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Love Across the National Boundaries

穿越国界的爱 A3
Apology for Love
爱的歉意 A4
Love in the Blue Sky
蓝天上的爱 A5
Charcoal with Love
碳笔里的爱 A7
Unforgettable Love
难忘的爱 A9
The Greatness of Love
爱的伟大 A10
Stranger’s Love
陌生人的爱 A11
Warm Love
温馨的爱 A12
Pass Love Give Love
传递爱 给予爱 A13
Stranger’s Love
陌生人的爱 A14
An Old Man’s Love
一位老人的爱 A15
A2 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A3

穿越国界的爱 Love Across the National Boundaries

Anzhi Chen

hen we are in trouble, our family, friends, teachers, classmates,
当遇到困难,身边也许会有亲爱的家人、朋友、老师或同学伸 they all lend a helping hand to help and love us. But when
出援助之手来帮助我们。但当你身在异国他乡,在人生地不熟 you are in a foreign country, in unfamiliar places, when you
的地方遇到困难,有一位素不相识的人愿意帮助你,这样的感 encountered difficulties, there is a person to help you
觉一定会让你终生难忘吧? be strangers to each other, such a feeling will make you
暑假里,我和家人一起去游览世界著名大 unforgettable!
学——牛津大学。校园很大,我非常投入地 During the summer vacation, I traveled to England with
参观,以至于跟家人走散了。 my family and visited famous university in the world——
我急忙寻找家人,看到前方很远的地方有 University of Oxford. Oxford is huge, I am very committed
家人的身影,便迫不及待地往前跑,生怕他 to visit, so that I got lost in the crowd.
们从我的视线里消失。在急切的奔跑中,我 I hurried to find my family and saw the figure of my family
不小心摔了一跤,膝盖摔得直疼。又急又疼 far away, so I could not wait to run forward, lest they should
的我,无助地蹲在路边哭。 disappear from my sight. In the rush, I accidentally fell and
就在这时,一位金发叔叔开着一辆蓝色轿 hurt my knee. Anxious and painful, I squatted helplessly on
车停在我面前,亲切地问我:“怎么了?孩 the side of the road crying.
子,需要我帮助吗?”我收起眼泪看着他,心 Just then, a blond uncle in a blue car stopped in front of me
想:他是个陌生人,我要不要告诉他呢?正 and asked me kindly, “what’s the matter?” Baby, can I help
在思考时,那位叔叔看向我,而我也正好看 you?” I put aside my tears and looked at him, I’m thinking,
向他,目光相交,我有些不好意思,叔叔对 “he’s a stranger, Can I tell him?” While I was thinking, the
我温柔一笑,说:“没关系,我来帮助你。”这 uncle looked at me, and I was looking at him too. Our eyes
句话让我顿时感动不已。我告诉叔叔,我的 met. I felt a little embarrassed. Uncle looked at me with a
家人就在前面,我想追上他们。叔叔让我坐 nice smiled, and he said, “never mind, I’ll help you.” I was
上车,两分钟时间,我就跟家人会合了。我 moved by the words. I told uncle that my family was in the
向叔叔道谢,并报以友好的微笑。他也笑着 front, and I wanted to catch up with them. Uncle let me get
向我挥挥手,便又重新上车开走了。 on the car. In two minutes, I’ll meet my family. I said “Thank you” to
我都来不及问他的名字,但是这份异国他乡的爱,让我心里始 uncle and with a friendly smile. He smiled and waved at me, and he got
终洋溢着幸福和温暖,因为它穿越了国界,是一份与众不同的 back on the car and drove off.
爱,我将永远记在心间。 I didn’t have time to ask his name, but the love of the foreign land made
me feel happy and warm all the time, because it crossed the national
boundaries and it was a different love. I will always remember it in my

征 稿 写关于“爱”的记叙文具体要求如下:
1、写自己或别人 被帮助过 的一件具体、真实、感人的事,
我们鼓励积极投稿,特别是学生, 突出主题——爱。
可以采访家人、亲戚、朋友或陌生人 2、语言:中文或英文,不超过500字。 翻译(中、英文书面翻译或
等,做个优秀的“小记者”,因为这 3、标题要有个“爱”字。 校对文章)
样做不仅能找到好素材,而且至少能 4、标明作者姓名(中文名/英文名)。 网站建设及网页设计
锻炼或培养以下几种素质: 5、说清楚事情发生的时间、地点、人物、起因、经过、结果等。 在家里就可以做的义工!
1. 胆量、勇气;
6、只能赞美、表扬、感恩或鼓励,不得批评或批判。 微信:19176368678
2. 交流能力;
3. 写作能力; 7、语言通俗易懂,不使用难以理解的字眼。 添加时请说:报名做义工
4. 爱心意识; 文章写好后请发送至 或发邮件送至:
5.社会责任感等。 也可以加微信:19176368678 添加时请说:投稿
A4 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

