Homework 1 Solns

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Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

Homework 1 Solutions

Section 1.2

Written problems

[1] (2 pts) p49, Problem 1.6, parts (b) & (c)

Let a,b,c ∈ Z . Use the definition of divisibility to directly prove the following properties of divisibility.

(b) If a|b and b|a , then a = ±b .

€ proof: Let a,b ∈ Z . Suppose a|b and b|a . [hypotheses]

€ Since€a|b , then€∃d ∈ Z such that b = ad . (1) [def of a|b ]

And € ∃k ∈ Z €such that a = bk .

€ since b|a , then (2) [def of b|a ]

€ Substituting
€ (1) into (2): €
a = (ad )k ⇒ a − adk = 0 € [algebra]

€ € € ⇒ a(1− dk ) = 0 (3) € [algebra]

So by (3), either€a = 0 or 1− dk = 0 . [if xy = 0 , then x=0 or y=0]

If a = 0, then: b = ad = 0€⋅ d = 0 ⇒ b = 0 . So a = b (when a = 0). [sub a=0 into (1)]

If 1− dk = 0 , €
then dk =1 . € [algebra]

Since d & k ∈ Z , the only way for dk =1 is if d = k =1 or d = k = −1 . [properties of integers]

€ € d = k =1, then: a = bk = b ⋅1 = b
If ⇒ a = b. [sub k=1 into (2)]

€If d = k = −1 , then: a =€bk = b ⋅ (−1)€= −b ⇒ €a = −b . [sub k=–1 into (2)]

€ a = ±b .
Thus, €

€ €
(c) If a|b and a|c , then a|(b + c ) and a|(b − c ) .

proof: Let a,b,c ∈ Z . Suppose a|b and a|c . [hypotheses]

€ Since€a|b , then€ ∃k ∈ Z such€that b = ak . (1) [def of a|b ]

€ since a|c , then € € that c = am .
∃m ∈ Z such (2) [def of a|c ]

€ Adding€(1) and (2): b + c =

€ak + am ⇒ b + c = a(k + m) (3) € [algebra]

€ € k,m ∈ Z , then k€+ m = n ∈ Z .

Since € [properties of integers]

So,€b + c = an , where n is an integer. [sub k+m=n into (3)]

€ Thus, a|(b +€c ) . [def of a|(b + c )

€ (2) from (1): b − c = ak − am ⇒ b − c = a(k − m) (4) [algebra]

€ €

Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

Since k,m ∈ Z , then k − m = d ∈ Z . [properties of integers]

So, b − c = ad , where d is an integer. [sub k–m=d into (4)]

€ Thus, a|(b −€c ) .  [def of a|(b − c ) ]

[2] (1€pt) p49, Problem 1.7 (calculator required) €

Use a calculator and the method described in Remark 1.9 to compute the following quotients and

(a) 34787 divided by 353: 34787 = 353 ⋅ 98 +193

q r

(b) 238792 divided by 7843: 238792 = 7843 ⋅ 30 + 3502

q r

(c) 9829387493 divided by 873485: 9829387493 = 873485⋅11253 + 60788
q r

(d) 1498387487 divided by 76348: 1498387487 = 76348 ⋅19625 + 57987
q r

[3] (1 pt) p49, Problem 1.9, parts

€ (a) & (b)

Use the Euclidean algorithm to compute the following gcds.

(a) gcd(291,252): 291 = 252 ⋅1+ 39 (1)

252 = 39 ⋅ 6 +18 (2)

€ 39 =18 ⋅ 2 + 3 ← gcd(291,252) = 3 (3)

€ 18 = 3 ⋅ 6 + 0

(b) gcd(16261,85652):
€ 85652 =16261⋅ 5+ 4347

16261 = 4347 ⋅ 3 + 3220

€ 4347 = 3220 ⋅1+1127

€ 3220 =1127 ⋅ 2 + 966

€ 1127 = 966 ⋅1+ 161 ← gcd(16261,85652) = 161

€ 966 =161⋅ 6 + 0

Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

[4] (1 pt) p49, Problem 1.10, part (a)

For each of the gcds in Exercise 1.9 ([3] above), use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find integers u, v
such that au + bv = gcd(a,b).

