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From the data it can be concluded that most of the people who were interviewed were in the age
group of 20 to 40 years, this was done with the intention of understanding how a young mind set
works when it comes to banking industry how it perceives the bank’s policies. We also included a
certain percentage of people who were in the age group of 50 years and above to understand what
their experience says when it comes to banking as they must have dealt with the banks more than
anyone else.

chart 2

From the pie chart it is visible that most of the people who responded were men, though we tried to
keep this ration as close as possible but the issue arose in the age group of 50 years and above
where most of the people we met were males and not females, However in the age group of 20-40
years the ratio was almost 1:1


Since most of our respondents were young working professionals, hence the major income group
was 3 lakhs to 13 lakhs forming nearly 80% of the total respondents. In that also almost 50 % of the
total sample is earning between 3-8 lakhs per annum.


From the pie chart it is evident that maximum people are brand conscious, and this is mainly
because of the increasing competition among different brands. Also it takes few important factors to
develop yourself as a good brand. Good marketing, advertisement strategies service delivery and
discount offers are the factors that attracts customers and help organisation to build into a good
brand. Hence it is important to earn a good brand name as most of the people are conscious about


From the pie chart is clear that to most of the respondents brand name is associated with the
product and thus they believe that product helps them to identify the brands which is in their mind.
Apart from this, service delivery of a particular product also helps to remember the brand name and
the product name.


The pie chart clearly shows that people are concerned about the brand and the market image of
their banks and thus banks need to make a good brand of their own in order to capitalise on the
customers. Brand conscious are very critical about the services and they can change their bank if not
properly taken care of

The pie chart gives us a good insight of how brand image of the bank helps the customers and most
of the people were of the opinion that it helps them create trust and rely on the bank while others
were of the opinion that it gives them confidence to invest in the bank and its funds


The above pie chart is important more from the bank’s point of view as it tells us the major factors
required to make a good brand image according to the customers. It clearly depicts that people give
priority to quality and how that is being given to them, i.e. they believe that marketing strategies
and quality of services provided by the bank are the two major factors required to create a good
brand image. Also offers, discounts and other value added services are to but they do no
compromise with the quality


The pie chart clearly depicts that when asked from the customers what motivates them to select a
particular bank than the major came out was the ‘ word of mouth’. It shows that better the services
of the bank, better the chances of increasing sales and attracting new clients because word of mouth
results are stronger than any other marketing strategy and hence banks need to make sure about
the quality they are delivering


This pie chart is the most equally divided one amongst all the pie charts as we asked the respondents
to identify the banks with their logos, we got a mixed response, few of the young respondents were
able to identify the banks however many female respondents and people from the age group of 50+
got confused and were of the opinion that they are able to connect more with the banks with the
help of the taglines


The pie chart tells us that people these days mostly the young generation is ready to switch their
banks if they get better services and offers, this response also goes in line with the response where
customers mostly agreed that they are brand conscious. Also we have seen that our respondents
being young and open to investment are looking for the quality products and services hence, it is no
wonder that they are open to switch to different brands and explore new options

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