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Internship Report


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

BBA (HONS) Marketing
Department of Management Sciences
Hazara University Mansehra


For my parents, who advised me at all the outset, all those

years ago, to always crave for learning. For my teachers who
helped me to accomplish that dream. For my friends, they were
always there whenever they needed for,


First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah, who has given me strength
and courage to complete the Internship (project). This report has been written on
Pakistan Telecommunication limited (PTCL), one of the largest telecom company in
Pakistan. PTCL is the most reliable and largest coverage services carrier providing all
telecommunication services to public of Pakistan. Whether it is the office or company
in largest city or a small home in a small village, PTCL is present in every corner of
Pakistan for serving its valued customers. Moreover PTCL has started its services in
Azad-Kashmir, the state of Pakistan.

My reports is focusing on sales and distribution channel of PTCL at Regional

Office Abbottabad (HTR). The aim of internship was to review that how marketing
Strategies acts over the sales and distribution channels of PTCL.

Further I would like to thank all the Staff of PTCL. On their behalf, I have
completed my internship with a lot of marketing skills and experiences. I am really
thankful for their cooperation which made me able to write my experiences.

 Mr. Iftikhar Khan (Regional Sales Manager HTR)

 Mr. Tamaz Khan (In-charge OSS Mansehra)
Last but not least I would like to thank my supervisor

 Mr. Asad shajhan

Who helped me and encouraged me to carry out my internship project. My
internship in sales was very helpful in gaining knowledge and experience based on
marketing strategies, functions policies to help me out in my job career. And I have
gained it.


Executive Summary

Internship report is very necessary part for completion of BBA Degree. My Internship
is done with Sales and Marketing department of PTCL-HTR. This internship report is
containing all the information regarding my experiences during my duty at PTCL.
Pakistan Telecommunication company limited PTCL is the single and most reliable and
largest coverage services carrier, which provide landline, Broadband, Smart TV, And
Evo Services all over the Pakistan. PTCL Regional office Abbottabad is controlling all
the Exchanges and franchises in Hazara region.

The Sales and marketing Department of PTCL is the most valuable Department of the
PTCL. Main purpose of report is to review the marketing strategies, system, and
procedures that have been adopted by PTCL. It is also the aim of report to analyze the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT ANALYSIS) of Sales and
Marketing department of PTCL. I have spent a good time in learning culture of PTCL
as well as the friendly working environment.

During my internship tenure, I have analyzed that there have been some problem being
faced in training department of Sales and Marketing. Training is the most powerful tool
as profitable investment that organization can make. Moreover training help in
optimizing of utilized marketing that can further help the employees to achieve their
individual goals as well as organizational goals respectively. I have provided some
suggestions and recommendations to training department for efficient training for

I strongly recommend that training department of PTCL should adopt the proper
evaluated system for evaluation of training process. In this way training must be
checked properly that will result in effective job performance of employees.

Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION TO REPORT............................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO REPORT ................................................................................ 1
1.2 BACKGROUNG OF STUDY .................................................................................... 1
1.3 INTERNSHIP OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................... 1
1.4 PURPOSE OF STUDY ............................................................................................... 1
1.5 SCOPE OF STUDY .................................................................................................... 2
1.6 METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH .......................................................................... 2
PRIMARY DATA ............................................................................................... 2
SECONDARY DATA ......................................................................................... 3
1.7 STUDY LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................. 3
1.8 SCHEME OF REPORT .............................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction To Organisation ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................ 5
2.2 BREIF HISTORY OF PTCL ...................................................................................... 5
Pakistan Post & Telegraph (P&T) ...................................................................... 6
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) ................................................ 6
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited ................................................. 7
2.3 PTCL’s VISION .......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 PTCL’s MISSION ....................................................................................................... 8
2.5 CORE VALUES ......................................................................................................... 9
2.6 CURRENT SITUTATION OF PTCL ........................................................................ 9
2.7 STRUCTURE OF PTCL............................................................................................. 9
2.8 MAIN OFFICES OF PTCL ...................................................................................... 12
2.9 PROFILE OF PTCL .................................................................................................. 12
Business & Corporate Users .............................................................................. 13
Other Business Specific Services....................................................................... 13
Nationwide Infrastructure .................................................................................. 13
National Long-haul Core Network .................................................................... 13

2.10 BOARD OF DIRECTORS........................................................................................ 14
2.11 CORPORATE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 15
2.12 SERVICES OF PTCL ............................................................................................... 16
SERVICES FOR CUSTOMERS ....................................................................... 17
SERVICES FOR THE CORPORATE CUSTOMERS ..................................... 17
2.13 AWARDS AND ACHEIVWMENTS ...................................................................... 18
Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................................. 19
SAlEs Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.1 ANALYSIS OF SALES ............................................................................................ 19
3.2 STRUCTURE OF SALES COMMITTEE ............................................................... 19
General Regional Manger .................................................................................. 19
Members ............................................................................................................ 19
3.3 ROLES OF SALES/MARKETING DEPARTMENT .............................................. 19
3.4 THE HIEARCHY OF SALES/MARKETING DEPARTMENT ............................. 20
3.5 ROLES ACCOMPLISHED BY SALES/MARKETING ......................................... 20
POLICY INITITAION ...................................................................................... 20
Recommendation ............................................................................................... 21
Offerings ............................................................................................................ 21
Manipulate ......................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Products of PTCL ...................................................................................................... 21
V-phone.............................................................................................................. 23
EVO Wireless Broadband .................................................................................. 23
Broadband Pakistan ........................................................................................... 23
IPTV carrier (Smart television): ........................................................................ 24
Pak net change: .................................................................................................. 25
3.7 Establishment OF OSS .............................................................................................. 25
3.8 Competitive Advantage ............................................................................................. 29
3.9 PROMOTIONS ......................................................................................................... 30
3.10 MEDIA ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.11 TELEVISION............................................................................................................ 30
3.12 INTERNET ............................................................................................................... 30
3.13 NEWSPAPER ........................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 ACTIVATION PROCESS ........................................................................................ 31
4.2 HLR DATA ............................................................................................................... 31

4.3 PTCL DATA LIST CONTAINS .............................................................................. 31
4.4 ON JOB TRAINING ................................................................................................. 32
4.5 REFRESHING COURSES ....................................................................................... 32
4.6 PROMOTIONAL TRAINING ................................................................................. 32
4.7 SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, AND WORKSHOPS ............................................ 33
4.8 MEMBERSHIPS ....................................................................................................... 34
INTERNATIONAL TELECOMUNION (ITU) ................................................ 34
ASIA SPECIFIC TELECOMMUNICATION (AST) ....................................... 34
4.9 MARKETING ADMIN ............................................................................................ 35
4.10 PROMOTION: .......................................................................................................... 35
4.11 RESOURCE DEPLOYMENT: ................................................................................. 35
4.12 ACCOUNTABILITY................................................................................................ 36
4.13 Customer Services of PTCL...................................................................................... 36
4.14 Corporate Services .................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................. 40
Swot Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 40
5.0 SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 40
5.1 STRENGHTS:........................................................................................................... 40
5.2 WEAKNESSES: ....................................................................................................... 41
5.3 OPPURTUNITIES: ................................................................................................... 42
5.4 THREATS ................................................................................................................. 42
Chapter 6 .................................................................................................................................. 44
Recommendations & Implementation Plan ............................................................................. 44
6.1 RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................... 44
6.2 Implementation plan for the tips: .............................................................................. 44
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 46

Chapter 1



It is important for an internee to submit report as per requirement of fulfillment of
Degree Program. Internship is necessary to let internee apply their knowledge and
skills in practices. Internship enhance the skills of the students. This report is written
on Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited. In this report I have shared my
personal experiences of my internship tenure.


