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Laura Pipponzi

Project Assistant - European Citizen Action Service

Destination Email:

19 December 2008

Dear Ms. Pipponzi,

Re: Full-Time Legal Researcher (Directive 2004/38/EC)

I write to you further to your advertised vacancy for a full-time Legal Researcher, a post for which
I should like to be considered. Accordingly, please find attached a copy of my CV and the following
outline as to why I feel I am suitable for this role.

As a UK qualified lawyer of several years’ good standing I would bring to this role the research,
report writing and team work skills that I have built up over my career.

In the course of this career, it has been normal for me to carry out initial legal research on cases
before passing them on to Counsel for the conduct of the advocacy. This is a commonplace
activity within the UK legal profession due to its split nature between Barristers on the one hand
and solicitors and legal executives on the other. The usual practice is for solicitors or legal
executives to instruct barristers to carry out advocacy on a case by drafting a clear and cogent
report on the facts, issues and law of a case. Such reports, aptly named Briefs to Counsel, follow
narrowly defined parameters regarding their drafting and are produced to strict deadlines.

At times neither Counsel nor the instructing lawyer have either met or have any knowledge of
each other save for by reputation. Naturally, preparing a case in such circumstances and with the
intention of winning an argument before a court requires good advocacy on the part of Counsel
but also a high degree of clarity of language used and accuracy of information contained in that
Brief. Both Counsel and instructing lawyers must exhibit high professionalism and similarly good
team work skills.

It is these solid skills of research, report writing and team work, amongst others, that I propose to
bring to you.

Having recently passed tests for accreditation as an advisor on UK Immigration Law, law which
applies EU law on the free movement of European Union Nationals and their families (EU nationals
or not) amongst member states, I also bring to you a sound knowledge of EU law in general, the
Citizenship Directive & its currently reported application1 in particular, its case law and issues
surrounding it.

This post would afford me the opportunity to refine my knowledge in this aspect of law through
concentrated research, gain experience with an organization such as yourself which has a
European dimension and allow me to obtain a greater understanding, hopefully, of the EU and its
institutions firsthand. The latter is something that I have been trying to do since I completed a
Foreign Policy Analysis course at the London School of Economics & Political Science in 2001.

Yours sincerely

Emmanuel James Oteng, F.Inst.L.Ex

1Report from The Commission to The European Parliament and The Council on the application of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and
their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States,

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