爱的歉意 Apology for Love

Onsang Felicia Yau Onsang Felicia Yau

记得那是一个雨天,毫 ain splashed ruthlessly onto my umbrella,
不留情的雨滴打在伞上,啪 tapping the vitality and freshness that
哒啪哒地奏出雨季独有的活 signal the beginning of monsoon.
力与清鲜。 Walking in the rain, I stopped next to the bus
雨中漫步的我,不知不 station. Yet out of the grayness of the dripping
觉便在公交车站旁停下脚 droplets, I glimpsed at three blurry figures hurrying
步。正当雨水微微收势时, toward me: it was a young mother taking care of
我看见三个身影从不远处跑 two children about three or four years old.
来——那是一位年轻母亲, Although I was still clueless about their
带着两个大约三、四岁的小 precipitancy, I realized that they must have
娃子。 forgotten their umbrellas. So I moved forward,
看着他们,我意识到这 cautiously, trying to pass the umbrella to the
一行三人或许忘带雨伞出门 mother; however, at that second, shyness blushed
了。我向前挪了挪,想把手 upon me like a solid wall built for isolation.
中的雨伞递给那位母亲,却 “Maybe they don’t need it?” “What if they
又被自己的羞意阻挠着,像 won’t trust me afterward?” “If they reject my help,
一堵无形的墙挡在我与她们 how should I react?”…I struggled with the question marks that busted out
之间。 suddenly like rampant vines that trying to take my breath. I clenched onto the
“或许他们并不需要呢?” handle of my umbrella, the soft but stretching rain curdled the air that hit me
“或许他们不信任我呢?” in a firm force---
“假如他们拒绝我的帮助, “Ex…Excuse me…”
我该如何是好?”……我内心 “Beep, beep, beep, beep…”
挣扎、不断思索着。 At this moment, I decided to ask them courageously, was the moment
伞柄被我抓得紧紧的,四周围的空气似乎被轻绵的雨凝 of the interruption. The bus had opened the door with its familiar warning
住,带着一股推动力向我袭来。 signals, yet I was still in a stance starring purposelessly at the mother. She
“那个……请问……” quickly brought her children into the bus and walked into the compartment.
“嘟、嘟、嘟、嘟……”我好不容易鼓起勇气,正开口的时 I still held the umbrella in my hand, but couldn’t step forward at the
候突然被巴士特有的开门警醒声打断了,就在我恍惚瞬间,那 moment. Wandering between earnest and coyness, I realized: The spirit, of
位母亲带着两个孩子快速跑向车门,走进车厢。 course, is eager, but the flesh is weak.
原地不动的我,仍把伞柄紧握手中,徘徊于热切与腼腆之 Helping people should be instinctive, and a simple mind is a foundation
中。那一刻,我意识到:心灵固然是热切的,肉体却软弱了。 for building the need and caring for people. Too many concerns will only
帮助人本该是潜意识里本能的反应,单纯的思想是人与人 result in difficulty.
之间筑起关怀与需求的基础,过多的顾虑只能让人举步维艰。 The bus drove away, leaving me the apology for love.
望着眼前缓缓驶开的巴士,留下我——“爱的歉意”! Raindrops were still dripping from the tip of my umbrella, yet the sky
歉意之余,我下定决心,以后再遇到需要帮助的人: seems to regain its color in this light blue season. Besides my apology, I
绝不犹豫,伸出援手;助人为乐,乐在其中。 decided if I meet someone in need in the future:
Help before hesitating, enjoy the mirth of kindness.

您被人帮助过吗? Have You Been Helped?

