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Clinic Rev Bone Miner Metab (2013) 11:78–83

DOI 10.1007/s12018-013-9141-6


Hypophosphatasia: The Disease in Adults

Geneviève Baujat • Valérie Cormier-Daire •

Martine Le Merrer

Published online: 7 June 2013

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Hypophosphatasia is an inherited skeletal dis- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and teriparatide
order due to mutations within the ALPL gene that encodes may improve the symptoms. Enzyme replacement therapy
the ‘‘tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme of alkaline phospha- is currently evaluated in phase II clinical trials in children
tase’’. This disease is characterized by a low serum alkaline and infants and will, hopefully, be soon discussed in some
phosphatase. If the severe paediatric forms are quite rare adults presenting with a significant and progressive disease.
(\1/100,000 births), the prevalence of moderate form is
theoretically estimated at 1/6,370, suggesting some unrec- Keywords Hypophosphatasia  TNSALP  Alkaline
ognized cases. This condition is inherited in an autosomal phosphatase  Fractures  Osteoporosis  Pseudofractures
recessive manner for a majority of cases, but some mod-
erate adult phenotypes and odonto-hypophosphatasia are Abbreviations
autosomal dominant. In adult, the presentation is highly AP Serum alkaline phosphatase
variable, being either manifestations of HPP diagnosed in BPs Bisphosphonates
paediatric age or adult-onset HPP. Adult HPP typically DXA Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
manifests during middle age, as variable osteoarticular pain ERT Enzyme replacement therapy
and recurrent slowly healing fractures of metatarsal bone HPP Hypophosphatasia
and proximal femur. The presence of chondrocalcinosis NSAID Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
and ectopic calcifications around joints and tendon PEA Urinary phosphorylated enzyme substrates
attachments to bone are also reported. Biochemically, this phosphoethanolamine
disease is characterized by an excessive urinary excretion PLP Plasma pyridoxical 5’-phosphate
of phosphoethanolamine and elevated serum pyridoxical PPi Inorganic pyrophosphate
5’-phosphate. Elevated serum calcium and phosphorus may TNSALP ‘‘Tissue-nonspecific’’ isoenzyme of alkaline
be found. The molecular diagnosis is today easily per- phosphatase
formed, by ALPL gene analysis. Adult patients have to be
referred in consultation with a genetics professional, to
discuss the related genetic counselling issues with the Introduction
potential risks to offspring, and depending on the individ-
ual case, the possibility of prenatal diagnosis. There is no Hypophosphatasia (HPP, OMIM 171760) is a rare skeletal
curative treatment, but symptomatic treatments such as disorder due to defective mineralization of bone and teeth,
and characterized by an extreme variability range, from
lethal forms to quasi-asymptomatic disease, with only
G. Baujat (&)  V. Cormier-Daire  M. Le Merrer dental symptoms. It is caused by the deficient activity of
Département de génétique, Institut Imagine, Hôpital Necker the tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase
Enfants-malades, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris,
(TNSALP). The presence of low activity of serum alkaline
INSERM U781, Université Paris Descartes, 149 rue de Sèvres,
75743 Paris cedex, France phosphatase (AP) is the hallmark of the disease. Elevation
e-mail: of plasma pyridoxical 5’-phosphate (PLP) and urinary

