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Urfi fffifryr ffr rrr3 fErfg f qtre

) tpq, iiu'd
dr{? riirs' il* lffior zor z
National Talent Search Examination 2017

State Level Test-2017
Urfifqfrtftfl,f. - Z0t7
tltEI er€T (Class X) '
H.dfF4.ffdrsr,,fg fsfua{r g|} fiodrs'il t$firr,{r
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 200 rnr :s ut? iErttr: 2oo

Instructions for candidates:- gt{t<.dtgf u#:

l. This exam is in two parts. r . fiwr$fvwg3-drfeti r

2. Part-I is related to Mental Ability Test. 2. qfqgr SrdTHrdfFd'E-OrS' 6t5 frfitr3t f

3. Part-II relates to ScholasticAptitude Test.Itconsists f. gmV-o fiefua'd fraf3r E15f,tq-g'tf tsf ftig
ofnine subjects, details ofwhich are givenbelow:- f,6;ild, fi-fle'e6-f,i6fgigrt-
i) Physics iD Chemistry tl Jk*trfararra iil ar,fuotEtsra,r-c

v) History vi) Geography v) fs6".dr' vi)
vii) civics viii) Economics ="r*.
vii) 6rdlfu{Ei'gd vili) aftI.IErEgir
ix) English ix) *ffi
!_ 4. Each question carries one mark All questions *" 4. uaffiu'se.ffifiatrniursrefiuat
. compulsory.
s' gf,6 y--* fra te=it ar6 it
5. You have beenprovided withaanswersheet(oMR) Y q *' YfdqFaura g rfi Fd 6
grd tre
for this question paper. Darken the correct option or t a'ggai gar€
each question in the answer sheer (oMR) with
a'drffi fr),{'-fi r

blaclc/blueink. e. E-3r*nffjlar6urg]S'3q?
6. Rough work may be done on, the blank space z. fw rgarrro tdg tc€r3|}rq ttiifE) l{rdfear Ffr

7. There isno negative marking inthis questionpaper.

e. Fd'te t6:inrrr.ol g*O<'dz.fiS-+g* €dJ
. 8. Donotusewhite fluidon OMR Ansrver Sheet. Et*dtel

National Talent Search Examination' 2017, CIass'X
+fi ti-de'Er t0ftf,,{'-2017 ,i{Hrs Efu+
Mental AbilitY r{-6fu4 a-drg'
Direction Question (14) there ls a number series fre& qrs 1l-l; fdv rrffi d rS f#t aEt t t rfEt
following a pattern one place is left blank. Find the
answer amotrg the options.
ffi rtq Es'rrs re& u'fr st rfi 66 fsiluut + rfr
l. 87,56,30,............. fgqoq€rii.Eqer
t. 26 2,20 l. 87,56,30,.............
3. t2 4.0 t. 26 2. 20

2. 4,5, 12,39,160,.............. 3. t2 4.0

l. 805 2. 790 2. 4,5,12,39,t60,
3. 69s 4. 225 l. 805 2. 790
3. 2, t2,36,80, 150,................ 3. 695 4. 225
1.210 2.258 3. 2,t2,36,80, 150,................
3. 252 4. 194 t.2lo 2. 258

4. 124,139,127,142.130,145, 3. 252 4. 194

t. 127 2. tt2 4. 124,r39,127,142, t30,145,..................

3. 133 4. 149 i. tzt 2. t3z
3. 133 1. t4g
Direction Questions (5-6) Find the missing term in frrir qrs ls-o)'?' ftd d si 3 Ffi frJd fd+ ae
place ofquestion mark .fqasuttgEt
5. 5.
38 22 69 38 22 69

34 23 27 34 23 27

28 l4 'l 28 t4 ?

l. 46 2. 29 t. 46 2. 29
3. 23 4. 99 3. 23 4. 99


J. J
4. I
2.64 .

1. t2t
J. J
2. 64
4. I

7. ln a certain code languagc 'NAME' is written as 7. fi*i'isa'r.f*NAME g' oYPA fgfi{'r{' T.-e' t I

'OYPN then how will 'TEAM' be coded in that gR s'E fir€ TEAM s AJ il a-+dlt?
i{d MINERAL Qnsrww T souxn 6
f i
If MINERAL is written as QRSTUVW and SOUND ABCSD fufi{,,T il+ 3t. READER E gi A' f€g
is written as ABCSD, the how will READER bc
wriften in same code?
9. On 26 January 1947 is SLNDA! then which day on 9. rrsfi
ea-d 26 I 947 6 )rtsr€-d A+ 31 2
F3sd tg47
2 Septembet I 947? gilfvaFarl
10. What will be the angle b€tween the minute hand and t0. t'gr* it-* fi-a ur$ A i
e-cil Ed fu 3
hour hand ofa clockst7 :35? rrtts r{t <rd Egt fr bf&} e' Aa qtdrt ffi
r.22%" 2. t7%" 1.22%o 2. l1va"
3.72%" 4. 0. 3. l2%o 4. 00
il. A is son ofC, C and B are sisters, D is the mother of I l. A, cerlfJdt, c ar3n ia'usr D, B dHrtt E, D
B, E is the son of D, which one of the following is
. e' gsd+, iofgfifl:{t fdtk{fl *{A?
l. E,AgrHrHrt I
l. ofA
E is the rnaternal uncle
2. B,Aeigrert I
2. B is the grandfather ofA 3. c+ElE Tdr
3. C and E are sisters 4. ErrftiAgilu6t
!. E andA are brothers 12. s=futrt', A kgt&tfdgfd' fr rr'ft6 s?rs.d
12. In a row of children Teena is 5th from the left & 3 t i lfti. t'i u'fi{e e€ xe.r3i +f,d+r)rrqret
Meena is6th from the right. Ifthey interchange their irdJr ffiF i'rEi q-€l6&€.3T a.'r6'et6t t'i
places then Teena becomes l3th from the left. Now
what place will be occupied by Meena from the
rr'fir6 tr? i
rs6 rrr ed il fi ye )frd. ErEtdt
1.4 2. t4
1.4 2. t4 3. 15 4. tE
3. 15 4. 18 ffict{E?' Os-l 4) ttfrrdt e? ud} 6' ya. alq sd? rfi
Direction (13-14) Study the letter series rnd answer the kacuEret
following questions. 13.,c
13. l. ailaaa 2. aabaa

l. aaaaa 3. bbabb 4. bbbab

2. aabaa
3. bbabb 4, bbbab l. bddddb 2. addddb
14.,'.d 3. bbMdd 4. addbbb
l. bddddb 2. addddb 15. **e yaa du nu fud. f<lr{A ur$ A gS A fuE
3. bbMdd 4. addbbb )rfdgtiI45" ffi fr*e't 3 s.4fe fqFg upif A,flt'
15. tfa man facing east rotates in clockwise direction Ef,d A gre fer. frb zzo" grre' i i,rr*c r ao.
45' & then, anti clockwise 270" then clockwisc 1E0' ffi' ufll eI EsPrf. er fu r<o rrge' tt g' ue
which dircction is he facing now. grsfffd.fft-JfuE dEA?
l. South-East 2. Wesi l. gqE-rJiIE 2. fstr
3. Nortt-East 4. South 3. Fd-lrdE 4. eirs
fratr qrzr 1tcl1 fCii aE nr€ e e (ffi) h
Er-{itdr6frErftr}r{'i fcpu#arB dtfr fr-{Fdr{i3
Dlrectlon (1G17) Quesdon clx faces of I cube are
painted in such a way that no two adjacent frces sre of i
fr? fud. tdr Fd r o'o, dtt 3 sA furA rdf dtil
srme colour. The three colours used ere Red" BIue & aEt il t ffi
ftl'3 ure it
rrrqrd t ffi
E? rz urg t t
Grcen. The cub'e Ir then cut lnto 32 smaller and 4 blg urcI
f#i firi ryaro r? I fu ugr ve€ ar? ua, fa
cubes In such a wey that blg cube hes no red fece.
Answer tbe following Quesdonr.
.? 4 urci e firi it forui i u'u tar atr ir E?e
I 6. How many cubes are coloured on tlrree faccs?
I 6. f&t urdtd i$du.furr{r ?ffap,{rfu},{r}?
1.0 2.8 1.0 2.8
3. 16 4. 32 3. 16 4. 32
17. ttow manybubes have exactly two faces painted? I 7. fiiiur€i Sfor6eu'fr,,{t iefu,r{' fdprt?
l. l6 2.20 l. 16 2.20
3. 32 4: t6 3. 32 4. 36

Direction (1&19) Questions match the numbers ln

fir& Urr (r8-r9 aEx-I t eEFrCh{t dldh{t
II. gI
ETUrrIrqr D{Fit Aigx-rr litT EdFE als retq}F
Column I with the Ruleg in Column
Column I ColumnII
Erfgl{-I Etriglf-Il
t7 zyc+3
t7 21^+3
l8 ix'-l
18 : 2x'-l
57 x +lx
28 x,.3x x,-3x
l5 3x'+l l5 3x'+1
18. Which rule the number 28 follows?
I E. frforla 28 ffi fuqt{}rfqtd}r{'edA?
l.2x'-l 2.3x'+1
l. 2x'-l 2.3x1+l
3. x'-3x 4. x'+2x 3. x'-3x 4. x'+2x
'19. Which number follows the rule 2x'+3?
19. ffi frfi{{'fasx2x'+3 rrtitau'SAtl
l. l5 2. t7 L15 2. t7
3. l8 4. 57 3. l8 4. 57
20. Which of the following words cannot be made from
20. Eg EEe+ r,iuat 3 i-6
drE' H
fs? fau+ sve
'co MMLJNICATIoN" ir rfi se'fem irr EErs?
21. Arrange the following words according to
dictionary aratrgemeat. 21. f€E'areE{€r rwnrtqlra6x'ea?t
e) WORST f) woRKED
1.. caebd 2. rdceb
l. caebd 2. adceb
3. dcbae 4. cedab
3. dcbae 4. csdab
22. Select the combination ofnumbers so that the letters
22. ,idi g' r{fif,Jr EUT g€ ff,E r,{Eird xnfd'fr i
arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.
w$s fs.i ire st' ifi s'aea EEe Yt t
1234s67 t234567
t. 2645137 2. 1345672 1. 2645137 2. 1345672

