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No Details Load W Qty Total Load ( Watts ) Hrs of Operation

1 18 W CFL Light Fittings 18 16 288 13
Single phase 230 Volts
pump for pumping
2 petrol / Diesel to 746 2 1492 8
individual vehicle

Sr.No Details Load W Qty Total Load ( Watts ) Hrs of Operation

1 18 W CFL Light Fittings 18 16 288 13
Single phase 230 Volts
pump for pumping
2 petrol / Diesel to 746 2 1492 8
individual vehicle

3 4836

Total wh 15680
Solar Irradiation@Hybd 5.18
Solar Panels capacity Required 4001.2
Panel Wattage selected 250
Number of Panels Required 16.00
PV Array Sizing & Characteristics
PV Module Si-Poly crystaline
Number of PV Modules: Inseries 4
Total No of PV Modules: 16
Array Power 4000
Operating Characteristics Vmpp 126
VOC 148
Inverter Sizing
Load 4836 W

Total no of units 1 no 5 KW
Battery Sizing

days of autonomy = 1 270

Charge Controller Sizing

Solar charge controller rating = Total short circuit current of PV array x 1.3

Final Design Qty Wattage / Panel Total Wattage

Solar Panels 16 250 4000
Inverter 1 5000 5000
Battery 1 280 AH 96 Volts 1 Day autonomy
Energy WH


Energy WH Loss Efficiency

3744 AC Cable Loss 0.01 0.99

11936 Inverter 0.11 0.89

15680 Charge Controller Loss 0.05 0.95

Mismatch 0.01 0.99
Wh Diodes & Connection 0.005 0.995
DC Wiring 0.02 0.98
Soiling 0.02 0.98
W System Availability 0.01 0.99
Temp. increase loss 0.035 0.965
Total Loss 0.756522
In parallel 4
Unit Nominal Power 250

Impp 32
Isc 35
Inverter Efficiency 0.89
AH Battery loss 0.85
Depth of Discharge 0.8
Battery Voltage 96
Sr. No Description
1 Solar Modules ( Wattage )
2 5 Kw Inverter
3 Battery Bank- 96 V, 280 AH
4 Module Structure, FOUR / STRUCTURE
5 Junction Box
6 Cable for paralleling of modules in JB
7 Cable for JB to Inverter
8 Battery Bank to Charge Controller
9 AC Cable, Capacity 25 Amps, 3 Core
10 Accessories Lugs, PVC Pipe, Nut, Bolt, Washers etc
11 Erection & Commissioning
12 Equipment earthing 2.5 / 1.5 / 0.5 GI/Al/Cu Wire
13 Body earthing 6 / 4 / 2.5 GI/Al/Cu Wire
14 Lightning Arrestor
15 Fencing
16 Earth Pit/s
17 Lightning protection of electronic components of Panels
Packing & Forwarding
Taxes & Duties
Qty Cost UOM
4000 W
1 No
1 No
4 No
4 No

Structure, Panels & Inverter

to install in the JB
Design a Grid Tied Solar PV System of 100 KWP

100 KWP

Take 60 cell 250 W Panels

No of Panels =

Based on Emerson inverter data sheet, no of panels that can be put in series=

No of panels that can be in parellel

Actual Solar PV Capacity

Take 60 cell 245 W Panels

No of Panels =

Based on Emerson inverter data sheet, no of panels that can be put in series

Based on above only 12 numbers can be put in series

No of panels that can be in parallel

Actual Solar PV Capacity

Hence 245 Watts panel, 12 numbers in series as one array and such 34 arrays in parallel

Each array current capacity

34 Arrays total current capacity

Emerson Total current capacity as per data sheet

Hence design is right

Expected Units generation ( KWH ) AC Units in Hederabad / Day

AC Cable Loss
Charge Controller Loss
Diodes & Connection
DC Wiring
System Availability
Temp. increase loss
Total Loss
100 KWP

100000 WP

250 WP

400 Numbers

12 Numbers Voc Case Vmpp case

12.22222 12

33 Numbers 264

99000 WP

245 WP

408 Numbers

12 Numbers Voc Case Vmpp case

12.22222 12
12 Numbers

34 34.01361

99960 WP

8 Amps DC

272 Amps DC

277.7778 Amps DC

433 KWH Units

Loss Efficiency
0.01 0.99
0.06 0.94
0 1
0.01 0.99
0.005 0.995
0.02 0.98
0.02 0.98
0.01 0.99
0.04 0.96

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