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Gil vs. Murciano

G.R. No. L-3362. March 1, 195188 Phil 260

Ponente: JUGO, J.
A last will and testament was executed by Carlos Gil. Early in 1945,
before the application was heard on the merit, the record, along with the will,
was destroyed, necessitating its reconstitution after liberation. The parties
submitted a stipulation of facts agreeing “that the will as transcribed in the
record of appeal” in another case is “a true and correct copy.” CFI Manila
admitted to probate the alleged will and testament.
Carlos Gil’s nephew and sister contended that the will is invalid since the
attestation clause did not state that the testator signed the will, it declared only
that it was signed by the witnesses.
Whether or not the will is valid.
No. It will be noted that the attestation clause above quoted does not
state that the alleged testator signed the will. It declares only that it was signed
by the witnesses. This is a fatal defect, for the precise purpose of the attestation
clause is to certify that the testator signed the will, this being the most essential
element of the clause. Without it there is no attestation at all.

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