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Gi slill 5 yglee Matharat al Qulub Purification of the Heart By the most leaned scholar Shaykh Muhammad Maulud ‘Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf raise it dv to the One wh hs lasted what is ‘ceded 1 psy the beat nd ado it Prayers and peace be wpon Mohamad snd his amy 25 log a8 hei the means by which iis schieved and grant him afer ‘The lights of the peas oF assent in lation ose ight ike the peal in elation to the oyster shel Cxtke ainety-nine lines writen in gold e310 one line writen in ile Having sid tit, the conition of people inthis time of prececupation and movement, Seems to tek foe a Book bout the reclication ofthe heats. Suddenly [find a oven pouring of the bony of Ala, | responded by beaging forth a laityng poem ‘hac ulls the most important needs Tedeaws the isan lose even for ane of slow compzchension, and with the diteste becomes Treat, Leo gia GSA Be 5 ioe et LEW ta ke Wag ys ay jpegs GAS Lia tall fy ky GB ae fh Jah Yi) a Se Ja 9! * Jaa Ua pia SUS yal La BO ie gs a * Taras atechnicl tem used w denote the peychology ofthe sulin Islam, Ithas two beaches: one isan ehial beach concemed with how bal character of sel remedied ane how ‘god chacacte is elized; the othe beach it concemed with the states ad stations ofthe ‘on the path to Divine knowledge. Because dese ses and stations canbe replicated by those who flow the practices assisted bya mase, ti infact an expeimental science. TK pactc is sstained interioe experiences wil occur and these must be subjected to the collective kncwledge of the tnined ‘master in ocer to astess whether these expesences ae valid or not, Moreover, dey rust be done withthe guidance ofa licensed practioner and nota quace The fact tht thee ress can be ‘reproduced and verified ae indeed evidence ofa deep and profound science thats ancient ins ‘ongins and timeless ine trths and goals. As forthe wont’ decvation, thee aze varying opinions about it, Ttshould be understood that tis a 90 way Neo-Pltonic in ether its tency or practice. ‘Tiss simply a claim of orientalis who zfs wo acepe that alam could have peoduced any sophisticated thought without recourse to European sce, 1 began by staring with the hear of beginnings (whieh scours spl backward) Since this isthe highest and noblest of beginnings Tos have courtesy with Allah the High the Majestic, by practicing incessaaly anodesty and uri, ‘ejected out of shame, humbled in awe, imploring Him Giving up your designs foe His, emptied of desire for what His fervants have Hiastening to fll His commands, fearful ofthe rub fauleof bad manners. 1 you realize your atsibures of serine you ate assisted with the atbutes of de Independent One? Realize your abject characte and impovedshenent and you wil gin dignity and ‘wealth foe the All Powerful Tadd there sno salvation lke the heat salvation given dat al dhe limbs respon to is estes After you have a em grasp of this foundation, ‘hen a mastery ofthe hee’ iim i the second stage. Knowledge ofthe hears ailments, what easet all of them and those his that cemove them is an obligation incumbent upon every eesponsible sndivideal Wonk GAD Ot et NejLve di as DAs ye a DSi SN ey th 5G ts Geb au sy URNS eS Gey Sy bo sys Jt EE ep ahd pe ee he Us 2 This is an Arabic play on woeds which ost in dhe tranlation. The word for beginning is ba’, and the word for hear also means to reverse. Ifyou everse the word bay you geal which the ‘word for couresy which sth heat of thi scence, 2 This isthe secret af servitude to Allah. By giving up the lusion of freedom forthe sake of Allah and liiting oneself though servitude to Allah in tis, one is fed ofthe lower slf. This enables & person to realize fly his humanity and only then becomes ahuran being withthe wealh and Aig of one whose master is he Loed oF al sentient beings ‘Tiss the rang ofthe Imam a-Ghasali* This L412 a ring des not apply to ne who was granted 2 sound heart, GLa tayo 4a ‘According scholars other than al-Ghazzali. Al- 5G Wd Be sa i Siete sehen OM NS a oc Golgate (Other scholas deemed them predominant in rman but ot necesarily qualities eset to his Understand that «complete eblieesion ofthese diseases unt there is no tac is sinply Boia the tapi of human beings Betacmiy ee tan gg ouvintou