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Medical  Student  Research  Newsletter  
The  HUCM  Medical  Student  Research  Newsletter  Communicates  
Research  Opportunities  and  Highlights  Medical  Student  Research  

Table  of  Contents                                                                                                                                                              Page  

HUCM  Internal  Research  Opportunities                    2  
Funded  Research  Fellowship  Opportunities  at  HUCM                                3  
Howard  University  IRB  Approval                        4  
External  Research  Opportunities                                                                                                      5-­‐8  
     with  web  links  
HUCM  Student  Research  Publications  and  Presentations            9-­‐15  
Call  For  Meeting  Abstracts                                                                                                                                      16  
HUCM  Student  Research  Travel  Funding  Requests                                                  17                              

HUCM Internal Research Opportunities
Surgical Outcomes Research Group
Meets Mondays 3:00 PM; 4th Floor, Room 4B-45 and 4B-39
The purpose of this group is to interact with all clinical divisions within the Department of Surgery,
and collaborate with clinicians to advance clinical outcomes research studies that have an impact on
health care policies, leading to national recognition and/or fundable research programs. Students
participate on research projects under the direction of Surgical Attendings.
Please contact Gezzer Ortega, MD, MPH at for additional information.

Radiology Students Research Group

Meets weekly starting in October in the main Radiology Conference room in Hospital; additionally,
our department hosts an active Radiology Interest Group (RIG). Goal is to expose students early on to
all aspects of radiology, and to offer students at many levels exposure to clinical radiology research.
Please see the website below for additional information.

Howard University Cancer Center Cancer Research Training Program
Provides a rich training environment for trainees to pursue cutting-edge cancer research in an
interdisciplinary environment. Two training opportunities exist.
Unpaid Research Internships provide research experiences to enhance knowledge and skills.
Paid Research Scholarships are accepted into paid slots within the University or an official affiliated
Please contact Dr. Carla Williams, Ph.D. in the HU Cancer Center or or 202-806-7697 for additional information

Please make an appointment with Dr. Stubbs to inquire about other student research opportunities.

Important  Dates  
2018  Howard  Hughes  Medical  Scholars  Medical  Research  Fellowship  1  Year  DUE  1/11/  2018  
2018  NIH  Medical  Scholar  Program  Application    Due  1/11/18  
2018  MSSRP  HUCM  Application    Due  1/9/18  
2018  NIH  Summer  Internship  Application  Availability  Due  3/1/18  
2018  HHMI-Howard Summer Medical Fellows Initiative , HUCM Internal Review Date 1/11/18

Funded  Research  Fellowship  Opportunities  at  the  HUCM  
Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP)
Freshmen Medical Students may conduct basic and or a clinical research with HUCM faculty
members during the summer following their freshman year. The goal of the MSSRP is to foster
medical student participation in HUCM research. This program provides a current stipend of $2,500
and it has duration of seven weeks. Applicants are limited to first year medical students who remain
in good academic standing and who meet defined requirements.
Applications are available in November 2017

Gwendolyn E. Mingo Fellowship

Freshmen and Sophomore Medical Students may conduct cancer research with Howard University
Cancer Center Affiliated faculty members during the summer. This fellowship provides a stipend of
$ 2,000 and it lasts for six to eight weeks. Applications are available in the early Spring 2018

Matory-Kiernan Summer Surgical Research Fellowship

The fellowship involves mentored research in conjunction with an exciting surgical observership
experience. The fellowship is typically conducted at Howard University Hospital under the
supervision of surgical faculty during the summer following the sophomore year. Students receive a
$2,500 summer stipend ($1,000 near the beginning of the fellowship and $1,500 after satisfactory
completion and submission of a research paper). Applications are available in the early Spring 2018

Pugh-­‐Leffall  Surgical  Education  Fellowship    

This  fellowship  is  awarded  to  outstanding  sophomores  who  desire  an  early  exposure  to  the  
specialty  of  surgery  and  who  wish  to  develop  skills  in  surgical  education  research.  The  
fellowship  is  performed  at  the  Howard  University  Health  Sciences  Simulation  Center  under  the  
supervision  of  surgical  faculty  during  the  summer  following  the  sophomore  year.  The  program  
is  directed  by  Dr.  Debra  H.  Ford,  Associate  Professor  of  Surgery  and  Medical  Director  of  the  
Simulation  Center.  Please  see  the  website  below  for  information.­‐lefall-­‐fellowship.html  
Applications  are  available  in  Spring  2018