如果您曾经被人帮助过,请拨打: If you have been helped before, please call:
917-636-8678 (说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English)
929-260-0328 (Speak English) 917-636-8678 (说中文)
我们很乐意写下来发表在报纸上,以此鼓励更 We are happy to publish it in our newspaper, to encourage more
多人互相帮助。 people to help others.
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A5

蓝天上的爱 Love in the Blue Sky

Kirby Jiang Kirby Jiang

趁着暑假,我们早早订好机票,准备一家人去加州表姐那儿 uring one of my summer vacations, my family decided to travel
玩几天。 to California for a few days to visit my cousin.
On the day of the trip, we all woke up early to pack our baggage.
去的那天晴空万里,我们起得特别早,大家收拾好行李就出 I had heard from my friends that the blue sky and white clouds were
发了。 particularly beautiful from the inside of the plane in the air. While traveling
听同学说在飞机上俯瞰蓝天白云特别漂亮,所以去机场的路 to the airport, my brother and I discussed excitedly that we could enjoy
上,我和弟弟兴奋地讨论着,如果能坐在靠近窗口的位置欣赏外面 the scene outside the plane if we sat near a window.
的景色,那该多好啊! We arrived at the airport and went through with the procedures, then
我们很快就到了机场,办手续、推行李、上飞机,开始紧张 carried our luggage to the plane. We began nervously looking for our
地寻找自己的座位,最后却发现一排四个位子,靠窗的座位上早已 seats, and saw four rows of seats. We found our seats to be the two inner
坐着六十多岁的夫妇俩,而我和弟弟的座位是靠着过道的,弟弟失 rows and next to us, there was an old couple, around 60 years old. My
望极了,在那里叽哩咕噜地说个不停。 brother was very disappointed, and he kept complaining out loudly.
夫妇俩听到了我们的对话,冲着我们微笑说:“我们换个位 The couple next to us overheard his grumbling and said to us, “Let’s
置,你们两个坐到里面来吧。”我弟弟听了睁大眼睛问:“真的吗? change seats, so you kids can look out the window.” My brother exclaimed,
这是真的吗?”夫妇俩听后哈哈大笑说:“当然是真的,来吧!我们 “Really? Are you serious?” “Of course, let’s switch,” they replied. My
换一下吧!”说完他们就站了起来,我和弟弟高兴极了,连声说:“ brother and I thanked them over and over again.
谢谢!谢谢!”。 Staring at the azure blue sky and white clouds, which were right under
坐在靠窗的位子上,望着窗外碧蓝碧蓝的天空,白云一朵朵 us, from our small enclosed space, made us feel free. My brother was
就在我们脚下,离我们特别近,置身在蓝天白云中让我们有一种腾 very ecstatic and he was dancing around in his seat. We enjoyed the
云驾雾的感觉,美妙极了。弟弟更是兴奋得手舞足蹈,欣赏着外面 beauty outside, and looked back at the old couple’s kind faces, feeling
的美景,回头望着夫妇俩慈祥的面容,我们心存感激。夫妇俩也一 very grateful. The couple looked back at us with smiling faces. We looked
直微笑地看着我们,爸爸妈妈也冲着我们会心地笑了。 over to our parents and saw them smiling back at us as well.
A6 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

Why write about “being helped”?
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A7

碳笔里的爱 Charcoal with Love

Alison Wu Alison Wu
“啊!怎么办啊?”我大失所望地喊道。 “What am I supposed to do?” I cried with great disappointment.
我们正在学习怎样使用碳笔,它是一种 Recently, we are learning how to use charcoal. Charcoal is a type
非常难控制的画画材料,因为它在纸上的附 of drawing tool that is very difficult to control. It doesn’t have a strong
着力不是很强,所以一不小心碰到,就可能 adhesion on paper and so if you accidentally touched it, it might get
会被擦掉。 erased.
“怎么了?”一个学长问道。 “What’s the matter?” asked one of the seniors.
我无奈地说:“无论我多么小心翼翼,还 I helplessly said, “No matter how careful I am, I will erase the places
是会擦掉已经画好的地方。” that were already drawn.”
学长听后便递给我一张白纸,说:“没 After listening to me, he handed me a blank sheet of paper and said,
事,只要你在手下垫一张纸就可以了。” “It’s okay, you just need to put a sheet of paper under your hands.”
我试了试,发现碳笔果真没有被擦掉。 I tried it out and the charcoals were not erased.
“哇!好神奇啊!”我喜出望外,“为什么 “Wow! It’s so magical!” I was overjoyed and said, “Why is it like this?”
会这样呢?” The senior said, “This is because your hands are sweaty and so the sweat
学长说,“这是因为你的手会出汗,所以碳笔会被擦掉。如果 from your hands can wipe off the charcoal. If you place a piece of paper,
你垫一张纸,汗和碳笔就会被隔离,那么碳笔自然就不会被擦掉 the sweat and the charcoal is isolated and so the charcoal will naturally not
了。” get erased.”
“学长你真厉害!谢谢你!” “Senior, you are so amazing! Thank you so much!”
自从学到这个技巧,我就再也不用为碳笔被擦掉而烦恼了。 After I learned this skill, I never had to worry about rubbing off the
你的举手之劳也许微不足道,但被你帮助的那个人会把你牢 charcoal while drawing.
记在心,正所谓赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 You may forget what you helped someone with; however, the person
getting the help may remember you clearly. The roses in her hand, the
flavor in mine. Thus, helping others will benefit you.