Gal EY} Lay wd beeoue, eed PAN LL US Tog wit lw te BDA agin sons ether by sce ory ito ee ea ects te ewene ofmictios Oot aris SGU Uy ‘mentioned (among the diseases ofthe hea). As forthe secs of ced lam epateich GRY Sey aad thing as zla support of ons depen, and Sree Simacrighs die othe, GG cut Seca — Examples of 391 Ue aoe esae people a hard time over some ply mat of oe sandoning nitpicking over tvalites ‘Imam Muhammad ibe Mohammad iba Muhamed ibn Abra, Ab Hamid Hut altar al- ‘Ghazal a-Tus, the Shaf'and then Malik mam. He is known asthe Proof of Ista, a rank 90 ‘other Sunni scar hasbeen given He was boen in Tabican, neat Ts which sus noah of present ay Masha, ran, in 450/1058. He studied with Imam al Haramaynaljuwayai one of the greatest scholars that ever lived. Duet immense woddly succes and a profound sense of his e's Bp on his motives, be was aficted with a state ofthe soul that sealed in his esignation atthe Nizaiya Universi. “This began a journey that would sult ia profound sical enlightenment andthe articulation ofa synhesis of the invad and outed aspect of Islam ins cogent and compelling, ‘way, So powerfl was his argumeat that it was ancepted bythe majsity of spiel adept and exotic scholars of is day and of later genemtions. His profound inlvence on the sciences ofthe self and the peychology of slam has let llr scholars indebted grey to is insight and aces ‘Ths poem sin many ways simply an abridged and verified vecsion of the fourth volume of his pus magnum, The revival ofthe Sciences ofthe Din + The Shay has chosen to ean the disease by alphabetical onder not aecessariy the seveciy ofthe disease. The proper, peace be upon him, dd tay, Te thee a dsease sicker than miseliness” 28 2 Avoiding such thing is even more important for Bl pL a . CAE ee ST A neighbor arltve or a wey pesson ‘oc when hosting guess or conceaing something in which such beavioe i simply inappoprite sch ae purchasing shroud. Likewise if one is buying sacrificial animal or puschasing something you want to dona tothe eed ‘Thus one who makes mates dificult for one ‘whose aghts make i ea inappropise to do so has inde tom away the vis of dignity. This is a8 the majestic and wise guides have stated Likewise, one who fulfils his obligations without pod cheer oe spending Feom the lest of what he possesses. To ootisloveof tis wd orimowmstsor gf Lk. et jo ese aoquresome os fees age pleasues. LS oe alk UL eiegaeeete ienaetine (jah Ly yh achieved ids ely by eaustngemscves ae fos vet ing pols of tne. By duno bey Vill La yp-S8 jh fay el acumdt te very tag ey ere vale Mean juts they a appaciog be ep Sop bu highs of te splendos,suldenly without thie penmision death asa them (Treat also by secognizing) the disdain shown to tise, nd the hatred people have foe them even amongst themselves, ‘Wit hs same weatment, tet the one whose 4g 24304 12, bese’ alment is love of wealth : Spa AB DIA YS ‘As for wanes tits defo i Cpe ba txcestve marth which, aconting w de people Cher, ‘of knowledge, i too maich emibecance, Co sa ‘Treat it with hungee and remembrance ofthe LAW SEAL ae | ‘neat worl, reminding yourself that Ala sy "Teds ntlove the exes oy wach aoa AY sev tn npn ou Anodes shared ugh foobertn GN BY Eu 9 thes fhe Exley or Sy one deed ett arvit tewsoniyanpatces BL Fy AL_SY')h ceeogtremisysemed, = SUA — syn, and do aot actin accordance with (to hac the SlLkatly Ua a Cpe ugh. scoing wi ok Its cause is the powecfll intoxicating wine love WAG a a of position in the eyes of others, so remember. 2 ye or pobre pagent tented A fleas) sa ‘How many a leader achieved his heart's desice of ati. Jy tinipatintndecntcomepamse SAD ado AS y Ercan taf woh wes eed Sail y Sal Sl st ‘cups yeah ‘Keepin min this love is an incination away Seta oes from your Master towards His impoverished and i‘ . zx, eee repay ern ee AL il oa And also that concem with others’ affections is stil + ay ‘ot only exhausting but ao matter how hard you pee esre sae te Ae ty yowtan oly ese some while ote wil Gat La La ty fe orm yo, ogy and fle wih ost In spite ofthis, whats prohibited in reganting ad Ny 28 sls ¢ the plessue of others is what i done #0 by Pha oss 49 teckey ostentatious display of eligi, or ‘Abie words duet thei cchness are dificult to cender nto English. ‘The woo! batarhas sever ‘meanings