Research  Projects  involving  Human  Research  Require  
HU-­‐IRB  (Howard  University  Institutional  Review  Board)  
The Howard University Office of Regulatory Research Compliance (ORRC) manages all human
participant research studies at Howard University and provides support to two Institutional Review
Boards (IRB): The Medical IRB and the Non-medical IRB. The ORRC maintains the University’s
IRB’s policies, guidelines, and procedures involving research with human participants. ORRC staff is
available to provide guidance and education on research involving human participants to the Howard
research community and the community at large.

The IRB has the sole authority to approve a research protocol that involves human subjects.
All research projects involving human subjects must have the approval of the IRB before it starts.
An “IRB approved protocol” Lists the Project Objectives, Protocol, Principal Investigator (PI),
Collaborators, Researchers, and Dates of Approved Research Project.

Please note, students cannot serve as principle investigators on any research project. However,
medical students can be placed on an IRB protocol when it is first created by the PI or added onto
existing approved IRB protocols via an amended process by the PI. PIs can amend their IRB
protocols by submitting the students’ CV, CITI certification, and described role on the project to the

The ORRC staff is available to assist with any questions, concerns, and needs regarding human
research studies. Please contact them at (202) 865-8597 or Also please see the
websites below­‐Policies.html­‐Tools2.html  

External Research Opportunities
NIH Summer Internship Program (NIH-SIP)
Internships cover a minimum of eight weeks, with students generally arriving at the NIH in May or June. The
NIH Institutes and the Office of Intramural Training & Education sponsor a wide range of summer activities
including lectures featuring distinguished NIH investigators, career/professional development workshops, and
Summer Poster Day. Applications are Due: March 2018. Please see

NIH Clinical Center’s Medical Research Scholars Program

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Research Scholars Program (MRSP) is a comprehensive,
year-long research enrichment program designed to attract the most creative, research-oriented medical, dental,
and veterinary students to the intramural campus of the NIH in Bethesda, MD.
Eligibility (MSY2 or MSY3 HUCM Applicants)
The MRSP is designed for students who have completed their core clinical rotations but does not exclude
students with strong research interests from applying prior to having completed their clinical rotations.
Applications are due on January 12, 2018.
Please see

Howard Hughes Medical Research Fellows Program Year Long Program

The Howard Hughes Medical Research Fellows Program funds medical student research in the basic, translational, or
applied biomedical sciences. HHMI does not fund health services or health policy research.
Eligibility (MSY2 or MSY3 HUCM Applicants)
Applicants must be currently enrolled in a medical, dental, or veterinary school in the United States. Students may apply
during any year of their studies, but applicants in the last year of school must defer graduation until completion of the
fellowship year. All students must make a commitment to conducting 12 months of continuous, full-time research with
minimal interruptions for interviews for residency or post-graduate training. These fellowships are not available to
students enrolled in a combined medical, dental, or veterinary/ Ph.D. program (e.g., M.D./Ph.D.), a Ph.D. program, or a
Sc.D. program or to those who have completed a Ph.D. or a Sc.D. in a laboratory-based science.
Please see

HHMI Summer Medical Research Fellowship under the auspices of the HHMI-Howard Summer
Medical Fellows Initiative
The HHMI-Howard Summer Medical Fellows Initiative funds HUCM medical students to conduct research in
the basic, translational, or applied biomedical sciences. HHMI does not fund health services or health policy

Eligibility (MSY1 HUCM Applicants)

Applicants must be currently enrolled in a medical, dental, or veterinary school in the United States. Students
may apply during any year of their studies, but applicants in the last year of school must defer graduation until
completion of the fellowship year. HHMI encourages students to seek a rigorous laboratory-based research
training experience for 8-10 weeks (10 weeks preferred) with an experienced mentor in the laboratory of their
choice at any academic institution in the U.S. The mentor should be R01-funded, have a strong publication and
training track record, and the time, interest and commitment to training the student.
Please contact Ms. Melanie Daub, MBA, Program Officer, HHMI Medical Fellows Program, Office: 301-951-
6708, Email: . This program has a HUCM internal proposal deadline of Jan 11, 2018 before
submission to HHMI. Please contact Dr. John Stubbs at

