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G.R. No. 167919 February 14, 2007 Based on the Exchange of Notes dated December 27, 1999,1 the
Government of Japan and the Government of the Philippines, through
PLARIDEL M. ABAYA, COMMODORE PLARIDEL C. GARCIA (retired) their respective representatives, namely, Mr. Yoshihisa Ara, Ambassador
and PMA ’59 FOUNDATION, INC., rep. by its President, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of the
COMMODORE CARLOS L. AGUSTIN (retired), Petitioners, Philippines, and then Secretary of Foreign Affairs Domingo L. Siazon,
vs. have reached an understanding concerning Japanese loans to be
HON. SECRETARY HERMOGENES E. EBDANE, JR., in his capacity extended to the Philippines. These loans were aimed at promoting our
as Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS and country’s economic stabilization and development efforts.
capacity as Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET and The Exchange of Notes consisted of two documents: (1) a Letter from the
MANAGEMENT, HON. SECRETARY CESAR V. PURISIMA, in his Government of Japan, signed by Ambassador Ara, addressed to then
capacity as Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, HON. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Siazon, confirming the understanding
TREASURER NORMA L. LASALA, in her capacity as Treasurer of reached between the two governments concerning the loans to be
the Bureau of Treasury, and CHINA ROAD and BRIDGE extended by the Government of Japan to the Philippines; and (2) a
CORPORATION, Respondents. document denominated as Records of Discussion where the salient
terms of the loans as set forth by the Government of Japan, through the
Before the Court is the petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 Japanese delegation, were reiterated and the said terms were accepted
of the Rules of Court seeking to set aside and nullify Resolution No. by the Philippine delegation. Both Ambassador Ara and then Secretary
PJHL-A-04-012 dated May 7, 2004 issued by the Bids and Awards Siazon signed the Records of Discussion as representatives of the
Committee (BAC) of the Department of Public Works and Highways Government of Japan and Philippine Government, respectively.
(DPWH) and approved by then DPWH Acting Secretary Florante
Soriquez. The assailed resolution recommended the award to private The Exchange of Notes provided that the loans to be extended by the
respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation of the contract for the Government of Japan to the Philippines consisted of two loans: Loan I
implementation of civil works for Contract Package No. I (CP I), which and Loan II. The Exchange of Notes stated in part:
consists of the improvement/rehabilitation of the San Andres (Codon)-
Virac-Jct. Bago-Viga road, with the length of 79.818 kilometers, in the I
island province of Catanduanes.
1. A loan in Japanese yen up to the amount of seventy-nine billion eight
The CP I project is one of the four packages comprising the project for hundred and sixty-one million yen (Y79,861,000,000) (hereinafter
the improvement/rehabilitation of the Catanduanes Circumferential Road, referred to as "the Loan I") will be extended, in accordance with the
covering a total length of about 204.515 kilometers, which is the main relevant laws and regulations of Japan, to the Government of the
highway in Catanduanes Province. The road section (Catanduanes Republic of the Philippines (hereinafter referred to as "the Borrower I") by
Circumferential Road) is part of the Arterial Road Links Development the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as
Project (Phase IV) funded under Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 dated "the Bank") to implement the projects enumerated in the List A attached
December 28, 1999 between the Japan Bank for International hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the List A") according to the allocation
Cooperation (JBIC) and the Government of the Republic of the for each project as specified in the List A.
2. (1) The Loan I will be made available by loan agreements to be
Background concluded between the Borrower I and the Bank. The terms and
conditions of the Loan I as well as the procedure for its utilization will be

governed by said loan agreements which will contain, inter alia, the Maximum amount in million yen)
following principles:
1. Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project
... 7,210

(2) Each of the loan agreements mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above 2. Rural Water Supply Project (Phase V) 951
will be concluded after the Bank is satisfied of the feasibility, including
environmental consideration, of the project to which such loan agreement 3. Bohol Irrigation Project (Phase II) 6,078
4. Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (Phase II)
3. (1) The Loan I will be made available to cover payments to be made by 16,990
the Philippine executing agencies to suppliers, contractors and/or
consultants of eligible source countries under such contracts as may be 5. Arterial Road Links Development Project (Phase IV) 15,384
entered into between them for purchases of products and/or services
required for the implementation of the projects enumerated in the List A,
6. Cordillera Road Improvement Project 5,852
provided that such purchases are made in such eligible source countries
for products produced in and/or services supplied from those countries.
7. Philippines-Japan Friendship Highway Mindanao Section
Rehabilitation Project (Phase II) 7,434
(2) The scope of eligible source countries mentioned in sub-paragraph
(1) above will be agreed upon between the authorities concerned of the
two Governments. 8. Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Bridges Along Arterial Roads
Project (Phase IV) 5,068
(3) A part of the Loan I may be used to cover eligible local currency
requirements for the implementation of the projects enumerated in the 9. Maritime Safety Improvement Project (Phase C) 4,714
List A.
10. Pinatubo Hazard Urgent Mitigation Project (Phase II) 9,013
4. With regard to the shipping and marine insurance of the products
purchased under the Loan I, the Government of the Republic of the 11. Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement Project (Phase I) 1,167
Philippines will refrain from imposing any restrictions that may hinder fair
and free competition among the shipping and marine insurance Total 79,8613
The Exchange of Notes further provided that:
x x x x2 1awphi1.net
Pertinently, List A, which specified the projects to be financed under the
Loan I, includes the Arterial Road Links Development Project (Phase IV), xxxx
to wit:
3. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines will ensure that the
LIST A products and/or services mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

of Part I and sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of Part II are procured in Loan Agreement No. PH-P204, dated December 28, 1999, between
accordance with the guidelines for procurement of the Bank, which set JAPAN BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION and the
forth, inter alia, the procedures of international tendering to be followed GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES.
except where such procedures are inapplicable or inappropriate.
In the light of the contents of the Exchange of Notes between the
x x x x4 Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines dated December 27, 1999, concerning Japanese loans to be
The Records of Discussion, which formed part of the Exchange of Notes, extended with a view to promoting the economic stabilization and
also stated in part, thus: development efforts of the Republic of the Philippines.


referred to as "the BANK") and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC
1. With reference to sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 3 of Part I of the OF THE PHILIPPINES (hereinafter referred to as "the Borrower")
Exchange of Notes concerning the financing of eligible local currency herewith conclude the following Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to
requirements for the implementation of the projects mentioned in the said as "the Loan Agreement", which includes all agreements supplemental
sub-paragraph, the representative of the Japanese delegation stated hereto).
x x x x6
(1) such requirement of local currency as general administrative
expenses, interest during construction, taxes and duties, Under the terms and conditions of Loan Agreement No. PH-P204, JBIC
expenses concerning office, remuneration to employees of the agreed to lend the Philippine Government an amount not exceeding
executing agencies and housing, not directly related to the FIFTEEN BILLION THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR MILLION
implementation of the said projects, as well as purchase of land Japanese Yen (Y15,384,000,000) as principal for the implementation of
properties, compensation and the like, however, will not be the Arterial Road Links Development Project (Phase IV) on the terms and
considered as eligible for financing under the Loan I; and conditions set forth in the Loan Agreement and in accordance with the
relevant laws and regulations of Japan.7 The said amount shall be used
(2) the procurement of products and/or services will be made in for the purchase of eligible goods and services necessary for the
accordance with the procedures of international competitive implementation of the above-mentioned project from suppliers,
tendering except where such procedures are inapplicable and contractors or consultants.8
Further, it was provided under the said loan agreement that other terms
xxx x5 and conditions generally applicable thereto shall be set forth in the
General Terms and Conditions, dated November 1987, issued by the
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF) and for the purpose,
Thus, in accordance with the agreement reached by the Government of
reference to "the OECF" and "Fund" therein (General Terms and
Japan and the Philippine Government, as expressed in the Exchange of
Conditions) shall be substituted by "the JBIC" and "Bank,"
Notes between the representatives of the two governments, the
respectively.9 Specifically, the guidelines for procurement of all goods
Philippines obtained from and was granted a loan by the JBIC. Loan
and services to be financed out of the proceeds of the said loan shall be
Agreement No. PH-P204 dated December 28, 1999, in particular, stated
as stipulated in the Guidelines for Procurement under OECF Loans dated
as follows:
December 1997 (herein referred to as JBIC Procurement Guidelines).10

As mentioned earlier, the proceeds of Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 was Original Bid As As-Corrected Bid
to be used to finance the Arterial Road Links Development Project Name of Bidder Variance
Read (Pesos) Amount (Pesos)
(Phase IV), of which the Catanduanes Circumferential Road was a part.
This road section, in turn, was divided into four contract packages (CP): 1) China Road
And Bridge ₱ 993,183,904.98 ₱952,564,821.71 28.95%
CP I: San Andres (Codon)-Virac-Jct. Bato- Viga Road - 79.818 Corporation
2) Cavite Ideal Int’l
₱1,099,926,598.11 ₱1,099,926,598.11 48.90%
CP II: Viga-Bagamanoc Road - 10.40 kms. Const. Devt. Corp.

3) Italian Thai
CP III: Bagamanoc-Pandan Road - 47.50 kms. Dev’t. Public ₱1,125,022,075.34 ₱1,125,392,475.36 52.35%
Company, Ltd.
CP IV: Pandan-Caramoran-Codon Road - 66.40 kms.11
The bid of private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation was
Subsequently, the DPWH, as the government agency tasked to
corrected from the original ₱993,183,904.98 (with variance of 34.45%
implement the project, caused the publication of the "Invitation to
from the ABC) to ₱952,564,821.71 (with variance of 28.95% from the
Prequalify and to Bid" for the implementation of the CP I project in two
ABC) based on their letter clarification dated April 21, 2004.14
leading national newspapers, namely, the Manila Times and Manila
Standard on November 22 and 29, and December 5, 2002.
After further evaluation of the bids, particularly those of the lowest three
bidders, Mr. Hedifume Ezawa, Project Manager of the Catanduanes
A total of twenty-three (23) foreign and local contractors responded to the
Circumferential Road Improvement Project (CCRIP), in his Contractor’s
invitation by submitting their accomplished prequalification documents on
Bid Evaluation Report dated April 2004, recommended the award of the
January 23, 2003. In accordance with the established prequalification
contract to private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation:
criteria, eight contractors were evaluated or considered eligible to bid as
concurred by the JBIC. One of them, however, withdrew; thus, only seven
contractors submitted their bid proposals. In accordance with the Guidelines for the Procurements under ODA
[Official Development Assistance] Loans, the Consultant hereby
recommends the award of the contract for the construction of CP I, San
The bid documents submitted by the prequalified contractors/bidders
Andres (Codon) – Virac – Jct. Bato – Viga Section under the Arterial
were examined to determine their compliance with the requirements as
Road Links Development Projects, Phase IV, JBIC Loan No. PH-P204 to
stipulated in Article 6 of the Instruction to Bidders.12 After the lapse of the
the Lowest Complying Bidder, China Road and Bridge Corporation, at its
deadline for the submission of bid proposals, the opening of the bids
total corrected bid amount of Nine Hundred Fifty-Two Million Five
commenced immediately. Prior to the opening of the respective bid
Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-One & 71/100
proposals, it was announced that the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) was in the amount of ₱738,710,563.67.
The BAC of the DPWH, with the approval of then Acting Secretary
The result of the bidding revealed the following three lowest bidders and
Soriquez, issued the assailed Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 dated May
their respective bids vis-à-vis the ABC:13
7, 2004 recommending the award in favor of private respondent China
Road & Bridge Corporation of the contract for the implementation of civil
works for CP I, San Andres (Codon) – Virac – Jct. Bato – Viga Road

(Catanduanes Circumferential Road Improvement Project) of the Arterial contract of agreement subsequently entered into by and between the
Roads Links Development Project, Phase IV, located in Catanduanes DPWH and private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation
Province, under JBIC Loan Agreement No. PH-P204.16 On September pursuant to the said resolution.
29, 2004, a Contract of Agreement was entered into by and between the
DPWH and private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation for the They pose the following issues for the Court’s resolution:
implementation of the CP I project.
I. Whether or not Petitioners have standing to file the instant
The Parties Petition.

Petitioner Plaridel M. Abaya claims that he filed the instant petition as a II. Whether or not Petitioners are entitled to the issuance of a Writ
taxpayer, former lawmaker, and a Filipino citizen. Petitioner Plaridel C. of Certiorari reversing and setting aside DPWH Resolution No.
Garcia likewise claims that he filed the suit as a taxpayer, former military PJHL-A-04-012, recommending the award of the Contract
officer, and a Filipino citizen. Petitioner PMA ’59 Foundation, Inc., on the Agreement for the implementation of civil works for CPI, San
other hand, is a non-stock, non-profit corporation organized under the Andres (CODON)-VIRAC-JCT BATO-VIGA ROAD
existing Philippine laws. It claims that its members are all taxpayers and (CATANDUANES CIRCUMFERENTIAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT
alumni of the Philippine Military Academy. It is represented by its PROJECT) of the Arterial Road Links Development Project,
President, Carlos L. Agustin. Phase IV, located in Catanduanes Province, under JBIC L/A No.
PH-P204, to China Road & Bridge Corporation.
Named as public respondents are the DPWH, as the government agency
tasked with the implementation of government infrastructure projects; the III. Whether or not the Contract Agreement executed by and
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) as the government between the Republic of the Philippines, through the Department
agency that authorizes the release and disbursement of public funds for of Public Works and Highways, and the China Road & Bridge
the implementation of government infrastructure projects; and the Corporation, for the implementation of civil works for CPI, San
Department of Finance (DOF) as the government agency that acts as the Andres (CODON)-VIRAC-JCT BATO-VIGA ROAD
custodian and manager of all financial resources of the government. Also (CATANDUANES CIRCUMFERENTIAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT
named as individual public respondents are Hermogenes E. Ebdane, Jr., PROJECT) of the Arterial Road Links Development Project,
Emilia T. Boncodin and Cesar V. Purisima in their capacities as former Phase IV, located in Catanduanes Province, under JBIC L/A No.
Secretaries of the DPWH, DBM and DOF, respectively. On the other PH-P204, is void ab initio.
hand, public respondent Norma L. Lasala was impleaded in her capacity
as Treasurer of the Bureau of Treasury. IV. Whether or not Petitioners are entitled to the issuance of a
Writ of Prohibition permanently prohibiting the implementation of
Private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation is a duly organized DPWH Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 and the Contract
corporation engaged in the business of construction. Agreement executed by and between the Republic of the
Philippines (through the Department of Public Works and
The Petitioners’ Case Highways) and the China Road & Bridge Corporation, and the
disbursement of public funds by the [D]epartment of [B]udget and
The petitioners mainly seek to nullify DPWH Resolution No. PJHL-A-04- [M]anagement for such purpose.
012 dated May 7, 2004, which recommended the award to private
respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation of the contract for the V. Whether or not Petitioners are entitled to a Preliminary
implementation of the civil works of CP I. They also seek to annul the Injunction and/or a Temporary Restraining Order immediately

enjoining the implementation of DPWH Resolution No. PJHL-A- SEC. 5. Definition of Terms. –
04-012 and the Contract Agreement executed by and between
the Republic of the Philippines (through the Department of Public xxx
Works and Highways) and the China Road & Bridge Corporation,
and the disbursement of public funds by the Department of (a) Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC). – refers to the budget for
Budget and Management for such purpose, during the pendency the contract duly approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity, as
of this case.17 provided for in the General Appropriations Act and/or continuing
appropriations, in the case of National Government Agencies; the
Preliminarily, the petitioners assert that they have standing or locus Corporate Budget for the contract approved by the governing Boards,
standi to file the instant petition. They claim that as taxpayers and pursuant to E.O. No. 518, series of 1979, in the case of Government-
concerned citizens, they have the right and duty to question the Owned and/or Controlled Corporations, Government Financial Institutions
expenditure of public funds on illegal acts. They point out that the and State Universities and Colleges; and the Budget for the contract
Philippine Government allocates a peso-counterpart for CP I, which approved by the respective Sanggunian, in the case of Local
amount is appropriated by Congress in the General Appropriations Act; Government Units.
hence, funds that are being utilized in the implementation of the
questioned project also partake of taxpayers’ money. The present action, xxx
as a taxpayers’ suit, is thus allegedly proper.
The petitioners theorize that the foregoing provisions show the
They likewise characterize the instant petition as one of transcendental mandatory character of ceilings or upper limits of every bid. Under the
importance that warrants the Court’s adoption of a liberal stance on the above-quoted provisions of RA 9184, all bids or awards should not
issue of standing. It cited several cases where the Court brushed aside exceed the ceilings or upper limits; otherwise, the contract is deemed
procedural technicalities in order to resolve issues involving paramount void and inexistent.
public interest and transcendental importance.18 Further, petitioner Abaya
asserts that he possesses the requisite standing as a former member of
Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 was allegedly issued with grave abuse of
the House of Representatives and one of the principal authors of
discretion because it recommended the award of the contract to private
Republic Act No. 9184 (RA 9184)19 known as the Government
respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation whose bid was more than
Procurement Reform Act, the law allegedly violated by the public
₱200 million overpriced based on the ABC. As such, the award is
allegedly illegal and unconscionable.
On the substantive issues, the petitioners anchor the instant petition on
In this connection, the petitioners opine that the contract subsequently
the contention that the award of the contract to private respondent China
entered into by and between the DPWH and private respondent China
Road & Bridge Corporation violates RA 9184, particularly Section 31
Road & Bridge Corporation is void ab initio for being prohibited by RA
thereof which reads:
9184. They stress that Section 31 thereof expressly provides that "bid
prices that exceed this ceiling shall be disqualified outright from
SEC. 31. Ceiling for Bid Prices. – The ABC shall be the upper limit or participating in the bidding." The upper limit or ceiling is called the ABC
ceiling for the Bid prices. Bid prices that exceed this ceiling shall be and since the bid of private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation
disqualified outright from further participating in the bidding. There shall exceeded the ABC for the CP I project, it should have been allegedly
be no lower limit to the amount of the award. disqualified from the bidding process and should not, by law, have been
awarded the said contract. They invoke Article 1409 of the Civil Code:
In relation thereto, the petitioners cite the definition of the ABC, thus:

