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Professor Hector Durville

Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1. The History of Magnets ............................................ 5
Chapter 2. Physical Properties.................................................. 19
Chapter 3. Magnetic Medicine ................................................. 23
Chapter 4. Origin of Diseases ................................................... 29
Chapter 5. Therapeutic Application.......................................... 33
Chapter 6. Important Observations........................................... 49
Chapter 7. Types of Therapeutic Magnets ................................ 50
Bibliography.............................................................................. 51

A study of modern magneto therapy has kindled in me the

desire to bring out this work by Hector Durville, first published
in the twentieth century and reprinted about twenty times.
This is the work of a great practitioner and but for certain
corrections due to modern conventions of biomagnetism, there
was no necessity to make many changes for rendering it useful
in modern times.
His historical account of magneto therapy is one of the most
complete that I have come across, and its bibliography shows
how many European researchers and especially those from
France were pioneers in this field.
There are original ideas in several domains like the property
of physiological magnetization of the magnets, the magnetized
medicines or the magnetic pen.
By republishing this book I hope to contribute in rejuvenating
this science, so little known, which gives every one an effective
means of healing, complete but without the dangers of the
treatments to which we are habituated.
But even if you get spectacular results with ease, consult your
doctor : he alone can make a precise diagnosis, advise you
knowledgeably about the cause, prescribe the indispensable
remedies and control the cure.




The property of the magnets to orient in a particular
direction, to attract iron and certain other metals and above all
the capacity to transmit this property to iron and steel made it
play an important role in the mysterious art of spell of charms,
magic and sorcery, in several centuries when ignorance prevailed.
It was considered fit for arousing the passion of love .The
virtue of reviving conjugal affection and reuniting the separated
spouses were attributed to it. It promoted agreement among those
who wore it and in certain cases could provide communication
with persons absent.
I leave aside these mysterious properties which have not
been proved and concern myself with what the ancient and
modern knowledgeable persons have thought about this agent
from the physiological and therapeutical point of view.
6 The History of Magnets

In ancient times, many centuries ago, the magnet was a big

favourite in medicine among the Chinese, Indians, Egyptians,
Chalde’ans, Hebrews, Arabians, Greeks, Roman etc, who used
it mostly in specified cases and in amulets.

Certain Indian population used it for conserving and

prolonging youth. Aristotle, the celebrated Greek philosopher
who was first the disciple and subsequently the rival of Plato
and who lived in the 3rd century BC, spoke about number of
medicinal properties of a kind of magnetic stone which he called
the white magnet.

Pline (first century AD) informed us that magnets were used

to cure eye diseases.

Dioscoride (same period) proposed magnets for removing

heavy humours of the melancholic.

In his book on simple medicine, Galien of the 3rd century

extolled the virtue of magnets as purgative and for its action
against dropsy. This twin property was known among Hebrews
in very ancient times.
According to Martel, a French freelancer, philosopher and
doctor who lived in Bordeaux towards the end of the 4th century,
pain in the head could be removed by placing magnets
on the neck.
Aétius of Amida (5th century) speaks a lot about action of
magnets when applied externally. He tells that those who suffer
from pain in the head and feet due to gout can get relief by
keeping a magnetic stone in the hand and the same stone is useful
for convulsions.
The History of Magnets 7

It cures joint pain

Alexander of Tralles (sixth century) assures that it cures
joint pains.

Hall Abbas, a contemporary Arab doctor assures that held

in the hand or suspended from neck, the magnet cures spasms
and pain of the feet.

Avicienne (11th century) assures that magnet is paramount

for diseases of the spleen and it acts like a cleansing agent for
modifying humours or body fluid. Taken with a dose of drachma
in wine or in infusions of mercury, it reacts against disorders
caused by internal use of iron. He thought that the magnet joins
with this metal and by that corrects the ill effects.

Arnaud of Villeneuve, celebrated doctor, theologian,

alchemist, philosopher of hermetical science (end of thirteenth
century), affirms that it drives out the bad spirits from women
and protects them from evil spells.

Albert the Great (same period) affirms that the magnet

exercises a powerful and beneficial effect on the system. If
put in the left arm it dissipates bad dreams, visions and
useless phantoms of night. It drives away body’s poison and
cures lunacy.
Platearius, a doctor of the eleventh century, whose work
was published in 1497, believed that it was useful in cases
of affliction of the spleen and in melancholia. He prescribed
its use inside food, drinks and above all in decoction of
big comfrey.
8 The History of Magnets

Paracelse and organic maladies

Towards the commencement of the sixteenth century, the
magnet was employed a good deal and most of all in diseases
of the nerves. Paracelse extended the use of magnets to organic
diseases. The effect of magnets on these appeared to be no less
real. He attributed this to the property of attraction, which he
thought was very effective in the treatment of a large number of
diseases, which he called “materials”.
The diseases in this category are : epilepsy, discharge from
glands or discharge of blood particularly for women: diarrhea,
various hemorrhages, inflammations of eyes, ears, nose and
limbs; dropsy, jaundice etc. etc.
When the humours come out and produce piles, fistula and
ulcers one should again take the help of magnets. In the case of
nervous diseases, he had recommended it above all for fighting
dizziness, spasms, tetanus and for dispelling attack of
hysteria. The author outlines his method for application in
different diseases.
Having some notion about the polarity of the human body,
he made use of the two poles of the magnet according to the effect
he wanted to obtain. His pronouncements on this subject are too
obscure; but this is what one can guess by the distinction he made
between what he called the back and the belly of the magnet.
Admitting that in the same part of the body, the magnet attracts
through one pole and repels by another, he made his
consequential applications.
After a few years Van Helmont extended the doctrine of the
great alchemist. He attributed that the magnet had the same action
The History of Magnets 9

on the intestine that it had on iron and he attributed it with the

property of curing hernia. He recommended its application in a
very large number of diseases and considered it as paramount
in the field of catarrh.
In this period, a powerful general action of magnets on fetus
was thought of because of the action it could produce on the
womb. Also when a woman had the fear of abortion he
recommended applying a magnet on the navel, because it had
the property of attracting the child, as it attracts iron, and thus
preventing its descend. Many authors had the same view.
The practices of Paracelse and Van Helmont were followed
up and magnetic medicine developed in a big way during the
first half of the seventeenth century.
Gilbert, the physician of Queen Elizabeth, who can be
considered as the founder of magnetic science, in his book of
magnets devotes one special chapter to the curative action of
the magnet. He knew its property of being astringent and its
curative action against hemorrhage.
According to Rattray, magnet cures catarrh, hernia, quartan
fever, dropsy, headache and strengthens the womb.

The alchemists
The alchemists of the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries
attributed to the magnet the most wonderful properties and
applied all the secrets of their art for making diverse
preparations, which would facilitate and extend its application.
One of them macerated it with steel filings in the ash of certain
plants for extracting what Paracelse eventually called manna of
magnet, others believed that by exposing it to the sun after
10 The History of Magnets

burning it with sulfur, it acquired many beneficial properties.

Others finally distilled it to bring out of it a kind of mercury to
which they attributed no mean value. Almost all them made
prescriptions out of it.
Mytius (1675) has told us that magnets were also used in
other forms in a large number of maladies. Elixirs have been
made out of it for combating catarrh and for making pituitary
gland secrete a mixture against worm and for different remedies
for the eyes.
Stockerus gave the composition of a magnetic gargle for
The salt of magnet of Agricola had been recommended as
healing, astringent and balsamic. Applied externally it cured
piles and stopped loss of hair; taken in the interior it was a
remedy for diarrhea.