(a) gcd(291,252) = 3:

From (1): 39 = 291− 252 ⋅1 (4)

Sub into (2) after solving for 18: (

18 = 252 − 291− 252 ⋅1 ⋅ 6 ) (5)

18 = 252 ⋅ 7 − 291⋅ 6

Rearrange (3) and sub in (4)&(5):

€ ( ) (
3 = 39 −18 ⋅ 2 = 291− 252 − 252 ⋅ 7 − 291⋅ 6 ⋅ 2 )
€ 3 = 291− 252 − 252 ⋅14 + 291⋅12
€ 3 = 291⋅13+ 252 ⋅ (−15)
u v

[5] (2 pts) p49, Problem 1.11, parts (a)€& (b)

Let a, b be positive integers.

(a) Suppose that there are integers u & v satisfying au + bv =1 . Prove that gcd(a,b) =1.

proof: Let a,b ∈ Z +. Suppose ∃u,v ∈ Z such that au + bv =1 . [hypotheses]

Suppose that gcd(a,b) is some positive €

integer, say k. €

€ k is the largest €
positive integer such€that k|a and k|b . [def of gcd(a,b)=k]

So, there exist integers m and n such that a = km and b = kn . [def of k|a & k|b ]

Also, au = kmu and bv = knv . € € [multiply both sides of previous eqs by u,v]

Adding these: au + bv = kmu + knv €) =1.

€ = k(mu + nv [assumption
€ that au + bv =1]

€ ∈ Z , then mu + nv ∈ Z .
€ Since m,u,n,v [properties of integers]

Since€k(mu + nv ) =1 and k ∈ Z +, then it must be true that k = mu + nv =1. €[properties of integers]

€ So, since k =1, €

then gcd(a,b) =1. 

€ € €

€ €
Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

(b) Suppose that there are integers u, v satisfying au + bv = 6 . Is it necessarily true that gcd(a,b)=6? If not,
give a specific counterexample, and describe in general all of the possible values of gcd(a,b).

It is not true that gcd(a,b) must be 6 if there exist integers u, v such that au + bv = 6 .

For example, consider a = 4, b = 6, u = −3, v = 3 : au + bv = 4(−3) + 6(3) = −12 +18 = 6

but gcd(a,b) = gcd(4,6) = 2 . €

Suppose ∃u,v€∈ Z such that au + bv = k €

, where k is an integer larger than 1. Let gcd(a,b) = g .

€ g|a and g|b , and also, g|au and g|bv . So, g|(au + bv ) ⇒ g|k . Thus, if au + bv = k , then
gcd(a,b) could be any factor of k.
€ € €

€ € € € € €
[6] (2 pts) Prove: Let a, b, and c be integers, and let gcd(a,b) =1. If a|bc , then a|c . [omitted]

Computational problems € € €

[7] (1 pt) p49, Problem 1.9, parts (c) & (d)

(c) gcd(139024789,93278890) (d) gcd(16534528044,8332745927)

>> gcd(139024789,93278890) >> gcd(16534528044,8332745927)

ans = ans =

1 43

[8] (1 pt) p49, Problem 1.10, parts (b), (c), & (d)

(b) gcd(16261,85652) = 161

>> [d,u,v]=gcd(16261,85652) so, 161 =16261⋅ (−79)+ 85652 ⋅ (15)

u v

d =

161 €
u =


v =

Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

(c) gcd(139024789,93278890) = 1 so, 1 =139024789 ⋅ (6944509)+ 93278890 ⋅ (−10350240)

u v

>> [d,u,v]=gcd(139024789,93278890)

d = €

u =


v =


(d) gcd(16534528044,8332745927) = 43

>> [d,u,v]=gcd(16534528044,8332745927)

d = so, 43 =16534528044 ⋅ (81440996)+ 8332745927 ⋅ (−161602003)

u v


u = €

v =


Section 1.3

Written problems

[9] (2 pts) p50, Problem 1.14

Let m ≥1 be an integer and suppose that a1 ≡ a 2 (mod m) and b1 ≡ b2 (mod m) . Prove that
(a) a1 ± a 2 ≡ b1 ± b2 (mod m) and (b) a1 ⋅ b1 ≡ a 2 ⋅ b2 (mod m) .

