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Simple Granola

Average time consumption: 20-30 minutes

Oven temperature: 175 degrees (Celcius)


 10-12 dl Oats
 1 dl Sunflower oil (or similar cooking oil)
 1 dl Water
 1 tbsp. Vanilla (vanilla sugar)
 1 dl Honey (or syrup)
 ½ tbsp. Salt

How to:

Start by mixing everything together in a pot/pan on the stove, except for the oats.

Turn on the stove to let the honey melt and become fluid while stirring.
This shall by no means come to a cooking point, but merely heat the honey up to make it blend
easier with the oil and water.

Once melted, it’s time to add the oats into the pot/pan.
The amount of oats needed is arbritary, but try to not get to much oats as the mixture needs to make
the oats damp or at least to make them ”not-dry”.

Now you should stir the mixture to make sure that:

1) There is no (large) lumps of oat in there, although smaller lumps is acceptable.

2) The mixture is on all (most) of the oats.

The next thing is to put the granola-mixture (the oats) on a baking tray and try to even it out as much
as possible.

After that you sipmly put it in you oven (not too far down) by 175 degrees.
You DO have to open the oven every 10 minutes or so to shuffle around the oats, in order to get a
even roast of the oats.

Keep the mixture in the oven until you are satisfied with the roasting, and then take it out.

After the roasting you might want to add additional ingredients to your granola, such as:
raisins, nuts or coconut, etc…

Let the granola cool and put it in your favourite container  ENJOY!

//Adam E

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