4. 4731625 3. 7645132 4. 4731625

fircfurfrr e3-24\t €rs a, B, c, D, E 3 F ird
Stx friends A B, C, D, E, F are sitting in a closed clrcle ffr , ird e aEa* to arei t6 ur t
facing the centre. Direction @3-24) Questions ' E,Dgfrufrtt
E is to the t€ft of D
C is betweenA and B c,e3stf{sf,dtt
F is between A and E F,AiEtfrsdrdtr
23. Who is tothe LeftofB ? 23_ B€,tri'u'EdEt6'A?
I. A 2,C l.A 2.C
3. D 4.8 3.D 4.E'
24. WhoistheRightofC? 24. cifiu**elo'tt
l.A 2.8 l.A 2.8
3.E 4.F 3.E 4.F
25. A man is performing yoga rvith his head down and 25. fd? fu,,r-€l ffrF e' fR-d Hli-F 3,rri # $rra us,
legs up. His face is towards the west. In which darr a-s fro. t t $ne' krd' risg + t I QE-e' dsr
direction will his lefthand be?
dsffiteE d{rt?
I. North 2. South
3. East 4. West
l.€FJd 2. dfe
3. grds 4. fEH
Direction (2G27) are bised upon the sum ofaddition,
Each letter has unique value and for upique value
fi rrdrqrr 1zo-zA {Ed fdv tgs' E rrsilfr e
there isuniqueletter. Dru'Ff,J A riErartr e ffa!,itrd udt frt€ fda il alDrE
GivenE=4 +
LET A rr3 fr? fr fi {ssffi freE ffi dt aftrci I
t oss tuiu=r 'T H E
Find thevalueofO ?
26. oAArsdA? LOSS
l.3 2. I
l. 3 2. 1
3.0 4.2 3.0 4.2
27. Find the value ofS ?
27. sAdlrs6frt?
l. 8 2.6 1.8 ?.6
3.4 4. 2
3.4' 4.2
A printcr numbers the pages ofa book starting with I
and uses 3193 digits in all. How many pages does the
zs. ffr fifa f{s's g ffdr,rr F I tsd f fu[e' ry
book have? ilde' t i fr 3 r 9r,rrq futre' i r
gE fus's i ftrt'
t. t074 2. lo75 tdurr
3. to76 4. to77 t. to74 2. to75
3. 1076 4. 107.1
Dircction (29-30) Questions. A carpenter has the fivc frefu qrr 1zrr0) ffi Ta{ra As Eiad Chrt qr
wooden articlcsA, B, C, D, E having different weight. itFgt"{i A, B, C, D I u ur t
ffi et sraftf6-f€?5t I
I . A weights twice as B
l. AgrErrdB dr$'gOrert I
2. B weights four& halftime as much as C 2. B erlfrdc5r$ g€V.OU6. furr{-ett t
3. C weightshalfas much as D
4. D weights halfas much as E
. 3. csrdD+v'or#rriq'tr
4. D gr lfriI E E Efrd Sri$)rrqr | 1

5. E weights less thanAbutmore than,C

5. E srsrd A +uizudc 5rfurre'A I
29. Which ofthe follorving is lightest in weight?
l.D 2.C
29. t6ffi H€'rciirt'dEngffi A?
l.D 2.C
3.B 4.A 3.B 4.A
30, Which ofthe following article is heaviest in weight?
30. f6ffi{r{'f#Fs3'sdeEgffi i?
l.E 2.D l.E 2.D
3.A 4.C 3.A 4.C
31. Findodd one out 31. elrf,gE-
I. SEPIEMBER 2. ruLY l. EgEd 2. ilEtd
3. MAY 4. APRTL 3. Hf 4.,{t5
32.' Determine the Relationship. 32. Etusqfirsa?:
33. TEACHER" COLLEGE, STLJDENT, which figure 33. o t6 nsn{"ft
reprcscnted it? HffiHH#fu$H",',*

"""Oo @ @ ".t@" @@
l. 2. 3. 4. t. 2. 3. 4.

34. If 'green' is called'red','red' is called'blue','blue' 34. fr{d d 6 s6, 6'E E frs'f+o'e'-t da 5

is called'white', 'white'is called 'yellow', 'yellow'' Efurf#tuo's€rfr 6 rfis', d* O ettzt
is called 'violet'thenwhat is the colourofgrass. feor e€ Si 1llrd er rar il i€arrl
l. Green 2. Red f. irdr 2. g16
3. Yellow 4. Violet 3. lfigr 4. effi
35. Iu a certaia code language, "Sue Re NIK" means 35. fai iagtat t 'Sue Re NIK' er ,rrds "She is
"She is brave". "Pi sor Re NIK" means "She is brave" t I :?i sor Re NIK" g 4int "She is always
always smiling" ani "Sor Re Zhi" means "is always smiling" 3 "Sor Re Zhi" g rdilq "is always
cheerful." What is the codc used for word cheertul" tl 'tsmiling" xve nd fuui As el Tda
"smiling"? ffi;nffit
l. Sor 2. NIK 1. Sor 2. NIK
3. Re 4. Pi 3. Re 4. Pi
35. In the following sequence of Instructiotrs, I stands 36. t6r fdlt{r ETsr O fqr,rrd ?rrs ui, I U nsuv
for RUN, 2 stands for STOB 3 stads for GO, 4 iaer, z gr tt=I6s SidEr, 3 g lGr6E dt', 4 g
stands for SIT and 5 stands for WAII If the t{3ss e6dr r,ra 5 s tcntE gfq ild?t" Al+{d
sequenc€ were to coDtioue, which instnrction with
come nexP
ffi rS rOpg-d ffi
di Ei fiEE s"re EEsi i
44545345 3I453 1245 453 4 53
445 4 5345 3 I 453 1245 453 453
1. Wait 2. Sit
1. gcte 2. *6e'
3. Run 4. Stop
3. +Fd. 4. -il{Er

tn the foUowtng 6gure' rectanglg rquare, clrcle and H itEI Elu Efu, DI'E, ifaitr, TaElrg i5ia
trlangle represent the rqfons of whest' gram' meiz: rrfii fCi) rdl trOa'a ilae rac, Et, x'idl ari ws
and rlce cultivations, rtspectively. Glve the enswer. StditEf=rdtgtgar€€ual

37. Which area is cultivated by rice and maize and 37. fda# +sdsrglt J rrfr Ode'tryJ ildffi
nothing else? frfisdr€r?
1.9 2.8 1.9 2.8
4.2 3.7 4.2
ffiffiffi ffiffi@
Observe the colours and answer the followingr tat el u:-c ai 3 iat f€ it qrr e Q?e H: -

38. Which coloured surface is opposite toyellowcolour. 38. rnt furA Fsid e x.dH-E Fsfo i fuaE tdr
l. Green 2. Orange ,rflgdr? =-cfi
3. Red 4. White l. ililf 2. frJfi
39. How many cubes are there in the givan figure? 3.58 4. E+s
l. 132 39. fif3arBFrdfdgf*tureue?
r. 132
2. l3E
2. 138

3. t40
3. 140

4. 142 4. t42

Direction Question (40). Given four figures three

figures are similar ln a certalh manner. Choose the
frc€r qer 6oy s.r ffTd Hil rF, fgd Hsd
dilferent one. (Odd one out)
rrrrrrF tab i}5'u€ air, ii fudi5t ?5rg: *a rfr urer, EE

)r( (l( )n( )f) 40.

)r( (L_l( ) fr( )f)

L 2. 3. 4.
Directlon Questlon (41). The following questlon .t.2.3.4.
conslsts of four problem fig. ABCD end four rnswer fre€r qra 6l; +d fC? qrd frf€ sra qrd fdsa
fgures Marked (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) select the gif. from ABCDJsrd€?efei-o(r.)2.)(:.)(4.)fCiiTdtqEd
amongst the answer figures which will continue the
f#d ct rJt fi ii+ -rq'ge u€t s-c fT{arrt.iF ffi
41. ProblemFigure
41. t{E6fdsd
xar o? ? xoat I ?AXO o tx?a
xal o? ? xoal I ?axo o tx?a
Answer Figure

a?xto AOI X? 1X?aO ao? rx a?xto aor x? lx?ao ao? rx

l. 2. 3. 4. l. 2. 3. 4.
42. Fig. A and B are related in some way. According to fugu n rri s fr? aS Esq Es,firs a r gi sfl e'
same relationship among C and D. Choose the Etqfg?d c r,ri D f€s Es.flrs {d& Ffr k{sud
correct altemate.
x a+ + I
I x I
U) + + I

a ?
c s il a C s il V)
A B c D
Answer Figure gs-dtrg-d
S x S ( ?, x s s x S ( Z x S

( x I x ( x I x
( ) I ( ) I

1_ 2. 3. 4. l. 2. 3. 4.

43. What is the minimum number of different colours 43. utr' urz fii& fu 6.8 fe-i fr fio:rd g aar fs' e'
required to paint the given fig. such that no. two ra-er t fa a's ffi'
(ffi gi a frsdi tEd trA
adjacent regions have the same colour? fie-drrd'C?

