Custom Ars Magnus

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Requirements: Attack Ability 140+, Power 9+, Aura Extension, Inhumanity

Base Weapon: None
DP Cost: 30 MK Cost: 30

Pluto is an interesting magnus as it is was fabled to be created by a nameless nemesis user who had strong ties with
the undead and demons. This magnus carries no curse or evil intent but it still leaves an odd impression on those
who see it. Pluto allows the user to summon a weapon like any normal melee arm but it is made of ectoplasmic
energy formed by their own spirit. This magnus is as unique as the person wielding it and few are similar, and the
base abilities are as follows.

Base Damage: 65
Speed: +10
Primary Attack Type: Variable
Second Attack Type: None
Breakage: 2
Fortitude: 25
Required Strength: 6
Presence: as the character
Special: Reformation, Block, Variable Abilities

Damage: Already taking into account aura extension

Quality: Adjusting Pluto’s quality is not possible at this level

Primary Attack Type: Follows the Base of the Weapon Pluto is made to copy such as a Long Sword made by Pluto
would be a Cut Primary Attack whereas a Warhammer would be an Impact Primary.

Block: Blocking with Pluto is difficult due to its wraith-like qualities, the user applies a penalty of -10 to their final block
ability when doing so.

Reformation: The user cannot be disarmed of Pluto and if Pluto is ever sundered the user loses 6 Ki points from the
shock but can otherwise summon Pluto again the following round without any additional issue

Variable Abilities; When taking Pluto the user may apply three of the following, once the decisions have been made
they cannot be changed.

• Weightless: The required strength of Pluto becomes zero

• Heart Seeker: Pluto gains the precision ability
• Translucent: The user gains +15 to Counters when attacking with Pluto
• Project Power: The user gains the ability to fire a projectile of Pluto’s energy at a distance, this counts as
thrown, has a range of 30 feet, and deals half of Pluto’s base damage (no other modifier applied). This
ability costs 3 Ki points and can only be done once every other round.
• Increased Size: Normally Pluto counts as small for the purpose of area attacks, with this magnus it is
considered medium size for the purpose of area attacks (but receives no other benefit for its size)
• Spiritual Luminescence: Pluto glows like a bright torch out to 15 feet, this can be suppressed at will. this
also grants the user a special bonus, the light itself will cast itself upon prominent spirits in the area, and any
sentient or dangerous spirit in the area is made visible to the naked eye. this does not reveal invisible
creatures unless they are invisible by benefit of being in a spirit form, and creates with presence 15 greater
than the user can resist this effect with a willpower check against the user of Pluto.
Requirements: Pluto, Attack Ability 200+, Power 11+
Base Weapon: None
DP Cost: 30 MK Cost: 30

At this level of mastery the user of Pluto has gained total suffusion with its energies, becoming truly one with it.
Pluto’s powers are significantly more imposing at this point and even those unfamiliar with it can feel its sentience
when Pluto is active. upon taking Pluto Magister the user may apply four additional properties to Pluto from both the
list below or from the list given in the original Pluto entry. also keep in mind that some properties have others as
prerequisites. also, at this point Pluto gains energy as its primary attack type, replacing its original. if the user so
chooses they may sacrifice this bonus, retaining their original attack type and never gaining energy as a attack
property of Pluto, and in its place gain five bonus properties instead of four.

Increased Damage: The base damage of Pluto goes up by +20

Quality: Pluto is considered a +5 weapon in all aspects. this may be taken twice, making Pluto +10.

Secondary Attack Type: Pluto gains a secondary attack type of any type but energy.

More Potent Projection: Requires project power; increase range to 60 feet, counts as fired projectile, costs 12 Ki
points. Even after this ability is taken one may still fire an original project power projectile, it retains all of its original
properties but still is considered a fired projectile.

Nearly Invisible: requires translucent; increase counter bonuses to +30

Additional Size Increase: requires increased size; Pluto now functions as a large weapon when making area

Blood Drinker: When delivering a successful critical the user of Pluto recovers a number of hit points equal to 1/5 of
the damage dealt to the opponent, rounding down. The opponent must be living, and neither the user nor the
opponent can have damage resistance or this will have no effect.