ART. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void from the REP. ABAYA. It should read as follows: "This Act shall apply to the
beginning: procurement of goods, supplies and materials, infrastructure projects and
consulting services regardless of funding source whether local or foreign
(1) Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, by the government."
morals, good customs, public order or public policy;
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. ANGARA). Okay, accepted. We accept. The
(2) Those which are absolutely simulated or fictitious; Senate accepts it.21

(3) Those whose cause or object did not exist at the time of the xxx xxx xxx
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN ANGARA). Just take note of that ano. Medyo nga
(4) Those whose object is outside the commerce of men; problematic ‘yan eh. Now, just for the record Del, can you repeat again
the justification for including foreign funded contracts within the scope
(5) Those which contemplate an impossible service; para malinaw because the World Bank daw might raise some objection to
(6) Those where the intention of the parties relative to the
principal object of the contract cannot be ascertained; REP. ABAYA. Well, Mr. Chairman, we should include foreign funded
projects kasi these are the big projects. To give an example, if you allow
bids above government estimate, let’s say take the case of 500 million
(7) Those expressly prohibited or declared void by law.
project, included in that 500 million is the 20 percent profit. If you allow
them to bid above government estimate, they will add another say 28
For violating the above provision, the contract between the DPWH and percent of (sic) 30 percent, 30 percent of 500 million is another 150
private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation is allegedly million. Ito, this is a rich source of graft money, aregluhan na lang, 150
inexistent and void ab initio and can produce no effects whatsoever. million, five contractors will gather, "O eto 20 million, 20 million, 20
million." So, it is rigged. ‘Yun ang practice na nangyayari. If we eliminate
It is the contention of the petitioners that RA 9184 is applicable to both that, if we have a ceiling then, it will not be very tempting kasi walang
local- and foreign-funded procurement contracts. They cite the following extra money na pwedeng ibigay sa ibang contractor. So this promote
excerpt of the deliberations of the Bicameral Conference Committee on (sic) collusion among bidders, of course, with the cooperation of
the Disagreeing Provisions of Senate Bill No. 2248 and House Bill No. irresponsible officials of some agencies. So we should have a ceiling to
4809:20 include foreign funded projects.22

REP. ABAYA. Mr. Chairman, can we just propose additional The petitioners insist that Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 between the
amendments? Can we go back to Section 4, Mr. Chairman? JBIC and the Philippine Government is neither a treaty, an international
nor an executive agreement that would bar the application of RA 9184.
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. ANGARA). Section? Section ano, Del, 4? They point out that to be considered a treaty, an international or an
Definition – definition of terms. executive agreement, the parties must be two sovereigns or States
whereas in the case of Loan Agreement No. PH-P204, the parties are the
REP. ABAYA. Sa House bill, it is sa scope and application. Philippine Government and the JBIC, a banking agency of Japan, which
has a separate juridical personality from the Japanese Government.

They further insist on the applicability of RA 9184 contending that while it DPWH from implementing Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 and its
took effect on January 26, 200323 and Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 contract with private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation as
was executed prior thereto or on December 28, 1999, the actual well as the DBM from disbursing funds for the said purpose.
procurement or award of the contract to private respondent China Road
& Bridge Corporation was done after the effectivity of RA 9184. The said The Respondents’ Counter-Arguments
law is allegedly specific as to its application, which is on the actual
procurement of infrastructure and other projects only, and not on the loan The public respondents, namely the DPWH, DBM and DOF, and their
agreements attached to such projects. Thus, the petition only prays for respective named officials, through the Office of the Solicitor General,
the annulment of Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 as well as the contract urge the Court to dismiss the petition on grounds that the petitioners have
between the DPWH and private respondent China Road & Bridge no locus standi and, in any case, Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 and the
Corporation. The petitioners clarify that they do not pray for the contract between the DPWH and private respondent China Road &
annulment of Loan Agreement No. PH-P204. Since the subject Bridge Corporation are valid.
procurement and award of the contract were done after the effectivity of
RA 9184, necessarily, the procurement rules established by that law
According to the public respondents, a taxpayer’s locus standi was
allegedly apply, and not Presidential Decree No. 1594 (PD 1594)24 and
recognized in the following cases: (a) where a tax measure is assailed as
Executive Order No. 40 (EO 40), series of 2001, 25 as contended by the
unconstitutional;26 (b) where there is a question of validity of election
respondents. The latter laws, including their implementing rules, have
laws;27 (c) where legislators questioned the validity of any official action
allegedly been repealed by RA 9184. Even RA 4860, as amended,
upon the claim that it infringes on their prerogatives as legislators;28 (d)
known as the Foreign Borrowings Act, the petitioners posit, may have
where there is a claim of illegal disbursement or wastage of public funds
also been repealed or modified by RA 9184 insofar as its provisions are
through the enforcement of an invalid or unconstitutional law;29 (e) where
inconsistent with the latter.
it involves the right of members of the Senate or House of
Representatives to question the validity of a presidential veto or condition
The petitioners also argue that the "Implementing Rules and Regulations imposed on an item in an appropriation bill;30 or (f) where it involves an
(IRR) of RA 9184, Otherwise Known as the Government Procurement invalid law, which when enforced will put the petitioner in imminent
Reform Act, Part A" (IRR-A) cited by the respondents is not applicable as danger of sustaining some direct injury as a result thereof, or that he has
these rules only govern domestically-funded procurement contracts. They been or is about to be denied some right or privilege to which he is
aver that the implementing rules to govern foreign-funded procurement, lawfully entitled or that he is about to be subjected to some burdens or
as in the present case, have yet to be drafted and in fact, there are penalties by reason of the statute complained of.31 None of the above
concurrent resolutions drafted by both houses of Congress for the considerations allegedly obtains in the present case.
Reconvening of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee for the
formulation of the IRR for foreign-funded procurements under RA 9184.
It is also the view of the public respondents that the fact that petitioner
Abaya was a former lawmaker would not suffice to confer locus standi on
The petitioners maintain that disbursement of public funds to implement a himself. Members of Congress may properly challenge the validity of an
patently void and illegal contract is itself illegal and must be enjoined. official act of any department of the government only upon showing that
They bring to the Court’s attention the fact that the works on the CP I the assailed official act affects or impairs their rights and prerogatives as
project have already commenced as early as October 2004. They thus legislators.
urge the Court to issue a writ of certiorari to set aside Resolution No.
PJHL-A-04-012 as well as to declare null and void the contract entered
The public respondents further assail the standing of the petitioners to file
into between the DPWH and private respondent China Road & Bridge
the instant suit claiming that they failed to allege any specific injury
Corporation. They also pray for the issuance of a temporary restraining
suffered nor an interest that is direct and personal to them. If at all, the
order and, eventually, a writ of prohibition to permanently enjoin the

interest or injuries claimed by the petitioners are allegedly merely of a Agreement No. PH-P204 is governed by RA 4860, as amended, or the
general interest common to all members of the public. Their interest is Foreign Borrowings Act. Section 4 thereof states:
allegedly too vague, highly speculative and uncertain to satisfy the
requirements of locus standi. SEC. 4. In the contracting of any loan, credit or indebtedness under this
Act, the President of the Philippines may, when necessary, agree to
The public respondents find it noteworthy that the petitioners do not raise waive or modify, the application of any law granting preferences or
issues of constitutionality but only of contract law, which the petitioners imposing restrictions on international competitive bidding, including
not being privies to the agreement cannot raise. This is following the among others [Act No. 4239, Commonwealth Act No. 138], the provisions
principle that a stranger to a contract cannot sue either or both the of [CA 541], insofar as such provisions do not pertain to constructions
contracting parties to annul and set aside the same except when he is primarily for national defense or security purposes, [RA 5183]; Provided,
prejudiced on his rights and can show detriment which would positively however, That as far as practicable, utilization of the services of qualified
result to him from the implementation of the contract in which he has no domestic firms in the prosecution of projects financed under this Act shall
intervention. There being no particularized interest or elemental be encouraged: Provided, further, That in case where international
substantial injury necessary to confer locus standi, the public competitive bidding shall be conducted preference of at least fifteen per
respondents implore the Court to dismiss the petition. centum shall be granted in favor of articles, materials or supplies of the
growth, production or manufacture of the Philippines: Provided, finally,
On the merits, the public respondents maintain that the imposition of That the method and procedure in comparison of bids shall be the
ceilings or upper limits on bid prices in RA 9184 does not apply because subject of agreement between the Philippine Government and the
the CP I project and the entire Catanduanes Circumferential Road lending institution.
Improvement Project, financed by Loan Agreement No. PH-P204
executed between the Philippine Government and the JBIC, is governed DOJ Opinion No. 46, Series of 1987, is relied upon by the public
by the latter’s Procurement Guidelines which precludes the imposition of respondents as it opined that an agreement for the exclusion of foreign
ceilings on bid prices. Section 5.06 of the JBIC Procurement Guidelines assisted projects from the coverage of local bidding regulations does not
reads: contravene existing legislations because the statutory basis for foreign
loan agreements is RA 4860, as amended, and under Section 4 thereof,
Section 5.06. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids. the President is empowered to waive the application of any law imposing
restrictions on the procurement of goods and services pursuant to such
xxx loans.

(e) Any procedure under which bids above or below a predetermined bid Memorandum Circular Nos. 104 and 108, issued by the President, to
value assessment are automatically disqualified is not permitted. clarify RA 4860, as amended, and PD 1594, relative to the award of
foreign-assisted projects, are also invoked by the public respondents, to
It was explained that other foreign banks such as the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) and the World Bank (WB) similarly prohibit the bracketing or
imposition of a ceiling on bid prices. Memorandum Circular No. 104:

The public respondents stress that it was pursuant to Loan Agreement In view of the provisions of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 4860, as
No. PH-P204 that the assailed Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 and the amended, otherwise known as the "Foreign Borrowings Act"
subsequent contract between the DPWH and private respondent China
Road & Bridge Corporation materialized. They likewise aver that Loan xxx

It is hereby clarified that foreign-assisted infrastructure projects may be its decisions on applications for loans to be contracted or guaranteed by
exempted from the application for the pertinent provisions of the the Government or Government-owned and Controlled Corporations
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree (P.D.) which would have the effect of increasing the foreign debt, and containing
No. 1594 relative to the method and procedure in the comparison of bids, other matters as may be provided by law.
which matter may be the subject of agreement between the infrastructure
agency concerned and the lending institution. It should be made clear The Constitution, the public respondents emphasize, recognizes the
however that public bidding is still required and can only be waived enforceability of executive agreements in the same way that it recognizes
pursuant to existing laws. generally accepted principles of international law as forming part of the
law of the land.34 This recognition allegedly buttresses the binding effect
Memorandum Circular No. 108: of executive agreements to which the Philippine Government is a
signatory. It is pointed out by the public respondents that executive
In view of the provisions of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 4860, as agreements are essentially contracts governing the rights and obligations
amended, otherwise known as the "Foreign Borrowings Act", it is hereby of the parties. A contract, being the law between the parties, must be
clarified that, for projects supported in whole or in part by foreign faithfully adhered to by them. Guided by the fundamental rule of pacta
assistance awarded through international or local competitive bidding, the sunt servanda, the Philippine Government bound itself to perform in good
government agency concerned may award the contract to the lowest faith its duties and obligations under Loan Agreement No. PH-P204.
evaluated bidder at his bid price consistent with the provisions of the
applicable loan/grant agreement. The public respondents further argue against the applicability of RA 9184
stating that it was signed into law on January 10, 2003.35 On the other
Specifically, when the loan/grant agreement so stipulates, the hand, Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 was executed on December 28,
government agency concerned may award the contract to the lowest 1999, where the laws then in force on government procurements were
bidder even if his/its bid exceeds the approved agency estimate. PD 1594 and EO 40. The latter law (EO 40), in particular, excluded from
its application "any existing and future government commitments with
It is understood that the concerned government agency shall, as far as respect to the bidding and award of contracts financed partly or wholly
practicable, adhere closely to the implementing rules and regulations of with funds from international financing institutions as well as from bilateral
Presidential Decree No. 1594 during loan/grant negotiation and the and other similar foreign sources."
implementation of the projects.32
The applicability of EO 40, not RA 9184, is allegedly bolstered by the fact
The public respondents characterize foreign loan agreements, including that the "Invitation to Prequalify and to Bid" for the implementation of the
Loan Agreement No. PH-P204, as executive agreements and, as such, CP I project was published in two leading national newspapers, namely,
should be observed pursuant to the fundamental principle in international the Manila Times and Manila Standard on November 22, 29 and
law of pacta sunt servanda.33 They cite Section 20 of Article VII of the December 5, 2002, or before the signing into law of RA 9184 on January
Constitution as giving the President the authority to contract foreign 10, 2003. In this connection, the public respondents point to Section 77 of
loans: IRR-A, which reads:

SEC. 20. The President may contract or guarantee foreign loans on SEC. 77. Transitory Clause. –
behalf of the Republic of the Philippines with the prior concurrence of the
Monetary Board, and subject to such limitations as may be provided by In all procurement activities, if the advertisement or invitation for bids was
law. The Monetary Board shall, within thirty days from the end of every issued prior to the effectivity of the Act, the provisions of EO 40 and its
quarter of the calendar year, submit to the Congress a complete report of

