Heat Ray Sentinel

Weapon Range Power Special

Heat Ray ² Focused µ +3 -
Heat Ray ² Sweep µ +2 Sweep


Sentinel - The Sentinel cannot move. If damaged it is destroyed outright.

Sweep - See Tripods for details.

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The Martians surround their redoubts with static defenses. These include machines whose only purpose seems
to be to watch and observe. Humans call these Detectors. These silver cylinders rise to a height of about fifteen
feet and are topped by a mobile turret with three metal domes, like three silver eyes.

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Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 25

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Detector Exceptional None 4/10 None Detector

Detector - The Detector cannot move. If damaged it is destroyed outright. The detector detects any human
WURRSVZLWKLQ'µ² make this roll and work out whether units are detected in each Martian combat phase.
$Q\KLGGHQXQLWVRU¶EOLSV·ZLWKLQUDQJHDUHUHYHDOHG and any ambushing troops within range are forced onto the
table. Ambushing units are revealed if the center point of the terrain area where they are concealed lies within
range of the Detector.


In Development

POWER NODE-´*(1(5$7256µ

The Martians surround their redoubts with static defenses. These include machines that generate an impassable
electrical barrier. Humans call these Generators. These silver cylinders are topped by a powerful transmitter.


Unit: 1 Element
Points per Unit: 100

Element Type Speed Defense/Armor Weaponry Special

Generators Exceptional None 4/10 None Generator


Generator - The Generator cannot move. If damaged it is destroyed outright. Generators cannot be placed
field between them that is impassable to all human units. Martian units can pass through the field without
coming to any harm. Generator Power Node adds extra power to Martian Units within 12 Inches.

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