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English 10

3rd Periodical Examination

Name: __________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________ Date: ______________________

General Instruction: Read and understand each item carefully. Select the BEST answer and encircle the letter
of your choice. Please AVOID erasures.

English French Words

1. Clothing found on the runway
A. décolletage B. haute couture C. fleur-de-lis D. art nouveau
2. The best way to have apple pie
A. haute cuisine B. bon appétit C. à la mode D. faux
3. The abbreviation of this term is found on wedding invitations.
A. c'est la vie B. pièce de résistance C. fait accompli D. répondez s'il vous plaît
4. One place you might see this French word in English-speaking countries is on a restaurant menu. Which word?
A. Panache B. Entree C. Malaise D. Concierge
5. If you travel to a foreign country to look after a family's children, which French-derived term could represent your
A. Charlatan B. Au pair C. Gendarme D. Sommelier
6. Which French term was adopted into the English language to describe a political and/or economic style?
A. Fleur-de-lis B. Nom de plume C. Contre-jour D. Laissez-faire
7. Which of these words is used in both French and English to describe a group in society?
A. Cachet B. Escritoire C. Vinaigrette D. Bourgeoisie
8. Which French word was adopted into English to describe a blended series of images or scenes?
A. Impasse B. Crèche C. Montage D. Dressage
9. Which French term is used in English for the time of celebration before Lent?
A. Haute couture B. Élan vital C. Bon voyage D. Mardi gras
10. It is the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work or the resolution of a story.
A. setting B. climax C. denouement D. exposition

Modal Auxiliary Verbs: FUNCTIONS

11. He could swim by the time he was four.
A. ability B. suggestion C. request D. permission
12. Would you like some more tea?
A. invitation B. offer C. request D. suggestion
13. These figures look odd - there may be a mistake.
A. ability B. possibility (certainty) C. permission D. suggestion
14. Would you like to go for a coffee?
A. invitation B. request C. permission D. request
15. I will cook tonight - it's my turn.
A. invitation B. offer C. request D. suggestion

Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Complete the sentence.

16. She _______________ to lunch - she usually goes at this time.
A. must go B. should go C. should have gone D. must have gone
17. If we'd had more time we ____________ have finished it.
A. could B. could have C. must have D. would have
18. It was her birthday yesterday. We _______________ got her a card. I feel awful.
A. had to B. must have C. should D. should have
19. She ___________ be here in a minute - she only went out to get a newspaper.
A. must B. should C. could D. might
20. I _______________ replied earlier but I was out all day yesterday.
A. had to B. would have C. could have D. must have

Cause and Effect

21. Identify the clue word/words that indicate a CAUSE/EFFECT relationship: Dad cooked hamburgers and hot dogs in
order to have enough for the picnic.
A. Dad cooked hamburgers and hot dogs C. in order
B. to have plenty for the picnic D. Not here
22. Select the EFFECT for the following CAUSE: A stranger came to the door
A. the dog started barking loudly C. dark night
B. because D. Not here
23. Identify the clue word or words that indicate a CAUSE//EFFECT relationship. Shirley ran out of gas because she forgot
to fill up with gas today.
A. because C. she forgot to fill up with gas in her car today
B. Shirley ran out of gas D. Not here
24. Identify the EFFECT in the following sentence: Maria cut her foot when she ran outside without wearing shoes.
A. when C. ran outside without wearing shoes
B. Maria cut her foot D. Not here
25. Select the EFFECT for the following CAUSE: messy room
A. As a result of B. Donna was punished C. Yesterday D. Not here

Don Quixote
26. In the story, the author said Señor Quexada's mind snapped. What does the word snapped means?
A. became more complicated C. changed slowly
B. stopped working properly D. accepted defeat
27. What was Sancho's strongest reason for agreeing to accompany Don Quixote?
A. to become a king C. to be given an island
B. to leave his neighbourhood D. he needed a vacation
28. According to Don Quixote, what had his enemy done?
A. bewitched him so he'd attack a windmill C. changed the giants into windmills
B. used magic to avoid his sword D. paved his road with misfortune
29. Which of the following was the most important difference between Don Quixote and Sancho?
A. Don carried a weapon, Sancho did not C. Sancho was short, Don was tall
B. Don never complained, Sancho did D. Sancho lived in reality, Don did not
30. Which of the following was important to both Don Quixote and Sancho?
A. fighting in honor of a woman C. keeping well fed
B. conquering territory D. defeating villains
31. What was the name of Don Quixote's horse?
A. Rocinante B. Roxanne C. Rapunzel D. Buttercup
32. In addition to entertaining readers, the author wrote this story to...
A. persuade readers not to read books C. warn readers about loving old tales too much
B. inform readers about knights D. express feelings about loyalty
33. Which of the following is the best clue that this story happened in the past?
A. There are stories about knights and castles C. Don invited a neighbor to travel with him
B. Don finds a suit of armor in his attic D. Don gave his horse a new name
34. Which of these events was most important to the plot?
A. Senor Quexada decided to become a knigh C. Don gave Aldonza a new name
B. Sancho and Don fall from the windmill D. Sancho told Don that the giants were windmills
35. Quixote decided to love Aldonza Lorenzo. What did he change her name to?
A. Rocinante of Madrid C. Aldonza of La Mancha
B. Dulcinea of Toboso D. Calileo of Tobso

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