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S olutrn (Manna Analy sia oS al ae Len oo 918/47 weD I-\. Uniqueness of Binary Ditfusivity Chew that Dan= Daa. From Table \-2 = (mo sf B a From eq, D of Teble 1-3: me TiS = ~ dag PH Taterenange Sana Dt cae = — CDdaa P%s Combine and use Xqel— Xa: — Dag ZX —¢ Dea V¥g = O VxXg =- YX — Cx (Pra - Dre) = 2 Recause C#O aad Gxa te arbitrary , it Follows The same Conclesisn Ss cece ned Shae int jo= 2. ue of TMK Hd) aaa nating thet On = I~ Qa Bid 146 wed I-2. “Diflusen Relative to Valeo - Averge Velocity Given? ar = rey nn) a) Te = Na Ca ey Alterac fares of WE): As wh + Ya c 1 = CaVa + Cay Cie, Volume fra chia as Sum te unity ) (2) Shoes Meet TOY + THR S 0. 0 a Je “es * I, Ya = (ues en (wate ee] + [ee — Cath +s TD] Vo W Na Vp (- ca Oe/— Ca Va) + Ne Va (\- a 7-G@%e) y b i) 2 = 0 (by Show that Tae co ae, wa Na = Cae) = a = x (Na * Ue) TP = ea - Ce (Wa Ta + Ne Te) = Ne (1-H) — Ya Ca Te = Ne CaVa - Na Ca Ty = Ne Ce — Na Sa ~ eS ns = Na %q — Ne Xe = Na — %a (ds * Ne) = ro . (6) Shao theh TAO = —Dae Ca Til) = — eDae V Xa (eq. D , Tebl 1-3) TO = ety ah”? Cepek hy) = — C2 Ve Dan Pea (Must relate xR + VA | see rant page.) Wrhet remeras ws te show Hach C70 VX = VCq ? Vea = VlwmC) + BVO + CL C= (tate + %% = _— — = Fe = = (¥eTA * ATV v (oH TR + Ao ) s—c (% Vx + Ty V%e) = — em Ca~ Ve) Wa = — %a ct L%a (CVa-Va) + CL Xa = ym [\- Ce Wa Ta) | =o 2% lym + cave = Goin + Coty | CPVg WK Qed. “ ' mt wed (-3, Equivelence of Alternate Forms of Frek's baw @® Fra bene mixntie cf A ond By shoe Fhet Ta = Mec TI . So aes a -o a. Stack with definihens of varus malar fluxes: Naz Qe t Ta = Qe? + we "). Ne = Gt Tp =. Cee + 7g”. wy Reacunge (1) te ger Da= mm (20?--5) aoe, @> Te eveluste Mar 5 add (1) end > Qvt TtTe = coum +h ae”). ) é 3 Reareange @) yO@- ws 4 (mtg). @ Now use ja tja es Ta MarTamgzQ te elimiase Tg Feo (5): awh) ar 2 TA fp mm) ~ ~ “ec | se | = Ja (Ma-Ma). (e) Mae Use () ts elimincte 2a fan (ys Ja-= Coda( Mo-Ma 4 TQ” MRC Ta [' = Calg-may] = 7 Ma Ia { ts ahead co (n6- ton | aS Mac Ey) [mee + Macs | ay) ~ Mac Te f ei | . Te Mac ) Ta =o Mes. Tal (2) Derve ja = ~@ Daw Oa from Tes -Cdag Pn. The pan task is to late VA, Vx. re arsine notes oF Kae Se ny ERPS Ng war t . A Wa = LA RPA 2 CAMA = XaMa Cc Pathe Cama + Cgha. YXaMa + Xg MG, = Xa MA XaMa Xa (Ma~Mg) + MQ / Von = [x oh +Mg Ma 2xa — Xam (ph-d) PXa xa CMa-ma) + M5" XaMa + (i~¥al Mg MaMs, (ata + Xaha)* Y%a Vx, = (XaAMa + XeMa)* ya oa Ma MB =. Gamat Cama) vz wa ce Ma MG E Ya came w = Mao Ti") = — Mgt Daw. ¥ Xa Cc e x vq 0% | YO Fo Fens = — PDA Vw, Ma MaIa = —e0as ZOa. sine wen I-4. Flux Normm A285) + ey (Axx —Ax By) ‘ + &y (Ax, ~- AS Bx) G+ a(Hr ao \axe [= [ems eho ey” 8 9 = (la) ex + Chbles + Se (Clays + (cher + 1% = 2zhee& + ac £3 L (4B cr 4 ate® + 4arbe Method 2% Gradveat © GOng,2) = 2 - FOny) n= £6 Iyzel Reply te the ellipsord : Cyt = B- —_ ara} YG= 26 eg + We + We, = ox @ mS By Sf 2G.H2F 2. ¢ + ade mo RT Oe on oe .--dBF = & ob pent 24, Dy Zk ees! ot YG akeex + Ge ey + 2ebea 1 (abt + act 4 arb) Serme cesuth as method 1, £ Now Caleuleke Fae Wormel Componert of Fe flux ae posh Pt Foe O-£ = fake xs oc ey + Dab se -[Betger ee, Gbrct+ arc + atte yy 37 3 aul = obe (3 toe 4) (4brce tater + qarbryle 3 3 3 TTT TT 7 foe Babe | aulse wep Comp: a of Stress en a Surfer The dete for the sters et point Po am equivelest to Qy Bereming the rectenguler companents of The Stress tensor, For © sures Wibh Unil neermel Wi? sG@yen-o slate t at Hye Gel), Hr3 Ge! S384 Gide + es D Ga, Ge! Ges Summary ty met foom 2 nega 4 wie Expanding Fhe generel formula < seven g = Eng Say seg = Zing § Says D neo, = (2) £0 +a) = 2 SOs Zac s HG Akos 3 SCaye 2 ness = GMO) AST 4S A SCY oly rs t 1 + 7 vl ol: (DRG) Find the Components of Seay theb ae normal te Gr tangenh ty He suctce, (5) Norere\) Component (Sn)? (Ts gets Fhe, tangent Gompanents af So te necesery Any unit tangent CE) Compute unit tengent Vechecs. mast sebisty In ir le This givers 2 qquehoas fer the 3 uchnwen Komprenintt oF One Component Gu be chosen rely. Let Q be a anit tangent pa Phe xe plans Che a, =O) ang bo Gait tengent ye Mee g-e plane Civeey b=). Solve Ler the other canponents of & 34, + 2a, =0 > a= - 9 Qh Qt= 2221s az L @yz- bk \ 1 1S xpd G3 rt azeteg-~tle eee! m8 : Solve for be = 3 ~ ok Zhe 2b, 0 9 bs be 2 Le a2, = : ane bre bys Ebest beh b= cH a- Le Tonaent Components parallel to a and = 2° $65 GS) 0X3) + (AYE lo Sa Cay There Gee an infinite number of other possible deag vectees. The prebun Stetement did nob requic tet Pra Heagents he orthagenul The ones chosen here ac nots , Vea \fia\e Lt alle) +(e ia) + Galas *e 1 we To obtain a teagent vecter b! thet 13 orthsgonet +2, ont Con Use bis nea. Problem \- 6 % Given dhe Deter ain Oy wed Stress - Free Surfece a =. | oa oy so fheh SE Qe Ke Hy 4 z Gi &; |= [4 o 8 Ge yy 2 3 ° ry Stoct by eveluetng Hh shers Vecher, 5 Cm Om ee + Cn ay Caen, t(4 5 + (2a +m + Ps Hy) & EL Ge & My GL) be on. Gs + hy Os) ey tan, # rms) & + ° + any) £2 foam + 8 2es For 3 =O | tech Component mesh Vaenisn, Ths gives 3 equcheat ‘aveleing the 4 Gnteaower C6) Wy 22,95) ¢ a) Oo, + 49, + enzo ta + 4m FO * Faye = m= Gsm a un + am + 0 =O ~ 2 =-QlIn, The [est equation needed ib be mormelitehon Condition fer on. Evaleebag Wyant ny frora 2) and @) ) (aan (ate og ag yi et za Now evalu 6, fren ay: © (Be)* *C3a) 2088) a= a anita wed 2 Chery servetion and Electnt Current Given het b=-ke ve Cearrent density } @e= F 220 20 Coherge density ) ‘ @) Apely Conservator of charge to ae arbiter, cmt volume, For a fixed CV, Sterf With ef. (2-a-1) = A ( bav~- (Een as + {a dt ly s v Here b= @e Comncentratss of charge) Foe Chiu ot charge) Byso Cre Chorye = pride cing cree ons, hy essump Sa } Tres a ( re av = = (i-eas with \scel elect renestre liby Cee =o), hes pedeces to ( i-agas=o} The Same resulh fh ohteind’ fe co moving [deforming CV, by Stechhg with 4, @ 2-4). (b) Dernve Se PRE Chick greeras $e.t) Apes Yhe Arvergence Fhiorem te FRA reskin Gy? | ings = ( we¢dv =O s v v-L=0 Bvelucte. Carresk te ger PDE for Gf = crincs elas for dimmed dependent as Well as Sheedy siete systems, provided thet oe 20, 4i214e wmo 2x? Flee ty Porous Media + Deregls Law Gren eet a uw “4 (xP-eg)s - i 2 a K Dares permesbility Sym @) Derive (mtegral ant diflerenbicl forms of Cons of meir for a metric! Lith average poresity €, Stack esth e, Ca2-1) g.