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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02


Name of School: _____________________________ District: ______

Title of the Activity: EARTHQUAKE DRILL

I. Earthquake and Fire Drill Participants

Pupils/Students: 329
Faculty/Staff: 20
Parents: 5
TOTAL: 354

II. Earthquake and Fire Drill Rationale

Pursuant to the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 48, series of 2012, Secretary
of Education Armin A. Luistro has directed all public and private schools nationwide as well as
the offices and attached agencies of the DepEd to undertake the national simultaneous
emergency drills.

According to Senator Loren Legarda, “the Philippines is a disaster-prone country. Fires

constantly occur while the threats of earthquakes cannot be discounted owing to the Philippines
being in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region in the Pacific that is disaster-prone. School children in
school buildings or on board school buses and the sick, infirm, and disabled in health- care
institutions are vulnerable to the risks presented by fires, earthquakes, and other hazardous
phenomena. This bill seeks to mitigate these risks by preparing the citizenry, particularly school
children and the occupants of health-care institutions, their administrators, operators, and
personnel on the proper response and actions to take in cases of fires, earthquakes, and other
hazardous phenomena”.

DepEd secretary explained that, “In doing this regularly, we can assess the capacity level
and response of the schools and the community in the event of disasters and other emergencies.”

Earthquakes strike without warning, life-protecting actions must be taken immediately at

the first indication. Conducting earthquake and fire drill in a school prepares the students,
teachers, parents and the community in responding such calamities. As a result the San Isidro
Integrated School conduct this drills to prepare and to give them information to be aware of the
importance of the drills to save life.

III. Objectives
The earthquake drill aims to:
1. To instill the minds of the students/pupils the correct procedures to be
followed in an emergency situation that there is no confusion or panicking.
2. To train students/pupils of safety precautions during earthquake.
3. To give ideas on how to respond in such calamities.

IV. Highlights of Activities

a. Planning
The SIIS faculty held a short meeting for the drill and also the
dissemination of committees in DRRM for the guidance of the teachers in charge
and also to the lecturers.

b. Implementation

b.1. Lecture/Symposium

The pupils and students were gathered in the school gymnasium for the
symposium. The first lecturer is Ma’am Helen G. Tanio, she discussed about the
types of earthquakes, intensity and magnitude and its effects, and second lecturer
is Sir Edgar P. Sardeniola talks about the different agencies that are involved in
case of emergency like earthquakes and also the things to be prepared to be ready.
Sir Ryan N. Walat together with the Red Cross Youth Club demonstrates the
different ways of bandaging according to the types of injuries.

b.2. Orientation to the Drill

Sir Wilson T. Rigor orients the pupils/students in the process of

earthquake drill. When he whistle once it means preparation, then when he
whistle three times it signals the first strike of the earthquake that the student will
execute the drop, cover and hold on and a long blast 60 seconds drum roll all the
participants will go to the open area of the school. The teachers/advisers will do
the count head to be reported to the committee on documentation and
communication. The different committee’s will do their assigned task.

b.3. Drill proper

After the symposium the learners and teachers went back to their
respective classroom, as planned the DRRM coordinator Mr. Wilson T. Rigor blew
a long blast whistle means to prepare and then after 5 minutes he then blew a long
and sharp blast wherein the students execute the drop, cover and hold on in their
respective classroom and followed by a long blast drum roll signifies a tremor that
everybody slowly go to the designated evacuation area.
The active Red Cross Youth Club and Student Supreme Government and
the Supreme Pupil Government help in rescuing those casualties and in putting
bandages to those injured students with the guidance of the committee on first aid
and rescue with Sir Reynaldo D. Olog, Sir Edgar P. Sardeniola, Ma’am Laylanie
E. Draman, Ma’am Cristeta W. Simsim and Ma’am Joycelyn P. Caillan, Ma’am
Helen G. Tanio and Sir Ryan N. Walat. The teachers and advisers do the head
count each class then they reported to the committee on documentation if there
were missing pupils/students to Ma;am Josalie R. Ulep and Merlita E. Valdez
together with the committee on communication Ma’am Nerissa A. Matias and
Sheilo Mae Pataueg. Those students that are severely injured were brought to the
hospital with the assistance of the committee on transportation headed by Sir
Edgar P. Sardeniola, Sir Ryan N. Walat, Ma’am Laylanie E. Draman and Ma’am
Cristeta W. Simsim. While they are pacifying the physical, emotional and mental
condition of the victims the committee on relief good spread the food supplies
with the leadership of Ma’am Maricris V. Nanglihan, Ma’am Odessa T. Delos
Santos, Ma’am Delia E. Marvil, Ma’am Jane T. Macadenden and Ma’am Analyn
U. Dulay.

After the earthquake the committee on building inspector with the

supervision of Sir Wilson T. Rigor and Sir Ryan N. Walat check the damages of
the buildings in the school to be repaired.

V. Earthquake and Fire Drill General Assessment

The drill was successful because after the drill the student was encouraged
to discuss their drill experience and also they were asked for their feedback for the
improvement of the drill.

VI. Benefits and Impact

Conducting drills to school is beneficial to all because it gives information

to what are the scenarios when there is an earthquake. This activity gives idea to
people how to respond such calamities and also they can create their own
emergency plan in their houses. Doing this activity simultaneously the students
can respond immediately or being cautious to their surrounding that they know
what to do to be safe and also to save another life.

This activity has a great impact to the lives of individual to be alert, aware
and prepared in any calamities they will encounter.

VII. Documentation

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