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A New Correlation for the Cementation

Factor in Low-Porosity Carbonates

A.M. Borai, SPE, Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Co.

Summary. The use of common correlations for the cementation factor, m, has led to discrepancies between log interpretation
and actual test results in several tight carbonate formations offshore Abu Dhabi. While logs indicate high water saturations, pro-
duction tests resulted in unexpected dry hydrocarbons.
The existing common correlations for carbonates yield constant m (Archie) or an increasing m with a decrease in porosity (Shell
formula). In the carbonates found offshore Abu Dhabi, m decreases with decreasing porosity. Based on core and log data from five
formations in 14 structures, a more representative correlation for m has been derived. This new correlation successfully eliminates
the discrepancies between log and test results. Examples confirming the validity of the new formula are included.

Recent interpretation of openhole logs offshore Abu Dhabi has in- This formula increases m values with a decrease in porosity.
dicated high water saturations across some zones. Hydrocarbon in- The following values of m were used in our log interpretation:
dications during drilling and correlation with nearby wells have (1) Archie's formula with m=2 for medium- to high-porosity for-
shown these zones to be hydrocarbon-bearing. Testing of these zones mations, and (2) the Shell formula for low-porosity formations of
produced dry hydrocarbons, thus casting doubts on log interpreta- less than 10%. '
tion results.
Because of the discrepancies between logs and test results, the Study of Cementation Factor Behavior
validity of the different parameters used in log interpretation waS Offshore Abu Dhabi
investigated. The results indicate that the main reason for these dis- The study was initiated when intervals showing high water-saturation
crepancies is the use of an improper cementation factor, m. values in log data processing were tested and produced virtually
This paper reviews logs and core measurements that led to a new dry hydrocarbons. The study covered the concession area offshore
m correlation and discusses examples where discrepancies between Abu Dhabi of about 3,860 sq miles [10,000 km 2 ] (Fig.!).
log and production test results have been reconciled. Both log and core data from the main carbonate reservoirs en-
countered offshore Abu Dhabi were used. These reservoirs lie within
General Cementation-Factor Relationships for a sedimentary succession of more than 17,090 ft [5182 m] (Fig.
Carbonate Formations 2). The lithology of these formations is mainly limestone; how-
In 1942, Archie' showed experimentally that the resistivity of a ever, dolomite and dolomitic limestones commonly occur. The
rock completely saturated with a conductive fluid, R o, is related reservoirs are essentially clean.
to the resistivitY of the conductive fluid, R w ' by
Log Data. Log data were obtained from the water-bearing forma-
Ro=FRR w , .......•...••..•........•.••.•...•.... (1) tions in 12 different fields (Table 1). Care was taken to use wells
where good hole conditions and completeness of logging suites al-
where F R is the formation resistivity factor. When Archie plotted lowed reliable estimation of porosities and resistivities. A cutoff
FR vs. rock porosity, C/>, for various clean formations, he found that on the gamma ray was used to retain the clean intervals only.
The formation resistivity factor, FR , was calculated as R/R w.
FR=c/>-m, (2) R t was calculated from induction and duallaterolQgs, while R w was
obtained from laboratory analysis of formation Water samples.
where m represents the slope of the linear trend of FR vs. c/> when Porosities were derived from a combination of density and neu·
plotted on logarithmic scales. Archie stated that m will vary ac- tron logs and use of a dual mineral model for a limestone/dolomite
cording to the degree of cementation of the rock. Therefore, m is matrix.
generally referred to as the "cementation factor." The data were presented as crossplots of the formation resistivity
Archie's relationship was later modified by Winsauer et at. 2 to factor, F R , vs. porosity, C/>, on logarithmic scales. Fig. 3a through
the general form 3d represents typical examples of FR-VS.-c/> crossplots obtained for
different types of lithologies.
FR=ac/>-m, (3) Fig. 3a through 3c demonstrates that the variation of FR with
porosity was consistent for all the carbonate formations within the
where the constant a 'was introduced to account for the presence concession area. The presence of scattered anhydrite nodules in
of solid conductors and/or clay in the formation. some carbonate formations in iimited areas was noted. These nod-
Successive work by other authors has confirmed these two rela- ules, however, did not alter the shape of the curve of F R vs. porosi-
tions for different rock types leading to different values of the con- ty, but raised the F R values above the average values noted with
stants a and m. However, the values generally used for carbonate clean carbonates (Fig. 3d).
rocks are a=1 and m=2. The findings from logs of limestone, dolomitic limestone, and
Another relationship recommended for use in evaluating low- dolomite formations were confirmed by core measurements.
porosity carbonates is the Shell formula 3,4

m=1.87+0,OI9/c/> (4) Core Measurements. Formation resistivity was laboratory-

. measured in 64 core plug samples 1 or 1 V2 in. [2.54 or 3.81 cm]
in diameter covering limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite
formations. The plugs were chosen from cores from six different
_Copyright 1987 Society of Petroleum Engineers fields (Table 1). The samples were leached in hot solvents and dried

