IS 581 Milestone 7 and 8 Case Study Coastline Systems Consulting

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Coastline Systems Consulting

Milestone 7 & 8
Coastline Systems Consulting
Object Oriented Analysis

 Activity Diagram:

Actor System

View unresolved requests

Related unresolved requests


View requests details Display requests

Mark request resolve Display Image

Manually resolve requests

 System Sequence Diagram
Coastline Systems
Technician Consulting

View unresolved requests

Unresolved requests

View requests details

Request details

Manually resolve requests

 Potential Object List

Potential Object Notes Obj Reason

Address The street address, city, state, Attribute for Client
and zip of a client
Bar Code A unique identifier stamped on Attribute for Inventory
each component in inventory or X
installed in equipment.
Client Someone who Coastline works
for. They may own equipment √
serviced by Coastline.
Client Name The name of the client. Attribute for Client
Component Type A classification of components,
such as NIC, video card, √
mouse, keyboard, etc.
Configuration A software configuration setting

for the client.
Contact Name The first and last name of the Attribute for Client
contact person for a client.
Date Installed The date a component was Attribute for Equipment Component
installed in a piece of X
Date Purchased The date an inventory item was Attribute for Equipment
Date Removed The date a component was Attribute for Equipment Component
removed from a piece of X
LAN IP The IP address of a piece of Instance for Configuration
equipment on a client network.
Email The client's e-mail address. Attribute for Client
Equip Name Each piece of equipment can Attribute for Equipment
be given a name.
Equip Type We need to track whether a

piece of equipment is a PC, a
printer, a network device, or
something else.
Equipment Equipment that is owned by a
client and serviced by √
Equipment Component Equipment is made up of its
components. Some
components are an entire
computer or printer (because √
they are purchased as a unit).
Some are component pieces
such as monitors, mice, etc.
Finish Time The ending time for a work Attribute for Work Record
In Service Date When a piece of equipment Attribute for Equipment Component
was placed in service.
Information Name A name identifier for a Attribute for Configuration
configuration data.
Information Value The data value of configuration Attribute for Configuration
Installed Date The date that a component was Attribute for Equipment Component
installed in a piece of X
Inventory A collection of all the items

placed into inventory.
Inventory Description A descriptive name of an item Attribute for Inventory
in inventory.
Management A user of the system. A specialized type of User

Model Num The model number of an item in Attribute for Inventory
Phone Every client has a phone Attribute for Client
Problem A problem reported by a client. A synonym for Service Request
Problem Description A description of the service Attribute for Service Request
request problem.
Quantity The quantity of a component Attribute for Equipment Component
installed on a piece of X
Receptionist/Bookkeeper A user of the system. Specialized type of User

Removed Date The date a component was Attribute for Equipment Component
removed from a piece of X
Report Date The date a service request is Attribute for Service Request
Reported By The person at the client’s office Attribute for Service Request
reporting a service request.
Request Num An identifier for each service Attribute for Service Request
Resolution Date When a problem is solved. Attribute for Service Request
Resolved A service request that has been State of Service Request.
Service Request Submitted by or for a client to
report a problem that needs to

be worked on. May be related
to a specific piece of

Start Time The starting time for a work Attribute for Work Record
Technician Someone who does work for a Specialized type of User
client and records that work in √
various work records.
User Name A login name for the system. Attribute for User.
Various groups of users will
have differing rights within the
User Password A password used to verify a Attribute for User
user name.
Vendor The seller of an item in Attribute for Inventory
Work Date The date of a work record. Attribute for Work Record
Work Description The description of a work Attribute for Work Record
Work Record Work done by a technician, in

response to a service request.
System Proposal

 Candidate Matrix

Characteristics Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3

Description of System SQL Server database MySQL. Purchase i-Sight Service
ASP .NET web application Write VB .NET
VB .NET desktop application
Portion of System Computerized all customer Technology all customer Technology all customer Technology
Brief description of that portion of the Tracking System. Tracking System. Tracking System.
system that would be computerized in
this candidate.
Benefits We have tools and competencies Solution would be web We need their benefit of getting
Brief description of the business to upgrade this quickly and we application and full supports user the service request system and
benefits that would be realized for this need full supports user requirements we need full supports user
candidate. requirements. requirements
Servers and Workstations No need for additional servers. No need for additional servers. No need for additional servers.
A description of the servers and
workstations needed to support this
Software Tools Needed  Microsoft SQL Server  MySQL database server  Microsoft SQL Server
Software tools needed to design and  Visual Studio .NET  Any web server  Visual Studio .NET
build the candidate (e. g., database  Windows Internet  Windows Internet
management system, emulators, Information Server Information Server
operating systems, languages, etc.).
Not generally applicable if
applications software packages are to
be purchased.
Application Software Custom solution Custom solution i-Sight system and custom-
A description of the software to be written add-ons.
purchased, built, accessed, or some
combination of these techniques.
Method of Data Processing Client/Server N-Tier Web Architecture Client/Server
Generally some combination of: on- N-Tier Web Architecture N-Tier Web Architecture
line, batch, deferred batch, remote
batch, and real-time.
Output Devices and Implications LAN Printers LAN Printers LAN Printers
A description of output devices that
would be used, special output
requirements, (e.g. network, preprinted
forms, etc.), and output considerations
(e.g., timing constraints).
Input Devices and Implications Keyboard and Mouse Keyboard and Mouse Keyboard and Mouse
A description of Input methods to be
used, input devices (e.g., keyboard,
mouse, etc.), special input
requirements, (e.g. new or revised
forms from which data would be
input), and input considerations (e.g.,
timing of actual inputs).
Storage Devices and Implications Microsoft SQL Server MySQL supports data replication i-Sight database plus Microsoft
Brief description of what data would and synchronization. SQL Server.
be stored, what data would be
accessed from existing stores, what
storage media would be used, how
much storage capacity would be
needed, and how data would be

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