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A8 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

Why is there always “love” in the title?
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A9

难忘的爱 Unforgettable Love

婧瑶 Amanda

小的时候,因为工作原因, hen I was little, my parents were not able to live with me because
父母没能和我在一起生活,我和 of work. I lived with my grandparents in the countryside.
爷爷奶奶一起住在乡下。幸运的 Luckily, my grandparents’ selfless love for me allowing have a
是,爷爷奶奶对我无私的爱,让 childhood without regrets.
我拥有了一个没有遗憾的童年。 Normally, my grandparents would leave the best food to me. They taught
平时,爷爷奶奶总是把最好 me to be grateful and thankful for what I have. They also told me to respect
吃的东西留给我,他们教育我做 the old and cherish the young. My grandparents care for me meticulously. To
人要怀有感恩之心,尊老爱幼, these days, there are some unforgettable memories that have been engraved
爷爷奶奶对我的照顾更是无微不 in my heart.
至,至今,仍有一些难忘的回忆 I remember there was one night when I was six year old. I had a high fever
让我刻骨铭心。 and I was very dizzy, really weak, and felt extremely uncomfortable. Even
记得我六岁那年的一个夜晚,我发高烧, though it was raining outside, grandparents decided to take me to the village
四肢无力,难受极了。尽管外面还下着雨,爷爷 clinic to visit a doctor. Grandfather was more than seventy years old and he said nothing
奶奶还是决定要带我去村里的诊所看医生。七十 before carrying me on his back. Grandmother helped by holding an umbrella for us and we
多岁的爷爷二话没说背起我,奶奶帮忙打着伞一 rushed to the clinic together.
起赶往诊所。 Outside, the sky was dark and it seemed to be raining nonstop. On the street, it was only
外面的天很黑,雨淅沥沥地下个不停,路 three of us. As a gust of wind blow us, I felt a little cold. However, when I saw grandfather
上除了我们三人,再没有其他人。一阵风吹过, struggling to carry me, grandmother placed most of the umbrellas over on my side.
让我感觉有一点冷,可是当我看着爷爷吃力地背 Immediately, a warm flow in my heart, and I suddenly felt a lot warmer.
着我,奶奶不顾自己把大部分伞都撑在我这边, When we arrived to the clinic, it was already closed and the doctor was ready to rest.
顿时一股暖流涌上心头,我一下子感觉暖和多 Despite this, my grandfather still knocked at the door to ask the doctor to heal me. The
了。 doctor checked me and gave us the antipyretics. Afterwards, grandfather carried me back
我们到的时候,诊所已经关门,医生准备 home and then grandmother gave me medicine. I lied on the comfortable bed and went to
休息了,但爷爷仍然敲门恳请医 sleep peacefully. With the care of
生为我医治,医生为我检查完, my grandparents, my illness soon
开了退烧药。爷爷又把我背回 recovered.
家,奶奶给我喂药,我躺在舒服 I was particularly grateful for my
的床上安心地睡到天亮。在爷爷 grandparents because they took care
奶奶的悉心照顾下,我的病很快 of me and accompanied me. I will
就好了。 always remember the good times
我特别感谢爷爷奶奶的照 that I spend with my grandparents.
顾和陪伴,我会永远记住和爷爷 Now, I live in New York, and my
奶奶一起度过的那些美好时光。 grandparents live on the other side
现在,我生活在纽约,爷爷奶奶 of the ocean in China. Although
生活在大洋彼岸的中国,虽然我 we are thousands of miles away,
们之间地域相距千里,但我们 our hearts are close at hand. My
的心却近在咫尺。爷爷奶奶经常 grandparents often send delicious
会不远千里寄好吃的东西给我。 food thousands of miles for me
我们还经常通过网络视频聊天。 to eat. We also often chat through
每次他们一看到我,脸上就有了 online video. Every time they see
笑容,我看到他们也很开心。以 me, smiles appear on their faces
前是他们让我安心地睡到天亮, and I am also very happy to see
以后希望我可以让他们开心地生 them. In the past, they let me sleep
活! peacefully. In the future, I want to
亲人的爱是难忘的、永恒 let them live happily!
的,无论什么时候,它都会温暖 Love of loved ones is
着你的心窝。 unforgettable and eternal. No matter
when it is, it will warm your heart.
A10 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

