Lorentz Force and Superconductor

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Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479


The Lorentz force and superconductivity

J.E. Hirsch
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0319, USA
Received 27 June 2003; received in revised form 11 July 2003; accepted 15 July 2003
Communicated by R. Wu

To change the velocity of an electron requires that a Lorentz force acts on it, through an electric or a magnetic field. We point
out that within the conventional understanding of superconductivity electrons appear to change their velocity in the absence
of Lorentz forces. This indicates a fundamental problem with the conventional theory of superconductivity. A hypothesis is
proposed to resolve this difficulty. This hypothesis is consistent with the theory of hole superconductivity.
 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 74.20.-z; 74.20.De; 74.20.Mn; 74.25.Nf

Keywords: Lorentz force; Rotating superconductor; London field; London equation; Giant atom

In the microscopic realm, electrons do not change 

of a magnetic vector potential A,
their state of motion in the absence of an electro-
magnetic force (we omit consideration of gravita- p e 
tional forces throughout this Letter). For example, in v = − A (1)
me me c
the Stark effect the electron changes its wavefunction
when an electric field is applied because of the electric one finds that the change in velocity when the mag-
Lorentz force acting on the electron. In paramagnetic netic field is increased from zero to its finite value is
atoms, orientation of atomic magnetic moments under
application of a magnetic field can be understood as v=−
 A (2)
arising from the magnetic Lorentz force on orbital or me c
intrinsic (due to spin) electric currents. In a diamag- since the wavefunction and consequently the canonical
netic atom, the wavefunction of the electron does not momentum do not change to first order [1]. Here,
change upon application of a magnetic field (to lowest me is the free electron mass. This change of velocity
order) but its velocity does. From the relation between can be understood as arising from the Lorentz electric
velocity and canonical momentum p in the presence force acting on the electron, with the electric field
generated by the changing magnetic field through
Faraday’s law [1]. I argue that we know of no example
in the microscopic quantum-mechanical world where
E-mail address: jhirsch@ucsd.edu (J.E. Hirsch). electrons would change their velocity in the absence
0375-9601/$ – see front matter  2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.E. Hirsch / Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479 475

of an applied Lorentz force London postulates the London equation [4]

v vs = −
F = e E + × B (3) me c
A (4)
which requires either an electric field, or a magnetic for the superfluid velocity that should exist in the pres-
field together with a nonzero velocity. ence of the vector potential A, regardless of how that
In the macroscopic world, new phenomena may oc- state was reached. No justification for Eq. (4) exists
cur when many degrees of freedom are at play [2]. within the standard theory of electromagnetism. As a
For example, a ferromagnet will ‘spontaneously’ de- plausibility argument it is argued that the wavefunc-
velop a magnetic moment when cooled below its crit- tion of the superconductor is ‘rigid’ and that Eq. (1)
ical temperature. Still, even in that case in general no with p = 0 applies for a simply connected supercon-
net magnetic moment will be observed in the absence ductor independent of history, so that Eq. (4) is the
of an applied magnetic field because of domain forma- only possible state due to this rigidity. The ‘rigidity’ of
tion. If the metal is cooled in the presence of a mag- the wavefunction is indeed consistent with BCS the-
netic field the magnetic moments of the domains will ory, however BCS theory does not address the ques-
orient in the direction of the external field because of tion of how the state with finite Meissner currents is
the torque that a magnetic moment experiences in the reached. Note that if electrons at the Fermi surface are
presence of a magnetic field, which we can also at- moving in random directions the effect of the Lorentz
tribute to the Lorentz force Eq. (3). force will not be to produce an azimuthal Meissner
In contrast, in superconductors new phenomena are current.
observed that appear to be more ‘mysterious’ than In the atom the diamagnetic current can be under-
those seen in both the microscopic world as well as in stood as being generated through a real force gener-
other macroscopic phase transitions: electrons change ated by a real electric field acting on the atomic elec-
their state of motion in response to external probes in tron. Why cannot the final state of the superconductor
certain specific ways that appear to be independent be understood in the same way? Since Eq. (4) does not
of forces acting on the electrons. I argue that these involve Planck’s constant, it should be possible to un-
situations present a puzzle within the conventional derstand it using classical arguments, just as Eq. (2)
theory of superconductivity. An explanation of these for the electron in the atom [1]. How do the electrons
phenomena is proposed that requires a revision of the in the superconductor ‘know’ to start moving in the
conventional understanding of superconductivity. right direction when the metal is cooled below Tc in
the presence of a magnetic field?