( ba = ~( fe aS + je Fretiding both Gard and cold Gethin Hh CV) the Concent hon Yerich fer flucd meu is b= ee = flat mess. es Hetd density fi fiad tsalavel, 7 The corcesponding flux & E> ee Gut eee ts pe Sour of mess CBys0). The integra) belerce ve then To get the WE Gremtral belewce 5 Spely the divergence theorem Grd Let ro: o 2 4 > o a f —s J A s ¢ Y Q z (hy Show thet V?7@50 Lor = Const. For ccanst ) tha DE for cons. ot mess Licames V-vso Gres y the Usuet Continuity 05.) GI Evelucte K for en (deslired materval consisting of @ corr Lethee of pores of length L ont diameter d, Gsscemm ing Poisenitles Ler apglies tr cock Pore. The pert Go thet WG supertrerel velscity , Overszed over leeth the pores ert satid, Consider a Cress-sectan partkl te th xy plese: et dancer d °o 2 rr i es | @ 2 nn erde Le * Consdering He vepresentetive area indiceted by the dashed Vines , @ _ T1eeldt Ly 2 a lagen Tas wrth Se/2Q = —|OG1/4 | His gives The same pesulh is obtained for wR ans wy (hey the materiel vs Isotrepre J, oe Gy What chorges are needed 1 VO Pores Gre only WA MR Get gy dieectons Cie) mat wy thee dtcechion ) 2 The pretecrel VS new ontsotrepic | and the Perey pecmeshilhy (ka tensor rather tien a scelen: we -~1 K- ve zs Flea Ye KX ant yg direchins it the come os Lefre , bet Phere Cen be no fou me the 2 dvrection, Alsoy ee GNC gn mnt of fi pers reehedes any off- Avagone! comtrilitiong te & Cg.) BP/DK Cannet Gontrihub te “yy ). The Decoy perm. tensor much be ks Oo 0 Bae Oo Hs 0 ° °° fo} whe Ke isrbhe reset fron part ©, ah )4a4 wed 2-4. Entropy Conserveton ond tha Second Low “Spent volun 0 > Vp. 2 (Shee that Re (Bec @ Spontaneous process yn a. fixed = Contrel volume.t, From entropy, 4/2/48 wMD 2-6 ffesisn “mte an Open Cone (spheres! “Coordinctes ) © Solute Source mh = moles (Hoe Delermine He aStek ConcestreHin C(O) for TOO ani OL 04 OQ. Fresh Consider HK Rol wk 8: OG =o Cagmmerre pe loen , 3) Bee = 0 Cre flex across 2 lore, . this surface ) Because no dependina of Cy m @ Me reqring by He Bc!s , essume Heek Coe Cr) oly, From THEE 2-3, the specter Conserwehos ey. reducts te 2(rewm\=o Gy ae Be One Be is Clars oO, @) Te herd He soume eb PEO | KE a= \n Wir s) where SB HK are of & sphicied! che of cedius o, dS = ersvnodadd 2 Ue By - S= ref ( sinededd = aaa sino do > 2 2 e=e. = amet (—ess)| = ere? (t- cox 0) NA = Pe IS de mos Is 7 j amr® (Cass m Ve ( diag amr (\- Case. >) oe A = Tard; (1 New dee a ard; (\-Cosds) EN G cz) Gy Now integrate (iy tue: ct des 2 a dc a. ar rm © fem Be @). Ll 1 amd; (\-cese.) | \ a] _ —-Beurdery dete + Yaos Xl = l= Xalad _ Mss Xpxy SO nfl] e — newt Ney = — Deg nu te This ik ta minima value fon ————Nigy-mih hee Lager, 20147 wep 228. Steving Prevent in, Ultra filtratron Givens - “po RRA Te “ute QRTESTATE xeu de on 8 TE (EDGR membrone, s s ee Reterming © = CelC. ant discuss behavior for Cetremes EET IL] Dy. of 5, Pega tri / Dg \ andr Py Comtenshion 2qeehsn for sole (bei regons) : ag = -(v-/ye) + Ri REP ° aval dx ° x 20 or | Nae Const. = ON 3 = Ox t Concemtatren peeks Lim s Cex) —Da Ae + re Cg N= ox Ae _ Me Ce = -N De eI % 9 8g Ce = ipa (“s|+ a - _ ORCS = Cos A. we (ae +g - FL “ke (Go=u Jen oe - WN a . ey ere) ae Notes No jewWek gets as He sears Vategrehen Contest Us SHIN Ganlenwnm ab thes pernd. Ceter Conantratron pestle va memberne 2 Cay) NS De Ba AR Geo) C8 aX AG, UFOS) cy = - N aX Om de Cu = B exe (er »|: sien Tes interfacial Condens are needed to fad the Te madatng Constants, Ro and Ne One Condition Comes from mmetehing Khe Conctatretions et X50 + Clo = Calod B+ = @- Ree Linatting Cases (oo BE. G2) Pp 0 S a a festeste tone ael Reese Seen (G4) Rete SOD Cosestoton palerizehon i . dowvnast — mambyens wlechuihy . YS mesked, 5) Peo DOP) ©. Di Muscomel equililermbon, Across membrane — membrane Selechvitg agein. - “) Peaee => E>. (rele Convection dominert 65 e+ Qcye™ prembecane — menceines appennt seleehuiry 4 (TN Peyroor ant Peg mo = O> Ilo. TWis lave Combineton tekes full ctvontege of the Inevnie membeone Selectivity, Ty otter Words, In © te the miatnum velme of G far any Ger of operating Csndibos, 4iulag wed 2-4. Reversible Neteragencous. Reactran in & Liquid 4 A= CHO y Cas Ceo 4 Ly.) aS ee “ Assume C2663) only. aL AB a sucker Sh pT TTT rT Catelghre Surfece Reachan rate and equilibrium Constant = Regt hay Cg — Ry Cay = ky (« Cait) - at)| =~Resg Ke ka/k,. Determine Calg) Cag) md cecchen cote, Gor modercte on fost Tee choas. Contecrahon equchors reduce ts (foe (2 her BD: Vo sor > Gs aye b Cag, by = const) a¢ ‘J Four RCls ace needed > W Calo) = Cas «) Calor pe Ce) Nay (lL) + Req ZO oc z = Pr diy + ky (« SW- aw] =o oe Da a zk cy — ie Cg) » days 1 [acy — kd] Ww) Nay(t) + Rsg = 0 ee = Dg as a) + [eacey—keeey | =0 or = Dg SG tty = Oy [eee -Kegco ] 44 From (i) ony i): From the sam of (il) ek Gvy < Da AG@ey + De de Geo a acy 3 on Da aq + DRA, = 0 - 2 a ow RE Fen (i) + in Da =—k, {last + ors) (Rae * ce) a= —he Cao — Ke Cos Da ORR] aye ke Crs ~ fe Cae Pe fie bub (1+ BE] Express th Coneenterhons 1S dlimensralers firm Using OQr= & < we GO oe a=) kb = kal) = ks Br Pe Bak te Cos The final pesues fir PRe Concentratvons are Ons 1 — Ke U-¥ 8 : bret Be Sg= 1 te Gn) l4 ct p Reschon ete: Rsa= ky [eacey — kegcur| er Rse = OacLd) — © Ogtc.y = 1s fe Cro leeeB Special Case: Symmeinte System (Dae Dg ont eel \ se Y= A) Rses aoe > Ry (Ceo—Sen) for AGO Cslors reeehon) —> Ds CE 25 See) for pee (fart resctin) qialaa wed ke Cc #0 5 HO Relermine Cary As serniing Lersth-orker Consumption throushoud the sphere. . Conservahon 4, for O2 (from Table 2-3): o= Be 4 (ridge) — ke rhode ar \ ra = he 7 a (° ‘cs | Da Boundary Condthons ¢ Aka (9 = 0 Cspheciedd symmetry ) CaCtoy = Cy, C given) Tatgate DE: rrdc 2 ko ct + ar Da 3 0 from fire BC Prely Second RC: Cyde)= Cos ko BD eb D “ ne Conantrahes profl is then pocc te Here ‘ag Gry = Ge = kort (ey ; | 6Da ° ' 1 i bee ee ee ee J + Determine When an O,-free Contre) Core Gill oxisk ant Find He vedas Cre y, The 02 Comneentrhon is lowest et Une center > so the Hransitien to an Oy- free Core begins Uhen Cylo}so or O= Cp — kr? SDs er Low difhaswitres Ged/or high reechon rates favor ares contest so thet Fhe ervterion Coo 7 1 6Da Co Zz 1 Ths Rt \ ts Soe Op-Lnee core, \ \ -__! TS tuelacte pE win Fey rerselve The problim by applying PRE Tote Ete. The symmetry Condition af reo be repleced Gy tee new Condihons ef rere 2-10 Tategate the DE turvce + da 2 ke = ae Ba 3 = bk Pe © @ “s cra Pate Thee are ned thee Unlenoiag: a) b Ay by ant me. Th thee Condibveas are Care Cre On at edge of core) Aa (,) = 0 Cae Gux ot 02 Cah core) ar Caro) = Ce Cas Lefore) Qolung Ler He Unlnown Corset Se Kad Hho a (R\=0 = kee & ars, 3 > a=—ke g® Des Gt Da F Cates Oe bee ey ke 4b bere S Da © * Ded oz Caley= Co = ke ke gt De De 6D 2 1. 4 2(e\_ 3 eet () ( hat x= K ' &Da Co my eee TS heat Noe that OX X41 ang lo > 0 Soran Op-free core. 22x3.—- 3% +k =O There are phystestiy meaningful poots (x real od Ofxel) for Of 41 f XeO fer =O CHK ete! Condi ten given en pi 2) and x=) fer eel. A plat of x use kk Cgecercted Using Methest) 1s Sinoen on ps. 2-10 So Calculation of Size of Oxygen-Free Core for Problem 2-10 ROS TOL!