among which ae “the inability to ear blessings,” “bewlderment.” “dislike of someting undeserving of dislike” “exeessveness wih blesings” The author defines itas excessive mirth (lr and informs ws that its cue hanger an electing on death which indicates its eased by excessivenes in the blessings ofthis woad with ise rection on ote-wodtly meters ‘Wantonnes is a reckless extavagance that comes close tothe meaning, a Allah noes best ypc! ate? Knowing too tha the seeker of thei pleasure can not expect the pleseute ofthe Fishiones of ‘reation the Mighy, the Capable [As fo the one whose heat is encrasted withthe Tove ofthis world, hs only cue is certainty of monly. Ths if he places dentin his inmedite presence constantly, hi ace aba deepen for the sled mater covering his heart edie to hat blameworthy love of this wold Lang ko ely ‘is what is solely for the benefit of the self. It does 4 < a ag not ince desing it 0 that othe are not GLY Gd k a Ga id othzed by your needs And your ae safe fom dependence upon Alls ea yg Ly eA Caer ar ‘provision for the next world aed tS Indeed, eat ‘world falls eee five ASS LS LH ‘caregonies of legal rulings. Thus its ruling is » - ta based on what ithelps one to achieve Ato wl S Iflove of something of his word is duet es helping one achiove something prohibited, then iit alo probes, CCensusing the world realy only foe those things ine chat do nat help towards avation. ‘Thus its epeoac i estcted only its love for those eeasoas. Indeed, the bet of creation, may peace and Bessings upon him, peohited caring the wodd!* Since igs ae only pase or bamed by what 4154 es Lk, 2 The Abie word is eS ane’ which, according t the auboe’s oom commentary, isan affected display of uprighmess and gentdiness. * Ualike some clgious doctrines where the wo is see as evil or bad slam views the word asthe greatest sign of Ala, Moreover, Allah sas, "He created everything inte earth for you,” meaning 10 maintain, to marc, to leas foe and to achieve the pleasure of Allah by i accocding othe ‘commentator of Quran, What i harmful i lowe ofthe world for its own sake, which i the essence ‘othumanism and mateilism, coo of dhe geste blight modern man. results fom them such asa healing ora dices, Moog ee ‘Therefoce what is obtained ofits corporeal Ci ot a aa potion bencBia. OS ee et Srrr—~s~—«ss— is;ss:«sast ‘aS;:*s® oe ene ae Ie ANAS, so one more often than not transpresses the Dal = day RG Seg tiglcins conpenionmncbee ey ANB, reckoned among thote who perpenaie SS pe Love of being praised for what one has not, Seep ya ky accomplished i cxed by deste for ober than 5 ae the Exaed” AS ee Describe you intense deste for anotee to lose his Blessing envy, and your description wil be In othe words, you were able tenigh some set lina it youself, you woul ize that mse in onde odo so (On te ote hand if ear ofthe Eternal EN aL svete ou om ding sch a th then ou Secret pa fe notene who ens ea Se RGR Use “This i what the Proof of stam! hopefly Sk hy tts expected for from the hounty oF the Poesessoe of eee ‘Majesty and Generosiy. ASU 55 DL St yg Lied pe He sid dhat whoever despises envy such that he despises that aspect of hase for such fsings ‘sin fac safe from falling what it usualy Asx a at acon wt (pies tah pponte of at capes aceon eer eerie * The Shad may Allah esac him, does aot go into the causes or the cures of this malady here because he will do so inthe section ca showing of hn gpod! deeds mam Aba Hamid al Ghazal, may Allah be pleased with him, For examgle, benefiting peson if itsems Aesirable fo harm him or easing im when it appears desirable to in ful i him, Also the knowledge hat eney only harms he fone who eaves: it causes hin to be gevously preoccupied with hi objet of envy today but fomacow hei punished for ie ‘Alto that it does not Benet his one ita, not ‘does it emove fom te abject af envy the blessing thache hs been given, Is etiologies vay, and dey ar: animosity, vying foclove of mothe, arogance, por sel worth, incredulity love ofladecip and everest of All's Blessing hee ae dhe cae hat engender ey among people ‘As fora essing haa disetivero nad ‘Mastin has tht eables them oat oes oc show agresion beens oft then the malay of second wives i in such instances pease ‘As for blameworthy modesty, ts that which prevents one