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‘ mm, W280 m


Filed April 8, 1927



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‘annual ed hprtl a?iaar. serial in. iaaiaa

My invention relates to photographic ?lm‘ and packing of these ?lm cartridges 9 tor
' cartridges, and‘ particularly to that type transportation and sale obviously results in 55
- wherein the strip of ?lm is coiled within a hen ‘bending the exposed free end‘ 10 ot the ?lm
or casing from which it is adapted to be moved ' strip against the side wall 11 of the box in
step by step through the cera and then re-'} which . osition it remains until unwrapped-for
' wound within asimilar box. 5 ' ' uch bending and folding ot this end 10‘
The principal object of my‘ invention is to use.
ot the ?lm causes the ?lm to kink at the point till
' provide means tor greatly lacilitating the - of bending, namely at the point at which it
threading and teeding of such a stripe ?lm protrudes from the box, which kink becomes
- lit.
from one package into another as thesamezis pmore permanentas the package is left
a _ passed through acamera.~ 1
wrapped. ‘.l‘he kink thus formed adjacent the
- ~, _ ‘

_ ., -: - Uther objects and advantages byway of de- ‘I end of the ?lm islextremely detrimental to
' tail will be apparent as the description pro the winding operation of the ?lm into the re- '
v coeds. reference being bad to the ?gures ot the 'ceivinlg magazine within the camera due to the
drawing wherein like reterence numeralsinq tact
_ t at is with dii?culty that ‘the end so . '
I ' dicate. like parts.‘ " ...‘k_1nked Wlll be guided by the spring guide
lin the drawing :#-~- , within the box and coil upon itself in the man
- Figure'lis a side'v alter _ photographic , iner‘ necessary to the easy
winding of'the ?lm ‘ .l
camera, in connection with which my inven t'rom one boato the other.
tion is utilized, certain partsbeing broken} v- v To overcome this‘di?iculty, l have provided I
away tor clearnessot illustration. _2 f adjacent the end otlthe ?lm substantially V!
p '. Figure 2 is a'perspective viewv'o ad?lm, yshaped cuts 12 extending inwardly from the
package embodying my inventionw! " ' I. ; sides of the ?lm directly opposite each other '
gure 3 is a detail plan view of ana fthe
?lm, the'end 0t which'is tormedinaccordance
and leaving only a narrow portion 13 between
inner ends of such cuts. -. a-
with my‘invention. 4 \ a In using .my‘invention, the packer oi the
' The reterencenumeral l'ret'ers toaiphoto-i ?lm at the ‘factory leaves only that portion of 80
shutter 2,camera,
provided with
3, view?nder 4h _ the end‘ l0 oi the ?lm lying between the cut
the lens and
‘out portions l2 and the extreme end thereof, -
.' to ‘and removable back‘5, carrying thereciprd fprotruding from the box.’ v The aforemen-v
, 'catin claw‘ t engageable within‘ the;pertora--T tioned ‘kink or bend, therefore, comes at the
_- tionsgZ
moved past ‘the exposurechamber 3. s. ‘ 1 rite pointl3 between the cutout portions. When
wit is desired to use the ?lm‘ in the camera, the
‘ p . The ?lm cartridges or boxes ?'within-whic _7'eperator grasps the end 10 of the ?lm and
, ‘ 5w .
the'?lm'? is coiled are adapted to be laced, ' ‘pulls it out ashort distance7 then tears ed the
within the camera on either side are ices-‘J end 10 alongthe line l3 between the cut out
posure chamber 3 as shown in llligure lg"; ll; portions and then threads the new end thus ltd
P has not been deemed necessary‘ to show the deal i-l’orrned'through ~the camera and into the re
tailedv construction inside the bond as this fe’eiving vbovr- 9 within the camera. This end _
terms no part of my inven'ition.v ?ut?ce it to" vthus; being ‘tree of kinks will readily follow
say that ‘the ?lm 8 ‘is adapted tov beilieoiled iii-the guides within the box and ‘coil upon itself
within itself within such boreathere'being as the ?lmis'drawn through the camera.
)rovided ' spring guides within the ‘ bones to __ ‘ alt will be apparent that this kinking or
i'acilitate the coiling of the ?lm aslit is drawn bending the ?lm at the line 13 between the cut
as trom one box and forced into the other;v ' ‘- " , ?out portions will also be of value in the tear
In practice these ?lm magazines or can‘, "ing operation, enabling the user to tear the
tridges are turnished as shown in Figure 2, ?lm at this point in a comparatively straight
with one end of the ?lm extending out ot' the line. -. - '

box to permit the threading ot the same from 1' Ut-course; changes may be made by way of n
M the upper box 9 in Figure 1, past the exposure detail without departing from the scope of
chamber 3 and into the lowerbor 9 wherein my‘ invention. ll do not limit myself there
it is coiled upon itself as the ?lra isv drawn fore to the exact form shown other than by 1105
downwardlyby theclaw 6., The wrapping the appended claims.
2 1,685,802 7;‘

I claim :— a roll of ?lm therein and having a protruding

1. A ?lm package comprising a receptacle end, substantially V-shaped notches cut into
having a. roll of ?lm therein, a slot in said re said end from the‘ sides thereof at diametri
ceptacle through which an end of said ?lm cally opposed points, said notches extending
5 extends, and recesses in said ?lm end at the to near the center of said ?lm and located at
point of projection from said receptacle. the point of projection from the receptacle.
2. A ?lm package comprising a receptacle, v CARL BORNMANN.

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