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Pre-g fiber origin Thoracolumbar T1-L2 spinal cord Craniosacral CN 3,7,9,10 S2-S4 spinal cord
Length Fiber Pre-g – Short Pre-g – Long
Post-g – Long Post-g – Short
Energy Catabolic – burns energy Anabolic – Conserve energy
Responses Fight or Flight system Rest & Digest system
Dominant during Stressful situations Dominant during Tranquil situations
Ganglion Ach – Nicotinic receptor Ach – Nicotinic receptor
Location of ganglia Close to spinal cord Within or near effector organs
distribution Wide Limited
Preganglionic fiber Extensive Minimal
branching (In most circumstances pre-g are highly branched ( in most circumstances pre & post-g have 1 on 1
enable them to interact w/ many post-g ) connection)
Output Diffused bec. post-g neurons may innervate > 1 Discrete bec. post-g neurons are not branched,
organ but are directed to a specific organ
Target Organ NT/catecholamine Receptor Site NT/catecholamine Receptor Site
NorEpi/NorAdrenaline α (1 &2), β (1,2,3) Ach Muscarinic receptor
adrenergic receptors
Note: All pre-g fiber Epi/Adrenaline Adrenergic receptor
neurons release Ach NE & E Adrenal Medulla
as transmitter. Ach Most of the S post-g fibers release NE. @ the All of the PS post-g fibers release Ach. @ the
binds to nicotinic target organ NE interacts w/ a variety of target organ Ach interacts w/ muscarinic
receptor on the receptors receptors
post-g cell
Eye (Pupils) Pupil dilates (Mydriasis) Pupil constricts (Miosis)
Contraction iris radial muscle Contraction iris sphincter muscle
Lens accommodates for near vision
Contraction of ciliary muscle
Lacrimal Glands * Stimulation of tears
Salivary Glands Thick, Viscous secretions Copious, Watery secretions
Trachea & Bronchodilation – β2 Bronchoconstriction, ↑Secretions
Bronchioles (Lungs)
Heart ↑HR – tachycardia (Chronotropic) ↓HR – bradycardia
↑Contractility = β1 (Inotropic) ↓Contractility
Blood Vessels Vasodilation – skeletal muscle *
Vasoconstriction - skin, mucus membrane
↑resistance – HPN = α1
Adrenal Medulla Secretion of E & NE *
GIT Vasodilation ↑muscle motility & tone - Diarrhea
↓ muscle motility & tone; contraction sphincter-
Ureters & Bladder Bladder (detrusor muscles) relaxes, sphincter & Bladder (detrusor muscles) contracts, sphincter
trigone closes/contraction & trigone opens/relaxes
– Urinary retention = α1 – Urination
Kidney Secretion of renin (β1↑ ; α1↑) *
Male genitalia Stimulation ejaculation Stimulation Erection
Uterus Relaxation = β2 Contraction - labor

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