21 Winning Mind Hacks

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21 Winning Mind Hacks

To Help Ordinary People Reach Their Peak State

By Alan Zhuang


Because my mission in life is to inspire and provide a positive

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give away this special eBook (worth US$47) to anyone you wish,
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
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In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
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I will like to thank my parents for bringing me up and loving me. Without their
support, I will not be where I am today.

I will like to thank God for giving me strength, wisdom and favors every day.

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I will like congrats you for taking the first step to download this eBook. This eBook
will help you to transform your life with these 21 winning mind hacks, which can
help you to reach your peak state, maximize your true potential and empower you
to achieve anything you desire in life.

My Story

For a start, please allow me to share a short story about myself...

Hi! I am Alan, and I come from a middle class family in the sunny country called

Like every filial child who love their parents, it is my desire to be able to support
my parents such that we don't need to worry about the daily expenses and high cost
of living.

I have been working for a number of years and I am struggling to have enough
income to support my parents so that we can live comfortably and also have the
financial means to travel more and experience life more.

And from young, I often have pimples outbreak and this cause me to avoid speaking
to people, and as result, I suffer from low self esteem and I have a negative attitude
about life.

And my low self esteem lead to have a limiting belief that I don't deserve better
things in my life and I will often avoid interacting with people.

In a twist of events when I am in my 20s, I was introduced and attended a life

transforming seminar, Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins. And during the 3rd
day, I got to learn how to break my limiting belief and replace it with an
empowering belief instead. Another key and important lesson that I have learnt is
that humans are creatures of habits.

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And this began my journey of studying great people (like Anthony Robbins, Tim
Ferriss, Elon Musk, Louise Hay, Esther Hicks and more) with many achievements
and their habits of having winning mind hacks. However, studying these winning
mind hacks is simply not enough. I have a lot of head knowledge stuck up there, but
I want to see practical changes in my life.

I start pondering deeper and asking how do these great people live and have great
success. And soon, I have discovered their secret is in the practise and taking daily
actions of the winning mind hacks.

What I have put together in your hands is the 21 winning mind hacks and also
Winning Mind Hacks Exercises that help me in my journey to reach my peak state,
maximize my true potential and empower me to achieve anything I desire in life.
And I hope that these 21 winning mind hacks will do likewise for you to move
forward in life.

Let's start...

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Table of Contents

1. Wake Up Early ........................................................................................................................... 7

2. Plan out your future .................................................................................................................. 9
3. Look for mentors ..................................................................................................................... 11
4. Stay humble ............................................................................................................................ 13
5. Have a good morning routine .................................................................................................. 15
6. Visualise Your Success ............................................................................................................. 17
7. Read every day ........................................................................................................................ 19
8. Stay healthy ............................................................................................................................ 21
9. Know your personality ............................................................................................................ 23
10. Know your strengths and weaknesses ................................................................................... 25
11. Always moving forward ......................................................................................................... 27
12. Plan each day in advance....................................................................................................... 29
13. Set goals ................................................................................................................................ 31
14. Meditation ............................................................................................................................ 33
15. Take personal retreat ............................................................................................................ 35
16. Daily reflection and review .................................................................................................... 37
17. Define your values ................................................................................................................. 39
18. Love and Accept yourself....................................................................................................... 41
19. Be part of a mastermind group .............................................................................................. 43
20. Attend conference and seminar ............................................................................................ 45
21. Ask God for help .................................................................................................................... 47
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 49
Resources For Health .................................................................................................................. 50
Resources For Abundance ........................................................................................................... 51

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1. Wake Up Early

The first winning mind hack that you want to have is wake up early.
People who can achieve much are usually out of their bed early in the morning.
And some as early as 3am, 4am, 5am and 6am… and with the intention to start the
day before the rest of the world is up.

There are many benefits in waking up early.

Wake up early allow you to set the intention for your day and keep you focus on
the important activities to that you need to get done to complete that book,
training or project that you have been putting off for a long time.

Wake up early will give you time to exercise and it is important that you stick to the
same exercise routine and when exercising like running, to listen to joyful music.
This will help your body train your body to look forward to exercise and you feel
happy when listening to your favourite music.

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Wake up early help you to be more productive. It gives you the advantage of less
distraction and more time to plan out and strategy for your day. When your mind is
clear, you can make better decisions and be less stressed.

Wake up early also help you to be more discipline as you need to structure your
day so that you can sleep early and be able to wake up early the next day. And it is
one of the most important mind hacks.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. Why do you want to wake up early?

