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This project report entitled "Bhaktapur Durbar Square and its importance in
Tourism" has been one of the assignments given by college as a partial
fulfillment of requirement for bachelor in travel and tourism management (BTTM)
6th semester under Tribhuvan University (T.U) at Nepal Academy of Tourism
and Hotel Management (NATHM).

Firstly, I would like to thank NATHM and its faculty members for providing me such
a great opportunity of preparing this project work. I do hereby express my heartfelt
appreciation and indeed I pay a large debt and sincere gratitude to my respect Chief
Instructor Mr. Hiragyan Maharjan for his valuable advice, precious guidance and
endless encouragement in every stage to complete this project work at given time
frame. I would also like to appreciate him for his supervision and commitments to
improve the quality of this project work. This project work could never have been
completed without co-operation and suggestion of many individuals and instruction.

I am equally thankful to all local people, staff, visitors & official of

Bhaktapur Durbar Square like BM, BTDC, ToYoS etc and the
surrounding area for providing me required information, statistics and
literature for the purpose of this study. This study would not have been
possible without their kind help. I am indebted to all respondents who gave me
time answering my questionnaires by giving their valuable feedback and suggestions.

I express my profound gratitude to my parents and friends whose moral support and
inspiration contributed greatly for the successful completion of my project work.

Last but not the least, I would also like to express my love and thanks to all well
wishers who had helped and supported me directly or indirectly in course of making
this project work.

Rubin Tamakhu
July 2016

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