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Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9

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Original research article

An ecological economic interpretation of the Jevons effect

Nilton Bispo Amado a,*, Ildo L. Sauer a,b
Graduate Program on Energy – University of São Paulo (PPGE-USP), Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 1289, Butantã, São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil
Institute of Electrotechnics and Energy – University of São Paulo (IEE-USP), Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 1289, Butantã, São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil


Article history: This article develops an ecological economic interpretation of the Jevons effect. Moreover, it is argued
Received 4 February 2010 that under the neoclassical paradigm there are no elements with which to foresee the long-term
Received in revised form 13 September 2011 existence of this phenomenon. The objective of these arguments is to demonstrate that the Jevons effect
Accepted 31 October 2011
can be used to compare the ability of neoclassical and ecological economics describing the social
Available online 22 December 2011
appropriation of nature. This is elaborated in two steps. First, we show the importance of the thesis that
the economy cannot be cut off from the biophysical materiality of what is produced to give consistency to
the so-called Khazzoom–Brookes postulate. It is made clear that this supposition is exogenous to the
Jevon’s Paradox
neoclassical paradigm. Second, the supposition of the biophysical materiality of what is produced is
Sustainable development
Energy efficiency utilized to make an ecological economic interpretation of the Jevons effect. Afterwards, a comparison is
Energy analysis made between the neoclassical and the ecological economic perspectives. This comparison leads to the
following conclusions: (i) the persistent presence of the Jevons effect in the long run is an anomaly in the
neoclassical paradigm; (ii) the observation of the non-existence of the Jevons effect is a refutation of the
supposition that economic growth and biophysical materiality are not separable, a central thesis
defended by ecological economists. This situation makes possible to use the Jevons effect as a ‘laboratory
test’ to compare the ability of neoclassical and ecological economic paradigms to describe the social
appropriation of nature.
ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (a) Direct Rebound. The energy efficiency gains, ceteris paribus,
reduce the real price of energy services when reducing the
Polimeni and Polimeni (2006) published an article in this journal quantity of energy demanded by them. The consumption of
showing the empirical relevance of the Jevons effect. In this work we these services is therefore stimulated.
argue that the Jevons effect is important also for theoretical reasons (b) Indirect Rebound. Due to the reduction of energy expenses, the
because it allows confronting the social appropriation description of increase of the consumers’ income and the reduction of the
nature by neoclassical and ecological economics. This has been companies’ costs provoke secondary effects connected to the
overlooked in studies on the effect Jevons. consumption of other goods and services, which increases the
The Jevons effect is normally presented in the context of the demand for energy. In this case, the rebounds are indirectly
debate regarding the rebound effect, the phenomenon by which connected to the price effect, that is to say, the reduction of
increased energy efficiency stimulates the consumption of more energy expenses allows an increase of the consumption of
energy. This work does not aim to make a detailed presentation of the other goods and services, which leads to a higher energy
literature on the rebound effect. For this purpose, the report of demand.
Greening and Greene (1998), the special edition of Energy Policy (June (c) Usually, the effects of increasing energy efficiency at the
of 2000) and Alcott (2008) should all be consulted. In the rebound macroeconomic level are seen as the mere aggregate result of
debate, a careful distinction of the types of rebound is not always the direct and indirect rebounds. In this perspective, an
made, which may indicate that the qualitative dimension of this increasing demand for energy results from the effect of the
phenomenon is not given enough attention. The typology presented energy efficiency gains over the totality of the activities of
here is based on the elaboration by Greening and Greene (1998), but output and consumption. These global results are called
it does not strictly follow its steps and assumptions. Based on this economy-wide effects.
typology, the rebound effect can be classified as follows:
We agree with the distinction between economy-wide effects
and other types of rebounds. However, we argue that the economy-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 11 3091 2656; fax: +55 11 3091 2631. wide effects cannot be taken as the mere aggregation of direct and
E-mail address: (N.B. Amado). indirect rebounds. Actually, the view of the economy-wide effects

