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Some general rules and differences:

1. The indefinite article (a or an) is used with singular, count nouns to refer to a thing or
an idea for the first time.
a. We have a cat and a dog.
b. There's a supermarket in Adam Street.

2. The definite article the is used with singular and plural nouns, count and uncount
nouns when both the speaker and the listener know the thing or idea already.
a. We have a cat and a dog. The cat is old, but the dog is just a puppy.
b. I’m going to the supermarket. Do you want anything?

The indefinite article is used:

1. with professions
o I’m a teacher. | She’s a professor.

2. with some expressions of quantity

o a pair of | a little | a couple of | a few

3. with some expressions of frequency

o once a week | three times a day

4. in exclamations with what + a count noun

o What a lovely day! | What a pity!

5. with nationalities and religions in singular

o He’s an Englishman. | She’s (a) Catholic.

6. with examples of something

o The mouse has a tiny nose. | This is a beautiful car.

7. when it means ‘one’ (or one in a group)

o I’d like an orange. | I need a kilogram of sugar.
o She is a student in at London Road School. (= one of many)

The definite article is used:
1. before seas, rivers, hotels, theatres, museums, and newspapers
o the Mediterranean Sea | the Amazon | the Ritz | the National Theatre
the British Museum | The Times

2. if there is only one of something

o the sun | the Queen | the Government

3. if there are more examples of something, but it’s clear what you’re referring to
o Let’s go to the supermarket. | Let’s go to the pub.

4. with superlative adjectives

o the best | the loveliest | the most beautiful

5. talking about one particular thing

o I have many books, but the book I got for Christmas is my favorite.

6. with musical instruments

o She plays the piano very well. (but: I bought a piano yesterday.)

7. to refer to systems or services

o The bus is late. | I heard it on the radio. | You should tell the police.

8. with some countries

o the United States | the United Kingdom | the Netherlands (…)

9. with organizations
o the European Union | the United Nations

10. with families

o the Obamas | the Kardashians

11. with mountain ranges

o the Alps | the Himalayas

No article is used:
1. with plural and uncount nouns when talking about things in general
o I like potatoes. | Cats are my favorite animals.

2. before countries, towns, streets, languages, magazines, meals, airports, stations and
o I live in Zagreb, Croatia.
o Send the package to 221B Baker Street.
o She speaks English and German.
o I bought Cosmopolitan yesterday at Victoria Station.
o Have you ever visited Mount Rushmore?

3. before some places and some forms of transport

o at home | at/to school | by car/train/plane | on foot | at/to work

4. in exclamations with what + an uncount noun

o What beautiful weather! | What loud music!

5. with some ‘general’ nouns

o Life is not the same as it used to be. *The life is not…
o Health is important to everyone. *The health is…
But some general nouns use the:
the environment
People are increasingly worried about the environment.
the weather
What's the weather like today?
the countryside
I love walking in the countryside.
the sea / ocean
I'd love to live near the sea.
the radio
There's an interesting programme on the radio.
the theatre / cinema
We went to the theatre last night.
the economy
The economy is affecting everyone.

Some common mistakes:

1. Some students use the when they talk about things in general.
I love the romantic films! => I love romantic films!

2. Some students use singular nouns without a or the.

I want book about the weather. => I want a book about the weather.

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