Clinic Rev Bone Miner Metab (2013) 11:78–83 79

phosphorylated enzyme substrates phosphoethanolamine HPP diagnosed in adult age may be associated with a
(PEA) are additional biochemical features supporting the history of bowed legs or transient rickets in childhood, and/or
diagnosis. Consequently, inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) premature loss of teeth, before 3 years of age. In a recent and
accumulates extracellularly and inhibits bone and dental interesting retrospective study on 22 adults diagnosed with
mineralization. The prevalence is estimated between HPP, the mean age for diagnosis was 49 years and the onset
1/100,000 and 300,000 for severe forms but about 1/6,500 of the first symptoms was at 44 years. Only 9 % reported a
for moderate forms, which occur more frequently than history of childhood rickets, unrecognized as HPP, and 4 %
often thought [1]. This disease is inherited in an autosomal reported history of premature loss of deciduous teeth. Two-
recessive manner for a majority of cases. Some moderate thirds of this series appeared asymptomatic, the HPP diag-
adult phenotypes and/or odonto-hypophosphatasia are nosis being identified on routine laboratory anomalies or
autosomal dominant inherited. The diagnosis is usually family history [5].
confirmed by molecular testing of TNALPL, gene encoding As previously described, characteristic fracture types in
the TNSALP, and the detection of either one or two adults with HPP are recurrent (and slowly healing) frac-
pathologic mutation(s) [2]. tures of the lower limbs. These fractures are usually first
Conventionally, six clinical forms are distinguished, repeated stress fractures of the lower extremities (meta-
based on the severity and the age at diagnosis. They tarsal fractures) followed by painful non-healing proximal
include (1) lethal perinatal form leading to spontaneous femur fractures [6] or pseudofractures (Fig. 1). The
foetus abortion or perinatal death by respiratory insuffi- pseudofractures of the proximal femur are often the first
ciency and hypercalcemia; (2) benign perinatal form with specific symptoms that evoke the diagnosis of HPP. The
prenatal skeletal manifestations but improvement after adult fracture burden was recently studied by Whyte et al
birth or in childhood; (3) infantile hypophosphatasia, the [7]. They collected details of fractures for 125 adults with
onset of which is between birth and 6 months; (4) child- HPP. The mean of self-reported fracture numbers was 13.9
hood hypophosphatasia; (5) juvenile form; and (6) odonto- (range 1–100). For adult-onset HPP, 43/44 (98 %) experi-
hypophosphatasia characterized by premature exfoliation enced at least one fracture. Of these, 75 % were lower
of primary teeth and severe dental caries [3, 4]. However, extremity fractures and 28/44 required surgical fixation of a
the disease spectrum plays a continuum of severity leading fracture. One-third presented a substantial burden conse-
to some degree of confusion within this classification. quently to fracture, pain and immobility. In the Berkseth’s
While mild adult forms are probably more common than study, fractures were reported in about half of the adults:
severe paediatric forms, the disease in adults is much less they occurred mainly in hip femora, feet (23 %) and rarely
described than in children, as shown in the few literature in wrist (18 %). Vertebral fractures were rarely reported
existing on the field. The clinical manifestations in adults and occurred in men (9 %), while subtrochanterian frac-
vary widely with age, gender, diagnosis and onset age, and tures were more frequent in women [5]. Lower legs and
the management of the disease. In adults, it may be indeed vertebral static deformations (genu valgum, genu varum,
distinguished as (1) late manifestations of HPP discovered kyphoscoliosis) may be sequelae of HPP paediatric forms.
in paediatric age; (2) adult-onset hypophosphatasia where Bowing deformities are rare, also particularly appanage of
HPP symptoms and diagnosis first occur at [18 years of patients with HPP diagnosed in infancy. X-rays and den-
age and may include osteomalacia; (3) odonto-hypophos- sitometry may show variable degree of osteopenia.
phatasia, characterized by an isolated dental phenotype but Abnormal crystal deposition leading to ectopic calcifi-
without osteomalacia. We will focus particularly on the cations is another characteristic feature of the disease.
adult-onset HPP; the adult dental aspects are deeply Spinal ligament calcification, in the lumbar or cervical area,
detailed elsewhere in this special issue. There are no adult like those reported in adults with hypophosphatemic rickets
HPP management guidelines, but various medical treat- or in Forestier’s disease are described [8]. Chondrocalci-
ment options are being developed. Lastly, the genetic nosis defined by premature intra- and peri-articular calcifi-
counselling and prenatal diagnosis discussions take an cations of several joints, including hands, feet, knees, hips
important place in adult hypophosphatasia follow-up. and shoulder, and due to calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate
(CPPD) deposition is inconstant in adult-onset HPP, as
shown by Berkseth with only 27 %, women exclusive,
Diagnosis presenting with in their series [5]. Radiographs may show
unilateral or bilateral nummular calcifications, localized in
Adult hypophosphatasia is usually recognized in middle tendons and entheses (wrist triangular ligament, symphysis
age, the cardinal features being recurrent fractures, mus- pubis, patella, Achilles tendon insertions, plantar fascia
culoskeletal pain, chondrocalcinosis and dental insertions), peri-articular area (hips, carpus, knee, wrist) or
abnormalities. close to some soft tissues (greater trochanters, intervertebral

80 Clinic Rev Bone Miner Metab (2013) 11:78–83

molecular screening. As previously shown by Whyte et al.

