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Academic Year 2008/2009


ADMISSIONS TEL: 01428 603052 FAX: 01428 603028
E-mail: Website:

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
Contents subject to change 1
We provide:

ƒ Continuity and progression from 6 weeks to 18 years

ƒ An education that results in confident, independent, adventurous girls whose qualifications enable them
to excel

ƒ Opportunities for girls to value their own gifts and those of others through a vibrant community and
extra-curricular programme



Mrs Amanda Haddon-Cave, LLB Current Parent, Barrister
Deputy Chairman:
Vice Admiral Sir John Dunt, KCB, BSc (Hons), C Eng, FIEE Former Parent, Member of the Admiralty
Board, Fourth Sea Lord and Chief of Fleet
Mr Peter Allchurch, RIBA Dip Arch (Hons) Former Parent, retired Architect
Miss Joanne Benjamin, BA (Hons) Theatre Producer
Mr Christopher Chapman, FCIB Former Parent, retired Banker, Civil Servant
and Lay Member of the Judiciary
Mrs Heather Clarke, National Froebel Foundation* Retired Headmistress and member of the
Independent Schools’ Inspectorate
Mr Hamish Donaldson, DL, MA (Cantab) Former Parent, current Grandparent, retired
Mr Ian Greenep, JP MR PHARM S, FRSH Current Parent, Pharmacist, Magistrate
Mr Richard Malthouse, BA (Hons) ACIS Former Parent, Company Secretary
Mr Justin Manley-Cooper Current Parent, Stockbroker
Mr Christopher Sprague, MA (Oxon) Solicitor
Mrs Sue Stephenson, Dip Communications Studies, BA (Hons) Former Parent, Public Relations Consultant
Mrs Alison Titchmarsh* Former Parent, Performing Arts Specialist


Mrs Lynne Taylor-Gooby, B.Ed*, MA Headmistress

Mr Anthony Day Bursar
Mrs Karen Owen, B.Ed (Hons)* Deputy Headmistress
Mrs Amelia Rood, MA (Cantab)*, PG Cert. (Ed. Mgmt.) Director of Studies
Mrs Susan Lines, BA (Hons)* Head of Boarding
Miss Kit Bithrey-George, BA (Hons), MA, PGDipM, MCIM Director of Marketing & Development


Mrs Jo Smith Secretary

Mrs Vanessa Stewart Secretary


Mrs Susan Lines, BA (Hons)* Head of Boarding

Miss Donna Balsdon
Ms Barbara Hatch, BA (Hons)*, MA (Ed.)
Miss Karen Johnson
Miss Elizabeth Plane, BA (Hons)*
Mrs Louise Tarry

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
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Mr Anthony Day Bursar

Mrs Judy Barrett Accounts
Mrs Karen Rowden Accounts


Miss Kit Bithrey-George, BA (Hons), MA, PGDipM, MCIM Director of Marketing & Development
Mrs Holly Hirst, MA (Oxon) Admissions Co-ordinator


Mrs Roz Pereira, SRN Dip MS School Sister



Miss P Alexander, BSc (Hons)* Class Teacher
Mrs L Craig Daycare Assistant
Miss J De la Force, B. Ed (Hons)* Head of Year 6/Senior Teacher Science
Mrs T Dean Assistant Teacher Early Years
Mrs S Heighington, B.Ed (Hons)* Class Teacher Mathematics/RE
Mrs S Hemans, B.Soc.Sc.* Senior Teacher SEN/Assessment/ICT
Mr J Mannings, BA (Hons)*, Fellowship Dip. (FTCL) Head of Music Music
Mrs H Marston, ARAD, AISTD, Dip. RBS TTC Ballet Teacher Ballet
Mrs J Mathé, RSA Dip.Sp.LD Learning Support Teacher Learning Support/SEN/ Study
Mrs S McKim, BA (Hons)* Class Teacher Early Years Co-ordinator
Mrs A Ram, PGCSE Mod Langs* Teacher of French French
Mrs M Senior, B.Ed (Hons)* Class Teacher English
Mrs J Sisnett* Class Teacher Art
Miss C Titchmarsh, BA (Hons) Assistant Teacher Early Years
Mrs A Vaus, NVQ3 (Childcare & Education), Dip. Daycare Manager Daycare
Montessori (Early Years)
Miss G Vickers, BA (Hons)* Head of PE/Class Teacher PE

