Today - Father's Day - Prepares - Lunch - Beloved Father: Exercise 1

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Exercise 1

a.Rearrange the words correctly.

In the kitchen

1) Puan Aminah the kitchen family in and her are

2) cooking with Amira mother her is
3) uses Siti to vegetables knife a cut
4) likes chicken Ahmad to curry eat
5) a clock round There is the on wall
Grammar Note: *change

a)woman/girl= she, her

b)man/boy = he, his

b. Read and fill in the blanks.

Father’s Day

1. Today – Father’s Day – prepares – lunch – beloved father

Today is ___________. Amir _________ some __________ for his

___________________. He wants to make burger for his father.

2. spreads – butter – onto - bread – fried-- meat – cuts-vegetables

Firstly, he _______ some______onto the bread. Then, he fried the ____. He

______ the __________and put some chilli sauce.

3. goes – living room – wishes – father – feeling – happy – proud

After that,he ________ to his father in the ____________. He gives the burger
to his father. He ___________ Happy Father’s Day to his _______.His father
feeling so happy and ________of him.
Grammar Notes

Find the meaning.

1. Building=_______________ 17.Cow =_____________________

2. Sweeping=_______________ 18. Puppy=____________________

3. Cleaning =_______________ 19.Lamb=______________________

4. Painting =________________ 20.Kitten =_____________________

5. Postcard=________________ 21.Cobbler =___________________

6. Letter =__________________ 22.Barber =___________________

7. Present=_________________ 23.Painter=___________________

8. Parcel =__________________ 24.Butcher =____________________

9. Waterfall=________________ 25.Carpenter =__________________

10.Beach =__________________ 26.Pineapple=___________________

11.Pond =___________________ 27.Strawberry =_________________

12.Worm =_________________ 28.Guava =________________

13.Giraffe =__________________ 29. Throw =________________

14.Crocodile =_________________ 30. Keep =_________________

15.Whale =___________________ 31.Small =__________________

16.Bear =____________________ 32.Big =______________________

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