J480/580: Final Project Assignment

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J480/580: Final Project Assignment


Eugene YMCA

Contact: PR Director Jeff Oliver

1. Fundraising audit

Status: The Eugene YMCA has a tremendous impact on the community of Eugene. Their
mission is to provide affordable services to a diverse clientele in an effort to improve physical
and mental fitness. The nonprofit offers a variety of services and classes to accomplish this
mission. However, all these programs must be financed; this requires fundraising because
membership is not enough to cover the cost. The YMCA fundraises through a variety of
methods. One of their primary tactics is mass emails to past donors and current members. The Y
is also beginning to advertise on the sides of Eugene busses. Furthermore, Jeff and Lisa
MacMaster (Senior director of philanthropy) are working on a commercial to raise money for the
Y. They hired a videographer to help them produce a piece focused on the positive impact the Y
has on the community.

Also, the Eugene YMCA is very active on social media, in particular, Facebook and Twitter.
They have a large audience and great potential for fundraising.

The Y appeals to publics that many other recreation centers do not. The Y reaches out to families
(often lower income) because they provide an affordable gym, childcare, fitness classes, and
multiple tennis courts. The Y appeals to seniors because they offer the Livestrong cancer
program, diabetes informational services, nutrition courses, and senior swimming classes. They
specifically target older clientele, which many gyms do not.

They Y is not overly aggressive in their calls for donations. They prefer to fundraise indirectly
by engaging psi’s with charity work, recruiting volunteers, and engaging community members at
their events (like the 130th birthday). This method can be incredibly effective because it helps
donors to come to the conclusion that they should give, rather than outright asking them.

Strategies: The strategies associated with these tactics are to inform their target publics,
encourage membership and enrollment in services at the Y, and to increase donations.

Strengths: Sending email appeals helps donors to feel important, that they are needed, and that
they are involved. This approach is a great way to show donors how grateful the Y is for their
support. It also helps to keep them up to date and informed on events happening in the
organization. The more in the loop donors are, the more likely they are to contribute in the

Advertising on the side of busses has huge potential. The YMCA has not had the opportunity to
do this in the past. This tactic is a strength because in many cases people riding the busses are
looking for more affordable options for health and fitness. This is easy publicity for the Y and
should help to increase membership.

Weaknesses: The problem with email appeals is that they can lead to donor fatigue. Advertising
on the side of buses should be effective, but this tactic is relatively unproven and might not
produce actual results. The biggest weakness the YMCA has is that it does not actively
crowdfund online. According to PR Director Jeff Oliver, “We have never done an online
crowdfunding campaign. We take online donations, but that isn’t a full crowdfunding-like
campaign.” They have a donate button on their website, but they are not very direct in calls for

Effectiveness: The Y has an effective fundraising program. Donations make up their majority of
their revenue. This is augmented by membership in the gym, childcare, and other services the Y
offers. Their social media is very effective and has a solid following.

Potential areas of growth: The Eugene YMCA could grow in a few areas. First of all, their social
media is strong, but the postings can be somewhat boring (especially the historical ones). They
could grow by posting more interactive and eye-catching content. For example, they could
develop an interesting hashtag, have contests, and do special postings focused on individual
volunteers. The more interactive, emotional, and personal the postings are, the more effective
they will be. Increased storytelling would be huge for donations. If they focus on human interest
and use powerful emotional triggers people will be more inclined to sign up for the services or to

An online crowdfunding campaign would also be extremely helpful. Crowdfunding has the
potential for improved donations because of its share-ability and interactive nature. Using
storytelling and compelling content to motivate donors could help the Y become more successful
than it already is.

The Y is in a great situation because if they fundraise effectively they have the potential to bring
in members, donors, and volunteers. All three of these target publics have the potential to help
the Y and give it more publicity.

2. Fundraising communication plan

Situation Analysis: The Eugene Y has effective methods for fundraising. Their main tactic is
donor appeals. This method is powerful because it helps donors and members to feel involved,
needed, and appreciated. However, it does lead to donor fatigue and could cause some people to
feel that too much is being asked of them.