2. What activities do you need to do less, so that you can rest early and wake up

3. For the next 21 days, I will sleep early and my goals is to wake up at earlier and
be up at ____
*Hint: Start slowly first, for example, my goal is to wake up at 6am and I usually
wake up at 9am, I will set my goal to wake up half hour earlier like 830am and over
time, change my timing slightly earlier until I reach 6am.

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2. Plan out your future

Fail to plan and plan to fail. Your future is in your hands literally and if you want to
see the changes in the future, you have plan out your future.

The future is often filled with uncertainty; and we should not focus our attention
on things that we can’t control like the weather or events. Instead, what we should
focus is what are the immediate decisions that we can make and the actions that
we can take today. And this is how we can create the future we want in see in our

There is a saying that the best time to start to plan out your future is yesterday,
and the next best time is now. So let’s take time today to start planning.

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Here is how you can start:
1. Find out what is your desire. Write down 2 to 3 things is that you are most
passionate about?
2. What is the next immediate step that you can take?
3. After taking that step, reflect on what you have learnt?
4. What is the next step? And take the next step
5. What can you learn from the next step
6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. Why it is important for you to plan out your future?

2. If there is nothing to limit /stop you, what will you be most passionate about?

3. Which role models inspire to be?

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3. Look for mentors

We all need mentors in life to help us to achieve more, do more and achieve
happiness in life.

Mentors will keep you focus on your goals.

Mentors will provide prospective and alternatives to open your thinking.
Mentors will push you to do more to stretch you, to grow you.
Mentors will set the necessary boundaries to keep you accountable.
Mentors will encourage and keep you moving forward.

It is important to look for different mentors to help you in different areas of your
If you desire to speak well in public, look for a speaking mentor.
If you desire to bake yummy cookies, look for a baker mentor.
If you desire to play well in piano, look for a piano mentor.

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Here’s how you can approach the mentor for this winning mind hack.
1. Do your research to know more about your mentor and their interests
2. Share your desire, strengths and weakness with your mentor
3. Share why you choose them to be your mentor and what do you admire in them
4. Meet and agreed on your goals and the plan to achieve the goals
5. Set aside time to meet with your mentor at least once every month and get
regularly feedback.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are 2 to 3 areas in your life that you need a mentor?

2. What is the specific outcome that you desire to do well in life? E.g. To be able to
speak with confidence and pitch my business idea to a crowd of 100 people

3. How can I give back and add value to my mentor?

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4. Stay humble

When you stay humble, you are acknowledging that you need the help of others to
grow and get ahead in life.

And staying humble shows that you put yourself on the same level as others, and
not above them and this is what make others respond well to you.

Humble people are curious and they continuously seek to learn and improve daily.

Humble people have an abundance mindset, and always think win-win with the
people they work with.

Humble people know that they are responsible for their life

Humble people will ask for feedback from others, so that they can know and
understand more about themselves.

Humble people take time to say thank you for others who have helped them in one
way or another.

Humble people give back to the society, either with a sum of money donation or
take time to serve the underprivileged.

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Humble people have better relationships with people as they accept them for who
they are.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are 2 to 3 areas that I need to change to stay humble?

2. What are the ways that I can give back to the society?

3. What can I learn from my interaction with a total stranger today?

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5. Have a good morning routine

Have a good morning routine is a winning mind hack that you want to have that
will help to get things done throughout the day.

A good morning routine helps you to increase efficiency as you train your brain to
do the similar activities over and over the first thing in the morning. And over time,
it will cause your brain to function in auto mode and do things without the need to
be consciously thinking about it.

A good morning routine helps to build momentum. As you remind your body that
you are doing something every day a bit by a bit. In the long run, it will benefit you.
Reading 2 pages every day means that you will have read over 700 pages in just 1

A good morning routine helps you to be good at things. As you invest time every
day to a skill, you are constantly learning and getting better at it. If you are
constantly playing guitar every day, you will be a better guitar player. If you are

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constantly practising your basketball throws, you will be better with your
basketball throws.

Here is a Good Morning Routine that you can use.

1. Shower
2. Coffee/breakfast (Go for light and healthy choices like yogurt, eggs, or fruit)
3. Light exercise (plank, squats, pushups, stretching)
4. Meditation or Yoga (10 minutes)
5. Reading (1 chapter or 10 minutes)
6. Review and Reflect on your Tasks for the day
7. Working on your craft (writing, playing guitar, singing for 10 min)

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are your 5 activities in your morning routine?

