Let's Build A House!: This Rubric Must Be Handed in With Your Final Project!!! Don't Lose It!!!

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Let’s Build a House!

For this assignment, you are your group will take on the job of architects in designing the blueprints of a house.
You house must include all of the criteria listed below, as well as show all of the measurements for each room.
You have an unlimited budget, but you need to be realistic with the design and use of space. Scale will also be
accounted for within your blueprint.

Construct the blueprints for a house that includes the following:
 Shapes: Include at least one of each shape: Square, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Triangle and
 Scale: Create a realistic scale for your blueprint that would reflect the actual size of the house in real
 Measurements: Include the area measurements for all shapes, including the total area of your house.
Remember that not every room is a singular shape, so be creative and create alcoves, oddly-shapes and
unique rooms in your house.
 Justification of Design: You will not just be randomly creating a house, but you need to justify the
choices you have made, include the room sizes, style of home and use of shapes. You will also need to
include the appropriate rooms within your house. A home is not a home without a kitchen!
 Design Process: You will be given a piece of scrap paper to sketch out your ideas on. You will then be
given a sheet of graphing paper to begin your blueprints. Remember to start with your scale (must be
realistic!) and to talk through your ideas with your group.
 Group Participating: You may chunk up your work, by assigning rooms to group members, however,
you will need to all be on the same page to ensure that your designs match up in the end.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Shapes Blueprint includes more Blueprint includes the Blueprint includes most of Blueprint includes less than
than the required number of required number of shapes, the required number of the required number of
shapes, as well as a variety as well as some complex shapes and few complex shapes, as well as no
of complex, composite shapes. shapes. complex shapes.
Scale The chosen scale The chosen scale The chosen scale The chosen scale
demonstrates a high level of demonstrates sufficient demonstrates some demonstrates limited
proportional understanding proportional understanding proportional understanding proportional understanding
and is appropriate for and is appropriate for and is somewhat appropriate and is not appropriate for
creating a house. creating a house. for creating a house. creating a house.
Measurements All of the measurements are Most of the measurements Some of the measurements Few of the measurements
calculated correctly are calculated correctly are calculated correctly are calculated correctly
according to the chosen according to the chosen according to the chosen according to the chosen
scale. scale scale. scale
Justification of Design choices are justified Design choices are justified Design choices are justified Design choices are justified
Design with a high degree of with sufficient knowledge of with some knowledge of with limited knowledge of
knowledge of forces and forces and structural factors. forces and structural factors. forces and structural factors.
structural factors.
Design Process Group follows the design Group follows the design Group follows the design Group follows the design
process by creating multiple process by creating drafts, process by creating some process by creating few
drafts, talking through their talking through their ideas drafts, talking through their drafts, somewhat talking
ideas and experiencing trial and experiencing trial and ideas and experiencing trial through their ideas and
and error with a high degree error and error with some experiencing trial and error
of success effectiveness with limited effectiveness
Group Group members fully Group members participate Group members somewhat Group members rarely
Participation participate within the within the project, sharing participate within the participate within the
project, sharing ideas and ideas and working together project, sharing some ideas project, sharing few ideas
working collaboratively to to meet with success and working somewhat and working independently
meet with success together to meet with of one another
This rubric must be handed in with your final project!!! Don’t lose it!!!

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