fom denouncing the condemable easing a querton concerning a matter eelting to teligion ad the Tike. Ror this reason, scholars have considered it one of he destucive mates, As for noble movesy, such a the Chosen One's ‘behavioe the sight he mated Zayna, when he fe his company o thc al From his welding feat and hen all of dhem left except for three a i . te it oy 6H AU oe Le otal a5 te, ie go Sy DL be Ud J Sy 8 BBs Ae, Md gp be Gi So BLS) SHEL, eee Go AD8 opt e k "The Chosen One in Arabic i mata, an honorific tide given to the messenger of Ala by Allah limself. All chooses whom He pease fom His servants and the article of dein is 2 indicate thatthe greatest of thse who are chosen i out Master Mularnmad peace and Desings be ‘pon hi ‘They say ane dit nt onde them to eve. Oy ab Such modes is 2 mos exellent vie DELI pa Shama dteraiiinwedyior | SAGES, goed nhrver be La SA ‘Thebes capt inmates at do ct 8 Bh a Gel a, concer tony enpeirble when prone Ge eet tote pohind te FUSES Sota ising sh een ui SEE oe bE of hore ited one by marrage hdd antes ae in that would be weaknesses o ful of Mss sl Gael a je ‘eter they ae abet open hs nce seeing th atte of Aa een Theosigin ofteae ofpovey ina bad opisionof daly Lay RD ay tal the Exalted, and its cue sn having a good ey a a ee opinion, coat aT, a td we a he lah a ot gga ee ished by is eapendr of Alo hat ieee gaie rey ea Ia een anpoconed oo leach ou Dei tv. nwo hon a amen 20 ey 9 LG osiing hs wordy oi kon 8 Sacer syeonhanic ype (ath) Beha tae ‘uansacuon and be has been cheated in the end. 2 What the author means is that one who will compromise his religion to secure woddly benefits is a hypocste whois willing o eater to other's a the expense ofetemity for sme Heting ad ephemeral benefit. In Arabic this called mdain, the root word is elated to painting ox coveing wth 2 cosmetic o which implies fo: “covering up” which sngratitude to Allah. Shaykh Mubarmad al-Yadali says in the Kouta “Midabant 1s when aman gives his eign up in ode to secre his ‘wealth ochis blood, and siting with the people of obedience and keeping ec company and prising their actions and displaying pleasue at tee condition without condemnation. The ‘ference berseen this and maar stat madera expesiing one's present life fo the sake of ‘one's afterlife oc fo the sake of some wordy benefit oe both. Types ofthis ae kindness shown to ‘an ignocantpeson when instrting them oe with «profligate when profiting him fom some ‘wrong o avoiding harshness anda display of one's tue dapleature that one ft toward him when condemning him. These ae all prasewoahy” (Comm. OF Ould al-Kadim p59). Ibn Zak also ‘say, "The diffrence between the two i hat madara is to expend one's wo aby to secure ‘some othes-worlly benefit or protect coe god name an position; wees madahanat is eating people accoring other desies in word and deed for worldly benefit. Ths type is metione inthe ‘Quan when Allah sas, “They would love dat you aff them sa they could afin you.” La ‘other word they would love tha you paised thee gods and thei rituals even though you don't believe in them and they would do the same for you (bi This is atic to dhe modem “T'm ‘OK. your OK” cate, paiculay acute in Amesca. Ther is «conspiracy of sence when ie Its root cause is dase ad doing works of worship © obtain a place in the hear of oext (Gyn) Itscure ie algo my cue foe te later disease (ya). Ce aoe LL Tomotmowehnanernc — ye Sy of these diseases and exacecbates them, el ghd igi SL 1 mean by that showing off ia good works (G2). one ofthe calamities of the hear, whose {eiatson do an acon of devotion foe other than the Creators ake Idec it wut really done seeking some wostly Sa by benefit or praise fom the ctestion co poset a eee nese fn dhe opposite e Stal a Ja ‘The wort form shat which seas in nother y ALi tS Aaa senguion uch cag oe See in omer to be ented with the weal ofan a tp GL to ‘orphan, ‘The next depp is what wae done for ee ea ‘some worldly matter and one uses the good work Ls Susy (5. 