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Upgradation of K.T.

Weirs to Partially Self Regulated Weirs

by installation of Godbole type automatic gates
K.T. Weirs enable flushing out of silt and are preferred over check dams on
nallahs and rivers. However, timely removal and insertion of shutters is
critical for their operation.

KT weirs are vulnerable to OUTFLANKING of river in post monsoon floods, if

needles remain inserted in position. Also, if post monsoon flow reduces a lot
before insertion of needles, there is LOSS OF STORAGE .

Hence, KT weirs often prove to be Unsafe & Unreliable in terrains where rivers
get flash floods or don’t have sustained post monsoon flow
Provision of Water Pressure operated Godbole type automatic gates
in few spans converts KT weirs into partially self regulated weirs
that have a very low risk of outflanking but enhanced storage reliability

The gates automatically open

out during floods to pass
excess discharge and close
back automatically after
recession of floods. This
facilitates early insertion of
needles to effect storage
without risk of outflanking.

A manual operation system

which does not interfere in
normal automatic operation is
also provided for gates. This
can be used to allow &
regulate outflow from weir in
lean season, if so required.
For new weirs or on existing KT weirs having large storage capacity,
Godbole type automatic gates can be provided in entire length to form
fully self regulated weirs with no risk of outflanking & high storage reliability

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