IRR, PD 1594 and its IRR, RA 7160 and its IRR, or other applicable laws To insist on the application of RA 9184 on the bidding for the CP I project
as the case may be, shall govern. would, notwithstanding the terms and conditions of Loan Agreement No.
PH-P204, allegedly violate the constitutional provision on non-impairment
In cases where the advertisements or invitations for bids were issued of obligations and contracts, and destroy vested rights duly acquired
after the effectivity of the Act but before the effectivity of this IRR-A, under the said loan agreement.
procuring entities may continue adopting the procurement procedures,
rules and regulations provided in EO 40 and its IRR, or other applicable Lastly, the public respondents deny that there was illegal disbursement of
laws, as the case may be. public funds by the DBM. They asseverate that all the releases made by
the DBM for the implementation of the entire Arterial Road Links Project –
Section 4 of RA 9184 is also invoked by the public respondents as it Phase IV, which includes the Catanduanes Circumferential Road
provides: Improvement Project, were covered by the necessary appropriations
made by law, specifically the General Appropriations Act (GAA). Further,
SEC. 4. Scope and Applications. – This Act shall apply to the the requirements and procedures prescribed for the release of the said
Procurement of Infrastructure Projects, Goods and Consulting Services, funds were duly complied with.
regardless of source of funds, whether local or foreign, by all branches
and instrumentalities of government, its departments, offices and For its part, private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation
agencies, including government-owned and/or –controlled corporations similarly assails the standing of the petitioners, either as taxpayers or, in
and local government units, subject to the provisions of Commonwealth the case of petitioner Abaya, as a former lawmaker, to file the present
Act No. 138. Any treaty or international or executive agreement affecting suit. In addition, it is also alleged that, by filing the petition directly to this
the subject matter of this Act to which the Philippine government is a Court, the petitioners failed to observe the hierarchy of courts.
signatory shall be observed.
On the merits, private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation
It is also the position of the public respondents that even granting asserts that the applicable law to govern the bidding of the CP I project
arguendo that Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 were an ordinary loan was EO 40, not RA 9184, because the former was the law governing the
contract, still, RA 9184 is inapplicable under the non-impairment procurement of government projects at the time that it was bidded out.
clause36 of the Constitution. The said loan agreement expressly provided EO 40 was issued by the Office of the President on October 8, 2001 and
that the procurement of goods and services for the project financed by Section 1 thereof states that:
the same shall be governed by the Guidelines for Procurement under
OECF Loans dated December 1997. Further, Section 5.06 of the JBIC SEC. 1. Scope and Application. This Executive Order shall apply to the
Procurement Guidelines categorically provides that "[a]ny procedure procurement of: (a) goods, supplies, materials and related services; (b)
under which bids above or below a predetermined bid value assessment civil works; and (c) consulting services, by all National Government
are automatically disqualified is not permitted." agencies, including State Universities and Colleges (SUCs),
Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and
The public respondents explain that since the contract is the law between Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), hereby referred to as the
the parties and Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 states that the JBIC ‘Agencies.’ This Executive Order shall cover the procurement process
Procurement Guidelines shall govern the parties’ relationship and further from the pre-procurement conference up to the award of contract.
dictates that there be no ceiling price for the bidding, it naturally follows
that any subsequent law passed contrary to the letters of the said xxx
contract would have no effect with respect to the parties’ rights and
obligations arising therefrom.

The Invitation to Prequalify and to Bid was first published on November Coporation even if its bid was higher than the ABC. Under the
22, 2002. On the other hand, RA 9184 was signed into law only on circumstances, RA 9184 could not be applied retroactively for to do so
January 10, 2003. Since the law in effect at the time the procurement would allegedly impair the vested rights of private respondent China
process was initiated was EO 40, private respondent China Road & Road & Bridge Corporation arising from its contract with the DPWH.
Bridge Corporation submits that it should be the said law which should
govern the entire procurement process relative to the CP I project. It is also contended by private respondent China Road & Bridge
Corporation that even assuming arguendo that RA 9184 could be applied
EO 40 expressly recognizes as an exception from the application of the retroactively, it is still the terms of Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 which
provisions thereof on approved budget ceilings, those projects financed should govern the procurement of goods and services for the CP I
by international financing institutions (IFIs) and foreign bilateral sources. project. It supports its theory by characterizing the said loan agreement,
Section 1 thereof, quoted in part earlier, further states: executed pursuant to the Exchange of Notes between the Government of
Japan and the Philippine Government, as an executive agreement.
SEC. 1. Scope and Application. x x x
Private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation, like the public
Nothing in this Order shall negate any existing and future government respondents, cites RA 4860 as the basis for the Exchange of Notes and
commitments with respect to the bidding and award of contracts financed Loan Agreement No. PH-P204. As an international or executive
partly or wholly with funds from international financing institutions as well agreement, the Exchange of Notes and Loan Agreement No. PH-P204
as from bilateral and other similar foreign sources. allegedly created a legally binding obligation on the parties.

Section 1.2 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of EO 40 is The following excerpt of the deliberations of the Bicameral Conference
likewise invoked as it provides: Committee on the Disagreeing Provision of Senate Bill No. 2248 and
House Bill No. 4809 is cited by private respondent China Road & Bridge
For procurement financed wholly or partly from Official Development Corporation to support its contention that it is the intent of the lawmakers
Assistance (ODA) funds from International Financing Institutions (IFIs), to exclude from the application of RA 9184 those foreign-funded projects:
as well as from bilateral and other similar foreign sources, the
corresponding loan/grant agreement governing said funds as negotiated xxx
and agreed upon by and between the Government and the concerned IFI
shall be observed. REP. MARCOS. Yes, Mr. Chairman, to respond and to put into the
record, a justification for the inclusion of foreign contracts, may we just
Private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation thus postulates that state that foreign contracts have, of course, been brought into the ambit
following EO 40, the procurement of goods and services for the CP I of the law because of the Filipino counterpart for this foreign projects,
project should be governed by the terms and conditions of Loan they are no longer strictly foreign in nature but fall under the laws of the
Agreement No. PH-P204 entered into between the JBIC and the Philippine government.
Philippine Government. Pertinently, Section 5.06 of the JBIC
Procurement Guidelines prohibits the setting of ceilings on bid prices. THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. ANGARA). Okay. I think that’s pretty clear. I
think the possible concern is that some ODA are with strings attached
Private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation claims that when it especially the Japanese. The Japanese are quite strict about that, that
submitted its bid for the CP I project, it relied in good faith on the they are (sic) even provide the architect and the design, etcetera, plus, of
provisions of EO 40. It was allegedly on the basis of the said law that the course, the goods that will be supplied.
DPWH awarded the project to private respondent China Road & Bridge

Now, I think we’ve already provided that this is open to all and we will been personally injured by the operation of a law or any other
recognize our international agreements so that this bill will not also government act but by concerned citizens, taxpayers or voters who
restrict the flow of foreign funding, because some countries now make it actually sue in the public interest.43 Consequently, the Court, in a catena
a condition that they supply both services and goods especially the of cases,44 has invariably adopted a liberal stance on locus standi,
Japanese. including those cases involving taxpayers.

So I think we can put a sentence that we continue to honor our The prevailing doctrine in taxpayer’s suits is to allow taxpayers to
international obligations, di ba Laura? question contracts entered into by the national government or
government- owned or controlled corporations allegedly in contravention
MR. ENCARNACION. Actually, subject to any treaty. of law.45 A taxpayer is allowed to sue where there is a claim that public
funds are illegally disbursed, or that public money is being deflected to
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. ANGARA). ‘Yun pala eh. That should allay their any improper purpose, or that there is a wastage of public funds through
anxiety and concern. Okay, buti na lang for the record para malaman nila the enforcement of an invalid or unconstitutional law.46 Significantly, a
na we are conscious sa ODA.37 taxpayer need not be a party to the contract to challenge its validity.47

Private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation submits that based In the present case, the petitioners are suing as taxpayers. They have
on the provisions of the Exchange of Notes and Loan Agreement No. PH- sufficiently demonstrated that, notwithstanding the fact that the CP I
P204, it was rightfully and legally awarded the CP I project. It urges the project is primarily financed from loans obtained by the government from
Court to dismiss the petition for lack of merit. the JBIC, nonetheless, taxpayers’ money would be or is being spent on
the project considering that the Philippine Government is required to
allocate a peso-counterpart therefor. The public respondents themselves
The Court’s Rulings
admit that appropriations for these foreign-assisted projects in the GAA
are composed of the loan proceeds and the peso-counterpart. The
Petitioners, as taxpayers, possess locus standi to file the present suit counterpart funds, the Solicitor General explains, refer to the component
of the project cost to be financed from government-appropriated funds,
Briefly stated, locus standi is "a right of appearance in a court of justice as part of the government’s commitment in the implementation of the
on a given question."38 More particularly, it is a party’s personal and project.48 Hence, the petitioners correctly asserted their standing since a
substantial interest in a case such that he has sustained or will sustain part of the funds being utilized in the implementation of the CP I project
direct injury as a result of the governmental act being challenged. It calls partakes of taxpayers’ money.
for more than just a generalized grievance. The term "interest" means a
material interest, an interest in issue affected by the decree, as Further, the serious legal questions raised by the petitioners, e.g.,
distinguished from mere interest in the question involved, or a mere whether RA 9184 applies to the CP I project, in particular, and to foreign-
incidental interest.39 Standing or locus standi is a peculiar concept in funded government projects, in general, and the fact that public interest is
constitutional law40 and the rationale for requiring a party who challenges indubitably involved considering the public expenditure of millions of
the constitutionality of a statute to allege such a personal stake in the pesos, warrant the Court to adopt in the present case its liberal policy on
outcome of the controversy is "to assure that concrete adverseness locus standi.
which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court so
largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions."41
In any case, for reasons which will be discussed shortly, the substantive
arguments raised by the petitioners fail to persuade the Court as it holds
Locus standi, however, is merely a matter of procedure42 and it has been that Resolution No. PJHL-A-04-012 is valid. As a corollary, the
recognized that in some cases, suits are not brought by parties who have

subsequent contract entered into by and between the DPWH and private President Ferdinand Marcos issued PD 1594 prescribing guidelines for
respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation is likewise valid. government infrastructure projects and Section 454 thereof stated that
they should generally be undertaken by contract after competitive public
History of Philippine Procurement Laws bidding.

It is necessary, at this point, to give a brief history of Philippine laws Then President Corazon Aquino issued Executive Order No. 301 (1987)
pertaining to procurement through public bidding. The United States prescribing guidelines for government negotiated contracts. Pertinently,
Philippine Commission introduced the American practice of public bidding Section 62 of the Administrative Code of 1987 reiterated the requirement
through Act No. 22, enacted on October 15, 1900, by requiring the Chief of competitive public bidding in government projects. In 1990, Congress
Engineer, United States Army for the Division of the Philippine Islands, passed RA 6957,55 which authorized the financing, construction,
acting as purchasing agent under the control of the then Military operation and maintenance of infrastructure by the private sector. RA
Governor, to advertise and call for a competitive bidding for the purchase 7160 was likewise enacted by Congress in 1991 and it contains
of the necessary materials and lands to be used for the construction of provisions governing the procurement of goods and locally-funded civil
highways and bridges in the Philippine Islands.49 Act No. 74, enacted on works by the local government units.
January 21, 1901 by the Philippine Commission, required the General
Superintendent of Public Instruction to purchase office supplies through Then President Fidel Ramos issued Executive Order No. 302 (1996),
competitive public bidding.50 Act No. 82, approved on January 31, 1901, providing guidelines for the procurement of goods and supplies by the
and Act No. 83, approved on February 6, 1901, required the municipal national government. Then President Joseph Ejercito Estrada issued
and provincial governments, respectively, to hold competitive public Executive Order No. 201 (2000), providing additional guidelines in the
biddings in the making of contracts for public works and the purchase of procurement of goods and supplies by the national government.
office supplies.51 Thereafter, he issued Executive Order No. 262 (2000) amending EO 302
(1996) and EO 201 (2000).
On June 21, 1901, the Philippine Commission, through Act No. 146,
created the Bureau of Supply and with its creation, public bidding On October 8, 2001, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued EO 40,
became a popular policy in the purchase of supplies, materials and the law mainly relied upon by the respondents, entitled Consolidating
equipment for the use of the national government, its subdivisions and Procurement Rules and Procedures for All National Government
instrumentalities.52 On February 3, 1936, then President Manuel L. Agencies, Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations and
Quezon issued Executive Order No. 16 declaring as a matter of general Government Financial Institutions, and Requiring the Use of the
policy that government contracts for public service or for furnishing Government Procurement System. It accordingly repealed, amended or
supplies, materials and equipment to the government should be modified all executive issuances, orders, rules and regulations or parts
subjected to public bidding.53 The requirement of public bidding was thereof inconsistent therewith.56
likewise imposed for public works of construction or repair pursuant to the
Revised Administrative Code of 1917. On January 10, 2003, President Arroyo signed into law RA 9184. It took
effect on January 26, 2004, or fifteen days after its publication in two
Then President Diosdado Macapagal, in Executive Order No. 40 dated newspapers of general circulation.57 It expressly repealed, among others,
June 1, 1963, reiterated the directive that no government contract for EO 40, EO 262 (2000), EO 302(1996) and PD 1594, as amended:
public service or for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment to the
government or any of its branches, agencies or instrumentalities, should SEC. 76. Repealing Clause. —This law repeals Executive Order No. 40,
be entered into without public bidding except for very extraordinary series of 2001, entitled "Consolidating Procurement Rules and
reasons to be determined by a Committee constituted thereunder. Then Procedures for All National Government Agencies, Government Owned

or Controlled Corporations and/or Government Financial Institutions, and It is not disputed that with respect to the CP I project, the Invitation to
Requiring the Use of the Government Electronic Procurement System"; Prequalify and to Bid for its implementation was published in two leading
Executive Order No. 262, series of 1996, entitled "Amending Executive national newspapers, namely, the Manila Times and Manila Standard on
Order No. 302, series of 1996, entitled Providing Policies, Guidelines, November 22, 29 and December 5, 2002. At the time, the law in effect
Rules and Regulations for the Procurement of Goods/Supplies by the was EO 40. On the other hand, RA 9184 took effect two months later or
National Government" and Section 3 of Executive Order No. 201, series on January 26, 2003. Further, its full implementation was even delayed
of 2000, entitled "Providing Additional Policies and Guidelines in the as IRR-A was only approved by President Arroyo on September 18, 2003
Procurement of Goods/Supplies by the National Government"; Executive and subsequently published on September 23, 2003 in the Manila Times
Order No. 302, series of 1996, entitled "Providing Policies, Guidelines, and Malaya newspapers.58
Rules and Regulations for the Procurement of Goods/Supplies by the
National Government" and Presidential Decree No. 1594 dated June 11, The provisions of EO 40 apply to the procurement process pertaining to
1978, entitled "Prescribing Policies, Guidelines, Rules and Regulations the CP I project as it is explicitly provided in Section 1 thereof that:
for Government Infrastructure Contracts." This law amends Title Six,
Book Two of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the "Local SEC. 1. Scope and Application. – This Executive Order shall apply to see
Government Code of 1991"; the relevant provisions of Executive Order procurement of (a) goods, supplies, materials and related service; (b) civil
No. 164, series of 1987, entitled "Providing Additional Guidelines in the works; and (c) consulting services, by all National Government agencies,
Processing and Approval of Contracts of the National Government"; and including State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Government-Owned or
the relevant provisions of Republic Act No. 7898 dated February 23, –Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and Government Financial
1995, entitled "An Act Providing for the Modernization of the Armed Institutions (GFIs), hereby referred to as "Agencies." This Executive
Forces of the Philippines and for Other Purposes." Any other law, Order shall cover the procurement process from the pre-procurement
presidential decree or issuance, executive order, letter of instruction, conference up to the award of the contract.
administrative order, proclamation, charter, rule or regulation and/or parts
thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act is hereby
Nothing in this Order shall negate any existing and future government
repealed, modified or amended accordingly.
commitments with respect to the bidding and award of contracts financed
partly or wholly with funds from international financing institutions as well
In addition to these laws, RA 4860, as amended, must be mentioned as as from bilateral and similar foreign sources.
Section 4 thereof provides that "[i]n the contracting of any loan, credit or
indebtedness under this Act, the President of the Philippines may, when
The procurement process basically involves the following steps: (1) pre-
necessary, agree to waive or modify the application of any law granting
procurement conference; (2) advertisement of the invitation to bid; (3)
preferences or imposing restrictions on international competitive bidding
pre-bid conference; (4) eligibility check of prospective bidders; (5)
x x x Provided, finally, That the method and procedure in the comparison
submission and receipt of bids; (6) modification and withdrawal of bids;
of bids shall be the subject of agreement between the Philippine
(7) bid opening and examination; (8) bid evaluation; (9) post qualification;
Government and the lending institution."
(10) award of contract and notice to proceed.59 Clearly then, when the
Invitation to Prequalify and to Bid for the implementation of the CP I
EO 40, not RA 9184, is applicable to the procurement project was published on November 22, 29 and December 5, 2002, the
procurement process thereof had already commenced and the
process undertaken for the CP I project. RA 9184 application of EO 40 to the procurement process for the CP I project had
already attached.
cannot be given retroactive application.

