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Diabetes Mellitus

After the discussion, the patient shall be able to:

1. Identify the signs and symptoms of DM.

2. Describe the diabetic medications that they are on and how to properly take the medication.
3. Perform self-monitoring of blood glucose using a blood glucose meter as evidenced by
demonstration of the technique to the nurse or nurse practitioner.
4. Describe the benefits of regular exercise and how regular exercise can improve blood glucose
5. Verbalize the importance of adherence to proper diet and management.


 The family would be able to describe hypertension and how it affects

a person’s health
 The family would be able to give emphasize in proper management of
 To determine the signs and symptoms of hypertension
 The family would be able to identify the importance of good diet and
healthy lifestyle
 To appreciate the importance of health awareness to avoid

After the discussion, the patient shall be able to:

1. Understand the importance of compliance to management and treatment of varicella (chicken

2. Perform proper skin care and understand the prevention of complications of chicken pox such as
pneumonia, encephalitis and sepsis.
3. Understand the importance of putting him in isolation so that the spread of infection may be
4. Verbalize the importance of adherence to proper healthy diet to facilitate proper healing of skin

After the discussion, the patient shall be able to:

1. Verbalize the proper ways and management of preventing asthma attack.

2. Identify the different types allergens than can cause asthma attack.

3. Understand the proper usage of puff inhaler (e.g Seretide).

4. Understand the importance of compliance to medication prescribed by physician.

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