Miss K Causton Teaching Assistant

Miss K Johnson Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Newman Lunchtime Supervisor

* Indicates a Certificate of Education, a Post Graduate Certificate of Education, a Post Graduate Certificate of Science
Education or Qualified Teacher Status

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
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Daycare is available for children aged 6 weeks – 2½ years, from 08.00 – 18.00 each weekday, providing a
caring, homely and secure environment for young children. Daycare is available for 50 weeks of the year and
our specialist Daycare Manager ensures that those in her care learn, play and develop into confident and secure
young children.

The School’s affirmative ethos permeates the Daycare department. By providing a secure and supportive
environment in which children are encouraged to embrace new experiences, interact with others and explore the
world around them, we enable those in our care to thrive.

A framework is in place which focuses on growth, learning, development and the environment. Each child
follows a bespoke routine designed to aid personal growth, focusing on four key areas:

ƒ The Strong Child ƒ The Competent Learner

ƒ The Skilful Communicator ƒ The Healthy Child

The Daycare Manager, Mrs Amanda Vaus, is pleased to provide prospective parents with additional information
as required.


Children from 2½ – 6 years are taught in differentiated groups within the Early Years department. They
progress from Wrens, through Robins to Prep 1; the flexible structure of the department allows pupils to work at
a pace appropriate to their abilities. The fluidity offered by the Early Years department ensures that a child can
begin more advanced work when he/she is ready to do so. A more numerate child may leave the Wrens group
to work with the children in Robins for numeracy sessions, for example.

The Early Years department is managed by Mrs Sue McKim. She is supported by a Nursery specialist and an
Assistant Teacher. The timing of progression to Robins depends upon individual learning readiness.

Wrens may attend morning sessions from 08.30 – 12.00, lunch from 12.00 – 13.00 and afternoon sessions from
13.00 – 15.30. Robins and Prep 1 children attend school from 08.30 – 15.30. Pre-School and After-School care
is available by arrangement.

Sessions in Wrens, Robins and Prep 1 are designed to achieve the Desirable Learning Outcomes (as outlined by
the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) in the following areas of learning …

ƒ Personal, Social and Emotional Development ƒ Physical Development

ƒ Language and Literacy ƒ Creative Development
ƒ Mathematics ƒ Knowledge and Understanding of the World

In addition, children in the Early Years department receive specialist teaching in Ballet, French, Music and PE.
Robins and Prep 1 children also attend swimming lessons. Department trips and off-site visits are organised on
a regular basis. Sample timetables are available upon request.

A sensitive, firm and positive approach is used when dealing with any inappropriate behaviour in Daycare,
Wrens, Robins and Prep 1. A young child sometimes takes time to learn what is acceptable in a new situation.
Your child will be given clear boundaries and frequent praise. A daily diary helps to ensure that parents are
informed of the day's events. The whole School policy on regular contact with parents ensures that any
problems are discussed promptly. We foster every child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development.


The Early Years department delights in the individuality of each child and aims to provide equal opportunities at
all times. The children are taught to treat everyone with care, politeness and respect. They are also encouraged
to express their feelings in an appropriate way.


Children are invited to take part in one or two familiarisation sessions to ensure that they are happy in the
Daycare or Early Years departments.
Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
Contents subject to change 4

The Junior School curriculum is designed to enable pupils to reach their full academic potential. It extends girls
beyond National Curriculum requirements and comprises Art, Design Technology, Drama, English, French,
Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Music, PE, PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Religious
Education and Science.