38 asa means obtain the wold matter bi A brah ade tcceaal - i es La oo EN OLE Ge BB ‘comes to other people's wansgressions and blatant wrong actions and deviations, They all conspire to min the ote way when others commit wrongs and expect that they do the sae fe them, ‘Conversely, the ise Muslim is amieor of his brother and hei considered insincere ithe does not reflecchis brother’ faults in onde obelp him grow and visa versa This isthe most anf oF dhe diseares of the heat because ts the lessee polythcim and invalidates one's actions that can only befor Ala alone. The signs oft ate te) laziness and ‘lack of actions for Allah's sake when one is alone 2) enthusiastic energy and much action for he ‘sake of Allah when people are present 3 increasing one's ations when one is pase and deeeaing them when one i censured. As foe ts teatment and the pusietion ofthe bent conceming tsk to remove fom the hea fous things 1) lve of psise 2 fet of blame 3) desire fox wolly benetit fiom people 4) fear of haem from people, ‘This ir arcmglished by having ceaity that Allah is he ‘only one who can truly benefit or harm and that if th enzeeeation wanted fo benefit you and ‘Alla had not measured that benefit out fo ou, they could aot. Likewise ithe whole eatin ‘wanted to asm you and Alla didnot want that they could noe haem you. If someone believes that, with cerainy then rpd does not oceue to him. I ei comes toa penton whl he actully engaged in his worship then he does noe accrue a wrong aco. Some tay oni he tats it and itleaves hin, ‘hen hehas not done wiong, Wheres, fe leaves it and coninies on int then is accounted fr (les cured) by knowing hat had all of creation (its, ta Bf fied foes to oppor soporte ey aie at gee Soitnacbestiee aos ASL ae pose iv for our scorer ao gaat 58 ‘toda es Al power Gal snd Saal Aa 8 VALS Pani (is also cured by maintaining awareness of ts hax which eeu in detetngieand thus causes ee eet ee oe pao ry eeer ay Matt nome sl fing a BY ion boning tfobes Se Ad EA HY OB Ge ody eggs a tenandeayad SY g BaSLAYE Uy aight se dao at se forechonialy duende dates gy Wags TD gg form constantly showing of y do ee ee wos cen in te ted hate sft 49 oh it cael ‘This isthe 112 chaper of the Genezous Quran. Tee equivaleat in reward and meaning to one third ofthe entre Quran. Teis the Quen’ mot succinct summation of dex and by memosiing, which tales only few minutes and understanding it even athe moet dimentary lve, one bbocames a theologian with weight bhiad his argument In it a cefuaton of al te cea doctrines of false teachings despite its exteme bev. Its enided Teh which denots “aking sincere” or “making pure”. Mach repestion oft engendecs since and purity in the heat. It Should be eead a east thee times every morning an evening withthe two final chaps tha fallow it. My ow teacher, the noble scholar ad exellent zahid, Marat a-Haj Ould ali ay Allah sunt his secret, teats many af the inner dizeazes of people thir come to him by eecomunending constant ceciation of tis chapter acding the dacas of obsessive commplsive thoughts '8 This is a prayer thatthe Peophet peace and Besings of Allah be upon hin, rected dy and ‘encouraged Maslims tous itdaly. Is wording st fllows:"O Allah, Yow ae my Lord hee 0 ‘ged but You. You have created me, and Tam your slave. Iam fling your oath and your promise ‘with me as best Iam able. I seek efge ia you foe the shortcomings of may am doing, Laut fel all ofthe Blesings you have showezed upon me, and I admit fly my own shortcomings and ‘wrongs. Therefore, fosgive me. Surly ther is none tha forgives my wrongs other tan You” Acconing to the hadith that is elated by Iman Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Iba Maja, Ibn Fibbaa, and l-Haim on te authocyy of Buaydah, ay Allah be pleased wit them al, “The Prophet, peace be ‘pen him, said, "Whosever says when heats and in the evenings Sie Mo NA SBI CRN OE ale OU yi a BY YL CUM Wien) ‘Ad then dies eis that day or that evening, he wll enter the Gare, ss fora ype of hypocsy hat involves Bayo poi oncom wong aeons or sre soma aes eae mpc Thea act on clipton Ton LS SUS als aha clare. ecco emi a pay aye ‘ecommended or probit aye aA For the secker of knowledge or someone desiring, au 44's i Siwietheieetgaeremees PB a Included serone ving a bros fre pel Boasts Scot Ala ‘Or any other well intended deed for that matter, pros sum 3a UES ualess you desire by ithnughtiness or boastful BAU ops vee a GB a competion. Thea would be consideced pobied “The scolar have two opinions abou sang a ty see worl bench won se PN SNS oy opposed co enest word SE