SPE Formation Evaluation. December 1987 4Q'i


Field Khuff Araej Arab Thamama Mishrif
Belbazem L,G,E,' L,G,E L,G,E L
Bu Haseer L
Bu Jafir E E
Geem L L
Ghasha G
Hair Dalmah G G L,G L L
Havan L
Nasr L G L,G
Umm AI Dholou L L L L
Umm Lulu L,E
Umm Salsal L L L L
Umm Shalf L L,G L,G,E L L
Yaser L L L L
Zakum L,G L L,G,E L
Fig. 1-0ffshore Abu Dhabi. • L =log data. C = core measurements, and E = EPT,

mation resistivity factor was calculated at different overburden

1lI11. \[1111 I 'OI.UIOtI IITMOIOn pressures as the ratio between the electrical resistivities of the brine·
saturated samples and the saturant brine (F R =;Ro/R w)'
, The formation resistivity factor measured at the equivalent for·
~ mation overburden pressure for each of the 64 core samples was

....... IA(HUU/rII ~~T;·-h'

plotted vs. the formation porosity at the same pressure (Fig. 4).
This plot confirmed the trend of F R obtained from log data-at low

•• P...·OCDC "'''AIIII porosities, the slope m decreases with decreasing porosity.

•... IOCIHC 0' .......
New Correlation for Cementation Factor
"VI ' • ..4-+.'
The observed response of both log and core measurements in car·
...... 111
,",IOC'" .. AOM ........
bonate formations offshore Abu Dhabi led to the new relationship

• t..... "
m=;2.2-0.035/(¢+O.042). . (5)
U,."." 'to",

. HAllJl

Fig. 5 represents the Shell, Archie (m=;2), and new formulas

derived from the actual data. We can readily see the poor fit at low
~ IlllOOlr
:~ porosities between the cementation factor, m, derived from the ac-
. u_
" '-----
. . . . . . . lift tual data and from the Shell formula commonly used in low-porosity
" uu.... carbonates. While in the Shell formula m increases as the porosity
LOW'" i~" decreases, the actual data show an opposite behavior-Le., a
! ....... ,,
decrease of m toward the low porbsities .
This trend was further confirmed by the Electromagnetic Propa-
V... ,'"
AIt" gation Tool (EPT™).
"~ Ill''''
•• 1Ii.OOlf
..... EPT/R xo Approach
~ ~'.f· ~

Wllltlli lOU-lUi
lO_1Il The EPT can measure water saturation in the flushed zone, Sxo'
V""UI IUL""'''" independent of the cementation factor. The resistivity of the flushed


p.g!~" -

zone, 'R xo ' can be determined from the Microspherical Focused
Log (MicroSFeM ) measurements corrected for mudcake effect.
When Sxo obtained from the EPT is used in combination with Rxo
i V""." in Archie's relationship, it is possible to calculate m continuously.

lIi;!t- '"I,"HU" ~
When this approach was applied to different formations in five
separate fields (Table I), it confirmed the previously noted trend
of decreasing cementation factor with decreasing porosity. Fig. 6
Fig. 2-Stratlgraphic sequence offshore Abu 'Dhabi. compares the cementation factor trend obtained by the EPTIRxo
approach with that from the new m correlation curve.

Practical Applications
in a humidity·controlled oven. Porosity was calculated by helium The significance of the new formula is for low-porosity matrices
injection followed by evacuation and pressure saturation with a simu- where small changes in m have a large effect on the value of water
lated formation brine. The electrical resistivities of the brine- saturation. The new formula yields water saturation values in the
saturated samples and the saturant brine were measured on con- low-porosity range much lower than those of the Shell fonnula (Fig.
secutive days until the results stabilized. The samples were then 7). In our case, the use of the Shell formula or any other correla-
mounted in a hydraulic core holder, and their electrical resistivi- tion that tends to show high water saturation might lead to over·
ties were measured at different effective overburden pressures. looking potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones.
Reduction in PV with increasing overburden pressure was moni- The following examples compare the test results obtained from
tored by measuring the brine displaced from the samples. The for- different low·porosity formations in different wells with two suc-
496 SPE Forl11ation Fvaillat ion. [)cccl11hrr !lJR7

\ . .:,



;,.:.~: ';.
.. !,


Fig. 3-Examples of log measurements in different lithologies compared with the new m cor-
relation curve. .


,000 2,'


§'" U
zD I.-
'. D
:::" '.
~ "
10 I.' ,.; .

