Back To Basics: Intersecting Line Layout

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Back to Basics: Intersecting line layout.

In construction, setting points can be accomplished by

layout with a chain—or two chains—using the 3/4/5
method, by radial layout with a total station, layout with
GPS, by intersecting the line of sight of theodolites or total
stations, as well as other methods. Although all methods
have their strengths and uses, radial has become the
predominate method of layout on the construction site
today. It is fast and accurate if proper techniques are used
to check it. On some jobsites, however, superintendents do
not allow radial layout use because of bad experiences
with sloppy people who made mistakes. So, they require
that control be placed by some other method.

One of the best alternatives to radial layout is using

intersecting lines (see Figure 1). Once established, this
method of layout is quick and accurate and easily used by
anyone who can set up an instrument over a point. With
intersecting lines, layout can even be checked by simple
observation since straight lines are involved. Adequate time
must be taken at the start of a job to design control so that
baselines surround the project site. Initial setup of the points
required for intersecting lines with a theodolite is indeed
time-consuming, but if performed properly, can be very
rewarding with buildings that are square and easy to control
during construction.

Figure 1. With intersecting lines, layout can be checked by
simple observation since straight lines are involved.

Extensive planning is the key to being able to locate points
by intersecting lines. A building site must have control
completely around it and targets must be placed to create
an efficient system of baselines around the site.

Review the Plans

Determine first if intersecting lines will work for the project.
Projects most suitable for this method are those that are
rectangular or square and have columns that basically line
up. Projects that have numerous walls and unusual
dimensions to columns, or have curved lines, etc., are
adaptable to this method of layout, but will require more
initial layout work. Review the site plan to see if there is room
to place the control all around the structure. Will haul roads
destroy the control? Will materials be stored in such a way
that the control would be unusable at times?

Check with others who will be building the structure and let
them know that intersecting lines is the method of control to
be used for the project. Talk to all the crafts people
represented on the job to obtain their input. Discuss the plan
and encourage them to point out weaknesses that may
have been overlooked. Obtain their ideas on a good offset
from the structure for the control to be located. Find out
where they will be storing materials, building roads, setting
cranes, etc. Tell them how important the control points will
be so they will be careful not to disturb or destroy them.

Figure 3. There should always be four permanently

monumented points per line to establish control.

Establishing the Control

Surrounding the site and locating control points on every
column line will require that more points be placed and
monumented. Ensure that points are located outside the
limits of construction and materials storage areas. Build
monuments so that the control will be available throughout
the length of the project. Look for areas where targets can
be placed to make the use of the control easier.

Once the control lines have been established,
monumentation of all of the control points can begin. Each
side of the structure will have many points as shown in Figure
3. Some of those should be permanent control points
marked with concrete monuments while others can be
temporary hubs. The rule of thumb is that there should
always be four permanently monumented points per line.

Select those points that are most likely to survive the
construction activities to monument. Determine the frost
depth for the area and also the expandability of the soil to
determine how deep or big to build the monuments.

Establish targets
Having a backsight available on each line is the key to
efficient use of intersecting lines during layout. Place targets
on hubs, adjacent buildings, sidewalks, etc., by painting or
using sticker targets on walls, window sills, windows, parapet
walls, etc. Obtain permission from the owner first before
placing targets on a building. If necessary, place targets
immediately behind the control point itself by building a mini
batterboard and putting a nail on the line. Well-placed
targets are important to the successful use of layout by
intersecting lines.

Figure 4. Once targets are available on a site, establish a

line between points.

Using Intersecting Lines

Assuming that control has been established around the site
and that targets are available, use the following method to
locate a needed point. The illustration in Figure 3
represented the control around a simple building. Control

points and target locations have been established and are
indicated. The superintendent has requested exact location
of an anchor bolt template at the intersection of lines “B”
and “2.” Two instruments are available. A carpenter has
approximately located the template but needs the exact
location to drill holes in the template for the anchor bolts.

Figure 5. Establish a second line using the same method.

Set up an instrument on line “B” (see Figure 4). Backsight

onto a “B” line target across the building site. Signal to the
carpenter at the anchor bolt location to mark on the
template the “B” line. A point is marked on one side and
then the other, and a straight edge is used to connect the
points with a line.

Figure 6. The two lines intersect to indicate the center of the


Set up an instrument on line “2” as shown in Figure 5 on
page 61. Backsight onto a “2” line target across the building
site. Signal to the carpenter at the anchor bolt location to
mark on the template the “2” line. A point is marked on one
side and then the other and a straight edge is used to
connect the points with a line.

Figure 7. Other points can then be located on a project.

The intersection of lines “B” and “2” shown in Figure 6 marks

the center of the template and is indicated on the
template. The carpenter can now use these lines to
measure and locate the position of the anchor bolts.

Repeat this procedure for any point that needs to be

located within the structure. Check the layout of the anchor
bolts before the concrete is placed (see Figure 7).

Using intersecting lines is a simple process. The critical part of
using this method is in establishing the control points and
targets around the site. If time is available to establish
control points and targets that surround the site, it can be

one of the best methods of establishing the lines needed for
building a structure.


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