(a) proof: Let m ≥1 be an integer and suppose that a1 ≡ a 2 (mod m) and b1 ≡ b2 (mod m) . [hyps]
€ € €
€ Then, ∃c,d ∈ Z such that€a1 = a 2 + cm and b1 = b2 + dm . [def of congruence modm]

Add €
(or subtract) these two equations: a1€+ b1 = a 2 + b2 + cm + dm
€. [add eqs from previous line]

€ Then, (a + b ) − (a
€2 + b2 ) = m(c + d€
). [algebra; distributive prop]
1 1

€ means a + b ≡ a + b (mod m) .  [def of divisibility & congr. modm]

( )
So, m| (a1 + b1 ) − (a 2 + b2 ) , which 1 1 2 2

€ €
Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

(b) Let m ≥1 be an integer and suppose that a1 ≡ a 2 (mod m) and b1 ≡ b2 (mod m) . [hyps]

Then, ∃c,d ∈ Z such that a1 = a 2 + cm and b1 = b2 + dm . [def of congruence modm]

€ Multiplying both sides: a b = a b +€a dm + b cm + cmdm€. [multiply both sides of previous eqs]
1 1 2 2 2 2

€ So, a b − a b = m(a ).
€ 2d + b2c + cmd € [algebra & distributive prop]
1 1 2 2

Since a 2d + b2c€+ cmd ∈ Z , then m|(a1b1 − a 2b2 ) . [properties of integers & def of divisibility]

€ Thus, a1b1 ≡ a 2b2 (mod m).  [def of congruence modm]

€ €

€ [10] (2 pts) p52, Problem 1.23, parts (a), (b), & (c)
(a) Find a single value x that simultaneously solves the two congruences: x ≡ 3(mod 7) & x ≡ 4(mod 9) .

Every solution of the first congruence looks like x = 3 + 7 y for some integer y.
So the second congruence becomes: 3 + 7 y ≡ 4(mod 9) ⇒ 7 y ≡1(mod 9) .

The integer y that solves this congruence is the inverse of 7 mod9, which is 4:€7 ⋅ 4 ≡ 28 ≡1(mod 9) .
So if y equals 4, then x = 3 + 7(4) = 3 + 28 = 31.

(b) Find a single value x that simultaneously solves the two congruences: €x ≡13(mod 71) & x ≡ 41(mod 97)

Every solution of the first congruence looks like x =13 + 71y for some integer y.
So the second congruence becomes:
€ €
13 + 71y ≡ 41(mod 97) ⇒ 71y ≡ 28(mod 97) ⇒ y ≡ 28 ⋅ 71−1 ≡ 28 ⋅ 41 ≡1148 ≡ 81(mod 97) .

So if y equals 81, then x =13 + 71(81) = 5764 .

(c) Find a value x that simultaneously solves the congruences: x ≡ 4(mod 7) , x ≡ 5(mod 8) , x ≡11(mod15)

A solution to the first congruence has the form x = 4 + 7 y for some integer y and must satisfy both
the other congruences: 4 + 7 y ≡ 5(mod 8) and 4 + 7 y ≡11(mod15)
€ € €
⇒ 7 y ≡1(mod 8) and ⇒ 7 y ≡ 7(mod15) ⇒ y ≡1(mod15)

€ € So y has the form y =1+15z for some integer z.

€ ⇒ 7(1+15z ) ≡€
7 +105z ≡1(mod 8) ⇒ 105z ≡ −6 ≡ 2(mod 8)

⇒ z ≡ 2 ⋅105−1 ≡ 2 ⋅1 ≡ 2(mod 8) €

So is z equals €
2, then y =1+15(2) = 31 and x = 4 + 7(31) = 4 + 217 = 221 .

€ €
Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

[11] (2 pts) p52, Problem 1.25 (use only square-and-multiply algorithm; you can use matlab mod function
within solution but you can only use powermod to check answer)

Use the square-and-multiply method to compute the following powers.

