MatSci Assignment 1

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Assignment-1 (Date:27th Feb-2010)

Material Science Due date: will be fixed later

Course instructor: Dr. Arun K. Singh

1.What do you understand by material science? Please write the significance of this subject in
your branch.
2. Classify and discuss different type of engineering materials

3.Define creep and fracture of materials. Also explain ductile, brittle, transgrannular and
intergranular fracture.
4. Differentiate between atomic structure and crystal structure. Also write the differences
between crystal structure and crystal system
5. What do you mean by crystal imperfection? Describe each briefly the different type of
crystal defects using appropriate diagram.
6. What do you mean unit cell. Discuss all 14 Bravais lattices using their diagram.
8. What is Miller indices. Sketch the directions [100], [110], (1 1 1) and
planes (101) , (111) , (101) in a separate unit cell
7. What is definition of atomic packing fraction of a unit lattice? Determine the atomic
packing fraction of SC, BCC, FCC,SH and HCP lattices using the diagram.
9. What is definition of planar atomic density? Calculate the average number of atoms per
square millimeter on different planes (100) (110) and (111) of BCC and FCC structures.

10.What is Bragg’s law of crystal diffraction? Also give the detail of powder method of
determining the crystal structure.

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