= 1-106 max := 50 £(K, x) := root (K + 2-x3 - 3-x2), x] n= 0, 1..nmax oa os o4 02 wep UU, Facilteted Trensport, Oy Caley + [QC — Calor] x, L \eheagh Nags -- Came Stax ch bath sidae of many con na cre rtletenshin between Ca end Cg oe _ aon ZY) we need te. solve fer Gy. 4 Nec slew rere: —urnekes sense ) so_that with lel there whet \eods to the lerse £1 an ae wo 2-12, Rimeleculee Recehar a wed EI From Fhe prblum stttiment, Ca Cae | & =o Care Ron ' Bou d a> ca cz ay ey je 1 xeo Keen xeL The keg perat i thet, for foe | tke hemagencons Peeeton Can be treated methemetesii as ot hekreqencous, The leceten of PRE plchan aq prises. Ve were 1S Aer eae plean (x= Xe) Consenntss of B& Sor Of kK o¥Q2 Ge °o 5 5 Calod= Ge Gy l(%yy=O aye Ca a + a. CaGr= Cas (%-*) Sahsher Rols. Xe Conservahon of B fer xgex UL: ae 20 4 * y Ce(¥Q Oy CR CL) = Cor aoe Caz b, + bx Cyley = Cau satistres BCs To deterring Xe we treat tha rescton plone as an (nterfmee Ont apply [ntertreras Spcomt belences. bet Dy = Se Crescent te tertecey, Ta genes l= Nix Gd) — Nex Qe) = Bsi Repely te At Nas Cxt) — Nex Cer) = Rea ¥ ° Apely h BR: Naw (rat) = NA Gre) = Rea ° Foom the steveliseeiny (araac) 5 Ren = Reg =—Rsc. Thyes , Nax Cx) = — Nex Cael) ~Da da = + dq dee » 96s (ae) 260 Ce) 7 Dlee = Dar Xe L~*e rT 1 ! Xe - Da Crs. i 7 DaCest+PaCa ! ee Hee Noten thik the peachen plone i net ceuterel in gerals The vate of product feemetion Vs re - \ Dans Da Cou \ Rse = = ' \ Ke L-*e l Reeienee een eee) dle (beth regisas ) CHE Qt ax (04K ke) Ces Cat OX Cxaex € LY The Beals at 4h edges ace CeCod= Cele) =O. Wwe also requerme CeCe) Le continuous at K=¥Q 2 Cee = CeCe Sahsfyiny ese Pheee conditions giver Coy = aX (ose ¥e) Co) = (keg eeu) Te fred the temaraing Corstest CC.) we apply the Interfacial balance to Ct Nose Gt) = Nex Oe) = Ree —DeCaXe 4 DEC, = Dano ¥a-l~ Xe, Cy = DaCee (b-¥e ) De Ly¥e “The Concentrahs, of Cows tin Cote = Da Cro (sss) (x) (oe x xe) De Xe Lu Gs Da Cas (y- Cx) as (: ay (xeex ety Ty summary» Fhe prokles look Whe (foe Cgy> Cas) The comcentmathens Gre ConWnuous at Xe X_ bet Fre Concent hen gradients arm not, This 13 because there Ge Sheps chenges 1h Fhe fluwes ch bh veceton plane PA 2-13. Melt- Sold laterface and Pelher Effect str ®@__ lek control volume (cv) = solid silicon ple OTs KUT + DE Dr. De vevT = © (steady-state, to bulk velocity) bt Hy =0 VT=0 assuming TT) only, FT = 0 de vakegrahing twee, T= e+ C, Be. Tw)=T — Get T(H)= Ts Tas GH +T, — C= TeT, To (Sete +t H let Ty) = demperabe profile 1a Solid Ts (z) let CV = molten sileon asa sod skeen, T= Ca +c, Bc. : TU: Te TO) +h T= Cb +c, Tas GH +O, Subbrack ag, TiTy = C,H) Ceont...) F2. 2-13. Melt-Solid laterface and filter Effect (cont:) str @ (cont) C,= T-Ta To get Hy look at energy balance at mkrface (Ean. 2.5-12): Gla Gala = Ap, Dule- vee] At steady-state , both velécity terms are equal to zero l= obs dt ec =~ Kos ‘tes or wl de Hy asH “heat + kdl] =o dz lzey dz laey -Ks (2) + Ke (ae) =0 H L-H (ge) GE) Ks Ga -TiY (UH) = Kou (T2-Tr) H H |" (ata) + bs Got) KUe-T)L Cent...) 2-18, Melk-Solsd labeface and Peltier Effect (cont) i @ (cont) He ks Cy=T)L Kec TeTad) + Ks (Teg) srs © Heat generator term must be added to the interfacial energy balance dele - Gels = Hs Note that He GV amp = me C8): Fenccangement gives: yt [Rscuet) + LHe eke Gaeta) H+ ke Cre L = 0 SN ae . S H= -b + Jb -4ac where abe are geen above 2o Which sign 1S correct? Take Ir, WS. (you red to ose LHsptas Bute) 3 and Set ak equal to the expression From part © Let A= te (3 =>) (eat...) . Py 213. Melt-Sohd Interface and Pelher Effect (coat)) sts ® Cont) be (Hy = Llatih + Laer i sas WF we choose + = —> In (wy = 2LA 2 LAL tere Zay Kel VF ue choose — —> Im (= ZL. Lethe uthe we TA AKL agate’ 40 part @! He= Ck, Cuati)+ Lis + ke Catal — | Lyon) eiis tata) 7 SHS ks Ta TL aD 2Hs alas wep Bolt. Mess Flexes for © Growing Rubble. Fee _Gonsecestion of mass let b= p th) Eviluste the ees flux inte Phe . ~——— rrssiny ane VU ntertecn) _ PRE PG mee tr dicta) Precouse = 20 from yk i cewek use. _~ fa Neh pu ntti 4. —— — ~ pL. a ret flan inte bet = Pg (ax, = y Anterfacra' Iplence egors from (bi a) G0. Sansteaty BC: _ OF aac. @ TO)= mes CeantiniSy “ot © RAB (4) =“ $5) Cenndencing oF ay) @)-k eth) =hlWueh) te] (eanvechseRC) The lineee.equetions obteined. from the RBCs, “hem oo) Ly by = abe T= (R= Ted y ee (eRe be t Bat bt 2) e=te) Ife oA Reb a @ 1) ce gy tyChy tHe = ap Ca) - —k, eRlu) + acu a ah (4,)- os force Pal : “pee = BSS peg Laren accel, ~k ah yp) + a (4) @piigU=—k a (4) =o) “~ 04 ns oe \ at = G+ Opt.gV Th wit estan wan port (a) af17l4e wMD Gey) sous) Ligure Lote |p tae ™ Loe - Ro SRe Te tenet Pseude-steody Rs ley @) Betermrae satd temp y TOntd. Neglechay He time denvvenve Cpseudesteedy Sperone), the energy Cyn: Sica YIT =O or t2(02 =o ¥ de oe Ne guecking BR Pitleness ant bheresl esvstene of be wall we equce He Gesrte meet eet atl ten add eek Glace? ~k & (R*1 = h [te > Temes] sarc For Pe or RO) Ue mete Pret PK atid -tiquid Ieterkaes monk he at the feeunmy Heep, OTe): TCR ASV = Ty Note that Lecouie the balk Wqurd vs else ct Tr, the Miqurd vs Wsatheressd, Ore Ye Rebs Loony Sele f Try &). by Vahey hg DE tee + reat = qt) De T= GH) Wr + Qk), to dutermine the Luncheons Glk) au Gk): ~ b (me = Glee = «) : ARs & = aRe- a) + ks ec Te = QOURR- AL HG, i a Te = GQ IWRE FO Selveny Ve Lest tue eqas Simultaacously , Qyler‘s Te = Te Ws [etea/Re] # P Ck) = Tels Boley -Te Cake +8) In (Re to/Ret + Tempenten pebt: Thty= Te LeGeiaye ad -Te ls [elector In [RL Re] + 3 axle Coombe) (by Beterminn Hhe ate of freeang 5 aR Jab Use the. vAlee deere} energy belana for — Systen with a phase rms a @rAWvV). Lb le sold = S ony a= Wwauid = |. - yi = des (Fao at r= Rly = s oa Flow) . vr es (ieMarne hy) (stele 1 stu) or ak . ky or (Rat) = by tite ae dps? ps BO) (CD Pena By led From (by a& 2 ks _Te-Te (aye Ro, & dpesRs ts (R/R) TR Lb xls Rel (Re | OS hy Cte Te) Then dOs Ro® ox 2s 8g Xb = 1. ak * (lax +A) x & { x'(h¥ ep) ay! = al ad = vt, 1 A-16 Gosh) 7 For Nategee Aelkes (ela ie a (Mere £) (hers) dled) They Conpuke Tre Solute. For ivew ont By xe meth he tusleated by oe) dhs ft. Mure veal BAA one abe Gs pewel Cate) 2 TE vee Leet tons he Pevitranes We the “ges Mh Verge (a so)) and ther it net tes mech sod C pos ley) jt then xp-gp S et \ pa xe (vs ay" re This dependence a6 inteedeed posh on LM Ge Common Va mein, eertery pooens govered \ 5) Conduction oF Oo Hasven, 44 wep o Assume Te Te pt esly end --~pesbleen ts _y wo. Theres flex fan --Arviter aie. ° Choose a=o, at base onstesdy temp. ig_tenp. pret ey (Rd. Energy ee an equstion — Candie (sold with weg): in cy ndcceal Coordi oaks... PDE. nab. wh Df BE) p..2PT roa \ for Dee Te get problem Soe Taye) Jee cekally 5 ECG) £) less Yacgees, be ait best be pescerd iba Alene asian Dimensionless problem Cignecieg t) + ae =O , w= & (aR, » BaehE Q(2)=0 , Sys I, Solubon ¢ = acoshkZ + b sah kz O(os 0 = @ Gast = hk sink o- ame. & (ae} | (b) Evaluate db/at oh a given instant. 