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By: Cassidy Ferreira

Book Club Meeting Reflection

Summary Number One:
Book Club Member: Aneqa
Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, was the novel Aneqa chose to read. Now, as
she’s 2/3’s into the book, she has a feel for what the book is really about and the true per-
sonalities of the characters in her book. At the first book club meeting, she described the
start of the book as slow, now that she’s many chapters in, her opinion of the characters
have changed. She doesn’t like Catherine anymore, and sees her as “self-centred” but still
takes a liking to Heathcliff. She’s at a very confusing and conflicted part of her book now
as many plots twists are happening. What I found interesting about the book, was the love
triangle between Catherine, Edgar, and Heathcliff. Even though Catherine loved Heath-
cliff, she married Edgar, you would think I would be upset for Heathcliff, but I sympa-
thize more for Catherine. I feel that way because she now has to marry someone who she
doesn’t truly love, and will always have Heathcliff in the back of her mind. I stated in the
last reflection that I found this book interesting and that it sounded like a novel that
would keep you predicting, which I continue to believe. I find this book more interesting
as many plot twists continue to rise.

Summary Number Two:

Book Club Member: Randall
Randall chose to read the book, The Mayor of Casterbridge, by, Thomas Hardy.
Randall has gotten to chapter 26 of his novel, but judging by Randall’s lack of enthusi-
asm, I don’t think he likes the book so much anymore. He described the book as confus-
ing and took too long to get to the point, which resulted in a loss of attention and interest.
I didn’t find anything interesting about what he described about the novel. There was a
few surprising plot twists, like how Michael’s isn’t Elizabeths biological dad, and that the
“step-dad” is her real father, but aside from that, nothing really sparked my interest. In
the previous reflection I showed great interest in Randall's book, but as he described it in
this meeting, it seemed like a long, confusing series of events that I would loose interest
in quickly.

Summary Number Three:

Book Club Member: Sansayan
By: Cassidy Ferreira

Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad was the title of the novel that caught
Sansayan’s eye. His attitude towards the novel this time was a little more up beat. He
seemed to like where the novel was headed and what was happening, whereas at the last
meeting he was uninterested and didn’t seem to want to read the rest of the book. What I
found interesting about the book was how Mario reacted to finding out that Kurtz was ill,
despite hearing the news, his boat was fixed the next day and he continued his journey to
meet him. I would’ve suspected that Mario would be upset and end his journey, but his
optimism is inspiring and I find interest in the way he perceives things. An example
would be how he is a kind man who doesn’t like violence, yet is working in the Congo,
one of the most dangerous places in the world, and doesn’t seem that effected by it. I
have changed my thoughts on this novel since the last meeting, and I think I would find
this adventure book very interesting.

I think my performance in my group was very good. I was excited to share my
thoughts on the novel I am reading, and jumped at the opportunity to go first. I showed
interest in my group members books and frequently asked questions and their opinions on
what was happening in their novels. As I said last time, I need to improve on my note tak-
ing skills. I improved slightly, by designing a format that would help me organize and ob-
tain information easily. But I still struggle with only writing down the basic information
needed, and not the details, which I depended on my memory for.

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