2. What do you need to prepare the day before for your morning routine?

3. How much time do you need to set aside for your morning routine?

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6. Visualise Your Success

Visualise your success is a winning mind hack that will bring you closer to achieving
your goals.

Jim Carrey is famous for picture himself as the greatest actor in the world and
wrote himself a $10 million dollar check when he was still struggling as a young

Visualise your success by making use of your imagination to create a mental picture
of what you want to see happened in your life when you achieve your goals. And
put in as much details as possible to make it real. And how do you feel? What will
have changed in your life?

And remember you should visual at least once twice a day, to allow your body and
brain to believe that it is possible for you to achieve your goals.

When you are doing your visualise activity, there might be time when you will hear
a small voice that will oppose you and tell you a different story.

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And this is the time where you need to ignore the small voice and instead tell
yourself that what you have visualise is true and is happening in your life.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are the various mental pictures that you have to visualise your success?

2. How many times do you want to do your visualise your success every day?

3. Which are the people close to you that you like to include when you visualise
your success?

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7. Read every day

When was the last time you read a book or even a page? Reading books will make
you better.

If you need help on how to start reading a book, go back to winning mind hack
number 5, Have a good morning routine.

Reading every day will help to reduce stress. Reading a good book will take your
mind away from the present and bring you into the story of the book, letting go of
those stress and keeping you relaxed.

Reading every day will help you to improve your memory. When reading, you will
need to remember the characters and different acts in the book. This will increase
your brain activity and help to improve your memory.

Reading every day will help you to improve your focus and concentration. Reading
will train your brain to focus on the story and various characters the book. Invest

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10 minutes every day reading and you will be pleasantly surprised on how much
you are focus the next time you are required to work on a task or solve a problem.

Reading every day will help you to improve your creativity thinking. When you are
reading a book with an exciting story plot, your mind will start to imagine and you
might start to think on how the next part of the story will be. This is help to
improve your imagination which will lead you to have more creativity and come up
with ideas when you have a challenge that you need to handle at work / in school /
at home.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What is the next book that you like to read for the next 21 days?

2. What are the activities that you need to stop or do less so that you have time
for reading?

3. After reading a book, how has the book impacted me? What will you do if you
are the character in the book?

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8. Stay healthy

Stay healthy is a winning mind hack that will keep you healthy and strong every

To stay healthy, you need to maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight,
there is a risk of increase in blood pressure which lead to high blood pressure and
other issues like high cholesterol, high blood sugar which can lead to strokes.

To stay healthy, have a heart-healthy diet. Eat more greens and fruits. Choose
whole grains. Take brown rice instead of white rice. Choose lean proteins like
poultry, fish, legumes and beans. And reduce your intake on processed foods,
saturated fats sugar and salt.

To stay healthy, visit your doctor at least once a year. Your doctor will keep records
of your medical history and can advise you for the recommended screening tests to
keep your health in check.

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To stay healthy, make sure that you exercise regularly, at least twice every week.
Try different exercise and something that you enjoy. There are various exercise to
choose from: walking, jogging, skipping, swimming, dancing, ice skating, yoga.

To stay healthy, drink plenty of water. Drinking water will keep you hydrated
throughout the day. Drinking water will help to maintain adequate fluid balance in
your body, which is important for your every day bodily functions like digestion,
circulation, absorption, maintenance of body temperature.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are the foods that you need to have for your meals to stay healthy?

2. What are the activities that you need to do more to stay healthy?

3. What are the activities that you need to do less to stay healthy?

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9. Know your personality

Know your personality is a winning mind hack that will help you to understand
more about yourself.

Know your personality will help you to manage your day to day routines. You are
someone who needs structure, so it will be important that you need to prepare the
day before. You are someone who needs space instead of structure, allow your
mind to think freely when working on your tasks.

Know your personality will help you to manage your energy. You will understand
your patterns on what will drain your energy. You are either introvert where you
find strength more you are alone, or you are either extrovert where you find
strength more when you are around people.

Know your personality will help you when looking for a mentor. Even your mentor
will have their personality. It is therefore important to share with your mentor
what is your working style and also know what your mentor working style is. This
will help to improve the working relationship with your mentor.

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Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:
1. What are the personality tests that you need to take (DISC, MBTI, enneagram)?