RA 9184 cannot be applied retroactively to govern the procurement that it is expressly stated that IRR-B for foreign-funded procurement
process relative to the CP I project because it is well settled that a law or activities shall be subject of a subsequent issuance.61 Nonetheless, there
regulation has no retroactive application unless it expressly provides for is no reason why the policy behind Section 77 of IRR-A cannot be
retroactivity.60Indeed, Article 4 of the Civil Code is clear on the matter: applied to foreign-funded procurement projects like the CP I project.
"[l]aws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided." Stated differently, the policy on the prospective or non-retroactive
In the absence of such categorical provision, RA 9184 will not be applied application of RA 9184 with respect to domestically-funded procurement
retroactively to the CP I project whose procurement process commenced projects cannot be any different with respect to foreign-funded
even before the said law took effect. procurement projects like the CP I project. It would be incongruous, even
absurd, to provide for the prospective application of RA 9184 with respect
That the legislators did not intend RA 9184 to have retroactive effect to domestically-funded procurement projects and, on the other hand, as
could be gleaned from the IRR-A formulated by the Joint Congressional urged by the petitioners, apply RA 9184 retroactively with respect to
Oversight Committee (composed of the Chairman of the Senate foreign- funded procurement projects. To be sure, the lawmakers could
Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Laws, and not have intended such an absurdity.
two members thereof appointed by the Senate President and the
Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, and two members Thus, in the light of Section 1 of EO 40, Section 77 of IRR-A, as well as
thereof appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives) and the fundamental rule embodied in Article 4 of the Civil Code on
the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB). Section 77 of the prospectivity of laws, the Court holds that the procurement process for
IRR-A states, thus: the implementation of the CP I project is governed by EO 40 and its IRR,
not RA 9184.
SEC. 77. Transitory Clause
Under EO 40, the award of the contract to private
In all procurement activities, if the advertisement or invitation for bids was
issued prior to the effectivity of the Act, the provisions of E.O. 40 and its respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation is valid
IRR, P.D. 1594 and its IRR, R.A. 7160 and its IRR, or other applicable
laws, as the case may be, shall govern. Section 25 of EO 40 provides that "[t]he approved budget of the contract
shall be the upper limit or ceiling of the bid price. Bid prices which exceed
In cases where the advertisements or invitations for bids were issued this ceiling shall be disqualified outright from further participating in the
after the effectivity of the Act but before the effectivity of this IRR-A, bidding. There shall be no lower limit to the amount of the award. x x x" It
procuring entities may continue adopting the procurement procedures, should be observed that this text is almost similar to the wording of
rules and regulations provided in E.O. 40 and its IRR, P.D. 1594 and its Section 31 of RA 9184, relied upon by the petitioners in contending that
IRR, R.A. 7160 and its IRR, or other applicable laws, as the case may be. since the bid price of private respondent China Road & Bridge
Corporation exceeded the ABC, then it should not have been awarded
In other words, under IRR-A, if the advertisement of the invitation for bids the contract for the CP I project.
was issued prior to the effectivity of RA 9184, such as in the case of the
CP I project, the provisions of EO 40 and its IRR, and PD 1594 and its Nonetheless, EO 40 expressly recognizes as an exception to its scope
IRR in the case of national government agencies, and RA 7160 and its and application those government commitments with respect to bidding
IRR in the case of local government units, shall govern. and award of contracts financed partly or wholly with funds from
international financing institutions as well as from bilateral and other
Admittedly, IRR-A covers only fully domestically-funded procurement similar foreign sources. The pertinent portion of Section 1 of EO 40 is
activities from procurement planning up to contract implementation and quoted anew:

SEC. 1. Scope and Application. – x x x The contract is to be awarded to the bidder whose bid has been
determined to be the lowest evaluated bid and who meets the
Nothing in this Order shall negate any existing and future government appropriate standards of capability and financial resources. A bidder shall
commitments with respect to the bidding and award of contracts financed not be required as a condition of award to undertake responsibilities or
partly or wholly with funds from international financing institutions as well work not stipulated in the specifications or to modify the bid.63
as from bilateral and similar foreign sources.
Since these terms and conditions are made part of Loan Agreement No.
In relation thereto, Section 4 of RA 4860, as amended, was correctly PH-P204, the government is obliged to observe and enforce the same in
cited by the respondents as likewise authorizing the President, in the the procurement of goods and services for the CP I project. As shown
contracting of any loan, credit or indebtedness thereunder, "when earlier, private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation’s bid was
necessary, agree to waive or modify the application of any law granting the lowest evaluated bid, albeit 28.95% higher than the ABC. In
preferences or imposing restrictions on international competitive bidding accordance with the JBIC Procurement Guidelines, therefore, it was
x x x." The said provision of law further provides that "the method and correctly awarded the contract for the CP I project.
procedure in the comparison of bids shall be the subject of agreement
between the Philippine Government and the lending institution." Even if RA 9184 were to be applied retroactively, the terms of the
Exchange of Notes dated December 27, 1999 and Loan Agreement No.
Consequently, in accordance with these applicable laws, the PH-P204 would still govern the procurement for the CP I project
procurement of goods and services for the CP I project is governed by
the corresponding loan agreement entered into by the government and For clarity, Section 4 of RA 9184 is quoted anew, thus:
the JBIC, i.e., Loan Agreement No. PH-P204. The said loan agreement
stipulated that the procurement of goods and services for the Arterial SEC. 4. Scope and Applications. – This Act shall apply to the
Road Links Development Project (Phase IV), of which CP I is a Procurement of Infrastructure Projects, Goods and Consulting Services,
component, is to be governed by the JBIC Procurement Guidelines. regardless of source of funds, whether local or foreign, by all branches
Section 5.06, Part II (International Competitive Bidding) thereof quoted and instrumentalities of government, its departments, offices and
earlier reads: agencies, including government-owned and/or –controlled corporations
and local government units, subject to the provisions of Commonwealth
Section 5.06. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids Act No. 138. Any treaty or international or executive agreement affecting
the subject matter of this Act to which the Philippine government is a
xxx signatory shall be observed.

(e) Any procedure under which bids above or below a predetermined bid The petitioners, in order to place the procurement process undertaken for
value assessment are automatically disqualified is not permitted.62 the CP I project within the ambit of RA 9184, vigorously assert that Loan
Agreement No. PH-P204 is neither a treaty, an international agreement
It is clear that the JBIC Procurement Guidelines proscribe the imposition nor an executive agreement. They cite Executive Order No. 459 dated
of ceilings on bid prices. On the other hand, it enjoins the award of the November 25, 1997 where the three agreements are defined in this wise:
contract to the bidder whose bid has been determined to be the lowest
evaluated bid. The pertinent provision, quoted earlier, is reiterated, thus: a) International agreement – shall refer to a contract or understanding,
regardless of nomenclature, entered into between the Philippines and
Section 5.09. Award of Contract another government in written form and governed by international law,

whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related Philippines."65 Under the circumstances, the JBIC may well be
instruments. considered an adjunct of the Japanese Government. Further, Loan
Agreement No. PH-P204 is indubitably an integral part of the Exchange
b) Treaties – international agreements entered into by the Philippines of Notes. It forms part of the Exchange of Notes such that it cannot be
which require legislative concurrence after executive ratification. This properly taken independent thereof.
term may include compacts like conventions, declarations, covenants
and acts. In this connection, it is well to understand the definition of an "exchange
of notes" under international law. The term is defined in the United
c) Executive agreements – similar to treaties except that they do not Nations Treaty Collection in this wise:
require legislative concurrence.64
An "exchange of notes" is a record of a routine agreement that has many
The petitioners mainly argue that Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 does not similarities with the private law contract. The agreement consists of the
fall under any of the three categories because to be any of the three, an exchange of two documents, each of the parties being in the possession
agreement had to be one where the parties are the Philippines as a State of the one signed by the representative of the other. Under the usual
and another State. The JBIC, the petitioners maintain, is a Japanese procedure, the accepting State repeats the text of the offering State to
banking agency, which presumably has a separate juridical personality record its assent. The signatories of the letters may be government
from the Japanese Government. Ministers, diplomats or departmental heads. The technique of exchange
of notes is frequently resorted to, either because of its speedy procedure,
The petitioners’ arguments fail to persuade. The Court holds that Loan or, sometimes, to avoid the process of legislative approval.66
Agreement No. PH-P204 taken in conjunction with the Exchange of
Notes dated December 27, 1999 between the Japanese Government and It is stated that "treaties, agreements, conventions, charters, protocols,
the Philippine Government is an executive agreement. declarations, memoranda of understanding, modus vivendi and exchange
of notes" all refer to "international instruments binding at international
To recall, Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 was executed by and between law."67 It is further explained that-
the JBIC and the Philippine Government pursuant to the Exchange of
Notes executed by and between Mr. Yoshihisa Ara, Ambassador Although these instruments differ from each other by title, they all have
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Philippines, and then common features and international law has applied basically the same
Foreign Affairs Secretary Siazon, in behalf of their respective rules to all these instruments. These rules are the result of long practice
governments. The Exchange of Notes expressed that the two among the States, which have accepted them as binding norms in their
governments have reached an understanding concerning Japanese mutual relations. Therefore, they are regarded as international customary
loans to be extended to the Philippines and that these loans were aimed law. Since there was a general desire to codify these customary rules,
at promoting our country’s economic stabilization and development two international conventions were negotiated. The 1969 Vienna
efforts. Convention on the Law of Treaties ("1969 Vienna Convention"), which
entered into force on 27 January 1980, contains rules for treaties
Loan Agreement No. PH-P204 was subsequently executed and it concluded between States. The 1986 Vienna Convention on the Law of
declared that it was so entered by the parties "[i]n the light of the contents Treaties between States and International Organizations ("1986 Vienna
of the Exchange of Notes between the Government of Japan and the Convention"), which has still not entered into force, added rules for
Government of the Republic of the Philippines dated December 27, 1999, treaties with international organizations as parties. Both the 1969 Vienna
concerning Japanese loans to be extended with a view to promoting the Convention and the 1986 Vienna Convention do not distinguish between
economic stabilization and development efforts of the Republic of the the different designations of these instruments. Instead, their rules apply

to all of those instruments as long as they meet the common 3. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines will ensure that the
requirements.68 products and/or services mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3
of Part I and sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of Part II are procured in
Significantly, an exchange of notes is considered a form of an executive accordance with the guidelines for procurement of the Bank, which set
agreement, which becomes binding through executive action without the forth, inter alia, the procedures of international tendering to be followed
need of a vote by the Senate or Congress. The following disquisition by except where such procedures are inapplicable or inappropriate.72
Francis B. Sayre, former United States High Commissioner to the
Philippines, entitled "The Constitutionality of Trade Agreement Acts," The JBIC Procurements Guidelines, as quoted earlier, forbids any
quoted in Commissioner of Customs v. Eastern Sea Trading,69 is procedure under which bids above or below a predetermined bid value
apropos: assessment are automatically disqualified. Succinctly put, it absolutely
prohibits the imposition of ceilings on bids.
Agreements concluded by the President which fall short of treaties are
commonly referred to as executive agreements and are no less common Under the fundamental principle of international law of pacta sunt
in our scheme of government than are the more formal instruments – servanda,73 which is, in fact, embodied in Section 4 of RA 9184 as it
treaties and conventions. They sometimes take the form of exchange of provides that "[a]ny treaty or international or executive agreement
notes and at other times that of more formal documents denominated affecting the subject matter of this Act to which the Philippine government
"agreements" or "protocols". The point where ordinary correspondence is a signatory shall be observed," the DPWH, as the executing agency of
between this and other governments ends and agreements – whether the projects financed by Loan Agreement No. PH-P204, rightfully
denominated executive agreements or exchange of notes or otherwise – awarded the contract for the implementation of civil works for the CP I
begin, may sometimes be difficult of ready ascertainment. It would be project to private respondent China Road & Bridge Corporation.
useless to undertake to discuss here the large variety of executive
agreements as such, concluded from time to time. Hundreds of executive WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DISMISSED.
agreements, other than those entered into under the trade-agreements
act, have been negotiated with foreign governments. x x x70

The Exchange of Notes dated December 27, 1999, stated, inter alia, that
the Government of Japan would extend loans to the Philippines with a
view to promoting its economic stabilization and development efforts;
Loan I in the amount of Y79,8651,000,000 would be extended by the
JBIC to the Philippine Government to implement the projects in the List A
(including the Arterial Road Links Development Project - Phase IV); and
that such loan (Loan I) would be used to cover payments to be made by
the Philippine executing agencies to suppliers, contractors and/or EN BANC
consultants of eligible source countries under such contracts as may be G.R. No. 151445 April 11, 2002
entered into between them for purchases of products and/or services
required for the implementation of the projects enumerated in the List ARTHUR D. LIM and PAULINO R. ERSANDO, petitioners,
A.71 With respect to the procurement of the goods and services for the vs.
projects, it bears reiterating that as stipulated: HONORABLE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY as alter ego of HER
ANGELO REYES in his capacity as Secretary of National
Defense, respondents.