They Y has a great social media presence, but could use a revamp of the actual content. They
should try to minimize the historical posts and attempt to storytell and advertise a little more.
The posts are no doubt a way to real in an older clientele, but they are not helpful for younger
families and children. Use of storytelling and interactive content would go a long way in
improving fundraising.
Statement of strategy: The key for the Eugene YMCA is to effectively target all three of their
main publics: members, volunteers, and donors. This can be done through effective social media
and website use. By crafting a series of social media content (storytelling, infographics,
informational posts) the Y can involve all three of these publics. The strategy is to show in-
depth, through creative storytelling, how the Y helps families, older clientele, and low-income
demographics. If this is done effectively, more people will sign up for services, volunteer, and
donate. This strategy works for the Y because it sticks to its mission and values: to provide
affordable services to a diverse community in an effort to improve physical and mental health.

Objective 1: Increase enrollment in the Eugene YMCA children summer camps by 25% as
measured by 2016 statistics.

Justification: This objective is a method of indirect fundraising because it encourages enrollment

in summer camps, in the Y as a whole, and appeals to donors. Donors want to know that their
money is being well spent, and summer camps show the effect that the Y has on the community.
Furthermore, increased enrollment both raises revenue and allows the Y to bring on more
volunteers to accommodate this rise in membership.

Strategy 1: Use social media to promote the summer camps.

Tactic 1: Implement a Facebook and Instagram campaign with last year’s photos, infographics,
relevant dates, and benefits of the camps.
Tactic 2: Blog daily from the summer camps with funny videos, observations, and photos of
kid’s accomplishments.
Tactic 3: Create an interactive Twitter contest where parents submit videos of their children
training for summer camps or being physically active. The best video could earn free enrollment
in one of the camps.

Strategy 2: Create a multimedia campaign to run on local television channels and video
streaming services.
Tactic 1: Craft a video that outlines the physical and mental benefits that being outside and
active have on children. The video could be run on local TV channels. The focus should be on
how the Y is helping children to be healthy by offering these affordable services.
Tactic 2: Pitch the story to local news channels.

Strategy 3: Partner with a University of Oregon athlete who will volunteer at one of the summer
camps. A notable athlete is a huge influencer and would definitely raise interest and involvement
in the camps.
Tactic 1: Send out PSAs to broadcast the event and encourage newspapers to cover. The better
the athlete, the more likely they will be to become involved.
Tactic 2: Using this celebrity partnership, post photos of the athlete being involved on social
media and place pin up flyers in schools around Eugene.
Objective 2: Increase the revenue of the Eugene YMCA by 10% by the end of the year as
measured by 2016 statistics.

Justification: This objective is attainable because of the variety of opportunities the Y has. Using
effective crowdfunding and social media tactics, the Y can use its social media and presence in
the community to boost enrollment and donations.

Strategy 1: Use social media to promote the services that the YMCA offers to the community.
Tactic 1: Focusing on the Livestrong program, post weekly videos to Facebook with individual
stories of each of the participants in the program.
Tactic 2: Using the Instagram Live and Facebook Live services, post feeds inside the dance,
swimming, and yoga classes to physically show members the cool programs the Y has.
Tactic 3: Using a gym member who has a personal trainer, post progress pics monthly on
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show the growth of this member.

Strategy 2: Partner with Nike to create a campaign focused on fitness. Nike is a tremendous
influencer, especially in the fitness community, and their support would be huge for fundraising
for the Y.
Tactic 1: Use Nike as a summer camp sponsor (if its affordable) to provide gear and bags to the
athletes. This tactic will raise revenue because it gives the Eugene Y exposure on a more national
Tactic 2: Using the Nike partnership, select a YMCA member, preferably one with an interesting
story, and have them throw out the first pitch at a University of Oregon baseball game.
Tactic 3: Create a video of a new YMCA gym member (wearing all Nike gear) and show this
person’s path to fitness.

3. Two completed tactics

B. Social media content

The Eugene Y has all the keys to effective online fundraising. They just need to have better
tactics. They need to combine their strong social network with storytelling and calls to action.
All designs below are formatted dimensionally to fit their social media platforms.