爱的伟大 The Greatness of Love

夏思远 指导老师:赵霖 Siyuan Xia Instructor : Zhao Lin

hen I was little, I often asked Mom and Dad, “What is love?”
小时候,我经常会问爸爸妈妈:“ However, they often answered, “Love is being very fond of
爱,是什么?”可是他们经常会说:“ by parents, having the care of teachers and classmates as well
爱是父母的疼爱,老师和同学们的关 as being cherished by family.” It was only a few days ago when I really
爱,家人们的爱护……”就在前几天, understand the greatness of love.
During summer vacation, my mother took me to a nonlocal place to play
我才真正理解爱的伟大。 and go sightseeing. It was two days before coming back home and while
暑假,妈妈带我去外地游玩,就 sleeping, I had a stomach ache. At first, I was not really concern by thinking
在回来的前两天晚上,睡觉的时候, that the pain would go away eventually and so I continued sleeping. Time
我感觉肚子有点疼。一开始,并没在意,以为一会儿就会好, passed by, first as seconds, then as minutes. When I could not stand the pain
anymore, I told my mother, “Mom, my stomach hurts.” After my mother
就继续睡,时间一分一秒地过去。我实在受不了了,便告诉妈 heard, she quickly came over to take care of me.
妈:“妈,我肚子疼。”妈妈听了,连忙睡过来好照顾我。 That night, I slept intermittently and my mother was sleepless all night.
那一夜,我睡得断断续续,而妈妈,更是整夜难眠。第二 The next day, I vomited and did not eat. I felt really weak and along with
天,我呕吐不能进食,有气无力,还发烧,浑身滚烫,十分难 that I had a fever that made my whole body really hot and uncomfortable. At
this time, my mother’s stomach was also not comfortable since she went to
受,而这时候,妈妈肚子也不舒服,前前后后,去了很多次卫 the bathroom many times. I thought to myself, “Mom is ill, too. She must be
生间。我心里默想:妈妈也生病了,她一定也非常难受吧!但 feeling awful, but she still took care of me.” I immediately understand that
她还依旧照顾着我,我顿时明白:这就是爱,爱是多么伟大! this is love and love can be powerful. My sick mother placed me first and
生病的妈妈不顾惜自己来照顾我,心中顿时涌起一股暖流…… tried to ignore her own pain to take care of me. My heart was suddenly filled
with warmth.
其实爱不止是关爱、疼爱、爱护……一个简单的动作,随 In fact, love is not just to care for, to be fond of, and to cherish. A simple
口的一句话,或一件小礼物,都会令人感动不已! action, a casual word, or a small gift will be moving to individuals.
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A11