---------------------------------------- SANLAKAS and PARTIDO NG MANGGAGAWA, both party-Iist

SANLAKAS and PARTIDO NG MANGGAGAWA, petitioners- organizations, who filed a petition-in-intervention on February 11, 2002.
intervenors, Lim and Ersando filed suit in their capacities as citizens, lawyers and
vs. taxpayers. SANLAKAS and PARTIDO, on the other hand, aver that
GLORIA MACAPAGA-ARROYO, ALBERTO ROMULO, ANGELO certain members of their organization are residents of Zamboanga and
REYES, respondents. Sulu, and hence will be directly affected by the operations being
This case involves a petition for certiorari and prohibition as well as a conducted in Mindanao. They likewise pray for a relaxation on the rules
petition-in-intervention, praying that respondents be restrained from relative to locus standi citing the unprecedented importance of the issue
proceeding with the so-called "Balikatan 02-1" and that after due notice involved.
and hearing, that judgment be rendered issuing a permanent writ of On February 71 2002 the Senate conducted a hearing on the "Balikatan"
injunction and/or prohibition against the deployment of U.S. troops in exercise wherein Vice-President Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr., who is
Basilan and Mindanao for being illegal and in violation of the Constitution. concurrently Secretary of Foreign. Affairs, presented the Draft Terms of
The facts are as follows: Reference (TOR).3Five days later, he approved the TOR, which we quote
Beginning January of this year 2002, personnel from the armed forces of hereunder:
the United States of America started arriving in Mindanao to take part, in I. POLICY LEVEL
conjunction with the Philippine military, in "Balikatan 02-1." These so- 1. The Exercise shall be consistent with the Philippine
called "Balikatan" exercises are the largest combined training operations Constitution and all its activities shall be in consonance with the
involving Filipino and American troops. In theory, they are a simulation of laws of the land and the provisions of the RP-US Visiting Forces
joint military maneuvers pursuant to the Mutual Defense Treaty,1 a Agreement (VFA).
bilateral defense agreement entered into by the Philippines and the 2. The conduct of this training Exercise is in accordance with
United States in 1951. pertinent United Nations resolutions against global terrorism as
Prior to the year 2002, the last "Balikatan" was held in 1995. This was understood by the respective parties.
due to the paucity of any formal agreement relative to the treatment of 3. No permanent US basing and support facilities shall be
United States personnel visiting the Philippines. In the meantime, the established. Temporary structures such as those for troop
respective governments of the two countries agreed to hold joint billeting, classroom instruction and messing may be set up for
exercises on a reduced scale. The lack of consensus was eventually use by RP and US Forces during the Exercise.
cured when the two nations concluded the Visiting Forces Agreement (V 4. The Exercise shall be implemented jointly by RP and US
FA) in 1999. Exercise Co-Directors under the authority of the Chief of Staff,
The entry of American troops into Philippine soil is proximately rooted in AFP. In no instance will US Forces operate independently during
the international anti-terrorism campaign declared by President George field training exercises (FTX). AFP and US Unit Commanders will
W. Bush in reaction to the tragic events that occurred on September 11, retain command over their respective forces under the overall
2001. On that day, three (3) commercial aircrafts were hijacked, flown authority of the Exercise Co-Directors. RP and US participants
and smashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York shall comply with operational instructions of the AFP during the
City and the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C. by terrorists with FTX.
alleged links to the al-Qaeda ("the Base"), a Muslim extremist 5. The exercise shall be conducted and completed within a period
organization headed by the infamous Osama bin Laden. Of no of not more than six months, with the projected participation of
comparable historical parallels, these acts caused billions of dollars worth 660 US personnel and 3,800 RP Forces. The Chief of Staff, AFP
of destruction of property and incalculable loss of hundreds of lives. shall direct the Exercise Co-Directors to wind up and terminate
On February 1, 2002, petitioners Arthur D. Lim and Paulino P. Ersando the Exercise and other activities within the six month Exercise
filed this petition for certiorari and prohibition, attacking the period.
constitutionality of the joint exercise.2 They were joined subsequently by

6. The Exercise is a mutual counter-terrorism advising, assisting d. Legal liaison officers from each respective party shall
and training Exercise relative to Philippine efforts against the be appointed by the Exercise Directors.
ASG, and will be conducted on the Island of Basilan. Further 3. PUBLIC AFFAIRS
advising, assisting and training exercises shall be conducted in a. Combined RP-US Information Bureaus shall be
Malagutay and the Zamboanga area. Related activities in Cebu established at the Exercise Directorate in Zamboanga
will be for support of the Exercise. City and at GHQ, AFP in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.
7. Only 160 US Forces organized in 12-man Special Forces b. Local media relations will be the concern of the AFP
Teams shall be deployed with AFP field, commanders. The US and all public affairs guidelines shall be jointly developed
teams shall remain at the Battalion Headquarters and, when by RP and US Forces.
approved, Company Tactical headquarters where they can c. Socio-Economic Assistance Projects shall be planned
observe and assess the performance of the AFP Forces. and executed jointly by RP and US Forces in accordance
8. US exercise participants shall not engage in combat, without with their respective laws and regulations, and in
prejudice to their right of self-defense. consultation with community and local government
9. These terms of Reference are for purposes of this Exercise officials.
only and do not create additional legal obligations between the Contemporaneously, Assistant Secretary for American Affairs Minerva
US Government and the Republic of the Philippines. Jean A. Falcon and United States Charge d' Affaires Robert Fitts signed
II. EXERCISE LEVEL the Agreed Minutes of the discussion between the Vice-President and
1. TRAINING Assistant Secretary Kelly.4
a. The Exercise shall involve the conduct of mutual Petitioners Lim and Ersando present the following arguments:
military assisting, advising and training of RP and US I
Forces with the primary objective of enhancing the THE PHILIPPINES AND THE UNITED STATES SIGNED THE
operational capabilities of both forces to combat terrorism. MUTUAL DEFENSE TREATY (MDT) in 1951 TO PROVIDE
b. At no time shall US Forces operate independently MUTUAL MILITARY ASSIST ANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH
c. Flight plans of all aircraft involved in the exercise will ONLY IN THE CASE OF AN ARMED ATTACK BY AN
comply with the local air traffic regulations. EXTERNAL AGGRESSOR, MEANING A THIRD COUNTRY
a. RP and US participants shall be given a country and BY NO STRETCH OF THE IMAGINA TION CAN IT BE SAID
area briefing at the start of the Exercise. This briefing THAT THE ABU SAYYAF BANDITS IN BASILAN CONSTITUTE
shall acquaint US Forces on the culture and sensitivities AN EXTERNAL ARMED FORCE THAT HAS SUBJECT THE
of the Filipinos and the provisions of the VF A. The PHILIPPINES TO AN ARMED EXTERNAL ATTACK TO
briefing shall also promote the full cooperation on the part WARRANT U.S. MILITARY ASSISTANCE UNDER THE MDT OF
of the RP and US participants for the successful conduct 1951.
of the Exercise. II
b. RP and US participating forces may share, in NEITHER DOES THE VFA OF 1999 AUTHORIZE AMERICAN
accordance with their respective laws and regulations, in SOLDIERS TO ENGAGE IN COMBAT OPERATIONS IN
the use of their resources, equipment and other assets. PHILIPPINE TERRITORY, NOT EVEN TO FIRE BACK "IF
They will use their respective logistics channels. FIRED UPON".
c. Medical evaluation shall be jointly planned and Substantially the same points are advanced by petitioners SANLAKAS
executed utilizing RP and US assets and resources. and PARTIDO.

In his Comment, the Solicitor General points to infirmities in the petitions cases demands that they be settled promptly and
regarding, inter alia, Lim and Ersando's standing to file suit, the definitely, brushing aside, if we must, technicalities of
prematurity of the action, as well as the impropriety of availing procedure.' We have since then applied the exception in
of certiorari to ascertain a question of fact. Anent their locus standi, the many other cases. [citation omitted]
Solicitor General argues that first, they may not file suit in their capacities This principle was reiterated in the subsequent cases
as, taxpayers inasmuch as it has not been shown that "Balikatan 02-1 " of Gonzales vs. COMELEC, Daza vs. Singson, and Basco vs.
involves the exercise of Congress' taxing or spending Phil, Amusement and Gaming Corporation, where we
powers. Second, their being lawyers does not invest them with sufficient emphatically held:
personality to initiate the case, citing our ruling in Integrated Bar of the Considering however the importance to the public of the
Philippines v. Zamora.5 Third, Lim and Ersando have failed to case at bar, and in keeping with the Court's duty, under
demonstrate the requisite showing of direct personal injury. We agree. the 1987 Constitution, to determine whether or not the
It is also contended that the petitioners are indulging in speculation. The other branches of the government have kept themselves
Solicitor General is of the view that since the Terms of Reference are within the limits of the Constitution and the laws that they
clear as to the extent and duration of "Balikatan 02-1," the issues raised have not abused the discretion given to them, the Court
by petitioners are premature, as they are based only on a fear has brushed aside technicalities of procedure and has
of future violation of the Terms of Reference. Even petitioners' resort to a taken cognizance of this petition. xxx'
special civil action for certiorari is assailed on the ground that the writ Again, in the more recent case of Kilosbayan vs. Guingona, Jr.,
may only issue on the basis of established facts. this Court ruled that in cases of transcendental importance, the
Apart from these threshold issues, the Solicitor General claims that there Court may relax the standing requirements and allow a suit
is actually no question of constitutionality involved. The true object of the to prosper even where there is no direct injury to the party
instant suit, it is said, is to obtain an interpretation of the V FA. The claiming the right of judicial review.
Solicitor General asks that we accord due deference to the executive Although courts generally avoid having to decide a constitutional
determination that "Balikatan 02-1" is covered by the VFA, considering question based on the doctrine of separation of powers, which
the President's monopoly in the field of foreign relations and her role as enjoins upon the department of the government a becoming
commander-in-chief of the Philippine armed forces. respect for each other's act, this Court nevertheless resolves to
Given the primordial importance of the issue involved, it will suffice to take cognizance of the instant petition.6
reiterate our view on this point in a related case: Hence, we treat with similar dispatch the general objection to the
Notwithstanding, in view of the paramount importance supposed prematurity of the action. At any rate, petitioners' concerns on
and the constitutional significance of the issues raised in the lack of any specific regulation on the latitude of activity US personnel
the petitions, this Court, in the exercise of its sound may undertake and the duration of their stay has been addressed in the
discretion, brushes aside the procedural barrier and takes Terms of Reference.
cognizance of the petitions, as we have done in the early The holding of "Balikatan 02-1" must be studied in the framework of the
Emergency Powers Cases, where we had occasion to treaty antecedents to which the Philippines bound itself. The first of these
rule: is the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT, for brevity). The MDT has been
'x x x ordinary citizens and taxpayers were allowed to described as the "core" of the defense relationship between the
question the constitutionality of several executive orders Philippines and its traditional ally, the United States. Its aim is to enhance
issued by President Quirino although they were involving the strategic and technological capabilities of our armed forces through
only an indirect and general interest shared in common joint training with its American counterparts; the "Balikatan" is the largest
with the public. The Court dismissed the objection that such training exercise directly supporting the MDT's objectives. It is this
they were not proper parties and ruled treaty to which the V FA adverts and the obligations thereunder which it
that 'transcendental importance to the public of these seeks to reaffirm.

The lapse of the US-Philippine Bases Agreement in 1992 and the (a) any agreement relating to the treaty which was made
decision not to renew it created a vacuum in US-Philippine defense between all the parties in connexion with the conclusion
relations, that is, until it was replaced by the Visiting Forces Agreement. It of the treaty;
should be recalled that on October 10, 2000, by a vote of eleven to three, (b) any instrument which was made by one or more
this Court upheld the validity of the VFA.7 The V FA provides the parties in connexion with the conclusion of the treaty and
"regulatory mechanism" by which "United States military and civilian accepted by the other parties as an instrument related to
personnel [may visit] temporarily in the Philippines in connection with the party .
activities approved by the Philippine Government." It contains provisions 3. There shall be taken into account, together with the context:
relative to entry and departure of American personnel, driving and vehicle (a) any subsequent agreement between the parties
registration, criminal jurisdiction, claims, importation and exportation, regarding the interpretation of the treaty or the application
movement of vessels and aircraft, as well as the duration of the of its provisions;
agreement and its termination. It is the VFA which gives continued (b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty
relevance to the MDT despite the passage of years. Its primary goal is to which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding
facilitate the promotion of optimal cooperation between American and its interpretation;
Philippine military forces in the event of an attack by a common foe. (c) any relevant rules of international law applicable in the
The first question that should be addressed is whether "Balikatan 02-1" is relations between the parties.
covered by the Visiting Forces Agreement. To resolve this, it is necessary 4. A special meaning shall be given to a term if it is established
to refer to the V FA itself: Not much help can be had therefrom, that the parties so intended.
unfortunately, since the terminology employed is itself the source of the Article 32
problem. The VFA permits United States personnel to engage, on an Supplementary means of interpretation
impermanent basis, in "activities," the exact meaning of which was left Recourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation,
undefined. The expression is ambiguous, permitting a wide scope of including the preparatory work of the treaty and the
undertakings subject only to the approval of the Philippine circumstances of its conclusion, in order to confirm the meaning
government.8 The sole encumbrance placed on its definition is couched resulting from the application of article 31, or to determine the
in the negative, in that United States personnel must "abstain from any meaning when the interpretation according to article 31 :
activity inconsistent with the spirit of this agreement, and in particular, (a) leaves the meaning ambiguous or obscure; or
from any political activity."9 All other activities, in other words, are fair (b) leads to a result which is manifestly absurd
game. unreasonable.
We are not left completely unaided, however. The Vienna Convention on It is clear from the foregoing that the cardinal rule of interpretation must
the Law of Treaties, which contains provisos governing interpretations of involve an examination of the text, which is presumed to verbalize the
international agreements, state: parties' intentions. The Convention likewise dictates what may be used
SECTION 3. INTERPRETATION OF TREATIES as aids to deduce the meaning of terms, which it refers to as the context
Article 31 of the treaty, as well as other elements may be taken into account
General rule of interpretation alongside the aforesaid context. As explained by a writer on the
1. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith ill accordance with Convention ,
the ordinary meaning to be given to the tenus of the treaty in their [t]he Commission's proposals (which were adopted virtually
context and in the light of its object and purpose. without change by the conference and are now reflected in
2. The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty Articles 31 and 32 of the Convention) were clearly based on the
shall comprise, in addition to the text, including its preamble and view that the text of a treaty must be presumed to be the
annexes: authentic expression of the intentions of the parties; the
Commission accordingly came down firmly in favour of the view

that 'the starting point of interpretation is the elucidation of the but difficult in implementation. The target of "Balikatan 02-1 I" the Abu
meaning of the text, not an investigation ab initio into the Sayyaf, cannot reasonably be expected to sit idly while the battle is
intentions of the parties'. This is not to say that brought to their very doorstep. They cannot be expected to pick and
the travauxpreparatoires of a treaty , or the circumstances of its choose their targets for they will not have the luxury of doing so. We state
conclusion, are relegated to a subordinate, and wholly ineffective, this point if only to signify our awareness that the parties straddle a fine
role. As Professor Briggs points out, no rigid temporal prohibition line, observing the honored legal maxim "Nemo potest facere per alium
on resort to travaux preparatoires of a treaty was intended by the quod non potest facere per directum."11 The indirect violation is actually
use of the phrase 'supplementary means of interpretation' in what petitioners' worry, that in reality, "Balikatan 02-1 " is actually a war
is now Article 32 of the Vienna Convention. The distinction principally conducted by the United States government, and that the
between the general rule of interpretation and the supplementary provision on self-defense serves only as camouflage to conceal the true
means of interpretation is intended rather to ensure that the nature of the exercise. A clear pronouncement on this matter thereby
supplementary means do not constitute an alternative, becomes crucial.
autonomous method of interpretation divorced from the general In our considered opinion, neither the MDT nor the V FA allow foreign
rule.10 troops to engage in an offensive war on Philippine territory. We bear in
The Terms of Reference rightly fall within the context of the VFA. mind the salutary proscription stated in the Charter of the United Nations,
After studied reflection, it appeared farfetched that the ambiguity to wit:
surrounding the meaning of the word .'activities" arose from accident. In Article 2
our view, it was deliberately made that way to give both parties a certain The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes
leeway in negotiation. In this manner, visiting US forces may sojourn in stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following
Philippine territory for purposes other than military. As conceived, the Principles.
joint exercises may include training on new techniques of patrol and xxx xxx xxx xxx
surveillance to protect the nation's marine resources, sea search-and- 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the
rescue operations to assist vessels in distress, disaster relief operations, threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political
civic action projects such as the building of school houses, medical and independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent
humanitarian missions, and the like. with the Purposes of the United Nations.
Under these auspices, the VFA gives legitimacy to the current Balikatan xxx xxx xxx xxx
exercises. It is only logical to assume that .'Balikatan 02-1," a "mutual In the same manner, both the Mutual Defense Treaty and the Visiting
anti- terrorism advising, assisting and training exercise," falls under the Forces Agreement, as in all other treaties and international agreements
umbrella of sanctioned or allowable activities in the context of the to which the Philippines is a party, must be read in the context of the
agreement. Both the history and intent of the Mutual Defense Treaty and 1987 Constitution. In particular, the Mutual Defense Treaty was
the V FA support the conclusion that combat-related activities -as concluded way before the present Charter, though it nevertheless
opposed to combat itself -such as the one subject of the instant petition, remains in effect as a valid source of international obligation. The present
are indeed authorized. Constitution contains key provisions useful in determining the extent to
That is not the end of the matter, though. Granted that "Balikatan 02-1" is which foreign military troops are allowed in Philippine territory. Thus, in
permitted under the terms of the VFA, what may US forces legitimately the Declaration of Principles and State Policies, it is provided that:
do in furtherance of their aim to provide advice, assistance and training in xxx xxx xxx xxx
the global effort against terrorism? Differently phrased, may American SEC. 2. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of
troops actually engage in combat in Philippine territory? The Terms of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of
Reference are explicit enough. Paragraph 8 of section I stipulates that international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the
US exercise participants may not engage in combat "except in self- policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity
defense." We wryly note that this sentiment is admirable in the abstract with all nations.