The curriculum is planned in three stages based on key learning objectives and carefully differentiated tasks:

ƒ long term overview for the year

ƒ medium term objectives for each school term
ƒ short term individual lesson structures

Pupils’ progress is assessed throughout the academic year, using standardised tests (including NFER) and
carefully levelled pieces of class work (based upon the standard National Curriculum framework).

The School has a Christian ethos whilst the Religious Studies curriculum incorporates the need for our pupils to
understand the fundamental beliefs of the main World religions. We make regular use of our Chapel, situated in
the School grounds.

Most areas of the curriculum are taught by class teachers but all girls - from Prep 1 to Prep 6 - receive specialist
teaching in French, Music, PE and Swimming. The PE curriculum includes Educational Dance, Gymnastics,
Lacrosse and Netball in the winter; Athletics, Rounders and Tennis in the summer. Swimming lessons take place
at The Herons Leisure Centre in Haslemere.

There is an IT suite, a dedicated Music Room and various practice/teaching rooms.

Ballet is taught as part of the curriculum in Wrens, Robins, Prep 1 and Prep 2. It is available on an extra-
curricular basis for girls in Prep 3 - Prep 6.


In addition to ballet tuition, the programme of extra-curricular activities includes Drama and Music. Specialist
peripatetic teachers are available to lead pupils through the LAMDA and Associated Board examinations as
required. These lessons fall outside the standard School curriculum and parents are billed separately. Other
extra-curricular opportunities are co-ordinated through our Sundowners Club (see page 6).

Girls take part in regular out-of-School visits. In addition, Prep 6 take part in a residential trip during the
Summer Term.


The School acknowledges that the special needs of girls can be very varied and may include gifted and dyslexic
girls and girls with special talents in, for example, the Arts and Sport. We are able to assist children who have
varying learning styles. At additional cost, a specialist teacher is available to provide individual tuition and to
support the work done by class teachers.


We are able to offer full, weekly and flexi-boarding, providing 24-hour care on an occasional or regular basis.
Junior boarders live in Stoatley Boarding House at the Senior School site in Haslemere. Boarders take part in
both the Junior School extra-curricular programme and the Boarding House activities programme. They have
their own common room and live in a small ‘family-style’ group. A School minibus transports the girls between
the sites.

Full and weekly boarding is available at a cost of £2,624.00 per term. Flexi-boarding is available at a cost of
£38.25 per night. These costs are inclusive of prep supervision, evening meal, breakfast and transport to and
from the Junior and Senior School sites.


The emphasis is on increasing independence. The Junior School has a thorough and carefully managed
programme of preparation for senior education, aiming to provide a seamless and exciting transition, both
academically and socially. We expect the majority of girls to progress to the Senior School, whilst recognising
that some of our pupils may choose to continue their education elsewhere.

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
Contents subject to change 5

07.45 – 08.15 Breakfast Club (by prior arrangement)

08.30 Morning Registration
08.45 Assembly
09.15 Lesson Time
10.15 Break
10.40 Lesson Time
12.15 or later Lunch/Break (Note: Lunch is served at different times for different year groups)
13.35 Afternoon Registration
13.40 Lesson Time
15.30 Afternoon session ends (Pre-Prep)
15.40 Afternoon session ends (Prep)
15.30 – 18.15 After-School Care (optional)
16.00 – 17.00 Sundowners clubs (optional)
17.40 Boarders & Flexi-boarders depart for Stoatley Boarding House


Parents are invited to make arrangements for their daughters to attend the Breakfast Club.


These activities usually take place between 16.00 and 17.00 each day; girls remain in After-School Care until
their chosen club begins. A new programme of activities is devised each term and may include Art & Craft,
Chess, Choir, Designer Dough, Golf, Gym, Hockey, Junior Cordon Bleu, Recorders, Tennis and Young
Investigators. Most activities cost approximately £25.00 per term, including materials and refreshments.


After-School Care provision is available daily until 18.15 at a nominal cost. Following light refreshments, girls
complete their prep before joining in leisure activities.