2. What are the activities that you need to do more that suit well with your

3. What are the activities that you need to do less that is in conflict with your

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10. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Know your strengths and weaknesses will help you to identify what are your
strengths that you can leverage on to accomplish your tasks. And also identify your
weakness that might be preventing you from moving forward.

Your strengths are the skills come naturally to you, and you should always use your
strengths to your advantage. You have to schedule time to improve on these skills,
and as you get better in these skills, they will help you to accomplish your tasks
more efficiently.

Your weaknesses are skills that you find boring, difficult to learn. You need to be
aware of your weaknesses as they can hold you back and affect your productivity.
You can find workaround for your weaknesses. Example, if you are not good in
keeping your account statement for your business, you can consider hire someone
to help you with the bookkeeping of your account statement.

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Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:
1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

2. What is one of your strengths that you should always put to use that will help?

3. What is one of your weaknesses that you should avoid using the skill as much as

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11. Always moving forward

Always moving forward is winning mind hack about letting go about the past and
focus on the future.

Sometimes, things happened despite all the proper planning. It started raining
when you are running. The car breaks down when you are on the way to home.
There is no explanation on why this happened. You have to be aware of this, and
decide what the next action to take to move forward is.

Moving forward is also about growth. This is about your own journey of learning.
Start making little change and progress day by day. At the end of the year, when
you look back, you will realize that you have growth much. You start running 2
miles every day, at the end of the year, you have run over 700 miles.

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Moving forward is about thinking about your future. What do you want to see,
have and experience in your life. You have to keep having positive thoughts about
your future. Having positive thoughts will also bring joy to your body and also
change the way you see life.

You have to focus on what you want, and keep moving forward.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What do you want to see, have and experience in your life?

2. What activity are you going to do every day for your personal growth?

3. What positive thoughts are you having for your future?

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12. Plan each day in advance

Plan each day in advance is a winning mind hack that will help you to break down
on the activities you need to do to accomplish your goals.

Write down your daily plan for the day the night before. Planning will freed up your
mind from thinking what is the next activity to do. After you have completed the
first task, look back at your daily plan, and continue the next task.

Write down the reward for the task completed. You are rewarding yourself for
completing the task. The mind will feel good, and you are exciting and this will help
you to complete the tasks faster.

You can think about the activities that you should say no to. This will free up your
time to focus on tasks that matter and will move you forward.

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You can consider writing a weekly plan, a monthly plan to have a good picture of
what are the activities for the days ahead. And after every week and month, go
through the plan. Reflect and review what has gone right and what has gone
wrong. Learn from your experience and write them down in your journal.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What reward do you like to have for the activities in your daily plan?

2. What activity you need to have in your daily plan?

3. What activity you should not have in your daily plan?

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13. Set goals

Setting goals is a winning mind hack that will help you to grow and maximize your

Setting goals will trigger your behaviour and set the direction for your life. If you
want to be healthy, write down the goal to run 3 miles every day and visual how
you feel when you complete the run. This will help you to change your behaviour
about running and staying healthy.

Setting goals will align your focus and help you to remove distractions. When
working on your goals, it is important to ask yourself or even ask feedback from
your mentor to check on your progress. Identify what are the distractions and
avoid these as much as possible every day. Look at your goals and remind yourself
to focus and work on the tasks that will help you to accomplish the goals.

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Setting goals also help you to clarify on what you want to see, have and experience
in life. This is important as you want to invest your time wisely on the activities that
are aligning to your goals.

Write down big goals for yourself. Big goals are goals that are like really big and
crazy that it will give you a bit of the uncertainty. This will help to you expand on
your thinking and change your attitude on how you can achieve these big goals.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are your goals for your health?

2. What are your goals for your relationship?

3. What are your goals for your business / career / work?

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14. Meditation

Meditation is a winning mind hack that gives great benefits to you.

Meditation is investing quiet time to be alone. There are many ways to meditate
and one simple way is to set a timer (10 minutes), sit down, close your eyes,
breathe slowly and focus on your breathing. And while you are breathing, think
about what you want to see, have and experience in your life.

Happiness and Health

Meditation increase positive emotions, life satisfaction, boast your immune
system. Mediation decrease pain and inflammation.

Meditation increase memory, improve your attention.

Great Heart
Meditation improves empathy and compassion, generate helpfulness, boost social
connection, and increase your resilience during hard times.

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Mediation will help to clear your mind, develop perspective and give you insights.

Beat the blues

Meditation decreases anxiety, decreases stress, decreases depression.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. How much time do you set aside for your meditation?