xxx xxx xxx xxx From the perspective of public international law, a treaty is favored over
SEC. 7. The State shall pursue an independent foreign policy. In municipal law pursuant to the principle of pacta sunt servanda. Hence,
its relations with other states the paramount consideration shall "[e]very treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be
be national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and performed by them in good faith."14 Further, a party to a treaty is not
the right to self- determination. allowed to "invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its
SEC. 8. The Philippines, consistent with the national interest, failure to perform a treaty."15
adopts and pursues a policy of freedom from nuclear weapons in Our Constitution espouses the opposing view. Witness our jurisdiction as
the country. I stated in section 5 of Article VIII:
xxx xxx xxx xxx The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
The Constitution also regulates the foreign relations powers of the Chief xxx xxx xxx xxx
Executive when it provides that "[n]o treaty or international agreement (2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal
shall be valid and effective unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of all or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final
the members of the Senate."12 Even more pointedly, the Transitory judgments and order of lower courts in:
Provisions state: (A) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty,
Sec. 25. After the expiration in 1991 of the Agreement between international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in
concerning Military Bases, foreign military bases, troops or question.
facilities shall not be allowed in the Philippines except under a xxx xxx xxx xxx
treaty duly concurred in by the Senate and, when the Congress In Ichong v. Hernandez,16 we ruled that the provisions of a treaty are
so requires, ratified by a majority of the votes cast by the people always subject to qualification or amendment by a subsequent law, or
in a national referendum held for that purpose, and recognized as that it is subject to the police power of the State. In Gonzales v.
a treaty by the other contracting state. Hechanova,17
The aforequoted provisions betray a marked antipathy towards foreign xxx As regards the question whether an international agreement
military presence in the country, or of foreign influence in general. Hence, may be invalidated by our courts, suffice it to say that the
foreign troops are allowed entry into the Philippines only by way of direct Constitution of the Philippines has clearly settled it in the
exception. Conflict arises then between the fundamental law and our affirmative, by providing, in Section 2 of Article VIII thereof, that
obligations arising from international agreements. the Supreme Court may not be deprived "of its jurisdiction to
A rather recent formulation of the relation of international law vis-a- review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal, certiorari, or
vis municipal law was expressed in Philip Morris, Inc. v. writ of error as the law or the rules of court may provide, final
Court of Appeals,13 to wit: judgments and decrees of inferior courts in -( I) All cases in which
xxx Withal, the fact that international law has been made part of the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, law, ordinance, or
the law of the land does not by any means imply the primacy of executive order or regulation is in question." In other words, our
international law over national law in the municipal sphere. Under Constitution authorizes the nullification of a treaty, not only when
the doctrine of incorporation as applied in most countries, rules of it conflicts with the fundamental law, but, also, when it runs
international law are given a standing equal, not superior, to counter to an act of Congress.
national legislation. The foregoing premises leave us no doubt that US forces are prohibited /
This is not exactly helpful in solving the problem at hand since in trying to from engaging in an offensive war on Philippine territory.
find a middle ground, it favors neither one law nor the other, which only Yet a nagging question remains: are American troops actively engaged in
leaves the hapless seeker with an unsolved dilemma. Other more combat alongside Filipino soldiers under the guise of an alleged training
traditional approaches may offer valuable insights. and assistance exercise? Contrary to what petitioners would have us do,
we cannot take judicial notice of the events transpiring down south,18 as

reported from the saturation coverage of the media. As a rule, we do not BUENA, J.:
take cognizance of newspaper or electronic reports per se, not because
of any issue as to their truth, accuracy, or impartiality, but for the simple Confronting the Court for resolution in the instant consolidated
reason that facts must be established in accordance with the rules of petitions for certiorari and prohibition are issues relating to, and borne by,
evidence. As a result, we cannot accept, in the absence of concrete an agreement forged in the turn of the last century between the Republic
proof, petitioners' allegation that the Arroyo government is engaged in of the Philippines and the United States of America -the Visiting Forces
"doublespeak" in trying to pass off as a mere training exercise an Agreement.
offensive effort by foreign troops on native soil. The petitions invite us to
speculate on what is really happening in Mindanao, to issue I make The antecedents unfold.
factual findings on matters well beyond our immediate perception, and On March 14, 1947, the Philippines and the United States of America
this we are understandably loath to do. forged a Military Bases Agreement which formalized, among others, the
It is all too apparent that the determination thereof involves basically use of installations in the Philippine territory by United States military
a question of fact. On this point, we must concur with the Solicitor personnel. To further strengthen their defense and security relationship,
General that the present subject matter is not a fit topic for a special civil the Philippines and the United States entered into a Mutual Defense Treaty
action for certiorari. We have held in too many instances that questions of on August 30, 1951. Under the treaty, the parties agreed to respond to any
fact are not entertained in such a remedy. The sole object of the writ is to external armed attack on their territory, armed forces, public vessels, and
correct errors of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion: The phrase aircraft.[1]
"grave abuse of discretion" has a precise meaning in law, denoting abuse
of discretion "too patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of a In view of the impending expiration of the RP-US Military Bases
positive duty, or a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined or act in Agreement in 1991, the Philippines and the United States negotiated for a
contemplation of law, or where the power is exercised in an arbitrary and possible extension of the military bases agreement. On September 16,
despotic manner by reason of passion and personal hostility."19 1991, the Philippine Senate rejected the proposed RP-US Treaty of
In this connection, it will not be amiss to add that the Supreme Court is Friendship, Cooperation and Security which, in effect, would have
not a trier of facts.20 extended the presence of US military bases in the Philippines.[2] With the
Under the expanded concept of judicial power under the Constitution, expiration of the RP-US Military Bases Agreement, the periodic military
courts are charged with the duty "to determine whether or not there has exercises conducted between the two countries were held in abeyance.
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of Notwithstanding, the defense and security relationship between the
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Philippines and the United States of America continued pursuant to the
government."21 From the facts obtaining, we find that the holding of Mutual Defense Treaty.
"Balikatan 02-1" joint military exercise has not intruded into that
penumbra of error that would otherwise call for correction on our part. In On July 18, 1997, the United States panel, headed by US Defense
other words, respondents in the case at bar have not committed grave Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia Pacific Kurt Campbell, met with the
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Philippine panel, headed by Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Rodolfo
WHEREFORE, the petition and the petition-in-intervention are Severino Jr., to exchange notes on the complementing strategic interests
hereby DISMISSED without prejudice to the filing of a new petition of the United States and the Philippines in the Asia-Pacific region. Both
sufficient in form and substance in the proper Regional Trial Court. sides discussed, among other things, the possible elements of the Visiting
SO ORDERED. Forces Agreement (VFA for brevity). Negotiations by both panels on the
VFA led to a consolidated draft text, which in turn resulted to a final series
of conferences and negotiations[3] that culminated in Manila on January 12
and 13, 1998. Thereafter, then President Fidel V. Ramos approved the
DECISION VFA, which was respectively signed by public respondent Secretary

Siazon and Unites States Ambassador Thomas Hubbard on February 10, 1. The term military personnel refers to military members of the
1998. United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and
Coast Guard.
On October 5, 1998, President Joseph E. Estrada, through
respondent Secretary of Foreign Affairs, ratified the VFA.[4] 2. The term civilian personnel refers to individuals who are
neither nationals of, nor ordinary residents in the Philippines
On October 6, 1998, the President, acting through respondent and who are employed by the United States armed forces or
Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora, officially transmitted to the Senate who are accompanying the United States armed forces, such
of the Philippines,[5] the Instrument of Ratification, the letter of the as employees of the American Red Cross and the United
President[6] and the VFA, for concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article Services Organization.
VII of the 1987 Constitution. The Senate, in turn, referred the VFA to its
Committee on Foreign Relations, chaired by Senator Blas F. Ople, and its
Article II
Committee on National Defense and Security, chaired by Senator Rodolfo
Respect for Law
G. Biazon, for their joint consideration and recommendation.Thereafter,
joint public hearings were held by the two Committees.[7]
It is the duty of the United States personnel to respect the laws of the
On May 3, 1999, the Committees submitted Proposed Senate Republic of the Philippines and to abstain from any activity inconsistent
Resolution No. 443[8] recommending the concurrence of the Senate to the with the spirit of this agreement, and, in particular, from any political
VFA and the creation of a Legislative Oversight Committee to oversee its activity in the Philippines. The Government of the United States shall take
implementation. Debates then ensued. all measures within its authority to ensure that this is done.
On May 27, 1999, Proposed Senate Resolution No. 443 was
approved by the Senate, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote[9] of its members. Article III
Senate Resolution No. 443 was then re-numbered as Senate Resolution Entry and Departure
No. 18.[10]
1. The Government of the Philippines shall facilitate the admission of
On June 1, 1999, the VFA officially entered into force after an United States personnel and their departure from the Philippines in
Exchange of Notes between respondent Secretary Siazon and United connection with activities covered by this agreement.
States Ambassador Hubbard.
The VFA, which consists of a Preamble and nine (9) Articles, provides 2. United States military personnel shall be exempt from passport and visa
for the mechanism for regulating the circumstances and conditions under regulations upon entering and departing the Philippines.
which US Armed Forces and defense personnel may be present in the
Philippines, and is quoted in its full text, hereunder: 3. The following documents only, which shall be presented on demand,
shall be required in respect of United States military personnel who
Article I enter the Philippines:
(a) personal identity card issued by the appropriate United States
As used in this Agreement, United States personnel means United States authority showing full name, date of birth, rank or grade and
military and civilian personnel temporarily in the Philippines in connection service number (if any), branch of service and photograph;
with activities approved by the Philippine Government.

Within this definition:


(b) individual or collective document issued by the appropriate United (a) Philippine authorities shall have jurisdiction over United
States authority, authorizing the travel or visit and identifying the States personnel with respect to offenses committed within
individual or group as United States military personnel; and the Philippines and punishable under the law of the
(c) the commanding officer of a military aircraft or vessel shall present
(b) United States military authorities shall have the right to
a declaration of health, and when required by the cognizant
exercise within the Philippines all criminal and disciplinary
representative of the Government of the Philippines, shall conduct
jurisdiction conferred on them by the military law of the
a quarantine inspection and will certify that the aircraft or vessel
United States over United States personnel in the
is free from quarantinable diseases. Any quarantine inspection of
United States aircraft or United States vessels or cargoes thereon
shall be conducted by the United States commanding officer in 2. (a) Philippine authorities exercise exclusive jurisdiction over
accordance with the international health regulations as United States personnel with respect to offenses,
promulgated by the World Health Organization, and mutually including offenses relating to the security of the
agreed procedures. Philippines, punishable under the laws of the
Philippines, but not under the laws of the United
4. United States civilian personnel shall be exempt from visa requirements States.
but shall present, upon demand, valid passports upon entry and
(b) United States authorities exercise exclusive
departure of the Philippines.
jurisdiction over United States personnel with respect
to offenses, including offenses relating to the security
5. If the Government of the Philippines has requested the removal of any of the United States, punishable under the laws of the
United States personnel from its territory, the United States authorities United States, but not under the laws of the
shall be responsible for receiving the person concerned within its own Philippines.
territory or otherwise disposing of said person outside of the
Philippines. (c) For the purposes of this paragraph and paragraph 3 of
this article, an offense relating to security means:
Article IV
Driving and Vehicle Registration (1) treason;

1. Philippine authorities shall accept as valid, without test or fee, a driving (2) sabotage, espionage or violation of any law relating to
permit or license issued by the appropriate United States authority to national defense.
United States personnel for the operation of military or official vehicles.
3. In cases where the right to exercise jurisdiction is concurrent,
2. Vehicles owned by the Government of the United States need not be the following rules shall apply:
registered, but shall have appropriate markings.
(a) Philippine authorities shall have the primary right to
exercise jurisdiction over all offenses committed by United
Article V States personnel, except in cases provided for in
Criminal Jurisdiction paragraphs 1(b), 2 (b), and 3 (b) of this Article.

1. Subject to the provisions of this article:


(b) United States military authorities shall have the primary disciplinary or other action against offenders in official duty
right to exercise jurisdiction over United States personnel cases, and notify the Government of the Philippines of the
subject to the military law of the United States in relation to. actions taken.
(1) offenses solely against the property or security of the (f) If the government having the primary right does not exercise
United States or offenses solely against the property or jurisdiction, it shall notify the authorities of the other
person of United States personnel; and government as soon as possible.
(2) offenses arising out of any act or omission done in (g) The authorities of the Philippines and the United States
performance of official duty. shall notify each other of the disposition of all cases in
which both the authorities of the Philippines and the United
(c) The authorities of either government may request the States have the right to exercise jurisdiction.
authorities of the other government to waive their primary
right to exercise jurisdiction in a particular case. 4. Within the scope of their legal competence, the authorities of
the Philippines and United States shall assist each other in the
(d) Recognizing the responsibility of the United States military arrest of United States personnel in the Philippines and in
authorities to maintain good order and discipline among handling them over to authorities who are to exercise
their forces, Philippine authorities will, upon request by the jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of this article.
United States, waive their primary right to exercise
jurisdiction except in cases of particular importance to the 5. United States military authorities shall promptly notify
Philippines. If the Government of the Philippines Philippine authorities of the arrest or detention of United
determines that the case is of particular importance, it shall States personnel who are subject of Philippine primary or
communicate such determination to the United States exclusive jurisdiction. Philippine authorities shall promptly
authorities within twenty (20) days after the Philippine notify United States military authorities of the arrest or
authorities receive the United States request. detention of any United States personnel.
(e) When the United States military commander determines 6. The custody of any United States personnel over whom the
that an offense charged by authorities of the Philippines Philippines is to exercise jurisdiction shall immediately reside
against United states personnel arises out of an act or with United States military authorities, if they so request, from
omission done in the performance of official duty, the the commission of the offense until completion of all judicial
commander will issue a certificate setting forth such proceedings. United States military authorities shall, upon
determination. This certificate will be transmitted to the formal notification by the Philippine authorities and without
appropriate authorities of the Philippines and will constitute delay, make such personnel available to those authorities in
sufficient proof of performance of official duty for the time for any investigative or judicial proceedings relating to the
purposes of paragraph 3(b)(2) of this Article. In those cases offense with which the person has been charged in
where the Government of the Philippines believes the extraordinary cases, the Philippine Government shall present
circumstances of the case require a review of the duty its position to the United States Government regarding
certificate, United States military authorities and Philippine custody, which the United States Government shall take into
authorities shall consult immediately. Philippine authorities full account. In the event Philippine judicial proceedings are
at the highest levels may also present any information not completed within one year, the United States shall be
bearing on its validity. United States military authorities relieved of any obligations under this paragraph. The one-year
shall take full account of the Philippine position. Where period will not include the time necessary to appeal. Also, the
appropriate, United States military authorities will take one-year period will not include any time during which

scheduled trial procedures are delayed because United (f) To have the service of a competent interpreter; and
States authorities, after timely notification by Philippine
authorities to arrange for the presence of the accused, fail to (g) To communicate promptly with and to be visited regularly
do so. by United States authorities, and to have such authorities
present at all judicial proceedings. These proceedings shall
7. Within the scope of their legal authority, United States and be public unless the court, in accordance with Philippine
Philippine authorities shall assist each other in the carrying out laws, excludes persons who have no role in the
of all necessary investigation into offenses and shall proceedings.
cooperate in providing for the attendance of witnesses and in
the collection and production of evidence, including seizure 10. The confinement or detention by Philippine authorities of
and, in proper cases, the delivery of objects connected with United States personnel shall be carried out in facilities agreed
an offense. on by appropriate Philippine and United States authorities.
United States Personnel serving sentences in the Philippines
8. When United States personnel have been tried in accordance shall have the right to visits and material assistance.
with the provisions of this Article and have been acquitted or
have been convicted and are serving, or have served their 11. United States personnel shall be subject to trial only in
sentence, or have had their sentence remitted or suspended, Philippine courts of ordinary jurisdiction, and shall not be
or have been pardoned, they may not be tried again for the subject to the jurisdiction of Philippine military or religious
same offense in the Philippines. Nothing in this paragraph, courts.
however, shall prevent United States military authorities from
trying United States personnel for any violation of rules of Article VI
discipline arising from the act or omission which constituted Claims
an offense for which they were tried by Philippine authorities.
1. Except for contractual arrangements, including United States
9. When United States personnel are detained, taken into foreign military sales letters of offer and acceptance and
custody, or prosecuted by Philippine authorities, they shall be leases of military equipment, both governments waive any and
accorded all procedural safeguards established by the law of all claims against each other for damage, loss or destruction
the Philippines. At the minimum, United States personnel shall to property of each others armed forces or for death or injury
be entitled: to their military and civilian personnel arising from activities to
(a) To a prompt and speedy trial; which this agreement applies.

