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Letter of Recommendation

I feel gratified to introduce one of my former students Mr. Vinay B A. I have known him
during his undergraduate studies at our institute. Although I knew him for only one and half
years in my capacity as an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SVIT
Bangalore, I have had ample interactions with him to be able to write this testimony without
I have taught him subjects like Energy Engineering, Non-Conventional Energy sources
and Power plant Engineering in three terms, through which I could monitor him closely for the
same amount of time. I found him to be apt and determined throughout the time I taught him
which can be evident by looking at his consistency in performing in examinations. He was also a
talented student with an ability to grasp concepts well.
Vinay’s communication and interpersonal skills are very good and he is a warm person to
work with. His clarity of thought, analytical ability and his proficiency in communicating ideas
effectively is commendable.
I am convinced that he would be a valuable asset to institutes in specific and society at
large with all the knowledge gained at your university. I feel he has all the qualities that go into
the making of a successful professional. I sincerely believe that he will fare extremely well in the
Master’s program at your university, and I strongly recommend him for the admission at your
If you need any more information regarding his candidature, please feel free to contact
Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Santosh S G
Asst. Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology
Bangalore 560064
Phone: 9742866917

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