Magnetic medicine
Towards the middle of the eighteenth century there was a
reaction against alchemist magnetism and the doctors came back
to the earlier practice with magnets.
Maxwell, a Scotch scholar and royal physician to
Charles II, practiced magnetic medicine with success and
published a book on the subject.
P. Kircher a German Jesuit scholar has a special place in
the history of magnetism. In several books which are still worth
consulting, he demonstrated all the diverse uses put to magnets
in the past; he furnished information on the methods employed
during his time and on the results obtained. As many authors
before him had said, he affirmed that the magnets kept in the neck
cured spasm, removed the nervous pains and facilitated pregnancy.
The History of Magnets 11

Pierre Borel, who took an active part in the discussion which

had taken place in his time among persons favoring or opposing
magnetism, affirmed magnets put in the neck removed suffocation
of the womb of the ladies, it relieved tooth and ear ache when
it was rubbed against the affected part. He also mentioned curing
a mentally deranged person caused by problems of the womb
by putting a magnet on the patient for some time in the region of
her heart.
Zwinger successfully used powdered magnet for healing
involuntary flow of urine of a young girl. He also said that the
magnet cured spasms caused by flatulence.

The perfection of the method of manufacturing

Up to the commencement of the eighteenth century, hardly
anything other than natural magnets was used. This made the things
not very easy. First of all, natural magnetic stone is difficult to obtain,
its force is relatively quite weak and often a big chunk is required
for getting the desired result; also its price is too high.
Transferring all the properties of the natural magnet to
tempered steel surmounted these obstacles. The perfection of the
process made it possible to surpass nature very soon, that is to
say, to be able to make magnets better than the best natural
magnets. Then it was possible to use multiple pieces, changing
the shape as per requirement and thus increasing the ways in
which they could be employed.
Soon thereafter the benefits to be derived from electricity
for therapy came to be known to physicians. The analogy
magnetism had with this agent attracted more attention towards
the former and magnetic treatment increased rapidly, above all
in Germany, in France and in England.
12 The History of Magnets

The magnet was known for curing toothache since long.

Around 1765, Klarich, royal physician of England and physician
at Gottingue, made number of trials. The results obtained by him
encouraged other observers to direct their research to the same
goal. Klarich further applied magnet with similar success
against pain, deafness, and paralysis. Wéber at Walfrode,
followed the example of Klarich and obtained remarkable results
for diseases of the eyes.

Towards 1770, Mesmer started attracting attention. He
contemplated about the existence “of a mutual influence binding
the celestial matter, the earth and the physical body. This
influence worked through a universal fluid spread out and
remaining in such a way as to not allow any void, and whose
refinement was beyond comparison and which by its very nature
was capable of receiving, propagating and communicating all
impressions of movement. It manifested, particularly in human
body, a property analogous to that of a magnet. The poles could
be distinguished as equally diverse and opposite which could
be transmitted, changed, destroyed or strengthened.”
Because of its analogy with the nervous fluid, he could
“cure immediately the nervous diseases and through it all the
others.” Penetrating the tissues it reestablished the harmony in
the organs by the uniform distribution of fluids whose movement
had been disturbed.
Mesmer then applied the magnet according to a theory, which
he had formed. Ordinarily he applied small magnets having the form
of the parts on which they were applied. He put them on both sides
of the body, on the middle of the body and on the spine at the back.
The History of Magnets 13

In some cases he applied the elliptic ones under the sole of

the feet; in other cases below the knee. In the cases of vomiting
and for stomach cramps, he applied it on the heart; for colic he
placed it on the navel. All his magnets were kept pressed tightly
against the skin, day and night.
For several years Father Hell studied magnetism of minerals
from the physical point of view. A lady who suffered from
violent cramps of stomach came to ask from him one of his best
magnets for putting against the pain, which had made her life
intolerable. She soon returned the thing, because it had produced
the desired results: she had been cured.
Astonished by this result, the famous astronomer wanted to
experiment on other patients. Following Mesmer, he fabricated
magnets of all shape and applied them. A man abandoned by other
doctors was suffering since long from spasms and convulsions;
he obtained a sensible relief within a few days: soon the
incidents subsided and never reappeared. About twenty other
diseases, mostly relating to paralysis were equally cured.
A dispute arose between Mesmer and Father Hell on the
question of the priority of the application. Both of them published
the results of their experiments in the journal and came to the
forefront and Vienna became the hearth from where the practice
of magnet spread through out Germany.

Therapeutic action of magnets

Following the example of Mesmer, Unzer, the celebrated
practitioner of Altoma, studied attentively the therapeutic action
of magnets and published his observation (1775). The treatment
of a young lady, who after several troublesome pregnancy,
developed spasms, contractions, cramps and paralysis and then
14 The History of Magnets

a weakness of the muscles of the head so much so that she could

hardly keep it in position was particularly striking. In the very
first application he observed considerable improvement.
Doctor Deiman of Amsterdam translated the works of Unzer
into Dutch. In the preface, he narrated about a lady aged 57
affected by paralysis of both the arms and a complete deafness
of the left ear, who was cured in 11 days. At the same period,
the same doctor announced in a letter that he had treated two
other diseases by magnets:
1. A man affected since two years with excessive trembling
of the entire body, the head inclining to the left and speech
becoming difficult.
2. A young girl affected for two years of a violent retraction
of the leg, after a fever of tertian ague was at an alarming state,
which was complicated by hectic fever. At the end of 14 days,
both the patients were benefited: in the first case, the trembling
had disappeared, the head remained straight and the speech was
easier, the fever had ceased; in the second case, the leg had
become straight and walking became possible.
In 1777, Heinsius, at Sorau, published a work where he
described seven observations on different diseases, where magnets
were applied with success. Two out of them related to epilepsy.
A distinguished physician of Harsu, a member of the Upper
Federal Council of Geneva, which corresponded to the Royal
Society of Medicine, studied the application of magnetism in all
its forms and put forth the basis of a methodical treatment of
different diseases. Towards animal magnetism he added reasonable
application of magnets; and for supplementing these actions, which
were not always sufficient, he applied magnetized water in
drinks, in washes, in enema, in lotions, in general and local bath.
The History of Magnets 15

Thus applied internally and externally, the principle of

magnet appeared to him to be the strongest of stimulants and
appetizers. It appeared to him that its property of cleansing the
blood had been amply proved. He concluded that because of
these two properties the magnet was sovereign in the treatment
of a large number of chronic diseases. To demonstrate this he
took into consideration the results obtained by him in several
cases of rheumatism , in the cases of inflammation of the eyes
and the teeth, in the cases of diseases of the joints; in the case
of certain lymphatic discharges like wen or cyst, goiter, scrofula;
in the case of chilblain and nervous disorders like spasms,
contractions, shrinkage proper to hysteria; and also cramps,
epilepsy. Opthalmia, deafness and certain paralysis had also
given him equally remarkable success.
In France, the doctors Condamine of Romans, Razoux of
Nimes, Sigaud of Fond, Descemet, Missa of Paris and several
others applied magnets with success. But above all it was Noble
the Abbot , Canon at Vernon-on-Seine who took the greatest
interest in the study of application of magnet in the treatment of
diseases. Since 1763, the use of magnets for the teeth were very
much appreciated. In September 1777 he read out in the Royal
Society of Medicine a memoir on his works and this learned
society, which a few years later, rose violently against animal
magnetism, named Manduyt and Andry for verifying the
effectiveness of magnets in the treatment of several maladies.
Since Manduyt could not follow the experiments with sufficient
consistency, Thouret replaced him.
The two members of the commission completed their mission
with scrupulous care and made a detailed written report, which
was read, discussed and published.
16 The History of Magnets