陌生人的爱 Stranger’s Love

陈程梓 指导老师:赵霖 Chengzi Chen Instructor : Zhao Lin

爱似一股清泉,流动的速度似流 ove is like a clear spring with the speed of the flow like a meteor
星,滑过的温暖似月光。我与他互不相 and the warmth gliding through like moonlight. We were strangers,
识,他却用动人的语言,慢慢地触动着 however, he used touching language to slowly move my heartstrings.
我的心弦。 I remember during summer vacation last year, I rode the bicycle really
记得去年暑假,我骑着自行车急往 quickly to tutoring school. The bag in the front basket of the bicycle was
辅导班赶去,车前篓框里的书包被石子 dangling due to the bumpy and rocky road. I was in a hurry and when I reached
路颠地晃来晃去。在一个十字路口,赶 a crossroads, I saw on the signal light that there were five seconds remaining
时间的我趁信号灯还有五秒急加速,无 for me to cross. Unfortunately, after I decided to cross the road within the five
奈,事故发生了。 seconds, the accident happened.
只听“哧啦”一声,我的书包从篓框 Soon after I heard a “rip” sound, my bag was tossed out of the basket and
里甩了出去,车头也因为急转弯坏掉 the front of the bicycle broke due to the sudden forceful turn. It’s time for class
了。眼看马上就要到上课时间了,我非 soon. I’m in a rush. What should I do? Right at that moment, a hand picked up
常着急,怎么办?此刻,一只手干脆利 my bag without hesitation and placed it in the basket of the bicycle.
落地拎起我的书包放到我的车篓里。 “Are you alright? Let me help you screw it back on,” he said.
“没事吧,我来帮你把车头的螺丝拧上。”他说。 I came back to realization and look upon his face. He had bright eyes along
我缓过神来,端祥着他的面孔:眼睛炯炯有神,头发又黑又 with black and curly hairs.
卷。 “It’s fixed,” he said.
“修好了!”他说。 Just after a little while, the bicycle could be ride again. I was embarrassed
才一会儿功夫,车又能骑了,我不好意思地说:“谢 to say, “!” Then I rushed off to tutoring school. Behind me, I could
谢……您!”随后赶往辅导班。 feel a pair of tender eyes that looked at me giving me warm, and giving me
身后,我能感受到一双温情的眼睛看着我,给我温暖,给我 love. We did not know each other, but he moved me with one word and one
爱。我与他互不相识,他却用一句话、一个动作感化了我、触动 movement. He had touched me emotionally and inside my mind, I can never
着我,在我脑海中一直忘不了他的身影,直到现在…… forget his shadow even until now.
A12 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

温馨的爱 Warm Love

王乐祺 指导老师:屠京 Leqi Wang Instructor : Tu Jing

爱,既纯洁又温暖,它不会因为岁月而消退。 ove is both pure and warm. It will not fade overtime.
爱使人温暖、使人温馨、还使家庭和睦…… Love allows individuals and families to be warm,
在生活中,我们常常能感受到爱,它不仅体现 gentle, and peaceful.
在家人身上,也能体现在陌生人中,爱是多么伟 Throughout life, we always feel love. It is not only in the
大、多么美好! family, but also among strangers. How great and wonderful
记得有一次,我感冒了,爸爸像热锅上的蚂 love are!
蚁,急忙把我带去医院,我一个人坐在椅子上瑟 I remember once when I caught a cold, my dad was like an
瑟发抖,等待着爸爸帮我取号,心想:老爸你快 ant on a hot pan since he took me to the hospital in a hurry. I
点回来,再不回来我就快变成冰块了。边想边搓 sat shivering in a chair as I was waiting for my dad getting a
手,设法让自己暖和起来,我摸了摸自己的脑袋,一直 registration ticket to visit a doctor. I was thinking to myself, “Dad, come back
在发热仿佛要被烤熟了一般。 soon because I feel like I will soon turn into ice.” While thinking, I rubbed my
就在这时,一个温暖而又慈祥的声音传到了我耳 hands back and forth trying to make myself feel warmer. I touched my forehead
里:“小朋友,你是不是很冷?我把我的衣服借给你披 and it remained really hot as if it was being cooked.
披吧!”我点了点头,抬头一望,原来是位老奶奶,我 At that moment, a warm and kind voice reached my ears: “Child, are you
说:“好吧!谢谢!那您呢?您不冷吗?”话音刚落,我 very cold? I can lend you my jacket.” I nodded and looked up. It was an old
的肩膀和后背顿时感觉暖和多了,她摇着头说:“没事没 woman. I said. “Alright, thank you very much, but what about you? Aren’t you
事,我看看你发烧严不严重”。顿时一只冰凉的手贴在 cold?” As soon as my voice faded, my shoulders and back instantly felt a lot
我的前额,就像敷上冰块,非常舒服,爱的暖流在我心 warmer. She shook her head and said, “It’s okay! Let me see whether or not your
中洋溢起来,我不禁鼻梁一酸,感激的泪水在眼眶中打 fever is serious.” Suddenly a cold hand touched my forehead which was just like
转,连忙感激地对老奶奶说:“谢谢您,谢谢您把衣服借 ice. It was very comfortable. The warm current of love filled my heart. All of a
给我穿……”她用慈爱的眼神看着我,说:“不用谢!小朋 sudden, overwhelming emotion caused my nose to be a little runny and my tears
友。” to be rotating in my eye sockets. I said to the old woman gratefully, “Thank you!
每当我想起这件事情,心中那股爱的清泉便情不自禁 Thank you for lending me your jacket.” She looked at me lovingly and said, “No
地涌动起来,波澜起伏,多么温馨的爱。 problem, child!”
Whenever I think of this moment, the love springs inside my heart becomes
out of control by surging up and then dropping down. It is such a warm love!