Platform 1: Facebook
Justification: I chose Facebook because the Eugene Y has the largest amount of followers on this
medium (2950). I feel that Facebook has the best potential donors because in many cases the
people who have money to give away are older. The average age on Facebook is 40.5.
I focused my Facebook social content on the Livestrong program because all the members are
older. This method marries two demographics and should lead to an increase in revenue. I
crafted the content to appeal to this audience. It’s focused on what they care about, what
messages resonate with them, and what motivates them.
Platform 2: Instagram
Justification: I chose Instagram because it has the most potential of all social media right now.
Instagram is very popular, but is underutilized by the YMCA. They have only 400 followers.
This is probably because the Y posts a lot of material that appeals to an older clientele. The
content I designed is supposed to target children and families. 90% of Instagram users are around
the 18 – 29 demographic. This is when people begin to have families. Therefore, the content
should be focused on childcare, summer camps, and other programs that accommodate children.
Also, many children have their own social media accounts. If the information is simple and eye
catching it may lead to them being more proactive about signing up for courses.

Post 1

Caption: In the face of great adversity and crippling odds, all eleven of these women have
overcome cancer. The Eugene YMCA is committed to making their lives as wholesome and
healthy as possible. The Y offers individualized fitness programs to help these survivors to
become as strong as possible. With your support, we can continue to change lives, one step at a
time and help cancer survivors to #Livestronger. To donate to the Livestrong cancer program,
click here.
Post 2

Caption: We need your help now to continue to enrich the lives of cancer survivors. Your
support dramatically changes and improves the circumstances of those unfortunate enough to
have cancer. Help our survivors #Livebetter. Even the smallest gift helps. Your contributions are
what allow this program to change lives. Click here to be directed to our website.
Post 3

Caption: The Livestrong program changes lives. To learn more about Holly’s remarkable story
from cancer to the YMCA, click this link. To learn more about how you can be involved with the
Livestrong program, click here. #HonorTheFight #CrushCancer
Post 1

Created by stolkramaker
from the Noun Project

Caption: At the Triple Rise Horse Camp campers will learn basic horsemanship and riding skills,
grooming, and feeding. They will get a rare opportunity to make new friends and learn how to
handle horses. Don’t miss this chance to interactive with such beautiful animals. To learn more
or sign up, click here. #Summer2017 #GiddyUp
Post 2



Caption: At Rainbow Day Camp, children will have the time of their lives learning to swim,
cook, and adventure. All meals are provided by the YMCA. To take part in the fun and exciting
camp, you can register here. #RainbowDayCamp #EugeneYMCA
Post 3

YMCA Adventures Day Camp

Ages 4 - 6

Caption: Introducing, the Eugene YMCA Adventures Day Camp! Campers will go hiking,
explore nature, and spend time in the water. The goal of the camp is to have fun and explore. To
learn more or sign up, click here.
Post 4

Caption: Sign up for Explorers Day Camp! Start your day in the Fun Club room and then hop on
the bus to begin the field trip. Campers will get to swim, craft, play games and sing! Spend the
day with the YMCA. To sign up, click here. #EugeneYMCA #ClimbHigher
Post 5

Caption: At the Extravaganza Day Camp, campers will learn all about baking and cooking. Sign
up any time before July 17 to learn about all about food. #FoodFacts #Learn2Cook
Post 6

Caption: Take a field trip! Sign up for the Eugene YMCA’s Voyager Day Camp and make new
friends while crafting, singing, and going on field trips. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore
Eugene. To sign up, click here. #TheGreatEscape #EscapinNation
C. Crowdfunding page description + video

One year ago in April, Holly Frei got the news no one wants to hear.

“You have cancer.”

Devastation. Cancer is an unstoppable beast. One in every eight deaths is attributed to cancer.
The disease kills more people than malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS combined. Holly was

That same year her husband died, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and her dog died.
Most people would have given up in the face of such tragedy… but not Holly.

The Livestrong program at the YMCA changes lives. The service is free and offers a twelve-
week course of physical activity specifically tailored to each survivor. The program gives them
the opportunity to recover from the horrors of cancer treatment. It helps foster friendships, regain
strength, and restore confidence.

The program makes a difference.

To continue to finance this program, the Eugene YMCA needs your help now. Your donations,
no matter how small, have a tremendous impact on the lives of those less fortunate. Click below
to change another person’s life. Thank you.

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