The aim of our School Council is to preserve The Royal Junior School as a happy and safe environment in which
we can all work and play together successfully.

Girls are elected to the School Council at the beginning of each academic year. There are two representatives
from each year group, excluding Daycare and Wrens. The Councillors meet with the Headmistress, the Deputy
Head or a senior teacher at least once every term and are guided through discussion topics. Recent agenda
items have included the ways in which playground facilities might be improved, fundraising events, lunchtime
menus and healthy snacks for play times.


Class teachers are primarily responsible for the pastoral care of their pupils and refer any issues to the
Headmistress or the Pastoral Leader: Mrs McKim for the Pre-Prep department and Miss De la Force for the Prep
department. All Junior School staff know the children well and are ready to help with any problems which may
arise. At the beginning of the year, pupils work closely with their class teachers to negotiate Class Charters.
Each form has its own Charter which expresses preferred attitudes and behaviours.

As part of the PSHE (Physical, Social and Health Education) programme, girls regularly have the opportunity to
discuss matters of concern. All pupils are aware that staff members are available to support them in times of
challenge or difficulty. In addition, the School Council provides an alternative route for children who may lack
the confidence to speak to an adult in the first instance.


Our weekly newsletter - Puellae - keeps parents abreast of School events. We also have a flourishing Parent
Link group which meets to discuss a range of issues relating to the Junior School. The group comprises one
parent from each class and meetings are held with one or two senior members of staff at least once every term.
A member of the School’s governing body may also attend Parent Link meetings.


New and second-hand uniform can be purchased from the School Uniform Shop on site. Individual
appointments are made with all new parents and the shop opens on a regular basis throughout the year.

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
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Children are invited to take part in one or two familiarisation sessions to ensure that they are happy and that the
staff are able to meet the needs of the child.

PREPS 2 - 6

Applications need not be restricted to September entry: places may be offered to new entrants at any point
during the academic year, subject to the availability of a place and following an assessment to ensure that the
School is able to meet the needs of the child. Music Exhibition Awards may be offered to internal and external
candidates who demonstrate considerable musical potential.


Preps 2 & 3: The class teacher will conduct an informal assessment over the course of the child’s two-day visit.

Preps 4 – Prep 6: Assessments in Mathematics and English take place during the child’s two-day visit.
Acceptance will be determined by the applicant's level of attainment in relation to that of her peer group and her
relative social and physical development.

The majority of our pupils go on to the Senior School. Parents will be advised well in advance if it seems likely
that the School cannot meet their child’s educational needs at senior level. All girls wishing to transfer to the
Senior School must sit the entrance paper alongside external candidates.

Special Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language: Individual tuition is given by a
specialist teacher; the cost is added to the pupil’s standard fee invoice. The school acknowledges that the
special needs of girls can be very varied and will include gifted and dyslexic girls, and girls with special talents in,
for example, the Arts and Sport.


Music Scholarship Awards are awarded at the discretion of the Governors and are available to internal and
external candidates who demonstrate considerable musical potential. Further information may be obtained from
the Admissions Co-ordinator.

Bursarial support may also be available to families requiring financial assistance.

You are invited to book an appointment to visit the School and discuss your child’s requirements in
greater detail. Appointments should be made with the Admissions Co-ordinator by telephone: 01428
603052 or by email:

Following an initial visit, parents are invited to register their interest in the School. This may be done at any
time but a registration form must be completed before a prospective pupil visits the School for assessment.
Where appropriate, and with the prior knowledge of parents, the School will approach a pupil’s present school for
a report on her current progress. The two-day visit will allow your child to experience life as a pupil at The Royal
Junior School. Prospective boarders are encouraged to spend at least one night in the Boarding House.

The attention of parents is drawn to annual compulsory events outside the normal curriculum, eg.
Prize Giving, Open Day and the School’s Carol Service. It is assumed that parents seeking admission
for their daughters will wish to support these events and ensure that family commitments do not
prevent attendance.