10 100
0 12 Ie 24

Fig. 4-Core measurements fitted with the new m correlation Fig. 5-Common correlations for m compared with the new
curve. correlation.

cessive log interpretations, The first uses the Shell formula and the with fair intergranular and vuggy porosity is present in the middle
second the new formula. In both examples, log interpretation across part of the sequence.
the tested intervals that used the Shell formula showed high water Initial log processing using the Shell formula (left side of Fig.
saturations, while reprocessing of the logs with the new formula 8) showed the porous interval to be water-bearing, with water satu-
for m significantly reduced the water saturation, Production tests ration values ranging from 50 to 100%. On the basis of a peak of
on the two wells produced virtually dry hydrocar.bons. .10% methane on the mud logging system and hydrocarbon indica-
tions from the cores, however, we decided to test this interval.
Umm Salsall Lower Araej Formation. The Umm Salsal struc- A production test across the marked interval produced 419 B/D
ture lies in the central part of the concession a,rea and is one of [66.6 m 3 /d] condensate and 7.741 MMscf/D [220 X 10 3 std m 3 /d]
three small neighboring, but separate, closures. gas with 0% basic sediment and water (BS&W). This result is in
The Lower Araej formation consists of a 367-ft [111.9-m] sec- agreement with the results of log reprocessing with the new m for-
tion of mudstone/packstone with rare recrystallized grainstone with mula (right side of Fig. 8), which show the water saturations in
negligible visible porosity. A wackestone/packstone and grainstone the range of 40 to 60 %.

SPE Formation Evaluation, December 1987 497



~ 00


IL- ~ _'_ ~ _ _ J ' _ __ _ ~

o 12 II 24 00 100
POROSITY, % s. (SHELL ), %

Fig. 6-Trend of cementation factor obtained with the Fig. 7-Effect of the Shel! formula and the new correlation
EPTIR xo approach. on the calculated water saturation.

Ghasha 8 Arab D Formation. The Ghasha is a large, irregular, veloped to cover the full range of porosities encountered offshore
double-domed structure in the southwestern part of the concession Abu Dhabi. .
area. The Arab D formation in Gasha 8 is 424 ft [192 m] thick Use of this new m relationship has significantly reduced com-
and consists of dolomite and limestone with poor to fair vuggy and puted water saturations in low-porosity carbonates and eliminated
intergranular porosity. the discrepancies between log and test results.
Processing with the Shell formula (left side of Fig. 9) showed
water-saturation values ranging from 60 to 100% across the porous
interval. However, on the basis of a correlation with a nearby well, Nomenclature
we decided to tc:;st this interval. a = empirical constant
A production test across the marked interval produced 16.28 FR = formation resistivity factor
MMscflD [461 X 10 3 std m 3 /d] gas and 1,925 BID [306 m 3 /d] oil m = cementation factor
(47.4°API [0.79 g/cm 3 ]) with 2% BS&W.
R( = true formation resistivity, {). m
Again, the test results agreed well with the log results obtained
from the new cementation factor formula (right side of Fig. 9), Rw = resistivity of electrolyte solution (formation water),
which show water saturations in the range of 50 to 70%.
R xo = resistivity of flushed zone, {). m
Conclusions R o = resistivity of rock 100% saturated with electrolyte,
A study of carbonate formations offshore Abu Dhabi has revealed
that the commonly used correlations for the cementation factor, m, Sw = water saturation, %
fail to represent the formation fluid saturations in the low-porosity Sxo = saturation of flushed zone, %
range. A new correlation for the cementation factor has been de- ¢ = porosity, fraction

HYdrocorbon.orOIlIJondFIuldi H),drocorPon~O"I)'ondFIUld'
'00',.,. .00':':" b, ,.,m. Al'IOly.r. Anolym by volume

Wet_ Solurotloa lI.tld'llol lIloodl 1I:,lul...1 11I0'1'_
Waler Sotulollon Wolfr Waitt Soturollon Wol.r
00 100 'I. 0 50 -t. a 100 ~. 100' 0


Fig. 8-Umm Salsal 1 log processing for water saturation

using the Shell and new formulas. Fig. 9-Gasha 8 log processing for water saturation using the
Shell and new formulas.

498 SPE Formation Evaluation. December 1987

'Acknowledgments 2. Winsauer, W.O. et al.: "Resistivity of Brine Saturated Sands in Relation
to Pore Geometry," AAPG Bulletin (Feb. 1952) 36.
I thank the management of Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Co. for 3. "Log Interpretation Charts," Schlumberger, Houston (1984) 15.
permission to publish this paper. I also thank M.A. Muhsin and 4. "Log Interpretation Charts," Dresser Atlas, Houston (1983) 43.
A.N. Kellesly of ADMA-OPCO and G. Mathieu of Schlumberger
for their assistance'. , . SPEFE

References Orlglrial SPE manuscript received for review Sept. 22, 1985. Paper accepted for publication
Dec. 11, 1986. Revised manuscript received Feb. 13, 1987. Paper (SPE 14401) first present·
1. Archie, G.E.: "The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determin- ed at the 1985 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held In Las Vegas, Sept.
ing Some Reservoir Characteristics," Trans., AIME (1942) 146, 54-60. 22-25.

SPE Formation Evaluation, December 1987 4C)Q

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