The report of the Royal Society of Medicine

This report from which I borrowed a good deal in the
previous pages has documented all the advantages of the new
therapeutic method. From the historic point of view it constitutes
above all the most complete and the most interesting work on
this subject published so far. It contained several sketches and
48 diverse and difficult cases where there were almost full cure
or healing with the help of magnetic applications, without aid
of any medicine.
Here are the conclusions of the report read in the society on
the 29th August 1780:
1. One can not fail to recognize in the magnets, applied in
the form of amulets, a real and definitive action.
2. This action is independent, in the magnet, of the qualities
or properties which are common to it with other bodies, and by
which the application of the magnetized part could have a
general or common action on the animal body: such is the
impression of cold, pressure, contact, rubbing, the magnet being
applied raw and pressed tightly on the skin.
3. This action of magnet was also distinct of what it could
have on human bodies, like ferruginous substances or attractive
substances, even though it appeared to depend on the same
principle this action appeared to weaken with time and restored
in the same proportion in which the magnetized piece acquired
or lost their property of attracting or their action on iron.
4. This action of magnet appeared to have an immediate and
direct action on the magnetic fluid in our nerves. And this action
seemed to be no less real than that on iron: it appeared to have
The History of Magnets 17

no direct or particular action on the fibers, body-fluids and the

internal organs or the viscera.
5. Because of this the magnet cannot be used in the treatment
of diseases decidedly humoural or organic or material but only
in the diseases purely or particularly relating to the nerves.
6. The diseases of the type to which magnets are preferably
applied are not which arise because of deficiency in the action
of the nerves, but which consider the increased action of the
nerves as the principal cause of the disease : such as spasms,
convulsions, stinging pains.
7. Because of this relation, the magnet naturally ranges in
the antispasmodic class; it seems to have enriched this class,
just as electricity has enriched the class relating to irritating,
operative and stimulating substances, specially more with the
species of the antispasmodic, the type tonic to which it seems
to properly pertain.
8. This antispasmodic and nervous action of magnet appeared
to be merely palliative; but no one said that it could not become
curative. The effectiveness of the magnet could not be confined
to purely nervous or only antispasmodic types. Since the absence
of all other action in this thing, specially of the qualities of
stimulation, aperitif, of humoural and material action have been
fully demonstrated, it follows that it is important to follow up
the other points and to gather more proofs on these subjects.
9. The magnetic method itself appears to be susceptible of
being improved many times and this is a new reason for trying
to apply it after modifying it and for observing in all cases.
10. At least considering the limitations of current methods
the advantages of magnetism can not be ignored or contested.
18 The History of Magnets

11. The magnet then has another principle of action on human

body different from its ferruginous nature and from its action of
attraction on iron, and other numerous properties which
empiricism attributes to it; also it appears that one day in
medicine it may become an utility if not very great, at least as
real as it is in physical substance, although no one should believe
in all the words narrated about it, and a good deal of the lavish
praises showered on it has to be knocked down.
On 1st April 1783, the same commission read a report at
the same society on this question. This last work was printed in
the eighty and the editor added 61 observations on diverse cures.
At this period, Mesmer was at Paris and animal magnetism
agitated large number of minds.It soon turned into an excessive
passion with them; and following the example of the Master
those , who employed the magnet, soon substituted him as the
authority on animal magnetism.

The period of forgetfulness

Also, since 1875 the observations are rare.
In medicine systems go away fast and are forgotten easily.
Since 80 years, despite several experiments of Hellé, Laennec,
Chomel, Trousseau, Récamier, the therapeutic action of magnet
is hardly recognised. Burq, author of metal therapy however cites
some observations in support of his theory.
In Italy Magiorani devoted a very big part of his work to it
and Charcot published, at Paris, remarkable books. In 1877, at
Salpétrière, it was applied against the troubles of sensitivity
among the hysterics; and Luys employed it, with no less success
in charities.But it was left to the present author to establish a
simple theory, easy to understand and to popularise the method.


Natural magnet, popularly called magnetic stone is a mineral
of iron. It is a substance of pronounced metallic shine, in a
freshly chipped surface has the color ranging from black as in
iron to bluish as in steel . It has the property of attracting iron,
cobalt, nickel and chromium.
All the properties of natural magnet can be transmitted to
those metals, called magnetic metals, especially to the tempered
steel, by various methods. The word magnet has become the
generic term applied to all material, which has the natural or
acquired property of attracting iron. Therefore a distinction is
made between natural magnets and artificial magnets. The later
ones are almost the only ones employed now.
All magnets, whatever may be its form and its volume,
possess a neutral line and two opposing poles, which can be
identified by placing it on iron filings. The iron filings will attach
themselves to the two poles with greater concentration, the
concentration will decrease as the neutral line is approached and
will become nil at that point.
20 Physical Properties

The poles
A magnet horizontally suspended by a string without torsion
or balanced on a pivot (magnetic needle), aligns itself in a fixed
direction which is approximately that of the geographical north.
This direction, which indicates the two poles of the earth, is
called magnetic meridian. The pole, which orients towards the
south, is called astral pole, negative pole, Bionorth pole; that
which orients towards the north is called the boreal pole,
positive pole, Biosouth pole. The positive pole of a magnet
repels the positive pole of another magnet and attracts the
negative, in other words, like poles repel each other, opposite
poles attract each other.
In the magnet two distinct forces are observed:
1. A physical force, which acts straight across all the
bodies situated in the entire magnetic field. It is with this force
that the magnets act on each other.
2. A force which I call physiological force because it is felt
on human bodies without acting on magnetic needles.
The physiological force seems to be subordinate to the
physical force because it is almost always proportionate to the
degree of magnetization of the pieces. It is a strong force that
can not be assimilated just as electricity can not be. By an
operation which transforms this force just as electricity is
transformed into heat, into light, into motion, I get a new force
more powerful, more in harmony with the vital force, which is
in us, and is assimilated more easily. It becomes more vivifying
and its curative value is considerably increased. It is to this
transformation that I give the name vitalization.
Physical Properties 21

The magnet by itself is nothing but the vehicle of this new

agent, this new mode of vibration of ether - which becomes
almost identical with human magnetism.
The physiological force when vitalized transmits to all the
bodies of the nature, while the physical force, can transmit only
to magnetic metals and this transmission is not out of the same law.
It transmits to a conducting wire at a distance whereas the physical
force does not permit transmission beyond the magnetic field.
If two glasses of water are kept within the field of action of
a magnet, the water exposed to the negative pole becomes
acidulated, fresh to the taste of certain nervous and
impressionable persons who can be called sensitive; that which
is exposed to positive pole takes on the contrary an alkaline,
tepid, insipid, nauseating taste.

Precautions to be taken
The magnets loose rapidly their vital properties. According
to the nature of the disease, the temperament of the patient, the
use he makes of it, they are used up after some time which could
vary between 1 to 6 months, , even when the magnetism, that is
to say, the property of attracting iron and of oriention does not
seem to have diminished appreciably.
The vital property of the magnet is conserved for 6 to 8
months if the magnet is not used at all and if it is kept in open
air; wrapped in paper or suspended on the neutral line by a
torsion free wire, thus permitting the magnet to orient itself, the
properties can be conserved for longer period. It is necessary
that they may not be put on objects of nickel, iron, cast iron or
steel, not allowed to be dropped, because the shock modifies the
vibratory movements which make the magnetism and the vitalization.
22 Physical Properties

The physical force of two magnets can be conserved by

placing them , one upon the other, in such a way that contrary
poles are upon each other. The physiological force of the magnet
is conserved for a longer period by placing the magnets on each
other with the poles of the same name upon each other.
The physiological force of the magnet is an object of a more
complete study in my book “Physique magnétique”. I refer this
book to the readers who want to study this unknown force in
detail, nevertheless, I must say here that magnets emit minute
particles which in certain condition can be seen by sensitive
persons with their eyes and can be photographed.