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
Contents subject to change 7

Registration fee: Non-refundable £100.00

Acceptance deposit: Refundable; day pupils £500.00
Refundable; overseas boarding pupils 1 term’s tuition &
boarding fees
Tuition (per term): Prep 5 & 6 £3,199.00
Preps 3 & 4 £2,947.00
Prep 2 £2,235.00
Prep 1 £1,950.00
Robins (full-time) £1,950.00
Wrens (full day 08.30 – 15.30, incl. lunch) £30.00
Wrens (full day 08.00 – 18.00, incl. lunch & tea) £45.00
Daycare (full day 08.00 – 18.00, incl. lunch & tea) £45.00
Boarding (per term): Termly Boarding Fee (including laundry) £2,624.00
Flexi-boarding (per night): Maximum 3 nights in 7: First 2 nights (per night) £38.25
Third night £50.00
Breakfast Club From 07.45 – 08.30: full session £1.00
After-School Care From 15.30 – 18.15: per 15 minutes £1.50

* Fees will be updated in April 2008 for Autumn 2008. Fees are subject to annual review.

Fees and Disbursements: These are payable either on or before the first day of each term. Parents
may make arrangements to pay fees in monthly instalments through Holmwoods Termtime Credit. Information
is available from the Bursary. Parents may also arrange for the payments to be made by credit transfer or by a
lump sum payment at the beginning of a child's School career. Any parent interested in paying by any other
method than termly payments should contact the Bursar for information. In the Main School (Wrens – Prep 6), a
term's notice must be given, in writing to the Headmistress, of a pupil's withdrawal from the School, or of a
change of status from Boarding to Day, or to discontinue an extra subject. In Daycare, a month’s notice must be
given, in writing to the Headmistress, of a pupil's withdrawal from the School, or of a reduction in the number of
sessions booked. If written notice is not given, a term's fee is payable in lieu of notice in the Main School; a
month’s fee is payable in Daycare. Interest is chargeable on any sum due to the School and remaining unpaid
after the due date. Interest will be calculated from the due date at the rate of 2% for every month or part of a
month, until payment is received by the School.

The Tuition Fee includes Art, PE, lunches, stationery and textbooks (except Atlases, Bibles, Hymn books and
those examination subject books requiring the use of text with girls’ annotations, which will be charged), but not
examinations, field trips, outings, transport or medical expenses. All pupils are expected to provide, where
appropriate, pens and pencils, erasers, rulers, files and mathematical instruments, available at the Stationery
Shop, and to possess a school bag.

Insurance cover: Pupils are strongly advised to have separate insurance cover for their personal effects,
electrical and computer equipment as the School cannot accept liability for missing or damaged items. Parents
are advised to insure against illness, as the School cannot grant any remission of fees, apart from that covered
by insurance. Pupils insured with the scheme available through the School may also have BUPA cover. Full
details of both schemes are available from the Bursar.


Our fleet of 9 modern minibuses is fitted with seatbelts. It is School policy that new buses adhere to current and
forthcoming safety procedures well before these are compulsory by law. Bus routes are updated each term and
every attempt is made to meet the wishes of parents. If you have a specific requirement please contact the
Bursar’s Office on Tel: 01428 605006. Our local catchment area is large and includes:

Chiddingfold Farnham Grayswood Liphook Midhurst Petworth Tilford

Churt Godalming Headley Liss Milford Rowledge Wisboro’ Green
Elstead Grayshott Lindford Loxwood Petersfield Rushmoor Witley

In addition, we operate shuttle services to/from Haslemere Train Station and to/from our Junior School at
Hindhead. The shuttle services are free but places on the regular minibus runs must be booked in advance. The
cost of travel to and from the locations listed above is calculated on an annual basis by the Bursar. In addition
Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
Contents subject to change 8
to local transport, it is possible to arrange escorted travel for our boarders to other destinations at additional

Updated February 2008 for the Academic Year commencing September 2008
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