1476-945X/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9 3

of energy efficiency gains as the aggregation of events occurring at controversy between Grubb (1990, 1992) and Brookes (1990,
the microeconomic level is the corollary of considering the 1992, 1993), where the main assertions for and against the
economic system as a closed system. We do not adopt this relevance of available energy for the mechanisms by which
supposition. economic growth is produced are presented and criticized.
If the economic system is viewed as an open system whose Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) presents cogent arguments
reproduction happens through relations with the ecological showing the importance of the mechanisms by which the socially
system, energy efficiency gains lead to both a fall in real energy available energy is increased. As Brookes (1990, 2000) himself
prices as an increase in the total quantity of socially available recognizes, he resumes a position already defended by Jevons
energy. This last consequence is the direct implication from the (1865) in the 19th century.
fact that energy efficiency gains always increase the social ability There are two central observations by Brookes (1990, 1992,
to explore the physically available resources. Therefore, if the 1993, 2000): (i) the economic use of energy resources is always
economy-wide effects are not reduced to a mere aggregate effect of tied to the economic use of non-energy resources. The economic
direct and indirect rebounds, then the economy-wide effects can use of energy resources is dependent on available quantity of
be used to expose the open character of the economic system. As a physical energy and the quantity of non-energy resources
result of this open character, the dynamics of the economic system necessary to make use of one unit of energy. Energy efficiency
implies that biophysical materiality inflows support the reproduc- gains act to reduce the quantity of non-energy resources necessary
tion of monetary materiality flows usually observed in economic to use energy, and (ii) the biophysical materiality of the economic
domain. To be consistent with the distinction between economy- demand. The latter is affirmed less clearly than the former.
wide effects and other types of rebounds, in this article we use the The first observation implies that energy efficiency gains and
term ‘‘Jevons effect’’ to refer specifically to the economy-wide new sources are both social strategies of increasing the socially
effects of energy efficiency gains. available energy. However, as Brookes (2000) rightly points out,
As it is known, neoclassical and ecological economists disagree there are important differences. New sources increase the
greatly on the substitution possibilities between natural and physically available quantity of energy, thereby reducing real
manufactured capital. However, the fact that a careful observation energy prices; energy efficiency gains reduce real energy prices by
of the Jevons effect can be a laboratory test to contrasting means of decreasing the necessary non-energy resources but do
suppositions adopted by each framework is something not yet well not modify the physical availability of energy resources, therefore,
appreciated. The main objective of this article is to demonstrate they tend to accommodate price rises.
that the Jevons effect is cardinal to interpret appropriately the How does the mechanism by which socially available energy is
intensity and the way by which the economic system as a whole increased operate? The relation between energy resources and
relies upon primary inflows. non-energy resources is tacitly tied by Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993,
We aim to do this in two steps. First, we present the most 2000) to the supposition of the biophysical materiality. This
consistent contemporary neoclassical interpretation in defense of connection is made to emphatically defend energy policies based
the relevance of the Jevons effect written by Brookes (1990, 1992, on increases in energy supply. The mechanism by which increasing
1993, 2000). In the presentation of Brookes’ (1990, 1992, 1993, energy supply is used to increase energy consumption is seen by
2000) ideas, emphasis is given to the fact that a central premise for Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) as a strategy to obtain
ecological economics is tacitly used, which is fundamental to his productivity gains that cannot be abandoned.
arguments. Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) makes the assump- Brookes (1990) considers two scenarios to defend the thesis
tion that the economic system cannot be independent of an that energy efficiency gains lead to the highest energy consump-
increase in energy usage inputs to obtain real economic growth. He tion. These scenarios also allow to know more clearly the
sees increasing energy inflows as an essential instrument to obtain mechanism by which increases in socially available energy is
productivity gains and sustain economic growth. probably indispensable to increase productivity. One scenario is
Second, we use Lotka’s (1922a,b) hypothesis that organic that in which the energy price is a restriction to the economic
systems always increase energy inflows over time to change the activity and the other is that in which it is not (Brookes, 1990, p.
way how the Jevons effect is observed. Based on this hypothesis, 199).
the incongruity is not the existence of the Jevons effect, yet rather In the first scenario, if the energy price increases to the point of
its possible absence. Finally, we compare the neoclassical and becoming a restriction to the economic activity, as occurred in
ecological economic frameworks. It is argued that the lasting 1973 and 1979, the countries have three courses of action open to
existence of the Jevons effect is an anomaly for the neoclassical them (Brookes, 1990, pp. 199–200): (1) to reduce the output; (2) to
framework. It is also argued that an ecological economic substitute labor and capital for energy: they will be able to do so
interpretation of the Jevons effect can be used as a starting point because the higher energy prices signal that other available
to build a falsifiable ecological economic theory of economic resources are not being used; and (3) to introduce lower priced
growth. energy sources.
Brookes (1990) discards option 3 in the specific context of the
2. The Jevons effect according to Brookes article when addressing the question of the possible substitution
involving energy and others factors (that is, the effects of energy
The macroeconomic effects of the energy efficiency gains are efficiency gains). Option 1 is used only as a base for comparison,
summarized by the so-called Khazzoom–Brookes postulate. which is consistent with the existence of a growing economy.
According to this postulate, economically justifiable energy Brookes (1990) understands that the real cases are a combination
efficiency gains necessarily lead to an energy consumption higher of options 2 and 3.
than otherwise. If this is true, the growth of an economic system Under option 1, the consumers give up part of what can be
cannot be independent of the biophysical materiality of a growing produced by the utilization of energy resources and accept to live
demand for goods and services. Otherwise, how can we be so with a lower level of output. In such a case, the equilibrium
certain of the impossibility of economic growth without increasing between supply and demand leads to a reduction of the energy
energy consumption? Actually, the main argument to question the prices and energy consumption. Under option 2, the equilibrium
relevance of the Jevons effect is precisely the supposed possibility between supply and demand involves much higher prices as well
of a dematerialized demand. This argument is used in the as higher energy consumption, compared to option 1. The
4 N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9