Calling for Submissions Compose Narratives About Love.

Specific Requirements Are As Follows:
We actively encourage submitting drafts, especially
from students: they can interview family members, 1. Write about something where you or someone else have been helped.

relatives, friends, or even strangers. They can be great Must be specific, realistic, touching, and reflecting of the theme- love.
2. Language: Chinese or English, no more than 500 words.
“reporters”, this will not only to finding good material,
3. Title must have the word “love” in it.
but will also train and develop the following qualities:
4. Include the writer’s name(Chinese/English name).
1. courage;
5. Specify the time, place, people, cause, experience, result, etc.
2. communication skills;
6. Only praise, express thanks or encouragement - no criticizing.
3. writing skills;
7. Writing and structure must be easily understandable.
4. empathy;
Please send articles to
5. social responsibility; etc.
You can also add our WeChat:19176368678
Specify when adding: submissions.
9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A13

传递爱 给予爱 Pass Love

Give Love
Cherry Instructor : Zhao Lin

方向,一下子跌倒在冰上,就在这时我感受到了爱的温暖。 ove, a common word, but it always touches
跌倒后我双手用力撑在冰上,双脚却迟迟站立不起,就 the hearts of individuals.
在我无助之时,有一位大姐姐伸出援手,我的手立即抓住她 I remember the first time I skated last
的手,顿时似乎有一股暖流在血液里涌动,膝盖也不是那么 year, I was holding onto the wall as I self-taught
冷冰冰的了。那荡漾的冷气瞬间成了温暖的和风,心里暖洋 myself to skate. I took one step forward, then another
洋的,像被抹了蜜般的甜滋滋、乐滋滋。 step. Suddenly, at the corner, I did not make a turn and
爱的力量是强大的,一个动作或一个眼神,都非常可贵。 I ended up falling down onto the ice. At this moment, I felt the warmth
爱心不光要去给予,更要用心去传递。 of love.
After falling, my hands pressed hard down on the ice, but my legs were

Recruiting Volunteers
struggling to make me stand back up. Right when I felt helpless, there
was a girl older than me who reached out her hands to me. My hands then
immediately grabbed hers. Suddenly it seemed as if there was a warm
current in the blood, and my knees became not as cold anymore. The
Writing ( write narratives about “love”)
rippling cool air instantly became warm wind. My heart felt warm for it
Translating ( translating Chinese/English narratives) was sweet and joyful.
Website Development / Website Design The power of love is strong, an action or a look can be very valuable.
Volunteer from home! Love is not only to be given, but also to deliver it with your heart.
When adding us please specify: signing up to volunteer
or email us at:
A14 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

陌生人的爱 Stranger’s Love

王静远 Jingyuan Wang

小时候,妈妈总是这样告诫我:“有 hen I was a child, my mother always told me,”if a
陌生人问你家住哪儿或你叫什么名字,你 stranger asks you where you live or what your name
千万不要说,也不要让人骗,跟人走。” is, you mustn’t say, and don’t let anyone cheat and go
就这样,陌生人在我心中埋下了负面的印 with you.” In this way, the stranger planted a negative impression
象,但这位阿姨却改变了我的看法。 in my heart, but this aunt changed my opinion.
  记得一年暑假,爸妈带我参观世界博 I remember once in a summer vacation, my parents took me to
览会。妈妈拉着我的手奔向德国馆,由于 visit the world’s fair. My mother took me to the German pavilion,
手上都是汗,就松开了。我继续跟着妈妈 but our hands were all sweaty, so I just she let go. I continued to run
跑,跑得气喘吁吁就停下来,可妈妈不知 behind of my mother, and I was too tired to run so I just stopped for
道,在我停下来休息一会后,竟然找不到 a short panting, but I could not find my mom, and sadly my mother
妈妈了。心急如焚的我都快哭了,心想: did not know that I could not find her after I stopped for a rest. I
完了完了,我又不知道德国馆在哪儿,怎 was so anxious that I almost cried, I just thought that I was dead, I
么办啊!? didn’t know where the German pavilion was, what should I to do!
  正当我急得团团转时,一位阿姨走过来问我:“小朋友你怎么 As I did not have any idea, an aunt came up to me and asked, “what’s
了?”我本来想告诉她,但想起妈妈平时告诫的话就走开了。那位阿 wrong with you, kid?” I wanted to tell her, but I thought of my mother’s
姨追上来,说:“小朋友,我不是坏人。”我心想:哪会有坏人说自 usual warning and then I just walked away. The aunt came up and said,
己是坏人的?但后来我实在无助,还是把事情的来龙去脉告诉了阿 “I am not a bad man, kid” I thought to myself: what would a bad man
姨,可惜她也不知道德国馆在哪儿,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转。 say he was bad? But then I was helpless, so I just told her what had
  在她不懈的努力下,我们终于向人询问到德国馆的位置,于是 happened, but she didn’t know where the German pavilion was. She was
阿姨拉紧我的小手跑向德国馆。过了一会儿,我看见一个像妈妈的 like an ant on a hot pot.
身影就跑过去,一看果真是妈妈。我把事情告诉了妈妈,妈妈感激 In her tireless efforts, we finally asked people about the location of
地说:“那要好好谢谢阿姨。”可我们一转头她已经消失得无影无踪 the German pavilion, so my aunt pulled my little hand and ran toward the
了。 German pavilion. After a while, I saw a figure like my mother running
  我真的很想对那位善良的阿姨说声谢谢,因为她的帮助,改变 over, and I saw that it was my mother. I told my mother, and my mother
了我对陌生人的态度。 said gratefully, “thank auntie.” But as soon as we turned round she was
I really want to say thank you to that good aunt, because her help has
changed my attitude towards strangers.