Internship is necessary for a student, to go to other organizations and learn the
practices and compare these practices with their theories they have been taught in
colleges/ universities. This is a program of tenure 6 to 8 Weeks in which
university/college refer their student to different organizations and cooperation for
learning the culture of Organization, and skills that are necessary for later on job. And
to apply their studies in daily practices. At the end the student have to submit the
report regarding this Internship.


The motive of the internship is evaluating the SALES & MARKETING action and
plans, in corporate international/concerned organization and for evaluation of those
Trainees with the modern-day SALES AND MARKETING actions and plans. This
report is essential academic requirement for achieving Degree. To what extent the
Practices are different from theory. To realize how Pakistan Telecommunication
Company limited has worked. To improve the interpersonal, conversation and writing
abilities. To find out what troubles Trainees are going through if now not controlled


The purpose of internship to study the Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited
(PTCL) in marketing prospective and also to review the system and procedures that
Sales & Marketing Department of PTCL Adopted to make the organization prosper.
How the organization changed its structure with the passage of time. And what
strategies were used by the sales and marketing department of PTCL. The students
have to apply SWOT analysis on the organization to know the Internal Strength and
weakness of the organization whereas the opportunities and threat for the
organization. Moreover he can provide suggestion to the organization to avail
opportunities and awareness from threats.


Due to insufficient time I could not study all the aspects and department of PTCL, I
have studied the activities involved in Training aspects and sales and marketing
department of PTCL, its activities of sales and promotions. I have applied the SWOT
analysis on organization and provided some suggestion and recommendation to
organization that can remove the obstacle from growing PTCL. The analysis done by
me help the PTCL’s manager to judge the abilities. PTCL can uplifts itself through
my recommendations.


The two techniques are used for collection of data and writing the report. I have taken
the History if PTCL from its website and also the Guidelines and information were
provided to me by Senior Manager and Assistant Sale’s Manager for purpose of my
report writing.

Primary data has been collected by:

 Interviewing the Regional Sales Manager of Pakistan Telecommunication

Company Limited.
 Personal observation.

Existing records and files is called secondary Data. So I collected from:

 Employee Relation Manual of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

 Information from official website of Pakistan Telecommunication Company


There were two type of limitations for collection of data for this report. Most of the
data of PTCL is confidential, and it was difficult to get access to all the data regarding
staff etc. the other thing is insufficient time. The tenure of my internship was only 6
weeks I did not have sufficient enough time to study all aspects of Sales and
marketing Department, beside this the required regarding company and its sale
activities information is provided in this report.


The report is consisting of five chapters.

Chapter 1 is including introduction of report. Background of report, purpose of report,

scope, limitations and methodology of report. This chapter is focusing on related
studies that are containing detail for theme of necessary documentation of report.

Chapter 2 is focusing on literature review, brief history of Pakistan

Telecommunication Company limited. Mission, Vision, Core Values, information
about Board of directors are mentioned. Topic of The structure and services are also
mentioned in this report.

Chapter 3 is analyzing the sales and marketing Department. Moreover this chapter is
focusing sales activities of PTCL.

Chapter 4 is about international members corporation, subsides of PTCL, its

promotions and offering.

Chapter 5 is focusing on the SWOT analysis of PTCL, i-e strength, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. This has been done with my personal judgment and

Chapter 6 is about recommendation and suggestions for Organization for training

techniques. I have given some carrying out plan through which PTCL can get benefit
to improve training Procedures.

Chapter 2



As the technology changed the way of communication got more and more developed
than before. In early centuries the people use to communicate by sending message
through pigeons. It took more than weeks for getting back the response of receiver.
And sometime no response. The way of communication were not fast and not safe
enough. With the development of communication, the telecom sector also became
advance. This is not so far centuries passed, but these ways are developed in last 25
years. From the last two year the competition has so much increased that many of
countries have developed their own telecom sectors with the advance policies and
machinery. Private telecom sector is leading in this era. There is growth in this sector
to quality that local as well as foreigner are also investing in this sector for business
purpose they are getting high return.

The Sole Landline Service Provider of Pakistan is Pakistan Telecommunication

network, one of the largest telecom industry... it was established in 1990 with name
PTC Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation, by separating its identity from
Pakistan telephone and telegraph. As the PTCL was the government entity there were
deregulations in the departments and the department was in loss, while there was a big
competition in outside world. The population of Pakistan at that time was 16 crore,
and was fast growing population whereas the penetration of ICT into economy was
low. PTCL was the first landline provider in the land of Pakistan serving its customers
with maximum satisfaction. In 1994 PTC was transferred to Pakistan
Telecommunications Company limited. The brief introduction of PTCL is described
in this report.


As the Pakistan came into being India post and telegraph was transferred to Pakistan
Post and Telegraph. There were two duties performed by Indian post and telegraph,
the postal services and telegraphic services at the same time. On 14 august Pakistan

came into being for taking the initiative Indian post and Telegraph was the renamed as
Pakistan post and telegraph PP&T. It was the Base of PTCL. PP&T served its
consumers till 1962.


August 1947, Pakistan post and telegraph was performing all postal and
telecommunication services. 12346 telephone lines were the starting connection of
(P&T) whereas there were only seven offices all over the Pakistan. After the Pakistan
came into being, Pakistan Telecommunication Company established with postal and
telegraphic services. At that time, telephone system were manual. This system
continued until 1962. In 1962 Ayub Khan’s Government decided to divide Pakistan
post & Telegraph into separate divisions, Pakistan Post and, Pakistan telephone and
telegraph (PT&T). It was the first step taken in the direction of reformation of
telecommunication sector. In fact Pakistan Telegraph & Telephone was civil service
under the control of ministry. Decision making of this department was concentrated
with post of Director General, whereas General Managers and Chief Engineers were
Delegating Authorities and responsibilities. General Managers have to report Director
General Directly. This Centralized structure of PT&T was causing disorganization of
operations and long Deferment of Decision implementation.


