Department of Urban and Regional Planning Buet: Programming Techniques

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning


Course Name: Programming Techniques

Course Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan
Assistant Professor, Institute of Information Technology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Mobile: 01748 890280

This course deals with the basic knowledge of programming in structured way. After completing the course you will
know the rules and different techniques to program in a structured way and will be able to solve problems using C.

Course Content*
The followings are the rough outline of this course. This schedule of course content may change depending on the pace
of the class and threads of discussion.

An overview of programming
o History and types of programming language
o The origin of C
o The form of a C program

Primary discussion on C
o Keywords and Identifiers
o Constants
o Variables
o Statements
o Operators and expressions
o Input and output operation

Decision making and branching

o Decision making with if statement
 Simple if statement
 The if….else statement
 Nested if ...else statement
o Switch Statement
o The ?: Operator

Decision making and looping

o The while statement
o The do statement
o The do/while statement
o The for loop
o Nested for looping

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o Library and user defined functions
o Parameter
o Function body
o Function prototype
o Call by value
o Recursion
o Variable scope

o One-dimensional Arrays
o Two-dimensional Arrays
o Multi-dimensional Arrays

o Declaring and initializing string variable
o Building arrays of string
o Reading strings from terminal
o Writing strings to screen
o String operations

Structure and union

o Declaring structure
o Accessing the members
o Operations on members
o Arrays of structures
o Structure within structure
o Size of structure
o Union

File Management
o Defining and opening a file
o Closing a file
o Input / Output operation on file
o Random Access to files

Note: Topics/Course content may be changed anytime (Added/Removed) according to subject’s necessity.


 Herbert Schildt, Teach Yourself C (McGraw-Hill) (a novice must buy this book for practice)

Other Reference Book

 E.Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C

 Schaums Series, Programming with C

Message to the participant

Students are required to attend all classes. Recovering missed lecture content or assignment information is the
responsibility of the student. Office appointments will not be used to substitute for class attendance. Prior to class,

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reading assignments must be completed and any other assignments must be submitted at the beginning of the class
period. Participation in class activities, including discussion groups and in-class assignments, is a component of class
performance. Failure to prepare and participate effectively will negatively impact the learning processes devised for the

Obligations of the participant

Participants are required:
 To read the appropriate reading materials for each session
 To prepare any exercises given
 To join a group for the group works
 To participate in the preparation of the group reports
 To attend all the lectures

Assessment and grading policy

As per University rules

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