[7, 11], Berkseth et al. [5] found a correlation between
clinical severity (fractures rate, chondrocalcinosis) and
lower AP and higher PLP and PEA. Hypercalcemia and
hyperphosphatemia are usually associated with severe
forms but may also be found in adult-onset HPP: hyper-
calcemia was found in 13 % and hyperphosphatemia in
18 % of the adult-onset HPP in the Berkseth’s study [5].
Osteopenia or low bone mineral content for age is
detected by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and
is the expected consequence of abnormal mineralization in
paediatric HPP [12]. Bone mineral content will increase
with age. Few absorptiometry data have been published in
adult HPP: bone mineral density is usually decreased [13,
14], but may be normal [8], and also, in a few cases, is
reported with elevated Z-score (and higher in lumbar spine
Fig. 1 Radiographic finding in HPP diagnosed in a woman adult
than in femoral neck) consistent with hyper-osteoidosis
aged 53, with pseudofracture of the proximal femur (arrow)
[15, 16].
Bone histomorphometric measures after iliac crest bone
disc calcification of the nucleus pulposis), leading to biopsy may demonstrate mineralization defects, abnormal
inflammatory symptom onset. Needle aspiration of the joint bone volumes with patchy osteoid accumulation, abnormal
shows material positive on alizarin red staining, confirmed trabecular microarchitecture and decreased calcium content.
as hydroxyapatite by spectroscopy [8]. The term ‘‘pseudo- Alteration in double-tetracycline labelling with abnormal,
gout’’, sometimes used to describe acute inflammatory little uptake is usually noted. Heterogeneity in bone histol-
onset in variable feet joints secondary to this calcium ogy in 16 patients with adult HPP has been described with
pyrophosphate deposition, is noted in 14 % of the Berketh some patients without any sign of osteomalacia [17, 18].
series, still only in women [5]. There could be a correlation between the presence of
Multiple causes are responsible of chronic and acute osteomalacia features and the severity of the disease [5].
variable pain in HPP adults, including chronic osteoar- Intrafamilial heterogeneity has been demonstrated and
thritis, microfractures, chondrocalcinosis and the pseudo- may be explained by additional factors, including genetic
gout attacks described above. Foot pain is common, due to modifiers, gender, management and environmental factors
compression microfractures of lower-limb bones. Slow-to- [19]. The main differential diagnoses in adult HPP are
heal fatigue fractures of the metatarsals are sometimes X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, Paget’s disease, osteo-
reported. Patients also reported chronic diffuse muscular genesis imperfecta and classical postmenopausal osteopo-
pain. Chronic thigh and hip suffering may reflect femora rosis, sometimes leading to inadequate treatment. For
pseudofractures, but also hip chondrocalcinosis and/or instance, a 55-year-old woman was recently reported, suf-
osteoarthropathy that will tend to increase with age [9]. fering atypical subtrochanteric femoral fractures after
The dental phenotype includes early decidual tooth loss, 4 years of bisphosphonates (BPs) given for ‘‘osteoporosis’’.
thin enamel, multiple dental cavities, and dental fracture, She did not present any medical history. Metatarsal stress
requiring the frequent use of dental prosthesis. fractures began after several months of therapy, and her
The radiological features include under-mineralized osteoporosis course became worse under BPs. Adult HPP
bones, osteomalacia with rickets sequelae features, namely was diagnosed from low ALP and a heterozygous TNSALP
flared metaphyses, poorly ossified epiphyses, and enlarged mutation [14].
wrists, knees, ankles, and bowed legs. Skull X-rays might
show copper-beaten appearance. Ectopic calcifications are
showed on the radiographs, performed according to the Pregnancy
The biology will show the hallmarks of the diagnosis, There is no consensual guideline on pregnancy in woman
namely low serum alkaline phosphatase, elevated urinary affected by hypophosphatasia, but many paediatric HPP
phosphoethanolamine (PEA) and increased circulating cases are born from HPP heterozygous mothers, possibly
concentrations of pyridoxal-5-prime phosphate (PLP). undiagnosed. In case of symptomatic mothers, they will be
Urine PEA excretion may be normal in some case of HPP helped during pregnancy by moderate physical exercises
[10] and is not regularly performed since the advent of the and resting, and by peripheral analgesics. Even if