The Era of 1990s, there were many changes that brought up in economy of
Pakistan. The government of Pakistan was perused in deregulation and liberalization
policies of production and services businesses. The key changes regarding this matter
were privatization and deregulation of government departments of Pakistan. The
major objective of government was to reduce the load from Government’s shoulder,
by minimization of bureaucratic effect and to develop the efficacy of these

A main innovation occurred in the history of telecommunication in Pakistan

by deregulation and privatization of T&T. PT&T was transformed to statuary
Corporation, Pakistan Telecommunication (PTC). The December 15th, 1990. The
legal identity of Pakistan Telegraph and telecommunication (PT&T) was transferred
to Pakistan Telecommunication Company (PTC), detached entity from government of
Pakistan. PTC was now a separated from Pakistan Post, the relationship with the
customers have been changed now PTC was dealing with only those customers who
have telegraphic communication matters. It was the great opportunity for PTC to
develop it technologies to serve its customers more efficiently. By this Way PTC
could get the maximum level of satisfaction from its customers.


In 1990 PTC took the possession from PT&T. the government of Pakistan introduced
the licensing for mobile companies, prepaid telephones in Pakistan these actions were
taken under Pakistan Telecommunication Act 1991.

In 1994, PTC was converted into Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited.

There were 6 million voucher that could be exchangeable into to 600 million shares.
The value for each share was Rs: 10/- per share. This exchange of shares was in two
separate placements. In 1996 there was monopoly of PTCL in all over the Pakistan on
telephonic Basis. At the Same year PTCL was listed in all the stock exchanges of
Pakistan. Ufone and Paknet as the Subsidiaries were launched by PTCL. Ufone was
working over the mobile network and Paknet was used to access the internet using
landline of PTCL. The cards were used for the internet accessing. With the passage of
time market share of Ufone got increased and Paknet was dissolve. Place of Paknet
has been taken by Broadband which is 10 times faster than Paknet.

Till the end of 2002 it was the right of PTCL to provide the basic services of telecom
all over the Pakistan. In 2003 Government of Pakistan announced the Deregulation
policy in which the competitor have got license to provide telecom services to People
of Pakistan. These licensees were issued by Pakistan telecommunication authority by
the announcement of Government of Pakistan. Now PTCL had to compete with other
telecom Networks. The economy of PTCL was going downward but still it was the
largest telecom network in Pakistan. Till now there is no competitor of PTCL in
Pakistan, There is S-COM service in Azad Kashmir Provided by Military of Pakistan
because of security Issues in Kashmir. But PTCL has Gain the Coverage in
Muzzaffarabad Region of Azad Kashmir. And soon it will cover the whole of
Kashmir region. The era from late 2006 and early 2007 was the Boom stage for
Mobile telecommunication networks. The many mobile companies launched in
Pakistan Starting with JAZZ, the other companies were Paktel which later on
converted to ZONG, Telenor and Warid. During this Era the Subsidiary of PTCL
(Ufone) stood in competition and gain 87% of the market from 8.4 to 14millions.

In 2006 the Pakistan telecommunication was completely privatized. The management

control was taken over by EIP. In short PTCL is having very important role in
telecommunication network starting From the PT&T, till to become PTCL. It has
served the nation at every step. It was the first priority of PTCL to provide the best
quality services to its customers. Till now the PTCL is serving Pakistan and
facilitating it customers with new technology and new advance services. Either they
are household, small offices, sole business or the large industry. PTCL is serving the
Whole Nation.


To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in
the region by achieving customers' satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value.


To achieve our vision by having:

 An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and

 An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious

 Services that are based on the most optimum technology
 "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service
 Sustained growth in earnings and profitability


 Professional Integrity
 Customer Satisfaction
 Teamwork


After the Brief introduction, mission vision of the corporation there comes the current
situation of PTCL. The major contribution in the running the administration of PTCL
is by Government. It is mainly controlled by the government because still the
government is having 62 percent share in PTCL ownership the other 26% share have
been sold to ETISALAT while other 12 % haven been occupied by different market’s


The structure is very important for the organization. It clarify the role of every
employee. The management and distribution of job responsibilities becomes easy to
flow in organization. If there is unbalance structure of organization it would be
difficult for employee to report their responsibilities to their seniors.

Head member of PTCL is named as President". Then SEVPs (Senior Executive Vice
Presidents) SEVP (advertising and marketing and business improvement), SEVP
(Finance) and, SEVP human resource. Then there's a series of Executive vice
president (EVPs) like

 EVP (advertising)
 EVP (finance)
 EVP (Operations)
 EVP (HR Central )
 EVP (IT)
 EVP (sales)

They are employed at the PTCL's Headquarters at G-8/4, Islamabad. Other than those
EVP, there also are EVP (HR and Operations) and they are Heads of different areas of
different regions. Then there are General Managers and Chief Engineers, Account
officers, Assistant Account officials, Finance Analysts, advertising and marketing
Managers, computer Programmers and IT experts, and so on.

Then there also are Regional Heads (General Managers) to head PTCL, regions. Then
there are:

 Senior Managers (Operations),

 Senior Engineers (Operations),
 Senior Manager (Finance).

The marketing department is answerable for the improvement of recent rules and
objectives to meet the clients and the short shifting change of Telecommunication
technology deliver drastic competition in the conversation generation.

Regional Accounts and Bills are carried out by accountants and submitted to account
officer of that region who further reports to Senior Managers of finance. Similarly the
Human resource and employees matters are handled by Human Resource manager
and further reported to senior Manger HR. the non-gusseted staff is consisting of
ESO, ESS, ESPP and Optical fiber senior supervisor

 Account Assistants
 Stenographers
 Assistants
 Key punch operator
 Telecommunication technicians
 higher division clerks
 lower department clerks
 Line man
 wire Man
 Drivers
 trade cleaners
 Naib qasids
 Peons

All the staffs are recruited with the aid of the HR department headed by means of


The headquarters (HQ) of Pakistan Telecommunication limited PTCL is sited at
Sector G-8/4, Islamabad, which is controlled with the aid of the “President”. Under
this Headquarter, Regional Offices of PTCL are;

 Islamabad Telecom Region

 Rawalpindi Telecom Region
 Hazara Telecom Region Abbottabad
 Northern Telecom Region Abbottabad
 Lahore Telecom Region (South)
 Lahore Telecom Region (North)
 Multan Telecom Region
 Faisalabad Telecom Region
 Southern Telecom Region -1 Hyderabad
 Southern Telecom Region -2 Karachi
 Southern Telecom Region —V Sukkar
 Western Telecom Region Quetta
 Switching Network Telecom Region Lahore.

