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Malanga et al • Provocative Tests in Spine Examination 199

Pain Physician. 2003;6:199-205, ISSN 1533-3159

Focused Review

Provocative Tests in Cervical Spine Examination: Historical

Basis and Scientific Analyses

Gerard A. Malanga, MD, Phillip Landes, MD, and Scott F. Nadler, DO

The majority of the provocative tests and clinical use of these tests. Each of the ity. For L’hermitte’s Sign and Adson’s Test,
described for physical examination of the tests described in this manuscript appar- not even tentative statements can be made
neck and cervical spine relate to identifica- ently originated from the anecdotal obser- with regard to interexaminer reliability, sen-
tion of radiculopathy, spinal cord, or brachi- vations of experienced, well respected clini- sitivity, and specificity, based on the exist-
al plexus pathology. These tests are often cians. However, only few studies have been ing literature.
performed routinely by many providers with performed addressing the interexaminer reli- It is concluded that more research is
variable methods and interpreted in a vari- ability or validity of these tests. The existing indicated to understand the clinical utility
ety of ways. Several commonly performed literature appears to indicate high specifici- of all the provocative tests employed in the
provocative tests include Spurling’s Neck ty, low sensitivity, and good to fair interex- physical examination of the neck and cervi-
Compression Test, Shoulder Abduction (Re- aminer reliability for Spurling’s Neck Com- cal spine.
lief) Test, Neck Distraction Test, L’hermitte’s pression Test, the Neck Distraction Test, and Keywords: Provocative tests, cervical
Sign, Hoffmann’s Sign and Adson’s Test. The Shoulder Abduction (Relief) Test when spine, Spurling’s Neck Compression Test,
This review describes some specialized performed as described. For Hoffman’s Sign, Shoulder Abduction (Relief) Test, Neck Dis-
provocative tests with comprehensive litera- the existing literature does not address in- traction Test, L’hermitte’s Sign, Hoffmann’s
ture review. The goal of this review is to de- terexaminer reliability but appears to indi- Sign, Adson’s Test, sensitivity, specificity
velop standardization in the performance cate fair sensitivity and fair to good specific-

Many specialized provocative tests I. Spurling’s Neck Compression Test considered positive if pain radiates into
have been described for physical exami- Spurling and Scoville first described the limb ipsilateral to the side at which
nation of the neck and cervical spine. The Spurling’s Neck Compression Test, also the head is rotated” (2). Some authors ad-
majority of these relate to identification known as, the Foraminal Compression vocate performing the components of the
of radiculopathy, spinal cord pathology, Test, Neck Compression Test, or Quadrant test in a staged manner and halting with
or brachial plexus pathology. These tests Test, in 1944 as “the most important diag- the onset of radicular symptoms, prefer-
are often performed routinely by many nostic test and one that is almost pathog- ably reproducing the patient’s presenting
providers with variable methods and in- nomonic of a cervical intraspinal lesion” symptoms (3-5). Radicular symptoms are
terpreted in a variety of ways. (1). Their observations were based on the described as pain or paresthesias occur-
The purpose of this review is to de- presentation of 12 patients with “ruptured ring distant from the neck, in the distri-
scribe several commonly performed spe- cervical discs” verified during surgery in bution of a cervical spinal nerve root.
cialized provocative tests used in exami- 1943 at Walter Reed Army Hospital. The Vikari-Juntura (6) performed a pro-
nation of the neck and cervical spine re- authors state that during the same peri- spective study in 1987 to assess the interex-
gions. For each test, the origin, technique, od many more of these cases were diag- aminer reliability of common tests gener-
reliability, validity, and clinical signifi- nosed but not verified surgically. They ally performed in the clinical examination
cance are discussed, based on a compre- described “the neck compression test” as of patients with neck and radicular pain.
hensive search of the existing literature. follows (1). Two blinded expert examiners, who were
The goal is to develop standardization in “Tilting the head and neck toward trained together in the identical perfor-
the performance and clinical use of these the painful side may be sufficient mance of the clinical tests, independent-
tests. to reproduce the characteristic pain ly examined fifty-two patients referred for
and radicular features of the lesion. cervical myelography. The neck compres-
From Sports, Spine and Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Pressure on the top of the head in sion test was performed with each patient
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, West Orange, this position may greatly intensify in both supine and sitting positions. The
New Jersey; and UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical the symptoms. Tilting the head away patient’s neck was passively flexed lateral-
School, Newark, New Jersey. Address Correspon-
dence: Gerard A. Malanga, MD, Kessler Institute
from the lesion usually gives relief.” ly and slightly rotated ipsilaterally, and the
for Rehabilitation, West Facility, 1199 Pleasant Val- Currently the test is described as head was then compressed with approxi-
ley Way, West Orange, New Jersey 07052. E-mail: “performed by extending the neck and ro- mately 7-Kg pressure. A positive test was tating the head and then applying down- considered to be the appearance or aggra-
There was no outside financial support in prepara-
tion of this manuscript. ward pressure on the head. The test is vation of pain, numbness, or paresthesias