Clinic Rev Bone Miner Metab (2013) 11:78–83 81

asymptomatic, mothers will be followed carefully, with management of pseudofractures and stress fractures may be
particular attention to fatigue and pain. Non-steroidal anti- delicate. Permanent internal fixation has been suggested for
inflammatory agents are contraindicated during the first recurrent long bone fractures, and for feet fractures, foot
term of pregnancy. The mode of delivery will depend on orthotics may help in healing management.
the baby’s status. Caesarean section will be discussed if PTH analogues are bone-forming agents, used to treat
there are any signs of severe disease in the foetal ultra- various osteoporosis at high risk of fracture, stimulating
sound and/ or 3D CT-scan. There is no official recom- osteoblast precursor cells. Five reports, on six cases, are
mendation for breast-feeding, but by analogy with published since 2007, on recombinant human PTH expe-
osteogenesis imperfecta, long-term breast-feeding will rienced in HPP. Globally, beneficial effects of PTH 1-34
probably not be encouraged [20]. Serum ALP activity (teriparatide) or PTH 1-84 (Preotact) were demonstrated in
improves classically during the 3rd term of pregnancy. This 5/6 cases. The patients, all women, were aged between 56
was suggested as a possible explanation for the improve- and 75. It induced prompt pain relief and improved
ment of symptoms in affected foetuses at the end of mobility and radiological response, facilitating fracture
pregnancy, leading to the ‘‘HPP benign form’’ [4]. healing [13, 16, 23–25]. Serum ALP increased and all the
biochemical levels of other markers of bone turnover were
enhanced, as long as the therapy continued, that is, 18 and
Genetic Counselling and Antenatal Diagnosis 24 months [16, 23]. In Doshi’s paper, teriparatide treat-
ment was given to a 53-year-old HPP woman, previously
Testing ALPL alterations and appropriate genetic counsel- exposed to bisphosphonates for 2.5 years with excellent
ling must be provided by referring the patient in a special- clinical benefit. During the 34 months of treatment, levels
ized genetic clinic. Perinatal and infantile hypophosphatasia of 1, 25(OH) D increased and PTH levels decreased, but
are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. But the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase did not increase as
milder phenotypes, particularly in adult HPP and in odonto- expected [13]. Interestingly, in Gagnon’s report, in a
hypophosphatasia, may be inherited in an autosomal recessive HPP diagnosed in adult age, after a first clinical
recessive or autosomal dominant manner, depending on the and biological positive improvement, the biochemical
effect the ALPL mutation has on TNSALP activity [21]. results were unsustained after 8 months of teriparitide
Fifty percentage of the offspring of patients with dominant treatment, and bone biopsy performed before, during and
HPP will be affected. The offspring of a patient with after treatment, showed increased amount of osteoid and
recessive HPP are obligate heterozygotes for a disease- osteoblast numbers, but absence of tetracycline labelling
causing mutation in the ALPL gene. Testing the patient’s [13, 24]. The way through which teriparatide improves
relatives may be useful as heterozygotes may express a mild ALP activity remains unclear. It is suggested that teri-
form of the disease. Regarding the frequency of the disease, paritide may stimulate ALP production by osteoblast. The
testing patient’s spouses is not relevant unless there is a phosphaturic effect of this drug may also increase ALP
history of consanguinity [10]. catalytic activity by reducing extracellular inorganic
Genetic counselling has been modified by the possibility phosphate, which is a known inhibitor of APL activity [26].
of early detection of the molecular alteration during preg- It was suggested that response to teriparitide treatment
nancy. ALPL testing for the homozygous lethal form, in case might differ depending on the TNSALP gene mutation.
of two affected parents, allows them to consider having The molecular analysis was not performed systematically
children. Interest and possibilities in using prenatal diagnosis in the cases described above.
in dominant HPP is variably perceived and have to be cor- Bisphosphonates are not recommended in HPP because of
related with individual experiences and perceptions of the their potential deleterious effects on bone formation and
condition, and according to the laws of the country. mineralization. As previously said, in female adults suffering
from mild HPP, osteoporosis and fragility fractures may
mimic classic primary osteoporosis, which may be mistreated
Therapeutic Strategies when using standard bisphosphonates treatment. Since the
skeletal disease of HPP results from extracellular accumula-
Management focuses essentially on supportive treatments tion of the TNSALP substrate, inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi)
to limit pain and minimize disease-related complications. and its inhibitory effect on mineralization BPs are analogues of
Physical activity adaptation and moderate but regular PPi and may get the bone turnover suppression worse. As
exercises may improve general bone health. Coaching by a already noticed above, it was reported last year that a 55-year-
physiotherapist, familiar with bone fragility, is suggested. old woman suffered atypical subtrochanteric femoral fractures
Bone pain and osteoarthritis may respond to non-steroid after 4 years of exposure to alendronate then zoledronate
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) [22]. The surgical given for ‘‘osteoporosis’’, leading to disease aggravation [14].

82 Clinic Rev Bone Miner Metab (2013) 11:78–83

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