1. The Meissner effect

2. The rotating superconductor
The expulsion of magnetic flux from the interior
of a type I superconductor when a magnetic field is In a simply connected superconductor rotating with
turned on can be understood, just as diamagnetism of angular velocity ω, a magnetic field exists throughout
atomic electrons, as arising from the current generated its interior given by [3,4]
through the Lorentz electric force generated by the 2me c
changing magnetic field acting on the superfluid elec- B = − 
ω (5)
trons [3]. However, when a simply connected type I
superconductor is cooled below Tc in the presence of (conventionally called ‘London field’).1 This has been
a constant magnetic field, the same final state needs verified experimentally for both conventional [6–8]
to be achieved, in the absence of electric forces gener- and high Tc [9] superconductors. Theoretically it
ated by changing magnetic fields. Furthermore, since
the superfluid is supposed to be at rest, no magnetic 1 We have recently discussed an interpretation of the significance
Lorentz force can act. How is it possible then that a of the sign and of the fact that me is the free electron mass in Eq. (5):
state with finite screening currents is reached? see Ref. [5].
476 J.E. Hirsch / Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479

was predicted first based upon the theory of perfect

conductors [3], for the case where the metal in the
superconducting state is put into rotation. In that
framework it can be understood as arising because the
electrons near the surface ‘lag behind’ when the body
is put in rotation, and a surface current is generated.
When the ions start moving the resulting electric
current due to ionic motion generates a changing
magnetic field which in turn generates an electric field
that makes the electrons follow suit.
The existence of the field Eq. (5) also follows
from London’s equation Eq. (4) for vs = ω  × r as
appropriate for rigid rotation, since ∇ × (ω
 × r) = 2ω.

Fig. 1. Charge configuration in a rotating superconductor implied by
Hence it is predicted to exist also when a rotating
the conventional theory (qualitative). For mechanical equilibrium,
normal metal is cooled below its superconducting an electric field pointing in needs to exist, generated by negative
transition temperature [4], and indeed is so found electrons moving in slightly giving a nonuniform charge distribu-
experimentally [8]. However, we face then a similar tion.
problem as for the Meissner effect discussed above.
If the electrons are rotating with the lattice in the
state, the centrifugal force would push the electrons
normal state, what makes the electrons near the surface
out rather than in. However if such was the case
‘lag behind’ when the metal becomes superconducting
the resulting electric field would point out, which
to generate the interior magnetic field Eq. (5)? No
would be incompatible with Eq. (5) and mechanical
magnetic field nor electric field should initially exist,
so no Lorentz force acts on the electron.
We should point out that previous discussions of the
Furthermore, there is another mysterious conse-
electric field inside rotating superconductors within
quence of Eq. (5). In the interior of the superconductor
the conventional framework erroneously concluded
the electrons are rotating at the same angular velocity
that an electric field pointing out exists [10,11],
as the lattice. Assuming no force is exerted by the ionic
compatible with the expectation [3] that electrons
lattice on the superfluid, the centripetal force for the
should move out due to the centrifugal force. This
electron to rotate needs to be provided by the magnetic
is because in analyzing the situation in the rotating
field. However the magnetic field required for a charge
frame, the contribution to the electric field arising from
e and mass me to rotate with angular velocity ω is half
Lorentz-transforming the magnetic field Eq. (5) was
the value of the magnetic field Eq. (5)! In other words,
an electron rotating in a magnetic field rotates at the
cyclotron frequency ω = eB/me c rather than the Lar-
mor frequency ω = eB/2me c. Consequently, for me-
chanical equilibrium, an electric field in the interior of 3. The quantized flux
the superconductor needs to exist:
Consider a metal ring with magnetic flux through
B × (ω × r) its center in a well-localized region that does not over-
E = . (6)
2c lap the ring, as shown in Fig. 2. The flux quantization
This electric field points towards the interior of condition [4]
the superconductor. Hence it requires the negative 
superfluid to move slightly in towards the interior of  = nh
p · dl (7)
the superconductor to generate this field, as shown
schematically in Fig. 1. However, one would expect (n = integer, h = Planck’s constant) requires that if
exactly the opposite: if in a rotating metal the electrons the ring is in the superconducting state the magnetic
become ‘free’ as the metal enters the superconducting flux enclosed is an integer multiple of the flux quan-
J.E. Hirsch / Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479 477

