SAP SRM 7 0 Technical Architecture

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In the good old days when we worked with SRM4, it was all about simple FMs and module

programming. But now in SRM7 it’s all about classes, webdynpro and FPM. It is not that I am
complaining (I do like the architecture), but it is just that when you get into a problem, it is difficult to
find your way out.

In this blog, I am going to share what I have understood about creation of business documents (I am
going to talk about shopping cart specifically here) after working in few projects on SRM7. Please do
keep in your mind that I am not an expert on this and if you find something wrong in what I have
mentioned here, feel free to comment. I will be more than happy to receive constructive comments
from readers.

Every business document creation logic in SRM7 works with below mentioned classes on a high level. I
am taking example of shopping cart here to explain the process.


This class is an abstract class containing static methods where the instances of BO class are
manufactured (I think that is why it has FACTORY in its name) and retrieved from the buffer if available.

Business Object class (BO) - /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV – This class contains methods that are
responsible for all the actions that we take on BO. The constructor of this class contains code to
instantiate the PDO buffer class and relevant DO classes.

BO class Inheritance tree




Dependent Object classes (DO) – These classes cater to certain sub-sections of business object

Examples of Do classes

Account assignment data - /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_DO_ACCT_ASSGMNT



DO class Inheritance tree (Attachment DO)


(Abstract class)

PDO buffer class - /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_UPDATE_BUFF_SC – This class manages buffer. Adding, updating
and deleting data from buffer.

PDO buffer class inheritance tree


(Abstract class)

Meta data classes – For every DO class there is a corresponding Meta class which has methods to
determine the properties of the fields related to that particular DO (field properties like visible, enable
and required). In SPRO under “Configure field control” and “Control actions” we configure the
fields/action visibility etc. We also define customer metadata class and methods to control the
field/action properties based on custom logic. These classes are dynamically called inside the metadata
class methods.

Examples of metadata classes:


Meta data class inheritance tree


(Abstract class)

Here Business object can be shopping cart, purchase order, confirmation etc. Dependent object can be
considered as different tabs available in SC like attachment, longtext, partner data etc.

When we click on “Shop” link on the home screen

Control goes to the class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_FACTORY_SC_ADV method CREATE_NEW_INSTANCE

What happens here?

This method returns an instance of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV (This is the BO class for SC) also
adds the instance to the buffer. Do not get scared by hearing the word BUFFER (I used to). This is
nothing but a static attribute of the class (precisely MT_INSTANCE_BUFFER attribute). By adding
instance to buffer, we can access it anywhere we want.

More details:-

CREATE_NEW_INSTANCE internally calls GET_DEFAULT_DATA to get the default data for SC based on
user who logged in. Next it calls method CREATE_SC_INT by passing only the header data, as there is no
item data available yet. Here BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI gets called for the first time. This method
internally calls FM BBP_PROCDOC_CREATE, inside of which there is a call to BBP_DOC_CHECK_BADI
(Keep in mind all these classes are wrappers of either PROCDOC FMs or some other basic FMs). Next call
is made to method GET_INSTANCE where the actual creation of instance of class
/SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV happens and instance is stored in buffer.

When instance of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV is created using CREATE OBJECT statement,

constructor of this class get called. Inside the constructor, instances of the PDO buffer class and all the
DO objects are created.

Adding item from catalog

When you try to add items from catalog, after check out from catalog, control goes to method
of /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV). Here there is a call to FM BBP_WS_IMPORT_SC_DATA in which the
call to BADI BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER happens. After that the code mainly fills in required details in
item, if not filled in BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER BADI like company code, plane, delivery data, delivery
address, partner details, account assignment details etc. ( values are extracted from “Personal default
settings” setting). Finally all the data is updated to buffer using method

The item details are now added to the SC by calling method /SAPSRM/IF_PDO_BASE~SUBMIT_UPDATE
of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV. Inside this there is call to the same method of super class
(/SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC), inside this there is a call to the same method of super class
/SAPSRM/CL_PDO_UPDATE_BUFF_SC. Inside this method, method PREPARE_PD_UPDATE of same class.
BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI gets called inside this method. After that BBP_PROCDOC_UPDATE gets called
(BBP_DOC_CHECK_BADI gets called here again). Finally buffers are cleared (Accounting data, partner
data, orgdata and pricing data etc.)

The method /SAPSRM/IF_PDO_BO_SC~ADD_LIMIT_ITEM of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC gets called

when adding limit item to the shopping cart.

The “Order” action on shopping cart calls method /SAPSRM/IF_PDO_BO_SC~ORDER of class

/SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SC_ADV. This method calls another method of same class called
Finally BBP_PROCDOC_SAVE is called and we have our shopping cart in ordered status.

I have mostly covered here the BO and DO parts of CLL layer. Please read through this thread by REBI SRM, which has more details on PDO and CLL layer
architecture in SRM. This thread is the motication for me to write this blog in first place. If I get time I
will write about Mapper classes in another blog.

I know there is lot of information in the blog with so many classes and methods. I would suggest reader
to open the SAP GUI and refer the classes and methods I have mentioned while reading this blog. I hope
I have added some valuable information to the vast knowledge base of SCN.

Keep sharing Have a nice day 

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