substitution of labor and other forms of capital with energy Brookes (1990) refers to the works of Schurr (1982, 1984), who
resources allows the consumers to deal with the price increases investigated the behavior of the economy of the United States over
without giving up the benefits of the utilization of the energy a long period of time.
resource. So, necessarily, the energy consumption will be higher Schurr’s (1982, 1984, 1985) first observation was that to
than if the substitution were not possible (Brookes, 1990, p. 200). substitute labor and capital for energy leads to the growth of the
This is not a depreciation of the energy efficiency gains, but barely multifactor productivity (Brookes, 1990, p. 200). If the analysis
the verification that its effects are opposite of those aimed by the goes back far enough in time, this occurs as a drop in the energy
defenders of the energy efficiency policies (Brookes, 1990, p. 200). productivity (that is to say, it is observed an increase in the energy
Although it is unquestionable that the energy efficiency gains intensity). However, for a long period of time, what is observed is
are strategies to obtain productivity gains, as Brookes (1990, 1992, an increase of the productivity of the energy factor simultaneous
1993, 2000) emphasizes, it does not follow from the scenario with the substitution of energy with labor and capital. This was
exposed in the last paragraph that the demand for more goods and particularly true during periods of time when energy prices were
services could not be independent from more units of energy, as he decreasing. It is noteworthy that high rates of improvement in
claims. Why should it not be possible to reduce the consumption of multifactor productivity were essentially not associated with
energy, which in this context has increased in price, by utilizing increases in energy intensity (Schurr, 1982, p. 7). Why were falling
other resources? Although the impossibility of this in the short energy prices not followed by increasing energy intensities at any
term can be admitted, what authorizes us to expect that it would time during all of Schurr’s observations (1920–1969)? Schurr
not be possible at some point? What prevents option 2 from, in the (1984, p. 413) answers this question by saying that in reality there
long term, diminishing the absolute energy consumption? More was no drop in the intensity of energy use, but increase, pointing to
precisely: why should the demand be extensive in energy? the following qualification:
Actually, the argument of Brookes (1990) supports itself in
some respects that tacitly accepts the biophysical materiality of a ‘‘But it rose relative to labor and capital inputs, not relative to
growing demand: (i) the growth of the economic system assumes output. The statistics [. . .] show that between 1920 and 1973,
the growing output of objects, or bearers of biophysics materiality the ratio of total energy use to worker hours in the business
capable of satisfying human needs; (ii) due to the biophysical economy more than doubled and, in relation to capital,
materiality of these objects, we cannot have economic growth increased by about 50%. Why, then, did energy use fall relative
without increasing primary inflows in the form of energy in the to output? The apparent reason is that technological advance
long run when the economic system is considered in its totality, (and related factors) exerted enough leverage on overall
whatever be the combination of labor and manufactured capital productive efficiency for final output to have increased faster
used; and (iii) the economic system is a growing economy and not than the growth in energy consumption’’.
merely an economy in growth. These are conditions under which
the effective demand for energy is always increasing in the long The substitution of energy for labor and capital had such an
run. effect on the productivity of these two input factors that the
Without the above suppositions tacitly made by Brookes productivity of the factor energy grew less than the combined
(1990), it is not possible to understand why the increase in price productivity of these inputs (Brookes, 1990, 200). It is a truism that
of a specific resource would not be accompanied by the utilization if the productivity of the factor energy grows less than the
of substitute goods, leading to a drop in price and even in the multifactor productivity without a drop in the inputs of capital and
demand of this specific resource restricting the economic activity. labor, then the net effect is an increase in the total energy
Only if we admit that primary inputs have concrete qualities such consumption, even with a drop in the energy intensity (Brookes,
that the economic system cannot grow when isolated from these 1990, p. 200). In short, both Schurr (1982, 1984, 1985) as Brookes
qualities can we accept Brookes’ (1990) explanation. Therefore, his (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) noted that low energy prices have been
explanation tacitly uses a growth definition under which concrete associated with high overall productivity gains, decreases in
qualities and price system are interconnected and working as energy intensity and increases in total energy consumption.
complementary units. In the above description of Brookes’ arguments shares are likely
To clarify the meaning of Brookes’ (1990) arguments, it is useful to sound unclear or contradictory. How is possible to say that that
to draw an analogy to the mental experiment made by Carnot to there was energy ‘substitution’ at the same time it is said that there
show the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In essence, Carnot was an increase in total energy consumption? The obscurity here
argues that a heat engine cannot indefinitely increase its power stems from the inadequacy of the categories and terminology used
without increasing the absolute consumption of fuel. This is true by orthodox economics to represent the role of natural resources in
independently of the constructive arrangement of the machine; the economic system reproduction. Even authors like Brookes
that is, it is true independently of the combination of non-fuel (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000), with rare insight about the role of natural
resources used to extract work. resources in the path of productivity gains triggered by the
Similarly, Brookes (1990) argues that in the long run it is Industrial Revolution, use the term ‘substitution’ loosely. His use
impossible to get a combination of factors able to provide blurs the fact that the system is undergoing permanent growth:
economic growth without increasing the absolute quantities of the term ‘substitution’ suggests a stationary state entirely
energy used. This is true independently of the combination of non- inadequate to represent the situation since all factors are being
energy resources employed. Without this assumption, we cannot used in growing quantities and not being replaced. This confusion
reject the possibility of the advent of a pattern of technological would be avoidable if orthodox economics distinguished between
innovation where the economic growth can happen without extensive and intensive variables and, consequently, between
increasing energy flows. We can say that Brookes (1990) sees the extensive and intensive substitution.
economic system as a gigantic heat engine using an algorithm An extensive variable represents absolute quantities, while
incorporating the dynamics of price levels. That is the reason why intensive variables measure relative quantities. For example, total
the demand for fuel (energy) is always increasing. energy consumption is represented by an extensive variable, while
Now, what does Brookes (1990) say about the second scenario, energy efficiency gains are represented by an intensive variable.
in which the energy prices do not constitute themselves as a When economists say ‘energy substitution’ they mean an intensive
limitation to the economic activity? In the analysis of this scenario, substitution. That is, they make reference to the fact that fewer
N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9 5

