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The book 3 "Points of opening and closing of transactions in the Forex market"

Volume 1

Points of opening and closing of transactions in the Forex market

Section 1. Reasons of creation of trade system “Masterforex-V”

From more than 100 thousand letters which have arrived to me for 1 year of work of Academy of
trading of Masterforex-V, the picture which is applicable to 99% of traders appeared.

1. Acquaintance to Forex, interest, reading literature on Forex, opening of a demo of the account, the
first progress on a demo the account.
2. Opening of the real trading account and its loss.
3. New reading literature on Forex, visit of various forums of Forex, discovery of new regularities
and tools of the analysis of Forex after which studying, the trader opens the new real trading account and
again loses it.
4. In this or that combination these variations repeat, and the trader loses from several to several tens
real accounts then consciously or by force stops though the dream of monasteries and Buffett and Soros's
wealth doesn't abandon anybody probably.

In what roots of mistakes of the lost traders? Before opening the real trading account, try to

• that represents the Forex market at which you want to start working,
• from where the profit of traders and who gets the lost deposits undertakes,
• why rapid growth of the Dealing Centers is observed? As well as at the expense of what they pay
back costs (according to unofficial information from 100 thousand dollars monthly. There are Dealing cen-
ters which spend many times more,
• why win only 3-5% of traders? In what mistakes of 19 traders from 20? (Now when in Academy of
trading some tens staff of the Dealing Centers I from various sources are trained I know more exact figure
- less than 1% of traders steadily earn a profit in the Forex-market of 99% leave money in this DCs or in
financial institution through which DCs hedge the transactions),
• why all 99% of traders studied Murphy, Bill Williams, Alexander Helder, Larry Williams, Thomas
Demark's books and ALL (or nearly all) were lost?
• what role of training courses in case of the Dealing centers for training of traders for these DCs?
Whether it is possible to prepare the pro in 2-4 weeks? (Remember, how many years taught you in HIGHER
EDUCATION INSTITUTION, then how many years were required to you that on production to master
nuances of a profession in which you the whole 5 years trained)? Then why the Dealing centers train 2-3
weeks? Who trains in audience group behind group in the heat of trade for Forex? Why the management of
the Dealing Centers selects these teachers for the (!) future traders?

General conclusions:

1. The Forex market any more isn't the free market and is controlled centralized around the
world from the single center (IDENTICAL quotations are given to the whole world with a differ-
ence in a share of seconds).
2. Principle of the organization of the Dealing center the same, as well as any entity of GAME
business (casino, bookmaker offices, etc.).
3. Role of rates of DCs - preparation of victims which will lose the deposits in this DCs (pro-
vided rates in case of casino which will train how this casino can be beaten steadily? I can provide
the story of the woman of the trader who having read about the western brokers who advise trad-
ers concerning purchase - sale of shares, decided to call the dealer of the Dealing Center with con-
sultations, what to do to it in 20 minutes before an exit of important news at 16.30 Moscow time - to
buy euro or to sell? After that roughness which she heard, she called it again and began to demand
from the dealer of detailed explanations as from "the broker". All this would be ridiculous if it
wouldn't be so sad).
4. According to books of classics of Forex 99% of traders because were lost
• their systems are right only in half of cases. Since on right signals the trader takes a profit
minimum, and the loss occurs to the maximum, deposit plums at the trader is inevitable,
• each of classics of Forex created the Graal which hasn't been connected absolutely not with
other trade systems in the world.

Principles of creation of trade Masterforex-V system

1. If trade systems of classics of Forex are right in half of cases, it is logical to separate "from grains
from Pleven". For this purpose in the book 1 and 2 I carry out the analysis on subjects (sliding averages,
levels of resistance and support, Pivot, inclined channels, turn figures, etc.), in each of which I bring to
* to finding of mistakes at classics of Forex on this subject,
* to the solution of this problem, i.e. use of this tool for receipt of a right signal of an entrance and an
exit from the transaction.

Thus, we receive
* or essentially new instrument of market research,
* or its optimization under trade Masterforex-V system.

2. There is no Graal - there is no one universal method of the correct understanding of a course of
currencies, so right opening and closing of transactions on the basis of one only a measurement method.

Explanation: in each chapter 1st and 2nd of books I explain problems of each of tools what the trader
uses when opening transactions (sliding averages, resistance and support levels, inclined channels, curren-
cies allies, etc.).
Conclusion: it is necessary to synthesize together various elements of measurement of the Forex mar-
ket that crossing of these methods OBJECTIVELY gave a point of opening and closing of transactions.

3. It is impossible to connect various techniques of measurement of the market mechanically.

For example, Helder's 3 screens, Fibonacci's levels, inclined channels of a trend, a divergention, range
and a trend, resistance and support levels, sliding averages, various waves on various timeframes, etc. are
PARTS of a WHOLE. On Forex still each of these parts is studied separately without interrelation among
Analogy: in medicine there is an anatomy rate, in Forex it is not present. You can provide the doctor
who would not know human anatomy? Provided results of its work? Now provide results of the trader who
works at a basis of 1-2 measurements of movement of currencies on Forex, without using synthesis of these
results of measurement with results of another dimensions - complete fiasco of the trader (as well as the
doctor if them trained on 2-4 week rates as train 99% of traders in the world).