AN oa "This is in facta type of nif he person desis others to conser him bette than he is by ‘conceding his misdeeds fom dem. It isan obligation to conceal ane’s wrongs not fr this e4son bbutso that misdeeds ae not taken ighty by a community. ‘Thus people ely aut thet ‘eansgressions this leads to complacency and ack of shame. Although tee is an obvious bypoctsy ‘nese inthis itis aly 2 type of homage that vice must pays vie inorder that wee can ata 4 Aetecrent to the inurement of deviation inthe social tena. Thus its wisdom should not be underestimated. The Shaykh indicates here also dhe ncesiy of veling semua misdeeds. This scconingto the scholars ian obligason. ‘The Maliki schoats have nensoned that a guaran who lows thatthe woman he is representing shethec his daughter or not has comer foriaton i ‘oblige to vei he mistake if she repented. Tasked the able mu and Qu Shaykh Bayya bin Sale : BS i 182 ae Tn RAEN SN es LS os AAS, tein yy VV Sy Sy ely ie BERD 5 * inolence results in los of energy foc eve obedient tons and one wil eat convince hase hat he is umble to do hath is obliged det is sate wa has itreates ama note proc * inctber wots fa person snot wating his ie and does econ the ugeny of his human codon and impending morally, ad ses out doing wef dds sacha preatngkarwled then hi ce he ope that be wil ive long ff continue to da his woh cons i ot anew. innpotence you can neither creat any benefit noe produce any harm. Indeed, vanity oigates From nothing other than one's grorance ofthese two mutters that ei the Fashionee and Giver of blessings alone and you sr impotent Feud is © cancea some Flt or haan either religous or wodily even from a protected ‘ninocty ‘oe someone wha has 2 teary with the Musins. (Oder have interpreted it be the adomment of something that lacks benefit ox making nei appene to bes good As foc the sveling ocean o al of hse des, [mean ange, if yu cone tt hove, oul see, what astonabes Tes waves and everyting ele aboot care ovellowing, So say of what you wil witout 1ehas two eames one of dem removes it than devise altogether ‘The ob opus it ‘Bouldtmantet So remember, in oer tobe adored with dhe ‘ontament ofits cure, he exensive pate lavished upon forbeaance snd humility In this Sacred Law a5 well asthe poetry and prose ofthe wise Indeed, remember that all of the prophets have been depicted as having both uals, Its suppeesion ocuss by perceiving athe tie there sno one doing anything in ely except the Alig Tee TY aD Oa gs pei ea, eats ry gS Y5b Se yl Ba _Jitpoeip4_t Sot uss atl BL LRH 55 ag ls aban, ey DE Ld oe Ly This phenomenon ie madly present ia modem advising ining only someone witha dseaed beet ‘oul do such work This sm ancien ese le the other and can lobe seen nthe Sopiss of Greece ‘ho “mie the worse seem the beer cause” They bleed tat hear or he af esas wa aly ‘eth and men wer either wolves or sheep aed moray ba noel stanton, They atthe ft tore ‘elvis and they eg ely the peeen ie, The hath sts, whoever deco us m0 fom ae (losin) " Dect or fm the oppo of sincere cont! (at. be 87 | is, wa sen, jag doen foe the one siting and siting foe the one standing, Tew pass by doing these things, and ako by scking fete fa ‘Allah as was mentioned in the taion. Hiedtessnes is carelessness concerning what, (God has commande cretion t do and peohibied i fom. Those ofthis science consider it ta be the source ofall wrong acions. 1s cae to be found in ou thins all of which possess wectijng ‘uals ‘Seek forgiveness of Allah; visit the dghteous, Jnvoke supplication upon dhe Prophet, peace be ‘pen hi nd recite Hi Boole Rancor,O you who desis elarificaion, that ‘he heats bound upon teacher, betrayal or some wickery. The kote it Udi wo dae ere een lit, Show kindness toward he objet of your rancog, ‘and you wil cause your enemies to despair (Ghajtan and hi minions), Reet peruse yaad te By iN ae, he S54 se BUS ids gay sty AGL Lays key 54 a dts y(t te a LG, Ms LM Lie J Aly art ar et aa Ta SUEY REY at pA ye Mb wr 6, Keepin min the Forgiveness promised twice a ‘weak oa Mondays and Thursdays sn the sound ‘eatin, Boasting is counted among these pecliasties. Ie Bs defined as your praising yourself good uals, 1s vetignons mountain is and T mean of course, eogance. Deem that mountain insigncant if you dese io sink to the