1. 5 2.4
1.5 2.4 J. J 4.2
3. 3 4.2
44. i.6t ff} fti?d feJ frdulr ffi x€'f,ii
44. How many triangles and parallelograms are there in
irEk Erfr06?
the following figure?

1. 21,17 2. 19,13 t. 21,17 2. 19,13

3. 21,15 4. 19,1't
3. Zt,t5 4. 19,17
45. Find the water image offigure 'X'. 45. urctfdse{di furc'x' fm rf'sfi*ar?

& & (x) cx)

www WW ww w
l. 2.
46. Find the mirror image ofthe following.
3. 4. l. 2. 3.
fi Ff+s&rdAila'fi fs'fdsdfr Fs{tfei.dr?
NTSEscotrR' NTSEscoLeR
l. ZTV 2. fl.sJocaE?TV
.f,eJocs5 TI,{ 2. freJoczEZTV
1. .f,eJ oc s iI ?
3. f,el,ocsESNT 4. flsJoczAZTtI - 3. .f oLocsESNT 4. f,eJocz!I?TI,1
47. Which three figures among five figures A, B, C, D & 47 . trli dr} tfr ftuA, B, c, D 3 E k€' ffi f$d

Lv=/> Lr-,-/>
E will forms a complete squarc. furofro&ffiscerqe'ffir

A A c
3. CDE 4. BCE 3. CDE, 4. BCE
A square transparcnt sheet with -a pattem
is given. 48. ffi <raq-o ffa irac.c re. n fifdt dr* A, fu?d
Fig. out from amongst the four altematives how E? fdl sry kesu'ABcD fdt !r5;r€'(Er6)
the pat0ern would appear when the .transparent she€t ry"a u-O &rs <rgfr Htaf 3!1i[afl o'etdr r,r6grd
is folded at the dotted line.
frFs4{'Hre. a fuEs{' fewgt €trdfi I

Transparent Sheet. Transparent Sheet.

Response Sheet.
Response Sheet.

ffirc t. 2.
IErc ffi[E
1. 2.. 3. 4.
Dirrction Question (49). Pepcr hes been folded as firetu Wa (ol a-er* t fCr etrt f ftg tffir{tl
shown with the dotted lines ln the given 69. PXYZ & tqrE+ t rrs rrg' ttfglr,lf tler t I fir+ fe?e pxVZ
paper has been eut. How would the paper look like
when unfolded.
fds f#
t t foo ilue fi- a'far' *'tg' t r trro iirc t
farsEt fctdr"r€bdfsgt


P X,
iN z
D3ffi03 1. 2. 3.

Select among four altemativcs which complcte the

lo ol

x ffi03@

Huqr =[d'

airirgfr frfn'fgesu

giVenMatrix. )rIr+dr?

ea a .,a p a ...a
tr t& f, ?
tr t& tr ,l



fr €il





PHYSICS JfgafisfrP,{r
5r. A body of mass I kg initially
at resi is moved by a 51. l fuB-dl+r di{s *fi gud rrfr it fu
tfi €'d d-dr*
horizontal force of 0.5 N on a smooth frictionless
table. The work done by force in I 0 sec. is
9rro o.sN s' sg Fdre't ar3 fu ar$ fds m er'S

l. 10.5J 2. 12.5t
i use6r 6 ffigtdsfrsa-rst
r 1 t

r. 10.5J 2.
3.20t 4.22J 3. 20t 4.22t
52. A boy hears an echo of his own voice from a distant ffil LrJr unt-Et we-* d ft 6 fira pl-d I trd.S
hill after 2 seconds. The specd ofsound in air is 350
m/s. The distance ofthe hill from the boy is
i' 2 ifdg sn,re Ese' t ue tst gd d dr$ rso

m/s t Qr rrod d E-Jn J gfr A-

l. 175 m 2. 200 m
l. l75m

3.350m 4. 250m 3. 350m 4. 250m
53. An electric heater consists of 20m length of 53. fE{ fufigfed i' krdrfrs d srd + Efu,r' a, feE
manganin wire of 0.23m' crossectional area. M65
el 3-d i uBrd d 6r'z
zom tsd Ed
Wattage of heater when potential difference across
the heater is 200 vis sf tsr<s 0.2 3 m' t fur fr*o dzo ct Ef,$ a -

1. 101il 2. l00w
l. lo'w 2. l00w
3. l0'w 4. l0!w
4. lo!w
3. l0'w
54. fr? rg'r d fura r€t ds d fi{f,}r ffi Erfrr9 }
54. A beam of white light when passes througb a glass
prism, a spectrum is observed. But when same beam
s' rlE fird Etd"{ fr+re' t rra *R fird f€ fq'r

oftight passes tkough hollow grass prism then d fdildt fE{ &rd dfu d ntrx fdii' qnrdm i g'
1. Spectrum is same r. Qmqtsrtt*alflrrstt
2. Spectnrm becomes brighter 2. Ert{4{A-d*c'i'aE'tt
3. fiere will beno spectrum 3. afEt{qrrfrf{rsl
4. Colours ofspectrum reverced 4. Ft-n{t{t tdr@i' e'i ua' t
.55. When a cunent carrying conductor is placed in a
direction parallel to the riragnetic field, force on
55. rE fw sE (Ersrr{) fer Et'ffia qrrce i'i,
conductor is €F6 ird tJd A Exrdtrd dfirarH'? gE qrd
. Znro
| 2_ l00N ufuims6t-
3 roN 4. 1000N l. #e 2. l00N
56. An object of size 4 cm placed perpendicular to 0re
3 loN 4. lmoN
principal axis ofconcave mirror. fie distance of the r*o id + rx I <rEr Dre=r6 e-are n fru gt i
object from the mirrqr equals radius of curvature. ,rffi's 3 uS A rrri fu d sarre J gd sarre i
The sizeofthe image willbe: seres' +sd fffi t ei r{Sft is e',rr.{.d6fr -+dr'-
l. lm 2.zrn l. llfr 2.zfit
3.3.5cm 4.4cm 3. 3.58H 4. 4tf,+
57. The most important safety method used for
protecting home appliances from_short circuiting or 57. Edhkr ry} ffi,Eor i wdg gl.r{d6'
overloading is w_'Seer*trrii'+qgcs#{.f6ra-J't?
l. Earthing 2. Useoffirse l. +ftre{ 2. BgEm<dS
3. Use ofstabi lizer 4. use ofelectric meter 3. E?ffirdgTd$ 4. ffi)trada€dg;
58. The equivalent resistance between the points A ard
B in the circuit as shown in the figure given below is
58. E aErraz t<s ftr A ori ftr B f<s fr

l. I ohm 2. lessthan I ohm
3. morc than I ohm
1. 2. lfuH+uie
4. Sohm
59. The masses of l0 kg and 20 kg respectively are
3: rgzxiiq 4.8fuH
co r€cted by massless spring. A force of200 N acts 59. l0 kg a$ 26 tg lei fsc 9a afus rufior
O rs
on the 20 kg mass. At the instant shown, the l0 kg sz€€ 3 20 kg y* 3 zOo x Eu rrdtfE ,fr faEr
mass has an acceleration of l2nr/sec'. What is the t ri I 0 kg gfi ft? I 2mlsec'
acceleration of20 kg mass? @o*a6n-s'fapr{' I 20

'10 kg 20 kg
l0 kg 20 kg
l. l2mlsec' 2. 4mlsec'
3. Z0mlse*' 4. Srr/sec' l. l2mlsec' 2- 4mlsecr
60. A bullet of rnass 0. I kg is fircd with a s@ of I fi) 3. 20mlsec' 4. 5m/sec'
m/sec., the mass of gun is 50 kg. The velocity of
60. 0.1 kg e1 frfr 100 m/sec fr ar$ Flr osd drdt
i{d t-s{ e' !r* 50kg A'a gr yaa (Recoil) e ear
l. 0.2 m/sec 2: 0.1 m/sec qgrEIRI
3. 0.5 m/sec 4. 0.05 m/scc
1. 0.2 m/sec 2. 0.1 m/sec
61. Which of the following frequency of sound can be 3. 0.5 m/sec 4. 0.05 m/sec
generated by a vibrating simple pendulum as well as
by the vibrating vocal cords ofa rhinocerous? 61. ErF-d.'ksH et rrrfirdJt aE l E,rs fuE Ards' A
l. 8Hz 2. 25Hz Sdi-e.n'ffir
3. l0Hz
l. 8IIz 2. 25Hz
4. l5000Hz 3. l0Hz 4. 150008

62. Which ofthe following isnotan example ofbiomass 62. t6ffio,{.fdtfuinrE E1€rflEgffirnisa-fi t t
enerly source? I. B?s, 2. gFrilf{e
l. Wood 2. Garbage
3 . Atomic energy 4. Coal 63.
63. A needle placed 45 cm from a ldns forms an image
on a screen placed 90 cm on the other side oflens,
focal length and t1'pe oflens is
1. +10cm, Convex lens 2. *30cm, Convex lens 4. + locm, rlr€=16&6r[
3. *30cm, Concave lens 4. +lOcm, Concave lens
il. If 1.5 moles of o.xygen gas combines with solid
64. i 1.5 trE ?rrdxttrr Ax, fipmru 6'-6 lrg *
dFrfEE fiEttrrrt'e, Allor lrg -r$'e ila. Bt fuF fufdr,{'
Aluminium to form Al,O,. What is the mass of
tor5 *on6|aorer ti6r BT d eEft ryr fuD{r?
Aluminium used in the reaction?
1. 27dP{ 2. 54irFH
1. 27grn 2. 54gm
. 3. 40.5 inrH 4. SlqH
3.40.5gm 4.81gm
65. fifa f<iear.od t dfrffi ud d pH d uotr ffi
65. A student test the pH ofdistilled water and found that ,rr3 9rt enllrr' fa pH Urro e. Srrrd'a fdTrrr. at
the colour of pH paper changed to green. He
checked the pH again after dissolving a pinch of
9r t u.e1 fe? 6ud ri.r ia' €tr d pH trs +q
common salt in water. The colour of pH paper this
ffi t 9s xff ps ftre e' t-dr 6fr i ilear?