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200 Malanga et al • Provocative Tests in Spine Examination

Table 1. Examination maneuvers, original description, reliability analyses and validity testing.
Test Original Description Reliability Studies Validity Studies

Viikari-Juntura (6) 1987 Viikari-Juntura et al (7) 1989

Passive lateral flexion, & compression
Spurling’s/Neck Seated position. Kappa = 0.40-0.77 Seated position. Sensitivity: 40-60%
of head. Positive test is reproduction of
Compression Test Proportion Specific Agreement = Specificity: 92-100%
radicular symptoms distant from neck.

Active abduction of symptomatic arm, Viikari-Juntura (6) 1987

Viikari-Juntura et al (7) 1989
Shoulder Abduction placing patient’s hand on head. Positive Seated position. Kappa = 0.21-0.40
Seated position. Sensitivity: 43-50%
(Relief ) Sign test is relief or reduction of ipsilateral Proportion Specific Agreement
Specificity: 80-100%
cervical radicular symptoms. =0.57-0.67

Viikari-Juntura (6) 1987

Examiner grasps patient’s head under Viikari-Juntura et al (7) 1989
Supine position. 10-15 Kg traction
Neck Distraction occiput and chin and applies axial traction Supine position. 10-15 Kg traction
force applied. Kappa = 0.50
Test force. Positive test is relief or reduction of force applied. Sensitivity: 40-43%
Proportion Specific Agreement
cervical radicular symptoms. Specificity: 100%
Passive anterior cervical flexion. Uchihara et al (4) 1994
L’hermitte’s Sign Positive test is presence of “electric-like Not reported. Sensitivity: < 28%
sensations” down spine or extremities. Specificity: “high”
Glaser et al (33) 2000
Passive snapping flexion of middle finger
Sensitivity: 58%
distal phalanx. Positive test is flexion-
Hoffman’s Sign Not reported. Specificity: 78%
adduction of ipsilateral thumb and index
Positive Predictive Value: 62%
Negative Predictive Value 75%
Inspiration, chin elevation, and head
Adson’s Test rotation to affected side. Positive test is Not reported. Not reported.
alteration or obliteration of radial pulse.

in the shoulder or upper extremity. For validity of Spurling’s Neck Compression the overall conclusions are similar. Tong
the sitting position, Kappa values ranged Test in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy, and Haig (9) reported a sensitivity of 30%
0.40-0.77, which was considered to be along with the Axial Manual Traction and and specificity of 93% utilizing electrodi-
“fair to excellent”, and the proportion of Shoulder Abduction tests. Forty-three agnostic studies as a criterion standard in
specific agreement was found to be 0.47- patients who presented for myelography 224 patients. A study by Sandmark and
0.80 which was also considered to be “fair were interviewed and examined prior to Nisell (10) reported a specificity of 92%,
to excellent.” For the supine position, performing the procedure. The Spurling’s a sensitivity of 77%, a positive predictive
Kappa values ranged 0.28-0.63, which Neck Compression test was performed value of 80 % and a negative predictive
was considered to be “poor to good”, and with the patient sitting as described in value of 91 %. However, this study used
the proportion of specific agreement was Viikari-Juntura’s 1987 study (6). The cri- neck pain symptoms as the criterion stan-
found to be 0.36-0.67 which was also con- terion standard used was myelography dard. The neck compression test was con-
sidered to be “poor to good” (6). The au- combined with neurologic exam find- sidered to be positive if neck pain was pro-
thor concluded that this test has good re- ings. Based on the study population’s my- duced. This is inconsistent with the orig-
liability when performed in the sitting po- elographic and clinical findings, statistical inal and commonly accepted descriptions
sition. This is an excellent study and one analysis was performed only for cervical of Spurling’s sign. Due to these method-
of the only studies in the literature assess- roots 6-8. Sensitivity ranged 40-60% and ological limitations the results should be
ing interexaminer reliability for the Spurl- specificity ranged 92-100%. The authors viewed cautiously. Uchihara et al (11)
ing’s Neck Compression test and other concluded that the test has high specifici- report a sensitivity of below 28% and a
provocative test maneuvers of the cervical ty but low sensitivity (7). As with the first specificity of 100%. However the criterion
spine. However, the results are analyzed author’s previous study, the results are standard used was spinal cord deformity
according to the area of symptom radia- presented in a manner making interpre- on MRI in 65 patients.
tion (e.g., “right shoulder or upper arm”, tation difficult. In summary, there are few method-
“right forearm or hand”, “left shoulder or In an outstanding review, Wainner ologically sound studies, which assess the
upper arm”, “left forearm or hand”), in- and Gill (8) summarize the results of the interexaminer reliability, sensitivity, and
stead of classifying the test as positive or Viikari-Juntura 1987 (6) and Viikari-Jun- specificity of the Spurling’s Neck Compres-
negative. This fragments statistical analy- tura, et al 1989 (7) studies with slightly sion Test. The literature appears to indicate
sis and makes interpretation difficult. different findings reported for interex- high specificity and low sensitivity. More re-
Viikari-Juntura et al (7) published aminer reliability, sensitivity, and specific- search is needed to better explore the utility
a prospective study in 1989 assessing the ity than those described above, although of this commonly used clinical test.

