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Citizen Centric Services under the Portal e-Cooperatives

Department of Cooperation, Government of Madhya Pradesh

Sanjay Mohan Bhatnagar and A. N. Siddiqui

e-Cooperatives portal is 24x7 web based application design, developed and
commissioning by National Informatics Centre, Madhya Pradesh on behalf of
Department of Cooperation, O/o Registrar Cooperative Societies, Govt. of Madhya
Pradesh. Application is Unicode complaint with 40000+ cooperative societies
(having more than 1 crore members) logins on portal with 6000+ online users at a
time. Apart from that, 113 logins for various offices and 2000+ login for department
employees. It is unique and first kind of IT Initiative in Cooperative Sector in the
Country developed by NIC after going through requirement gathering and identified
various services offered by department. Various G2C, G2G and G2E services are
provided through this portal. It has a number of workflow based systems, easy to
customize, secured logins, role based functionality, audit trail, SMS gateway
integration, common user interface/selection based and integration of all
functionalities at single platform. The application has been designed keeping in
view the provisions of the M.P. Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 and M.P. State
Cooperative societies Rules, 1962. Application is useful in terms of being more
efficient, transparent and offers faster delivery of services at no costs. The salient
features of the project are:
x Online application for registration of cooperative societies (Work flow
based system) with online application receipt generation (End to End)
x Information about individual societies disseminated to common citizen by
mobile app/web.
x Common Citizen Registration of particular information of Societies
x Online application for empanelment of Chartered accountant and online
empanelment process (End to End), Status check through MP Mobile/Web.
x Accounting Loan under interest subvention scheme for short term
agriculture loan being distributed by PACS at 0% interest rates, SMS to
farmer regarding this information.
x Submission of Cooperative Societies statutory reports within timeline as
per the M.P. Cooperative Act 1960.
x Housing Societies Complaint monitoring and complaint redressal system
x Court Cases Monitoring System, Public interface for Cause list, hearing
Citizen Centric Services Enhancements
x Work Flow Based System for Registration of a Co-operative Society
x Society basic information dissemination
x Statutory Data Uploaded by Societies
x Public Registration for Societies information
x Work Flow Based CA Empanelment
x Work Flow Based Housing Societies Complaint Monitoring System
x Court Cases Monitoring System, Public interface for Cause list, hearing
x Interest Subvention for Short Term Agriculture Loan

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Citizen Centric Services under the Portal e-Cooperatives

Key Learnings
x Output of the project indicates the need to expand the coverage and
expedite the implementation of e-Cooperatives. Overall, in all three types
of services (G2G, G2C & G2E), the number of trips to officers at head
office is completely eliminated after computerization. Waiting time has
been reduced by 30-50 (in some cases 80) percent by computerization.
Perceptions of quality of services and quality of governance show an
improvement in project. Direct cost savings to citizens averaged from 30 to
50 percentage across all states. User participation in the design of the
delivery system prior to its implementation is extremely important.
x One of the possible reasons for the number of trips reduced at significant
level is to have cut down the number of supporting documents that are
required to avail a service. There has to be a balance between ensuring that
a system prevents fraudulent transactions and the burden that extensive
checks can place on people are honest, Often information about the
required documents for registration of the society is not publicized well.
Users need to make a trip to the department just to determine the
requirements. Sometimes users make unnecessary trips as they find that on
a given day their work will not get done because of long queues. This is
because the capacity to process a service request and the demand for
service may not match on many days. So while implementation of the
project modules, a proper care has been taken by the department in that
x For Capacity building groups should be formed depending upon the skill
set of the officials.