time will be: l. air 2. lfi6r

I . Green 2. Yellow 3. 6rs 4. fF
66. qtestJ + td-tns'i f;r*sfr rrtuures
. 3. Red 4. Blue

66. On electrolysis of brine solution the products 1. Nahflcl, 2. Il.,,O,Df3Cl,
fomled are:
3. H,,.Ct,,a6ipa611 4.NaOH,Cl,)rf3O,
1. Na and Cl, 2. II, O, and Cl,
67. qa{refifo}rrr t s <€ s? 6fr rfr A'iffrr fd?fi i+dfr ?
3. H,, Cl,, andNaOH 4. NaOH, Cl, ando, 1.2 2.8
67. What is the valancy of an element having atomic 3. ffi? . 4.6
number 18. 68. a.lrgra 18 aID{ rrri l8u rr"e1 fdE rr-cl t ff} ryg
1.2 2.E ffi?
3. Zero . 4.6 1. 6.023x10')rr3 I 2..5.023x10",rrgl8
68. Number of molecules ptesent in l8g and 18U of 3. 181136.023 x f0" , 4. 1,rr36.023x10"'
watet respectively 69. fifa rfl{dd fds rE oE rrsae x fdg)Hz{
l. 6.023x10'qnd 1
2. 6.023x10'and 18 *fn-g u,F 3 ffid rrr3 d,ctre &r v lM t t
y AE Ct t {.e1 f€'*urgd i gB et ud
3. l8and6.023x l0"
4. I and6.023xl0"
gfrlrfr i' Hrer A I x )r3 y fe,r{6' Fii fr T;.?
69. By adding acetic acid to solid '.X" a colorless and }r€'Y
1. X tr6i|rp{ dr-dE-&e Erdq63xfrrr{rdEretSr
odourless gas "Y' is evolved- The gas 'Y" tums
limewatermilky. Whatarc X andY tuir
2. x FfrrrIH ufrder{rdE€tg ari v a.urrad-
1. X is Sodium carbonate and Y is COr. .
2. Xis Sodium hydro-oxide andY is COr. rtfr}e rr.r3 Y
3. X E-5frrr{r aT d66sret11rdgrfdl
3. X is Sodiumacetate andY isCO,. alrtt
4. Xis Sodium bicarbonate andYis SO,. 4. x i-strrH srffii-e }}{i Y rrresd-
70.. High meltingpoint ofa compound indicates ,,fT{EIfrJAFiI
1. Strong Intermolecular forces. 70. ffi Er e. F frrurre>ko m ean€f iu
2. Kinetic Energy ofmolecules is more. 1. ?,rPrEtHTsrsftrs'l
2. 8rarflg+rid efo atfy*$r*. t
3. Speedofmolecules ismore. .
3. u-€?rrt.€tdqdnitl
4. Compourid can diffitse easilY
+. Er iugurgtibl a'uqrre a-ar*i ua. t

71. A metal on heating in
presence of air gives 'l t. fir ue g u<. f<u *a aror a-e;' a''g u-A kg
compound is soluble in water and have high
meltingpoint. The metal is:
r$t€ e'is. IrrS fr firurre aro <ru ifam qget
l. Calcium 2. Carbon
t. ffia+r 2. Er|irrrd
3. Silicon 4. Iron
3. frgt{r6 4. B-dr
An element which is essential constituent of all
organic compounds belongs to which group in 72. ,{rd*fra ffftrd+ er Fs + rlrd ss D{'<dd E'td
Periodic Table. i' fur a_tiir arr rtq drr€' tt
l. Group 2 2. Group 14 l. dr_drJ2 2. dEiu 14

3. Group 16 4. Group 17 3. dEiu16 4. aEiulT

73. How many covalent bonds are present in Pentane? 73. Wn'trrr€ Hst.itEfuf,ffi qq6u6?
1.8 ' r. 8 2. r0
3. t6 4. t4
3. l6 4. t4
74. u6 fisft{i t€E. fdu fds fd,r{.5 {Hrg e sflsd
74. Which one of the following is not an isoelectronic fir&{-Tr.a-fru+il+?
with Neon atom 2. ,,Na-'
l. 4. ,rMg-'
3. ,F' 75. ds x s gE i Fsez ErE titailEr er EE ir x,(so.)r
75. The formula of sulphate of element X is X, (SO.),. ir fufixe.gEiare1qrfsdr6frEsd
The formula ofnitride ofelement X is. A"eBr'?

2. XN, ..
l. x,N 2. xN,
1.xJ'I 3. )C{ 4.X,\
3. )GI 4.XrN, f$auarr*,rr':
76. Three test tubes containing :
TestTubeX: 5ml ofHCl
TestTube Y; 5ml ofHNOt
rrarsrfrarfi+= t s fi+.d. Hct+s fir.rft. ttNo.
Test Tube Z: l5ml ofHCl+Smlof HNQ
itir lIdrrdd ft? qg e'fifa 3Tfl rrfE"r{" faPr{rr
A small piece of metal was added in all fte three test v-s et ge*' frer uflf66 dr e ui€r fde gro ste'
tubes.It dissolves only in TestTube Z. The metal is: itqgfdlrdfuifffii'€afii
l. Al 2. Au l. Al 2. Au
3. Cu 4.Ag 3. Cu 4. Ag

. BIOLOGY ;fefgfdlrr{ra
77. arsx I s fi.rF?5'ErEx U 6.Ed', I
77: Match the column I with the column II.
Column I Column II CT'iEHI ETE}{T
i. qrre'orel fwurrugqerdzargrr€
i. Reod artery a. It stores the urine untill ". iI ' g 3nr lfrtir Htnr IsF 5
it is relea.,,ed through
the Urethra. dsa,br
ii. Kidney b. It passes urine from ii. Erui' u. fw yro g qrdferrf a Lrrd
kidney to urinary xre'iEuffidtr
iii.Hlrir€foel c. fuo ug g icreu re$ i rrr3
iii. Ureter It filterc the blood and yrare'QFdir
forms. urine.
iv. lCrd'HEnEr a.fer W U orre ra e.u_s
iv Urinary bladder It bring blood to the tferds' tr fsmz a-ea gf
kidney for filtedng
waste. furrttBit

l. i-d , ii-c iii-b iv-a l. i-d ii-c iii-b iv-a
2. i-t ii-b iii-c iv{ 2. i-a ii-b iii-c ivd
3. i-b ii-a iiid iv+ 3. i-b ii-a iiid iv+
4. i-c ii-b iii-a iv-d 4. i-c ii-b iii-a ivd
Which one of the following is the function of the 78. t6 ffifl,f f+if frtrs. trilds' d-Ee ffiin et
enzymes of Pancreatic Juice? iil{a?
l. trypsin digests protein and lipasa digests l. terFdq# E ursdry3 s'fiifi drdE-ddcle
2. tsypsin digests emulsified fats and lipasc digests
proteins 2. ErEd, Tdfr ,,r}sdtilst*a nuryss8
3. trypsin and lipasc digest fats 3. t4rrdrrrg E Ciiffr sofr iusaufr
4. trypsin digests proteins and lipase digests hrrtst# rriudt-sYafr i u'casd
emulsifed fats. ze. tdfsftrrrr''f€if fur+rfi i"*rfi t t

79. Which ofthe following is not a correct pair :-

1.rffi85 : it1affiqd
l. A&enaline Pituitary gland
z.Zr2rffia , 6rg.H ,

2. Testosterone Test€s
3. Estrogen Ovary
3.,lirdird :ffis
4. Thyroxine Thyroid gland
4. srfirdrdfrd : srfd6J46
80. U.et6,rr3@eodaOfi g$e.dfaEd)rrr$eAeAUAt
80. Pine and Deodar are tbe example of
I'. Gymnosperms 2. Pteridophyta l. fqlr6'Ero{ 2. }fi3-66a.
3. Thallophyta 4. Bryophyta 3. tffiar l. qfuffie'
81. Khadins, Bunilhis and Ahars arc atrcient structures 81. Urfgr, tfoE ry} ryOtO fu,{.at- 65rEt 3i|itt
that are example of Mrst
l. Grain storage 2. Wood storage l. tgtifd
rrfdrfr 2. Ed=tfgtrd
3.Waterharvesting 4.Soilconservation 3. t6iirgtr5 4. nia€fi-sr5
82. Read the following statements 8nd select the comrt 82. frr{dfisfifsqq6t gr$w}rd f<cuu gE r
Eqr I : fr&ar}frrfrrrfr6'rq.udt
Statement I : Snails and Mussets arc Molluscans.
Statement II : Sea Urchins and Scorpions are EEl'.[ : fr ,{inrd,,fS fdEfiadBaotiaur t

echinodermates l. iiE6aqdlFfrir
l. only statement I is true 2. *?saqdflrfiAr
2. ooly statemeDt [I is true 3. Erqdl,rGf EIqS II grflUsr
3. Both statemcntsl & II ate true 4. ililrI rrflqridll gtaE su6 r