ground Do tharby knowing your Land and knowing, yours for whoever loan those ro is humbled and fel insignia ‘The taon of aerogance negates the station oF ‘gti; and ikewse hui by its mane ‘engenders gritide Avoid and bear of human and lowes; indeed even display pide withthe arogant well 1b-do one Displeasure with blame is 2 well-known dzease ‘ofthe heat. Concern with creason’s opinions and desing thee prise and displeasure at die Critisms area bares feom achieving the statin ‘of excllence in worship (lsat), Oveccoming tht bari ie though the realization that thee & no benefit or ham unless iteomes fom the Possesior of ll demiaion, Exalted and Majestic He Furthermore, dhe impermissible fom this disease ‘swat ia tun ead to he prohibited, just a Imam a-Ghazzal has dared. Sota Sela Byes 183 Aub Ee A) tHe BU St —t Atle ay DS Ps BARREL, SLL (8 Sy tags fie ars. 19 Gy Fy at Lc ale ye OLS O82 Sal By 1 Wee BY Sy A tt PIES gy eed Ls ‘The perfection of sincerity with Allah i that you donot give ante to any pie or blame that, ‘emanates fiom creatures, Ansipathy towaeds death i when one flees fen icand becomes annoyed when happens to be senioned ‘Asie is completly ignorant of Allah's wos, “tery soul wil este deah™ ‘Tiss reckoned 1 be among the diseases ofthe hare So be content with what Ala’, the Ealted, has decreed, Tf.on the other hand, one detss it ot For its cm sake, nor fr the loss of pleasuses that it ‘ads, bt rather out of fae of being cut of fom preparing fr the Day of jgement with bedience 9 Allah Aso, fhe completly entrusted his aft his ‘Mastes,and whatever He will, ether feign ‘oe gig hie epi, content him, Both ofthese atines towards death ae ‘commendable and praiseworthy, and anyway, a ilk ofthe ceality of death in no way distances Feom you death's proximity ‘The one who constandy emembers death is cenncbled with contentment, his hea’ activities Gireced toward obedience, ‘And promot sepentance [hen wrongs occu) CContrasiwise, dhe one who i hedles of death i alice with the opposite of thot three ‘Among the faults ofthe soul i oblivion 0 blessings. 1s zoo ies in inattntveness 9 “And ‘whatever blessings you have,” By simply ernembering this and keeping in mind ther vere of admonition such a, SY of Gu tall VUE YS yp SEMIN B IA Ma Ga ty as, Sete iyed a UsoA 4 ts fy dis SA a pa M AA De ol Mss Bl Ly aes) sed jy (sa ATE il Gb Aad SG |, pl) a at OF Oe saat pas Serr Lertrarp Sd Le A454 as a wal a et mn m2 PBiyye I, Gy Sia 341 a age cis’ I gy | “He does nat change," and “IF you shows grate," then this choc disease can be cerca frm jou. ‘As for dessin, tend to it withthe sae treatment used for aogance, and wih the knowledge that one's purpose in doing it sto -numaite someone ele Yeeby doing thay, a peson s hung himsalé swith Allah and eecompensed wth el Azo wat it by knowing bout the song fexhotaton that has come in Sahib Masin about showing contempt for any Muslim. ‘A compeensivetcatment plan forthe hears Fie mens Khszar Ana by Si Abd Ath Oui Hs etn, pshaps he retest sch i the Hitny ‘oF Mauna cholehip. ny as 1 ™ 203 2044 Guat All his, with the undecsanding that thoughts ae ‘he mates of actions: should be nen tht [While some command to good outwardly, when one reflects deeply discovers that they often asin hat which i fle, one is experienced in difeentating the two inspirations and esacts well he meaning ofthe two upon dhe scales fof the scr am}, he can ditcem when itis fom the statgems of Shaytan «a way of using fives to gett sks, ‘aris deception, and te worst enemy you have is your ow sal wo ie abraye making your slsease appt pleasant, “The oe in authority is commanded o aways ascertain [he cet of the titaton, and 0 ‘measure the thought against the standaed of dhe SSeced Law ‘And to know the difecence between fends and foe, because gnocance ofthis leads to destrstion Sayan’ entrances to the hear ate many ‘whereas the angels have only one gateway, he cane dstinguish the difference then] veling Feared [for i. ‘The people ofthis at have casi the diferent ‘ypes fo thoughts). T set out abe dem in one line by saying, The thoughts ofthe heaet ae only four res font, selfish, angelic and devilish They ae distinguished bythe fct he Gist two se steadfast in thee ineusing, ad the lat 70 tue constandy wavering Lordy doughs igpied by the