(a) 17183 (mod 256) :

7 5 4 2 1 0
183 = 27 + 25 + 2 4 + 2 2 + 21 + 20 , so 17183 ≡17 2 ⋅17 2 ⋅17 2 ⋅172 ⋅17 2 ⋅17 2 (mod 256)
€ i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 (mod 256) 17 33 65 129 1 1 1 1
€ €
So, 17183 ≡1⋅1⋅1⋅ 65⋅ 33 ⋅17 ≡ 36465 ≡113(mod 256) .

(b) 2 477 (mod1000) :

8 7 6 4 3 2 0
477 = 28 + 27 + 26 + 2 4 + 23 + 2 2 + 20 , so 2 477 ≡ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 (mod1000)
€ i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 2 (mod1000) 2 4 16 256 536 296 616 456 936
€ €
So, 2 477 ≡ 936 ⋅ 456 ⋅ 616 ⋅ 536 ⋅ 256 ⋅16 ⋅ 2 ≡ 816 ⋅176 ⋅192 ≡ 272(mod1000) .

(c) 11507 (mod1237):

507 = 28 + 27 + 26 + 25 + 2 4 + 23 + 21 + 20 , so
8 7 6 5 4 3 1 0

€ 11507 ≡112 ⋅112 ⋅112 ⋅112 ⋅112 ⋅112 ⋅112 ⋅112 (mod1237)

€ i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11 (mod1237) 11 121 1034 388 867 830 1128 748 380

So, 11507 ≡ 380 ⋅ 748 ⋅1128 ⋅ 830 ⋅ 867 ⋅ 388 ⋅121⋅11 ≡ 967 ⋅1068 ⋅1169 ⋅ 94 ≡1098 ⋅1030 ≡ 322(mod1000)

€ Computational problems

[12] (1 pt) p51, Problem 1.16

Do the following modular computations.

(a) 347 + 513 ≡ 97(mod 763)

>> mod(347+513,763)

€ ans =

Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

(b) 3274 +1238 + 7231+ 6437 ≡ 8926(mod 9254)

>> mod(3274+1238+7231+6437,9254)

€ ans =


(c) 153 ⋅ 287 ≡139(mod 353)

>> mod(153*287,353)

€ ans =


(d) 357 ⋅ 862 ⋅193 ≡ 636(mod 943)

>> mod(357*862*193,943)

€ ans =


(e) 5327 ⋅ 6135⋅ 7139 ⋅ 2187 ⋅ 5219 ⋅1873 ≡ 4203 ⋅ 495⋅ 3101(mod 8157)

>> mod(5327*6135,8157), mod(7139*2187,8157), mod(5219*1873,8157)

€ ans =


ans =


ans =


and 4203 ⋅ 495⋅ 3101 ≡ 603(mod 8157)

>> mod(4203*495*3101,8157)

€ ans =


(f) 1372 ≡130(mod 327)

>> powermod(137,2,327)

€ ans =

Math 373/578, Spring 2013 due: Friday, February 1, 2013

(g) 3736 ≡ 463(mod 581)

>> powermod(373,6,581)

€ ans =


(h) 233 ⋅195 ⋅114 ≡ 42 ⋅ 77 ⋅ 91(mod 97)

>> powermod(23,3,97), powermod(19,5,97), powermod(11,4,97)

€ ans =


ans =


ans =


and 42 ⋅ 77 ⋅ 91 ≡ 93(mod 97)

>> mod(42*77*91,97)

€ ans =


[13] (2 pts) p51, Problem 1.17

Find all values of x between 0 and m–1 that are solutions of the following congruences.

(a) x +17 ≡ 23(mod 37) ⇒ x ≡ 6(mod 37)

(b) x + 42 ≡19(mod 51) ⇒ x ≡ −23 ≡ 28(mod 51)

€ (c) x 2 ≡ 3(mod11) ⇒ x ≡ 5(mod11) & x ≡ 6(mod11)

(d) x 2 ≡ 2(mod13) ⇒ no solution

(e) x 2 ≡1(mod 8) ⇒ x ≡1,3,5,7(mod 8)

(f) x 3 − x 2 + 2x − 2 ≡ 0(mod11) ⇒ x ≡1,3,8(mod11)
€ (g) x ≡1(mod 5) & x ≡ 2(mod 7) (find all solutions mod35)

€ ⇒ x ≡ x ≡16(mod 35)

€ €

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