units of energy and more units of non-energy resources are used to Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) description implies that
produce one unit of output. Here we say that there is ‘intensive natural capital has had non-transferable functions to other
substitution’ of energy if the necessary quantity of energy to obtain resources, even if observing the economic use of natural resources
one unit of economic output is reduced; we say that there is focusing strictly in ensuring economic growth. If the pattern of
‘extensive substitution’ of energy if the reproduction of the resource use presented by Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000) is
economic system happens by means of diminishing energy essential to describe the high economic growth ratios observed
inflows. In this last case, there is reduction in the energy per since the industrial revolution, the distinction between natural
capita consumption for a non-decreasing population. capital and manufactured capital is indispensable in explaining
The usual substitution terminology is particularly harmful economic growth. Given Brookes’ (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000)
when we need to investigate the possible existence of biophysical arguments, it seems desirable to make an explicit ecological
growth limits. The restriction condition implied by sustainable economic interpretation of the Jevons effect. In the following
development is the following: under what conditions can we section, we use a hypothesis derived by Lotka (1922b) to do that.
expect to have simultaneously extensive substitution of natural
resources and economic growth? In this context it is misleading to 3. Using Lotka to deduce the Khazzoom–Brookes postulate
say that variables are ‘substituted’ by observing only indicators
related to intensive substitution. Yet this is precisely what is made An important aspect of Lotka’s approach is that his use of the
very often in the debates on the contribution of energy efficiency laws of thermodynamics is accompanied by the perception of the
policies for sustainability. insufficiency of these laws.1 They are not enough to determine the
In the process of economic growth, a strong tendency to energy and material inflows through organic systems over time.
increase the total use primary inputs in the form of energy (an What should we expect in relation to trends in energy and matter
extensive variable) simultaneously with the drop in the indicators inflows through organic systems? Do these flows tend to increase
of energy intensity (an intensive variable) has been observed. As in or decrease? Or should we assume that the trend involving such
the debate between neoclassical and ecological economists these flows are randomly distributed around an average? Or maybe
distinctions and evidences, quite favorable to the position of these flows of energy and matter tend to some limit. Issues of this
ecological economists, are generally not made it is highly likely nature certainly disturbed Lotka.2
that the importance of them is not clear even to ecological Lotka believes that the inadequacy of the laws of thermody-
economists. namics to determine the course of events in physical systems can
If considered alone, indicators of the energy intensity them- be overcome by incorporating the principle of natural selection as a
selves constitute biased indicators of the economic system physical law (Lotka, 1922a). Lotka (1922a, p. 153) sees this
behavior. The bias happens because the permanent process of principle as a third law of thermodynamics. An eloquent example
ongoing growth is not represented. By that, we mean that the fact of the application of this approach is Contribution to the Energetics
that the economic system is constantly regenerated to reproduce of Evolution. In this work Lotka (1922b) demonstrates that the
itself in an extended scale is completely ignored when observed evolution of organic systems occurs in order to always increase the
only in terms of intensive variables. circulation of energy and matter through the system.
When an increase of energy efficiency is used to produce the No organism can exist without transforming energy into
same product quantity, it will diminish the consumption of species members. Therefore, for quantitative analytical purposes,
energy, like in a stationary economy. However, if these efficiency we can apply the reductionism of representing the organism as an
increases are systematically used to increase the production by energy capture device which transforms energy in species
increasing energy inflows it is not plausible to believe that members:
natural resources can be substituted in a literal sense. Actually,
the fact that the intensive substitution is not tied to extensive ‘‘It has been pointed out by Boltzmann that the fundamental
substitution reveals the biophysical materiality of the growing object of contention in the life-struggle, in the evolution of
demand. Moreover, it signals the high opportunity costs of not organic world, is available energy. In accord with this
increasing energy consumption. If technologies are recurrently observation is the principle that, in the struggle for existence,
designed to make more efficient use of a resource and yet its per the advantage must go to those organisms whose energy-
capita consumption continues to increase, there is a clear sign capturing devices are most efficient in directing available
that the opportunity cost of not increasing the resource use is energy into channels favorable to the preservation of the
very high. In fact, the evidence we have today allows us to species’’. (Lotka, 1922b, p. 147)
reverse the neoclassical interpretation of the relationship
between technology and natural resources: it is wrong to The variations in the ability to capture energy does not
conclude that technology innovations have made us less necessarily need to be generated by the organisms benefited from
dependent on nature. On the contrary, the right conclusion is them. Whenever such organisms arise the principle of natural
that technology innovations have made possible to increase the selection will operate to preserve them and consequently the
dependence on natural resources by making possible for the ability of the organic system to capture energy (Lotka, 1922b, p.
economic system to increase energy and material inflows, as 147). These propositions should not be taken as a deterministic
Brookes (1990) rightly realizes. It is amazing how the majority of law. Since the set of variations that cause the evolution is not
orthodox economists claiming the opposite have successfully limited, it cannot be guaranteed a priori that all changes will
convinced people. 1
Lotka (1922a, p. 151): ‘‘The two laws of thermodynamics are, of course,
To summarize, Brookes (1990) tacitly assumes the major
insufficient to determine the course of events in a physical system. They tell us
importance of biophysical materiality of what is produced to build certain things cannot happen, but they do not tell us what does happen’’. See also
his arguments in both scenarios. The fact that the most cogent (Lotka, 1922a, p. 152): ‘‘[. . .] Whether life is present or not, something more than the
argument to explain the Jevons effect be based on a central first and second laws of thermodynamics is required to predict the course of events.
supposition of ecological economics has some relevance. However, And, whether life is present or not, something definite does happen, the course of
events is determinate, though not in terms of the first and second laws alone’’.
more importantly, the supposition of the biophysical materiality of 2
See for instance Lotka (1921, 1922b). In these works the author investigates if
the demand is totally exogenous to the neoclassical framework the evolution of organic systems tends to maximize the inflows involving a specific
although explicit in ecological economics. physical quantity, energy.
6 N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9