alted come only after serious effort and isolated worship. DBAs SLA oe DANN De HL a ay ay a Gea miner oy “an, : AE et 5 og od Sy AY ik BEM gel LER LIS gop RW, wat at Se ts HG baa, MoM Baek oh is 14, hard CRAY! GSS La LOY a2. ah te tet, ay ee ol cere eee ‘They bring coolness and have na specific ype or tie, and are always in accowdance with the ‘cred iw Like the dawn they come ancy inceeases in clan, and cannot be removed by some ‘station unlike angele thugs Because [he angelic though canbe opposed by ‘Shaytan or the commanding elf ad ths sucesed in preventing eects, ‘The angelic comes with sincere advice cresting a strong desis for good action. Should yo eee its suggestion then it ffes some other good sug, Forinstnce, if you ceuse dhe suygestion 0 pay, ‘inspires you ro do some emembeanee, if you refi that it sugest sence Itis strengthened by emembeance andi aso linge vootnes sd expansion tha accompany ‘he snes ‘The angels nevec command to other than good, Indeed, tha is why they were created. “Theloedly suggestion can acrlyconceen some ev as a punishment dat followed some weong commied by 2 tansgessor. “Thetis no way wo diver team your sl other ‘han eng efige in the One from whence it ociinated, [As for seme evil thought that did not fallow a ‘wrong ded, then tis either Fm Shaytan oe From the sl ‘The though tha emanates from the sli like the fase dawn, you reckon it be eve ight and then the dak of he night erums ‘As for Shayan’s suggestions, they atv ike a wel ‘ubich every me he chased sexy from one FA Me SY 5H As Bit ga Ey 27 218 oa — mt GM peeps Gia yt ya, 19 Be TS AR tipi Gall abs Ue BUG eas AS AIS UL 299, 2S 227 place he wies again foe another. ‘Should a though come hasty, and yo fel safe fiom the ests of what ie aggestng, ‘in dat you know Hat it isa good thing being ‘commanded and yet you acti cantascertin ‘what dhe result wl Be ia de long an “Than itis deftly a slGsh suggestion or satunie one, and now you kaow the difference ‘bene the to, ‘The sel?’ suggestion and Shaytan’s ae overcome by eomembrance, so remember and dhe hots wll, be vanquished, Remembrance has aight that shaytans fle from justas men flee fom Hee Burremembeance is 2 semedy and medicines ‘only wor after change in det. someone expesiences to thoughts each ‘commanding to good, should he follow the second or the fist “The opinion of Ton At il and Imam Janay was that te fist shouldbe flowed. Whereas thes onside! dat the choice was hit and he ‘Should do what he liked ‘As foe suggestive thoughts whose vires inte light of nowiedge ae the same, then follow the furtest from espe Abandon what gives you any doubt or what ‘needs excuses, and should you be forced ‘excuse yourself then don't be excessive And abandon your love for being known, anid even fr others © known you do aot dei tobe own, oh Gat Ee Sa Ba 282, HE ue 2 4S oS 451s sy ey A UH SAD MAD SY Wie 835A Ge GAS LN pL oY LA BS asf 2360 Sop BE Soo as a BBL aL Te Sy bey yk BBO BIAS Hoty ft sty tal La pb Lad Be Aiello has, if heart has became ihaminated dough the process oF removing [ine ice} stcan not da without spinal ‘mbelishment With the stations. Bur there na hope in achieving the uot many great obacles have bean overcome | ‘The one whois fem and steadfast and serious in his struggle in acaiing spieiual courtesy, then he iS the one who has a etaton [A sation sa process oF de stages an they are knowledge, a state and acon tats consistent. The state isa esult of knowledge Begin with repentance (wubs) as there is 20 station that can precede tan itis the imam of | Its ety is one's remosse that results fom his transgression and a conviction tat he will never rerum fo the trnspession) ‘And abandoning immediay the franegession that hei making epentance For] even if be sill engaged in oer wrong actions in he ‘ctorioe opinion [ofthe people of sun} ts conton i edressing wrongs done to othe people i dei due is clea pestle and othing prohibited ‘You ae peated to slim to release you of sour obligations f you ate able but itis ‘necessary that you Clay foe his what itis that [hei forgiving} Tesulices o(epent] from weong ations in| ‘gener fithout specifingl and also from an PHA oye SAO 14) oe Lig ey wy (teas at Dae Dae oad yy AEs i HI EAMG gay YY ey 242 aH

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