8 Pra \ntertecial energy ertance i$ needed, From ey. (5-12), \ Lauia \ Fue f A SBE ar, 2 tal-tale SP (Ml-va) pA] = Sp (ale) Ea) BL) Because the velocity of the sated Cphese 1) 3 zere for thie Coordinate system ) the Second fem is mace Convenient, ae sop Chyuid)s: Tak canning 0h. ae The expression fee AL/dt is thea: _ oe A ky COR Ay The melting process is doves jot course, Sy tae G5 Hem (4g > OD aed retarded by Fhe other term Chest Conduction Within Phe candle), ©) Determine Lt) and the malting Hos ty, Recalling Khar Kee Ly the DE fron park (b) Can be pewriten ag BLL LA ye BothcL , Lled= be “AL Cinihal lengba \ fe, Ce df2ke\4, Be Ck Gite) . SA” a =) > SA stparasie . The preling a K a Ths DE is manlinear bus ome {¢ defied as Lltm)=o , 8° ° Ln ( et | de es ty AL Boothe " Le Tr would probably be best AW evelucte his Integer) namerieatty, 221%, Vesse\ Wall witha Heater - a ted free t Conducton T= TH) only Object: Find Wy whch just subGeient fe elimia. eet loss from Anside “heb ie, fied Hy... Lage ce hed of To (oboe. o\\ aAse _mecid chet Tus Ty theushosr walle _ a oO4x 4ly. T= Tut) for ABO)= 0... ane ~ The 3 RCs fee Ty Go wilt determing Hy plus the useal goths Con stoats frsra the ahd — order BE. Fra Be @), WMD Feed Membrane Product CaF Cas] A>B cH FO : Caso zo F DezdgeD > Governing equchons. Conservehon of A: O= D&G vat (& Bp 2 dia 5 2 ¥Oh. Cho} dee dqe dan 2 OR ae Conservation of Thi Same exept Rug =—Rva. 8, 2 VQ “ays Pos fe oe ° <) CalDd= Kp OKGnds) =O & (0-0 porwiese cant, GRO = OD SQy=t. Bcls fe RB: () Cg(sd= 0 ce) => Sal =o Nay (£7) = Max Cot) =D Me (vr) = be (er) permeability 2G (Ky = - be Cm (4) dO = -(klL) Ol) = — vet mM (Beh) 00 > (hd Solve Sor Onlq) ond gly), Deo Opn Lies: Op = Q, sinh a + Gy, Cash 4 Qalod= O > Qa,=0 Op Qy= > ot Solve fe Oy = OG = —-Y Og = — >! sah dye sinh ® OSp 2 —d [eoshdn)+ & am S| » ) ' = dosh yk by, sinh 8g = - sinkdy + hy + ob sink Sgloy= O > bo 8g = yA ed 5 Ogayeb- hy = - » 5 = $Se = b sesh Sy 5 Ry by — deothd SS d8a (y= by —deoth = -— 8 Cb~1) 4 hy = wt deothd ' S41 Oy = (B+ doth s\n = sinh dy w+) Sink (©), Compute and discuss reletve purity ent Lecthoncl recovery tf Rove product stream. Relive parity : 4 = Flux of Rte prdsh LC = _Naalod tort Fars peat Chale) + Navlod) < Nax(sd Nast) © Naxlod (gen) - $33 (0°) das é BRO Baia 2a (9) = dessa | =_»d a — Sind Sin ue B+ Noth») _ \ “my (y= erred ot sink \ a elon Grd (OF XGEAY ) sinhd GEN Ssinkd + NOSh) Fast peach > \ ee sinh \ > Gskd > £ > > The fast rxn, Coniumes G1 bee a0 alot the A) so oly B enters Hee produ ch, Slow peection : Yo Expand sinh and cath! Ve Me OOF) * T— ie, the other terms Vann 4s d»* Cosh d ssh dO = d+ M4 OOS) g, 21 = D> ‘ V+ X4 OO) The slows can. producer (ttle o-oo fr hoo By NS dithaser across the Prembrum and dominetes Re pesduck. Recovery of = b= _ Lise of BRS peodvet = —Naxio) tobel outward flux of B Nax(e) - Neyo) = Nexto) Nay(o) — Nax(ty BP (o5 a? Sa(s) - ¢8a 54 do) 42a = ( + dcethd ) _ heoth\ “eH s+ = BO dothd) +) (given) 4 yt \othd X $, = FT = sinhy Be sete) — Kw 4 TOMY S+y) inky Stl Bsinkd + deh AGH SS + Ndoshd — \Co41) + Wooshd— ayhx gd, = Leoshd 4 Ssinhd — X(44)) X64) Cesk = 1) Fast reschon » KB oo dessh terns dominate ) Blow ceechen = Yoo d,s KN WK aes -y-x + OOS) eee x =y ¥ OG) a f = *AU+5) 1 1+8 CAN) x 1+ For fast or slow lecaches , the recovery depends Strongly on the permechilih) paremeler (OV, The results are Lest of course, for © (eating thet iy mtarly ferpereble 42 B Cie. TAO). 3A, Absorphon fon a salisl4a7 wMp @) Detlermrne Caleyt) ona Bubb uct Reection Re RuaekCa Ca = Cant) as Cae ty =O Nac (Rt) in Nquid fer poevda steaty Conti Mons ) neglobing Convec hon. Conservation of An Let quid _ (Atle ssluhin) : Te a(r% — kG =O ce Oe Br CACR t= Cs CaCa,t) =O > = Hint) Jr: 2. iat_v or coe re OM 4 ra — ae 7” Be ¥ a(n = ret 4 at ot Lary dre OF Oe ae Ba 2 (Bee = be 2 Ll ka = kb co oar\ or ree = owoky ort Da Totegrate : Peat oe bey I C= e = Aw OMT Be Om r » 7 Aeply Rols for Ca Cat) = Calayt\=O > B=O CAC yt) =e > Az he Calculate Lluy + NaCR\e) = — Da Gal = - Ba | av \rek R a) =I ’ 2 < s (- We) exe( 5 (-4)] - Fa exp \ wc] %| ~Ce (1+ Wa) (b> Tetermin Chen Comvectn duets bulhle shor wleage H's regligihe . Taterfactel balance for At (v —o Be) ge &o Nar (Rit) = — (q.-G) de at a N, _ (he = H dt brea 6 a Sacfee Gux with Convectros + Nee (REY = CRE) Co — Da Be (ety Tate foc) mass hulence (eg Beem (Go Pe ° e Pe iS a5 (8%) © [fe jee = 4 Comper Connctue deem wcth tte flux [are(aheyG | ~ Co deldt 1 _G NacCRht) (Q,- Ce) A@lde y-Ce Se Comet reggie fF Geet, (¢> Gonaibions fe a peedestcaly analysis. Por moder ceachon lenghas seek =Re. Miniaum Hee +0 tsk lly prs He . betes B Fast responte relebve te process Heme geek 2 by 44 2 . Frm G@) ana tod swith Codd cy dQ 2 — Nacletty ~~ Dale (1+ Ba) ~ Dale at 7 qa Roy RE Re ww De& = Re & a no SQ" *C Thes, CL >> Ce &) ensuces Hnet tacctp. te fin_porblen, Tre) = Tes ee. = 12). Ber =§ Gam sore Simplec if we Gish nonmdimensonslize us Wil be at the Foren Bs ePS ohare p+ Pep = 2B =90 isty _€ Wwe must discard Phe" Cook. The slubon Shick aster O(szl__is Te sahsty —s 6 sep [- (ete Ys = _ WO) Deteconing tha requ care of heat Conductia Loom Fhe surtua te tre Wire. Enlarge region nese surtece 4 ° Volumen fis role eee oa ee St hk 0 ————— ac Face wire, w~ Foc rhe energy belene ct the het sucha thar the eee 4{2= + Tet the interfere! energy baleae derived assum: ye quid ca, give the same cogult ot found chove, WMD 3.44 oy “4 (mea) + : = $( ) 193 A =o Qnesse gg! = Corr = 1 2ag' = (yet gt > gate t L Satishes gloysO. (bd Shed ha Fs dilernine DaCCad’ fan mectucd Ca te) Tatgot DE frm Gi: ce - deh sai a Da oe oe i \ 7 3a ° “ D4 2 = -4y {, x Aa — | a ay AED I Das (25, 2) ) x dca | ak bebe, : N > ° I a Ger DACA) fan t 2 Slene ct xa xk © Sheded areca 3-4. Sinslacrty Solution wrth a Consteat- Flux Boundary eon Seve fee Ay Out) Uiag Selering | tha dene TO), Protum sivtement for Txt) (domains x30): be 8 89OT 2 yx Der at Sxt ze Tx) = Too 8) Ax (OE = Ye Ca =-h aE) Ray (mt) = Ts Convert ta dx Gat) as dependent varios nw PRE: ~"2, (BR) -k2 PR) ak OK BCR) ECHR) =~ ~ 37a at Ox Consistent Uta bhe farbiel Condrian aot BC @) Gtnorg, Cecicee Conditions) are 4x (m0) =o True foe any const eee temp. yet just Too. x ‘ ~ 3-4 Ccont.y Que) "s dren 4x OSO0 ob (OR1-=Le - TS wee Gy (1k) 2.0. a a ~ Ry aneleg _otfe selutan 3-4 (cont) 3 To get ts Something a Viale faser “9 Compute | Chease Yevene ty bee Valaereh we x 20de 2:\200"] { erfeu du x/(2co) = 2h wer i AS C KK" integral Complamiate yj 20030 antsse” Cares cmd | for example, Mo Carslaw ant Taeger 1 Consuitan OF Mew vn Satids ) ret. Ed. 19 pe tes). 