These regions provide Telecommunications offerings to the clients in their respective

regions. other than those, PTCL has an Optical Fiber construction Region Lahore and
Optic Fiber system Islamabad, every headed by using a GM's to install, and take care
of optic fiber cables and its system operation.


PTCL has extended the boundaries of its services in different ways and by shifting its
yield to skies. New ideas and products are produced by PTCL for serving the
customers and their satisfaction. Millions of people are the customer of PTCL and
being served. The mission of PTCL is to provide it customer the Better Living

standard. PTCL will be the first choice of Pakistan’s telecommunication networks as
well as customers in future.


Primary focus of PTCL is providing Landline to its consumers so that they can get in
contact with others any time anywhere nationwide or internationally. Now a days
PTCL’s Target is to get availability of its good quality services to the maximum
number of consumers. Now PTCL has the value added options like

 Caller-identity,
 call-Forwarding,
 Call waiting,
 Call Barring.


Other enterprise particular offerings include: VPN- virtual Private Network, 0800-
Toll free Numbers variety, 0900-Preminum rate Services, digital cross connect
(DXX), Audio conference Services, Teleplus (ISDN/BRI), ISDN (policy), digital
phone Facilities/ modification prices, UAN, UIN.

Copper infrastructure of PTCL is the largest and unfold over each, city and villages of
country with over million mounted landlines. 6 million PSTN lines established
throughout Pakistan’s community with extra than three million working landlines.
Moreover across 414 towns and town of the Pakistan, mounted ability of broadband
has more than 1.6 million ports have been installed.


Over 10,400 km, it’s been completely laid off fiber optics spinal network by PTCL.
Over 840 towns and cities are connected with 270G bandwidth.

Mr. Rizwan Bashir Khan

Chairman PTCL Board

Mr. Abdulrahim Abdullah Abdulrahim Al Nooryan

Member PTCL Board

Dr. Waqar Masood Khan

Member PTCL Board

Mr.Hesham Abdulla Al Qassim

Member PTCL Board

Mr. Khalifa Al Shamsi

Member PTCL Board

Mr. Serkan Okandan

Member PTCL Board

Mr. Hatem Dowidar

Member PTCL Board

Sardar Ahmad Nawaz Sukhera

Member PTCL Board

Mr. Mudassar Hussain

Member PTCL Board


Walid Irshaid President and Chief Executive Officer

Muhammad Nehmatullah Toor SEVP (Finance) / Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Syed Mazhar Hussain SEVP (Admin & Procurement / Human Resource)

Sikandar naqwi SEVP (Corporate Development)

Naveed Saeed SEVP (Commercial)

Muhammad Nasrullah Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

Hamid Farooq SEVP (Business Development)

Furqan Habib Qureshi SEVP (Business Zone South)

Jamal Abdallah Salim Hussain Al Suwaidi SEVP (Business Zone Central)

Jamil Khwaja SEVP (Special Projects)

Ahsan Aziz Acting Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Farah Qamar Company Secretary

Zahida Awan Legal Affairs


Allied Bank Limited

Askari Bank Limited
Bank Alfalah Limited
Bank Al habib Limited
Citibank. N.A
Dubai Islamic Bank
Faysal Bank Limited
Habib Bank Limited
Habib metropolitan Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited
Meezan Bank Limited
National Bank of Pakistan
NIB Bank Limited
Silk bank Limited
Sme Bank Limited
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited
The Bank of Punjab United
Bank Limited Auditors
F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants
Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder, Chartered Accountants


Not only traditional phone facilities, optical fiber facilities are also provided by
Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited services to the Private As well as
government Sector of Pakistan. PTCL is providing these facilities to its customers
with wide range of varieties. Mainly PTCL services are separated for Household
customers and corporate customers. These services are:

 services for Consumers

 services for corporate Customers

These services are provided to public sector by PTCL. The people who are using
PTCL’s Services for household or small business activities. These services are

 New cellphone Connections,

 Value Added services,
 V-tone Connection,
 Evo Broadband,
 Smart TV,
 prepaid Calling cards,
 E- bill Payments,
 Digital Facilities, and
 Prepayment telephony services.


PTCL gives a host of supreme facilities to healthy the desires of company clients.

The listing of the corporate services is given as underneath:

 Universal Access Number,

 Voice Messaging Service,
 PTCL messaging Plus,
 Co- location Centers,
 Universal Internet Number, and
 Virtual Private Network.


Chapter 3



In Every organization the department of Sales & advertising and marketing
plays very important role. Implementation of strategies and rules that are referring to
the management of individuals within the organization are charged under department
of Sales & Marketing. with the organizations ongoing and future business plans and
requirements to maximize return on investment and secure future survival and
success, Sale and Marketing departments seeks to acquire this by using the supply of
skilled and certified employees and the competencies of the present day personnel,. A
facilitative relation is operated by the sales department of the PTCL with other
departments of PTCL.


Sales and marketing committee is also there at PTCL Regional office Abbottabad.
This makes policies for the Sales. The members of committee are


Mr. Arslan Haider. (GM-HTR)

Mr. Noor ud din Baqai
Mr. Abdulrahim Al Nooiyani
Mr. Valid Irshad (president & CEO)
Mr. Fadi Al Ansari
Mr Iftikhar ahmed Khan (regional Sales Manager)
Ismail Salih Talha (SEVP I-ER & A)


The main functions of branch are:

 assessment and endorse developments and upkeep the sales regulations for long
 effective research improvement application
 Suitable incentives and gain for the customers.
 excellent governance version in keeping with statutory necessities and fine
actions and plans


THE HIEARCHY of sales and marketing department is

 SEVP & Director

 EVP advertising
 EVP procurement
 EVP studies & DEV/O.D
 EVP income
 GM advertising and marketing
 Senior manager
 Assistant manager
 Non-management staff


The sales & marketing branch of the PTCL generally plays the following roles:

Policies are initiated by SEVP of sales and marketing Departments. Who makes the
policies for sales and promotion purposes? He define the daily targets to be achieved
by his Department. And report them to President. His work is also finding the
problems in department that are being faced by sales and marketing department. It is
the responsibility of SEVP to review the policies and communicate these policies with
staff under his supervision. If there is any problem occurring in department due to any
change in policy, then policy is discussed by subordinates to SEVP. And solution to
problem is identified.

Recommendation of the sales policies is another important function of sales and
marketing department. The key factor of sale is to involve people in decision making
as well as policy making. Advices are taken sometime from employees regarding
certain issues by sales and marketing department. These issues may be the execution
of policies. Although sometimes manager do not get involve in strategy making
process but they usually provide their own suggestions and recommendation to
strategy making committee on behalf of their own personal experience.
Administration and board of director can also get assistances from sales and
marketing department on any special problem faced by establishment. As it is
contribution of services to achieve the goal.