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9月刊 / September Issue / 2017 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 义工Volunteers A15

一位老人的爱 An Old Man’s Love

Olivia Instructor : Zhao Lin

卢怡如 指导老师:赵霖
ove has no border for it spreads throughout the world. Not only between
大爱无疆,散布人间,不仅在亲人 loved ones, but even among strangers.
之间,更在陌生人之间…… I stood quietly in the subway aisle. People around me, some of their
我静静地站在地铁车厢过道上,周围 eyes closed or hearing with headphones.
的人,有的闭目养神,有的带着耳机…… “I am really tired. Mom, I want to sit down for a while.” Suddenly I heard
“真累啊!妈妈,我好想坐会儿。”突 the voice of a little boy.
然听到一个小男孩的声音。 “It’s okay, we will arrive soon. This subway car is full and there are a lot of
“没事儿,一会就到了,这满满的车 people standing!” The middle-aged woman said to her son.
厢里,也有很多人站着!”中年女子对儿 “Come, child. This is for you to sit down,” said an old man’s voice.
子说。 He had a mane of hair and even the eyebrows have been gray. Although he
“来,孩子,这让给你坐。”一句老人的声音冒出来。 seemed to have experienced years of wind and frost, he was still full of spirit. It was
他一头鬃发,连那眉毛也都已经花白,虽然外表上显 a loving and kind old man.
得饱经风霜,但精神饱满,是一位慈祥又和蔼的老爷爷。 “It’s okay, you should sit. Thank you very much!” said the middle-aged woman
“没事,还是您坐吧!谢谢您了!”中年女子笑着说。 with a smile.
“你让孩子坐,他也很辛苦,而且,我还有两站就下 “Let the boy sit since it is not easy for him either. Also I’ve got two more stops
了。”老爷爷说。 left,” the old man said.
“那真的太感谢您了!儿子快谢谢爷爷!” “Thank you so much! Son, say thank you to the old man!”
“不客气,这没什么。不就是让个座么,人人都要有 “You’re welcome! It’s nothing. Isn’t just giving up a seat? Everyone should have
爱心,不是吗?”原本安静的车厢,此时,更安静了。 love, am I right?” The car was originally quiet, at this moment, it became even quieter.
“孩子,爷爷下车了,再见!”老爷爷拄着拐杖,慢慢 “Child, I am getting off now, goodbye!” The old man slowly stepped off the
下了车。我望着他颤颤巍巍的背影,一股敬佩之情油然而 subway car on crutches. As I looked at his quivering back, a feeling of admiration
生。 arose spontaneously.
爱,是要互相关心、互相体谅,只要人人都献出一点 Love is to care and to understand each other. As long as everyone contributes a
爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 little love, the world will be beautiful.

Back to school

課程包括:Eye Level 英文閱讀寫作、數學演算解題補強及功課輔導


Improve your child’s critical thinking,
reasoning, reading and writing skills.
Fresh Meadows Learning Center
A16 义工Volunteers 917-636-8678(说中文) 929-260-0328 (Speak English) 9月刊 / September Issue / 2017

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