Key Performance
x Work Flow Based System for Registration of a Co-operative Society:
(Visits of the citizen t the office reduced, Status Tracking, Time and money
Saved, Transparency)
x Society basic information dissemination: One can see the information on
web, through Mobile App
x Statutory Data Uploaded by Societies: Information compliance as per M.P
Cooperative Act 1960 and Rule 1962
x Public Registration for Societies information: Any citizen /public
representative can watch the society(ies) Statutory Data
x Work Flow Based CA Empanelment: Hassle free empanelment of
Chartered Accountant
x Work Flow Based Housing Societies Complaint Monitoring System: End to
End Process, Online and Offline complaint registration
x Court Cases Monitoring System, Public interface for Cause list, hearing
dates: Registration of Cases in Tribunal, HO, Division and District,
Monitoring of Cases.
x Loan Account Management to Farmer under Interest Subvention
Programme (Zero percent Interest)

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Leveraging Technology Towards Digital Transformation

Table: Year-wise wise transaction volumes for various services

Sl. No. of Transactions
Name of Service
No. 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Registration of a Co-operative
1 116 104 146
2 Statutory Data Uploaded by Societies – – 38200
3 Work Flow Based CA Empanelment – – 385
Work Flow Based Housing Societies
4 – – 226
Complaint Monitoring System
Court Cases Monitoring System,
5 Public interface for Cause list, – – 2379
hearing dates
Loan Account Management to Farmer
6 under Interest Subvention Programme – – 5952520
(Zero percent Interest)

Implementation coverage
x Citizens
x Over 15 Million members are associated with the Cooperative Societies
x Department of Cooperation
x Over 2000 Employees are working in the department of Cooperation, M.P
x Department of Food and Civil Supplies
x About 21000 FPS are associated with Cooperative Societies
x Agriculture Department
x Societies
x Researcher/Scholars
x NGOs

Coverage of the Project

x Department Of Cooperation, Head office
x 20 Sections of Department of Cooperation Madhya Pradesh
x All 10 Divisional offices
x All 50 districts offices
x Apex Bank & 38 DCCBs (District Central Credit Cooperative Banks)
x 40000+ Cooperative Societies
x operative Court Case Management System

New Services Added

x Statutory Data Uploaded by Societies
x Public Registration for Societies information
x Work Flow Based CA Empanelment
x Work Flow Based Housing Societies Complaint Monitoring System
x Court Cases Monitoring System, Public interface for Cause list, hearing

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Citizen Centric Services under the Portal e-Cooperatives

Enhancements made to the existing Services

x Work Flow Based System for Registration of a Co-operative Society End
to End Society Registration
x Society basic information dissemination MP Mobile App Services has
been added
Following are the description of the new services:

Online Society Registration

x Online Application for New Society Registration
x User Authentication by mobile
x Receipt Generation
ƒ Officer Name
ƒ Postal Address ,Contact details and Appointment Time
x Appointment of Organiser by OIC/Upload Prativedan by Organiser
x Approval /Rejection and objection
x Letter issued if rejected
x Certificate Upload if approved
x Status tracking by applicant
x SMS Alert at every stage sent to applicant

Society basic information dissemination

x Society Name, Address, Last AGM, Society registration number,
registration date etc. information available to common citizen
x Basic information also available on Mobile App

Statutory Data Upload by Societies

x AGM Notice/Proceeding
x Member List
x Balance Sheet
x Audit/Fees/Status/Complaint
x Report/Compliance Report/Inspection Report

Public Registration for Societies information

x One can register for single society/multiple societies information through
x OTP sent to the user mobile number
x After successful registration one can select single/multiple societies
x Each time SMS sent to registered mobile user when
x a particular society update the information at portal
x Registered user can also view detailed report of the society/societies after
login to portal

CA Empanelment
x In this module, CA whose headquarter is in Madhya Pradesh can apply
online for auditing of the cooperative societies of Madhya Pradesh
x Three type of applicants Partnership Firm/Proprietary Firm/Individual
Practicing F.C.A.

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Leveraging Technology Towards Digital Transformation

x For applying, the CA has to fulfill some criteria in accordance to their

firm which is calculated by the system
x User get acknowledgement after filling up the form.
x The department has the rights to approve or reject the application. Under
Section 58(1)(a) and (b) of M.P. Cooperative Societies Act,1960
x SMS alert to the applicant.