1133 1% wed Transient Diffusion sy a Permeable Tube wth Qhen Ends (@) Onder What Condi ons wil CS C(2,t) only? Conssdar radial Varrehons In Concentriton fotleurag o Step clemage th the externas) Cones fram Co th G7? = 5) a . ! Here Shy is the cadet ' penetioe. dapth. I ¢ Ln to SG Il a Equete cadel fluyers ee rR i or = hy (Chee S) (Qo), = reel Conc. difference rast tube (BC) ue Cone Alene erty membane DEO Tk GOLD = v @ar elm th eR of Conclesion 2 Radel varvehoar Gill be meghy bl he a t pewdd Hur ko R/D <<) B-S Cosnt.) (by Derive the governing equehons tee CCR). loce\ Concent R Cre3s- Sechone) Vy, Conc, = 2| @ rde Ris ke Soraya CCR ed aw Solute Conservehon Lor Say pest Jaside tebe: 2 = >(+2¢ 28) 4 BE Be Tee TR get cedretty lumped ensdel , inbegeele over C: R Rg _ R a (33 oer > 2 (Re) + | BE cdr Be oe 3 a . s > R Dera =sdr2l| +402 "eras BE }y DF lo de re 2 De BB = dR 2 + DR atc 2 oc - Rk, (e-<,) + DR Ss (ere) + BEY Bs, Cees CLatd fom @), uw bh ac. — Bs (s-) + BBS ak "BR C(O Sy Cinchvel) c(t) = Ceonas 3 3-5 Ceant) Coy QualitetHve Concentration poe fle + a} \ tee | pd} tse The a-dapendunce “s Created by diffusion through ¥he ends, Hen CaCtk) ota Hen CHC(RZ4) Now la Blk) be He ame) penetratrrn dapth, TE BS @H™ Flodet. ot R Solution 2kt/R yee Coreg ligihe end ebfects), BS Condy (4) Fina the Heiter salution using X= L-E ant 2bt!R e=e che The retencle fer VRE verich Che cy quslitehv sketebes of cs 1d indice ded YOuty ant OOK): 9 ih apt iy Sy The comes for Y Commot he tupermpoced by aseag a Hew dipendint scale fetor, © Carns Mu trplying 3 4y the txpenintrel fretor Cancels He ea -dapendine for large * Refermuteie uss Uherees these fo © Ba nae varrebies, Given Hhab Bc/@er = Dtc/2xt | fram by we ger as RSS + zk (cue Be a vas =a) ot OK = ( , wl Dw _ ak & ES OxE ee we en Tet/R ° ae a-ak, SMG 4 OIF 30 a z ot 3h HPNHIR 50g Oxe B-S Coot) Cometing PLL ex pertmivel freters, Hh PDE becomes ~2hyO + ag 2 Dae _ al ze at oxt R we vee at OK The (nihel Gad boundary Comditoar fer SG ar O(wod = e™ Gc) = 1 Cinshral) O(4e) = SNF vO Deo (open ends) els ty = oF Gn = 1 Cinte ctor) bs. pert ©), Based on Ha example A Seems 36) TK genet Stabe ie OQ)= werky +s VF x 2 eos Using arf sO Ged evellated as erfCaey a) Quy Phe constonts ere ant Lu 0 O= ef yor 2 The Reel resurh oe hsb /R Cau-G 2 ert ie x | oy Coys" Changing Grn Et % was necessany to make ot BC be equrcvelent te Yh (nobel Conditven (ie, OF) ab nee Sar both Od hevise | Fre Similanny mibhed woun ast work, 2/26/96 wep 3-8. Scaling Gad Perturbetran Anetyses fora Bimsleculer Resetan Liguis ua C. = C.&) onl Caz Cas! =o < é 3 caso AIBC Se Can, Ceo “Ce za Xs0 xe O Vey sewn R_ AML prabiles nesely Kintor arith ne reschoan. CC) Maderate Re Reschont Curyer rurk be Concave Upward Cup < 0) Uherees proteer Ve Csnceve dewnwedd Wik peak in middle CE) Loge bat faite R ¢ eo Bteyzes both C9 On Gy Ho Fash reschon prevents B Sram resehing large x md B Frm cecching Smet They coerise only in GC arco, “ceechion ana", x Outside this zone Cx i Uneae, (> Governing equshons fer Aj assunmyg Da=Dg ans Cag=Cay, Consecration for Mant QR: = —Rva > | gol q DK DR, 44 IS q ~Rea = -Rve ax (da=Dg Rea= 8) Subteet + a (a-c) 26 = = D> G-Geaxih ae Calor = Ca(sr= b = Cre CaCLy— Cady s abe b= —Qyy (CgL= Cao) ces = Cas aa Cro (\- 2a) CA(X) = Cas (\- 22) Eliminete Cedar fra Cons. 4. fe Cae = Coa) " er Ca) = Da Wr = R&C axe = RCA \e = Crs (> =| 3-6 Convert Fe Aimansionlers varvables t =m =a Das kot N= > OF Ga Pe Sy O21, Oy, =0 Gy Regular perterbahsn for Trader C slew recetron) la ¢ = De, Expanien : OC) = Oslq) + €OGqy + OCEr) Expects DE ant RCs WO yg A 4 OCEr) cl are € [e +68, 4 ocey] [on +60, + 29-1 + oc] Oo) + € Oo) + OCED = | Oot) + EQ) + 0G@)= 6 ws t * [olay prvlen ¢ Tt =O 3 Go(od=), Gol =O ican (es LEB pe reacton) OC) pratun: oa = O(a . m 8. (8 24-3) = Oy (Ci-qetQ-1) ay B@I=O 5 BQ= 0 Q= n-ne + ay + b i 1 Q@(o)20 = b=o Bareo 2» b-4 +e =0 7 e7- er 4=-& Fiest fo fecas : © Fs) + OCer) (A) Fast resections + Dado. § = theckeass of Pecchen zone CFE seoe for Ca and Ca in rescton zane, Tus OM. eqns. Ore needed do este he due Uakasens, Sons Cx, (Fes local Canservahion of At Da @& ok KCg axe DB CO RCP ms (Ben &C* ana BxNST \A veseban zone ) - a(S) cr (eee @ From overall conservehan ot A ( Contrel uslime tatice lq, fin 2 L ch Da Be ax = | kh OCy dx ° dx \ ° L xe . = Da 46 | Da d ce ax = Da 4as\ 2 =—De se xe ox x= Esheaste orders at me gnitude: —Da aca) ~ Da [ Seo-S* |] Da Cas yes Lae L L { keaxn Rott 0 Equete terns = Dats wa kot § < (EEy~ Pe The bee Om a are of The Loom vty eB ond x42 8, so KS y= 8 For Da Sy He renctron rome opprocchere plane (Soo) atebich Ca=Cg sO. For DasDg ant Cast Cau) th Probien vi symmeteve and Fhe reaches plane aes Xel/2 From the OM. cesulzs One pest et F135 Phe intially fash cosets " eeeacs cy approxmeten for Da = 19% , wed aliala7, Dicwasisne) peabua ctolement: Da d2@ — ket = 6 wostitute expansion inte DE aay RCls: Solo) + €O (oe) + €O (t+ OC) = | y+ AB 45-4 —€ dQ, ( Game as solution foc ne cesction ) 3-7 Flux a+ X=o07 1 2/26/97 wrap Peoblen 3-8: Pecturbstisn Aneluss of Di fbigan anf Reectian Sel for Daxel eee ¥ Gao uleg cequige pechyreation, peawtan: A Bad SAS) Dire nsionless vartamles : 1 w wee © = BRE LD <2). Dh jacae or serail. 3-8. (Cont. ) Assume seres of form O= SZ Sayer = Oytyy+ QyH)E + Qlqyet + OCD Savstete Lise Len deems Yabo dimensiaauss DE: a (& +e 26 +€'d3 +o) = €Oy+ E49) + 0663) 7 iy ay T+ Oy + €8)4 €20, +003) Qear denarcinctar on right —e collect Mike pavers of ©: 2 CO, 4 > b\d ° 4 5 on “£01619, 0080) § [ape CNT | = €O@,+ €O, + OCE*) Boundary Conditions + 622 (0) + € de 24a, Oe) = 34 (0) aC) + €& Sh) + =o Bo Gi) + € Br) + €4OQcry + OCH = On) pore Ccetee= OC) decens ety) +62) d\n ddels0 , de jeo, OC)=1 Map Blige | ove DP QO)e1 equa, 3-8 (cont) ° OT qa. La - \ a) 2(8+)) Ge oo. . . OO kecasre Fyerre 3 3-8 Ceant.) eo = 2 (449) (: ~) ) €7) prattem (select CYE+) derms onl ye Sh)” § & £ (18) eS 4 mye 4 (0%) = al yh 7A] Pent cit 4 (8): Se > ae lo) 5 ( & )~ , (@-1) Vo delay ey O Sine 434 (9)=0 d ay =~ anv (3- 4) > - _¥ a nS * a(orn> (4 aD . -k (ys & 3-8 (cont) 5 OGysos -L _3_ ase 4 ens (sy + C.s 3 _F_ st ways e,= 3 4 wp (4 FY) & @s (HVYET) The Solution through Oe?) e OCD) i) Gaye ee tn) an rca Qe 7 ) * be ap & Ve v) wot lie laa wmpD Ostuctd Ripening ele) Aon 8 @arec Fees Cale st = Can CACR Y= Coe + TD R rok rate Cael ae) Fer psevdosterdy @> Determine the pachel. Ps § Conds hoas. Steer} Wikh Conservehon of At 4 2(rB)\e0 See FER) re ac ar Ce = Ger + ble) Ca(sst) = 2S Cae Cw bet CalRty = Ge Feb) = Ge +e To rete the growth rete i HK Concent bon ond we use On interfece! Speeres balence z Flux of A, r \i (yf ~ hae \oee = (Mee ~ tn ae Voces Oo 3 48 = Lee = -Dag /- = —Dag 2Ca\ “Se leet GQ) Sheu tree RC +S eventectly Assume Phat Rae JP 251 = Daal ak RECRe RaQ _ Daal v Cae aCe) _ 3daat ae Cam RS = Sdart 4 ke Cre Cicmt 1 | RUF (sdace Yt fee tro keCas Cam Lu (a Pachee sine. Ser pserdesteety assumption Process dime Seale fages oF Bscodasteads * pea e b= Bs “P anlat Dilsion dee cou ty = KR 2 Dae Need = Fe) dea 8 a MBs wen 3=10, Resetren ana Diffusion with & Nonusifern Catelysr Distribution @) Find the flaw of A entering HK slek Ge GQ=Cao at X=O0 ant Nax = © at KEL | fer Dass) c ete) Varying Catalyst Gone. Con, Gives Postbsn~ dependent First-order rate cotfh. ° Rugs — [ke ceO0] Ge ° Lo* Dimensions! problem + Da area ~ ko (: -@y] CH =0 Calo= Cas, dee (Ly = © eh Dimensionless Cnet necessarily sccled) prebln : C= Kw =x Geo > I Da dtG,a 2 DaCas Ato axe Ue agt R Coo [i= (ET Ca = Ceo Gee (I-q*) © #9 _ da(rqje=o Daz RG dae 1 > Da fe Da 23) DE_is_asta penpecly sce ted Ow) gad ytie | aro/d ~ Ba Sin ~ 981 talk ales kes decline 1% © _*akec ——-place—ovec_e.. .: he By tha ce 1s a _¢ E as . RE Chongeli fast recetren giver Ls chs Vangth, 3-10 Singular perturbabion expansion for BL: OO +. € 6,094. .OCEL Foren te bused on bee fect thet € pels as et Na sxpectian Ss ceded for bine Geo rune Sudsiitub expossion late DE cod Be! Oy PO OC ANe AxX* = (=xeVB.F eS + 0@)JS0 { Q.Cs) + € Gcay = OC) =O Bao + 6 8 Cs) +0063). COD pestun + 1299 = aXe SoCo) Ole) problern + So Oy ee Bes ~ 6, = xe Ces Ge je _ 28p fob = exon 326s (Bx yer a” __4? 