4. Both statements I & II are false

Ern_d+fi f{s.........,................tudft'dt9aro
83. . ................................ in Eukaryotes is separated ftom
the cytoplasm by double layered mernbrane and it
*s rrsae rrstr A nr€'t fu
*E fre-a f
directs the life process ofthe cell. futorrctsfffif0e'tt
l. Golgi Apparatus 2. Nirclels t. afurfiafsryr€t 2. aird{
3. Lysosome 4. Ribosome 3. Fdfifrt{ 4. draiih{
84. A feature that is common in yeast, amoeba, 84- urtra, uofrg', taqfitr ro{fs?>r+r are facE t I
paramecium is
r. fuur,tqrffiur
l. They all are multi cellular
2. fu E t t{irerildgu!
2. They all reproduce by budding
3. fiFEtgttrfgfr {tratrdgud
3 . They all rtproduce by binary fi*sion

4. They all are unicellular

+. fgont'fwMua
85. Which blood constituent makes up more of the 85. lr6erfaiFrrrixpuu.firsreq'+e'tt
volume ofblood
l. Redblood cells 2. Plasma
l. ItEiEtgEr 2. u6rilHr

3. Blood protein 4. White blood cells 3. EEtitd 4. Efuars'ig

86. Homologous organs arc ......... 86. Elff,r$lridr .......ird|
I . Dissimilar in origin, similar in function. l. lrsinrSr r 5, 6rrilTIEHr.'
2. Dissimilar in origiu and dissimilar in fimction. 2. Hgdsdr fii6r,fi d-dfr A fii6
3 . Similar in origin and similar in function. 3. lr6rg5rEHr5)rfi d1-dfr d Eho6
4. Similarinorigin and dissimilar in firnction. 4. HEairFEHrSrrr3 a-ceEa
87. What is fte correct di.rection of flow of electrical 87. rS *6 f* fenr$ ry€ar e' rfr feE s <o"r,{
, impulses in newe cells?


<--- 4--

K$=6 ,ffi


5--z- n,v-' ---->

88. You observed a slide of animal tissue and observed fu fz5r et ,rtrfc aud 3 gET are'a (i) tB
(i) long cylindrical and unbranched cells (ii) They nrerE a ry3 r'u' afos iu liiy qri ar} dn iar
had dark and light bands. The tissue couldbe of
l. Unstriated muscle fibres 2. Neurons l.q'-frafugrlEtfu 2.6.Sfr6
3. Strialed muscle fibres 4. Cardiac muscle fibres 3.qrfsdrlmfzlr 4. tuEUmE
E9. Which organ is infected when a pemon suffers from 89. +fidf<rrtdtfl rt{'?rr6rfr3-sie3'grerfTtrEr
Jaundice? AarWfssiidr?
l. Bones 2. Liver l. dilr,ti 2. frdrd
3. Lungs _ 4. Nervoussysrcrn 3. a|t? 4. dr;frr{€refr
90. The animals havingjointed legs belongs to phylum 90. i"ge d # <"tt fu fuE E'Ctsr{ d€ Ftq dr€
l. Amelida 2. Arthropoda u6?
3. Mollusca 4. Nematoda t. idfogr 2. )rtrd
3. trgrdt 4. fdlr€,y

91. If ftq+r = 0 then the value of 91. *aEp+q+r=0i?vr
2pt(q+r) + 2q'(t +r) + 2/(p+q) 2p'(q+r) + 2q'1prr) + 2r'(p+q)

will be erfEttar:
l. 3pqr
pqr 3.6 4.4 l. 3pqr 2.
pqr 3.6 4. -6

92. A circle is inscribed in a square of side 2.5cm. 2.5 EH grir €rt €fi,I s,,i grfrr€r 6 Fe'afurlF
Another circle is circumscribing this square. The
ratio ofareas ofoutercircle and innercircle is
ffi fus i rrrgo firfury' iaprr i t <eo i g,i
mtfdi' 6 ffi' 6urg find qffd d{d fdfs,r{r tdrr{'
1. 1:{2 z. ^lz:l 3. 2:l 4. ./3:l it e5rd rr1-J )frg=ffi fu i ffi er Tr{6ur=r
93. If x=-L then find thevalue of4x'+2x'-8x-3. tlrra?r
l. 0 2.2
l. l:i2 2.
^lz:t 3.2:lgrfuustde
+. {::t
93. i*ax=J- g' 4x!+2x'-8x-3 t
3. -2 4. .12 {3-l
94. How many revolutions will a circular wheel of l. 0 2.2
radius r units will make to cover a distance of 100 3. -2 4.
times its diameter? 94. ffi u-fr} 6 fffier )rrdqfur11g r fgAr$rri i, Drer$
loo 2. fion 3. :
l.--r100L 4. g Fr,{.E d
100 qror
3rr a-es 6m f6rt d{d
95. Iftan$ + cot$ = | 1[en the value ofsin$ +cos$ willbe l. loo z. ---'- It 4. jY
rco, 3. 100
equal to (where S is an acute angle)
L lt

4.t 95. i{dtan0 + cotd: I t+v sin0 + cos$ ulisiian t

l.o 2..12 3.{3
If pth term ofan AP is q and qth term is p then mth l.o z. .,lz 3. !3 4. 1
term ofthisAPwill be: 96. i-+a ffi ar E pe' rre q +ri q€' rrE p i+ s' gEAP
l. p+q+m 2. p+q-m ?mtrres'ligAedr',
3.p-q-m 4. P-q+m l. p+q+6 2. p+q-m
97. Two dice are thrown. Find the probability that sum 3.p-q-m 4.P-q+m
ofnumbers ofboth up sides ofboth dice is a perfect
square. 97. Eu'Ff;rfi-FadrEtFarr<drwrrde u+P{r
e gu-dlr{Etrrr. fifir,{.+ e. fsffi !rda' +ddr G I
il .7 'r5 4.0
'36"36 ,l "7 ''2536 4.0
'' 36
From the top ofa tower ofh m high, the angles of
fua z<o a grfi fEd' J e engry i' f{
depression of two objects, which are in line with the
tr rfr: ffi
foot of the tower are c and p (P>a). Find the z.€d a ffi
fi {i' S iq fd= ua, s fr<'a ie a ari
difference between two objectives. g (Pa) i fira;'t <r-sw i feqE ed gfr us' ai t

l. h(tan c- tan p) 2. h(cot cr - tan p) l. h(tanu-tan0) 2. h(coto-tanB)

3. h(cotd-cotP) 4. h(cot c+ cot p) 3. h(cota-cotP) 4. h(cot a+ cot P)
99. Ifthe distance between thepoints (4, q) and (1,0) is 5 99. i-{d e ftr=pltr (+, O ,r€ (1, 0) e Fs{rdd gd 5

units then thevalue ofq is - pqrEt,,{i i+ 3r q e' 5.r i'im:

1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4
3. +4 4.0
3. +4 4.O
100. The area of an equilateral triangle is 49i3cm'. 100. ft '{Eit:d-fr fu -*d-de.tgr<ras{:<{dIEHttfEEi
Taking each vertex as centre, circles are described frrror 6 a?d )16 a daa frrt art us, e',rm ffi
with radius equal to halfthe length ofthe side ofthe t?,{'E fuE f#ra d gfi' d ffi e' }riq. i t E**
triangle. Find the area ofthe triangle. Find the areaof
the p;rt ofthe triangle which is not included in these
i fr a"ar e' Q-rcas €' ae i' fu H' ),{frs' ff'
circles. a-ffu€e't
,)) ,))
(r/3=1.73, zr=f)
l. 84cm! 2. 77.7cm' I . 84 <i'iilrllf 2. 77 .7 <ddlfrt+
3.7.77cm' 4.70.7cm' 3. 7.77<dafiFl{ 4.70.7ei,irIEH

l0l. If 'fOJ4 x 0,4r) = 0.4 x 0.04Jy . Then the value r0t. i{d {ol+ x o.n4 : o .4 x 0.04'ly ae a'
} u
v lrsAi+dr?
l.0.0016 2. O.t6
2. 0.16
3. 0.016 4. 1.6 3. 0.016 4. 1.6
102. One lite of water weighs I kg. How many cubic
millimeres of water weigh 0.1 gm? 102. fuzj: q-gi| er s-d r ffiar+r tr tiii ure
1. 100 2. to fl{cfufra qid er srd o. I dl+ri?
3. 1 4. 0.1 l. 100 2. t0
3. 1 4. 0.1
rol. rr r:trlzzfr, then the value of.r is:
- I qi
103. Fild.r-{ 2
u€gi.r ertf6ir€irlr:
t2+f 1A
3.3i 4.4+f t ,+ ,.r+ o.o+ t3+
lM. Ifr men can do apiece of work in 8 days and (r|-4) 104. *fiir r Dr.eln trq dx E 8 k fds rdi ilc rlri
men can do the same work in 6 days then.r is equal to: (:++1 11-g6qU*g 0 eP fds*e€i'cg'.r
1. 10 2.6 garrotiarr:
3. 12 4. 24 1. l0 2.6
105. If x'+yr+2r = r'where x = r sinAcos B, y= rsin Asin 3. t2 4.24
B then Z has one ofthe following values: 165. fi66:75'+y'+zr: r'lmx: r sin A cos B, y: r sin Asin
l. rsinB 2. rcosA B i+v A-6 firftfr{' i*'' z' d ffi drs Aeafr ?