Work Flow Based Housing Societies Complaint Monitoring System

x Complaints originated at different levels i.e Citizens, District office,
Divisional Office, HQ and Vallabh Bhawan
x Meeting organized on the complaints at HQ and Divisional Office for
issuing instructions or complaints disposed
x Complaints forwarded to concerned offices
x Action taken by concerned office and informed to complainant
x SMS Alerts at every stage to Complainant /officials concerned
x Status Tracking by Complainant
x Monitoring Reports at each level

Court Cases Monitoring System

x Monitoring of the Cases in Tribunal, HO, Division and District
x Various types of Cases are registered in various sections
x Case details updated including Hearing Dates are entered/updated
x Stages of the cases are updated
x Information regarding court case cause list (Category – wise) and hearing
dates available to common citizen at one click
Outcomes in terms of Efficiency, Improvements and integration
Green e-Governance is about application of Green computing practices to the
domain of e-Governance. It involves adoption of environmentally friendly practices
with respect to creation, use, and disposal of ICT facilities. There are several
dimensions to green e-Governance and prominent among these relate to Power and
Paper consumption, and disposal of e-Waste.
x Statutory Data Upload from Societies
x Paperless dissemination of departmental Letters /Circulars using
x SMS alert to the user through SMS Gateway does not require telephonic or
postal services
x Paperless monthly progress reports
x Paperless record keeping
x No need of conveyance for new society registration, use online registration
Now with the facility of capturing data online coupled with introduction of process
re-engineering, the traditional system has been done away with and the mandate has
been issued to allow only for online data without any backup through email or hard
copy. This has ensured not only resource mobilization but also prompted decision
making at the earliest on the issues which are supported by huge data for better and
effective data analysis.

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Citizen Centric Services under the Portal e-Cooperatives

Specific innovative ideas implemented

x M.P. is the first state to use this kind of system where societies have the
facility of submitting the statutory documents to the Registrar online.
x Service Delivery through M.P. Mobile App

The extent of integration

x The system has an interface with the e-Uparjan ‘An application of the
Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection through Web
x Several web services has been created for M.P Mobile Application Citizen
x Daily Transaction counts in e-Taal website through web service

Leadership, Change Management, Capacity Building during transition
Leadership support for the initiative
x First ever initiative in the Cooperation sector
x IT Cell of the department is continuously working hard to automate all the
functions of the department

Change management and Capacity building

Regular sessions are conducted for the staff of all the level with regard to the added
features to the feedback for Process re engineering or smoothening the workflow
management. Initially we had the experience that some people are more tech savvy
while other have a little knowledge of ICT, it was thought that in order to bring
about the desired result, training batches should be categorized

Project management & Monitoring

x Exceptions Reports at Principal Secretary and Registrar Cooperation Level
x Monthly Video Conferencing to all offices in M.P

Financial model adopted

x Domain expertise with the department having technical support with NIC,
x Operational cost managed by IT Fund of the department
x Data is hosted and managed by NIC Data Centre

Special efforts to ensure sustainability of the e-Governance initiative(s)

x The entire infrastructure is hosted at NIC Data Centre
x Services offered by the Government so Revenue generation is not the aim

Challenges faced in transition

x Data is unstructured
x Several modes of operations (head office, division office, district office,
Apex Bank ,DCCB)
x Unwillingness of the user to change the system

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x Delay in information gathering and dissemination

x Less computer savvy staff
x No transparency in the system
x Inconsistency in the data
x Integration with other systems
x Technology Migration issues
x Training to old age staff is difficult

The Lessons learnt from Change Management and Capacity building

x Training should be as per the skill set
x Master trainer should be identified an trained

Technological solution adopted: Proto Type Methodology adopted
Compliance of the Technology adopted
x Coding and documentation standards have been followed
x The application security audit cleared
Strategy for Disaster Recovery and service: DR Centre at NIC Hyderabad

Impact and value-addition thru adaption of Social media

x Face book, Twitter Account have been created
x Results in publicity of the project