Dec  1 ,  1 7­‐institute/mentoring/find-­‐a-­‐mentor/diversity-­‐mentorship-­‐program  
See  the  HHMI  information   packet      (summer    program    after      HUCM    year    1)            
(Internal  Review  HUCM  Summer  program)    Due  Jan  11,  
For  further  information  e-­‐mail  :  and/or    or  call  301-­‐215-­‐8644

The  Visiting  Clerkship  Program  (VCP),  sponsored  by  the  Minority  Faculty  Development  Program  of  the  Harvard  
Medical  School  (HMS)                                                                                                                                                                                        Due    Dec  31,  17  and  Jan  31,  18
Office  for  D iversity  Inclusion  and  Community  Partnership,            (3rd  year  and  4  th  year  HUCM)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
American  Society   of  Transplant  2018  Alpha  Omega   Alpha  C arolyn   L.   Kuckein  Student  Research  Fellowship     Due  Jan  31,  18                          
 RHVTN Research and Mentorship Program (RAMP) Scholar Program, HIV Vaccine Research Due  Jan  3,  1 8
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research

Summer   Research   Experience   Program   in   Oncology,   Roswell Park, New York Due Jan  10,  18

NIH Medical Research Scholars Program –One Year of Research (Soph/ Junior App) Due Jan  12,   18­‐student.html/  
                   Due  J  


External  Programs  
Siteman  Cancer  Center,  Washington  University  School  of  Medicine,  Barnes-­‐Jewish  Hospital  and  St.  Louis  
Children’s  Hospital.                                                                                                                            Due  Jan  16,  18  
The  Leah  Menshouse  Springer  Summer  Opportunities  Program­‐interns  
Medical   Student   Training   in  Aging   Research   (MSTAR)   N I H   N I A   Program                            Due  Jan  26,    
James  A.   Ferguson   Emerging   Infectious   Diseases   Fellowship   Program                                            Due  Jan  31,­‐training/professional-­‐training-­‐programs/center-­‐for-­‐diversity/ferguson-­‐
NIDDK   Medical   Student  Research   Program   in   D iabetes      
(Fresh/Soph)  Vanderbilt   Student  Research   Training   Program        Due        Jan   29,   18­‐NIDDK-­‐Announcement.pdf­‐medical-­‐students/medical-­‐students/travel-­‐awards-­‐and-­‐opportunities/summer-­‐
2018  Alpha  Omega   Alpha  -­‐   Student   Essay  Awards   Helen  H.   Glaser  Student   Essay  Awards                Due  Jan  31,  
GE-­‐NMF  PRIMARY   CARE   LEADERSHIP   PROGRAM                    Due        Jan  31,  18­‐our-­‐scholarships-­‐and-­‐awards/service-­‐learning-­‐
American   Association   of  Neurological   Surgeons   Medical   Student   Summer   Research   Fellowship        Due      Feb 1,  
Society for Vascular Surgery Research Fellowship Due Feb   1,   18­‐tools-­‐training/awards-­‐and-­‐scholarships/student-­‐research-­‐fellowship    

External  Programs  
NIH  NEI  Diversity   In   V ision   Research   &  Ophthalmology    (DIVRO)                       Due  Mar 1,
NIH  Summer   Internship   Program   in  Biomedical   Research   (SIP)  -­‐   Training   Programs     (Several)  Due  Mar  1,  18  
NIH  Clinical   Center:   Clinical   Center   Summer   Internships        Due  Mar  1,  18  
Additional  Summer  Programs    
Cancer  in   the  Under-­‐-­‐-­‐Privileged,     Indigent   or  Disadvantaged   (CUPID),   Johns   Hopkins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Check    for  Application    in    Nov,    2017  
Summer   Research   Trainee   Program   [SRTP]  at   M assachusetts   General   Hospital                                                                                                                                   
The  NIH  Clinical  Center's  Clinical  Electives  Program  offers  short  term,  4-­‐  to  12-­‐week  clinically  oriented  
rotations    (HUCM  MSY3  apply  for  MSY4)
Other  summer  programs  