The main purpose of the Sale and marketing branch is providing the offerings and
taking carefulness of the clients of the company. The duties of making and completing
of the regulations done with aid of the sale and marketing branch. Sale and marketing
department analyze whether Implementation applications are prearranged and ordered
or not. Incentive applications stay set via the advertising branch.

The overall performance of manufacturing departments and rules, strategies and
actions and plans are monitored by the marketing & sales department. Additionally
the activities of the reviewing workforce that examines secretarial facts to establish
conformance with recommended standards are also controlled by the marketing &
sales department.


Primary intention of advertising approaches of PTCL Is attracting clients through
presenting low charge scale and announcing new packages every now and then. A
number of the applications that are introduced by PTCL are as:


 Freedom Unlimited Package

 Freedom Plus Package
 U Freedom Package
 PTCL Utalk Offer
 Smart Link
 Value Added Services (VAS)
 Vfone Tariffs
 Vfone Ring Back Tone Service
 Vfone Closure

Broadband Internet
 Laga taar Offer
 High Speed Broadband
 Broadband Packages
 Power Pack
 Broadband Static IP
 PTCL Videocon
 PTCL Smart Spot (Wi-Fi)
 USB Wi-Fi Adapter
 iSentry

Wireless Broadband
 CharJi EVO
 CharJi EVO LTE Tab
 Biometric Verification of Wireless Devices
 EVO Wingle 9.3
 EVO Nitro Cloud
 EVO Wireless Upgrade Offer
 EVO 3.1 Packages
 EVO PSTN Offer

Smart TV
 Smart TV
 Smart TV App

PTCL additionally remains the most important CDMA operator inside the country of
a with approximately 1.25 million V-fone clients. It gives fixed wireless phone to
your homes & commercial enterprise. With CDMA2000 1X technology, ours is the
biggest WLL network with a capability of 2.6M, making over 10,000 urban & rural
regions. The community is already enabled for Voice, Dialup-internet get entry to
(153.6kbps) and EVDO Broadband v-fone may be offered from our franchises or via
dialing 1236 and it will be brought inside forty eight-seventy two hours


PTCL's EVO 3G wireless Broadband is Pakistan’s fastest wireless net which gives its
customers – “advanced 3G internet experience”. Evo wireless Broadband is enabling
the wireless broadband revolution in Pakistan with flexibility to roam freely like in no
way earlier than. PTCL Evo has revolutionized the way people connect with the
internet by imparting real mobility. Evo is presently supplying its services in extra
than 56 cities on EV-DO generation offering accelerates to a few.1 Mbps. PTCL Evo
gives its clients the gain of national roaming with seamless net connectivity
throughout Pakistan. The coverage of Evo isn't restricted to 56 cities as Evo customers
can revel in CDMA-1X faces charges of as much as 153.6 Kbps at extra than one
thousand destinations throughout Pakistan.

The transportable, small & fashionable Evo USB tool is a multipurpose tool which no
longer most effective promises quickest wireless net however can also be used for
Voice Calls by means of putting a Vfone SIM and for statistics storage with the aid of
inserting a well-known Micro SD Card.

PTCL Broadband is the most important and the fastest developing Broadband carrier
in Pakistan. On the grounds that its release on nineteenth might also 2007, PTCL has
received approximately 410,855 Broadband customers in over 318 towns and towns
across Pakistan, leading the proliferation and awareness of Broadband offerings
throughout Pakistan.

With its entry in this marketplace phase, PTCL unfolded a broadband tradition in
Pakistan, in which until multiple years lower back there was little or no recognition
within the united states about broadband & excessive pace internet services. PTCL
made the broadband technology low-cost by means of reducing the boundaries to
entry, through geographically bringing the service within attain of a common
consumer across Pakistan and by means of continuous upgrades in customer care for
the carrier.

specific offers that makes PTCL’s Broadband unmatchable are unique programs for
the student segment, unfastened modem and installation, Availability of Wi-Fi
Modems, free dial up carrier for its Broadband customers and unfastened get right of
entry to films, track, classical Pakistani dramas, cricket suits, on line gaming,
academic and religious content on PTCL’s entertainment portal ‘BUZZ’, (the get right
of entry to PTCL Buzz & Gaming front room is special to PTCL Broadband
subscribers). PTCL additionally offers a couple of unfastened personalized e-mail
bills exclusively to its broadband customers. In addition, p.c. recently doubled its
broadband speed for all its present and new clients on the same fee, making 1 MB as
its minimal presented speed.

For a connection you simply dial 0800 8 0800 or visit


PTCL smart TV Using its kingdom of the artwork Broadband network, PTCL entered
the media region on 14th August 2008, by means of launching a virtual interactive
television service for the first time in Pakistan. Using the IPTV (internet Protocol
television) technology, p.c. brought Pakistan in the listing of a few nations throughout
the globe that offer this state of the art interactive television provider to its

Branded below ‘PTCL clever Line’, the provider consists of Interactive TV,
Broadband and voice telephony all on the equal time on PTCL’s telephone line.
Except supplying the very best digital high-quality TV image, the most innovative
section of this providing is the ability to ‘rewind’ and ‘pause’ stay TV channels thru
TSTV (Time Shift TV) feature, the capability to dam / unblock any TV channel for
parental lock and the ability to look thru video on call for content. Presently PTCL
smart TV offers its viewers a hundred twenty five live channels and over 500 movie
titles through its Video on demand service’. The provider is available in sixteen cities
inclusive of Karachi - Lahore - Islamabad - Rawalpindi - Gujranwala - Faisalabad -
Peshawar - Sialkot - Multan - Sargodha - Jhelum - Wah Cantt - Taxila - Hyderabad –
Abbottabad and Sukkur but it is deliberate to be elevated to all of the primary cities
and cities across Pakistan during the year 2010.


It’s far the only IP enabled community with 40 (variety growth) point-of-presences
(POP) in 26 cities. The present 16G lively bandwidth is used for net, statistics, video
and video-conferencing services and for voice of LDI. All PTCL Broadband users,
narrow band users, corporates, mobile operators, and ISP are related to this network.


OSS stands for One Stop shop. OSS have been established by the PTCL for the
providing better services to its customer. These OSS work under the supervision of
regional Telecom offices. Monthly target is given to OSS that has to be achieved. More
than 73 OSS have been established different regions of Pakistan. I have taken the list
of OSS from Regional Sale & Marketing Department Abbottabad and they are listed

Zone City OSS/CSC Name

Islamabad OSS F-5


Islamabad OSS F-7

Islamabad OSS F-11

Islamabad OSS F-8

Islamabad OSS I-10

Islamabad OSS G-10

Islamabad OSS G-7

Rawalpindi OSS Cantt Rwp

Rawalpindi OSS Chaklala

Rawalpindi OSS Satellite Town

Rawalpindi OSS IJP west ridge RWP.