The magnet even without being vitalized, that is to say as it
has been applied up to now, exercises on the system a very
beneficial action. Vitalized, it becomes one of the most curative
agent that nature has placed at our disposal. It combines all the
advantages of classic medicine without their inconveniences and
dangers. But not withstanding its curative properties, it is not
always sufficient for curing an obstinate disease and above all for
bringing about as rapid a cure as may be expected by the patient.
Andry and Thouret in their second report dated the 1st April
1783, to the Royal Society of Medicine, posed the following
questions on the artificial magnets of Mr. Noble:
“Can we not administer magnets, in powdered form, whether
of magnetic stone or magnetized steel filings, inside?
Can we not give infusions of magnets by preparing
magnetized water after treating it in a way similar to preparing
what we call iron water?
24 Magnetic Medicine

Can we not apply with more success magnetized ointment

where the powder of the magnetic stone, after being incorporated
in the ointment, will have the advantage of applying magnetism
with a softer and lighter action, and on more tender surfaces?”

Magnetized Water
All the human magnetizers have employed successfully
magnetized water. When applied by the human magnetism it is
better than the treatment of magnetization by magnet:
nevertheless, it has a curative value that is not without importance.
Describing an experiment made for confirming this value,
this is what I wrote in my “Physique Magnétique”, P 221.
“Several years back, at the clinic of school for practicing
magnetism, number of patients, varying between 20 to 35 in
number at each sitting, visited the clinic every Thursday and
Sunday. I proposed to give them water magnetized under the
action of magnet so as to speed up the recovery. I did not boast
to them of all the properties of this water. I just said that I had
often seen its good effects on patients. Almost all accepted my
generous propositions and subject to the condition that they
would tell me the effects that they could observe, I gave each
one of them a bottle.
The water kept in a big vessel in my office room, was
subjected to magnetic action for one whole night through a horse
shoe magnet weighing 100 to 117 kilo. During the session I filled
up the bottles brought by the patients, they then took the bottles
to their home for applying. Those who were affected by piles,
problems of eyes, or skin diseases, applied it as lotion, as
washes and as compress; those who suffered from organic
Magnetic Medicine 25

diseases took them inside, either in pure form or mixing

with wine of breakfast, others utilized it in gargles, washes
and in injection.
From the first day, the most beneficial effects were observed
in almost all the patients. In the case of internal diseases, the
digestion improved, the appetite became regular, the disease
ceased, the pain diminished and the laxative effect was
frequently observed, irrespective of all external causes, whoever
was constipated.
In the case of external illness, the healing was better for piles,
the diseases of the eyes were relieved sensibly; and all the
patients recognized that they had received a precious medicine
that had never been applied so far.
Also, each one of them never failed to bring a bottle in each
session and sometimes came in between two sessions to demand
again. Many of them were satisfied with the use of the water,
which they had taken with them and stopped coming to the
sessions for being magnetized.
This first part of the experiment lasted two months. I listened
attentively to the observations one by one without getting carried
away by their enthusiasm, because I thought that their imagination
could play, if not the principal role, at least in a big way to
increase the real effects as against what could naturally be done
by the magnetized liquid. It was not difficult to distinguish the
parts played by the two actions and for that this is what I did as
second part of my experiment.
One fine morning, without saying anything, in every bottle I
put identical water but without magnetizing it. If the imagination
played a part in producing the phenomenon observed, that should
continue to produce almost similar result; because not having
26 Magnetic Medicine

the doubt that I was making an experiment, the same confidence

would have remained with me. It did not turn up so. In the next
session and without my asking anything so that they did not
suspect anything, two thirds of the patients told me that they did
not find in the water the taste they usually found, and the effect
was nil or insignificant.
A few, about one fourth, whose imagination might have
augmented the effectiveness of the remedy - the results were
more or less good, but all were absolutely certain that if the water
in the last session had been magnetized, it was less than what
was done in previous sessions.
I told them that they were of the same condition and if the
effect appeared less important, that was because of their frame
of mind. Accepting this argument, they readily agreed to take
one more bottle, which was not magnetized as in last occasion.
What could have remained of the role of imagination completely
disappeared and all the patients were absolutely in agreement
to affirm that the water had no effect at all. I however made them
continue further, by giving them most suggestive arguments; but
only a few agreed to continue and that too who had been most
benefited during the last months.
At the fifth sitting, satisfied with the result, I decided to
continue with the experiment, by giving to the patients fresh
arguments to make them take the water, which this time had been
magnetized very much, as had never been done, because I had
kept it for 24 hours under the action of magnet. All my arguments
failed, not a single patient wanted to take this water, which they
said did nothing to them.
I was deceived, because I wanted very much to continue
this experiment which began so well ; though sufficiently
conclusive, it remained incomplete.”
Magnetic Medicine 27

The two applications of magnetic medicine

This medicine then consists of:
1. External application of vitalized magnets.
2. Internal and external application of vitalized nutrition,
drinks and substances.
We can vitalize liquids, fatty substances, fruits, bread, meat
and all food not excluding medicine.
The substance subjected to the action of the negative pole
Bionorth is vitalized negatively; and those subjected to the
positive pole, Biosouth is vitalized positively. For naming those
submitted to the action of both the poles, I say that they have
been vitalized in a mixed way.
The vitalizing action is exercised in all positions but this
action becomes more energetic when the magnet is placed
horizontally in the east to west direction.
Freely suspended it gradually takes the direction of north to
south and the magnetic current of earth maintains its action,
whereas if aligned in the east to west direction, it is opposed
by this current and it discharges itself by the slow but constant
action of a real current of vitalizing force established in each pole.
For vitalizing one liter of water or some other substance, it
takes proportionately as little time as the degree to which the
magnet is vitalized. Newly vitalized, in the first week, 10 to 12
minutes will be sufficient. If good care is taken of the magnet,
then after two months, it will still sufficiently vitalize one liter
of water in half an hour. But gradually, in spite of the precautions
taken, the vital force disappears and the instrument becomes an
28 Magnetic Medicine

ordinary magnet once again, having lost most of its curative

action. One finds that the vitalizing action of the magnet is
exhausted in the substance, which has no more the characteristic
flavor and the usual effect, which progressively diminishes. The
vase, which contained the vital force, is empty.
Heat destroys the vitalization partially. The vitalized
substances should not therefore be heated up to the boiling point.
They produce maximum result at ambient temperature.
As I had mentioned above, the vital force disappears quite
rapidly under the influence of several causes. To conserve it
longer, when the magnet is not in use, it is necessary, to suspend
it with an untwisted wire to permit it to be oriented. Otherwise
it can be placed ,wrapped in paper, on some furniture, aligned
in the direction of the meridian, the negative pole towards the
north and the positive pole towards the south. This is applicable
only for obdurate diseases, because the others are almost always
cured before the magnet looses all its force of vitalizing.