HUCM  Student  Publications  and  Presentations  
Student Publications
Congratulations  to  
Aitcheson  G.A  
Sylvetsky  A.C.  ·  Issa  N.T.  ·  Chandran  A.·  Brown  R.J.  ·  Alamri  H.J.  ·  Aitcheson  G.  ·  Walter  M.  ·  Rother  K.I.  
Pigment  Epithelium-­‐Derived  Factor  Declines  in  Response  to  an  Oral  Glucose  Load  and  Is  Correlated  with  
Vitamin  D  and  BMI  but  Not  Diabetes  Status  in  Children  and  Young  Adults  
Horm  Res  Paediatr  2017;87:301–306  (June  2017)  
Katrina  Hammond-­‐Jack  
Katrina  Hammond-­‐Jack,  MSMS1,  Karthik  Vaidyanathan  Ramakrishnan,  MD,  DNB,  FRCS2,  Dilip  S.  Nath,  
Aortopexy  for  Life-­‐Threatening  Airway  Obstruction  Following  Division  of  Double  Aortic  Arch  
September  21,  2017  
Conor  F.  Hynes,  Karthik  Ramakrishnan,  Fahad  A.  Alfares,  Kendal  M.  Endicott,  Katrina  Hammond-­‐
Jack,  David  Zurakowski,  Richard  A.  Jonas  and  Dilip  S.  Nath*  Risk  of  tumor  transmission  after  thoracic  
allograft  transplantation  from  adult  donors  with  central  nervous  system  neoplasm—A  UNOS  database  
study.  Clinical  Transplantation  Volume  31,  Issue  4,  April  2017.  
DOI:  10.1111/ctr.12919  
Ruth  Jobarteh  
Ruth  Jobarteh,  BS,  and  Tiffany  Alexander,  BA,  Bao  Anh  Patrick  Tran,  MD,  Mary  Maiberger,  MD,  Tinea  
Versicolor.  Consultant.  2017;57(9):568-­‐570.  
Robert  Walker  
Yongxing  Zhou,  Robert  Walker,  David  Katz,  Roger  W eir  and  Annapurni  Jayam-­‐Trouth.  Varicella-­‐Zoster  
Virus  Reactivation  Resulting  in  Stroke  and  Progressive  Outer  R etinal  Necrosis:  Case  Report  and  Literature  
Review.  EC  Neurology.  2017;  6(5):  238-­‐242.  
Kwame  Tuffuor  and  Quinn  Howard  
Safia  Mohamud,  M.D.,  Kwame  Tuffuor,  B.S.,  Quinn  Howard,  B.S.,  Evelyne  Tchokochoua,  M.D.  
,  Shimelis  Kitancho,  M.S.,  M.P.H.,  Celia  J  Maxwell,  M.D.,  F.A.C.P.    
The  Importance  of  4th  Generation  HIV  Testing  in  an  Urban  Emergency  Department  

Invited Student Research Presentation

National Medical Association, July 30, 2017 Philadelphia, PA

Radiographic Evaluation of Scrotal Pain with Pathologic Correlation

Eugene Bivins, B.S. 1, LaKai Banks-Dean, B.S. 1, Patsy Chenpanas, M.S. 1, Curtis Frederick,
B.S. 1, Adrian Godoy, B.S. 1, Linda Ngachie, M.P.H. 1 , Pamela W. Coleman, M.D. 2, Andre
Duerinckx, M.D.-Ph.D. 2, Bonnie Davis, M.D. 2
1 Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, D.C. 20059
2 Department of Radiology, Howard University Hospital, Washington, D.C. 20060

Frequency of Radiologist’s  Perception of Poor-Quality Pulmonary CT

Angiographic (CTA) Studies When Evaluating for Presence of Pulmonary Emboli
Adrian Godoy2, Rasheed Nawaz2, Ibrahim Khaleel2, Eugene Bivins2, Bonnie Davis, MD1 and
Andre J. Duerinckx PhD-MD1, Patsy Chenpanas2, Curtis Frederick2, Lakai Banks-Dean2,
Ekenechukwu Ndukwe2
2 Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, D.C. 20059
1 Department of Radiology, Howard University Hospital, Washington, D.C. 20060