Attock OSS Attock

Jehlum OSS Jehlum

Chakwal OSS Chakwal

Wah/Taxila OSS Wah/Taxila

OSS Itwaar Bazaar Hayatabad,

Peshawar Peshawar.

Peshawar Khyber Bazaar OSS Peshawar City

Peshawar OSS University Road, Peshawar.

Peshawar OSS Cantt Peshawar

Mardan OSS Mardan

D.I Khan OSS DIK city

Bannu OSS Bannu

Abbottabad OSS Abbottabad

Haripur OSS Haripur

Mansehra OSS Mansehra

Sahiwal OSS Sahiwal

Sheikhpura OSS Sheikhpura


Kasur OSS Kasur

Lahore OSS Barket Market

Lahore OSS CTH

Lahore OSS DHA

Lahore OSS Gulshan Ravi

Lahore OSS Faisal Town

Faisalabad OSS CTH Faisalabad

Faisalabad OSS Peoples Colony

Faisalabad OSS Samanabad

Faisalabad OSS Sargoda Road Faisalabad

Faisalabad OSS Ghulam Muammadabad

Jhang OSS Jhang

Sargodha OSS Iqbal Town Sargoda

Sargodha OSS Iqbal Colony Sargoda

Multan OSS CTH

Bahawalpur OSS Model Town Bahwalpur

D.G Khan OSS DG Khan

Rahim Yar
Khan OSS Rehim Yar Khan

Sadiqabad OSS Sadiqabad

Burewala OSS Burewala

Khanewal OSS Khenewal

Gujranwala OSS Trust plaza

Sialkot OSS Sialkot

Gujarat OSS Gujarat






Karachi OSS MRD


Karachi OSS KAP




Hyderabad OSS CTO Compound

Hyderabad OSS Qasimabad

Hyderabad OSS Latifabad

Hyderabad OSS Market

Hyderabad OSS Kotri

Hyderabad OSS MPK

Quetta OSS CTO (Flag Ship)

Quetta OSS Jaffar Khan Jamali

Quetta OSS Cantt

Sukkur OSS Sukkur

Sukkur OSS Nawab Shah

Sukkur OSS Larkana


The nationwide accomplishes arrangement and Human Resource of PTCL are
gifts for the period for PTCL. PTCL has been enjoying monopoly all the time in its
historical era. It has been speeded in all aver the country even from the smallest town
to the largest city. To overcome opposing PTCL, you have to undertake proactive
method. Competitive method varies from branch to branch. PTCL is the leader of
marketplace of Pakistan. It offers fundamental services to all other cellular corporations
however oblique opposition is there with cellular businesses-wire much lass’s
(manufactured from PTCL) the only competitor of PTCL is WORLD-CALL who
begins with make known to cross-CDMA cord much less. WORLD CALL is launching
its wireless and landline services in competition of PTCL but hopefully they cannot
gain the success like PTCL have done.

Now PTCL is opposing with very difficult opposition within the telecom globe as the
monopoly of PTCL came to end in year 2002. The companies opposing PTCL are
 Cellular Companies
 Internet provider carriers
 Pay Card phone organizations
 E-mail service carriers

PTCL is promoting its products through different offers. This is done by merging
different offers in a bundle. Offering products at low prices, free devices with bundles,
after sale services and helplines

3.10 MEDIA
PTCL is Using Social media for its Advertising purposes, there are ads available on
social media about the PTCL services and products.

Different channels on Television are showing commercials of PTCL. Recently LAGA
TAAR offer is advertised in which there consumer can get SMART TV, landline
connection and Broadband in only one cable at very economic charges.

PTCL has its own website through which it is offering different packages of broadband,
EVO, Vfone, landline, to order online. Beside this consumer can register complaints
for their issues and much more.

PTCL is using Paper media as source to serve its consumer, and selling different
products by advertising in newspaper. Recently EVO biometric verifications were
advertised in newspapers



WLL is wireless local Loop. This system of WLL is quite simple. In this system a signal
is sent to MSC mobile switching center upon picking up the headset of telephone. IMSI
(international mobile Subscriber identity) A Key (Authentication Key), ESNEX (digital
Serial variety in Hexane) and MDN (Mobile directory numbers) of the set is checked
out by MSC after which the request is forwarded to WIN (wireless intelligent Network).
Two operations are performed by WIN i.e. it confirms if consumer had paid bill, then
WIN send beep to headset for dialing number, the beep is heard by Consumer and he
or she can dial the number.


Home location Register is the HLR. Whenever there is demand for new wireless phone
set, HLR deals with information regarding the matter. Dealer or Franchise record the
demand order. This recorded demand order is sent to S&D department through e-mail.
It is confirmed by Activation cell

IMSI: international Mobile Subscriber identity.

A Key: Authentication Key.

MDN: mobile directory Number.

On behalf of these information’s HLR maintains the data about configuration of set.
When the set is dent to demanded location the all information is sent to PTCL HLR


The PTCL incorporates facts about Region are listed in PTCL data List. These facts are
encoded with BTS Base Transmission System, IMSI (international mobile Subscriber
identity), MDN Mobile Directory numbers EN, and A Key. In their nature these
abbreviations are combinations alphabets, numbers and mixtures of each. For example:

Region: Alphabetic in nature.

MDN: Numeric in nature

BTS: Base Transmission system (Alphabetic and Numeric in nature)

IMSI: Numeric in nature

A Key: Numeric.

ESN: Stands for (digital Serial Numbers) Alphabetic and Numeric.


The integral factor for making policies for sales and marketing department of PTCL is
job training. By this way, PTCL training is provided to every employee time to time at
telecom Staff College located in two different regions. These training help them in
improving their skills knowledge and abilities to serve their company in future.
Whenever department find deficiency they sent its employee to telecom staff college
for training.


Potential abilities and performance of Employee can be grown by study of refreshing
courses. ICT or telecom Staff College conduct these courses for PTCL employees.
These courses are offered to specially managers and technical staff. Time to time these
courses are offered when necessary. Mostly regional training school conduct these
courses and some time they are conducted by telecom Staff College. Working plans
work force diversity as well as chances of promotion are increased by studying these
refreshing courses.


The new employees of PTCL are sent to two main locations where they get train for
their jobs and duties. Whereas the current customer who are already been working with
PTCL can get the opportunity of promotion after studying the promotion courses. These
courses are also helpful in personal growth of an employee.

These courses are offered at

 Telecommunication staff college Lahore Cantt.