increase the flow of energy through the system (Lotka, 1922b, p. accumulation of capital, it is reasonable to expect a priori that the
148). The most one can say a priori is that it is more likely that development of the economic system occurs increasing the
changes that favor the flow of energy and materials tend to be circulation of energy through economic system: any increase in
selected (Lotka, 1922b, pp. 148–149). Indeed, it is hard to accept socially available energy tends to be used to raise as much as possible
this probabilistic reasoning presented by Lotka (1922b) without the rate of capital reproduction, leading to higher energy
having in mind the restrictions imposed by the laws of consumption than what it would be observed in the absence of
Thermodynamics. The evolution relies on increases in the ability such increase. Therefore, starting from the Lotka’s approach we
to convert energy into species members, that is, it occurs in the come to the same conclusion given by the so-called Khazzoom–
contours determined by the energy productivity of the species. Not Brookes postulate.
all variations that increase the energy productivity involve Above we mention the principle of reproduction and accumu-
increases in energy flows. However, recall that the laws of lation of capital and not merely principle of reproduction of capital.
thermodynamics impose restrictions as to increases in productivi- This is not by chance. In its current form the use of markets as an
ty in a heat engine operating with limited heat inflows and ensure allocative system incorporates economic growth as an unques-
that productivity can be increased, for the same environmental tionable goal that guides and gives meaning to economic activities.
temperature, if it can operate with larger amounts of fuel. Clearly, Not mere reproduction, but reproduction with growth, is the goal
variations in energy productivity based in increasing energy of economic activities. In a society where the maximization of
inflows are subject to fewer restrictions than other types of capital was not seen as the ultimate goal of production, it is
variations in energy productivity. Therefore, the simultaneous possible to speculate that efficiencies could result in reduced
application of the laws of thermodynamics and the principle of consumption. But how to believe that this is possible in a society
natural selection ensures that changes that increase energy inflows that is organized around the principle that any increase in the
are a priori more likely. capacity of social production must be converted into increases of
Actually, Lotka (1922b) showed, from a completely different capital reproduction rate? By principle, the reproduction of the
point of view, similar conclusions to those presented by Jevons current economic system is always an extended reproduction.
(1865) and reaffirmed by Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000). Both The best way to represent the development of the current
believe that an increase in available energy always increase energy economic system is to refer explicitly to the principle of
consumption by a growing system. Both understand that to reproduction and accumulation of capital. Clearly, the material
increase conversion efficiency is to increase energy availability for properties used as production factors acquire economic meaning
this system. This is central for Jevons (1865) and Lotka (1922b). only when viewed in light of this principle. Conversely, the
Would this convergence be fortuitous? The possibility that this monetary dimension of capital cannot succeed without linking to
convergence says something about the specificity of the economic material properties such as those directly extracted from nature.
role of natural resources has not been influent between ecological Although Lotka (1922b) have not mentioned the importance of
economists discussing the Jevons effect. the principle of reproduction and accumulation of capital for the
It has already been said that is central in Lotka both the explanation of the evolution of the present economic systems, he
perception of the inadequacy of the laws of thermodynamics and clearly noted the importance of increasing the circulation of energy
the incorporation of the principle of natural selection as a physical and matter to obtain productivity gains. In this sense, it can be said
law. What the relevance of these considerations for the account of that he had a more materialistic vision of the process of
the Jevons effect? This can be shown by a reasoning similar to that technological innovation than that provided by economic ortho-
of Lotka (1922b). doxy, since he explicitly recognizes the role of biophysical
Certainly, the direction of the course of economic events in the materiality for the productivity gains that have been observed
current production system is governed by the principle of since the industrial revolution.3 The vision of Lotka (1922b)
reproduction and accumulation of capital. The economic system becomes quite plausible when one observes that the enormous
runs on a permanent unit between concrete used qualities and gains in productivity and efficiency, observed since the industrial
abstract quantities given by monetary values (capital). Although revolution, have been consistently linked to an ever-increasing
from the biophysical point of view the concrete qualities are a appropriation of ecosystem services (for the use of the concept of
priority, from the economic point of view the priority is for the ecosystem services see Burkhard et al., 2010 and also Spangenberg
capital: the unity of concrete qualities and capital is changed and and Settele, 2010). A neoclassical economist who carefully
modified repeatedly to increase as much as possible the rate of analyzed the role of increasing appropriation of natural resources
capital reproduction. All the effects arising from this process are to achieve productivity gains is Brookes (1990, 1992, 1993, 2000).
taken into account by the producer only to the extent that Brookes (2000) argues that the market for more efficient fuel is
interferes with the reproduction of its own capital. In short, larger than for less efficient fuel, or alternatively that for a resource
variations in production are selected based on the principle of to find itself in a world of more efficient use is to appreciate a
reproduction and accumulation of capital. reduction in its implicit price with obvious implications for the
The goods produced from this process are as susceptible to the demand. This is the neoclassical way of representing the fact that
laws of thermodynamics as the biological structures that were the any increase in the available energy supply has a tendency to
focus of Lotka (1922b). From the standpoint of the producer, the induce an increase in energy inflows through the economic system.
commodity is only a necessary mediator for capital reproduction. Rigorously speaking, the supposed ‘obvious’ implications for the
Therefore, we can reduce the commodity to an energy capture demand cannot be maintained without admitting the biophysics
device which transforms energy in capital. By the principle of materiality of this demand, although the neoclassical apparatus
reproduction and accumulation of capital innovations that does not contain the elements for such an assumption.
increases socially available energy tend to be selected. This
increase may occur either because the social capacity to make use 3
See for instance (Lotka, 1921, pp. 171–172): ‘‘The influence of man upon world’s
of a given amount of energy resources increased (efficiency gains), events seems to have been largely to accelerate the circulation of matter and energy
and because new energy sources become viable. The two through such cycles, either by ‘‘enlarging the wheel’’, i.e., increasing the mass taking
part in certain cycles, or else by causing it to ‘‘spin faster’’, i.e., increasing the
possibilities are not mutually exclusive in any way. velocity of the circulation, decreasing the time required for a given mass to
Since the production of goods is subject to the laws complete the cycle. In either case he has increased the energy turn-over per unit of
of thermodynamics and the principle of reproduction and time’’.
N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9 7