2 ~s (aw ea (ng. ve]3S(oxcstnd}le™ or —20,+ 2¢, = (4 cancel Const. terms 1A DE ) = boy = = (4s cone Xe deems) Tyee Conentraton wp te OCE*) 1 then s ye (xe ox) 4 4 oT Compute the fiy at xSo: - No) = =Da dat ae - -D, Ss Locisine: dimuationles = Tht oe dO cealed dimensiones ) aid eee) (s st} ~ A2taj==4 4 s + Ole+) sh Farin Ce tn going auey mS open sucen — nobiceable Wen BL ic thick enough. (Uy Shoo thet wha the clah ts reverted, the fiest teem tn @ perturbebes A pesst for Bis wee Hagoverned ay the. Biey equate ne ae ts east te bee Cotxy the Somes amd ww a jush severe the BCI yea net Se Aiea Sate nine BL “Powers of €73 shew So the Ox) term shows O89. aye S.C) Qlo)= Oo — = ct Cs tort > 0 we) 2 Ate. en dt az uk = 23 gives - a0. 7 Be aa 4 alee/9e wep --Brll. Heat Transfer 1K a Reckes Bed Resctor ae iransfer Get peckag fe gos ~.@2_Use. steady state, energy ba\ance $0 derive dfGrennal equenas “for TCr), __E} is sufficent de congraan bin packing (statisnen nn phase) onty ) Heglesting heer conductron ih the ges, -- The energy equshin becomes TSTén)) there only rediel Cond 3. a With erpect He the pecking | the source term har tws parts : Hy = We + Hye Cp. © fon . Gok ce o= hte) (aan) = he Cre) . teat cae - Re 4.(r4Z) — hatte) + Hyg =O. FE acl de TORS Ts = Cansis demp ot watt oe (3-10 x Ag) eg ne oe 3s. possible boundary - - - _. — Cie. assume Conduction Hhroagh pecking i slaw celehve te heat tras fer + Te EMP Buse Vouter cogent Gee of meche, BL ese wall, weorny I The solations @. Gd loves mast Coaast , peewee it altews, Far tne, teat Testo, We min use (2), ¥ Choose. pone of arly as 6M, metehing with ouler 5s ~ King @ = Mim Ges nee needed, Te wos 450 j=) _ teehee Ole) Re Doe Grn) ahaa wen Problem 3-12: Hest Transfer va Unidirechonss Solvdihres bon MeL Reeds of emeol fre Hhermel Conduchuity of Ameerk ant Contents Is Feek transfer Cocffieiend | Ampouk to farnece ° K 4 i N A (BD Compare oaetve aad “Consectivet heat transhe aad Shaw thet pedicel dempers race Gortionts Gre small. brag = eMfective heat tronsten Contf, for codiahsn (p43) Kg (Te +77 \(tH +1) Cassumes view factor 21 | sald emp. S Ton 7 Surrounding Heme, ST) Keag = (9.7 «1 W Gar? Eo-4) (S007 + 609 e+) (OS) = 38 x1 Wet teow (usry giveny he Seiot Went ss hay Coegleer rodie bon) To assess codiel Gradients, creck Bi : Boe hR 2 (Sew weette"iem) 20.1 R (9.5 Wem k-') This is jest smell enough +o neglech codiel Hemp, variotms Ve the melt aad sshd. (by Beternrm Fay. Energy Consenuhin : yitTsa Se prelh on Saha 12(-)+ VT fer T=TCr2) voor ar eae Tategreh over ceoas-sechon : R ("2 2( Blas | Bz rane ls ree R + 2z\ + ge Trac =O oO cro 7 Rg T= “S(F-e) + & BE so e T gecoeen terres 5% oe Te Assumes T(R\2) = Tay gR Tals (tr Tide 2 ( T cde “Ee Oe (Rear : 2 The Av eeasiancl yroXum is now Feast | Feds T Tr Feo - 2h (T-T%)=9 Th = zh ( eB, TE 1 Dimessionkss Vvaricbls = = Th Al e Litas remover Bi from He DE, Dinos sionuess pomun : ae -0 =-O& 2 BGs, Olar= 1 Because of He step chenge 1h Of Consider ZO and 2Z -aqel 3 (> S& veh, The Compl dempecten protic Pe TL Ovelle | Hen -Z2n20d. TE Om > then Zy>d Gar fhe WO solete gins 2m = —\a (2 C= Say] TL One a y The Sn <0 and the ZO satohon gives 2m = In l2On] Gj Regert hy for a moun Inhrhe yp At Seeing Same density of meth ond seh. Energy conservehos | =U 2t eet 2 (rar) + a | De an no DU (33 = -U = exstent ont G= Sp) Tutegote over Cross-Sechon , as befor | ~uR' d& =X Rb(T-%) + eee HT “Zz be Rk = da dat ws Ot OF 4 LO at _ 2h (FT)=0 ah (TT) Tl-e)= Tl, 5 Tears) Using Fhe fame Almensiontts yertolus os before | 2S 44 d8 -O =~8¢ dm a2 ¥ = (weyGehy + a4 GRY Lie Ol-e= 0 , OCer= 1. The fern of HR solution: S=O&+ & om 94 vL artculer Chg Deeg Spl for 2>o0, = 0 f& 2<0, a, 4 6 48. ~ Oe, =o buy 32 + beh? This gerez) solatoy merck be epplied te bree Regions: ®O 2>o ana iv matt @ 2< 0 Gat wv solid QO rH wr fron DEO ts ZeZa =o (meg be melt om Sela) Posscwil mes + 1 ——————— gue @® ®@ @ mer ZPD, sran @ t 22m _ ' suc @® ]O. Oo mer Im so, me A ® i Z=%e ZO There Gre Sx Unknowe Conttesty ¢ 3 als aay 3 bly. The Sik Cond bons Ore t ay Sler=t B S(-ar.=0 @) © cartaucus eb 220 4) dOld2 eonttouous ob 2=O (> 8 =O, 6 222, (By) The Wterfeciel emery belumee af 2eZq (ee bled Faterfere energy belentes (tered , Se seh) ja (2I\g7 Aal@n = Se [Pel2\,,- Fe] 4a wok ae la etter phese Corer RIS) wales te\y SU Cequsl e's) ry =O (steady tebe D> Stetimerny inher ) + S\ os 2 a8\ ~ | = ion a2\, 82 lu @ (n-th) Ben a Not knat for SHO Cie, aeZ=3) , te interteaal energy bales reduc to wel Reet Fluyer , as asserted on pe 4 of this sclutven. Ms ww Uy y Sm ts determined by Oye Teeth be reessery te guess the Sign dmdk vhen gee vf cll net, then Qa fo 2m fer a anes On, Conditions Con be satished. If mart heave tha other sign, alralae wmo Thermecoupe temp, Tent) Bulle ate temp. t Ta (4) = Ty FT sin arot Heat taasher conkberents hR/k,_ =) Rea Frees thermephysicel prpertes + Ree bR = h® (ba )\e (9 (oa) = axis kr Re \Er so @) Show thet the Hhermoc cup unit be nearly isotherms | ah Gag inshont, The cherctetehe lenghh for Femp. Variohone 1S The heres coupe Xs Su) 2R. Fer low Fen quencicé tL temp. cheeges have dea be peat Fhroughoet Pee sphere ) Peet Sle. Fer hgh fequescies whe changes US be Contined nese Phe Surfece: Std p- Megh fre pusseves Tr 4 The surkeee deme. reverter Meter Fhe Change hes penetretl 3 es very fae, Re a surfece: hy 2B (Rty = h [ries - To] 343 Coote) Let (AT)q TrRt) — TRS dene, AL an aie. ens Try - THR De tonp. OAL 1K tharmscoughe, Reals order-ot-maqnitede g R OT pide = ok 2 (0 Oe [2m war { 2. (ea) dr . ° Evelucte HK debt da iQ deems of The mean lemp. ct & given Vastent + Rr g Fly = \. Te lryt) cede 2 2 ( Hin Qrar z RS { ride > R ate pr de =, RI AT 5 Ot ZS ot Evelucte eRe reg ht wwe of +e \whegeas 4 US the BCs: aS (ot )= ° om (R= ~& [rent] ? oe t R > cee a) 2 rte) de = a | oF Or Or ° reo SR Comb) i: at ah fe ats - T-h)e 7 T-T i Bo (Fom) = ES (FT) eSer Cr ane? 3 The solution vs simplest wens AV mtasvontest Voriceus @-= Tm , THEE 7 tr bee