Socioeconomic disparities among bariatric surgery patients

Derek Altema, Maria Fernanda Nunez, Usha Deonarine MD, Gezzer Ortega MD MPH, Cheryl K.
Zogg MSPH MHS, Rashid Altafi MD, Delaram J. Taghipour MD, Navin R. Changoor MD, Daniel
D. Tran MD, Edward E. Cornwell III MD, Terrence M. Fullum MD
1. Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20059
2.Outcomes Research Center, Department of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine,
Washington,DC 20060
3.Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 06510
4. Department of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20060

Socioeconomic disparities among adolescent bariatric surgery patients

Jessica Dunn, Gezzer Ortega MD MPH, Navin R. Changoor MD, Cheryl K. Zogg MSPH MHS,
Rashid Altafi MD, Usha Deonarine MD, Faisal G. Qureshi MD MBA
1. Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20059
2.Outcomes Research Center, Department of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine,
Washington,DC 20060
3.Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 06510
4. Department of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20060
5. University of Texas Southwestern and Children’s Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75235

Invited Student Research Presentations

American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2017 Annual Meeting

Cost Analysis: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Tracheotomy
Ziad Saqr 1, Gezzer Ortega, MD1•2, Iasson, Yi2, Maria Fernanda Nunez, MD2, William Bond,
1 Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, D.C.,
2 Clive O. Callender Howard-Harvard Health Sciences Outcomes Research Center, Washington, DC

Mega-Goiters: Analysis of the cost of providing care: Is there a cost differential between the care of
a mega goiter and a non-mega goiter?
Ziad Saqr 1, Maria Fernanda Nunez, MD2, Gezzer Ortega, MD1•2, Lasson Yi2, William Bond,
1Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC
2 Clive 0. Callender Howard-Harvard Health Sciences Outcomes Research Center, Washington, DC
Please  share  your  publications  and  invited  presentations  with  us.  
2017  American  Association  of  Anatomists  Regional  Meeting,  Pittsburg,  PA    
November  4,  2017  

Exploring the role of Nkx2.5 & Islet1 during development of cardiopharyngeal mesoderm
Dameel Edwards, Natalia Siomava, Janine M. Ziermann
Howard University College of Medicine, Dept. of Anatomy; 520 W St. NW,
Washington, DC, 20059

Anatomical analysis of musculoskeletal anomalies in a trisomy 13 fetus due to delayed development.

Gretter Diaz, Malak A. Alghamdi, Janine M. Ziermann, Rui Diogo
Howard University College of Medicine, Dept. of Anatomy; 520 W St. NW,
Washington, DC, 20059

Implications of Nerve Communication and Vessel Anastomosis in Wrist and Palmar Injury
Derek W. Altema1, Janine M. Ziermann1
1Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Anatomy; Washington, DC

American Medical Association Research Symposium, Honolulu, HI, November 11-14, 2017
Health Disparities in Colorectal Cancer: Does Age and Location of Cancer Matter in Black Patients
Mustafa Alam, Dr. Gezzer Ortega, Dr. Lori Wilson