Training facilities are provided to employees of PTCL at regional level by regional staff
schools with in every 3 to 6 months. These courses help employees to get promotion in
their career based on regional level. These courses are offered at

 R.T.T.S Lahore
 R.T.T.S Multan
 R.T.T.S Faisalabad
 R.T.T.S Karachi
 R.T.T.S Islamabad and so forth

Training department also takes exams from employee for their promotion by assigning
them monthly target and there are also the other exams arranged by appearing in those
exams technical and engineer staff can appear and get promotions. These exams are
contain following courses

 Communications skills,
 leadership Qualities,
 Recourse management,
 innovative trouble solving,
 Rational choice making,
 Business development, and
 Career training.


Conferences and seminars are conducted by PTCL’s Training Department in order to
know the competition and challenges that an employee will have to be faced in outside
world. There are two major parts involved in training.

 Local training, and

 Foreign training.

These conferences and seminar are conducted for top management and managerial level
employees of Pakistan by local training. And those seminar and conferences that are
conducted outside the Pakistan are done by the foreign training.

Asia Pacific Telecom and international telecom union have given the membership to
Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited. These memberships are also dealt by
training department of PTCL.


Communication technology matters and their information’s is regulated by
international telecom union. Worldwide exhibitions are organized by ITU forum for
bringing government’s representatives and telecom together. The ITU is on the go to
regions with broadband, brand new Wifi technology, radio astronomy, aerospace and
marine navigation satellite TV for pc-based weathercasting, conjunction in fixed-cell
cellphone, net get admission to, records, voice, and broadcasts of television, etc.

ITU is primarily established in Switzerland, Geneva and its club contains 191
Memberships, and greater than seven hundred quarter memberships and pals the ITU's
job is for enabling evolution and continuous improvement of information and
information links, and assisting usual get right of entry to the emerging facts the social
order and international economies. There are ITU contributions in activating the
monetary, technical, and human resources that are essential for improvement. The
membership of ITU is an honor for PTCL.


One of Government organizations that are super head of innovation and development
programs with the cooperation of telecom service provider is AST. Manufacturing of
communication tools and research as well as development programs are organized by
ASP in the field of information technology. . There are 34 members of ASP,
111affilliate members and 4 associate members Member countries of Asia are being
served by ASP. The purpose of ASP is taking the local training for matching the
member’s views. Common proposals are also developed by ASP and submitted to ITU-
WRCC (world Radio communication conference). There are 34 members of ASP,
111affilliate members and 4 associate members. Significant contribution have been
made by ASP to ICT sector especially in Asia pacific region. One of members of ASP
is PTCL.

Under the umbrella of Marketing Admin, the management and direction of two major
tool is indicated.

The Hand with sword is more valuable than an empty hand, so the first priority is to be
make the necessary steps for development to reach the optimum level for running
PTCL’s machinery.
To fulfil the requirement of new Era, sales and marketing department of PTCL is struggling
and competing the Goals.

With the collaboration of HR department, sales and marketing department motivate
employees to work efficiently through training. This is done by evaluating the annual
tool by the marketing department. Telecom College Staff arrange the exams for
marketing employee to pass those exams and get promotion. If the employees pass the
exam they are promoted.

Authority of promotion of employees is also given to SEVP of marketing and HR

authorities on behalf of recommendations and concern general manager. Following
steps can made these promotion:

 target achievements
 Performance
 Seniority
 Medical fitness
 Disciplinary case


The authority for allocation of machinery of telecom in accordance with locality is
provided to General Manager of Marketing for that region, so that consumers can be
served according to their need. By doing this manager can utilize the resources
effectively and efficiently. And resource development is also in hands of Regional
general manager.

At Every Level of work, the sales and marketing branch of PTCL believes THE
checking & balancing. The latest assessment standards especially created totally for
fulfillment of goals that have been plan by the Top management. After that customer
gives feedback after using the services.


These are the centers which might be available on land line telephones.

Call transfer

Unwanted Call can be transferred any other number, or important calls that a consumer
don’t want to miss can transfer to his/her wanted number or destination.

Code Barring

For saving from any type of miss use, code baring can be set by consumer. The phone
gets locked and can only be unlock by the authorized consumer.


Hot lines can be saved in phone for the frequent dialers. When the dialer picks up the
handset of phone, after delay of 5 to 10 sec a number has dialed that has been stored by

Abbreviated Dialing

10 different number can be saved by the choice of consumer, by pressing any single
digit the desired number is dialed by phone for the ease of consumer.

Don’t Disturb

The don’t disturb stops all the incoming calls, consumer set the time for it in phone it
can be sleeping time or any how the call is transferred to voice mail. And customer is
not disturbed with rings during that time.

Absent Customer

When the customer is not available for call receiving, the message is received to caller
for non-availability of receiver. The call is then transferred to voice mail and caller can
record his/her message and consumer can listen it later.

Wake up

Continuously rings that are not responded by customer are reminded by as the waking
up facilities.


CLI stands for Caller line identification. With the help of CLI consumer can check the
incoming calls before receiving the call, the number is shown on screen and can be
noted by Consumer.


Voice mail services are the customer care services through which PTCL provide after
sale services to their Consumer.

PTCL 1217 Directories

PTCL 1218 Complaints

PTCL subscribers list (data phone variety with addresses)

PTCL phone complain service

PTCL Broadband Service

PTCL is offering the variety of internet packages which make consumer to get
connected with outside world


PTCL is struggling for facilitating its clients on every step of their journey. Corporate
customers are offered the unmatched services by the PTCL these services are.

Toll free-800
There is a toll free service starting with 800. A provider for corporate customers for
organizing domestic and global name centers. This provider is available to company
customers and call centers for their customer’s comfort.

Premium rate service -0900

A service for corporate customers they market it their numbers for which a superior
name price charged. Specifically utilized by clients undertaking live communicate
indicates and are collecting clients remarks. 0900 numbers are used at some point of
the world to provide records through phone at a top class charge higher than ordinary
name expenses. Five greater operators signed agreements with PTCL within the year
2003-2004 bringing the general to 13.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A company provider for the business customers that have set-ups in any towns. For the
companies’ ease the VPN is provided to different offices of companies that are located
on different locations these offices are interconnected through VPN. It is smart Network
in carrier through which network resources can be used on PTCL line without any

Audio Conference Service

PTCL’s corporate consumer can have another service for audio conferencing. There
can different caller be connected at same time. This is done for Meetings purposes.

Universal Access Numbers (UAN)

UAN is provided to those companies that are involved in marketing Services. It

includes 6 digits in which there are 3 digits code of 111, not unusual to all UANs

For example: 051-111-532-532 (KFC)

UAN is simpler for consumer to touch you by way of dialing an easy range. Its brief
and easy get entry to make queries and complaints increases client delight

Universal Internet Number (UIN)

UIN is a number that start with 131.this number is used for internet accessing purposes.
The duration does not matter in this call only charges of one call are deducted. And
consumer can enjoy the internet access without any hesitation.