Technology related challenges

Handshaking with other system is tough as the unwillingness of the owner of the

The Lessons learnt from Technology choices and implementation strategy

We could have done in a more generic and better way if could have got a sufficient
time. Most of the time pressure is to deliver the solutions earliest

Digital Inclusion
Farmers and Non tech savvy person are not getting full benefit of this service .The
following step are taken
x We are trying to provide SMS and Mobile based services to penetrate this
segment of the users.
x Training sessions

Green e-Governance
x Paperless dissemination of departmental Letters /Circulars using
x SMS alert to the user through SMS Gateway does not require telephonic or
postal services
x Paperless monthly progress reports
x Paperless record keeping

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Citizen Centric Services under the Portal e-Cooperatives

x No need of conveyance for new society registration, use online registration


A very good practice of process re-engineering was inducted in collecting data for
monthly VC, held on first Saturday of every month. Earlier the data for more than
20 subjects scattered over a large number of columns was collected either offline or
through email from 110 offices, and reports prepared manually. This made it highly
time consuming and resource crunching. Now with the facility of capturing data
online coupled with introduction of process re-engineering, the traditional system
has been done away with and the mandate has been issued to allow only for online
data without any backup through email or hard copy. This has ensured not only
resource mobilization but also prompted decision making at the earliest on the
issues which are supported by huge data for better and effective data analysis.

Shri Sanjay Mohan Bhatnagar, Deputy Commissioner Cooperation, Department

of Cooperation,

Shri A. N. Siddiqui, Technical Director Musharraf Sultan, Scientist-C, National

Informatics Centre, M.P.,,

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e-Agriculture Scheme Monitoring System
Department of Agriculture, Government of Bihar

Himanshu Kumar Rai and Ashwini Kumar

The e-Agriculture Scheme Monitoring Information System (e-ASMIS)
demonstrates the transformative impact of e-Governance on programme
implementation, monitoring and decision making by Government. The department
is working towards continuous improvement of the status of agriculture and the
human resources engaged in this sector in all 38 Districts and 534 Development
Blocks/ Revenue Anchals in the state of Bihar. Department is working towards
implementation of various state and central funded schemes. Apart from providing
benefits under various schemes, department monitors the registration and
performance of dealers providing agricultural inputs, maintain quality of
agricultural inputs and monitor training, research & exposure activities in the state.
Implementing the wide range of activities mentioned above and their proper
monitoring across widespread geographical coverage of the department has always
been a tedious task for the department.
The major problems being faced were:
x Lack of Proper Communication channel for stakeholders- Department was
unable to update the information on day to day activities and issue
instructions to its field level officers on time. Also there was no any
centralised platform for the stakeholders like farmers, manufacturers &
dealers for agricultural inputs from where they can get access to the
information regarding the schemes being catered by the department.
x Information Gap in Subsidy Sanction: There was no systematic procedure
to monitor the progress of subsidy sanction under various schemes in the
State. Department was dependent on the report received from district
offices over phone and email and there was lack of consistency in such
reporting and the information received was outdated since there were many
implementation nodes at block and panchayat level in each District.
x Delay in Reconciliation: The post data entry (data entry done many days
after the transactions took place) after the implementation of schemes from
the sanction register maintained at district level and reconciliations was
done at district level and state level. As a result the data comes after a
particular season ends which meant that very little or no corrective action
can be taken. The entire post data entry process was an exercise without
much outcome.

The objective of the e-ASMIS project is to monitor and create a data repository of
all the schemes and their beneficiaries under Agriculture Department till Panchayat
Level. The system facilitates proper monitoring of the activities and programs in
order to ensure that the data collected from the blocks, districts and state level, is
compiled and reported with speed and accuracy, to produce reports presenting a
clear picture at the grass root level. It gives an aggregated, consolidated output
which allows two-way communication of information flow.

Overall approach to the project achievements with reference to plan, current status
and the deviations from plan may be provided. Specific information with regard to
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