(b) To be informed in advance of trial of the specific charge or 2. For claims against the United States, other than contractual
charges made against them and to have reasonable time claims and those to which paragraph 1 applies, the United
to prepare a defense; States Government, in accordance with United States law
regarding foreign claims, will pay just and reasonable
(c) To be confronted with witnesses against them and to cross compensation in settlement of meritorious claims for damage,
examine such witnesses; loss, personal injury or death, caused by acts or omissions of
United States personnel, or otherwise incident to the non-
(d) To present evidence in their defense and to have
combat activities of the United States forces.
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses;
(e) To have free and assisted legal representation of their own Article VII
choice on the same basis as nationals of the Philippines; Importation and Exportation

1. United States Government equipment, materials, supplies, and 2. Vessels operated by or for the United States armed forces may
other property imported into or acquired in the Philippines by enter the Philippines upon approval of the Government of the
or on behalf of the United States armed forces in connection Philippines. The movement of vessels shall be in accordance
with activities to which this agreement applies, shall be free of with international custom and practice governing such
all Philippine duties, taxes and other similar charges. Title to vessels, and such agreed implementing arrangements as
such property shall remain with the United States, which may necessary.
remove such property from the Philippines at any time, free
from export duties, taxes, and other similar charges. The 3. Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft operated by or for the United
exemptions provided in this paragraph shall also extend to any States armed forces shall not be subject to the payment of
duty, tax, or other similar charges which would otherwise be landing or port fees, navigation or over flight charges, or tolls
assessed upon such property after importation into, or or other use charges, including light and harbor dues, while in
acquisition within, the Philippines. Such property may be the Philippines. Aircraft operated by or for the United States
removed from the Philippines, or disposed of therein, provided armed forces shall observe local air traffic control regulations
that disposition of such property in the Philippines to persons while in the Philippines. Vessels owned or operated by the
or entities not entitled to exemption from applicable taxes and United States solely on United States Government non-
duties shall be subject to payment of such taxes, and duties commercial service shall not be subject to compulsory
and prior approval of the Philippine Government. pilotage at Philippine ports.

2. Reasonable quantities of personal baggage, personal effects, Article IX

and other property for the personal use of United States Duration and Termination
personnel may be imported into and used in the Philippines
free of all duties, taxes and other similar charges during the This agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the parties have
period of their temporary stay in the Philippines. Transfers to notified each other in writing through the diplomatic channel that they have
persons or entities in the Philippines not entitled to import completed their constitutional requirements for entry into force. This
privileges may only be made upon prior approval of the agreement shall remain in force until the expiration of 180 days from the
appropriate Philippine authorities including payment by the date on which either party gives the other party notice in writing that it
recipient of applicable duties and taxes imposed in desires to terminate the agreement.
accordance with the laws of the Philippines. The exportation
of such property and of property acquired in the Philippines by
Via these consolidated[11] petitions for certiorari and prohibition,
United States personnel shall be free of all Philippine duties,
petitioners - as legislators, non-governmental organizations, citizens and
taxes, and other similar charges.
taxpayers - assail the constitutionality of the VFA and impute to herein
respondents grave abuse of discretion in ratifying the agreement.
Article VIII
Movement of Vessels and Aircraft We have simplified the issues raised by the petitioners into the
1. Aircraft operated by or for the United States armed forces may I
enter the Philippines upon approval of the Government of the
Philippines in accordance with procedures stipulated in
Do petitioners have legal standing as concerned citizens, taxpayers, or
implementing arrangements.
legislators to question the constitutionality of the VFA?

II A party bringing a suit challenging the constitutionality of a law, act, or

statute must show not only that the law is invalid, but also that he has
Is the VFA governed by the provisions of Section 21, Article VII or of sustained or in is in immediate, or imminent danger of sustaining some
Section 25, Article XVIII of the Constitution? direct injury as a result of its enforcement, and not merely that he suffers
thereby in some indefinite way. He must show that he has been, or is about
III to be, denied some right or privilege to which he is lawfully entitled, or that
he is about to be subjected to some burdens or penalties by reason of the
statute complained of.[14]
Does the VFA constitute an abdication of Philippine sovereignty?
In the case before us, petitioners failed to show, to the satisfaction of
a. Are Philippine courts deprived of their jurisdiction to hear and this Court, that they have sustained, or are in danger of sustaining any
try offenses committed by US military personnel? direct injury as a result of the enforcement of the VFA. As taxpayers,
petitioners have not established that the VFA involves the exercise by
b. Is the Supreme Court deprived of its jurisdiction over offenses Congress of its taxing or spending powers.[15] On this point, it bears
punishable by reclusion perpetua or higher? stressing that a taxpayers suit refers to a case where the act complained
IV of directly involves the illegal disbursement of public funds derived from
taxation.[16] Thus, in Bugnay Const. & Development Corp. vs.
Does the VFA violate: Laron[17], we held:

a. the equal protection clause under Section 1, Article III of the x x x it is exigent that the taxpayer-plaintiff sufficiently show that he would be
Constitution? benefited or injured by the judgment or entitled to the avails of the suit as a real
party in interest. Before he can invoke the power of judicial review, he must
b. the Prohibition against nuclear weapons under Article II, specifically prove that he has sufficient interest in preventing the illegal
Section 8? expenditure of money raised by taxation and that he will sustain a direct injury as
a result of the enforcement of the questioned statute or contract. It is not
c. Section 28 (4), Article VI of the Constitution granting the sufficient that he has merely a general interest common to all members of the
exemption from taxes and duties for the equipment, materials public.
supplies and other properties imported into or acquired in the
Philippines by, or on behalf, of the US Armed Forces?
Clearly, inasmuch as no public funds raised by taxation are involved
in this case, and in the absence of any allegation by petitioners that public
funds are being misspent or illegally expended, petitioners, as taxpayers,
have no legal standing to assail the legality of the VFA.
Similarly, Representatives Wigberto Taada, Agapito Aquino and Joker
At the outset, respondents challenge petitioners standing to sue, on Arroyo, as petitioners-legislators, do not possess the requisite locus
the ground that the latter have not shown any interest in the case, and that standi to maintain the present suit. While this Court, in Phil. Constitution
petitioners failed to substantiate that they have sustained, or will sustain Association vs. Hon. Salvador Enriquez,[18] sustained the legal standing
direct injury as a result of the operation of the VFA.[12] Petitioners, on the of a member of the Senate and the House of Representatives to question
other hand, counter that the validity or invalidity of the VFA is a matter of the validity of a presidential veto or a condition imposed on an item in an
transcendental importance which justifies their standing.[13] appropriation bull, we cannot, at this instance, similarly uphold petitioners

standing as members of Congress, in the absence of a clear showing of discretion given to them, the Court has brushed aside technicalities of procedure
any direct injury to their person or to the institution to which they belong. and has taken cognizance of this petition. x x x
Beyond this, the allegations of impairment of legislative power, such
as the delegation of the power of Congress to grant tax exemptions, are Again, in the more recent case of Kilosbayan vs. Guingona,
more apparent than real. While it may be true that petitioners pointed to Jr.,[24] thisCourt ruled that in cases of transcendental importance, the
provisions of the VFA which allegedly impair their legislative powers, Court may relax the standing requirements and allow a suit to
petitioners failed however to sufficiently show that they have in fact prosper even where there is no direct injury to the party claiming the
right of judicial review.
suffered direct injury.
Although courts generally avoid having to decide a constitutional
In the same vein, petitioner Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) is
question based on the doctrine of separation of powers, which enjoins
stripped of standing in these cases. As aptly observed by the Solicitor
upon the departments of the government a becoming respect for each
General, the IBP lacks the legal capacity to bring this suit in the absence
of a board resolution from its Board of Governors authorizing its National others acts,[25] this Court nevertheless resolves to take cognizance of the
instant petitions.
President to commence the present action.[19]
Notwithstanding, in view of the paramount importance and the
constitutional significance of the issues raised in the petitions, this Court, APPLICABLE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION
in the exercise of its sound discretion, brushes aside the procedural barrier
and takes cognizance of the petitions, as we have done in the
early Emergency Powers Cases,[20] where we had occasion to rule: One focal point of inquiry in this controversy is the determination of
which provision of the Constitution applies, with regard to the exercise by
x x x ordinary citizens and taxpayers were allowed to question the the senate of its constitutional power to concur with the VFA. Petitioners
constitutionality of several executive orders issued by President Quirino argue that Section 25, Article XVIII is applicable considering that the VFA
although they were involving only an indirect and general interest shared in has for its subject the presence of foreign military troops in the
common with the public. The Court dismissed the objection that they were not Philippines. Respondents, on the contrary, maintain that Section 21,
proper parties and ruled that transcendental importance to the public of these Article VII should apply inasmuch as the VFA is not a basing arrangement
cases demands that they be settled promptly and definitely, brushing aside, but an agreement which involves merely the temporary visits of United
if we must, technicalities of procedure.We have since then applied the States personnel engaged in joint military exercises.
exception in many other cases. (Association of Small Landowners in the
Philippines, Inc. v. Sec. of Agrarian Reform, 175 SCRA 343). (Underscoring The 1987 Philippine Constitution contains two provisions requiring the
Supplied) concurrence of the Senate on treaties or international agreements. Section
21, Article VII, which herein respondents invoke, reads:
This principle was reiterated in the subsequent cases of Gonzales vs.
COMELEC,[21] Daza vs. Singson,[22]and Basco vs. Phil. Amusement No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and effective unless concurred
in by at least two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate.
and Gaming Corporation,[23] where we emphatically held:

Considering however the importance to the public of the case at bar, and in Section 25, Article XVIII, provides:
keeping with the Courts duty, under the 1987 Constitution, to determine whether
or not the other branches of the government have kept themselves within the After the expiration in 1991 of the Agreement between the Republic of the
limits of the Constitution and the laws and that they have not abused the Philippines and the United States of America concerning Military Bases, foreign
military bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the Philippines except

under a treaty duly concurred in by the senate and, when the Congress so crystalline that the concurrence of the Senate is mandatory to comply with
requires, ratified by a majority of the votes cast by the people in a national the strict constitutional requirements.
referendum held for that purpose, and recognized as a treaty by the other
contracting State. On the whole, the VFA is an agreement which defines the treatment
of United States troops and personnel visiting the Philippines. It provides
for the guidelines to govern such visits of military personnel, and further
Section 21, Article VII deals with treatise or international agreements defines the rights of the United States and the Philippine government in
in general, in which case, the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the matter of criminal jurisdiction, movement of vessel and aircraft,
the Members of the Senate is required to make the subject treaty, or
importation and exportation of equipment, materials and supplies.
international agreement, valid and binding on the part of the
Philippines. This provision lays down the general rule on treatise or Undoubtedly, Section 25, Article XVIII, which specifically deals with
international agreements and applies to any form of treaty with a wide treaties involving foreign military bases, troops, or facilities, should apply
variety of subject matter, such as, but not limited to, extradition or tax in the instant case. To a certain extent and in a limited sense, however, the
treatise or those economic in nature. All treaties or international provisions of section 21, Article VII will find applicability with regard to the
agreements entered into by the Philippines, regardless of subject matter, issue and for the sole purpose of determining the number of votes required
coverage, or particular designation or appellation, requires the to obtain the valid concurrence of the Senate, as will be further discussed
concurrence of the Senate to be valid and effective. hereunder.
In contrast, Section 25, Article XVIII is a special provision that applies It is a finely-imbedded principle in statutory construction that a special
to treaties which involve the presence of foreign military bases, troops or provision or law prevails over a general one. Lex specialis derogat
facilities in the Philippines. Under this provision, the concurrence of the generali. Thus, where there is in the same statute a particular enactment
Senate is only one of the requisites to render compliance with the and also a general one which, in its most comprehensive sense, would
constitutional requirements and to consider the agreement binding on the include what is embraced in the former, the particular enactment must be
Philippines. Section 25, Article XVIII further requires that foreign military operative, and the general enactment must be taken to affect only such
bases, troops, or facilities may be allowed in the Philippines only by virtue cases within its general language which are not within the provision of the
of a treaty duly concurred in by the Senate, ratified by a majority of the particular enactment.[26]
votes cast in a national referendum held for that purpose if so required by
Congress, and recognized as such by the other contracting state. In Leveriza vs. Intermediate Appellate Court,[27] we enunciated:

It is our considered view that both constitutional provisions, far from x x x that another basic principle of statutory construction mandates that general
contradicting each other, actually share some common ground. These legislation must give way to a special legislation on the same subject, and
constitutional provisions both embody phrases in the negative and thus, generally be so interpreted as to embrace only cases in which the special
are deemed prohibitory in mandate and character. In particular, Section 21 provisions are not applicable (Sto. Domingo vs. de los Angeles, 96 SCRA 139),
opens with the clause No treaty x x x, and Section 25 contains the phrase that a specific statute prevails over a general statute (De Jesus vs. People, 120
shall not be allowed. Additionally, in both instances, the concurrence of the SCRA 760) and that where two statutes are of equal theoretical application to a
Senate is indispensable to render the treaty or international agreement particular case, the one designed therefor specially should prevail (Wil
valid and effective. Wilhensen Inc. vs. Baluyot, 83 SCRA 38).
To our mind, the fact that the President referred the VFA to the Senate
under Section 21, Article VII, and that the Senate extended its concurrence Moreover, it is specious to argue that Section 25, Article XVIII is
under the same provision, is immaterial. For in either case, whether under inapplicable to mere transient agreements for the reason that there is no
Section 21, Article VII or Section 25, Article XVIII, the fundamental law is permanent placing of structure for the establishment of a military base. On
this score, the Constitution makes no distinction between transient and