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II. Shoulder Abduction Test fair to good, ranging 0.57 to 0.67. Over- highly specific for radicular pain, and for
Spurling reportedly first alluded to all, the test’s reliability was described as neurologic and radiologic signs of radic-
the Shoulder Abduction Test, also de- “fair” (6). ulopathy from cervical disc disease. No
scribed as the Shoulder Abduction Relief Viikari-Juntura et al (7) as described other studies of interexaminer reliability
Sign, in a monograph published in 1956 in section I above, investigated the validi- or validity are reported in the literature.
(12). He states that “raising the arm above ty of the Shoulder Abduction relief Test in
the head sometimes brings relief ” of ra- 1989. The test was performed as described IV. L`hermitte’s Sign
dicular symptoms caused by cervical in- in the 1987 interexaminer reliability study What is now referred to as
tervertebral disc pathology. Davidson et on 22 of the patients. Sensitivity ranged L`hermitte’s Sign, was first described on
al (12) elaborated on this maneuver in from 43% to 50% and specificity ranged December 20, 1917 by Marie and Chate-
1981, describing their experience with 22 from 80% to 100%. The authors conclud- lin (15, 16). They reported the descrip-
patients who presented with severe cer- ed that the test is highly specific for cervi- tion of “transient ‘pins and needles’ sen-
vical radicular pain, sensory, and motor cal radiculopathy with low sensitivity. sations traveling the spine and limbs on
symptoms, initially unresponsive to “out- The literature seems to indicate high flexion of the head” in some patients with
patient measures,” all found to have large specificity with low sensitivity for the head injuries at the meeting of the Centers
lateral extradural lesions on myelogra- Shoulder Abduction Relief Test. However of Military Neurology in Paris (15, 16).
phy. Fifteen (68%) of these patients ex- the only available prospective study exam- They believed that these symptoms were
perienced relief of their radicular symp- ined a small number of subjects for this caused by positional pressure on cervi-
toms with ipsilateral shoulder abduction. test. The only investigation of interex- cal nerve roots. Less than one month lat-
Twelve of 13 patients treated surgically aminer reliability concluded the test to be er, Babinski and Dubois (17) described a
had relief of symptoms, as did the two pa- “fair”. Interestingly, incorporation of the patient with a Brown-Sequard syndrome
tients treated nonsurgically. The authors abduction maneuver into a nonsurgical who reported sensations of ‘electric dis-
hypothesized that reduced nerve root ten- treatment program is reported as benefi- charge’ upon flexing the head, sneezing,
sion is the most likely cause for symptom cial for patients with a positive test (14). or coughing. They attributed the symp-
relief with shoulder abduction. They con- tom to the presence of an intramedullary
cluded that the Shoulder Abduction Relief III. Neck Distraction Test lesion. L`hermitte first wrote on this top-
Sign is indicative of nerve root compres- The Neck Distraction Test is also de- ic in 1920 (18) when he further elaborated
sion and predictive of excellent response scribed as the Axial Manual Traction Test. on the symptom’s origin in patients with
to surgical treatment (12). The origin of this maneuver is uncertain “concussion of the spinal cord.” He at-
The Shoulder Abduction Relief Test although it is well described in the cur- tributed these symptoms to posterior and
is currently described as active or pas- rent literature. lateral column pathology in the cervical
sive abduction of the ipsilateral shoulder “To perform the distraction test, the spinal cord (15, 18). L’hermitte report-
so that the hand rests on top of the head, examiner places one hand under the ed the findings to the Neurological Soci-
with the patient either sitting or supine. patient’s chin and the other hand ety of Paris in 1924 (15). This was enti-
Relief or reduction of ipsilateral cervical around the occiput, then slowly tled “Pain in the form of an Electric Dis-
radicular symptoms is indicative of a pos- lifts the patient’s head. The test is charge Character Following Head Flexion
itive test (4). In a brief report of three cas- classified as positive if the pain is in Multiple Sclerosis.” The authors attrib-
es, Beatty et al (13) described this sign to relieved or decreased when the head uted the “electric discharge” symptoms
be indicative of radiculopathy secondary is lifted or distracted, indicating to demyelination of cervical spinal cord
to cervical disc pathology but not from pressure on nerve roots that has been segments and believed this to be an early
cervical spondylosis. Ellenberg and Ho- relieved” (4). finding in multiple sclerosis. L`hermitte
net described the Shoulder Abduction Re- This test is commonly performed in wrote further about this finding in mul-
lief Sign as helpful in distinguishing cervi- the supine position in the presence of ra- tiple sclerosis and in other conditions of
cal radiculopathy from shoulder patholo- dicular symptoms. A positive test is indi- cervical spinal cord pathology throughout
gy, when present. In their experience the cated by relief or lessening of the radicu- his career (15).
sign is “frequently not present” with cervi- lar symptoms (3, 6-8). This is thought to L`hermitte’s Sign is currently de-
cal radiculopathy. indicate cervical radiculopathy caused by scribed and performed in a variety of
Viikari-Juntura (6) prospectively discogenic pathology. ways. It is most commonly described as
studied the interexaminer reliability of Viikari-Juntura (6) concluded that passive anterior cervical flexion to end
the Shoulder Abduction Relief Test in 31 the interexaminer reliability of the Neck range with the patient seated. A posi-
patients as described in section I above. Distraction test is “good”. In his prospec- tive test is indicated by the presence of an
The test was performed in the seated po- tive study described in section I, a traction “electric-like” sensation down the spine
sition in the presence of radicular pain, force of 10 to 15 Kg was applied to 29 sub- or in the extremities. This is described
paresthesia, or numbness. The patient jects. Kappa values were 0.50 and the pro- to occur with cervical spinal cord pathol-
was instructed to “lift” his hand above portion of specific agreement was 0.71. ogy from a wide variety of conditions, in-
the head. The decrease or disappear- Using the same examination technique, cluding Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord tu-
ance of radicular symptoms indicated Viikari-Juntura et al (7) reported a speci- mors, cervical spondylosis, and radiation
a positive test. Kappa scores were poor ficity of 100% and a sensitivity of 40-43%. myelitis (2, 3, 19). The test is also current-
to fair and ranged from 0.21-0.40. The The authors conclude that the Axial Man- ly described as performed in the following
proportion of specific agreement was ual Traction test has low sensitivity but is manner although different from the de-