CSerV = char, tne for therme coupe hS retponte. (from the DE) (BS ATO by =) Cher. time for therme couple Ghar. Hime for air Dimensrontess problem ¢ Ao + @ = sinat The sotubeon s HRe gu of homogeneous sala. and & perbeutar delat O-= O+, @, = aet 30 fer co B= b Sin AT + CosRT gebsh he DE cad Seve for Loewe ) = sip (Sere pete) 3-13 (Cont) The long—Hee meaponte ob gin by O=B, , or a eee ee For en Gecurethe temp. reading we need © ®&= B-R =z Sm pe Th Comparrny FE tes te presses | we see thee Be! wy Ly Cie y PRL oseianets 1 FKL aie feels. mest be Slo Comparcd te He thermecoupl ret pense}, 4hsla7 wed -\4. Heat Traosfer fom a Hested Seehon of a Wall Design obfechves = (0 Meke T nearly corstaat foe ~ Le xe x , * 7 . (Ce) Wave Share trans Hdas m— 2 Insuleh'on ear at Grert With the steady State energy equeten: ar, ars — Hoe BK ye R Suppose new Fret the alr is thin enough theb Bi shw/k ) The one Aveunsionliss .paramiter {s whee k wright be lage \ smelt oc ~)- Y Now change Fhe Coordinate +o X =A” (mm de be deterred) dB. aS AX 2 um 49 ay aX Ax aX vo. dA (4742) - ao ae ax 2” aXe ag ax ae aX (By using Xai intend of K we see KEO at the edy of Lhe nauted region, ) The energy equehon (s nsw "9 _1,oe = { ah AMEX O x ° x>0 ec Bl gg Lo= fm! nyrexco a Be ° aw ° x > 0 To ensure Suh XK peperly scold near X=0, cemove AL frm tii BE by yertng omet/a. Then X = (4) any’ = (x-b) 5 kw (kw7h) The length ses foe Fhe emperetire variations Is evedently (ew /h We 5 this i the same as for the fin Wy Ey. 3.3- 2. 3-\4 4 To achieve sharp traashsas tS Tue wont the length seeks for denp. vacvehias be be much Soretir Phen the site of ER Reta region Tres , (wy <2 or (Ae _) = ~L >>) Summa: For Bis hw/k <1 and A= hiw ssi ve Wi get G kempertire prof Whe + at ie a vi | i Tee NN where Te-Tee = CW/h and Lo (rw /h’2, alaslae weD Thy second interfere] Condiben ry the interfeerel energy belonce. Eb Coons from SVR eath 1s sod zeligad nsx. 1S Ja MalFS.5 Pr=Ae= PH Gx Cxpassibic as _ereoe funchoas By analogy with the example iw sec. 3. the Sunctiaa: Ts Q; + fo ecko = Tsay + by eis) — 4 - Te To = by fi— oa) TT. —S. erfe ©) se TT. (3,2) TLS Sus 2% Oe = onstont, Because the othec terms are all Constants t naust cancel in the erme funchion arqu For this te happen, we need _ $06 4% ah 7 C&et)2 - a _ Te -Tr eet Gls) @ Use interfecial energy leclons Sk pression foc _%. Frm + _ _ ~ bk, BT jak Mh (stje $ ox zee . as Eveluctk danvetives = = 2 2 fects a Aosta) = = whoitube thes expecssient int tha taherine lenlones. AN derens Cantern ie final Wey Anse givens Lhe propiem statements a a kids” Coote =O ete ole < eee empl kes._. 2! use ¢ prerdensteady Gaelytue The psevdersheody DE 27: oO. = = ox* 3x The interfectal energy belanee if now hb, Bb ar. an Ox Dx Ve _ V because TisTp = Const. 2k, (y= Ts) S150. 3-15 2 $t = 4ectyt = 200Gs Te-To)t — 2h, Ge-ta)t = SE §_= lak Get |* (samees preva xe sheady result) “Thus, the excel Gnd oseuda—cteady cetvlis Gee tne Sama eso eked thet This seen Heat the condrben equteeliont ete 6 bg a thee Sere ke hie _nteded fee the hte pert tere _firofile te _edjuct i home Jers —_thcon kina chersetrishe bir for neve meet of 3-16. Thtegral Anelysis of Seterable erncties Case yeo Ro Ca Kea Slprereeree es Coe Nag =o Rua == Dirensionel preblen : Da Ba = ay* Convert be dimensionless Tntegel Formataben \ ao -- =} $8 34 = Da \ 8s 4/3 lag wep Diffusion and Reschsa with Assumes CAE Cry) oly Ly ~ Ky Gren, Kinetrer nob approx. Fics} order oc zereth order varcavles + 4, Be ke | Bes ko L cs Be Assume a Conc. profile of HK form ot eo ) Becontt, > 0 This setsGes OCOV=1 het nee dO/dy=sO at ya. Evelucte bre darivetve weeny Peis pre fie : y=0 -d8| = Be | =3 4 [. yeh al = {. ae [reece are B yo. Din (ls Be aris): a ey. gives Serving HK transcendent] €7. for B Computes te determination of Calyy, The Flow of cesctent ab yoo given by ay (0 = — Ds (0) = ae Cre y B= 20/2) |ro = dimaniontess Flux ), Boalyhea\ resets Cen be obtained for Corteis spect cases! © Fash reechows Bassi @ Best = ve®ss) Be mel a Cty) 2 Be [io bhet- £ bY - Bes) Be ereny* ®D Sow resctions Da<<\ — R< 2 As Km goes on, Ow change en ae Sleety eth To When ©. hes become clmork ndupendent of T. integcahng gives — aq 4 Heat) means TH k cal TI 5 or When Hes heads 5 6 SO. Anthiny YK tue Comsersedies equetians. ard asin he Sppesximet on, 3-4 s Letls cheek the order -st smegnite ny tle selvton fem port | de estimates of 00/9T, wD Preblem 3-21 = Diffusion and Reacton in Bleeching of Word Pulp Clos Solahon | Blecher Pulp | Lnblercied Pulp . A= ClO, <6= Ces Be lignin Cimmobite) - Cao <* ——- xo x54) s BO ae 4, R44 Bos co : A tes p ce The Veter Zanulecched laterdoes moves as the recchon preceeds Cie.) dd/dt >a). Dn. Stetemtnt ab x= Sle) , assumin a ' 9 EL kyo, Bank B canst Coemist. Reschron ss Rent te. plane ot x= TG) and Con be medeled as hetergyencous, Wo Shark wah EK genecel (nbeeteert bilance? Phar Ly Phese 2 eg used her Snsteed_ of Rant @) 4s a fasion of phess oh specres |) > BERG be - : C Apparat rate of helerogentour xn, (Se 6 g8) = (ea) - ph (x3), LA\eedy “blese had os. RB, Phose 2. Cx >S jz Unblecched ns A, Dntecteeral fluyes And Concentrations: - xe 572 OREO) Nay Da au \ Fick) _ See O., Ngy.2 0.2 Con here) KeShs Ces) Nayso | Cos & eee) CB vs formobite) As Nk 33) iN oP = Req vest foals . ae” Combating the species A and Ro peletous + = a “oS —— (b).. Fe conditions. of @)_, shee tne Aithesios CASS psovde- steady. woe From Hh tntertoual Condition of pers @)e = t estimetes of Gerivehves Gress the bleached region Ss very. fash reletive te movement ob the intertece. Because of +h thi 3-21 4 C). Salve foe Oly using FRO cerettsol parts G) and le) e) P Pravda- creedy diffusion : = Ca. = Che (' = —Da @ =-Cgo a - 0 Baa Cao 9 (fon ©) ee 5632 Da Cas we we BEL CRO - Seen AGT Se ace | Stop So. a ak oR . This necliseer OBE wo Dee = kG wz NCR 5 = (RY iF OXY DA Ca = & foshdx + & sah dx General sola.) Calyeo = Cas = & oe ne Calyas = O = Cro GoshhS. bb sek XS 7 (poly RC) lo = —Cpo Coshdd =~ Gy. cethas Sink dd Ca = Cho (eskox = eehs8 seb Vx)” : Cee. Ele x Ned = Cre dsinh we = eos SPA AE| 5 = Dates Nsied8. (GerTAS a1) a an for AY, (=) =0 — 4 _ Y= -2e) 4 ¢ Coe fee =e O66) prtim fe @ = aza, —8, = p* = 4 (i= e1)* = 4 4 Be = Ge dm Ooze, dS (ny =0 G5 eMs 4-4ne Ta eo I ' 3 QO = Ae ls Ket +4 4nd) = 4 7h oe Be ee Gols A+ 4= 4 50 Az-8 * = (sam of partreulor solehons |, foc Tho 3 penkonsg, terms} =z -8¢1 7 “TW 4 ey —— 8, Be 4 4 a dye Le ee gcas 4 Flux of. A tote Irquid Rf a <8 fo $0662) do- y= =e == 49 aa - OS lo): [Pel + ane t-4el ete l) _ ay, e t =o _ 2a ee 3 3 3 3 Nax [v= —D dG - = — De d2 fo} (D/ey Ys 4h, SSeS Nexo = BING Li-se + Oc] ¢ Le grt * The elher of reversivility vz te slo Fhe Teeckion | Gud phur Peduce the rete of ehsocation of A 3-a3 ; 2 Prljernet RCs et poo: The tslebe= given above used masflux Ch at 40... (=o foe Dt is ale Valid +5 assume