All the functions of managing the animal, are under the
influence of two forces which exercise their action in two
opposite directions: on one part a positive, plastic, organizing
and conservative force of life; on the other part, one negative,
disorganizing and destructive force of life. When they act equally
on all the parts of the organism, the equilibrium is perfect and
we enjoy good health. But if the force which conserves increases
while that which destroys decreases, then the organic functions
are carried on with excessive activity; if on the contrary, the
destructive force increases and the force of conserving
decreases, the activities are diminished; and in both the cases
the equilibrium is impaired: that is how the disease sets in.
When an organ becomes ill, that is because it possesses too
much energy, vitality, excitement and it carries out its
functions with too much activity; or else it lacks energy, vitality
and excitement.
30 Origin Of Diseases

It is evident that between the two cases, there is no middle

term, and all the diseases could be classified into two categories:
1. Diseases of inflammation or excitement characterized by
too much energy and by exaggeration of the organic function;
2. Diseases of debility or paralysis characterized by the
decrease or cessation of organic function.
Let us take for example the most common disease of the
stomach. When the organ is too excited, the functions are
executed rapidly; the gastric juice and the mucous of stomach
are more abundant than in normal case and this excess results in
phlegm, mucus, vomiting. Then there are the diseases of stomach
pain, pangs of hunger in the stomach, the cramps and then the
gastralgia, gastritis, ulcer.
When on the other hand the activity is diminished very
much, the gastric juice does not contain any more all the
elements required for digestion and the function of this organism
reduces. The food remains in the stomach, decomposes there and
produces gas, which results in belching, nausea, rising in the
stomach. When one is ill at ease one feels dullness and loss of
appetite, and the swelling of the abdomen, dyspepsia, stomach
upset come in suddenly.
It is evident that if in the first case one calms down for
diminishing this abnormal activity and in the second case if one
excites for increasing, the equilibrium is restored and that
constitutes good health.
In a large number of cases one organ functions with extra
activity while on the contrary, the functions of a neighboring
organ are diminished or stopped. When there is alteration or
partial destruction of an organ, as in degeneracy, hardening,
Origin Of Diseases 31

consumption and in a few undefined nervous diseases, such as

epilepsy, hysteria, chorea sometimes we notice perversion, that
is the same function, during a time more or less together, sometimes
has its normal activity increased and sometimes diminished.

This specially confirms my theory and proves the great

superiority of magnetism on all the modes of treatment because
it is mathematically impossible that in a given moment the
function of an organ will be at the same time increased and
diminished. If an organ is functioning very actively and at the
same time the function of a neighboring organ diminishes, the
first one is calmed down while the second one is excited. In the
case of perversion, the functioning is calmed down when the activity
is too much and is excited when the activity is not sufficient.

For treatment of certain diseases if some difficulty is faced

by those who do not have any knowledge of the medical
profession and who do not want to be treated under the
instructions of a doctor, then it is necessary to know definitely
whether really there is excitement or diminution of such and such
function. That will be sufficient for trying.

If the calming application does not bring about expected

result, you should excite and try the opposite when necessary.
The magnetism is before anything else a moderator, a regenerator
of functions. It is a force of equilibrium, similar to the principle
which maintains the life and good health in us, and it is free
from the dangers posed by pharmaceutical medicine. One could
calm where it should have been excited and reciprocally, with
the disease showing no other effect except momentary uneasiness,
which would disappear quite fast under an opposite application.
32 Origin Of Diseases

Removing pain
Besides, the pain disappears almost as quickly by
exciting as by calming, because of anesthesia, which more or
less quickly succeeds hyperaesthesia. This is what explains the
result obtained by practitioners who having no idea of the polarity
do all their applications randomly.
In a large number of cases, the nervous diseases, organic
trouble and diseases of all types are rapidly cured by the
magnetic medicine. When there are major lesions, as in the case
of cancer, rumours, aneurismal, hardening, decays, anchylosis,
hemiplegia, locomotor ataxy, softening of the brain and spinal
cord, one can not depend on this method for cure; but one could
certainly obtain improvement.
The patients, who could not get any benefit by application
of vitalized magnets, should not loose hope. Many of them can
relatively easily be cured by magnetism.


It is generally thought that magnetism has real efficacy only
in nervous diseases. That is a mistake. Contrary to hypnotism
and independent of all suggestive action, magnetism is a vital
agent, with excellent curative property, which comes forcefully
in aid of nature’s forces of medication, and its affectivity is often
greater in organic diseases than in diseases of the nerves.
I cannot emphasis too much to make one understand - for
calming, one should apply the negative pole, Bionorth of the
magnet on the skin; and reciprocally, for exciting the positive
pole, Biosouth of the magnet on the skin.
The duration of the application should be proportionate to
the gravity or the oldness of the disease and the sensitiveness of
the patient. As a general rule, in the case of serious diseases,
and more so if there is pain, the magnet should be put on till the
disturbing symptoms disappear. Thereafter continue to wear them
whether during day or night and progressively diminish the
duration and the frequency of application, and stop completely
when the symptoms have entirely disappeared.
34 Therapeutic Application

Since the sensitivity is not the same with every one, it is

impossible for me to give exactly all the requirements for each
disease. Besides that is not required because after a few days,
observing the results obtained you can perfectly conduct the
treatment particularly in the matters relating to duration and
frequency of applications.
Magnet acts at a distance. It can be applied next to skin or
above the dress.
If what is written above is well grasped, we can review, as
quickly as possible, the treatment of the diseases which can
mostly be cured or relieved by the magnets. I divide the diseases
into two categories:
1. Diseases of Inflammation or exaltation.
2. Diseases of debility or weakening diseases or diseases
of paralysis, classifying them according to the regions of the
organs affected by them.

Inflammatory diseases. Cephalalgy (headache), giddiness,
vertigo, insomnia, neuralgia, migraine, brain stroke, apoplexy,
encephalitis, meningitis, over excitement, restlessness, delirium,
delirium tremens, rage, madness, insane acts.
In principle, for ordinary cases, apply a magnet on the
forehead, and in very complicated cases, apply it one on the
nape of the neck and another on the throat simultaneously.
In diseases appearing periodically like migraine, neuralgia,
the magnet should be applied as soon as the symptoms indicating
Therapeutic Application 35

coming of the disease appears, or on the day or the previous

day if it comes on fixed days or the days in which they are
foreseen. For migraine, nightmare and in all cases where the
digestion is bad put in the stomach a series of magnets, according
to the graveness of the disease. It is often necessary to excite
the stomach by calming the brain. In cases not very severe, the
application is made only at night for maintaining as well as for
curing . A magnet put in the wrist (see chapter VII) sometimes
cures them completely.
For acute diseases endangering life, like meningitis and
convulsion, the application should be all the time till the alarming
symptoms disappear. From this time onwards, apply
intermittently, for shorter and shorter duration as the disease
gets cured.
In other cases, and particularly when the digestion is sluggish
and the appetite is reduced, make use of drinks and food
magnetized positively or in a mixed way, for stimulating the
function of the stomach. At the same time apply compresses on
the forehead and on the crown of the head, or apply lotions or
washings with water magnetized positively or in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases. Cerebral anemia, stupidity (dazed
condition), imbecility, lunacy, hypochondria, listlessness,
insensibility, stupor, general paralysis, shaking, softening
of the brain.
Excite the stomach with the same magnet in the same place
but the Biosouth pole should be towards the skin.
Food and drinks magnetized positively. Compress on the
head, lotions, washes and rub downs with water magnetized
positively or magnetized in a mixed way.
36 Therapeutic Application

Inflammatory diseases: Ear ache, (otitis-otology) flow,
(otorrhoea), and catarrh of the ear.
Apply the magnets with the Bionorth surface on the forehead,
one on the crown of head, or better still one of the poles reaching
towards the affected ear. In the case of pain, apply another magnet
on the neck with the Bionorth pole pointed towards the ears.
Compresses, injection of magnetized water in the ears. Water
should be magnetized negatively.
Weakening diseases: Singing in the ear, noise, deafness.
The same magnets as in the preceding case, applied in the
same regions, but the Biosouth surface towards the skin.
Injection, compresses with negatively magnetized water.