When Lotka (1922b) reduces the organism to an energy Table 1

Evolution of energy use (1949–2004).
converter in elements of the same species he provides a starting
point to the systematic recognition of the biophysics materiality. Energy consumption five-year intervals, 1949–2004
This starting point supports itself in the observation that the Year Energy consumption Energy consumption
organism’s reproduction presumes the reproduction of the per person per real dollar of GDP
objective conditions for the organism’s reproduction. Lotka (in million Btu) (in thousand Btu per
(1922b) realized that the organism’s body is part of the objective chained dollar taking
2000 as the reference year)
conditions to be reproduced to guarantee the reproduction of the
organisms’ ethology. From the biophysics point of view both 1949 214 19.57
1954 225 17.74
organisms as commodities are ‘produced’, meaning that Lotka’s
1959 244 17.80
(1922b) perspective can be used to make an economic ecological 1964 270 17.28
interpretation of economic growth. In the next section we develop 1969 324 17.43
implications of this approach for a positive analysis of the Jevons 1974 346 17.13
effect. 1979 359 15.64
1984 325 13.20
1989 344 12.17
4. Implications for the observation of the Jevons effect 1994 339 11.39
1999 347 10.22
The positive analysis of the effect Jevons has been marked by 2004 343 9.40
the idea that energy intensity indicators, a measure of intensive Source: Downloaded from Energy Information Administration (EIA) site: http://
substitution, would be enough to determine the relevance of this