HUCM  Student  Publications  and  Presentations  
2017 MSSRP Summer Poster Day July, 2017
Expression  of  MetalloproteinasesMMP-­‐9  and  MTSP-­‐1  in  Kidneys  of  Sickle  Cell  Disease  Mice  
Naveen  Ghuman1,  Alfia  Khaibullina2,  Zenaida  N.M.  Quezado3,  Sergei  Nekhai,  1,2,4  and  Marina  
Jerebtsova4  Departments  of  1Medicine  and  4Microbiology,  and  2Center  for  Sickle  Cell  Disease,  
Howard  University,  Washington  DC;  3NIH  Clinical  Center,  National  Institute  of  Health,  Bethesda,  
Presence  of  Rib  Notching  as  an  Indicator  of  Cardiovascular  Disease  in  Skeletal  Samples  
Nicholas  Guthrie,  Shihyun  Kim,  Kesley  Green,  Fatimah  Jackson  Ph.D.  
W.  Montague  Cobb  Research  Laboratory,  Howard  University,  Washington,  D.C.  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Washington,  D.C.  
Do  jobs  leads  to  stability  for  all  dually  diagnosed  ?  
Elizabeth  Hayes,  MSSRP  Participant;  Imani  Brown,  Research  Assistant;  Dr.  Steven  Tulin  and  Ms.  
Loretta  Peterson,  Research  Team;  Dr.  Tanya  Alim,  Primary  Investigator  Howard  University  
Hospital  Mental  Health  Center  530  College  Street  NW  Washington  DC  20059                    
The  Presence  of  PPAR  –  α,  IFN  –  γ  and  IRS-­‐1  in  Urinary  Exosomes  in  Human  
Subjects  profiled  as  Hypertensive  &  Diabetic  .  
Michael  Smith,  Brandon  E.  Albert,  Carolyn  Ecelbarger,  Otelio  S.  Randall  and  Dexter  L.  Lee  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  &  Georgetown  University  College  of  Medicine  
Novel  Enaminones  and  Their  Effects  on  Mouse  Mitral  Cells  
Julia  Madelaine  Woods,  Ze-­‐Jun  Wang,  Tochukwu  Uyanne,  Patrice  Jackson-­‐Ayotunde,  Thomas  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Department  of  Anatomy,  Washington,  D.C.,  20059  
Developing  an  Animal  Model  to  Test  the  Efficacy  of  an  EGFRvIII-­‐targeted  Recombinant  
Kulsoom  Fatima  Naqvi,  Dr.  Liang  Shan,  Dr.  Paul  C  Wang  
Molecular  Imaging  Laboratory,  Radiology,  Howard  University  Hospital,  2041  Georgia  Avenue,  
NW,  Washington,  D.C.  20060  
A  musculoskeletal  study  of  a  fetus  with  trisomy  13  cyclocephaly  compared  with  fetuses  with  
trisomy  18  and  trisomy  21    
Karra  Manier,  Malak  A.  Alghamdi,  Rui  Diogo,  PhD    
  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Department  of  Anatomy,  Washington,  D.C.,  20059   12  
HUCM  Student  Publications  and  Presentations  
2017 MSSRP Summer Poster Day July, 2017
Expression  of  MetalloproteinasesMMP-­‐9  and  MTSP-­‐1  in  Kidneys  of  Sickle  Cell  Disease  Mice  
Naveen  Ghuman1,  Alfia  Khaibullina2,  Zenaida  N.M.  Quezado3,  Sergei  Nekhai,  1,2,4  and  Marina  
Jerebtsova4  Departments  of  1Medicine  and  4Microbiology,  and  2Center  for  Sickle  Cell  Disease,  
Howard  University,  Washington  DC;  3NIH  Clinical  Center,  National  Institute  of  Health,  Bethesda,  
Presence  of  Rib  Notching  as  an  Indicator  of  Cardiovascular  Disease  in  Skeletal  Samples  
Nicholas  Guthrie,  Shihyun  Kim,  Kesley  Green,  Fatimah  Jackson  Ph.D.  
W.  Montague  Cobb  Research  Laboratory,  Howard  University,  Washington,  D.C.  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Washington,  D.C.  
Do  jobs  leads  to  stability  for  all  dually  diagnosed  ?  
Elizabeth  Hayes,  MSSRP  Participant;  Imani  Brown,  Research  Assistant;  Dr.  Steven  Tulin  and  Ms.  
Loretta  Peterson,  Research  Team;  Dr.  Tanya  Alim,  Primary  Investigator  Howard  University  
Hospital  Mental  Health  Center  530  College  Street  NW  Washington  DC  20059                    
The  Presence  of  PPAR  –  α,  IFN  –  γ  and  IRS-­‐1  in  Urinary  Exosomes  in  Human  
Subjects  profiled  as  Hypertensive  &  Diabetic  .  
Michael  Smith,  Brandon  E.  Albert,  Carolyn  Ecelbarger,  Otelio  S.  Randall  and  Dexter  L.  Lee  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  &  Georgetown  University  College  of  Medicine  
Novel  Enaminones  and  Their  Effects  on  Mouse  Mitral  Cells  
Julia  Madelaine  Woods,  Ze-­‐Jun  Wang,  Tochukwu  Uyanne,  Patrice  Jackson-­‐Ayotunde,  Thomas  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Department  of  Anatomy,  Washington,  D.C.,  20059  
Developing  an  Animal  Model  to  Test  the  Efficacy  of  an  EGFRvIII-­‐targeted  Recombinant  
Kulsoom  Fatima  Naqvi,  Dr.  Liang  Shan,  Dr.  Paul  C  Wang  
Molecular  Imaging  Laboratory,  Radiology,  Howard  University  Hospital,  2041  Georgia  Avenue,  
NW,  Washington,  D.C.  20060  
A  musculoskeletal  study  of  a  fetus  with  trisomy  13  cyclocephaly  compared  with  fetuses  with  
trisomy  18  and  trisomy  21    
Karra  Manier,  Malak  A.  Alghamdi,  Rui  Diogo,  PhD    
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Department  of  Anatomy,  Washington,  D.C.,  20059  
HUCM  Student  Publications  and  Presentations  
2017 MSSRP Summer Poster Day July, 2017 (Cont.)
Molecular  Aspects  of  Alcoholic  Cardiomyopathy  
Karen  Johnson,  Toni  Jenkins,  Esmeralda  Garcia,  Mark  Burke,  Georges  Haddad  
College  of  Medicine,  Howard  University  
Effect  of  repeated  oral  gavage  administration  of  pro-­‐dopamine  regulator  
on  binge  drinking  in  Alcohol-­‐Preferring  Rats  
Camila  C.  Alvarado,  M.S.  &  Naimesh  Solanki,  Ph.D.,  Marjorie  C.  Gondre-­‐Lewis,  Ph.D.  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  520  W  St  NW,  Washington,  DC  20059  
Presence  of  SIV  p27  in  Choroid  Plexus  
Onyekachi  Ezeibe  1  Mark  Burke2.  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,    
520  W  St  NW,  Washington,  DC  20059  
Seeing  Eye  to  Eye:  Cyclopia  in  Sheep  and  Humans    
Nora  Douglas  1,  Natalia  Siomava1,  Janine  Ziermann,  PhD1,Rui  Diogo,  PhD1,    
1Howard  University  College  of  Medicine.  
Vitamin  D  concentration  correlates  with  maternal  fetal  blood  perfusion  
and  inflammation  
Crystal  Roach  1,  Olusayo  Louise-­‐Oluwasanmi3,  Dr.  Inez  Reeves,  MD2,  Dr.  Kareem  Washington,  
1Howard  University  College  of  Medicine,  Department  of  Pediatrics  and  Child  Health,  2Division  
of  Neonatology,  3Division  of  Medical  Genetics  ,  Howard  University  
Secondary  Life  Stress,  Alcohol  Abuse  and  Co-­‐morbid  Neuropsychiatric  Diseases  
Brittain  Waller,  Olubukola  Kalejaiye,  Ifeoluwa  Bamidele,  Marjorie  C.  Gondré-­‐Lewis  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  520  W  St  NW  Washington,  D.C.  20059  

