Humility Google Slides 1

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Humility is also represented

by the wolf. For the wolf, life
is lived for his pack. He
serves his pack. He does
what his pack needs.
Finding Balance in our lives...
Humility is to know that you are a special part of the world.

Humility is to live life selflessly and not selfishly.

Humility is when you praise the accomplishments of everyone.

Being humble is the opposite of being arrogant.

Living humbly is being able to find balance between yourself and all living things.

Living humbly is being able to care for others

Know that you are equal to everyone else. Take pride in what you do and share your
accomplishments with others.
Zoom in Words for humility

The Seven Sacred Teachings
Zoom in on Humility

Why does the mouse reflect humility?

How does the wolf represent humility?

In what ways does Roz show humility?

Describe why humility matters to me?

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