1. rsinB 2. rcosA
3. rtanAcos B 4. r tanAtan B 4. rtanAtan B
3. rtanAcosB
106. Find the solutions for'x'in eqn.
I 06. E!fr{ile f<fu'x' rrdtiu d i-iar' :
I I I l. l I I l.
a+h+r -+=-+-ts:
a b x a+b+r a b x
1. -a,b 2. -a, -b
-cb 2. -a,-b
3. a, -b 4. a,b 3. c-b 4. a,b
107. In the given figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilatical. If r 07. fs3 f€dfieE ABCD ffi ffi EE3:rfr A, nd-d
ZBAC:60", IBCA=2l" then find the value of IBAC = 60", 4BCA= 20" a.+ sr ZLDC s fu
/ADC2 uErrde I

r. 15. 2.50"
2. 50"
l. 15' 2.50'
2. 50'
3. 80' 4. 400
3. 80' 4.40"
108. ffi s't d sre re <ea t )rr.q'-d ftr? i'fEl},.r.
108. A copper wire when bent in the forrn of a square,
' RrE A si
fE 484 €ddr FH t'Jd-68 uH ir irro
encloses an area of484 cm'. Ifthe same wire is bent
$i =.o
g drc e' )rrq-d f+ ifurr' il+ 3t fud
in the form ofcircle, the area enclosed by it is:
l.2l0cm' 2. 616 cm'
l. 210 eirirrEH 2.616€finrD{
3.5l2cmr 4. 54 cm' 3.512=adrEH 4.54EiIiIIEH

109. The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday
109. FF€.d g g-qf,d fi g airsil g'ux.6 37'c ,rfi
was 37'C and ofTuesday to Thursday was 34'C.
the temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of
Itdr6€.d 3 +dE d fr g gnn{'a' s4'c fr , +{d
+if€r11 gr:IrU{r6 FrfE-U SrUtt S er4l5 d-g fr
Monday. Then the temperahre ofThursday was: gr qi|6r€-d e. g.ur{t79 f&f r fr ?
l. 35.5'C 2.34"C l. 35.5"C 2.34"C
3. 36.5'C 4.36"C 3. 36.s"C 4. 36'C
I10. In a box containing l0
are defective.
100 bulbs, I10. fitr ds'fRE Hs loo Ess u6, to uir'tl irdt 5
What is the ptobability that out of sample of 5
a t
Essr ft'd ilr6 f€if A6 Esq qiIrE 5r i-a A
bulbs none is defective. Fs-<d'tffitadfi?
t. 10-s ,eJ 1. lo-5 ,eJ
, e,) ''e,) 'e') ''e,)
II l. rrfr6' )ril{ rif6 }rrg itr€ t n aEE for ezta' uE
lll. In IMF andWorldBank, thedecisionsare taken by-
l. developing nations
l. f<{rEfrEfu
2. a joint council of developed and developing ixs
z. igersryS frEqfrs# A $d
3. Westem industrial powers l. rr6lfig=dtar{rraaf'
4. leastdevelopednations 4. ufef<dFstF

112. What led to town planning of the city of Bombay in 112. 1880 fdE ffi sfuo d roro trfl-d.. sd krJ'
1880? d.d6,fif€rdfr-
[. The socialtension l. Elf'fudair
2. Poverty 2. drfif
3. Fear ofplague epidemics 3. qtErlrf,){rfr g sd
4. Riots 4. gii'
ll3. Which of the following novel deals with caste II 3 td 6s 6.h=6e.?tr<Itkff, A?
l. E5sr6'rg+r 2. frgB'{'
l. Sultana's Dream 2. Indulekha
rdrq$f<tro{ 4. rrE}rrfirr
3. Saraswati Vijayam
4. Padmarag
.the most drngerous ll4. ff6' t f{fitd F'x-at xx'n-* qe61 e're ?
ll4. Who described Mazzini as u.rdsr{gErfdfuf,fr-
enemy ofour social order?
l. VictorEmmanuelll 2. DukeMetterinich
l. k{edfir5€Eu 2. fs${H6u
3. i"fdd-etss 4.61irJSrB5
3. JohannGottfried 4. LordBYron
115. Why was the Vietnam war called the first television
t ts. {,rrgs'x ? dq 6 ufos' Hfffis Erq frg tfi'
war? ilera-
I . Brought home, stories from soldiers l. t rdff3iftfiFq.tet rt'r'Aafe.
2. Ledto increased sale oftelevision sets z. 2dffidfscfreqr-ec'
3. Battle scenes were shown on daily news 3. afi'd' urdl' ft;t s-s€t e f_q.E E fer{' _e-d'

4. Television was invented +.2dk*s'*a'e

I 16. Who said, 'lrinting is the ultimate gift of God
the greatest one?
and I 1 6. fEEEefuEtEi -'EurA q''rr${rd rs JeH i
1. Charles Dickens 2. J.V Schely
1. orduEfBEtFd. 2. i,.A.Edsq
MahaunaGandhi 4. Martinluther
3. 11-d-g1.dlr,fr 4. lr(re6-E;rrd
fi1. Which of the following combination correctly
indicaies the three flows of intemational economic I I 7. i6fiFfr{,,fi fr|-E fu-rE +3:dd'refr ?}F-dfu{}rrer5-
exchange - tfe.6.f kd t{<d 6 rd i:arrsean'Se' t-
l. Capital, goods, raw material 1. 3rfr, rc,att n's
2. Goods, metal,labour 2. HE, qEr, HirEkr
3. Goods, labour, capital 3. HrE, HF=6, ym
4. Labour, capital, food grains 4. Hrgd,.lIfr,uremidrd
118. The slogan'Jai Hind'was given by - II 8.'ftfu g.6rrrrdrt4.EiffiJ.m -
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri
1. 616 qiled ErFgd
2. Subhash Chandra Bose
2. ErerF€-e-dEF
3. Jawahar Lal Nehru
3. r-€Eir6Edfdlr
4. RasBehari Bose
4. dfEffiBE,
I 19. What was the relationship of Guru Amardas Ji with
Guru Ramdas Ji? I I 9. ug,rl}rirerE;fr e" qga+re'rfr 5rs6fr ?

I. Father 2. Son l. firgrer Z. liroe'

3. Brother 4. Father-in-Law 3.3itrgr t. ffie'
120. Name the treaty sigrred on 26th December, 1846 120. utdt #drB ft'{-gt i Er}rre 26 efrTd, 1846 6
after First Anglo Sikh War? fa|T$frfri6?
1. TreatyofParis 2. Treatyoflahore t. tidrdfifr 2. r+daffi
3. Treaty ofBhayrowal 4. Tripartite Trcaty 3. ea€.Edrtfr 4. +rfiffi
r21. Who established Dal Khalsa? 12 L e6carErd Esqrd.rfuEiffi ?

1. Nawab Kapoor Singh 1.5€rrldlrdffiuf

2. Banda Bahadur 2. t€rEogd
3. Ranjit Singh 3. aEfrs fuur
4. Guru Gobind SinghJi
4. EErdft-eftrrrl

122. 'Relief, 'Cyclonic' and 'Convectional' are t)?es of Tfi6
which ofthe following? I 22. udTA, E?il€rd+ri fi-<fue ArOar' fEsr+t usl
l. Soil 2. Water l. fiizt 2. urEl
3. Rainfall 4. Forests
3. gdur 4. f,dr6
123. To which ofthe following, the study of'Seismology'
is rclated?
I 23.'frEx€ql' fqxiaft*srsrtcs il
1. Ahnosphere 2. Floods ,. qrqffg6 2. t?t

3. Tides 4. Earthquakes 3. ireiErrar 4. Eltlrs

124. What is the area ofChandigarh? t za. ffiarg e' trrasfiiq. il
l. I 14 sq kilometre 2. l0l4sqkilometre 1. ll4sedrfrrBln-ed 2. l0t4sildrfuEln-a
3. 10140 sq kilometre 4. 50362 sq kilometre 3. 10140qfi,rf.rB}trad 4. 50362<ddrfdB!fra

125. Which latitude passes approximately through the I 25. fqrfr )rtEEE iu' s.d's t Fdgdr )iq ffi' arfrdd
middle of India?
l. Equator 2. Tropic ofCancer
l. g-tiqaur 2. di,irecf
3. Tropic ofCapricom 4. Prime Meridian 3. Ii.l"il{r 4. H-uHfo,rfdaHr
126. With which agent the features
'Stalagmite' are related?
like 'Stalactite' and
126.'fr2u,r.Eld ,rri 'r}rsn+# q*i ro'a far
l. Air 2. Sea
l. irgr 2. FiriI
3. Underground water 4. Glacier (River oflce)
3. 9-H-5 4. drtfr,rrd(ftiHF$)
127 . In which state oflndia the 'Kandla Port'is situated?
1. Punjab 2. WestBengal
1 27 ?iEur€eadrrdr s.dsifuEaqf?A?
AndhraPradesh 4. Gujarat
l. itrlrs 2. tiBfr{-dr'6

Which of the following states has the least 3 UrU:arqer 4. iI?fiIrJ

'population density'? I 28. i6 fiFfifl,{r fqif E'E arfi A'Tdfrfu?rtr urssl Es ?
l. Bihar 2. Uftar Pradesh uiaii
3. Himachal Pradesh 4. Arunachal Pradesh t. fuild 2. g?d{eF
129. Which state of India has the maximum area under 3. tdlt-g5rtEF 4 u_Tmsg{fu
I 29. srd:r i fdtr3 o-s ftb rg J fr r-dT6 urt re 06?
l. Haryana 2. Tripura
l. uf?{E 2. fura'
3. Rajasthan 4. Kamataka
3. afi{EqTd 4. airSra
130. From which language the word 'Monsoon' has been .yi6Erd
derived? 1 30. EIrEfr'F gYgt i' furrrfur{ra?
1. Hindi 2. Arabic 1.ffi 2. rrfdfr

3. German 4. English 3. irdxS' 4. fldrarfr

l3 l. For what mineral, the mining region of lKolar' and I31. E i nF n'ffi ),r3'a.,{ffi' t-sd ktrJ' cfufr
'Ramgiri' in Indian are famous for? ue.oe#rsfr{ffqu5i
l. Gold 2. Silver l. trd' 2. €d
3. Copper 4. Bauxite 3. gisr 4. rIEErfia
132. Which state of India is connected to China (Tibet 132. 'd'qsr ud ilds €'ffi a.* g ets (fut-s i-3-d)
Region) through Nathula pass? SrSineri?
l. Meghalaya 2. Assam L turftry' 2. 21{F.lfi
3. Sikkim 4. ArunachalPradesh q_rs'sstgr
3. frffH +.