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202 Malanga et al • Provocative Tests in Spine Examination

scriptions above (4). ogist in Hamburg, E. Tromner, indepen- cal value is doubtful.” This is the posi-
“The patient is in the long leg sitting dently and without knowledge of Cur- tion supported by Schneck, Pitfield, Dana,
position on the examining table. The schmann’s paper, described the reflex as Nielsen, and Monrad –Krohn (27). Final-
examiner passively flexes the patient’s well (20, 21, 24, 25). In response to an in- ly, many “do not consider the Hoffmann
head and one hip simultaneously, quiry, Dr. Curschmann (21) later wrote: sign as pathologic or of any clinical value.”
with the leg kept straight. A positive “The finger phenomenon mentioned This is the reported general view of Coo-
test occurs if there is a sharp pain by me originates from Johann per, Wartenberg, Brain, Grinker and Bucy,
down the spine and into the upper Hoffmann, Professor of Neurology and Alpers (27). They believed that this
or lower limbs; it indicates dural or at Heidelberg (died 1919). I learned sign indicated a “state of increased mus-
meningeal irritation in the spine or it while his pupil and assistant from cle tone” due to a variety of factors (27).
possible cervical myelopathy.” 1901 to 1904. He demonstrated it It appears that the second and third views
No reports investigating the inter- in his classes and clinics as a sign of regarding the significance of Hoffmann’s
examiner reliability of L’hermitte’s Sign hyperreflexia of the upper extremity. Sign as described by Madonick are actual-
could be found in the literature. There So far as I know he never published ly similar. Pitfield (28) observed the sign
are two studies describing the validity it.” to be inconsistent in individual patients
of L`hermitte’s Sign, although both have Hoffmann’s Sign was originally de- and to frequently be present in patients
methodologic flaws as described in sec- scribed as follows (21): with cardiovascular disease. He devised
tion I above. Sandmark and Nissell (10) “The test is performed by supporting a scale classifying the degree in which
reported 27% sensitivity, 90% specificity, the patient’s hand so that it is the response follows the nail snapping
55% positive predictive value, and 75% completely relaxed and the fingers into four groups, “plus 1” to “plus 4”. He
negative predictive value for the “Active partially flexed. The middle finger also described a maneuver thru which “in
Flexion and Extension Test.” which part- is firmly grasped, partially extended, many the reflex may be reinforced if pres-
ly resembles L’hermitte’s Test. Uchihara et and the nail snapped by the ent or made to appear if absent.”
al (11) reported high sensitivity and less examiner’s thumbnail. The snapping “The upper arm is encircled by the
than 28% sensitivity although exact per- should be done with considerable cuff of a blood pressure apparatus;
centages are difficult to discern. force, even to the point of causing this is blown to 300mm; if then the
L`hermitte’s Sign which was original- pain. The sign is present if quick prone hand is examined by snapping
ly described anecdotally, continues to be flexion of both the thumb and index the nail an apparently absent reflex
based on anecdotal observation. finger results. Fingernails other will become positive and faint ones
than the middle one are sometimes will be exalted to a plus three or