permanent. Certainly, we find nothing in Section 25, Article XVIII that MR. MAAMBONG. I cannot find any reason why the government can
requires foreign troops or facilities to be stationed or enter into a treaty covering only troops.
placed permanently in the Philippines.
FR. BERNAS. Why not? Probably if we stretch our imagination a little
It is a rudiment in legal hermenuetics that when no distinction is made bit more, we will find some. We just want to cover
by law, the Court should not distinguish- Ubi lex non distinguit nec nos everything.[29] (Underscoring Supplied)
distinguire debemos.
Moreover, military bases established within the territory of another
In like manner, we do not subscribe to the argument that Section 25, state is no longer viable because of the alternatives offered by new means
Article XVIII is not controlling since no foreign military bases, but merely and weapons of warfare such as nuclear weapons, guided missiles as well
foreign troops and facilities, are involved in the VFA. Notably, a perusal of as huge sea vessels that can stay afloat in the sea even for months and
said constitutional provision reveals that the proscription covers foreign years without returning to their home country.These military warships are
military bases, troops, or facilities. Stated differently, this prohibition is not actually used as substitutes for a land-home base not only of military
limited to the entry of troops and facilities without any foreign bases being aircraft but also of military personnel and facilities. Besides, vessels are
established. The clause does not refer to foreign military bases, mobile as compared to a land-based military headquarters.
troops, or facilities collectively but treats them as separate and
independent subjects. The use of comma and the disjunctive At this juncture, we shall then resolve the issue of whether or not the
word or clearly signifies disassociation and independence of one thing requirements of Section 25 were complied with when the Senate gave its
from the others included in the enumeration,[28] such that, the provision concurrence to the VFA.
contemplates three different situations - a military treaty the subject of Section 25, Article XVIII disallows foreign military bases, troops, or
which could be either (a) foreign bases, (b) foreign troops, or (c) foreign facilities in the country, unless the following conditions are sufficiently
facilities - any of the three standing alone places it under the coverage of met, viz: (a) it must be under a treaty; (b) the treaty must be duly
Section 25, Article XVIII. concurred in by the Senate and, when so required by congress, ratified
To this end, the intention of the framers of the Charter, as manifested by a majority of the votes cast by the people in a national referendum; and
during the deliberations of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, is (c) recognized as a treaty by the other contracting state.
consistent with this interpretation: There is no dispute as to the presence of the first two requisites in the
MR. MAAMBONG. I just want to address a question or two to case of the VFA. The concurrence handed by the Senate through
Commissioner Bernas. Resolution No. 18 is in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution,
whether under the general requirement in Section 21, Article VII, or the
This formulation speaks of three things: foreign military bases, troops specific mandate mentioned in Section 25, Article XVIII, the provision in
or facilities. My first question is: If the country does enter into the latter article requiring ratification by a majority of the votes cast in a
such kind of a treaty, must it cover the three-bases, troops or national referendum being unnecessary since Congress has not required
facilities-or could the treaty entered into cover only one or it.
As to the matter of voting, Section 21, Article VII particularly requires
FR. BERNAS. Definitely, it can cover only one. Whether it covers that a treaty or international agreement, to be valid and effective, must
only one or it covers three, the requirement will be the same. be concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the members of the
Senate. On the other hand, Section 25, Article XVIII simply provides that
MR. MAAMBONG. In other words, the Philippine government can the treaty be duly concurred in by the Senate.
enter into a treaty covering not bases but merely troops?
Applying the foregoing constitutional provisions, a two-thirds vote of
FR. BERNAS. Yes. all the members of the Senate is clearly required so that the concurrence

contemplated by law may be validly obtained and deemed present. While In opposition, respondents argue that the letter of United States
it is true that Section 25, Article XVIII requires, among other things, that the Ambassador Hubbard stating that the VFA is binding on the United States
treaty-the VFA, in the instant case-be duly concurred in by the Senate, it is Government is conclusive, on the point that the VFA is recognized as a
very true however that said provision must be related and viewed in light treaty by the United States of America. According to respondents, the VFA,
of the clear mandate embodied in Section 21, Article VII, which in more to be binding, must only be accepted as a treaty by the United States.
specific terms, requires that the concurrence of a treaty, or international
agreement, be made by a two -thirds vote of all the members of the This Court is of the firm view that the phrase recognized as a
Senate. Indeed, Section 25, Article XVIII must not be treated in isolation to treaty means that the other contracting party accepts or
section 21, Article, VII. acknowledges the agreement as a treaty.[32] To require the other
contracting state, the United States of America in this case, to submit the
As noted, the concurrence requirement under Section 25, Article XVIII VFA to the United States Senate for concurrence pursuant to its
must be construed in relation to the provisions of Section 21, Article VII. In Constitution,[33]is to accord strict meaning to the phrase.
a more particular language, the concurrence of the Senate contemplated
under Section 25, Article XVIII means that at least two-thirds of all the Well-entrenched is the principle that the words used in the
members of the Senate favorably vote to concur with the treaty-the VFA in Constitution are to be given their ordinary meaning except where technical
the instant case. terms are employed, in which case the significance thus attached to them
prevails. Its language should be understood in the sense they have in
Under these circumstances, the charter provides that the Senate shall common use.[34]
be composed of twenty-four (24) Senators.[30] Without a tinge of doubt,
two-thirds (2/3) of this figure, or not less than sixteen (16) members, Moreover, it is inconsequential whether the United States treats the
favorably acting on the proposal is an unquestionable compliance with the VFA only as an executive agreement because, under international law, an
requisite number of votes mentioned in Section 21 of Article VII. The fact executive agreement is as binding as a treaty.[35] To be sure, as long as
that there were actually twenty-three (23) incumbent Senators at the time the VFA possesses the elements of an agreement under international law,
the voting was made,[31] will not alter in any significant way the the said agreement is to be taken equally as a treaty.
circumstance that more than two-thirds of the members of the Senate A treaty, as defined by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
concurred with the proposed VFA, even if the two-thirds vote requirement is an international instrument concluded between States in written form
is based on this figure of actual members (23). In this regard, the and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single
fundamental law is clear that two-thirds of the 24 Senators, or at least 16 instrument or in two or more related instruments, and whatever its
favorable votes, suffice so as to render compliance with the strict particular designation.[36] There are many other terms used for a treaty or
constitutional mandate of giving concurrence to the subject treaty. international agreement, some of which are: act, protocol,
Having resolved that the first two requisites prescribed in Section 25, agreement, compromis d arbitrage, concordat, convention, declaration,
Article XVIII are present, we shall now pass upon and delve on the exchange of notes, pact, statute, charter and modus vivendi. All writers,
requirement that the VFA should be recognized as a treaty by the United from Hugo Grotius onward, have pointed out that the names or titles of
States of America. international agreements included under the general term treaty have little
or no legal significance. Certain terms are useful, but they furnish little
Petitioners content that the phrase recognized as a treaty, embodied more than mere description.[37]
in section 25, Article XVIII, means that the VFA should have the advice and
consent of the United States Senate pursuant to its own constitutional Article 2(2) of the Vienna Convention provides that the provisions of
process, and that it should not be considered merely an executive paragraph 1 regarding the use of terms in the present Convention are
agreement by the United States. without prejudice to the use of those terms, or to the meanings which may
be given to them in the internal law of the State.

Thus, in international law, there is no difference between treaties and FR. BERNAS. Yes, but we will accept whatever they say. If they say
executive agreements in their binding effect upon states concerned, as that we have done everything to make it a treaty, then as far as we
long as the negotiating functionaries have remained within their are concerned, we will accept it as a treaty.[41]
powers.[38]International law continues to make no distinction between
treaties and executive agreements: they are equally binding obligations The records reveal that the United States Government, through
upon nations.[39] Ambassador Thomas C. Hubbard, has stated that the United States
government has fully committed to living up to the terms of the VFA.[42] For
In our jurisdiction, we have recognized the binding effect of executive as long as the united States of America accepts or acknowledges the VFA
agreements even without the concurrence of the Senate or as a treaty, and binds itself further to comply with its obligations under the
Congress. In Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea treaty, there is indeed marked compliance with the mandate of the
Trading,[40] we had occasion to pronounce: Constitution.
Worth stressing too, is that the ratification, by the President, of the
x x x the right of the Executive to enter into binding agreements without the
VFA and the concurrence of the Senate should be taken as a clear an
necessity of subsequent congressional approval has been confirmed by long
unequivocal expression of our nations consent to be bound by said treaty,
usage. From the earliest days of our history we have entered into executive
with the concomitant duty to uphold the obligations and responsibilities
agreements covering such subjects as commercial and consular relations, most-
embodied thereunder.
favored-nation rights, patent rights, trademark and copyright protection, postal
and navigation arrangements and the settlement of claims. The validity of these Ratification is generally held to be an executive act, undertaken by the
has never been seriously questioned by our courts. head of the state or of the government, as the case may be, through which
the formal acceptance of the treaty is proclaimed.[43] A State may provide
xxxxxxxxx in its domestic legislation the process of ratification of a treaty. The consent
of the State to be bound by a treaty is expressed by ratification when: (a)
Furthermore, the United States Supreme Court has expressly recognized the the treaty provides for such ratification, (b) it is otherwise established that
validity and constitutionality of executive agreements entered into without the negotiating States agreed that ratification should be required, (c) the
Senate approval. (39 Columbia Law Review, pp. 753-754) (See, also, U.S. vs. representative of the State has signed the treaty subject to ratification, or
Curtis Wright Export Corporation, 299 U.S. 304, 81 L. ed. 255; U.S. vs. (d) the intention of the State to sign the treaty subject to ratification appears
Belmont, 301 U.S. 324, 81 L. ed. 1134; U.S. vs. Pink, 315 U.S. 203, 86 L. ed. from the full powers of its representative, or was expressed during the
796; Ozanic vs. U.S. 188 F. 2d. 288; Yale Law Journal, Vol. 15 pp. 1905- negotiation.[44]
1906; California Law Review, Vol. 25, pp. 670-675; Hyde on International In our jurisdiction, the power to ratify is vested in the President and
Law [revised Edition], Vol. 2, pp. 1405, 1416-1418; willoughby on the U.S. not, as commonly believed, in the legislature. The role of the Senate is
Constitution Law, Vol. I [2d ed.], pp. 537-540; Moore, International Law limited only to giving or withholding its consent, or concurrence, to the
Digest, Vol. V, pp. 210-218; Hackworth, International Law Digest, Vol. V, ratification.[45]
pp. 390-407). (Italics Supplied) (Emphasis Ours)
With the ratification of the VFA, which is equivalent to final
The deliberations of the Constitutional Commission which drafted the acceptance, and with the exchange of notes between the Philippines and
1987 Constitution is enlightening and highly-instructive: the United States of America, it now becomes obligatory and incumbent
on our part, under the principles of international law, to be bound by the
MR. MAAMBONG. Of course it goes without saying that as far as terms of the agreement. Thus, no less than Section 2, Article II of the
ratification of the other state is concerned, that is entirely their Constitution,[46] declares that the Philippines adopts the generally
concern under their own laws. accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and

adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and On this particular matter, grave abuse of discretion implies such
amity with all nations. capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of
jurisdiction, or, when the power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic
As a member of the family of nations, the Philippines agrees to be manner by reason of passion or personal hostility, and it must be so patent
bound by generally accepted rules for the conduct of its international and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty enjoined or to act at
relations. While the international obligation devolves upon the state and all in contemplation of law.[50]
not upon any particular branch, institution, or individual member of its
government, the Philippines is nonetheless responsible for violations By constitutional fiat and by the intrinsic nature of his office, the
committed by any branch or subdivision of its government or any official President, as head of State, is the sole organ and authority in the external
thereof. As an integral part of the community of nations, we are responsible affairs of the country. In many ways, the President is the chief architect of
to assure that our government, Constitution and laws will carry out our the nations foreign policy; his dominance in the field of foreign relations is
international obligation.[47] Hence, we cannot readily plead the Constitution (then) conceded.[51] Wielding vast powers an influence, his conduct in the
as a convenient excuse for non-compliance with our obligations, duties and external affairs of the nation, as Jefferson describes, is executive
responsibilities under international law. altogether."[52]
Beyond this, Article 13 of the Declaration of Rights and Duties of As regards the power to enter into treaties or international
States adopted by the International Law Commission in 1949 agreements, the Constitution vests the same in the President, subject only
provides: Every State has the duty to carry out in good faith its obligations to the concurrence of at least two-thirds vote of all the members of the
arising from treaties and other sources of international law, and it may not Senate. In this light, the negotiation of the VFA and the subsequent
invoke provisions in its constitution or its laws as an excuse for failure to ratification of the agreement are exclusive acts which pertain solely to the
perform this duty.[48] President, in the lawful exercise of his vast executive and diplomatic
powers granted him no less than by the fundamental law itself. Into the
Equally important is Article 26 of the convention which provides that field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is
Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed powerless to invade it.[53] Consequently, the acts or judgment calls of the
by them in good faith. This is known as the principle of pacta sunt President involving the VFA-specifically the acts of ratification and entering
servandawhich preserves the sanctity of treaties and have been one of the into a treaty and those necessary or incidental to the exercise of such
most fundamental principles of positive international law, supported by the principal acts - squarely fall within the sphere of his constitutional powers
jurisprudence of international tribunals.[49] and thus, may not be validly struck down, much less calibrated by this
Court, in the absence of clear showing of grave abuse of power or
It is the Courts considered view that the President, in ratifying the VFA
and in submitting the same to the Senate for concurrence, acted within the
In the instant controversy, the President, in effect, is heavily faulted confines and limits of the powers vested in him by the Constitution. It is of
for exercising a power and performing a task conferred upon him by the no moment that the President, in the exercise of his wide latitude of
Constitution-the power to enter into and ratify treaties. Through the discretion and in the honest belief that the VFA falls within the ambit of
expediency of Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, petitioners in these Section 21, Article VII of the Constitution, referred the VFA to the Senate
consolidated cases impute grave abuse of discretion on the part of the for concurrence under the aforementioned provision. Certainly, no abuse
chief Executive in ratifying the VFA, and referring the same to the Senate of discretion, much less a grave, patent and whimsical abuse of judgment,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 21, Article VII of the Constitution. may be imputed to the President in his act of ratifying the VFA and referring
the same to the Senate for the purpose of complying with the concurrence
requirement embodied in the fundamental law. In doing so, the President

merely performed a constitutional task and exercised a prerogative that that matters pertaining to the wisdom of a legislative act are beyond the
chiefly pertains to the functions of his office. Even if he erred in submitting ambit and province of the courts to inquire.
the VFA to the Senate for concurrence under the provisions of Section 21
of Article VII, instead of Section 25 of Article XVIII of the Constitution, still, In fine, absent any clear showing of grave abuse of discretion on the
the President may not be faulted or scarred, much less be adjudged guilty part of respondents, this Court- as the final arbiter of legal controversies
of committing an abuse of discretion in some patent, gross, and capricious and staunch sentinel of the rights of the people - is then without power to
manner. conduct an incursion and meddle with such affairs purely executive and
legislative in character and nature. For the Constitution no less, maps out
For while it is conceded that Article VIII, Section 1, of the Constitution the distinct boundaries and limits the metes and bounds within which each
has broadened the scope of judicial inquiry into areas normally left to the of the three political branches of government may exercise the powers
political departments to decide, such as those relating to national security, exclusively and essentially conferred to it by law.
it has not altogether done away with political questions such as those
which arise in the field of foreign relations.[54]The High Tribunals function, WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing disquisitions, the instant
as sanctioned by Article VIII, Section 1, is merely (to) check whether or not petitions are hereby DISMISSED.
the governmental branch or agency has gone beyond the constitutional SO ORDERED.
limits of its jurisdiction, not that it erred or has a different view. In the
absence of a showing (of) grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
jurisdiction, there is no occasion for the Court to exercise its corrective
powerIt has no power to look into what it thinks is apparent error.[55]
As to the power to concur with treaties, the constitution lodges the
same with the Senate alone. Thus, once the Senate[56] performs that
power, or exercises its prerogative within the boundaries prescribed by the
Constitution, the concurrence cannot, in like manner, be viewed to
constitute an abuse of power, much less grave abuse thereof.Corollarily,
the Senate, in the exercise of its discretion and acting within the limits of
such power, may not be similarly faulted for having simply performed a
task conferred and sanctioned by no less than the fundamental law.
For the role of the Senate in relation to treaties is essentially legislative
in character;[57] the Senate, as an independent body possessed of its own
erudite mind, has the prerogative to either accept or reject the proposed
agreement, and whatever action it takes in the exercise of its wide latitude
of discretion, pertains to the wisdom rather than the legality of the act. In
this sense, the Senate partakes a principal, yet delicate, role in keeping
the principles of separation of powers and of checks and balances alive
and vigilantly ensures that these cherished rudiments remain true to their
form in a democratic government such as ours. The Constitution thus
animates, through this treaty-concurring power of the Senate, a healthy
system of checks and balances indispensable toward our nations pursuit
of political maturity and growth. True enough, rudimentary is the principle

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