133. Who was the Chairman of Drafting Commiftee of l'rdlrirrErFgd
Indian Constitution :
1 33. s-d$ fifuq'?s'fr xie' atrn i W.r*ersi
l. MotilalNehru 2. Jawahar Lal Nehru
r. trd6E&r 2. H-<trirFrdfor
3. 4.
Rajonder Prasad
3. fl.r,{rd. ri{tEf,d 4. drffud{Ee
134. Which of the following is a big challenge to
democracy? r 34. i6ffi, fqif ffi fud #sdsf gid ii
1. Leaders 2. PoliticalParties l. iig' 2. dH-dk{e5
3. Elections 4. Illiterate Citizens 3. €E 4. rf5tr{eed

135. Which of the following is not the quality of ideal 1 3 5. t6 fufi frr,f. fe'il filf,ir rr{reqr 6rdItfd. er itrg 6fi
l. Good health 2. Patriotism
l. vdfrfurs 2. *vdrg
3. Tolerance 4. Illiteracy
3. EfodfrFsr 4.}}{3r
136. Seats are reserved for women in :-
l. Parliament
I 36. r,tdsi sfr t6 fiFn{td' fdf fdE f+o dnf€,,{. Eter
2. Panchayati Raj Institutions
3. State Legislarure
l. frE-e

4. Rajya Sabha
2. tigffi driT)rfer}

137. Which type of govemment is a federal govemments:

3. 6rgftq6pg'
l. Centre and State Govemment 4. ilrTrrrgr
2. Govt. of two States t 37. ftrt-sfifi Fdqrd f* ko-Sm rra-a' ffirrr ust
3. Centre and two State Government t. ige 3 a.g ror-a
4. Cenhe and three StateGovernment 2. earfri€t Fdard
138. How many state govemments are functioning in 3. ieaiE dqFda,.dr
India :-
a.igc3 Bsa.rsda'o
t. 7 2.28
I3 8. sr6-3. f*fti6|ryi 6rg g66r-6i lixqa d-fir,{r U6?
3. 13 4. 29 t. 7 2. 28
139. An ordinarybill is represented in :- 3. l3 4. 29

l. Rajya Sabha I 39. Eqr{effEuEdt3rileri'

2. Lok Sabha f. ir?rElrr
3. Any house ofParliament 2. &qrgr
4. Rajya Vidhan Sabha r. frreiffidFssE?
140. Who is the constihrtional head oflndia ? 4. 6rg fqqr6 ffdr
1. King 2. Queen 1 40. Erlitn gf iir€qr56r )Itit -dii?
3. Prime Minister 4. President I. dIFTt 2. dr€1
l4l. Which of the following is not theNational Flag:- 3. {qr6)bd ilFaflrd
l. Shiromany Akali Dal 141 r i-6 fuforrr f# ktrs'd'Fafi dre-dkd eE Ffr
2. Bhartiya Janta Party tr
3. IndianNationalCongress l. +fellrra{frw 2. Ercsililrsrurda
4. Bahujan Samaj Party 3. ftd,rrs.tFdgErrinirr 4. gETd.Exrf, u,.da
142. India is a federal state because :- 142. s.dsffifiurdEtfu-ek?
l. Dualjudiciary l. grfr fur{nrfgar
2. Writtenconstitution 2. fsrr$fi'fuq.c
3. Dual citizenship 3. ArfrFdrtfis
4. Share ofpower between centre and state
4 aEEidrfrifdurd-jt,,{,d+J

143. GDP can be written as ................... -.. -..... -. 143. cDP 6 EFqrd Errr .........--..,.......... fsrri usr
I . General Domestic Product l. ffidEtr{eggsu.e
2. Gross Domestic Product 2. dTtregqsu.e

3. Product
Gross Development 3. Eg tqqt6 g3{re
4. General Development Product 4. f5d{t ftr4,'F $31Irg

lzl4. ForeignTradc.............................. 144. fgefr <urd

l. Increases choice ofgoods l. <Fgrt{i €1 d? 5 eu'$e'tt
2. Decreases price ofgoods 2. <E--gtd A fifJg ura
3. lncreases competition in the market 3. EfrE fdE 1rd'Et 6 eqr$E tl
4. Decreases camings. 4. axrEt 6 uder al

145. COPRAtullformis 145. COPRAFfuFsrd?'gffil

I . Co-ordination Protection Act t . gt6f6 fr'dtfd atn6

2. Co-education ProtectionAct 2. Ffo-frtfi{"ft fdtfd d-66

3. Co-operative ProtectionAct 3. EFfrrfJ trdtfc drqi'

4. Consumer Protection Act 4' gt{-dfgr trdu-C arfa

146. Which of these notes are issued by finance 146. fd-AEr t'e gd-3' E-flf,rd t f* fi=arf;fafr eufrfl
department ofGovt. oflndia. t'dtatgrilert?
l. <500 2. t 100 l. { s00 2. { 100
3' t 2000 4' < I
3. <2000 4. t l
147. ufr qEt e' lfdr€ i6 fisfir,,{t f<ii'tfirs'tl
147. What is the Revolution.
impactof Green
t. <€. tgo dq fdIDfll
l. Forest area increased 2. il€r IG15S uiZ frprfrt
2. AirPollution decreased 3. a-Ear er gsrfrgd dq farry.r
3. WheatProduction Increased +. gq er uie faf+fr f
4. Milk Production Increased
148. t€51-€ fErrrrrfaa-c 6 ffi. grlrd, {gri€-J afs,
148. Globalisation was fuP,{rfr?
I . Money 2. Transportation l. Ureitr Z' rrr<rgrf
3. Population 4. Computers 3' F5fifi{r'{t 4' AfrEed

149. Aconsumer. 149. ffiguaargr

1. Sells goods and services. l. ergz{i }r:r i<r<i egera I
2. Buy goods and services. 2. <r-g'rlt,rf.i ie,.€i ufige'i r

3. Produces goods and services. 3. FEEP,{r ug }<r<i e. g+r.gra-re't t

4. Delivers goods and services. 4. er.Jrrt rr€ H' dare'firafr a-ae.A' t

l50. whatisthe time-period ofl2th five yearplan? 159' Eril€t tt FBt d-if6t d EHt )}f€fr fr A?

t.2oo2-07 2.2007-t2 1. 2002-07 2.2007-12

3.2012-17 4.2017-22 3. 20t2-17 4.20t7-22

ENGLISH 2. "You wrap the potato in tin foil and put it under
the flames in thehotashes."
Q. (15f-153.) Read the followlng passage carefully and
answerthe questions that follow: 3. "Itisalso easy toroast foodovera campfire."

4. "To make these meals, you do not even need to

Some people think you need a kitchen to cook
k:ow anyhing about cooking."
dinner. But you can make easy, delicious meals
outside overacampfire. 154. Afterreading thepassage, we can conclude that

One easy campfire meal is a baked potato. You wrap l. you do not need much to cook a campfire meal
the potato in tin foil and put it under the flames in the
2. cooking over a campfire is more fun than in a
hot ashes. After an hour, the heat from the fire will
cook the potato. Open up the tin foil package and
youhave a bakedpotato! 3. roasting food on astick or wrapping it intin foil is
theonlyway to cook a campfire meal
It is also easy to roast food overa campfire. You can
put hot dogs or sausages on sticks and hold them in 4. ifyou do not cook in a kitchen, you do not have
the fire. The flames will cook the meat. For dessert, any dishes to wash
you can roast marshmallows on sticks. Hold them
155. According to the author, the best part of these
near the fire until they tum golden and begin to melt.
campfire meals is that they
But do not leave anything in the fire too long, or it
will tum completely black and taste like ashes. l. are easy 2. aredelicious

There are manynice things about campfue meals. To 3. taste better outside 4. useno dishes
make these meals, you do not even need to know
anything about cooking. Some people also say that
food tastes better when cooked and eaten outside. Q. (156-f60.) Read the comprehension passage
But the best part ofthese campfire meals is there are carefully and answerthe following questions r
no dishes to wash afterwards.
Whatneeds to be setright is our approach to work. It
15 l. As used in paragraph 2, which is an example of a is a common sight in our country of employees
reporting for duty on time and at the same time doing
littlc work. If an asscssmcnt is made of timc they
l. French fries are served on a tray in the cafeteria spent in gossiping, drinking tea, eating "pan" and
smoking cigarettes, it rvill be shocking to know that
2. Anew toy comes wrapped up inaplastic box the time dcvoted to actual work is negligible. The
problem is the standard which the leadership in
3. Cookies are easy to remove when thcre is tin foil administration sets for the staff. The ministers mix
on thecookie sheet politics and administration. What do top bureaucrats
4. You can use a knife to cut open an orange instead
do? What do the below down officials do? The
administration set up remains week mainly because
ofpeeling it
the employees do not have the right example to
152. The author wams that if you leave anything in the follow and they are more concerned about being in
fire too long, it the good books ofthe bosscs thatdoing work.