2. What are the positive thoughts that you have after meditation?

3. What are the distractions that you need to remove before you start meditation?

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15. Take personal retreat

Take personal retreat is a winning mind hack that will help to recharge yourself and
get you ready to face and overcome the challenges in life.

You can take a personal retreat at the start of the year to have a vision for the year
ahead. You can have a personal retreat at the end of the year, to reflect, to give
thanks and to set the directions for the coming year.

Before you set off for your personal retreat, you have to make preparation. Decide
on the place that you want to go and make the necessary arrangement for
transport. If it is a longer retreat where you stay overnight, you might need to
arrange for accommodation.

Plan variety in your personal retreat, plan for different activities throughout your
retreat. There can be a balance of walking in nature, helping others with acts of
kindness, listen to their story and emphasise with them. You should also have time
for journaling and reflections.

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After your personal treat, you might get new perspectives and insights for your
goals. You can write these down in your journal.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. When was the last time you have a personal retreat?

2. What are the preparations required for your personal retreat?

3. What are the possible places or locations that you can travel to for your
personal retreat?

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16. Daily reflection and review

Daily reflection and review is a winning mind hack that will help to learn and
understand yourself, and how you can improve yourself the next day.

It is good to set aside like 30 minutes of your time in the evening just to think
through the events that what has happened in the day.

What are the conversations that you have with others? How do you feel in the
What are the activities that you have done today? What is the outcome?

Daily reflection and review will help you to learn and celebrate your success.
Daily reflection and review will help you to learn and let go of your mistakes.
Daily reflection and review will help you to help to others.
Daily reflection and review will help you to connect the dots and have new ideas.
Daily reflection and review will give you new perspectives and insights.

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Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:
1. What are the questions that you can ask for your daily reflection and review?

2. What are your successes and how can you apply it to have more success the
next day?

3. What are your failures and how can you apply it to avoid repeating the mistakes
the next day?

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17. Define your values

Define your values is a winning mind hack that will help you live an authentic life.
You will know and be clear about your values when you are able to express it
clearly in your writing and use your values in the decisions you make every day

Use your journal to do some writing to define your values.

1. What are your 3 greatest accomplishments? What are the 3 moments that you
performed at your best? What are the common behaviour / themes between these

2. What are your 3 greatest failures? What are the 3 moments you performed at
your worst?
What are the common behaviour / themes between these two?

3. Come up with up 3 short sentences to describe the advice that you will tell

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4. Reduce the sentence to one word. E.g. At the end of every day, I will think
through and learn from my success. I learn so that I am responsible for my success.

5. This is where you put the value to the test. Recall the 3 success and 3 failure
events that you have went through, and ask yourself if the values are working for
you in these events.

When the way you think, speak and response is aligned to your values, you have a
sense that life is good, you are whole and contented. And use winning mind hack
16 (“Daily reflection and review”) to check –in that you are living your values every

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. How can you live your life according to your values?

2. What are the activities you should do more that are aligned to your values?

3. What are the activities you should do less that are not aligned to your values?

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18. Love and Accept yourself

Love and accept yourself is a winning mind hack where you come to terms and
accept who you are and acknowledge your strengths and weakness.

It is important that you learn to love yourself first every day. You can only give
what you have. Unless you love yourself, you will not be able to love others.

Take good care of your body by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of rest.
Take good care of your mind by learning about new things every day.
Take good care of your spirit by meditating (winning mind hack 14) and connecting
to yourself.

Love and accept yourself also meant that you learn to forgive yourself of the
mistakes that you have made. No one is perfect and everyone make mistakes. It is
okay to make mistakes, just learn from it and move on.

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Repeat the following statements to love and accept yourself.
I love and accept myself, I work hard every day to achieve my goals – I love and
accept myself.
I love and accept myself, I create opportunities for growth in my business – I love
and accept myself.
I love and accept myself, I have made mistakes that cost me money and time – I
love and accept myself.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. How am I taking care of my body so that I love and accept myself?

2. How am I taking care of my mind so that I love and accept myself?

3. How am I taking care of my spirit so that I love and accept myself?

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19. Be part of a mastermind group

Be part of a mastermind group is a winning mind hack that help you to get ahead
and achieve your goals.

In a mastermind group, there is mutual support from like-minded people. There

will be people who will inspire with their achievement, and there will be people
who will encourage you and provide you with suggestions when you are stuck.

In a mastermind group, you get to learn about the differing perspectives from the
group and know that everyone is unique and they are free to express their

In a mastermind group, you will have access to different resources as everyone in

the mastermind is equipped with different skillsets and are connect to the network
of people relevant to their business, interest.