the atom, it is the change in the electron velocity that

obeys the London-like equation (2). This can be sim-
ply understood classically. Assume the electron is ro-
tating in an orbit of radius r. The centripetal force is
provided by the ionic electric field Eion :
me v 2
= eEion. (9)
On applying a magnetic field, the change in the
centripetal force is provided by the magnetic Lorentz
force. In absolute value,
2me vv ev
= B (10)
Fig. 2. Superconducting ring threading magnetic flux. The magnetic r c
field lines are confined to a small central region far away from the leading to
inner surface of the ring. No magnetic field exists anywhere in the
e Br
ring. A current j will exists near the ring surfaces if the applied flux v = (11)
is not an integer multiple of the flux quantum. me c 2
which is equivalent to Eq. (2) for A = B × r/2. The
tum [12]: left-hand side of Eq. (10) follows from a variation of
 Eq. (9) only if v  v, which is consistent with the
Φ = B · dS
 = nΦ0 , (8a) fact that quantum-mechanically Eq. (2) only holds to
first order in the magnetic field.
Φ0 = . (8b) From an identical consideration it is clear that we
2e will have mechanical equilibrium for the superfluid
If the applied magnetic field does not satisfy the con- electrons in the rotating superconductor with the
dition Eq. (8), surface currents develop in the ring so correct factor of 2 in the London field Eq. (5) if
that Eq. (8) is satisfied. If the external magnetic field is the superfluid electron is already rotating at a high
changed from a value that satisfies Eq. (8) to one that angular velocity before the body is set into rotation, so
does not, while the ring is in the superconducting state, that Eq. (10) applies just as for the electron in the atom
the development of these ring currents can be under- (from Eq. (10), Eq. (5) follows for rigid rotation with
stood: as the external magnetic field is changed, mag- v = ωr). If this is so, an electric field has to exist
netic field lines will move across the superconducting in the interior of the superconductor which provides
ring and exert a Lorentz force on the superfluid elec- the centripetal force to sustain the superfluid electron
trons that will drive the ring surface currents necessary rotation. This implies that a nonzero positive charge
to maintain Eq. (8). density exists in the interior of the superconductor,
However, if the ring is cooled from the normal to which in turn leads us to conclude that negative charge
the superconducting state while enclosing a flux that is expelled from the interior of the metal towards the
does not satisfy Eq. (8), how do the ring currents surface when the metal enters the superconducting
develop? In that case no magnetic field ever exists state.
in the ring itself, as well as no electric field, so the Remarkably, this hypothesis then provides us with
Lorentz force is zero. How do the electrons know to an explanation of the Meissner effect. When the sys-
start moving? tem goes superconducting electrons in the interior are
We argue that the three examples discussed above expelled towards the surface. In the presence of a mag-
represent unsolved puzzles in the conventional un- netic field, the Lorentz force on the radially outgoing
derstanding of superconductivity. In the following we electron will give rise to a tangential force in the direc-
propose a hypothesis that explains these puzzles. tion needed to generate the surface currents that will
A hint to explain these puzzles arises from con- screen the magnetic field, as shown schematically in
sideration of the electron in a diamagnetic atom. In Fig. 3.
478 J.E. Hirsch / Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479

Fig. 3. Qualitative explanation of the Meissner effect. As electrons

are expelled from the interior of the superconductor, the radially
outgoing velocity in the presence of the B-field give rise to a Fig. 5. Charge configuration in the ground state of a superconductor
tangential Lorentz force that drives the screening current. in the absence or presence of body rotation implied by the theory of
hole superconductivity (qualitative). Excess negative charge exists
within a London penetration length of the surface, and excess
positive charge in the interior. An electric field pointing out exists
that provides the centripetal acceleration for orbiting electrons. In
the presence of body rotation the magnetic field Eq. (5) provides the
additional centripetal force required by the velocity change.

preexistent superfluid velocity exist in the ring? When

the superconductor expels electrons from its interior
we need to assume that the wavefunction of these elec-
trons near the surface ‘leaks out’ and reaches the re-
gion where the magnetic field is nonzero, as shown in
Fig. 4. This occurs through a radially inward velocity,
Fig. 4. Explanation of the flux quantization puzzle. When the
which when the wavefunction reaches the region of
superconductor expels electrons from its interior, the electronic
wave function ‘leaks out’ of the body of the superconductor. The nonzero magnetic field gives rise to a Lorentz force in
tail of the electronic wave function has to extend into the region the tangential direction that can set the surface current
where the magnetic field is nonzero to feel the Lorentz force and in the superconducting ring into motion.
start moving. We point out that the theory of hole superconduc-
tivity [13] predicts that electrons are expelled from
Furthermore, this assumption provides a natural the interior of superconductors when the transition
explanation for why the superfluid electrons near the to superconductivity occurs [14], that a radially out-
surface ‘lag behind’ when a rotating metal becomes ward electric field exists in the interior of supercon-
superconducting: electrons flow out, and if the body ductors [14,15], as shown qualitatively in Fig. 5, and
is rotating there is a Coriolis force on the outward that the wavefunctions of electrons will leak out from
flowing electrons that makes them lag behind when the body of the superconductor [15], as required by
they approach the surface. Simply put, the electron the explanations discussed above. Superconductors are
from the interior has a smaller tangential velocity so understood as ‘giant atoms’ [15]. In the absence of
that when it flows out it will lag the faster motion body rotation and magnetic fields electrons of oppo-
occurring at larger r. site spin rotate predominantly in opposite directions
Finally, how do the electrons in the superconduct- so that no charge current but a macroscopic spin cur-
ing ring threaded by magnetic flux get set into motion rent exists in the superconducting ground state [15].
when neither a magnetic field nor an electric field nor a ‘Bloch’s theorem’ [16] does not apply for that case.
J.E. Hirsch / Physics Letters A 315 (2003) 474–479 479

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