l. can get bumed 2. can be dangerous 156. The employees in our country

3. willmelt 4. will fall offthe stick l. are quite punctual but not duty conscious

2. Are not punctual but somehow manage to

153. Which sentence from the passage best describes
complete theirwork.
why campfire meals are easy to make?
3. Are somewhat lazy butgood nanrred
1. "But you can make easy, delicious meals outside
over a campfire." 4. Are not highly qualified

157. According to the writer, the administration in India l. RPQS 2. QRIS

I. Is by and large effective 3. SRPQ 4. SPRQ

2. Is strictand firm 162. l. :Thepigeonswereused

3. Is effected by red tape
P. : as messengerc

4. Is more or lecs ineffective

Q. : which were tied
l5E. The word assessment means :
R. : in the olden days
1. Enquiry 2. Report S. : to carry messages
3. Evaluation 4. Summary 6.:totheirfeet
159. The leadership in an administ-ation l. PQRS 2. SPRQ
l. Sets a fine example to the employees
2. Is ofa reasolably high sandard
163. l. : Socrates
3. Is composed ofidealists
4. Is ofa very poor standard
Q. : a greatGreek Philosopher
160. The central idea of the passage could be best
expressed by the following: R:andhadresolved

l. The employer's outlook towards work isjustified S. : tried hard to central himself

2. The employee must change rheir outlook towards 6. :a show ofhis ternper
work l. SRPQ 2. QSRP
3. The employees would never change their work 3. QSPR 4. PQRS

4. The employer employee relation is far from' 164. 1. : The important thing
P : winning

Q. : isnot
Q. (16f-164.) The lst and the last p.rts ofthe sentence R. : but
are numbered I and 6. The rest ofthe sentence 13 split
into four prrts and named B Q, R & S. These four S. : taking part
parts rre not given in their proper order. Read the
sentencc snd findoutwhich ofthe four comblnetlons is
6. : in the Olympic games

correct. l. PQRS 2. QPRS

l6l. l. :A dictionary 3. SRPQ 4. QSPR
P. : arrangedwords

Q. about which information

Q. (16t16E.) The followlng questions has the s€cond
sentence ls missing. Choose the appropriate sentence
R. containing alPhabeticallY
from the given options to complete it.
S. : isabook gentleman who lived alone always had two
165. A. A
6.:isgiven plates placed on the table at dinner time.

B. l. Information is stored and managcd by
C. he used to give the cat a piece of meat from his
. ownplate. 2. We have really arrived into an era of global
' world.
l. One plate was for himself and other was for his
caL 3. The intemet is complicated web ofsatellites.

2. She <lrooped a mouse into her own plate and 4. That helps in boosting ourefficienc y'
another into her master plate.

3. In this way the cat showed her gratitude to her e. (ldlf7o.) Choose the word which best fills the '
mast&' blank from the four options given :-
4. The cat was nice to the master. 169. The President oflndia calledupon the people lo_
their religious differences and
166. A. Satyajit Ray made many films.for children. shengthen secularism in the country.

B. l. abolish 2. exhort

C. Ray, was apioneer in this field. sink 3. 4. condemn

I . t-ateq film makers have followed his lead. 70. My father_ 1 of severe pain in his chest.

2. Today, other nations are making children's films l. questioned 2. complained

in a big way.
3' afraid 4 expressed
3. This was at a time when no director considered.
children as potential audience.

4. But today few think of Ray as a maker of Q. (l7l-173.) In the questions below, out of four
children's filrns. ultertrrtives, choose the one which can be substifuted
forthe given words:
167. A. Villages are usually thought as the places of 171. Govemmentby a king or queen.
peace andsolitude
l. Theocracy 2. Monarchy
3. Danocracy 4. Republic
C. Life in a village is not as fast as in the city.
172. Child ofunusual or remarkable talent.
L There are fewer distractions for the villagers.
l. Talented 2. Distinguished
2. A iommon bond of brotherhood the
villagers of one another. 3. Reputed 4. Prodigy

3. Just like life in a city, a village. has its own 173. Scarcityofrain orwater
attractions and rcvulsions.
l. Drought 2. Draught
4. villagers are a home away
3. Tide 4. Barrcn
. ftom the busy life in cities.

168. A. A computer is an electric device.

B. idioms.
communicate and helpus to eam. anddancihg.

l Conducive 2. Reluctant 2. Whom were you beaten'l

3. Arrogant 4. Accomplished 3. Why were you beaten?

4. Whom do you beaten?

t7 5. A technology starvcd customer would only bc
to be presentedwith a new project.
183. This news alarmed me.
1. Thriving 2. Declarative l. I havcbccn alarmed atthis news.

3. Imitable 4. Thrillcd 2. I wzs alarmed at this news.

176. The song in the play cannot be deleted as it is 3. I wasalarmed by him.

to the story.
4. I had been alarmed atthis news.
l. Intcrvened 2. Innatc
I84. Sitdown.
3. Integral 4. Exact'
l. you were ordered to sitdown.

177. She remained a allher life. 2. you had ordered to sitdown.

l. Spinster 2. Bachelor 3. you arc ordered to sit dorvn.

3. Unmarried 4. Single 4. you have been ordcrcd to sit down

185. May I sceyou pen?

178- Do not stay in grasslands after dark as some inimals
become when they see humans.. l. May you pen willbe seen by me?

l. Provoked 2. Alerted 2. May pen be seen by me?

3. Aggressive 4. Juvenile 3. May your pen be secn by me?

4. May I see mypen through you?

179. Out and out

1. Complaining 2. out ofgamc

Q. (18G188.) Change the narraaion of the following :.
3. thoroughly 4. dccline
186. "Call thc police," said someone.
180. Oddsand ends
l'. Some one suggested that police must be called.
l. needless 2. watchful
2. Some one suggested that police will be called by
3. stray articles 4. declining me.

3. Someonetoldthat the policewill be called.

l8l . Fire and sword :-
4. Some one suggested that lhe police .frortd b"
. 1. energy 2. destruction called.

3. shining 4. brave 187. She said toTom, "open yourmouth."

l. shewamedTom to open mouth.

2. She ordered Tom to open his mouth.

Q. (182-185.) Change the voice :-
3. She askedTom to open mouth.
182. Who beai you?
4. She told Tom to opcn mouth.
l. By whom were You beaten?

188. He said to me, "Where do you live?" 195. Affection
l. 2. hatred
. l. He told to me where I should live. 3. isolation 4. prbcision
2. He told to me where I live. 196. l. Artificial 2. Amiable
3. He asked to where I was lived. 3. Natural 4. Political
4. He asked me where I lived.

Q. (197-200.) Select the word which Deans the :

opposite ofthe underlinedword r
e. (rs9-196.) In the following passagg there ore son" t
numbered blanks. Fitl in the blanks by selecting the 197. On these tablets, they have inscribed writing which
most rppropriate word for each blank from the glven they wished to pf$ervg.
oPtions :-
L Ruin 2. conceal
Animals have played a major role in human's lives
throughout history. Today, scientific research 3' hide
is 4. protect
trying to (189) . the positive aspects

of living with companion animals. Animals have 198. The earliest books were not books in the modem
been used as an (190) form of
' heahent for many years. More recently it has been
discoverdd that owning a pet can help new
lower l 2. ancient
people's blood pressure, (l9l)_ the 3..c,rrent 4. latest
chances of living after a heart attack, keep people
more active and provide mote ( 192)
*it1if". l l, tiS:):_____ m1t tnis nappe* 199. T}e soldier was reprimanded for ruining his
immaculate uniforrn
t"tp p"opt" u*; ;*i'i%),
because pets
provide a means to give and receive (195) l. Shining 2.Dirry
and help connect us with the
(le6) world. 3. Useless 4. Worthy

189. l. evolve 2. discover 200. We should have cordial relations with our
3. provide 4. impart
l. Smooth 2. Friendly
190. l. attemative 2. secondary
3' Sophisticated 4' Reserved
3. maodatory 4. obliga.ory
l9l. l. Elaborate 2. elucidate
3. enhance 4. eradicate

192. l. Satisfaction 2. lethargy

3. discomfort 4. energy

193. l. Practiced 2. supposed

3. accepted 4. theorized

194. l. Boring 2. Workaholic

3. social 4. recluse


NTs E ->-"17 rA,-+r.* - F<
PIg9] Iffi Sheet No.

Btd rrSitl in 6sd " :

aE dEB '1 )rtttd Egr
Day l\4onth Yea r
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ann sS (grd tre) CLASS X (Answer Sheet)

lmportant lnstructions:
1) Use only black or blue ball pen for writing/marking.

2) Darken the complete circle as shown :

Correct n-d €-dr
3) Write Roll Number and DOB in the boxes
and also fill corresponding ctrcle. I
4) Each question carries one mark.
Sanrple Roll l.lo 6LIE 6S +- I
5) Use of white correction fluid is not allowed
CodE Year Cerrtre Code Roll no
ffiE 2 o 1 zlol z 1 5 1 6 7
r. i-<saGmfrBu's ts
e rlia ait oo @@@@o
,-,._==.=+ oo ooooo
2. ii8 g Ufr rg ait D'r,:::n"
(--t--Y--,7 ) oo @o@o@
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:. is 6uo rrrS ror+ frrS fg3 aig u'A
ksH),ri fltus ii8 g eleel drs o Bd rA aa
65 @oo@@

tras36r ss6: @@ @@@o@

+. uo f;fa yro e fuE rl-e it tt vouris qq ooooo
RollNo. qP @@@@@
s aa-Sar. F-q-a ud E-,Etd BtsgJ d 2gi7oz15r6, 9(D @o@@@


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