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Suwayvia, Nadya. 2016. The Production of Bacteriocin by Lactobacillus

plantarum FNCC 0020 as Antimicrobials and The Stability at Heating
Temperature, Storage Temperature and pH Variation. Skripsi, Biology
Department, Science and Technology Faculty, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State
Islamic University of Malang . Biology Advisor: Ir. Hj. Liliek Harianie AR, M.P.
Religi Advisor: Dr. Ahmad Barizi, M.A.

Keyword: L. plantarum FNCC 0020, Bacteriocin, Stability

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is a facultative anaerobic bacteria living on a

wide habitat variety. In addition to produce lactic acid, LAB species L. plantarum
can produce bacteriocins (a protein that have an antimicrobial characteristic).
Purification of bacteriocins required to obtain pure bacteriocins without any
mixture of other compounds produced by BAL. Characterization of bacteriocins
can help to determine the stability of bacteriocins in various conditions that are
useful to obtain the appropriate conditions for the application of bacteriocins. This
study aims to determine the stability of bacteriocins produced by L. plantarum at
various heating temperature, storage temperature and pH.
This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with three factors,
each factor consists of 4 treatments and 6 replications. Bacteriocins stability is
determined by testing the inhibitory activity on the heating temperature variation
(room temperature, 80, 100 and 121) ° C; in storage temperature variation (room
temperature, 18, 4, -20) ° C; and in pH variation (4, 5, 6, and 7). Data of inhibition
zone (mm) were analyzed using One Way Anova and if there is a treatment effect
continued with Duncan test.
The results showed that the neutral cell free supernatant of L. plantarum
can inhibit E. coli and S. aureus. The results of purification showed that the
concentration of protein bacteriocins of L. plantarum was 352.86 μg / ml.
Bacteriocins from L. plantarum is stable at room temperature up to 121 ° C, stable
to storage at temperature 4 ° C and -20 ° C and stable at pH range of 4-7.


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