V. Hoffmann’s Sign selected for the snapping. The sign four. After releasing the pressure
The origin of what is now described is said to be incomplete if only the and removing the cuff, it sometimes
as Hoffmann’s sign remained controver- thumb or only the fingers move.” can be noted that a condition of
sial through the late 1930’s until a medi- There continues to be disagreement exultation will persist for some
cal student named Otto Bendheim found as to whether the sign is present if only minutes, the reflex being more active
a reference to the reflex in a paper written the thumb flexes, as advocated by Sch- than it was before compression.”
by Hans Curschmann on uremia in 1911 neck, Madonick and others (26, 27). Key- Denno and Meadows (29) described
(20, 21). Several prominent Neurologists ser (22) described the test to be positive “if “ the dynamic Hoffman’s sign” as a mod-
had previously been unable to identify the definite flexion of either the thumb or one ification of Hoffmann’s sign to assist in
sign’s origin. In 1916, Keyser (22) pub- or more fingers results.” the diagnosis of early spondylotic cervical
lished a paper suggesting the name “Hoff- Reportedly, Jakobson also described myelopathy. This is performed by “mul-
mann’s sign” be dropped for “digital re- a similar sign, independently and after tiple active full flexion to extension of the
flex” after an extensive search failed to Hoffmann (20). This was published in neck” prior to performing the Hoffman’s
identify the origin of the reflex. Likewise, 1908, before Curschmann’s paper. Jako- sign maneuver as originally described.
in 1933, Fay and Gotten published a com- bson tapped the distal radius instead of There are several studies in the lit-
prehensive paper on the subject but failed snapping the nail (20). erature investigating the incidence of
to identify the origin of the reflex (20). The clinical significance of Hoff- Hoffmann’s sign. In 1933, Fay and Got-
The sign is attributed to Johann mann’s Sign has been long disputed ten reported Hoffmann’s signs in 21 of
Hoffmann, professor of Neurology at (21,26, 27, 28). In a comprehensive re- 393 “supposedly healthy” college students
Heidelberg, Germany in the late nine- view, Madonick (27) described three gen- with Babinski signs in 14. Only eight of
teenth and early twentieth centuries, a eral views. One is that the Hoffmann’s the 21 students with Hoffmann’s signs had
pupil of Erb. Hoffmann was reported to sign is a “pathologic sign, indicating py- no history of brain injury or other central
demonstrate the sign routinely in lectures ramidal tract involvement.” This view nervous system pathology (“sunstroke”,
and clinics, although he did not discuss it was held by Keyser, Fay and Gotten, Ful- epilepsy, meningitis). These authors
through publication (20, 23). Hoffmann’s ton and Viets, Perelman, Echols, Kas- also noted Hoffmann’s signs in two of
assistant, Hans Curschmann, who became tein, Lange, Madonick, and Purves-Stew- 285 patients hospitalized in the Philadel-
professor of Medicine at the University of art (27). A second view is that the Hoff- phia General Hospital for non-neurolog-
Rostock, Germany, described the reflex in mann sign “indicates pyramidal-tract in- ic conditions. One of these two patients
the literature in 1911, and named it Hoff- volvement but that, owing to its frequent with Hoffmann’s signs also had a Babinski
mann’s Sign (21, 23). In 1913, a Neurol- presence in other conditions, its clini- sign (27, 28). In contrast, of 339 patients