Inflammatory diseases: Lacrymal tumours, oedema of the
eyelids, conjuctitis keratitis, problem of retina, iritis, ophthalmia,
Magnet with faces Bionorth on the forehead. In serious cases,
apply another magnet on the nape of the neck.
Compress on the forehead and magnetized water of mixed
pole; wash and bathe the eyes either with rose water or plantain
water negatively magnetised.
Weakening diseases. Motes in the eyes, loss of vision, dazzlings,
glaucoma, cataract, weak sightedness, color-blindness, amaurosis.
Same magnets but applied with Biosouth surface towards the
skin, on the same regions.
Compress on the forehead with magnetized water of mixed
poles, wash and bath with positively magnetized oil.
Therapeutic Application 37

Nose and Nasal fossae

Inflammatory deceases. Nosebleed, bleeding from the nose,
coryza (cold in the head).
Bionorth magnet on the forehead and on the nose.
Compress on the forehead with 0.9% saline water
magnetized in a mixed wary, draw in this water through the nose.
Rub the nose and the forehead with a pomade (camphorated
pomade, if camphor is not disagreeable - not to be swallowed),
magnetized in the same way.
Weakening diseases. Decay of the cartilage of the nose,
dryness of the nostil, loss of smell, ozena, blocking of the nose.
The same magnets as in the preceding case, applied on the
same regions, but with Biosouth face towards the skin.
Compress, rub downs, drawing into the nose with the same
substances magnetized with both poles.

Mouth and Teeth

Inflammatory diseases: Salivation (stomatitis), thrush, gingivitis,
aphtha, toothache, dental inflammation, swelling of the gum.
Magnets facing Bionorth towards the skin, sometimes on the
forehead sometimes on the chin. For toothache, place it on the
point of pain or as close to it as possible.
Compress on the point of pain, washing of the mouth,
gargling with water magnetized with negative pole or magnetized
in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases. Scurvy, putridity of gum.
Same magnets placed on the same regions, but face Bionorth
towards the skin. Washing the mouth, gargling with positively
magnetized water or magnetized in a mixed way.
38 Therapeutic Application

Spinal marrow
Inflammatory diseases. Spinal meningitis, locomotor ataxy,
acute myelitis.
Magnetic belt with face Bionorth towards the back, magnets
on the shoulder blade. If there is gastric trouble, apply at the
same time magnets on the stomach, put only 2 hours after a meal.
In the case of insomnia magnet on the forehead during the night.
Food and drinks magnetized negativity or in a mixed way.
Lotion or rub downs on the vertebral column with the same
magnetized substances in the same way.
Weakening diseases. Softening of the marrow, sclerosis,
progressive paralysis, progressive muscular atrophie, chronic
myelitis, shaking, infant paralysis.
The same magnets as in the preceding case, placed on the
same regions but with the face Biosouth towards the skin.
Food or drinks positively magnetized or magnetized in a
mixed way. Lotion and rub downs on the vertebral column with
substances magnetized in the same way.

Inflammatory diseases: Albuminuria (Bright’s disease),
nephrite, pyelitis neuralgia of the kidneys, renal colic.
Bionorth magnets in the region of the kidneys.
Food and drinks magnetized with negative pole or in a mixed
way; lotion and rubbing on the kidneys with substances
magnetized with negative pole or in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases: Gravel. Same magnets as in the
preceding case, placed on the same region but with Biosouth face
towards the skin.
Therapeutic Application 39

Food and drinks magnetized in a mixed way: lotions and rub

downs on the kidneys with substances magnetized with positive
pole or in a mixed way.

Throat, Larynx, Pharynx

Inflammatory diseases. Goitre, soar throat (laryngite),
hoarseness, cold, angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (quinsy),
diphtheria, laryngeal phthisis.
Bionorth magnets at the throat and towards the upper positions
of the chest.
Food and drinks magnetized with negative pole or in a mixed
way; gargles, rub downs with substances magnetized in the same
Weakening diseases. Nasalisation of voice, speaking through
the nose, loss of voice, dysphagia.
The same magnets as in the preceding case, placed on the
same regions but with face Biosouth towards the skin.
Food and drinks magnetized with positive pole or in a mixed
way; rub downs with substances magnetized in the same way.

Heart and aorta

Inflammatory diseases. Palpitation, neuralgia of the heart,
aneurism, enlargement of the heart, pericarditis, endocarditis,
angina pectoris.
Bionorth magnet on the region of heart, if the case is serious
sometimes on the posterior side of the body, sometimes on the
front side,increase the number of magnets for serious cases. A
magnet put on the wrist often suffices for not so serious cases.
40 Therapeutic Application

Food and drinks magnetized in a mixed way; gently rub in

the region of heart with substances magnetized in the same way.
Weakening diseases: Atrophy of heart, reduced circulation,
syncope, insufficiency of valvules of heart.
Same magnets as in the preceding cases, applied on the same
regions but with face Biosouth towards the skin.
Foods and drinks magnetized with positive pole or in a
mixed way; vigorous rubbing on the region of heart and on the
entire left side with substances magnetized with positive pole
or in a mixed way.

Lungs, Bronchia, Liver and Spleen.

Inflammatory diseases: Influenza, cold on the chest,
pulmonary catarrh, pulmonary phthisis, pneumonia, pleurisy,
congestion of the lungs, acute bronchitis, whooping cough,
neuralgia of liver, hepatic colic, cirrhosis, vomiting and bilious
diarrhea, hypertrophy of the spleen, intercostal neuralgia.
In the case of diseases not so serious of one or the other of
these organs, Bionorth magnets on the region of chest, sometimes
in the front side of the body, sometimes on the back portion a
few centimeters below the shoulder blades.
In more serious cases strong Bionorth magnets may be fixed
permanently in the same regions.
In pulmonary phthisis of the second degree of its
development when phlegm accumulates in the bronchi and there
is suffocation, Bionorth and Biosouth applications should be
used alternately for activating the circulation and for removing
the obstruction.
Therapeutic Application 41

It is often necessary to stimulate the function of the stomach

by drinks and food magnetized in a mixed way ; rub the chest
softly with substances magnetized in the same way.
Weakening diseases: Breathlessness, smothering, suffocation,
dyspnoea, suffocation due to introduction of air, asthma,
etisy,consumption, obstruction of liver, icterus (jaundice), spleen,
chronic bronchitis.
The same magnets as in the preceding cases, applied on the
same region but with Biosouth face towards the skin.
Drinks and food magnetized with positive pole or in a mixed
way; vigorous rubbing with substances magnetized in the same way.

Inflammatory diseases. Acidity of stomach, pyrosis, gas,
eructation, vomiting blood (hematemesis) glairy or bilious,
indigestion, stomach cramp, stomach pains, acute gastric, sudden
pang of hunger, bulimia.
In the less serious cases: Bionorth magnets on the stomach
region, sometimes on the front side of the body sometimes on
the back side. In more serious cases put stronger magnets. A
magnet in the wrist always modifies these cases favorably.
Food or drinks magnetized with negative pole for the serious
cases and in a mixed way for the others.
Weakening diseases: Heaviness, dilation of stomach, lack of
appetite, stomach upset, nightmare, dyspepsia, nausea, and
chronic gastritis.
Same pieces as in the preceding cases, on the same regions
but with Biosouth face towards the skin. In the case of nightmare
42 Therapeutic Application

and insomnia, apply at the same time a magnet on the head, during
the night, for calming effect.
Food and drinks magnetized with negative pole for serious
cases; in other case magnetized in a mixed way.

Inflammatory diseases: Colics, cramps, spasms, entéralgie
(neuralgia of intestine), enteritis, gastric-enteritis, peritonitis,
diarrhea, dysentery, cholerine, tubercular affection.
If the case is not so serious, Bionorth magnets on the region
of intestine. In serious cases, series of magnets sometimes on
the region of intestine sometimes on the region of kidneys.
Foods and drinks magnetized with negative pole or in a
mixed way, rub downs, washes, baths of the hip with substances
magnetized in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases: Constipation (heating), swelling of the
abdomen, gas, flatulency.
Same magnets as in the preceding cases, but with Biosouth
face towards the skin.
Foods and drinks magnetized with positive pole or in a
mixed way; washes, baths of hip, vigorous rubbing with
substances magnetized in the same way.