phenomenon (see for instance Schipper and Grubb (2000) in which

an applied methodology to build energy intensity indicators is covering the 1850–1955 period also show this tendency to always
used to defend the irrelevance of the Jevons effect). Instead of increase. Interestingly, the energy intensity grows in U.S.A. in the
observing the relationship between indicators of intensive 1880–1920 period, but it persistently decreases in the 1920–1955
substitution and total consumption of resources, the methodology period. This body of evidence ensures that economic efficiency in
has tacitly assumed unproven relations between intensive and the use of energy resources has increased consistently since 1920
extensive substitution to restrict the analysis to indicators of at least. Nevertheless, the per capita energy consumption has
intensive substitution. Nevertheless, only in a steady state always a tendency to increase, even when we extend the analysis
economy indicators of intensive substitution would be enough to 1850. Why the persistent trend of increasing energy efficiency
to support directly conclusions relative to extensive variables, for does not lead at any time the economic system to display a
the simple reason that in this case the extensive variables remain downward trend in per capita energy consumption?
constant. Without specifying the relationship between extensive Actually, the difficulty of substituting extensively natural
and intensive substitution, there is no way to use energy intensity resources even in the midst of pronounced efficiency gains can
indicators to conclude that intensive substitution contributes to be taken as strong evidence of the existence of the Jevons. Such
the extensive substitution of energy resources. evidence may even be viewed as placing the burden of proof on the
An increase in energy intensity does not necessarily indicate a shoulders of those who deny the existence of this phenomenon: if
decline in economic efficiency of energy resources utilization. This the effect Jevons does not exist, why is it so difficult to reduce per
increase indicates only that the increase in demand for energy is capita energy inflows even in a long trajectory of pronounced gains
greater than the increase in efficiency. However, a decline in in efficiency?
energy intensity truly indicates an increase in economic efficiency. It is important to emphasize that the crucial evidence regarding
The causes for a possible drop in energy intensity can vary greatly, the effect Jevons are increasing per capita energy associated with
ranging from incremental improvements in pre-existing processes the process of economic growth. Indicators of intensive substitu-
to structural changes. A possible structural change is the transition tion are relevant only as evidence that this trend cannot be
from an economy based on energy-intensive industries to less attributed to a decrease in the efficiency of the economic system.
intensive ones, with energy-intensive industries being transferred We cannot say that in the period 1880–1920, in which the energy
to other regions or countries. Although the relevance of all these intensity increased, there was efficiency loss. Indeed, further
relations, bearing in mind some care it is possible to use energy studies are needed to explain why there was a persistent upward
intensity indicators as part of the relevant evidences to character- trend in energy intensity followed by a persistent tendency to fall.
ize the socio-economic appropriation of nature. The development patterns, shown above, have not received
In a growing economy is essential the simultaneous observation enough attention because of the prevalence of monetary pre-
of intensive and extensive substitution. Furthermore, the observa- analytical views on the description and explanation of economic
tion of the indicators of intensive substitution should aim solely to processes.4 As argued persuasively by Giampietro et al. (2006), the
establish whether any increase in energy and material inflows are construction of quantitative analysis is always linked to the
due to an efficiency loss by the economic system. The importance purposes of those who use them, which has a decisive influence on
of observing these patterns can be made clearer through an the perspective of observation adopted by analysts. It is possible
example (Table 1). that the excessive focus on monetary material dimension is
It is clear that in the 1949–2004 period it increases considerably blinding analysts and decision makers for important patterns
the economic efficiency in the energy resources utilization, given involving non-monetary material dimensions, such as those
the observed decrease in energy intensity. But why, despite this relating to energy and materials inflows. Actually, it is reasonable
huge increase in intensive substitution, there is no evidence of to say that evidence patterns supporting the thesis that the Jevons
extensive substitution? Instead, the trend in the intensive effect is real and relevant are present at least since the industrial
substitution was recurrently accompanied by what we here call revolution. It should not be seen as a fortuitous event that the
extensive complementation, as shown by the increasing trend in
per capita energy consumption. 4
But obviously alternatives to the monetary pre-analytic view are not
If we go back further in time, these patterns persist. Per capita completely absent, see for instance Stahel (2006) and Spangenberg and Settele
energy consumption data from Schurr and Netschert (1960) (2010).
8 N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9