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hospitalized for “organic nervous disease,” way technical school. He also reported a the cohort studied remained asymptom-
139 had Hoffmann’s signs and 140 had 1.4 % incidence of Hoffmann’s sign in a atic, with continued yearly follow-up (31).
Babinski signs (28). Fay and Gotten con- group of 208 patients with “medical, sur- This study is limited by a small number
cluded that the Hoffmann sign indicates gical, and peripheral disorders of the au- of subjects and by the lack of a control
pyramidal tract pathology, and that the tonomic nervous system.” Perelman be- group, although reference is made to oth-
sign may be present in patients without lieved that a Hoffmann’s sign is clinical- er studies regarding the incidence of posi-
a Babinski sign if “the lesion involves the ly significant for pathology to the cortico- tive radiographic abnormalities in the cer-
areas or fibers concerned in motor func- spinal pathway rostral to the seventh cer- vical spines of asymptomatic patients. In
tion of the upper extremity” (27). Echols vical segment. addition the authors did not evaluate for
(21) examined 2,017 students at the Uni- In 1952, Madonick (27) published possible brain pathology, which might be
versity of Michigan and observed a Hoff- a comprehensive study of 2,500 patients responsible for the presence of a positive
mann’s sign in 159 using the lenient crite- with non-neurologic disease admitted to Hoffman’s sign.
ria of “the slightest suggestion of flexion the Morrisania City Hospital, and includ- Clinical Neurology, edited by Joynt
of the index finger, the thumb or both.” ed an extensive literature review of Hoff- and Griggs (32), described the Hoffmann’s
After 4 months 153 were re-examined and mann’s sign. The sample was reported to sign as a variation of the finger flexor re-
32 patients no longer demonstrated the be statistically valid with regard to age, flex, indicating muscle stretch reflex hy-
sign, 68 had an “incomplete Hoffmann’s but somewhat skewed with regard to gen- peractivity, when present. It is described
sign” with flexion of only one or more fin- der (68% females), and race (11.6% Ne- to be suggestive of pyramidal tract pathol-
gers, and 53 had a “true Hoffmann’s sign” groes). A Hoffmann’s sign was consid- ogy rostral to the sixth cervical segment,
with flexion of both the thumb and index ered positive if flexion of the thumb oc- especially if complete, unilateral, and as-
fingers in response to snapping the mid- curred. The overall incidence of Hoff- sociated with other neurologic abnormal-
dle finger, the ring finger, or both. Of the mann’s sign was found to be 2.08% (52/ ities. However, its presence is stated to not
53 students with “true Hoffmann’s signs,” 2500). The sign was more frequent with always be indicative of pathology. It is de-
only 33 had no history of prior head in- advancing age. The incidence was 0.7% in scribed in association with increased mus-
jury or other central nervous system pa- those 0-19, 1.2% in those 20-39, 3.4% in cle tone and generalized reflex hyperactiv-
thology (21, 27). The incidence of a “true those 40-59, and 4% in those over 60 years ity to include “tension states.” Further, “an
Hoffmann’s sign” was 2.62%, the inci- of age (27). Savitsky and Madonick (30) incomplete Hoffman sign is encountered
dence of an “incomplete Hoffmann’s sign” observed the same trend for the Babins- fairly frequently in healthy persons.”
was 3.37%, and the incidence of an unex- ki sign with an overall 4.3% incidence of There are no known studies assess-
plained “true Hoffmann’s sign” was 1.63% the Babinski sign in the sample. The inci- ing the interexaminer reliability of the