Anus and rectum

Inflammatory diseases: Haemorrhoids, fistula and cracks.
Series of Bionorth magnets in the region of kidneys.
Cold lotions at the perineum and on the kidneys, washings,
bath of hip with water magnetized in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases: Fall of rectum, involuntary evacuation
of matter.
Therapeutic Application 43

Series of magnets on the region of kidneys but with face

Biosouth towards the skin.
Vigorous rubbings and cold lotion on the kidneys and at the
perineum, washings, bath of hip with substances magnetized in
a mixed way.

Uterus, Ovary, Bladder, Urethra, Prostate

Inflammatory diseases: Neuralgia of the cervix of womb,
displacement, deviation, anteversion, retroversion, leucorrhea
(whites), painful periods (dysmenorrhoea), metrorrhagia,
vagimitis, ovaritis, erosion, granulations, obstruction of urine,
neuralgia of the cervix of bladder, vesical catarrh (cystitis),
enlargement of prostrate, urethritis..
For less serious cases, Bionorth magnet sometimes on the
bladder, sometimes on the kidneys. In more serious cases, keep
them in position, on the bladder and on the kidneys.
Injections morning and evening with substances magnetized
with negative pole or in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases. Suppression of periods
(dysmenorrhoea), sterility, critical age, incontinence, stoppage
of urine, sluggishness and inertia of bladder.
Same magnets as in the preceding cases, but with Biosouth
face towards the skin.
Foods and drinks magnetized with positive pole or in a
mixed way; wash, bath of hip, vigorous rubbings on the
kidneys, bath and injection with substances magnetized in the
same way.
44 Therapeutic Application

Spermatic passages
Inflammatory diseases: Neuralgia of glands: spermatic,
priapism, orchitis, hydrocele haematocele, gonorrhea, inflammation.
Bionorth magnets on the region of bladder; at the same time
series of magnets on the kidneys, and a strong magnet kept below
the testes by a suspender.
Local bath, warm lotions, injections with substances
magnetized with negative pole or in a mixed way.

Paralytic diseases: Seminal losses, impotence

Same magnets as in the preceding cases, but with Biosouth
face towards the skin.
Foods and drinks magnetized with positive pole or in a
mixed way; vigorous rubbings on the region of kidneys, cold
lotions on the perineum and on the kidneys with substances
magnetized in a mixed way.

Joints, Bone, Muscles and Tendons, Sciatica,

Pain in general
Inflammatory diseases: Osteitis, periostitis, decay of bone,
Pott’s disease, white tumors, coxitis, cramps, writer’s and
pianist’s cramp, contractions, dislocation, sprain, rolled
edges, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, hydarthrosis, sciatica, pain
in general.

Bionorth magnets applied on the place of pain or as close

to it as possible. For the writer’s and pianist’s cramp, magnet
Therapeutic Application 45

on the wrist. In the first case put also a magnetic pen: fix
magnets on the pen with the face Bionorth towards the skin.
When the feet and legs are affected, according to the gravity
of the cases, magnets on the instep or magnetized slipper
under the sole of the feet. For coxitis or sciatica, apply a
series of Bionorth magnets on the region of kidney and
magnets on the painful places; for Pott’s disease magnets on
the place of pain.
Gentle and prolonged rubbings, washes with substances
magnetized in a mixed way.
Weakening diseases: rickets, deviation, deformation of size,
weakness of muscles, shaking of the limbs, dryness, stiffness,
snapping of joints, paralysis, cold at the feet.
Same magnets as in the preceding cases with Biosouth face
towards the skin.
Vigorous rubbings, lotions, washes with cold substances
magnetized in a mixed way.

Blood, Circulation, Nutrition and Assimilation

Inflammatory diseases: Heat in the limbs. Fever in general;
diabetes, clogging, obstruction, clots, tumors, cysts, wen, cancers.
Almost all these diseases are very serious; there should be
no negligence for fighting them. Wear almost continuously
Bionorth magnets on the regions of kidneys, on the stomach or
on the intestine (except for the two hours following digestion).
Congestion, obstruction and clots can be cured in this way if
they are not very old and not very voluminous; in an advanced
stage, application of Bionorth and Biosouth should be combined.
46 Therapeutic Application

The tumors, cysts, cancers will be relieved by the application

of magnets almost constantly but there is little chance of curing
them without taking recourse to human magnetism, magnetic
massage and probably surgery.
Food and drinks magnetized with negative pole are in a
mixed way; rub downs everywhere, upper portions and lower
with substances magnetized in the same way.
Weakening diseases. Impoverishment of blood, anemia,
chlorosis, debility, cachexia, asthenia, adynamia, thinness, obesity.
Biosouth magnets placed in the regions of chest, stomach and
the intestine. In complicated cases Biosouth magnetic slippers
under the sole of the feet.
Food and drinks magnetized with negative pole or in a mixed
way; rub downs everywhere from top to bottom with substances
magnetized in the same way.

Skin diseases, Injuries due to sports

Inflammatory diseases: Contusions, bruises, wound, cut,
burns, varicose vein, boil, furuncle, carbuncle, nettle-rash,
herpes, acne, scabs, eczema, shingles, baker’s itch, prurigo,
ringworm of the scalp, tinea, skin wool, and loss of hair.
According to the gravity of the case and the part of the body
affected apply Bionorth magnets on the place of pain or as near
to it as possible. In the case of diseases involving many organism
together like nettle-rash, herpes, eczema direct the action towards
the stomach whether on the front side or the backside. For tinea,
skin wool, Bionorth magnet on the forehead or at the nape
of the neck.
In these above last cases, excite the intestine by rub downs
and by putting magnets for getting a diversion.
Therapeutic Application 47

Foods and drinks magnetized in a mixed way; rub downs,

lotions, washes with substances magnetized in the same way.
Keep always the stomach empty.

Nervous diseases: Neurosis

Inflammatory diseases: Hyperaesthesia, fit of hysteria,
convulsions, chorea, hysteria, falling sickness (epilepsy), natural
somnambulism, catalepsy, lethargy, trance, neurasthenia, nervous
state almost orphen.
Act on the region of stomach sometimes on the front side,
sometimes on the backside. According to the seriousness of the
case apply one or more Bionorth magnets.
In the case of attack of epileptic hysteria, apply a magnet at
the nape of the neck during night and a series of magnets on the
region where the crisis seems to originate. In most of the cases
it is the epigastrium (region of stomach) or the ovaries. Wear a
magnet on the wrist. When the feet become cold wear a Bionorth
magnet on the instep or a magnetic slipper at the sole of the feet.
Foods and drinks magnetized with negative pole or in a
mixed way.
Weakening diseases: Nervous trembling, analgesia,
Same magnets as in the preceding cases, but with Biosouth
face towards the skin; they can be kept almost permanently in
the region of stomach (except for two hours after the meals),
sometimes on the front side, sometimes on the backside. If this
action is insufficient, apply a magnet on the forehead and even
another one at the nape of the neck during the night.
Foods and drinks magnetized with the positive pole or in a
mixed way.
48 Therapeutic Application

If all that is written in preceding pages has been understood

well, the patients can ask for the magnets that are required. Always
in complicated diseases, it is preferable to approach a specialist.


The vitalized magnets should not be used for several
illnesses because it often happens that the illness that has been
cured or relieved, can be communicated to another. It seems that
an exchange takes place between vitalizing principle of the
magnet and the principle of the disease. Sometimes even it
happens that the magnet which has lost its force of attracting iron,
because of curing a disease, if it is used again for curing some
illness, the symptoms of disease cured reappears, symptoms
which again disappear when the magnet is made stronger.
Therefore in principle, a magnet should be used for only one
patient, when he is cured, the magnet should be considered as
dangerous and should be destroyed.