expanded reproduction of the economic system has always been neoclassical economists that the Jevons effect, for different
supported by increasing per capita energy inflows. This occurs reasons, it is critical for both and that the increasing circulation
even today with highly capitalized economies and in a political of matter and energy through the economic system is important
reality probably more concerned with environmental issues than evidence to assess the ability of these two paradigms to describe
at other times. We did a statistical test to determine whether there this phenomenon. In fact, if we use the term contradiction in the
is any trend of decreasing per capita inflows involving the ten sense proposed by Ravetz (2006), that is, as something that cannot
largest OECD economies (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, be resolved within the terms of reference used by the analysts to
Korea, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, United States).5 The describe and perceive the system, then the Jevons effect should be
hypothesis that there is a downward trend for energy inflows recognized as a neglected and persistent contradiction.
can only be accepted for Germany. Yet the result of Germany While the effect Jevons is an anomaly in the neoclassical
should be viewed with caution. First, it is important to note that the perspective, their absence is a strong incongruity to the ecological
data were used ignoring the impact of reunification, in 1990. In economics. The observation of a long-run economic growth
addition, there are intrinsic limitations to the test performed: the without increasing energy inflows would be a proof that the
test measures only applied to direct energy consumption, not economic role of natural resources can be accomplished by others
taking into account the energy consumed indirectly through resources categories. Indeed, it is doubtful that ecological
embodied energy in goods and services imported from other economics can consolidate itself without providing a satisfactory
countries. For an analysis of the importance of this last point in the explanation for the Jevons effect. If the economic system can grow
Brazilian case see Schaeffer and Sá (1996). without increasing the flow of primary inputs, neoclassical
An economic-ecological interpretation of economic facts must economists would be right when betting on substitution technol-
position themselves about the observable trends involving energy ogies. As already said, the term ‘‘substitution’’ is usually used
and material inflows through the economic system. Just as the laws loosely, yet this does not prove that there can be no real
of thermodynamics are insufficient in Lotka (1922a,b) are also in substitution technologies, that is, extensive substitution of natural
the context of the Jevons effect. It is essential to recognize that the resources.
course of events involving the flow of energy and matter is directed In a sense, the relative position between neoclassical and
by the principle of reproduction and accumulation of capital. This ecological economists is analogous to that between kinematics and
principle should not be confused with the mere existence of money thermodynamics in physics. We cannot restrict ourselves to
and markets. The principle of reproduction and accumulation of kinematics if we want to explain why heat always flows from hot
capital requires that activities that increase the capital reproduc- to cold body, as the reverse process is also possible and equally
tion rate have priority over all other, what is much more than the likely from kinematics standpoint. With thermodynamics the
mere existence of money and markets. conception that there is a preferred direction in the occurrence of
Without assuming that the increasing energy inflows observed physical events is incorporated systematically in science. Geor-
since the industrial revolution is a direct consequence of the tie gescu-Roegen (1971, p. 196) sees clearly the significance of this to
between biophysical and economical materialities, the standards scientific theories:
of per capita consumption of energy and economic growth
observed since then are unexplainable. ‘‘If science were to discard a proposition that follows logically
If we start from the neoclassical perspective, which assumes that from its theoretical foundation, merely because its factual
the material nature of the factors used in production is irrelevant to realization has never been observed, most of modern technol-
explain the economic facts, these patterns are a real anomaly. Since ogy would not exist. Impossibility, rightly, is not the password
the nature of the employed material factors is irrelevant, increasing in science. Consequently, if one cornerstone of science is the
and decreasing inflows are equally likely. Why then this persistent dogma that all phenomena are governed by mechanical laws,
trend of the economic system to reproduce based on increasing science has to admit that life reversal is feasible. [. . .]Classical
energy inflows? If the economic system has the flexibility assumed thermodynamics, by offering evidence- valid according to the
by neoclassical economists, why even today, about 250 years after code of scientific court procedure – that even in the physical
the industrial revolution, there is strong evidence that economic domain there are irreversible processes, reconciled science’s
production cannot dematerialize itself? Why increasing circulation stand with generally shared common sense [. . .]’’
of goods based on declining rates in the circulation of energy and
matter are not observed? What is not forbidden is allowed. If the basic suppositions used
We have to choose between submitting the hypothesis by a science does not forbid an event, this event can happen. So
constructed from Lotka (1922b) to testing or close our eyes to why does not reversibility happen? In other words, irreversibility
what the evidences tell us. It is likely that the difficulty to is an anomaly if Physics is reduced to Classical Mechanics.
understand the meaning of these patterns is due to the absence of a In the neoclassical perspective no hypothesis about the nature of
production theory alternative to the neoclassical one. Feyerabend the factors used in production is assumed. The concrete qualities
(1965) argues that without an alternative theory facts that refute used to gain economic growth are not relevant in explaining the
the accepted theory are no longer perceived by the community, observed economic facts. Prices and markets should be articulated to
becoming hidden facts6. It seems unclear to ecological and any available evidences to explain these facts. To describe the Jevons
effect, the neoclassical economists must reconcile their representa-
tion about the role of prices and markets to the historical knowledge
The data used in the test were obtained from the on line OECD database. We of technological patterns used to get productivity gains. It is
used the Cox and Stuart test for trend. This technique was used to test the
important to note that important aspects of these patterns are
hypothesis that there is a downward trend of per capita energy consumption
adopting a significance level of 5%. A detailed description of this technique, which is exogenous to the neoclassical framework. Actually, the adoption of
a particular type of hypothesis testing, can be found in Conover (1980, pp. 132– exogenous factors in an explanation is not necessarily a defect, but
139). there is more than that here. It is worth noting again that if the
Feyerabend (1965, p. 177): ‘‘Now if it is true, as was argued in the last section, production does not depend on the material nature of the production
that many facts become available only with the help of alternatives, then the refusal
to consider them will result in the elimination of potentially refuting facts. More
factors increasing flows involving a specific material property are as
specifically, it will eliminate facts whose discovery would show the complete and likely as decreasing flows. This makes disturbing the long-observed
irreparable inadequacy of the theory’’. Italics in the original. correlation between economic growth and increasing inflows of
N.B. Amado, I.L. Sauer / Ecological Complexity 9 (2012) 2–9 9

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We would like to thank Blake Alcott for the many discussions that Prospects. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore.
one of the authors had with him. Without such discussions, this Spangenberg, J.H., Settele, J., 2010. Precisely incorrect? Monetising the value of
ecosystem services. Ecological Complexity 7, 327–337.
article would not be possible. We are responsible for any errors or Stahel, A.W., 2006. Complexity, oikonomı́a and political economy. Ecological Com-
limitations still present. This work is part of a research program plexity 3, 369–381.

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