4. All elemental motions on Forex binaries, i.e. different connection among themselves intermediate
results yields DIFFERENT result on the basis of which the trader, sometimes in seconds shall analyses a
situation and make the decision – to be
* out of the market,
* to open supershort transactions,
* to open long transactions with a possible adding positions.

5. Daily practice on use of trade system to the real biddings, with analysis of mistakes, questions,
recommendations, the situation analysis.

6. Intermediate results – nearly an every month listeners of Masterforex-V Academy win various
tenders (
Probably in that 4 of 5 winners of champions at the American broker of IFX (increased the deposit
from 10 thousand dale. to several million only in a month (
topic=258&st=40) were trained or trained in Academy of trading of Masterforex-V, in it there is a merit of
each of winners and that educational institution in which they were trained.

Structure of training of trading in Masterforex-V Academy

1. The book 3 – sent, after payment, to you a material of practical recommendations about opening
and closing of transactions.
2. Book 4 (draft copy) – FAQ of the closed forum of Academy of trading of Masterforex-V and the
attached branches (at the left it is written important) section of Strategy and tactics of the biddings of the
closed forum of Academy.
3. Daily trainings online (the branch of discussion of the current biddings with recommendations and
instructions of variations of movement on trading session daily opens).
4. Daily analysis of mistakes (if you made a mistake – you open a branch in the section of strategy
and tactics of the biddings in the evening – you do drawing (in FAQ it is written how) and you ask questions,
on which I or other experienced traders will answer you.
5. Except my trade strategy you can use in addition online entrance and exit tools from the transaction
of other successful traders and to set those questions on a course of the biddings.

Total, progress of participants of Academy of trading of Masterforex-V is under construction


1. Essentially to other theoretical basis of understanding of Forex which is under construction on

* the repaired tools taken from classics of Forex (to inclined planes and horizontal channels, Pivots,
to sliding averages, measurement of the purposes 1, 2, 3, 4 of EACH trading session, relation various
timeframes among themselves, to the wave analysis, etc.), each of which is considered on OTHER, than
at Helder, Murphy, Demark, Nyman, Shvager, etc.
* points of entry and an exit from transactions is a CROSSING of these trading signals of various
REPAIRED (optimized) tools.

2. Daily practice with possibility of communication with a number of successful traders who online
specify point of entry and an exit from the transaction (i.e. in case of you take from several tens and more
points for trading session).

The purpose the Masterforex-V Academy Internet - creation unique in the world of the higher
school on training in real successful work on Forex, which components is
* OTHER theory of Forex,
* DAILY practice at the closed forum of Academy (the analysis of a situation and the 2nd alterna-
tiveness of a way of currencies at each session, calculation is more whole than movement, the help during
the biddings, analysis of mistakes, answers to the current questions, etc. Daily,
* possibility of communication with the whole group of experienced traders online on the biddings.
From here listeners of Academy also break records at tenders and there are a pro (you open real
when you will manage to treble for a month of accounts and to understand logic of daily movement from
M1 to D1).

In what train on rates in case of DCs is a training in your future loss - to you
* read a paid course of lectures – the abstract of books of Murphy and Nyman (see one of these
"paid courses of lectures" at our forum of http://forum showforum=53 is
free at school of beginners),
* further some occupations of "practice" at the computer,

* further psychological handling about yours "capabilities on Forex" and hints to open the account
in this DCs quicker.
Result - loss of these ALL graduates of 2-4 week rates (it is the truth, employees DCs that are train-
ing at us in Academy) tell it.

From here, also follow

1. Phenomenal results of participants of Academy (At the last large tenders of the Expo 2006, the
American broker of IFX in the summer of 2006, Victor Barishpolts's tender). For more details see. Mas-
terforex-V Academy honor roll (winners of tenders)
2. Threats from DCs (At par for 10 years bans at the forum of any who mentions the name Master-
forex-V). The president of DCs LiteForex accuses me that because of Academy and me "personally it
doesn't receive in addition more than 1 million dollars a month, etc., etc.

What to read from literature on Forex?

Many books devoted to subject of Forex, if you know elements (that such Fibonacci's levels, a
trend, флет, figures of a turn and trend continuation, etc.), it is possible to start being trained in Academy
of trading of Masterforex-V, and then when you will be able to earn on my trade system, and your move-
ment of currencies on Forex will be represented not by chaos, and SYSTEM (in which the chaos is a
method to confuse the trader), you will deepen then details of trade system in relation to the trade, under-
standing a place of each DETAIL in SYSTEM of that you read at Shvager, Prekter, Helder, Williams, etc.
(for example, work DETAILS on correction of a strong or weak trend, the 4th wave and extending флет,
etc. – all this will be "margin of safety" of your knowledge and abilities as trader of Forex).
Attempts independently to synthesize Alexander Helder, Bill Williams, Shvager, Larry Williams,
Eric Nyman's trade systems, etc., without understanding that in these trade systems
• partly truly (on other tools see confirmation or signal cancellation),
• mistakenly,
as a rule, lead to confusion and respectively to deposit loss (especially, when there is no nearby the
one who could prompt and correct daily).

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