HUCM  Student  Publications  and  Presentations  
2017 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Research Program Poster Day
Presentations on July 29, 2017
Cedric  Cole    
The  Abscopal  Effect  –  A  Quantitative  Analysis  of  Tumor  Nodule  Volumes  of  an  Adult  T-­‐Cell  
Leukemia  /  Lymphoma  Patient.  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  
Preceptors:  Dr.  Jennifer  Jones,  Mr.  Peter  Guion,  National  Cancer  Institute,  NIH  
Deborah  Jack    
Kaposi  Sarcoma  Herpesvirus  (KSHV)  Shedding  in  Saliva  of  Patients  with  KSHV-­‐Associated  
Malignancies.  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  Preceptor:  Dr.  
Thomas  Uldrick,  National  Cancer  Institute,  NIH  
Timothy  King    
Regulation  of  IL-­‐8  expression  by  Lysyl  Oxidase  in  Anaplastic  Thyroid  Cancer.  Howard  University  
College  of  Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  Preceptors:  Dr.  Myriem  Boufraqech,  Dr.  Electron  
Kebebew,  National  Cancer  Institute,  NIH  
Karra  Manier    
Don’t  Ask,  Don’t  Tell:  Incidence  and  Impact  of  Altered  Body  Image  in  Head  and  Neck  Cancer  and  
Brain  Tumor  Patients.  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  Preceptors:  
Dr.  Terri  Armstrong,  Dr.  Lindsay  Rowe,  Dr.  Mark,  Gilbert,  Ms.  Judy  Welsh,  National  Cancer  
Institute,  NIH  
Nathaniel  Patel  
Analysis  of  Hair  Proteins  in  Patients  with  Trichothiodystrophy.    Howard  University  College  of  
Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  Preceptors:  Dr.  Kenneth  Kraemer,  Dr.  John  DiGiovanna,  Dr.  Lisa  
Jenkins,  National  Cancer  Institute,  NIH  
Peter  Stewart    
Using  Machine  Learning  and  Visomic  Data  Analysis  to  Predict  and  Understand  Retinal  Diseases.  
Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  (District  of  Columbia)  Preceptors:  Dr.  Kapil  Bharti,  Dr.  
Nathan  Hotaling,  National  Eye  Institute,  NIH  
Brenda  Iriele    
Turner  Syndrome  in  Diverse  Populations.  Howard  University  College  of  Medicine  (District  of  
Columbia)  Preceptors:  Dr.  Paul  Kruszka,  Dr.  Maximilian  Muenke,    
National  Human  Genome  Research  Institute,  NIH  