in this study, compared with a 2% inci- dence of Hoffman’s sign was 5.8% in the Hoffman’s sign. Glaser et al (33), report-
dence of unexplained Hoffmann’s signs in 195 patients with hypertension, and 0.3 ed 58% sensitivity, 78% specificity, 62%
Fay and Gotten’s study. Echols (21) con- % in the 300 “psychoneurotic” patients. positive predictive value, and 75% neg-
cluded that, “the (true) Hoffmann sign The sign was unilateral in 60% of the pa- ative predictive value in a study of 124
almost always indicates a disturbance of tients and 30% of the patients with Hoff- patients presenting with cervical com-
the pyramidal pathway” and “the signifi- mann’s signs had other abnormal findings plaints. Imaging of the cervical spinal ca-
cance of an incomplete Hoffmann’s sign on exam. Madonick (27) concluded that, nal for evidence of cord compression with
is still unsettled.” It should be noted that “ the Hoffmann sign is a sign of pyrami- CT or MRI was used as the criterion stan-
despite the low incidence, 38% of the pa- dal tract involvement.” However, he also dard. When only results of the patients
tients with Hoffmann’s signs in Fay and stated “it is difficult to determine wheth- with cervical spine MRI’s were evaluated
Gotten’s study (8/21) and 62% of the pa- er the Hoffmann sign is due to function- using blinded neuroradiologists, the find-
tients with true Hoffman’s signs in Echols’ al disturbance of the pyramidal tract or ings were different. For these patients, the
study (33/53) were unexplained. whether it indicates only a state of in- test had 33% sensitivity, 59% specificity,
In 1946, Schneck (26) published a creased muscle tone, as propounded by 26% positive predictive value, and 67%
preliminary report of a “2.5-3%” inci- Wartenberg.” negative predictive value. Authors con-
dence of Hoffmann’s sign in more than Sung and Wang (31), in 2001, pro- cluded that the Hoffman’s sign, “without
2,500 subjects in the military. The sign spectively evaluated 16 asymptomatic pa- other clinical findings” is not a reliable test
was unilateral in “almost” 50%. A Hoff- tients with a positive Hoffmann’s reflex to screen for cervical spinal cord compres-
mann’s sign was defined as “flexion of the using cervical radiographs and magnetic sion. This retrospective study is useful de-
thumb on passive flexion, by the exam- resonance imaging (MRI). Fourteen of spite its methodological flaws.
iner, of the distal portion of the patient’s 16 (87.5%) cervical spine x-rays were ab- In summary, the significance of the
middle finger, with sudden release…flick- normal with spondylosis and all 16 MRI’s Hoffman’s sign remains disputed in the
ing...” Reportedly, “in the majority of sub- were interpreted as abnormal with spon- literature. It appears to be indicative of
jects in this study either no history of neu- dylosis and cord compression in 15. The possible pyramidal tract pathology. How-
rologic disease was elicited or no patho- authors concluded that, “the presence of ever, it may be present with generalized
logical finding on the neurological exami- a positive Hoffman’s reflex was found to conditions of increased muscular tone in
nation was found.” be highly associated with the presence otherwise asymptomatic individuals with
Perelman (27) reported a 2% inci- of a cervical spine lesion causing neural or without recognized underlying pathol-
dence of Hoffmann’s signs in 694 med- compression.” Imaging studies or fur- ogy. The overall incidence in the popula-
ical students and registrants at a rail- ther evaluation is not recommended, as tion appears to be 2-3 % with differenc-

