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AP European History

New DBQ Rubric

(Edited by Edsall)

A. Contextualization (0-1 Point Possible)

Does not connect the essay with broader historical themes of the time period addressed. 0pt
Situates the argument by explaining the broader historical events, developments, or processes 1pt
immediately relevant to the question.

B. Thesis (0-1 Points Possible)

Missing or partial developed OR just restates the question 0pts
Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the 1 pt
question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place.

C. Analysis of Documents (0-3Points Possible )

Extended Analysis. Offers plausible analysis of Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Doc 5 Doc 6 Doc 7
the content of the document to support thesis.
Historical Context
Intended Audience
Point of View
Utilizes the content of at least six of the documents to support historical argument 1pt
Explains the significance of the HIPP for at least three documents. 1pt
Describes/explains the content of at least three of the documents 1pt

D. Evidence Beyond the Documents aka Outside Information (0-1 Points Possible)
Provides an example or additional piece of specific evidence beyond those found in the 1pt
documents to support or qualify the argument.

E. Expanded Argument (0-1 Points Possible)

Develops and supports a cohesive argument that recognizes and accounts for historical 1pt
complexity by explicitly illustrating relationships among historical evidence such as
contradiction, corroboration, and/or qualification.


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