Soul Stealer: the user of Pluto can decide, before making their attack roll, to make a special soul stealer attack, this
attack cannot be combined with project power. When making such an attack the base damage is reduced to half, but
it deals additional damage to the opponent’s Ki reserves equal to one quarter of Pluto’s full damage (one half of
one half), the user recovers this much Ki for themselves, any excess Ki is lost.
Requirements: Attack 150+, Aura Extension.
Base Weapon: Projectile Module.
Cost: 30 MK: 30

Base Damage: 50. Speed: Variable.

Primary: Thrust. Secondary: -.
Breakage: 4. Fortitude: 1.
Req. Str.: - Presence: 20.
Special: Shot, Tricks, Disruptor Arrow, Elemental Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Glue Arrow, Reflecting Arrow, Stunning

Damage: Indicated Damage includes the bonus from Aura Extension.

Shot: Yáng must be used with either a Bow or a Crossbow weapon since it only affects its amunitions, turning them
into trick arrows. As such its Speed varies, depending on the chosen weapon.

Tricks: Whenever a Yáng user shots an arrow, he/she can spend ki points to turn it into a Trick Arrow, granting it one
of the following characteristics.

Disruptor Arrow: Targets damaged by a Disruptor Arrow must pass a PhR check against a difficulty of 120 or
become unable to use any Supernatural Ability for a number of minutes equal to their failure level. Using a Disruptor
Arrow has a cost of 8Ki points per arrow.

Elemental Arrow: An Elemental Arrow inflicts Elemental Damage of any chosen type. Using an Elemental Arrow has
a cost of 2Ki points per arrow.

Explosive Arrow: An Explosive Arrow has +20Base Damage and an Area of Effect with 5m radius. Using an
Explosive Arrow has a cost of 5Ki points per arrow.

Glue Arrow: A Glue Arrow causes no damage. If the target of a Glue Arrow loses the combat by 10 points (ignoring
Armor), he/she suffers from Minor Paralysis. If the target loses by 100 points or more, he/she suffers from Partial
Paralysis. If the target loses by 200 points or more, he/she suffers from Total Paralysis. Using a Glue Arrow has a
cost of 5Ki points per arrow.

Reflecting Arrow: A Reflecting Arrow can contrast Spells, using the Spell Clashing rules.Using a Reflecting Arrow
has a cost of 2Ki points per arrow.

Stunning Arrow: When using a Stunning Arrow, it makes an Impact attack type that halves the dealt Damage but
applies full damage for calculating if the attack deals a critical and the Critical Level. The whole body of the target is
considered as a vulnerable point. In case a Critical is scored, add +10 to the Critical Level and treat it as a Knock-Out
Critical. Using a Stunning Arrow has a cost of 3Ki points per arrow.

Quality: Yáng is affected from quality as normal, although it only gains the bonus that projectiles gain to it. Other
quality bonuses depend on the used weapon.
Requirements: Yáng, Perception 11+, Attack 200+.
Base Weapon: As for Yáng.
Cost: 30 MK: 30

Choose 2 of the following advantages. May choose to specialize on a single Bow or Crossbow. If you do, you don’t
get any Magister Bonus if using other bows/crossbows, but may choose 3 of the following advantages for the chosen
projectile weapon.

Improved Disruption: Double damage inflicted to Supernatural Shields by Disruptor Arrows. The PhR check
difficulty caused by Disruptor Arrows is increased by +10 for each 30 points of Dealt Damage.

Elemental Overflow: When calculating the Special Effects of Cold, Fire, and Electricity Elemental Attacks dealt with
an Elemental Arrow, triple the Damage dealt. Note that this effect does not actually triple the suffered Damage. Also
Elemental Attacks made with Elemental Arrows do triple damage, instead of double, to creatures with Elemental

Overburst: Area of effect of Explosive Arrows is increased to 10m and Base Damage is further increased by +10.

Spider Cobweb: Targets of Glue Arrow suffer from Partial Paralysis if they lose combat by 50 or more points and
from Total Paralysis if they lose combat by 150 or more points.

Total Rebound: When using a Reflecting Arrow for a Spell Clash, add +50 to the roll.

Umber Slumber: When using a Stunning Arrow, double inflicted Damage for calculating the Critical Level, before
applying the +10 Critical Level bonus.

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