Pain Physician Vol. 6, No. 2, 2003

204 Malanga et al • Provocative Tests in Spine Examination

es in the literature related to variability in knees. An alteration or obliteration CONCLUSION

study samples and in the precise defini- of the radial pulse or change in blood
The majority of the specialized pro-
tion. The incidence of an “unexplained” pressure is a pathognomonic sign of
vocative tests commonly used in examina-
Hoffmann’s sign in the population, pres- the presence of a cervical rib or the
tion of the cervical spine and related neck
ent without history or exam findings of scalenus anticus syndrome.”
structures are purported to assist in iden-
occult neurological pathology, is reported Adson (35) stated in this article that
tification of radiculopathy, spinal cord
to be 1.5-2 %. The validity has not been if the Vascular Test is positive, scalenot-
pathology, or brachial plexus pathology.
well studied although poor to fair sensi- omy is indicated. He believed the test
Each of the tests described in this article
tivity and fair to good specificity are re- to indicate subclavian artery compres-
apparently originated from the anecdotal
ported. The interexaminer reliability has sion. “If the subclavian artery has been
observations of experienced, well respect-
not been reported. Further studies ex- compressed, there is a strong probabili-
ed clinicians. Few studies have been per-
ploring the validity and interexaminer re- ty that the brachial plexus also is irritat-
formed addressing the interexaminer re-
liability of Hoffmann’s sign are indicated. ed or compressed whenever the scalenus
liability or validity of these tests. Of the
anticus muscle is placed on tension, since
studies performed, most were not meth-
VI. Adson’s Test the artery is being displaced posteriorly
odologically sound or had other limita-
In 1927, Adson and Coffey (34) de- against trunks of the plexus.” He attribut-
tions. The existing literature appears to
scribed a technique to assess for evidence ed the vascular and neurologic symptoms
indicate high specificity, low sensitivity,
of circulatory symptoms caused by the to a hypertrophied scalene anticus muscle
and good to fair interexaminer reliabili-
presence of a cervical rib. “Diminution in often but not always in the presence of a
ty for Spurling’s Neck Compression test,
volume of the radial pulse is common; the cervical rib. He further stated, “Little has
the Neck Distraction test, and the Shoul-
pulse can be decreased or obliterated by been accomplished by scalenotomy unless
der Abduction (Relief) test when per-
having the patient elevate the chin or ro- the Vascular Test gives a positive result.”
formed as described. For Hoffmann’s
tate the head to the affected side while in- His conclusions were based on personal
Sign, the existing literature does not ad-
spiring air. This was felt to be due to “con- observation of operative findings. These
dress interexaminer reliability but ap-
striction of the subclavian artery or vein, conclusions were further supported by
pears to indicate fair sensitivity and fair
obstruction of the radial and ulnar arter- his retrospective review of all 169 patients
to good specificity. For L’hermitte’s Sign
ies by emboli at the site of constriction, or treated by the neurosurgical staff at the
and Adson’s test, not even tentative state-
possibly by disturbance of the sympathet- Mayo Clinic from January 1925 to August
ments can be made with regard to inter-
ic innervation.” They believed that this 1951 with scalenotomy. Of these patients,
examiner reliability, sensitivity, and spec-
evidence of circulatory disturbance war- 75 had scalenotomy without resection of
ificity, based on the existing literature. It
ranted consideration for surgical resec- cervical ribs, 30 had scalenotomy and par-
should be emphasized that more research
tion of the cervical rib. However, later in tial rib resection, and 64 had scalenoto-
is indicated to understand the clinical
the same article, in discussing the cause my performed in the absence of cervical
utility of all of these tests. As Wainner
of the various symptoms in patients with ribs. The operative findings revealed, “In
and Gill (8) state with regard to cervical
cervical ribs, Adson and Coffey (34) de- all cases in which the result of the vascular
radiculopathy, many investigators believe
scribed the test somewhat differently. test was positive, the scalene anticus mus-
that “Given the paucity of evidence, the
“Clinically, we were able to cle produced a compression of the subcla-
true value of the clinical examination…is
demonstrate the influence of the vian artery on each inspiration.” Eighty-
unknown at this time.”
scalenus anticus muscle by having one to ninety percent of all patients had
Common consensus appears to be
the patient elevate the chin and complete relief or “great improvement” in
that none of the specialized provocative
extend the neck or rotate the head symptoms following surgery.
tests used in examination of the cervi-
to the affected side while taking Adson’s test is currently described in
cal spine has the reliability, sensitivity,
a deep inspiration: this produces the following manner (4):
and specificity to determine the presence
paresthesia over the distribution of “The patient’s head is rotated to face
or absence of specific cervical pathology,
the brachial plexus and, frequently, the tested shoulder. The patient then
in isolation. They appear to have great-
obliteration of the pulse at the wrist extends the head while the examiner
est clinical utility in the context of the
on the affected side.” laterally rotates and extends the
patient’s clinical history and other exam
Adson (35) further elaborated on patient’s shoulder. The examiner
findings. As Schneck (26) stated re-
this test and called it “The Vascular Test” locates the radial pulse, and the
garding Hoffmann’s Sign, “the…sign as
in an article published after his death in patient is instructed to take a deep
a positive indication of organic pathol-
1951. breath and hold it. A disappearance
ogy would seem to bear greater signifi-
“The test consists of having the of the pulse is indicative of a positive
cance when accompanied by a suggestive
patient take a long breath, elevate his test.”
history or by other pathological signs or
chin and turn it to the affected side. The interexaminer reliability and va-
This is done as the patient is seated lidity of Adson’s test have not been further
upright, with his arms resting on his reported in the literature.

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