chemres! equilixoun there ie _ C2) “Cos . - _ To see ther the two qin the Sama pesetts — check the Toletiow ak eyo “ Qzels ¢l-gely 4 etal 40) C3 t 3d > AE a " so Y= 2 (-e1) + OG) ss co t = Ole _ & Sgsteor te deviele from equilibeiem 4 Shee tonite of fe get watof Rat the ps = \dgurd dintectecn._Ear from the interfoce , the suctem relaxes sits equcdiheus, crate. _ y — alas lay wed Problem 3-24 : Unsteety~ Siete Evapor hie ot + Comsh. TRP in gaa = Conk C el + Ligurd lend olegs ot Zoo. pee t Ns BR enters lige igi aA Toe A intheeny om gat @) Derive geverning equchoas for xa(est) ws ges. Cs Constant bak Ny wet Cums Matma)s fb eit oe easier te Gse Beekls low aw aluinn ah) (Chek Goatarar CY, Censerveton of A ont Kos ger: O&i=-V Na = — ON at - Be 2a 2 y- Na = — DNee “OE ~ 3S Add + es nN =O eC ha = « Boe - Bhat) because Cz cost Naar N = Re = Fer» Ory Nag (0,%) =0 Cas Fox el BR cess (nteviuer fined at Ze) Riker) + Shere) = Nas © Nar t Nez = (3-24) = Ficlets lao fie binerg ger using ane Nae = Ce WO Cre Bee Dz = Xe (Nag # Nag) — C Dag 2% ae = %a Nas — C Dag Oe De os Use Fricke Wn Conservetisn of A: Gms Dd 53S ws an Sq | XA Ns _ Res ve + [ 198, me de a aq Des = 99)=.2Dng or ae. * 2(y-4) 8 = ECod=) , Oto G-24) » (2) Dekerine Oly), Lat Xe qrg y ake ay. The ae ay + 2X oa <0 OCd)=1 5 BlS= 0 O= aertX +h Cgerecet solution) OCP)= Gerteqyeh =I Oler= aertliey+b so ed(-$) = — ert g (fon dt of ef) eré(ay = 1 —aer$g tbe) ee a tbo \ ~* eectg | b BQO = - _et 77 | \rertg leert¢ SM) = Le erk y-$) lretg G@-24) Wi (4) Derive implies expression te duteemenan f (xas) $= -4¢ eo \ Ao (9). T=) 34 Gee I dhe a iret a NF) ert G4) = 2 ena. v =O get) = a red 48 (9) = = -¢ Foe gives tas y eta salve Vere Hvely te date mine ahiela7 wmd 3-25. Melting of & Smaty Crystal Crystal Row inike redius Liquid Tete Tete intbielly (Gy Shes beet ars Q theowgnove tae Wauid. Recanse the Cryctel and Vgud nove tre Same eaety | We con Graly tre Continnimy ¢4, for const, A, Verso, wrth spheveat Sgormetey thes be comes 2 (2 = 2 = 2(r uw \=o0 D> op se omsh ac Sine etu,s 0 at za , we must hove C=O, Thes, eso for atl ¥. (by) Determine Rt) anu bee peli bien Com) \ ascuming Psevte-stendy Conditions, TaterGual energy Lalonce (from 24. BTHND sth (sergstel ) DE Weld | and os ee): z { _ = \ ~ dele - ah, = de (le fr) ° aRrat tel tele = ed 48 E evetacteD at cs Ry We will now Show fret Sha crys) so thst Gel =O: \sethermel The energy eq. In the gold is” YL te al(ear Eee Re He 2 (ear (Tek 2-2) v O (peede-steady) 2(ee)= ° rT? oT = K ar yf 9 fem STPe= O a r=, w at.eo evergaks ae wee Tet Vo, Fhe enkee crystel reprdty reaches the reeling tome. CT) which is Hho temp. at FER. The ‘\ntertueve! energy halon F nove To evalucte {ell we ned Fhe energy eq. for the Nigued, The pseudo - vheedy forn te Tetegabing | 7eT sec vr ok 2 ars G or oe TS —f2 + Cy = Re's: Tes Te => Cys Ta TeRJ= TL hy Cg = -R G-TR) Tt) = Te 4 T= Te) Buty Nopuid Evcluce leet flux in \qud Ob \nherface t BT = ~@.-Ta) R = Gem & qe (RV = RL [-Ge) 4 |: bs (i Go back te HL (abet eres ene Nsalewee : 39 bk, Gm-Te) = od Ak we e et a2 2 A(g) sz (te-TH ae ak = HCP) s B Rlol= Ro The melting bime is detined by RK.) =O O= RS — zk Gre-TA) ty es PS SSS Vote eds ! - 1 i Dey Cre-Ta\ I LL i (©) Orderof-magaitde Criteria Le pseuto~ gheat Gaalysis, Time fee crystal and \jurd temperetures ty adjuce te Hho shep Chorge ak FeO (ie, t>>t.): Corduchon ; tse mex ( Re ee) | time seale Fast response m \quid eleHve te process tims sco Cheesy Be <2 ted Ros Rie fy << @ite a fe Zk, Geta) aa ~—— (an analogous restnz han 1 2e. Ce-Te) Ley | Mies te ee ory chal ; x , 2 1 ee teed w28097 wo, Ari. Steady Conduchon Ra Squce Rod witha lect Source ' O= Oxy) Ce lb = Constant o Reses functoas from IE" Tek 4-). Foren of Selenen t OGny)= Z_ Oaly) Tab e(ne th = +i), NEON... TO) = Teshx, da hele? Blcor= Boy =O ows P= -VM 5, Finke Fourier transform t \ On?) = { O14) Soa ax ° Troasfen the PDE fern by fern: Oe, 23 , H=0 axe age \ \ [GRR Ee em (oaks Ciategrahen by parts) 8 =o ' \ ( © 3D, ay 2 ~¥ (eBax= Men. ° oKe 1 { 3 Tax = a {eb = 48 \ ‘" BO a&k = 8 ( Tax = HG sadax 7 : The Manstermed PRE VF then atSn 8, = —VF AK Cy ay X Tremstern FRE RCM ye 1 0 26/(x,0) Tax = 0 = 48, (0) \ i 3 ° @> Pon) Tox = 0 = OG) at e 4-1 (cont) - Selution for O,(4) = 1 oye » ES a 1 | PS. 26, =-G Evy F 38s (oy= Oat) = © \ a \ OY = ay sink Mag + ba Gosh day (boneg sola.) e BAP = (pacheuler sola.) SnC4) = Gan sinh day + ba Gosh bay +E ENTE 82, 2 naa coshday t Mba oahha 3 = 4m Cosh day & y $8n (oy= 0 = Ws4a6 + XbA CO) ~~ A=0 J On0y= O = bydoshd. + VE or RD ba= BROTH yoeash hy Cosh ® Overall Solution : roasts a 4 ' Gyr = 24 Ene {1 geshdny cos dax | nso Cash d~ x3 \ \ | 3/slae wo Problern 4-2 : Steady Diffusion ina Square Red with a Fiert- Orden Reachen 3 oe Determine OlKny), foe = 921 |y'e-n0-0/ a=: Problem formuletan + @=1 ia Be 4 a —BRO=0 Ox (04) = O04) = O(ms)= O01) =) Expansron + Og) = 2 OC) Bo @i Ga = VE sadax » tT (Entey T, Teh a-1) I Ong) = ( S6ng) Toe dy 5 POE (eascrt terms first) : Transform (v.05, dx = De ey t (aso. Fax = q. [ohm Sq o 4y* Jo aye The DO/Ox+ ter cepuices indeyrtrn by ports Caext Paze). Lae Ge pai [oak xe1 FAVE MnO | MG, VEE -@EY] - WO, ww a Collect terms in DE: a AO, + OO, LDeO,eo ay. ee -Qs ++ Da), =~ ca nt Tronstoem remevning Cl Gay)? xel 1 8, Ce) = ROne G, dx = -VE cos dax =& ° Xa wo he Ona) = Summary of transhrmed problen : d20, _ vt ea, =i ay SO,(@e}= On) = Ga dw a partreuler, soleion Dobe (LL dt Tae oe Cosh +. Sa 2 Ge. = TONS hn) so + cosh ¥3]*% ca ae cr 2 Cpa) = Wwf - Dd trae ew] Be " Wbe my Be {'- ew] Se = By [: -en] Sy co = i fol wt dd. ©o49) = (AVaDe avebe osha) siah ns + ely] +22 a Se Ong). = 2 DANE sin dee ss) heaving %i| ae - Be bay) = ‘> 4 (Gere trash, =) Soy reattag|s re} oka Sian Sn, need Cheek fer “Daso Cae reechen) : Tr ado o Oy y= 4 ST sindex 2 2 Et. cry] seney 2) / eu da nT (see Ee. 44-1) B=) Wergebin for we receton, 2s expecta B/S 196 wMD Problem 4-3: Steady 1g Conduction in & Long, Rectanguler Solid Belermin 0004). -.. 28 (9) = 23 (ug=.90 Cx, 0) = Fo) | BB (x 25'9 The only Gaaditan not given ve the last one thar becomes J Which ossemes Canstant fer fom tee Sarde Whee ban temperature th impssed. [ The same sole tion VS Assumed thet vs obtained 1f i+ Ox ed is Faire] Expension = 5 OG) = & On64) Brow GG, = = Va ME Gs = 1 XA OF aT Transtorn PDE: at eo - 8nCe) = { Son, ax = { eae ° ° \ . On . 2 o = or {Bim 1B ax. = 0 Summary of transformed pravlen: de, _ \t0, =O 35+ Ont= fy ABs (wr= 0 Solve fer Oy: a8. 2 0 > Os = ay t by aye Baa) => (or Sater Ginde) S7 a2) OC)=K= be. 4-3 _.. Solve for Oy, MBVE. es ee meee NR i ag oo Oy5. an 2. et ee ce OS Bsa eRe Oy eon 5 Over) srluvian 1 _ - CGuyys ZS.Gi Teo _ azo 7 = fo + 2 $M E wosnex Cos orm Owy)= fo +E SF, Nole on behauiae ef gees: \ \ Gan = f= | dx = ( fora x fof Ger dx, = dversge Lempert ab Yad,

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