In a mastermind group, you can find accountable partners that will inspire you to
move forward and achieve your goals. Likewise, you should also check back on

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 43

your accountable partners to ensure that they are progressing well to achieve their

You can search for mastermind groups, where there are usually two types (online
and offline).
For online mastermind group, the group will meet on social media platform like
Facebook, Google Hangout.

For offline mastermind group, the groups will usually meet at a physical location
where there will be sharing and discussion on the topics that are relevant to the

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are the questions that I need to ask in the mastermind group, so that I
improve myself?

2. What are my talents and skills that I have, so that I can contribute in the
mastermind group?

3. Who are my accountable partners in the mastermind group?

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 44

20. Attend conference and seminar

Attend conference and seminar is a winning mind hack that will help to expand
your learning and improve yourself.

You will learn to sharpen your skills from what you learn at the conference and

You have the opportunity to meet influencers and experts face to face at the
conference and seminar.

You will learn new tools that are relevant to your industry that you can use to get
you ahead.

You will learn to break out of your comfort zone where you get to interact and
network with other participants.

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 45

You will meet high energy like-minded individuals that you can connect with them
and perhaps ask them if they have mastermind group (winning mind hack 19) that
you can join and contribute.

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:

1. What are the 3 conference and seminar that I need to attend that is relevant to
my industry?

2. What are the influencers and experts that I should learn to grow and improve

3. Who are the individuals that I can connect and network so that I can expand my

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 46

21. Ask God for help

Ask God for help is a winning mind hack that helps you to be thankful and grateful
on your journey of achieving your goals.

Ask God for help remind you that to be patient and know that God / higher power
is watching over you and bring you the opportunities in the days ahead.

Ask God for help remind you that to see the goodness in life that God / higher
power is giving you.

Ask God for help remind you to trust God / higher power when you have made a
mistake and know that you are forgiven.

Ask God for help is allowing you to connect to God / higher power and receive the
blessings to help you to achieve your goals.

Ask God for help is allowing you to connect to God / higher power and receive the
peace to know that the purpose for your life.

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 47

Winning Mind Hacks Exercises:
1. What are the areas of in your life that you can be thankful and grateful when
connecting to God / higher power?

2. What are the mistakes that you need to let go and share when connecting to
God / higher power?

3. Who are the goals that you like to achieve and share when connecting to God /
higher power?

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 48


Everyone can use the 21 winning mind hacks to reach their peak state, maximize
their true potential and be empowered to achieve anything they desire in life. If
there are any winning mind hacks that you like, please feel free to re-read the
chapters again. And you can use the exercises and take actions to apply what you
have learnt to your life daily.

I am excited that you have taken the first steps to complete reading this eBook and
it is important that we are always moving forward (winning mind hack 11);
learning and seeking out more knowledge to achieve your goals in life.

In the following pages, you will find additional resources that will help you in this
journey of learning and growing yourself to be a better self. Feel free to check
these resources and get them if you need specific help to help you reach your peak

Please share with me support@21WinningMindHacks.com if you have enjoyed

what you have read. I will love to hear from you how you have benefited from this
eBook. I look forward to connecting with you with regular inspiration tips through
my newsletter.

Lastly, thank you so much for reading my eBook. I hope you use this knowledge
wisely and wish the very best to you.

To Your Winning Success,

Alan Zhuang
Founder and Chief Motivation Officer,
www.facebook.com/21WinningMindHacks (Official Facebook Community)

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 49

Resources For Health

1. The Two Week Diet - how you can achieve weight loss in just 14 days, using safe
and fast fat burning methods

2. Unlock Your Hip Flexors - you can learn this practical and easy-to-follow
program today to instantly release your hip flexors for more strength, better health
and all day energy

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 50

3. Lean Belly Breakthrough - discover how this 2 minute ritual can help you to
remove 1 pounds of belly fat every 3 days

Resources For Abundance

1. Thought Elevators - take advantage of this secret system that uses a "Brain
Elevation" technique to help you achieve success on autopilot

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 51

2. Miracle Manifestation - learn everything you need to know the universal secret
of health, wealth, freedom, joy, and life-changing, non-stop abundance today

3. Secret Brain System - discover how you can get the astonishing life-changing
secrets of the Richest, Most Successful and Happiest People in the world

21 Winning Mind Hacks - 21winningmindhacks.com 52

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