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Biography Book Report

Name: _________________ #_________________ Due Friday, March 2nd, 2018

1. Read the Biography
a. Choose biography on a person you are interested in learning more about.
b. Sign up by January 19th, 2018.
2. Create a cover page for your report
a. Include the complete title of the biography and the author’s name.
b. Include your name, number, and the due date of the report.
c. Include a picture, that you hand drew, representative of something interesting
that you found out about the person in the biography.
3. Sketch page
a. List the name of the person that the biography is about.
b. List the birth date and death date (if it applies).
c. Record the place where he or she was born and grew up.
d. List any facts about the family of the person that you feel are important.
4. Essay
a. Write 5-8 paragraphs on the following essential question: How does this person
persevere to overcome the challenges they faced?
5. Book Review page
a. Write a 2-4 paragraph review of the biography. Describe your opinions in detail.
Use evidence from the biography to support your opinions.
6. Artifact
a. Make one artifact from the person’s life.
7. Create an award that your character will receive during the Awards Banquet.
a. It must relate to something they accomplished in their life.
8. Oral Report (Awards Banquet)
a. On Friday, March 2nd, 2018 dress as the person in the biography. Be prepared,
with a 1 minute speech, to give the award to your character.
i. Include reasons why they received the award.
ii. Make sure it connects to an accomplishment that person had.

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