&  Call  For  
44rd Annual Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum, Feb. 20-23, 2018

The Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum (ESRF) is a four-day international symposium held at
the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (UMMSM) in Miami, Florida. Each
year, ESRF selects medical, graduate, M.D./Ph.D. students, and resident physicians from the United
States, Canada, Europe, Central and South Americas to present original basic science and clinical
research in multiple biomedical fields. In addition to formal presentations, the forum includes the
informal exchange of scientific ideas among students and faculty preceptors, the encouragement of
student-initiated research, and the professional development of future leaders in biomedical research.
The meetings dates for this year are Feb. 22-25, 2017 in Miami, FL.
Abstracts are accepted until November 30, 2017.
Please see for additional information.

Twenty-eighth Annual Scientific Session of the Society of Black Academic Surgeons.

April 26–28, 2018
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Deadline – December 1, 2017. SBAS Members, residents, fellows,
medical students and hospital/teaching faculty are invited to submit an abstract on the clinical or
laboratory investigation of your choice. One is not required to be a SBAS member to submit an
Please see the following for additional information
The American Association for Cancer Research, April 14-18, 2018
The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all
over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their boundaries, form collaborations, attend sessions
outside their own areas of expertise, and learn how to apply exciting new concepts, tools, and
techniques to their own research. Abstract Deadline: December 1, 2017.
Please see
13th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, January 30 – February 1, 2018
Please  inform  Dr.  Stubbs  if  your  abstract  was  selected  for  presentation  at  the  Academic  
Surgical  Congress.  
Howard  University  Research  Week,  April  2018.  


HUCM  Student  Requirements  for  Research  Travel  Funding  Requests  

HUCM  students  who  are  requesting  funding  to  present  HU  research  findings  at  research  
meetings/conferences  are  require  to  submit  the  following  items    
• A  copy  of  the  invitation  to  present  poster  or  oral  paper  at  the  meeting.  (On  meeting  
stationary  or  conference  organizer’s  email)    
• A  copy  of  the  abstract  with  all  co-­‐authors  
FUNDS  by  the  HUCM  Faculty  Member  you  are  conducting  research  with  
• An  itemized  budget,  e.g.,  travel,  hotel,  meeting  registration  
• Travel,  Registration,  Hotel  Quotes  
• Dates  of  requested  funding  
and  the  above  information  are  due  one  month  in  advance  of  travel.    
Moreover,  all  students  must  contact  Dr.  David  Rose,  Dean  of  Students,  to  secure  permission  for  
absence  to  attend  the  research  meeting/conference.    
Stubbs  at    Please  electronically  submit  the  completed  application  and  
supporting  documents  to  Dr.  Stubbs  and  Dr.  Rose.    
Approval  is  dependent  upon  the  availability  of  funding.    


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