PTCL Enterprise DSL

The term "DSL" stands for Digital subscriber line it is a way for transmission of signals
faster than UIN, it is consisting of Modem and LAN cable that is connected to
Computer. And its speed is 1000 times greater than UIN. Mostly the speed provided to
households and small business is up to 8 MB. On the other hand it is exceeded from 56
MB to 100 MBs.

Chapter 5



SWOT stands for Strength weakness opportunities and threats, this is done in external
as well as internal environment of the organization to find opportunities and threats that
are occurring from external environment and the strength to face these threats and avail
the opportunities and analysis of weaknesses on which threats can harm the
organization growth the other two components are internal. SWOT Analysis is
necessary due to the fact enterprise can understand approximately its weaknesses and
attempt to conquer the weak spot with a view to get achievement. During the internship
tenure threats and opportunities have found by me moreover the strengths to avail these
opportunities and go off our weaknesses can help in the nourishment of PTCL.

My SWOT Analysis for PTCL’s Sales and Marketing department is as under.

The most important strengths of PTCL’s sale and marketing Department are as under:

I. The Name Sales and Marketing is very attractive, people love to work
with charm in this department. They enjoy for their achieving their daily
target. The sales and promotions of PTCL are interesting and people
love to take it and representing the offers to customer by marketer are
“icing on Cake”.
II. Sales and marketing department of PTCL is well established. Sale
manager is authorized to select his/her team. This team is Knows as FSA
Field sales Agent team, this team is selected by the sales manager. So he
can select the best candidate for achieving the daily as well as monthly
III. PTCL is the member of Global telecom group, i.e. ITU and AST. The
employees of sales and marketing department can attend the workshops
and seminars about training that are conducted by these Global telecom
groups. And these training seminars and workshops are very useful for
IV. All the other department of PTCL are facilitating the employees of Sales
and marketing Department in an amazing way through giving them job
security and commission which is not delivered by any different
V. HR Department selects the experienced staff for sales and marketing
department so that they are depending on the sales and Marketing
Department. .
VI. Due to established policies of HR dept., there is the proper system of
recruitment as well as training of Trainees...
VII. Salary Packages are good enough for the employees of sales and
marketing Department, moreover daily Allowances D.A and transports
allowance T.A is also given. On achieving the target they are given
bonuses in shape of Visits to other countries, or cash.
VIII. No one from other department interfere in activities that are being done
in sale and marketing department. Because it is pre-defined by sales and
marketing department that how will they achieve their target.
IX. Employees of PTCL are also benefited with grants for their marriages,
and making future of their children. This grant have not seen in any other
business on any organization.

The foremost weaknesses are:

I. The appraisal form are not filled by the other employees or junior staff,
it is only filled by senior managers the only advantage is given to senior
managers. The other employees are bereft from this advantage.
II. Training is the necessary for every worker, however Mostly engineer get
more chance for training compared to other employees. There is no
equality for distribution of training programs.
III. After the training the employees are free. There is no proper assessment
and procedures.
IV. It take more than month for the recruitment of single candidate, it is
because of lengthy process of recruitment

V. The lower management is not involved in policy making process. This
is only done by board of director with the coloration of Top Management
VI. Most of the employees are not promoted due to improper promotion
VII. There is still the government culture inside the PTCL, because of
negative attitude of some employees toward the change factor.

I. The literacy rate has been increases, most of the students are going in
abroad countries for business studies, and it is an opportunity for PTCL to
recruit a bigger pool of educated focal.
II. The technologies have been emerged. There is up gradation in land lines,
broadband VPN. And Smart TV has also launched. PTCL can hire the
more skilled recruits, and also upgrade its current staff through training.
III. Because of union with the ETISALAT Company, the HR department of
PTCL can be provided to show its current customers insight and new
technologies to customers that has been provided by ETISALAT.
IV. PCTL has more chance to recruit the more Educated and Skilled
Candidates because there are hindered of universities that are offering
different engineering and management courses to their students.
V. New technologies are introduced every day. There are new invention and
innovations that comes daily. It can help the OD to brings these
innovations and inventions as well as new technologies in PTCL to raise
the Structure and policies HR

I. The competition around the globe has been raised. The other
telecommunication companies like ZONG WARID TELENOR are
hiring more skillful and educated staff with Best salary packages, it is
threat for PTCL because employees can shift up in those organizations.
II. Due to terrorism in Pakistan the economy has burn down, Business have
been Effected Badly due to terrorism. PTCL has also effected

III. Due to political crisis in Pakistan, the HR policies can be delayed by
TOP Management.
IV. Government structure Of PTCL
V. Favoritism through politicians.

Chapter 6


Sales and Marketing Department of PTCL is performing its functions according to
polices that have been made by Top Management and is well established. The
infrastructure of PTCL is very Huge and having wide spread geographically throughout
the Pakistan. I have found some problems in sales and marketing department during my
internship tenure, and to remove these hurdles I have some recommendations

After every session of training program there should be exam conducted by the sales
and marketing department or there should be Feedback. Feedback is necessary for
employees for their knowledge about their progress, and additionally assessment is vital
to the employee's self-assurance too.

I. There should be more than two training collages for the training of employees. At
least every region should be having one Telecom college for the training of
II. Refreshing course should be having a proper scheduled and should be given to all
employees equally. Employees should get trained through these refreshing programs
twice a year or once at least.
III. Both upper and lower management should be participating in seminars and workshop
for better learning and share their opinions and suggestion at the end of activity.


I. The feedback forms are only filled by the senior management for the
evaluation of department’s developments because they are trained enough. But
these forms should also been given to employees to know their feedbacks and
suggestions. And then these forms should be submitted to top management.
This questionnaire should contain the following questions

a. How the seminar/workshop was and what did you learn?

b. Did You Enjoyed Training?
c. To what extent this training was helpful in achieving your objective?
d. How was your experience about instructor?
The senior manager should collect these filled form from trainees and submit them to
top management, later on these feedbacks should be discussed in meetings if the
feedbacks are showing the positivity, it should be considered well if the response is
negative the following steps should be taken.

a) The training session was not good enough or there was deficiency in
training. The training methods should be changed.
b) the training programs should be reviewed and find the obstacles, and
what was the learning of trainee
c) The obstacles in the training session should be removed. There should
be more clear and precise effective method of training.
There is also another way of assessment from trainee by interviewing in which different
questions should be asked from trainee regarding the training session, their learning and
their expectation for contribution of this session in their career. This should be done by
senior manager.

II. The new Colleges should be established all over the Pakistan for the training
of employees for saving the time, efforts and funding. The two colleges are
not enough for Entire PTCL’s Employees there should be one college in every
region of PTCL. The funds for these colleges should be collected from top
management. By this way every worker of PTCL will be highly skillful.
III. There should be proper schedule for refreshing course for learning of new
technologies for employees by the top level management. There should be
policy defining the proper timing for starting and ending session of these
courses. .









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