The strong magnets recommended should have at least 500
gauss (the unit of measuring the magnetic force) for having a
therapeutic effect.
A series of magnets can be made by stitching magnets inside
two layers of cloth, identical faces in the same direction and
applied then with a bandage.
A magnetic belt is a belt to which magnets have been fixed
inside the belt with sticking plasters.
A magnetic slipper is a slipper in which perforations are
made and in each of which small magnets are put.
A strong magnet must exceed 2000 gauss. The heavier it is,
the wider is its field of action. They are utilized for acting on
internal organs.
A magnetic pen is a pen on which magnets have been
fixed with Bionorth face towards the skin at places where one
holds the instrument.


Since the beginning of the seventeenth century many

books including important books have been published on the
curative action of magnets. I cite those which are among the best
books, published in French.
Akibert - Nouveaux éléments de thérapeutique et de matière
médicale, 1817, tome II.
Andry et Thouret.- Observations et Recherches sur l'usage
de l'Aimant en médecine ou Mémoire Sur le Magnétisme
médicinal, 29 août 1781, inséré dans les Mémoires de la Société
Royale de Médecine année 1779. Tiré à part, in-4, avec figures.
Paris 1782.
Des aimants artificiels de M. Le Noble, appliqué à la
guérison des maladies nerveuses Rapport à la Société royale de
médecine, 1er avril 1783 publié par Luneau de Bois germain,
avec des notes. In-18, Paris. An VIII.
J. Babinsky - Recherches servant à établir que certaines
manifestations hystériques peuvent être transférées d'un sujet à
l'autre sous l'influence de l'aimant.
52 Bibliography

Revue philosophique, décembre 1886.

Condamine (de la) - Sur la vertu de l'aimant contre le mal
de dents. Journal de médecine, septembre 1767
Debove - Note sur l'hémiplégie saturnine et sur son traitement
par l'application d'un Aimant, lue à la Société médicale des
hôpitaux, 1879.
- Note sur l'emploi des Aimants dans les hémianesthésies
liées à une affection cérébrale due à l'hystérie, Progrès médical,
1879, n° 50.
- Dictionnaire des merveilles de la nature, article Aimant,
Paris 1802.
H. Durville.- Physique magnétique, 2 vol. avec fig., 1895.
- Description du Sensitivomètre. Application de l'Ai-mant
à la mesure de la sensitivité magnétique et au trai-tement de
quelques maladies, avec 3 fig. Paris, 1888.
G. Encausse - Du traitement externe et psychique des
maladies nerveuses, 1897.
Encyclopédie des gens du monde, article Aimant. Paris,
Fourot - Récit des effets salutaires de l'Aimant sur une
maladie nerveuse. Gazette salutaire, février 1779.
Foveau De Courmelles. - Les aimants en thérapeu-tique. Vie
nouvelle, 26 avril 1903.
Guimbail - Les Applications médicales du Magnétisme, ou
Magnétothérapie. Thérapeutique par les agents physiques, 1903.
Bibliography 53

W. Hammond - De l'emploi de l'Aimant en thérapeutique.

Annales de psychiatrie, 1893.
Harsu (de). Observations sur les effets de l'Aimant Journal
encyclopédique, juillet 1876.
Huit lettres sur les effets de l'Aimant en médecine, dans le
Journal encyclopédique, octobre 1776 à 1179, et une dans la
Gazette de santé en 1780.
- Recueil des effets salutaires de l'Aimant en médecine, in-
8, Genève, 1782.
Israel - Observation d'une épilepsie guérie par le secours
des Aimants. Journal historique de médecine. Venise 1766.
Luys - Propulsion locomotrice d'origine cérébelleuse.
Guérison par l'action des couronnes aimantées. Gazette des
Hôpitaux, 23 juillet 1895.
A. Maggiorani - Application de l'Aimant pour constater la
grossesse. Rome, 1894.
Macqueret - De l'aimantation au point de vue médical et en
particulier des anesthésies, 1880.
Mesmer - Lettre de M. Mesmer, docteur en médecine à
Vienne, à M. Unzer, sur l'usage médicinal de l'aimant, 5 janvier
- Réponse de M. Mesmer à ceux qui l'ont consulté sur la
cure magnétique. Journal encyclopédique, juin 1776.
- Discours sur le magnétisme et sur les effets salutaires de
l'Aimant, 1782.
Nysten - Dictionnaire des Sciences, médicales, ar-ticle
Aimant, Paris, 1822.
54 Bibliography

Ochorowiczcz - L'Hypnoscope. Nouvelle application de

l'Aimant. Lumière électrique, 8 novembre 1884.
Proust et Ballet - De l'action des Aimants sur quelques
troubles nerveux et spécialement sur les anesthésies
(Communication faite au Congrès d'Amsterdam, le 13 novembre
1879. Reproduite dans le Journal de Thérapeutique).
Th. Taffar - Lettre écrite de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis,
par le R. P. dom Thomas Taffar, sur sa guérison (convulsions)
opérée par la vertu de l'Aimant. Mercure de France, juillet 1726.
Tamburini - L'aimant dans l'hypnose hystérique. Revue
philosophique, septembre 1885.
Thouret - Observations sur les vertus de l'Aimant. Mémoires
de la Société royale de médecine, 1766, t. I, p. 281.
- Encyclopédie méthodique (médecine), article Ai-mant,
Paris 1833.
Trousseau et Pidoux - Traité de Thérapeutique et de matière
médicale, 1847, t. I.
Le Journal du Magnétisme, dirigé par le professeur H.
Durville, a publié des observations, des notes et des travaux
originaux sur la théorie de l'aimant appliqué au traitement des
For all instructions on biomagneto-therapy and magnets
you can write to

Index of Chapters
Preface ....................................................................3
Chapter 1. The History of Magnets .....................5
It cures joint pain ............................................................................ 7
Paracelse and organic maladies ..................................................... 8
The alchemists ................................................................................ 9
Magnetic medicine ........................................................................ 10
The perfection of the method of manufacturing ............................ 11
Mesmer ........................................................................................ 12
Therapeutic action of magnets ..................................................... 13
The report of the Royal Society of Medicine ................................ 16
The period of forgetfulness ........................................................... 18
Chapter 2. Physical Properties..........................19
The poles ...................................................................................... 20
Precautions to be taken ................................................................ 21
Chapter 3. Magnetic Medicine ...........................23
Magnetized Water ........................................................................ 24
The two applications of magnetic medicine .................................. 27
Chapter 4. Origin of Diseases ...........................29
Removing pain .............................................................................. 32
Chapter 5. Therapeutic Application .................33
Brain ............................................................................................. 34
Ears .............................................................................................. 36
Eyes ............................................................................................. 36
Nose and Nasal fossae ................................................................. 37
Mouth and Teeth ........................................................................... 37
56 Index of Chapters

Spinal marrow............................................................................... 38
Kidneys ......................................................................................... 38
Throat, Larynx, Pharynx................................................................ 39
Heart and aorta ............................................................................ 39
Lungs, Bronchia, Liver and Spleen. .............................................. 40
Stomach ....................................................................................... 41
Intestine ........................................................................................ 42
Anus and rectum ........................................................................... 42
Uterus, Ovary, Bladder, Urethra, Prostate.................................... 43
Spermatic passages ..................................................................... 44
Paralytic diseases: Seminal losses, impotence ............................ 44
Joints, Bone, Muscles and Tendons, Sciatica, Pain in general ..... 44
Blood, Circulation, Nutrition and Assimilation ................................ 45
Skin diseases, Injuries due to sports ............................................ 46
Nervous diseases: Neurosis ......................................................... 47
Chapter 6. Important Observations ..................49
Chapter 7. Types of Therapeutic Magnets .......50
Bibliography ........................................................51

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